."%"• *•* --v.. «& • -. s;. J... .]*&•&* ', ,:• •'- --:" .... - - " •. - - m- "" "" ' ^ •'• ^ -' "* "^' ' ,!" "' Ttunday, April U, 1MB -*»•-••" •-•• •" ' • SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charles Freund) £'$£aster morning worfehipers at R. Peter's * church attended services in large numbers. The new statues have been erected and the church was beautifully decorated with potted plants and spring flowers. To add to the solemnity of the occasion was the singing -. 'Viv-««w- 'virtw'".. ,»:i CORN REEF and f CABBAGE Wedneed^y At THE BRIDGE •Wof the high mass by the mixed choir. Next Sunday, April 24, will be First Communion Sunday at St Poter's. Easter Sunday guests In the Clarence Miller home were Mr. and Mrs. George Firaching and daughters, Mrs. Susan Miller and Celia, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Weber and son, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Milwaukee, Wis. Supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britx on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Britz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brit* and family of Rock Island, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prosser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bereiter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis and children, Mrs. Robert Klaus, June and Bobby, of Fox Lake and the Andy Straub family of Chicago. Mr. and' Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Arthur Nimsgern, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgern of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Jordan and Bobbie of Sharon, Wis.* spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob I.ent. Mr. »and Mrs. Charles Freund and family Joined a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch In McHenry on Sundav. A chicken dinner was served and cards and wlsiting were enjoyed throughout the day. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newhaus and -son, Buchie, spent Blaster Sunday with his mother, Mrs. H. Newhaus, and family- in Genoa City, Wis. Mrs. Jim Flanagan and Mrs. Mark Pierce were Saturday afternoon callers of Mrs. Clarence Miller. Mr. and Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. Charles Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber attended funeral 1 services of Mrs. Peter Weber at St. John's church in Johnsburg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrt. "Daniel Miller entertained at their home on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mr*. jJake Miller and family, Mr. and : Mrs. Joseph Condon and family land Miss Joyce Elf man of Rich- | mond and Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence I Adams of Ringwood. | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and ! daughter Linda and Mr. and Mrs. | Lawrence Nimsgern left on Monday for a two weeks vacation in Florida. 5H0RT fTOW A Bat By LUace It. "«C> $ " y v Seal A sportsman becomes a food friend of a farmer when he ofles to pay for any damage he might do while hunting on the S C H O O L O F N U R ^ ^rWith ocw construction now underway -- increasing OTF Capacity to 200 bods -- Swedish-American Hospital Is v able to accepc additional students in the School of Nursing ... staiting with tfc* September dskt. If you are interested in s career, in nursing, wo will be pleased to con- I, sider your application. IvT VPMMV UNI CVMy^PF WWM l/sWlWr iwl|F< S W E D I S H - A M E R I C A N H O S P I T A L iCNMlll STMIIT mm4 SICONt AVINUI, ROCKPORft, ILLINOIS Ear Corn Silage . Corn grain and ear-corn silage are reported to contain an unidentified factor, not present in grainiest corn silage; .that vtimulates fnilk produc- Greatest ExpletUa History's most terrific explosion was la 1883. when the Indonesian volcanic island Krakatao blew up vanished. Stone, dust and ashes rocketed 17 miles into the sky. Fifty-foot waves drowned 36,- 000 as they roared through the archipelago's thousands of islands. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaiadealer. [LOOKING FM IIIUJES H CAMS FOLLOW THI THRIFT JMEN0 TO A* KM ALL YOOt FAVORITE FAMOUS MANDS, INCLUDING AITS OWttf fl Ol PINK * RED WHITE - RED CLIlKSf!l« YELLOW MILT1 COLOR 59c MP SHAPE JUICE . APRICOT NECTAR HEMr$ • • • BTL 46-OZ. • TIN CT 37* MEATS 4K 2 NO. 2 TINS DELIGHT UBBY S TOMATO JUICE PRUNE JUICE SKSSft^. 29* V-8 COCKTAIL . APPLE JUIOE F*"cr CORN KING Sliced Bacon 46-OZ. 41| • TIN »• Bacon Squares ARNOLD'S Smoked Bntfs lb. 49c lb. 29c lb. 75c QUALITY -- « 12-OZ. • • o W TINS A&P MAS THE GROCERY VALUES PEAK-FRESH PRODUCE? Sasce2 Uff-JI* Cap Cersef loaf . . * . 41* Pwfscl 8Mb MNSS SSISMS 47* 16-OZ. TINS QUART • • • • JAR 12-OZ. • • TIN ARIZONA Head Lettuce fALO A TIN Cwsphsffs TMSSIS Sesp 2"^mf23* CSMMTSw mnSOUEP?il SwSPSwSp •2" %TINS? w3 I•* Spinach NEW SOUTHERN Qabbagt romatoes 2 for 23c ;--f N--S . bi« IScT J lb. 6c eta. 29c Bel Meals CrashMl PlMapph iiam TINS NO. 2 TINS NO.,g, NEW FLORIDA Whit* Potatoes 10 lbs. 69c Miiwts* Fiotles HEY'RE all curious," insisted Arthur Jordani "There never lived a woman who wasn't 99-44/100 per cent curiosity. I could quote you a dozen bits of poetry proving the fact--" "For goodness' sake, don'ti" urged Clem Tate. "I'll take your word for it. Honestly. But Elsie isn't that way. I'm telling you." "You're the kind that would never be happy with your wife asking you I this and looking over x mail and ; rooting about in your desk when ; you're out of the house. I know yotf/' "Don't speak of Elsie Lyons as "rooting", if you please," Clem Tate said coldly. "I'll tell you what. I'U lock the office door and give her the key -- since you mention Bluebeard --and then you and I will go out. ril keep the key of the corridor door, however, and we'll come in again and sit here. I'll tell her not to use that key at all. See? Then if she is as curious as you say, she'll come bouncing in a la Mademoiselle Bluebeard or whatever her name was and we'll bo sitting right inside here." "O.K. wIt* see." said Arifcar Jordan. "Shell bo In hot* ani dent yea forget I told yen so. Td as seen have a homHv girt and one who wasn't so careless anyhow. She's decorative but she'd forget her head If It weren't for the carts there." Now Elsie Lyons was pretty. She knew that fact as well as anyone else. Fluffy golden hair framed a heart-shaped face with a pointed chin below a widow's peak of hair at the upper edge. Her great grey | eyes turned to pansy-color at times. | But looks and business efficiency ; do not always go hand in hand un- ; fortunately and Elsie ran about ! ninety-nine and forty-four one- | hundredths per cent efficiency. "I am locking the door to the private office. Miss Lyons," said Clem Tate distinctly. "I want no one to go in there. No one. Is that clear. Miss Lyons. Here is the key." "Certainly, Mr. Tate," she said demurely, placing the key in her desk drawer. The two young men walked resolutely into the outer corridor and the outside door swung too gently behind them. "Well, Bluebeard, how about it?" asked Jordan when he put the key into the door to the private office. As the door swung open they both looked in eagerly. They heard the telephone in the outer office. Silently they sat down and Jordan gave his partner a poke in the ribs when Clem Tate looked too triumphant as the moments passed. AT THE END of a half hour Clem Tate rose to his feet. Jordan followed him and they made their Speedy 'Flying Wtag* The navy's newest shipboard Jot fighter, the Chance Vought XF7U-1. is rated in the "over the OOO-mOoan- hour class." Two Westinghouso turbo jets power this new sweptwing fighter which is "potentially capable of speeds in excess of current models* of operational Jets, land or carrier based," the navy reports. of Ossoody Aristophanes, (about B.C. 450-380 the* Athenian dramatist. Is consid ered the father of comedy. Fannen probably receive a higher per cent of the consumer dollar for meat than for any other farm pressure canner is not exusted for 10 minutes, air will be left in the canner, causing an air pocket over the jars. This will draw the liquid out of the jars. Voiate Mm|C Best storftge temperature for potatoes is between 34 and 38 degrees F. They are likely to freeze at temperatures below 30 degrees and to sprout above 40 degrees. MoMle, 'ss a Spanish city until lflg. During Shakespearian heont ?nly a female Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies st Wattle* Drug Store. Mo* Henry. 8-tf Sources of Vnudum ° 1l»e rich pitchblende deposits Of the Belgian Congo and Canada's Great Bear Lake region, which supplied experimental materials for the first atom bomb, are still considered the world's outstanding uranium sources. Czechoslovakia's pitchblende from the Jachymov mines is often mentioned, along with the newly important caraotito ores of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, and the extensive, but urshium-light titanium of Arkansas. SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE iNeyCRM (OMPMMSr JVOUMDWN orwcHFicfffiMce. MCKSIUiKf NMKMRV6MM6C SVUCK INI M4MVBMME5 W MUX I OtAO AND m GUESS VDVRE ONE OF THE FCW WHO HAVE NT HEARD OFTHJSFAST/^ EKSS MeiHeM! IMATSAtUME TPfiEMCMOCft IN CASE OF "TROUBLE* 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 408 SULTANA Tsaa Flakto DFTLCIOUS lesa Temittes OUR Ovi Tea .•••••eot.ft*** DOS PELLETS OFT MEAL S&AND . Tem«Utteh«p2^3S€ WHITE HOUSE __ ^OQ|# *SSc MBW LOW PRICES! SULTANA ttAND CMAMSmi. WHITE Ot OOLDEN MO. J FraHCeektail I^SI leaaCeca TINS BANQUET MANO WHOLE APAVOWTE Chlakea $135 UMy's Feaeheo ^ 32c EvapwaMWikS T^S5C 3M6D 1Ac CAKES 1 RETZZSZ**- 1 A™ 97 j wonray ooop • • • • « CAKES x# ipp j BAKERY DELIGHTS DOUBLE FILLED PINEAMC Ceffee Cake EACH 3tC DOUBLE FILLED AftlCOV Ceffee Cake EACH 39c JELLY _ _ SHADOW Mcel Faa4 Cake BACH 4SC AWE SAUCE / '7 Leaf Cakt ..^...J^CH «C JANE PARKER . _ Shert Cap Cakfte ...OF* lie | DAIRY TREATS | WISCONSIN SHARP CkeMar Cheese u.lV€ PLAIN CHIVE, WNtAPftJ " Cettace Cheese .XSJTTON 29C PHILADELPHIA - Creaai Cheese . 2 p«2l 31c A FINE CHEESE FOOO Chri-O-Nt DOES DISHES IN A JIFFYl o o DUES DIWID II Drefl PKG. 30° 311OAF ci^fmO ^ He MILD AND MELLOW Eight O'Cleek Cel «ICH AND FULL-BODIED Red Circle Ceffee VIGOROUS AMD WINET Bekar Ceffee .... FOR A BETTER LAUNDR^-- Chipso ... • * .• • • PKG. 99-44/100% PURE--IT FLOATS! Ivory Soap • 9 LGt Jk CAKES MO PURER FtAKE WAS EVER MADS Ivory Flakes . • Mt6. 3^ FOR FRYING OR BAKIN9 Crisco S4A. • TIN 95c Does WONDERS--SAVES YOU TIME Ajax Cleanser • • 2CAHS 25c KEEP SEVERAL ON HAND--ARMOUR'S Corned Beef Hash I4«Z. . • TIN 1?! LEAVES YOU SWEET AND CLEAN ^ , Jesco Pine Soap *» 25e "V **Cortakdr. Mr. Tate?^aho said KM toy LA hoi \vhh\ •it 47c way silently into the ootor corridor again. "Well, was xfH«bt, Jordan?" asked Clem. "You win, Bluebeard--er, I mean, non-Bluebeard," said Jordan. "Say, I've got to have a breath of air after that self-imposed silence. I maybe we both like talking a liters better than we thought we did; I had a thousand things I wanted to tell you while we sat there. But as for your charming little Elsie -- she's the real thing all right, all right. Never even clicked the key In the lock, did she? Or looked through the key-hole at us?" Jordan ambled towards the elevators with a wave of his hand. Clem Tate stood an instant at the outer door and then entered the suite of offices. He hurried through to the door of tiie private office and tried the knob. "Oh--" he said, "Miss Lyons. I forgot that this door is locked. Let me have the key, will you, please?" "I--I'm sorry, Mr. Tate. But I simply can't think what I did with that key. There was a telephone call the moment you left and I looked for the key so that I could --could--er--lay the message on your desk. •'But I said not to go in." She l a u g h e d g e n t l y . Dimples peeped in and out charmingly. She bent again and then with a sigh she murmured: "OhI Here it is! I'm so careless!" . . Released by WMU Features. What's la a Name The parliament which assembled at Edinburgh. January 1, 1661, was called the "Drunken Parliament," as it was said the members almost perpetually drunk. were Pat Pitchfork In Safe Place Pitchforks are misuse* more than any other tool. Don't tr xe chances with a fork. For outside work, carry it over your shoulder and stick it securely terlfao ffnunrt pftptt not in use. w • > • vv%» . ' HOUSE CLEANING REG. NOW TRIMBLE BATHINETTES .$ 12.00 $ 9.95 TRIMBLE TRAINING SEAfS ... 4.50 . 2.50 LEATHER TOP DESK 69.50 59.50 MAPLE FLOOR LAMPS . 16.50 9.95 CHINESE MOTIF LAMP 'SHABE8' _..^__j:-" 4.85 2.95 CHINA TABLE LAMPS . . 14.85 9.95 CHILDREN'S LAMPS . . 5.95 " 3.95 FIRESIDE CHAIRS 26.50 21.95 BLUE FRIEZE LIVING RM. SUITE tlO.OO " 245.00 ROSE 2-pc. LIVING RM SUITE ^20.00 149.95 BEIGE 2-pc. SECTIONAL SUITE .............183.00 445.00 GRAY 3-pc. SECTIONAL SUITE . 195.00 179.00 GREEN 2-pc. LIVING RM. SUITE ' • 228.00 t 198.00 SOLID MAPLE 4-pc. BEDROOM SUITE 240.00 219.00" CHERRY 4-pc. BEDROOM SUITE 275.00 249.00 DOUBLE DRESSER, 3-pc. WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE 258.00 885.00 4-pc. LIMED OAK BEDROOM SUITE 245 00 805.00 BLEACHED MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE 259.00 212.00 ^-pc. WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE : 198.00 H>5.00 JENNY LIND BEDS ' 21.00 12.00 30" x 40" MIRROR•••••..•• J ' • • - - v:--.' "'- ^ - 19.50 15.00 28" x 36" MIRROR . :' * 16.00 11.00 CLOTHES HAMPERS 8.00 5.96 CARD TABLES ' •. 5.85 3.96 LIMED OAK KNEEHOLE DESK 59.50 49.50 SIX-YEAR-OLD CRIBS 19.95 16.00 INNER9PRING CRIB MATTRESSES ' ' • '• 9.95 7.95 ENGLANDER HI-RISE - •. 67.00 4156 FORMICA TOP BATHROOM STOOLS . ' 4.95 3.95 STEEL BROOM CABINETS •:.. ....... 15.50 12.95 SINGLE DOOR KITCHEN CABINETS 15.75 12.95 5-pc. PLASTIC TOP DINETTE SETS . .... . 72.00 59.95 OOIL SPRINGS I.. 12.00 8.00 HIGH CHAIRS 9.75 7.00 4-pc. SOLID MAPLE DINETTE SET 72.00 59.50 METAL WARDROBE 28.00 21.95 9x12 LINOLEUM RUGS .1... .1045 u 9.00 KROEHLER BLUE FRIEZE . STUDIO COUCH • •' 103.00 89.95 MAPLE ARM STUDIO COUCH .J 89.50 79.50 BEIGE TAPESTRY LOUNGE CHAIR 76.00 59.95 NE TAPESTRY LOUNGE CHAIR 76.00 59.95 PLE LOVE SEATS 42.56 32.50 FULL SIZE INNERSPRING MATTRB9B AND BOX SPRING 67.50 52.96 i BLACK CHROME KITCHEN CHAIRS ^ 33.00 3 PEDESTAL MHG. DROP LEAF TABLE 52.0* 42.00 P. M. JUSTEN FURNITURE C6. West McHeary. Ul,. . SCi ' Phone 63 1 '• *