fjfvry Thursday at Me- |« A. Howard Mother Mitor--A dele Froehhch Cycyk and Mr. and Potashnick of Chicago. llr. and Mrs. Harold Miller hare been vacationing In Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drucker of Emerald Park left last Thursday to spend a few weeks In Florida, as second-class matter at i Norman Blomgren and (8lSP»toffice atMrllenry, 111., under daughter ]eft ia8t week for San th* act of May 8, 1879. ; pranci8c0. Calif., where their husnil r. *9.50 band and father is stationed. T**r ! Mr. and Mrs. George VanMlnnen returned Sunday from the South, JtATI A| f niTORIAI I where they had been vacationing Arlrz-s^iATirNkl' ^nce January. They visited points AjjOCIAI IUN i of interest in Florida and Arisona X Mayor and Mrs. accompanied by Mr. • on their trip. |, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Jr., j have returned from a vacation trip to Florida. John Scheid and daughter, Rena, visited relatives in Waukegan last Sunday. Albert Purvey left on Monday to attend'a three-day turf cohference at Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., sponsored by the Mid-West Turf Foundation. lilltaa and Btfcst MoQea, Mra. Dal Ryan and Mrs.James Kmf* o# Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. William Sntton of Maywood visited Mrs. E. R. Sutton at the home of her slater, Mra. Eleanor Nye, last Sunday. . Mra. Sutton, who has been ill for many months is improving. Sunday guests in the Frank Thurlwell home were Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Bolln, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adams and Mrs. Eva Bakner, all of Chicago. Mrs. Irene Burmeister of Chicago visited in the Joe Wegener home this paat weak. Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer returned last week from North Miami, Fla , where they had been vacationing since mid-December. Cadet Keith Lowrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lowrey, of Rt. 3, Mc- Henry, arrived home Wednesday from the Missouri Military Academy, Mexico, Mo., to spend his spring furlough with his parents. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., and niece, Ellen Mary Walsh of Chicago, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jack Walsh. Ann Kaiser, local beauty opera- R. I. Overton, and Mrs. Edward Tetlow and dauKhter of El- Mra George Glos was a Chicago gin. are enjoying a trip to Florida. Qn Monday Mrs. Glen Kobison and Miss Mr and Mrs Curtis Newman •aTtaHenrvrelatives Sunday after- and ®°n of Ea8t St Loals' "J-1 tor, attended the Mid-West Beauty y .. "" visited his parents, the Gerald i Trade Show at the Sherman hotel ^ w , . Newmans, last weekend. in Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan j Gordon Scholle, a student at » "?"• i TuLj returned last Friday from a four | Northwestern University, spent the tnrned last Thursday fromi a three weeks'.trip to Florida. Weekend visiting his parents, Mr. 2T* 8 «.VifC.t 02, 8Pi!ni v -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredricksen and Mrs. Herman Scholle. m-, with the Stephen N Schmjtts. and son Mrs. William Johns and .•Mrs. Floyd Covalt left Monday! daughters and Walter Warner of fjlr a trip to Florida. - Elgin visited McHenry relatives Mrs. Mary Dibler Of Woodstock , last Sunday. afrent a few days last week visit-j Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park tag in the home of her daughter! visited her parents, the Martin a*d family, the Ed Nickels. tConways, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hollly are va- j Clarence Whiting, Edmund Whitehtioning in Florida. ' ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting George Modine of St. Charles and baby and Mrs. Delbert Whit Methodist Chwch Notes this opportunity will be given the I opportunity to receive the Sac- | rament on Maundy Thursday of ; Holy Week, April 11. In addition to this service of Holy Week there ! will be one on Good Friday as in 't" '"'.i! years past und two services Easter Mrs. Leslie Bungard and J, . ' o.o.j n-nn « m daughters. Janice and Marilyn, and ' ... SO NEW! Luick Ice Cream ^ Eclairs A goodly number of oar members and friends availed themselves of the opportunity to begin the Lenten Season in an act of worship by .. „ was a McHenry cal,,l er one d. ay ,l ast. and. .b a.b y, of, cE,l gi, n spent. S0u nd, ay partaking of Communion on Ash- Wednesd Th0se who missed «»ek. His grandniece, \irgima visiting in the Williams Whiting thl- nnnn;tnnitv wiI1 ho „ivan tll- Ulrich, of San Carlos, Calif., who home. been visiting her grandmother. .Miss Genevieve Knox was a Hunt- Mrs. Nellie Bacon, accompanied ley visitor on Sunday. Urn to Oak Park, where she spent Sunday guests in the home of , several days with her paternal Mrs. Mary May were Mr. and Mrs. grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ray Henniken of Woodstock, Mr. Ulrich, before returning home. and . Mr. and Mrs. George Vales and duu^intr.o, auu mm n^u, auu Albert Vales of Chicago are spend- Mrs. Mae Bungard of Elmhurst. d M J Donaif' Barger sang a tag this week in the Albert Vales. The Miss Nellie, Alice and Ethel " J.! ST home. Visitors the first part Harrington. Edward Harrington Uj* of the week were Mr. and Mrs. M. ind James Donahue of Chicago, the j T^g ™ r#*»- ; -- i sermons based on "Questions Jesus ' . ' j Asked." j On March 16 the Church Board iof Education will meet. Vale Adams will act as chairman for the evening. I Announcement was made last week that Mrs. Weldon Bradburn of j j Evanston, district president of the . i Women's Society of Christian | Service, will be present at the j Thursday meeting, March 17. The local president, Mrs. James Galle- j gher has asked that all members! and those interested in the women's ! work of the church be present 'at the meeting. Mrs. Bradburn is a i very able speaker and will be able to give our group ihany^good sug- j gestions and inspiration for future meetings. A "pot-luck" lunch will be served at one o'clock. Another important meeting of the church will be held on the Suqday evening of March 20. At 6 o'clock there will be a "pot-luck" supper. The trustees and their wives are in charge of these arrangements. Following this social j hour the Fourth Quarterly Confer- I ence of the'church will be held. Dr. I Weldrin Bradburn, superintendent I of our district, will be present to i hold tjiis meeting. It is an im-! portant meeting for reports of all i the organizations will be made and j many of the officers for the new | year will be elected. An invitation > to attend is extended to the entire congregation. j This Sunday the combined Junior and Cherub Choirs will sing for us. We hope you will be there to hear them. "See you In church Sundayl" • xs Monro AT "Mister Roberts,'* the biggest comedy of the praaent time, continues to make new raoorda at the Erlanger Theatre, Chicago, where it Is now in its seventh month of prosperity before delighted audiences. . Ever since it opened on the seventh of September, there has been only an occasional vacant seat, and the Indications are that this flattering demand will continue Indefinitely. Mister jRoberts" is sap+rbly flawless cast featur CORNER Everyone envies the homemaker who has jdeveloped the art of onjoying thoroughly the visit o f friends and at the close of the social hour, with little apparent effort, can produce In a few moments time a lunch that would delight ft king. Such an art Mrs. George Reiker has developed, only those . . . - . . , who have vial ted her beautiful K r.^ i ' hoine in Welngart's subdivision will i ! £ « • j t e s t i f y t h a t t h e l u n c h w h i c h f o l - Robert Burton and Murray Hamil- ]oW8 her social hours usually have t?^' ! i v unique play In that a 8trong resemblance to a banquet it is acted by a company composed table of 30 men and one woman, the nures whose birthmark causes considerable merriment and" embarrassment when she comes aboard the good ship AK 602. "Mister Robert" is being performed in both Chicago and New She is a fine example of the perfect hostess, and so it is with pleasure that we print £hree pf her favorite recipes. Apple Tea Ring Beat 'together 1 cup cooled v . _ ,i. , i* ». * .' milk, 1 cup flour, 1 cake yeast Y°,rK l \ V1 1 softened with 1 tablespoon sugar. f!™rat™,itS year to Sending | Let rise until bubbly. Add creamed ^etween the two j mixture of % cup of shortening and ;, produced by Leland j 3 tablespoons sugar. Add 1 beaten I egg and 1 teaspoon salt. Add 2 .to j 2 H cups flour. Kneed until elastic. Let rise in covered bowl until light. Roll out. Brush with melted butterine spread 1 cup chopped J appl%s and cup raisins, .sprinkle j-3 tablespoons sugar, a little 'flour, cinnamon and juice of % lemon. Roll up dough. Shape roll in ring on greased baking sheet, joining ends. Cut into ring with scissors at inch intervals and up to 1 inch WHY HURRY t °' oen^r* Turn out slices slightly Make haste slowlfr" Is a wise ?n theiJ; ®id?* Ift 1 admonition in these days dt modern ; ur" i 1!!«e8 living, according to HEALTH g.ree °,T*n- *Drip I th J ln }slng TALK, a publication of the Edu-1 ?" yhi,e w"®: ^ing is made by cational Committee of the Illinois! blending: confectioner^s sugar, milk State Medical Society. |an^ vanll,a °J. a 1 1Inon I (1 flavoring. In some persons, hurry implies I .ou , ^ a lack of orderliness and a sensible , Pa ' Aw Pa # routine. The person who turns i ,^ar" over for five more minutes' sleep, room only. Between the two companies, produced by Leland Hayward, and written by • Thomas Heggen and Joshua Logan, the total gross so far has amounted to more than $2,000,000. ' At the Erlanger Theatre "Mister Roberts" plays every night including Sunday, but gives only one matinee, Saturday. Mail orders are filled the day of their receipt 1 \ KALTHTALK one is a leaps out of bed, gulps a cup of coffee and dashes for transporation to work, . starts -- and usually finishes--the day in a tension that over the years will result in "frayed" nerves and irritability of disposition. The word routine conveys the idea of steady patterns which, to some individuals, mean monotony. That is unfortunate, because sensible routine offers a rythmic mode of living that obviates strain and tension. Hurry produces excitement of the body that creates excitement of mind. Frequently this attribute is malade. This latter favorite of the children. Date and Nut Cake % cup shortening % cup brown sugar % cup granulated sugar 1 egg 1 package pitted dates ' % cup shelled walnuts 1 heaping teaspoon baking aodtv 1 cup hot water 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring" Cream shortening and sugar, add beaten egg. Place chopped dates, chopped nuts, baking soda and hot water in separate bowl, stir well, add to creamed mixture and while bubbling add flour and vanilla. Stilling Saby ' •" Is Christened . The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stilling was christened "Judith Grace" by Rev. Fr. Madden at Lake Forest's Catholic chur«h oil Feb. 27. Sponsors were Mrs. Fred Wahl and Edward Murphy, aunt and uncle of the infant. • * ^ Rlverrlew Camp To Observe Anniversary ^ ^ » * Rlvervlew Camp, R. N. A., will observe Its thirty-eighth anniversary with a pot-luck supper at 6 o'clock next Tuesday evening, March 15, in the K. of C. hall. A party will (follow. , "' Jr * * V.. • .» . Royal Neighbor Camjlr*', ., To Observe Illrthday . 'L -v }l On Tuesday, March IS, l*oxTliver "Valley Camp, R. N. A., will observe its birthday anniversary with a dinner at the Nook at 7 o'clock. A party will follow in the Woodman ball. Those desiring reservations should make them .before past Saturday. • • • ' • Past Matrons' Club To Meet March 18 A newly formed grotfp. the Pa&t Matrons' club, will hold its first meeting on March 18 at the home of Mrs. Lydia McNeil at 1:30 o'clock. Any past matrons of the O. E. S. residing in the community, whether or not they belong to thelocal chapter, are invited to Join. • • • Public Card Party At St Peter's A public card party will be held at St. Peter's church basement in Spring Grove on Thursday afternoon, March 17, at 2 o'clock. There will be valuable prizes awarded and everyone is welcome to attend. Proceeds will benefit St. Peter's school. Holy Name To B© Shown Pn^ The next meeting of the 'tloly Name Society will be held In St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall at 8 o clock on Monday evening, March Anarr if,;, Oeffling, Adele Weber, !• ; t ^ Yee! We make loans baaed ;'3 on the "cash aurrender" | or ^loanable" value of life s jinaurance policiea. You 'js^i a note arid an alignment form, then leave the policy with us as collateral for the loan; thw policy retrains in full force. When the loan is repaid, your policy is returned to you. This is a convenient way to borrow because a loan of this type ngy be readily obtained. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Eeserve System * Member Federal Deposit insurance GorporatJsa u i i i i i i i i i n 1 ' f t t I f t j f 111 fj U II the close of the evening a tasty C^RD OP THANKS lunch was served by Mildred T_ . . . Kineala and her commlue.. | J?** ^ Because of the pot-luck supper ; and expressions of sympathy in our at St. Patrick's church on March 17, bereavement. We also wish there will be no C. D. of A. meet- j thank those who attended fui ing> "Hie next meeting will be a! rites. social one on April 7 and will also j MRS. HULDA HAGBURG '• tournament'116 partieS ln the card j JJIN AM1? ' t The committee in charge of the j wfft'A •••*'•• <..'i .m ' April meeting Includes Collette | Adams, chairman; Pauline Nimscalled "pep," but erroneously so,, u „ . , . because this latter quality stems ®ak® J" Hold Crippled Children's Clinic at Rockford Mar. 17 SO DELICIOUS, SO ECONOMICAL Super Smooth , LUICK ICE CREAM, heaped on JTJDGE-covered cake! All covered with dark, rich CHOCOLATE, and topped with snowy peaks. of WHIPPED CREAM. You will want to serve them often! They solve the d e s s e r t p r o b l e m v e r y easily. - BOX OF 4 ONLY 59c ORDER. SOME TODAY AT BOLGER'S [ A\ n i ' n ( > l In Memorlam Mr. John Schmitt Who passed away March 14, 1948. Deep in our hearts is a picture. Of a loved one laid to rest. In memories frame we shall keep it. Because it one of the best. Our hearts still ache with loallness, Our eyes shed many a tear God only knows how ire miss him. As it ends the first sad year. WIPE, GERALD * HELEN BROTHERS 4k SISTERS. 4S CARD OF nuns In this manner I wish to thank ®*®ryone for their prayora and wda andother kind remeasbrances during lire time I was to the hospital. They were all very much appreciated. QEPHQE J. SCHMITT A variety of the lovelleat new Wring hats in the very newest shades_and styles. Select yours early. Elizabeth, Pich, Green street, McHenry. 43 sj Need rubber staamsf Order at The Plaindealer. from a healthy body and mind and a zest for livlng^qnd accomplishment. On the (other hand, the fatigue brought about by hurrying con stanly encourages depressed and mprbid thoughts. The human body is a machine, with a mechanical ratio of units of fuel to energy output. The more effort one puts out, the more fuel is burned up. The faster an engine is driven, the greater amount of gasoline is consumed. Frequently speed is necessary, calling for a little extra effort to complete a project, whether means getting out one more 1 making one more telephone meeting some emergency. If and mind are co-ordinating wel^ the strain will not be too noticeable' But the person who day^n and day out refuses to inject rhythm in hia activities will show the strain. Nervous tension can be avoided by learning to relax. Industry recognizes more and more thatf good output does not come front employees doing monotonous work. Today, such workers are given rest periods to break the monotony, If only for brelf intervals. Stabilizing the day's program will help reduce the need to hurry. Arising in the morning in sufficient time to dress and eat leisurely is the first step. Spacing and timing are Important ln setting up a working schedule, whether shopping for the family dinner or transcribing dictation of the day before. Calm thinking and rhythmic action will accomplish mors than rushing about Aside from the health aspect, the cosmetic and physical Impression will be smoother. Hurry is not conductive to poise or to efficiency. Stop crowding your activities. Too much of this while you are yovng will lessen your chances of growing old gracefally, not to mention the possibility of the many conditions that may result* from tenalon: heart afflictions, high Wood preaaure, "nervous indigestion" and Just plain bad disposition. Think it over and when you start to hurry--take It easy instead. 30 minutes in 350 degree oven. This can be served with your favorite frosting, whipped cream or as a pudding with lemon sauce or hard sauce. Whipped Chocolate Frosting 1 cup sifted confectionery sugar Vk teaspoon vanilla 1 egg or 2 yolks ^4 cup milk 2 squares melted chocolate 1 tablespoon soft butter (not melted) Whip with beater ln bowl placed in Ice cubes. Eqough icing for 2 layer cake or large pan cake. eluding an NCAA film, showing vycitel El^abeth Tonyan Gert- C^r gamTof %8 KentU?ky-H°ly ' ^ Wa£!"££ *5S?w2EZ ventioif^m entWed "^outh11n Pthe Youn^ and Ella Matthe™ Crisis" and also a National League hockey film. ^ » Altar and Rosary 1 Planning Party A large crowd was in attendance at the last meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church, held on Monday evening in ttye church hall. Mrs. Quentin Walsh was in charge of the committee which served. 4 Plans were made for the annual St. Patrick's party, to be held for members of the congregation on Thursday evening, March 17. There will be a pot-luck supper at 7 o'clock, followed by a program. «.uia-i Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.20 Marie < an<* $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 3S-tf Mary' for new instant tuning! Stewart-Warner gives you "radio ease" in tuning. Just select your statioo and, automatically, you have the picture »focus and the matching FM wav^tyncbr*mix»d! New, wider pictures, too! More than 10% bigger ... over 58 sqeare inchest WAKKMRD--(left) features the gnat mw Photo-Minor Scrwn-- pets th« pictaKs'ep where the who!4! faarfly caa eafoy them in miinn. Period styling that fits yp«r home, fioe dark suhogaay head* <«bbed to a gleam- . a>. a rA imua. $399.50 FBI. . 8AT„ MAR. 11-12 • MWM ilmm u*ii mtvm&tit ystirsaa Mi*k^369>95 -'fas MAN- EATER OF KUMAON laa-WBlBP-MIWEl ^ --Ce-Featare-- t LOS AKGfeLEfP Sat Mat Only KIDDIE* KAET005 KAEHLYAL T" 8UH. . MON^ MAE. It •U , Jjj .Techaiealsr i ^ "0XK M7VDAT AFTEKHOOH1* with Dennis Morgan STARTS TUE&t XAECH U THRILLS! 1 -- " CHICL8!! "THE IHVISIELE MAN* INVI800.V MAX EETUEJW OOMIKO EVBNTS Xareh 10 Election of Officers of St. Clara's Oonrt No. <59. St Mary's-St. Patrick's School Hall. Hard 11 Woman's Club Meeting -- Legion March It Band Concert--High School Auditorium. March li Legion and Auxiliary Pot-Luck Supper. March It Fox River Valley Camp, R. *. a Birthday Dinner and ParfvN Style Show--High School Auditorium-- Sponsored by McHenry P. T. A. Thirty-eighth Anniversary of Rlverrlew Camp. R. N. A. - March 17 Public Card Party--2 p. m.--St. Peter's Church Basement, Spring °r®v»--Benefit St Peter's School, w. 8. C. S. 1 o'clock pot-luck Luncheon -- Methodist Church Hall. March 18 ^cNer™ C,U*-Mr> ^TdU A ' March n O. E. 8. Initiation--MMftnlr h»ii . March ' Plrt»llc Card Party--Masonic Hall « p. m.--Sponsored by O. E. S Benefit Building Fund. April ff.ts Rummage Bale City Hall--Spon •ored by Circle t, W. 8 .C. 8. TftUK TOU! I would like to thank my many friends for flowers, cards and other remembrances on my birthday anntmary on March I. I sppre- SIMON 8T01 PAST OFFICERS NIGHT OBSERVED BY EASTERN STAR Past Officers Night was observed by the local chapter of the O. E. S on Tuesday evening, with the following holding office: . Worthy Matron, Frances Vycital. Associate Matron, Ethel Jones. Associate Patron, George Johnson. Secretary, Gertrude Watklms. Treasurer, Alice Lindsay^ ----- Conductress, Minnie Martin. Associate Conductress, Mildred Rochelle. Chaplain, Katie Harrison. Marshal, Myrtle Harrison. Organist, Gretta Goodell. Adah, Lydia McNeil, Rnth, Mabel Johnson. Esther, Arleen Pearson.' Martha, Ethel Smith. % Electa, Eva Eppel. v s Warder, Marie Eschbach. • v Sentinel, Edward T Flag Bearer, John Hartklh Sololat Earl Mitchell. Accompanist Inna' Stockton. Quest of Honor, Florence Larson. The local worthy matron and Pttron, lir. and Mrs. George Reiker, and Hortense Gordon, worthy matron of Richmond chapter were escorted and Introduced, as were past worthy matrons and patrons who were present Guests were present from Richmond, Woodstock and Grayslake. Talks were given by Mr. and Mrs. Reiker, Frances Vycital, Chancey Harrison and Florence Larsen. Initiation was set for March 22. A social hour and refreshments following the meeting, with attractively decorated tables. being arranged by Mildred Howorka. Hornfly Costly Pest Hornfiy is one of the costliest oi livestock pests. Cattle sre Its chief victims. In some Instances, hornfiles have caused a drop of onefourth to one-half In the milk production of dairy cattle. The horn fly also causes loss of weight. The sores caused by homflies also give rise to increased screwworm infes tatlon. Such sores often originate when cattle injure themselves by ' rubbing sgalnst trees, running | through brush, or scratching against ; barbed wire fences in an eflSwjt to rid themselves of hornfiies. Cv Now We Have Cattalo First experiments hi crossing buffalo and cattle were made a nun* bar of years sgo. Buffalo bulls were crossed with domestic cows, but the calves had such tremendous hands and ierequarters that most ot4the cows were killed In giving birth to them. Subsequently, domestic hulls were crossed with buffalo cows. Although the first hybrid "cattalo" calves proved sterile at maturity, cross-breeding has, at last reports, produced a species ef aattalo that caa reproduce Its kind. Complete line of Beebe livestock rssMdies at Wattles Drsg Store, Me- Hoary. I-If |pt the Waat Ads.^, me* A clinic for physically handl- , capped children in the Rockford area will be held from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., Thursday, March 17, in the physical therapy department of St Anthony's hospital, 1491 East Stat* street, Rockford, Dr. Herbert Ri Kobes director of services for crippled children, has announced. The clinic will be conducted by the University of Illinois Division of Services for Crippled Children in I co-operation with , the Rockford Each family is asked to bring a dish j Visiting Nurses Association and to pass. [the Rockford Junior League. I The Division of Services for Cherry Valley School r ^; Plans Basket Social v The Cherry Valley School P.-^T. A. is having a basket social St. Patrick's Day, March 17, at 8 p. m. Cards will be played before the auction. Everyone is invited, so gals are asked to bring your best beaux and a box, gents their pocketbooks. Sixteen boys and girls appeared last week on WILA's "School Time" under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Beulah Andrews. The boys and girls sang several songs and the upper grades discussed our Western States. _e - Thfll Intent Is Baptised - The Infant soft of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill of Aurora was christened "Dav'd Michael" at Our Lady of Good Counsel church in Aurora last Sunday afternoon by Fr. Mellinger. Sponsors were Mrs. LotUae TlriU of Aurora and Alex Adams of McHenry, aunt and nncle of the baby. Following the services, a gathering was held at the Thill home, with w iollowlnf In attendance: Mrs. Anna Dledrlch and daughter y«and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thill and Mr. and Mrs. John Thill of Aurora. • ;• v • c. d. of a. rkm^- Seclal MMlfaig7 The monthly business meeting of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 572, Catholic Daughters of America, was held in the K. of C. hall last Thursday evening. Rev. Eugene Baumhofer gave an interestingCtaik on the Sacrafient of Extremis Unction. At Colony ' ^ McHenry Illinois Crippled Children is the official state agency established for the purpose of extending and improving services for locating crippled children and for providing medical, surgical, corrective and other services and facilities for diagnosis, hospitalization and aftercare for children who are crippled or who are^ suffering from conditions which may lead to crippling. 3f£ SINGLES "FAR; AWAY PLACE** „ "DOWN BY THE STAT109* "HERE PLL 8TAY" <*A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME" "POJTDER YOUR FACE SUNSHINE" "BLUE SKIRT WALTE" Large selection of children^* ^ records, twenty-five cents each. Join Our Record Clnh- - -- Be the one lie's proud of in a gay Easter hat of white, pastel or the smart dark shades. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHeniy. 43 sp 514 W. Main Street. McHenry TeL McHenry 123-J FBL - SATn MAR. ll-lt In Color Film History of Adndml Byrd's Expedition Mobert Montgomery . -Robert, Taylor Van Heflln " (1) "THE SECRET LAND" Se*tt Brady Annabel Shaw (2) "IN THIS CORNER" SUN. - HON., MAR. 18-11 Bette Davis • Robert Meatgomery "JUNE BRIDE" , Alfe - World News k Cartoon TUE8. • WED„ MAR. U.M Betty Hntton - MncDennld Carey ,«DREAM GIU/* Added Shorts STARTING THURS^ FOR S DATS Btng Crosby Boh Mfe •ROAD TO RIO" GvwnMai fc-i-W . .m 'IIp * > ; J!1 "'it j Homegnard PAINTS r flat wall paint / reg. price $111 g^L white and eolortt Specie $2l89 gil Household , ENAMEL wiip! 25c value Special 19c ; 8nper M MSfle • Harmless PAPXS BUSTER OUN a^safe toy extra ainmunltion 10c h«K Visit Onr Toy Department *tH'S COEDUEOY PAHTS union made jdark blue and dark brown sixes 29 to 42 $6.9& value Special $4.59 MEN'S SWEAT SHIRTS $1.79 value Special $1.49 ' PAJLS . Linoleum 12 •• «||arcoal tin plate ft* long life ^ \m. . reg. value S9c ~.V: •». RUGS 18-in x 35-ln. Special lOo Special wo - Bate Boor* from wea#** . GomMeSi oxo. ooLLcm, owmt AfrilHORlABD VpOVR MBXT TO i i v V , : ...