•,*V ' . J'JIp * ; yi" ' SVT- 'K C L R ^ I F I E D SECTION -7 <v *4 * * * 15 ^ *+** ^ y » v . ' k > , & / - y g l i i v iii^, i^v -it^in r •' ':. :r--'"^^^rr;-it^i'-,i4ftil^ -;4- laV iSa.§are^^-X FOR SALE--Norge refrigerator, | PLOWING--Also rotor tilling *»d 2-door. 10 £ubic ft.. In running condition. Price, $100. Call M. O. Miller. Phone McHenry 687- W-l. 46-tf Pflttno of the great number of t|f--<*mA ads which appear In the Plaindealer each week, we have found It inpoeslble to keep books Ml wwE --"" accounts. Therefan, In the future, only ads which OT paifl flgr bofore this section «f the paper goes to press at 10 ^lloi i on Wednesday mornings Will be printed. FOR SALE--8 ft. x 10 ft. brooder house and electri^,Jrooder store; capacity 150 chicks. E. A. Nordin, 1001 Center street, McHenry,4 111. •47 FOR SALE--In Jehasbarg, 9-rm. \ residence, near St. John's Catholic i church and school; 4 rooms up, 5 {down; lot about % of an acre. | For appointment call JACOB ! FRITZ, Realtor, in Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry ^7. 47 FOR SALE -- Kroehler 2-piece living room suite, rose tapestry. Regular *157.60 now ft*. P. M. ' --r TiTTi Justen Furniture Co., West Mcyo* SALE--Beautiful Resldeace „ Phone 63 47 Plslake* Bay: large living and Henry rORSALK giving rooms: gas heat; about ITS FOR SALE--Mink-dyed Russian feet lake front: lot about 2 ft : 8qUirrel jacket; also beaver coat wood sawing. Herman Phone McHenry 241. JFAMILT ®ITIH)0R fHEATRE at 6RAYSLAKE Will reopen Satorlay» April 16 Complete program listing* in next edition of this paper. McHENRY W00D8IDE RIDING ACADEMY -- Opening April 16- Saddle Horses for Hire. Riding Instructions By Appointment. Classes for Beginners. 2V4 Miles Northeast of Cary, 111., 1 Mile South of Rawson's Bridge on Rawson'a Bridge Road. Phone Cary 6151. *47-2 •47 «jures, fully landscaped; trees. jReagonable Jflar appointment call | 678-M-2 after 7 p. m. VRITZ, REALTOR in Johnsburg. s iPel. McHenry 37 or call Tues-. r0R SALE--West Shore Beach <tey or Wednesday in Chicago.; McCullom Lake; three lots, one PAINTING -- Exterior and interior; installation of plasttc tile; insured; for estimate call Mc- Call McHenry Henry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom, Lincoln 9-1333. 47 FOR SALE -- 1946 Wizrer motor or more; reasonable. Write Box ; "W. H.," care o| Plaindealer. *47 bike. $65; Motor Steamer, high; FOR SALE -- Kroehler fireside pressure, $50; 7%-hp. motor 3-ph. chairs. Your choice of duran, !f66; 3-hp. 110-220-v. centrifugal ; frise, mohair or tapestry covers %tc > !ibump. $50; 1937 Chevrolet coupe, • in any color. From $19.50. P. M. " #125 takes it; double basin Ameri- Justen Furniture Co., West Meu Standard kitchen sink, $8; (Henry. Phone 63. 47 "Irish Mail, cost $20 new, will Sacrifice for $12; Deluxe Kroll | FOR SALE -- 1937 Ford 4-door cab baby buggy with innerspring j sedan, reasonable; maple youth tnattress, cost $69.50, will sacri-; bed and^mattress, like new; Driflce for $20; 20-in. boy's bike. $15. | gas stove, phone Fox Lake 4218. B. I. B. Cities Service Station, 602j . e 47 "Waukegan Rd., McHenry. Bill,; „ p fi.._ T Irene and Billy Tamasy, Props., SALE Ladies spring coats, Phone McHenry 376. 47 , s«to. dresses, hats, shoes, beau- , ;--[tiful formats, evening slippers and FOR SALE--Two formals. size 12; wraps; children's spring clothes; one a light blue dotted Swiss.! men's suits, sport coats, shoes other pink marquisette. Phone j (This clothing in good condition.) McHenry 543-J-2. *47 1120"ba88 accordian; electric fence i charger; radios, antiques, glass- FOR SALE--One Case slice baler ] ware, miscellaneous items. Open „»early new $950. One Allis-Chal- ' week days 1 to 10 p. m., Sundays miners W-D tractor six months old; 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. Mrs. R. Dietone Allis-Chalmers roto baler, rich. Terra Cotta Road. Terra used one season. E. J. Sheldon. Cotta Consignment & Resale An- Allis-Chalmers dealer, Grayslake, < tique Shop, quarter mile west III. Phone 7911. *47 i Terra Cotta factory. Phone Cry- -- 1 stal Lake 1346-R-l. 47 FOR SALE--Used juvenile boy's - ---- -- -- bicycle; looks rough but sturdy,' * ©" SALE -- Hand-made solid IIS. Gamble's, West McHenry. 47 walnut, drop leaf table, 48-in. • | wide, full extension 108-in., three FOR SALE -- Electric vacuum ! filler leafs. P. M. Justen Furni- Cleaner in good condition $20. Tel. j ture CoM West McHenry. Phone FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials. Call or write FRANK GANS ^ 309 Riverside Drive, McHcnry FOR SALE--Chicken * coop, 18x22. j FOR SALE--Solid mahogany Dun- Tel. 106-W 1 $76 cash. E. Hanish. Phone Mi;- j can Phyfe dining room table, four j Representative of Sears Roebuck McHenry 38. 47 63. 47 Marine Route, McHenry. 47-tf CLOGGED SEWER! Hare the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitatv Co., Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf HSLPWAHYSD HELP WANTED -- Young man, high school graduate, with mechanical ability, ttf learn automobile and tire repair business; good salary; steady Job assured for right party. Apply to Marticke 4 Nixon. Inc., 311 E. Elm St.. McHenry. 47 I WANT TO A MAN to help our District Manager handle our increasing business in this community. This work is -in line with the program advocated by the Department of Agriculture. Must have car. Permanent work, good pay for awn who has had some farm experience. Write "CC" o/c this newspaper. 47 HELP WANTED -- Woman for houscleaning one day week. Address Box 43, in car of Plaindealer. . 47 MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE-- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams: Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 47-tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Refialshiag Work fully guaranteed. Mr. Zaboth, McHenry Phone 681-M-2 *47-4 PROFESSION TENNIS RACKET RESTRINGING AND REPAIRING. Phone McHenry 612-M-l. W. P. Wentworth. *47-2 CARL SCHWEITZER General Contractor All kinds cement and cabinet work; also cement work. Wonder Lake, R-l Rlngwood. Phone Hebron 924. Call between 6 and 9 p. m. *47 Henry 84-W. FOR SALE--10 feet long by 8 foot , side chairs, two arm chairs. Phone Wonder Lake 208. *47 wood panels, with studding, ready j FOR SALE--Mower, drawn by dfte to erect, complete, $10 each; also horse, also harness; Old Town wood sash and doors, all like new. 'canoe; speed liner boat with 16 Tel. Crystal Lake 532-J. 47 > *»P- Johnson motor, steering wheel, • 1 speedometer, windshield, boat FOR SALE -- Twenty-five tons j cover.; also 6-piece dining room good mixed alfalfa and timothy j set; two ice boxes. Phone Richhay baled, in barn; also 100 bales ; mond 358. 47 third cutting clear alfalfa, green, in barn. Call McHenry 416. *47! FOR SALE -- Man's 2-pc. gray I suit, size 40-42; black 2-pc. dress, FOR SALE -- Five-room home. | size 42, hand-knitted dress, size >ath, enclosed porch, hot air, 40. Can be seen at McHenry furnace, garage, large lot. 66x250,, Cleaners, 103 Elm St., McHenry. fruit trees. North Park street, j *47 (Call McHenry 151-J. *47-3 , -- -- % --; : ! FOR SALE -- Fish poles, 16-ft., , FOR SALE--Vicland and Clinton j imported, special, -49c. 'Gambles, seed oats. Frank Ehredt, R-2. West McHenry. « 47 & Co., Wall and floor tile, roofing, garage doors, screens, wall board, and ceiling tile, siding, gutters, r jfcwool, iron railings. Free delivery. 43-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 85-tf Round Lake. Phone 2223. •47-2 FOR SALE--McCullom Lake, 5 -FOR SALE--Two RCA Victor con- rooms, furnished; > automatic oil soles; combination radio and .1 floor heat; lot about 100x125, near phono, FM-AM; mahogany cabi- j West Shore Beach and U. S. 120. Tiet. Special--One Webster record Price $8,500. player in leatherette carrying Also case; Webster wire recorder, port- • 5 rooms in Knollwood subdivlable model. Have electric flat-jsion; garage attached; lot 100x150. irons. Special. Wilson's Radio : Price $7,500. For appointment call Shop, £lm St., McHenry. Phone JACOB FRITZ, Realtor, in Johns- 47-2 j burg. Tel. McHenry 37. ' 47 .LANDSCAPING Year Around Maintenance Tree feeding, pruning, spraying, surgery. Black dirt, fill, gravel. Let us pat In that lawn, trees, shrubs, hedges for yon. REP. WORLD'S LARGEST NURSERY FOX VALLEY LANDSCAPING McHENRY &92-W-1 FOX LAKE >784 46-4 SPRAYING--A complete spraying service. Trees, weed conrtol, flies and mosquitoes. Anderson Tree Service, 519 Waukegan Road. Phone McHenry 724. 46-2 WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen must be transported in sterile con- -FOR SALE--Howell Fotmica top FOR SALE IN McHENRY - Sixdinette sets, $62.50. P. M. Justen : toom house; lot 230x264; hot Furniture Co., West McHenry. water heat; 2-car garage; two i tainer. Charge $4. McHenry X Phone 63 47 chicken houses, 10x20 and 10x60; ! Ray & Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. i orchard with approximately 70 Green St., Phone 291. 38-tf HELP WANTED---Laborer for all around work. Herny V. Sompel. Phone McHenry 649-R-l. 47-tf HELF WANTED--Single man for work on daity farm. Top wages. Mitchell Kane, Ringwood. Tel. Richmond 942. *47 HELP WANTED--Experienced attendant for service station and garage. Stilling's Service Station, Elm street, McHenry. * 47-tf HELP WANTED--Girl or woman for general housework a day a week. Tel. Wonder Lake 651. 47 HELP WANTED--Women, typists. Men, timekeepers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Buffers, 2nd shift. Apply in person, Electric Auto- Lite Co., Woodstock, 111. 47 HELP WANTED -- One or twohanded chocolate dippers needed. Experienced only apply. Antonson'sVCandies, 306 W. Elm street. Tel. McHenry 235-M. 47 HElfP WANTED--Waitress,- TVlosley Cafe, Elm St., McHenry. 47 HELP WANTED -- A-l BRICKLAYERS WANTED at once at the Fox Lake Grade School and the Lake Zurich Grade School. See foreman at either job. O. W. POTTER & SONS, INC., General Contractors, Wauconda, Illinois. Telephone Wauconda 3231. 46-2 WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Late model tank truck, about 1,000 gal. capacity. Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge or GMC. Will pay cash. B. I. B. Cities Service. Phone McHenry 376. 47 Man, 91, Cracks Nuts On Birthday, Plans Motorbike Programs APPLETON, WIS. --(AP)- JOE Leppla was cracking hickory nuts on his 91st birthday, waiting for spring so he can renew his claim of being the world's oldest motorcycle rider. The man who figures he's the granddaddy of the motorcycle doesn't usually put away his bike for the winter. He kept riding last year when -the icy season set in. But Joe picked up a cold (his winter--the first In 40 years, he says--so he decided to sit out the snow and ceM for the #rst time. Leppla retired from farming at the age at 10 and took to the motorcycle to he'd have something to do and so he could keep on getting plenty of fresh air. Since then he's worn out five bikes and has well over 100,000 miles on his sixth. When he Winds up, Joe usually heads for a fishing spot in this area, but he's taken many long jaunts out west Leppla might claim another title when he climbs aboard his cycll this spring. Those hickory nuts he's been cracking at the home of his daughter hero aren't merely time passers. Joe says he has 85 pounds of nut meats so far and is on his way to becoming the champion hickory nut cracker of the world. Bank Sutptnlt Bnsinm After Thru Robbtrlts VIRGIL, ILL.--The Virgil, State bank, pillaged by holdup men three times in the last few months, has decided to "call it quits." Directors called a stockholders meeting to vote on proposed liquidation. The reason, directors said In a statement, is the "recent succession of robberies and the evident necessity of continued protection outlays." Protection outlays have Included a burglar-alarm system and an armed guard at the front door at all times. Customers must convince him before they can get in. The bank was robbed of $4,090 October 20 by Spencer Peterson of near-by Little Rock and Joseph Homyan of Aurora. It was taken for $2,000 November 13 by Peterson and iJftOis Rabenburg of Aurora. It was looted of $1,917 January 14 by Arthur Otowski and John Minister, both of Chicago. Ma Lost The Key B, SHIRLEY BAT Medmist Cfarck Notes Jennie--she's gone! Jennie's gone, Hiram!" She waved the note wildly in his face. SHE stormed at the little man furiously. "They have no right to marry I * He'll never be able to WANTED TO BUY -- Good hard corn in any quantity. Top cash prices. Call Bob Ferguson, Crystal Lake, Phone 1374-R-2. *47-3 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, fronted and farms, JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Ex G. I. and family need four ors five-room house, or apartment in McHenry or nearby vicinity. Please phone Lake Forest-1601. Call collect. *47 FOR BENT FOR SALE--At McCullom Lake-- Four-room year-round home, p£0*e McHrary 278°J John tBRING T0UR PHOTOGRAPHIC spacious grounds; paved street. ^<* 715 Cente! SL McHe^rV PR0BLEM8 ^ US-We can declose to highway, stores, churches,' 1BWC* 715 Center SKMcHenr£ liver anything from a snapshot to schools. Bus service. Immediate; : | large murals, or free hand oil possession. Call or contact F.; PIANOS--40 MILES FROM HIGH Matthesius, McCullom Lake, after PRICES--Save up to $200 on some ^ P-. m- 46-tf spinet pianos returned from rent. FOR SALE -- Certified Bluetag STARK ^PIANOWHte DAVI° Hawkeye soy beans; germination; Union §t E1rin »f per cent; also certified MinH» Unlop st' E'gln- IHCO., 21 N. 46-4 and Clinton seed oats; germination j FOR SALE--Electric sewing mapper cent; test weight 40 pounds.! chines, new, $149.50 up; rebuilt. Reasonably priced. Write or phone,! $69.50 up. L Schoon, H<$ron, 111. Roy Behm, Lakefield Farm. Grays- Tel. Hebron 435. *46-2 lake 3-1222. *44-5 FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home MISCELLANEOUS Insulation .installed by The Wall-j WASH AND DRY YOCR Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. j CLOTHES Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf j WOODSTOCK BENDLX LAUNDRY -FOR SALE-Generators, armatures,! E; Calhoun & Route ,47 •tarters, fuel pumps, distributor* j N«tdoor to Packard Garage , voltage regulators and ignition parts I -yhone Woodstock 441 45-4 for Ford and all other oars. Seaco! --:--^VENETIAN BLINDS Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred, J-1 FACTORY TO YOU ovopoda, Prop. Tel. McIIenry 183v| ACME Flexible Steel. Baked Enamel 47-tf ) Finish all colors. New Auto Tilt. ___ _ A__ ------" | 40 colors tape. Custom Built. Fast ^^ A®*(Service. Free Estimates. SUN-RAY , MACHINES. Service on' all, Venetian Blind Co., Fox Lake 3788. makcM. Also ribbons for all makes;! *44»4 earbon pa|>er. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., ' --: Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf | Need runner stamps? Order at 1 --The Plaindealer. paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICKS STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf ROOM FOR RENT--For couple employed. Have privilege of kitchen and home. Located in Wonder Lake near lake. Call Saturday and Sunday. Wonder Lake 558. References required. 47 TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lifte. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-B. 15-tf HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, eateh basins, septie tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huif, Prop. Tel. McHenry 890. 29-tf TEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULHTG Regularly and courteously with the best of service. Also rubbish hanled in loads or half loads. FRED W1RTZ Tel. 758-R. 7-tf PRUNING AND SPRAYING--Tree pruning and spraying. Frank Henkel, phone McHenry 543-J-l. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Residence VolO. . 44-tf ; i i i n i u i i n n i i i | t n 11 n u »»> i \ \ t t i 11 n i i i i m •; Helen Weber Says: To Look Smart for Easter We must have your clothes iu now--Don't , ^delay if you want the beat in cleaning or you may be disappointed. GUARANTEE TO CORRECT YOUR WATER PROBLEMS One Portable Softener One Mlcromet ' One Slrromet Feeder and Iastallatloa for Hi Woader Lake Hose Appllaaees Open Dally Phone Wonder Lake 388 or 13S 43-tf FOR RENT--51 acres ott Hwy 120 one mile east of McHenry, 30 acres tillable, 20 acres in alfalfa, 10 acres under plow' and 20 in wooded pasture. Rent at $9 per acre. Frank „M. KUmek, 410 N. Mpi|pwi Ave. R.-1172. CUg|CO. Leave Sparrows Alone, Sparrow hawks seldom prey on par rows. Main Items in their diet re grasshoppers and mice. Read Improvements Between 75 and 100 million dollars a year paid by car owners for road improvements is diverted to other uses in ?8xstates. The gather 20 states have adopted constitutional amendments prohitytlng this practice. Slnftr Outlines Tiehniqut For Bathroom Sinatras BOSTON.--Do they laugh when you sit down in the bathtub to sing? "It shouldn't happen," singer Bobby Wayne says. "Anyone can sing. All he has to do is brush up on the three R's of music." Just let the bathroom warblers know their own voices, he said, and it would eliminate the wifely complaints about squawking seals. Wayne, who gets no complaints because he whispers lyrics, believes most of the shower and bathtub singers have good voices, but try to do the wrong things with them. Some are the Sinatra type and try to sing opera. Others are croont who try to yodeL "It can't be done," he said as he recalled an effort by Lawrence Tibbett to sing the "Hut-Sut Song." "The opera fans screamed. The bobby sockers screamed, too. Tibbett is terrific at opers, but be got out of his vocal circle." The three musical R's--resonance, range and rythm--will put anyone in his proper niche, Wayne said, and tag him as a yodeler, balladier, crooner, light elassical or opera singer. "You can gauge your resonance by the ability to hold a note powerfully. The longer you can sustain it, the more Hke an opera singer you are. If you ean't hold it long, you're more like a heart patting crooner." O. J. K. DXEHL Woodstock Piano Timer Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 90-tf Woodstock. HL EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND KEMOYAL -- INSURED J. W. RJLYCRAFT, P. O. Rex 16S Phone 30S-R -- W. McHenry, IU. 45-tf McHenr^Cleaners Phone 194-M ' 108 Elm St. illM Wibcr, Mir; f t U 1 111 in I »f Mil l If I'lil <• <• <• '1* 'fr -M' j* GARBAGE OOUtROTDfO -- Let m dispose of. yoar garbage each week, or oftpmer if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John B. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. % tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest eash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no belp needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 35 tf School Lnnch Scope : According to a report of the tJ. 9. department o f agriculture, the school lunch program in the 1946-47 school year reached 44,537 schools, and 6.016.129 children. The original federsl appropriation amounted to 75 million dollars was augmented by six million dollar approprlptleq to assist states because of rising eosts. Unele Sam Says 4,500 Ptoplo to Sliaro In Two-Million Dollars NEW YORK.--A New York company has announced it has been hired to look for 4.500 persons to whom two recently organized Chicago companies want to give $2,298. 038. The pleasing part about the whole thing for the missing 4,500 if they're found--is that they don't know they have the money coming. The potentially lucky 4,500 are missing stockholders in the Mid land Utilities eo. and the Midland United CO., both of Chicagb. The csmpany hired to find the stockholders is the Tracers Company of America, in New York. The last known addresses of the missing persons are scattered tn Alaska. Hawaii, 15 foreign nattens and in 900 cities, towns and villages of Amerioe. Including Paw Paw and M*dl*nd, Mich., Nectarine, Pa., and Broken Bow, Ohio. Under a court order last year tn the proceedings for reorganization of the Chicago companies, the court decreed that stockholders entitled to participate in the exchange of securities under the plan of reorganization must surrender their old securities before June 30. 1953. Otherwise they lose their rights to At; securities or cash held for them. Sunday afternoon four of the members of the Confirmation class journeyed to Bvanston for their lesson. The "session consisted of a trip through Garrett Biblical Institute, Howe's Memorial Chapel, Deering Memorial Library and the First Methodist church. Oh yes, rjvEAlt ItA and Pa, Jeff and I we must not forget "The Big Dlphave gone to the city to be per." It was a most interesting married. Ma, you Just will never trip, even your pastor saw things see thing* our way so this la all 1* Garrett that he had not stopped there's left tor us to do. I'm sorry, notice during his student days. Waned) Jennie." ^ •'?» ""My J_ . ... . .. . °" the stained glass windows in > From behind the barn (Bram the Memorial Chapel and at First could see the ancient auto rattling church. The chancel at First • 1' t i 11 toward home. El- Church is a thing of beauty, 3m-_A. vtry's gaunt fig- all carved wood and depicting the • Minus utq a{ the steer- life of the Master. Following a Flotloa ing wheel was sil- Communion Service which the f* houetted sgainst group just missed there was a the white road, and Hiram smiled ]a symbolism from the to himself at the picture of his Jf"1" °' th® ""Ie chapel. On very Urge wife in the very small "• this Sanctuary in car. As It pulled into the driveway uf he quickly ducked out of sight Chr„tiRn faIth ThHrip" through Better to have her dscover the Flr8t Church |g one ^ note herself. Reluctantly he went to be taken by every Methodist. Into the house himself. I At worship Sunday morning we She wheeled apen him sharply,! had three special numbers. The her whole figure trembflag with Cherub Choir sang "Father We rage and astonishment. - [Thank Thee," Miss Louanne "Hiram! Have you seen this?" i Howorka sang, "Hold Thou My she demanded. ! "J*V >y M9arr®n„a8 offertory . . . . . . . « > 1 ° . a n M i s s C e l i a P a g e p l a y e d "Do you realize what this means? as the piano prelude, "To Spring," _w_._ - -| T by Grieg. The pastor's meditation was centered around another of the Master's questions, "Why did you doubt?" This Wednesday evening will complete the series of* Lenten Services In which your pastor has support her; his own father ssid | been participating. He will speak he'd never make a farmer. All this j 'n the Ringwood Methodist church talk about his wanting to study en- ** ?:'10 P- ™ - *he sermon topic, gineeriog and su<*i nonsense--I!. Wholehearted." Durwont have my daughter be his! ?ve°1 r ng8 | he hap been at Crystal Lake, Wau- . . . ! c o n d a , M a r e n g o a n d H a r v a r d . I t Now, listen. Elvtor, ^ he »eld ha8 be3n a Tery worthwhile exholdlyr "you're Just carrying on soi perience speaking to these beeause Jennie's outwitted you! I churches and meeting many line This would never have happened if people. you hadn't bee* so stubborn and j It hag been called to our would have consented to their attention that the Senior Choir marrying in the first place. If will practice Thursday evening of there's anything you women, can't this week at 8 o'clock. The comstand it's ta have another woman bined choirs will sing Palm Sunout- do you--even if she is your own day and again for our Easter daughter!" services. She read the note over again. | On Palm Sunday, April 10, the "Jennie says they're leaving for Sacrament of Baptism will be adthe city. That must mean the 11:15 ministered to those wishing it. train. It's Just eleven now; if we, Those desiring this Sacrament hurry we can catch her." Under her Pi®*8® contact the pastor if they b»eath she added to herself, "So ^ave. ^°"e SP- This will be she thinks she ean outwit me!" and *lUlt8 fi lnfant8- Dur- Jl.,, • „ . „ ,.n „ w„_j tKin ing the same service we will redrawing her lips into a hard, t|*|n ceive new members into our line, she grimly barged otft the door. Hiram followed. She opened the squeaky garage doors with an effort, and they went inside. He puffed away on his pipe as she fumbled In her huge hand- "Hiram, have you the car key?" "No. Elviry, I ain't seen it all day." She dashed out the door and he followed with a flastflight. They searched the driveway. They overturned flagstones and ran their fingers over short blades of grass. But there was no key. They went into the house and turned everything upside down. But no key. "IJIRAM," she exclaimed sudden- ** ly, "you sat in that rocking chair when you oame in. What did the second at 11. During the firfet service the members of the Confirmation Class will be received into the fellowship of the church. In order to prepare yourself for this greatest day of all days in our Christian faith, why not attend the Holy Week services. Thursday evening, April 14, tht. Sacrament of the Lord's SuppeF* will be given at 8 . On Friday evening at 8 .we will meet/to recall the hours Jesus spent on the cross. We Invite you to come and participate In these services and thus prepare yourself for the great experience of Easter Softday. "Sea you in church Sunday." A1 lama Malarial Oaftrtin, gtaa and isinglaas rnodlflcations of the same mate: Laeft ef Soma 1.200 counties in the tJoitifl States, or about 40 per cent at the total, are completely without recognized hospitals. Mighty Osage Hni - Roughly, two-thirds of the Osage basin lies in Missouri, and the rhre^-. winds along for 515 miles from ltf rise in east central Kansas to its mouth on the "Big Muddy.** About SOS miles of this twisting course is through Missouri. Incize alone, the Osage basin ranks as one of Missouri's most important, for the entire watershed has an area of 15.900 square miles. Safeguard for Milk p Pasteurization is the most important single protective measure that can be taken against jps4aae germs in milk. Without pasteprl* zatlon. there is danger of such rnllkhorne diseases as undulariirsrver, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, and septic sore throat. Over one-half of the milk consumed by persons living 9i communities under 10,000 population was not pasteurized, but was raw milk. * Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drugstore, McHenry. 8-tf Aacient Houses Many tiouses constructed Of pi« lumber more than 200 years ar are still in use in New Englar< CARPENTER and CEMENT WO&fc Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVTDSON BROTHERS TeJL McHenry 6G3-U-2 50-tf No. I U. S. Crop Milk is the No. 1 crop of the Good intentions do not make a good savings plan. The SMART, SURE way to tavt is on a regular-1 convenient • dependable, automatic' plan. You can get this sensible com-1 bination by Investing in U. S. Sav- j ^merican farmer,' bringing in more mgs Bonds In either of two ways. h all ^ grain ta the On your company's payroll with k . * the Payroll Savim(s Plan where yon foun"y. work, or if self-employed, youri - ^ bank s Bond-a-Month Plan where Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 banter ' OA Trmmtn, DtpmHmmt i and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 85-tf "HJrmm," she exclaimed suddenly, "yea sat la that rocking chair when I eame ta. What did yea do with my things?** you do with my things?" "Why, I set them on the tsbte there." ---- "Yes you did!" she accused "You set everything there but the car key. Don't try to lie to me now Hiram! 1 know very well you'd like to see her get away, but I won't have it! Hiram, if you got that k e y . . . " "Elviry, 1 swear ta goodness l ain't seen it." "The train leavea ia two mln ates," she walled as she glaacrd at the clock. Her spirit waa entirely broken. Bar great frame evea seemed to sag. Hiram patted her benevolently "WtU. you go to bed aew. ESvtry snrf have a ways does da I'll be along In a while.** Hp walked onto the potyh. The air was sweet with (he smell of hsy Par In the distance he heard the melancholy whistle of a train, then all wa^quiet again. Re puffed eons tentedly R>r a while en his cemcOb, then took h from his mouth and knocked the howl against the railing. There was a bright Bash and a small clink ef metal as the ashes fluttered te the ground. Hiram smiled slyly ta himself, pocketed the battered eld pipe aad started In. ••leased by WHO featares * %.jOtytng el WOIIWM folk good fellowship. Palm Sunday has always been an important day in the Christian church, let us make it a very important day in our own local church. It can be with your co-operation and attendance. On Easter Sunday morning, as last year, there will be two worship services, the first at 9:30 and GOOD SHRIMP XI THE BRIDGE 4 & ytlft FRIENPIV DRU66I5T* SAVS • Your doctor and we are partners in health. He examines you determines what medicine you need to get on the road to health, and turns that formula over to us for filling. As a partner, we do our best to uphold the same standard of ethical performance and accurate prescription filling as your doctor. ~%YE DRUG-STORE tttalqrecn^lgqiicv 129 N. Riyerside Drive, McHenry Phone 26 Penderosa Pino Ponderosa wood is light in eolor, varying from ' creamy white to straw. Belp Oonservationlsta Bird dogs long have been recognized as important allies of the conservationist. By finding and retrieving dead game that otherwise would be tost in brush and grass, they hold down kills and prevent ; We desire 16 announce the engagement of EDDIE THUROW of Milwaukee to prefeide at the Hammond Electric Organ weekends untjl 4pril 16, and thereafter Monday*. . --0 y-- Mr. Thnrow has been featured on Radio fttittonii WTMJ, WISN and WMLO. . This means that patrons will enjoy the beet of musical entertainment, when they visit THE BRIDGE On Route 120, just east of Fox Rivftk * ^ Phone 36