, r*" m * ~ ; ""^c>-*.^ r ^ * ,'•: **• j1 fiV 'ut, . ,iL.r- iM • *••; - ®K ^r«r :;. J ^Efsa®BS "SO I HEAR •fey EARL R. WALSH "Bad" Kosinski asks us to let you know that the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick's Church will sponsor the showing of the 1948 World Series pictures next Monday night, April 25, in the church hall. This is an open meeting so both members and their friends are invited to attend. See how the ^experts play the game. . It was Carl Sprlngman and Bill Kruetzer who called our attention to "Pa" Schimmel's white cap in "MI Place." Looks like "Paddy" Frett'a cap, but "Paddy" wears his at a little different angle. It Often DOCTOR'S telephone rang one 8TUDEJTT-TOURISTS MUST INFORM DRAFT night, awakened him from fitful BOARD OF LOCATION slumber. It waa one of his regular patients, a man in a wild state of alarm. "My. wife, doctor," he shouted. "It's her appendix. You'd better come 'round and see her at once." The doctor sighed and told the man to go back to bed. "Give her some bicarbonate and ginger ale. and I'll look in to-morrow," he said. "She has'nt got appendicitis."" i after they become 26 as well as The husband became even wild-, before. Weeding ground surreys. • Mr. Janzen emphasised that no details of the hunting regulations for 1949 would be available for these conferences because obviously we cannot set the 1949 season until Asserting that officials in Wash „ . what the spring ington are expecting the summer ' J*® ?re vacation season to see a record-1 hatcb win ^ breaking number of student-tour- j Anybody wishing to attend any ists off for Europe. Colonel Paul Q. ; °ne of these meetings can con- Armstrong, state director of Selec- itact Andrew Kunz of Wonder Lake tive Service for Illinois, said that who will secure tickets for them the Selective Service Law is spe- j through the Izaw Walton League cific in requirements that alf °' which he is president of the registrants keep their local boards ; local chapter.. , informed as to their whereabouts. Am nt SAUUHCW or ADMIRAL KKPOKTZD TUPLE THAT OF '48 In nearly tripling last year's net earnings and doubling its net sales in the first fiscal quarter ending March 31, 1949, Admiral Corporation and its subsidiaries set a new high record for first quarter earnings and sales despite a changeover in production to its 1949 lines of television sets, radios. CARD OF THANKS Ut this way we wish to thank the voters of McHenry and all . . . . . i o t h e r t w h o h e l p e d i n a n y w a y t o t ranges^and refrigerators, make us victorious in Tuesday's fey the last quarter of 1948 when •ale* were $24,249,757 and profits $1,745,039. Much of the increase must be attributed to the television division which in January introduced a complete new line of sets with prices based on increased mass production and sales of more than 400,000 sets in 1949." '^fvm FAIft KTBGLAft We tyave finally found at least one£byglar who believes In 'a excnlhge -- or almost anyway. When someone broke through the large, glass window at the Ous Uati bus depot in the wee hours j | of last Monday, they threw an { j empty bottle at the glass to gain ] I entrance. Their loot was one full bottle from the display. Complete Bae of Lee's remedies at Wattles Drug lllm, ' Henry. |4f er, insisting that she did have appendicitis. "Well, she can't have!" the doctor shouted. "I took her appendix out three years ago, and I never heard of anyone having two appendixes." "Ever heard of - anybody having two wives?" the man .asked, bitterly. „ BOWLING NOTES The McHenry Shamrocks will play the Woodstock Merchants here next Sunday, April 24. GOOD REASON a The Merchants are a new team 'and may not have their uniforms for this game. We call this to; your attention so you won't judge the players by their garb. i* This isn't a" league game--just, a tune-up for both teams before, the season starts the following Sunday. -- We hear that Don Blanken will pitch for Algonquin this year. , When ire last saw him, it was his murderous hitting that did the damage. The high school baseball team has two home games coming up in the next few days. Woodstock High will be here tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Next Tuesday Marengo comes to town. The high school team is playing on the- new city diamond this year. Let's look 'em over. "Departure from the country does not relieve them of these obligations," said Colonel Arm- „ „ strong," even though Selective Service is inducting no men at present." In order to comply with the law and leave with a free mind. Colonel Armstrong said, studenttourists before departing should report the following information to their local boards: Date of departure, approximate itinerary and date of expected return. This may be done by mail, 'Colonel Armstrong said. There is no printed form. j Within five days of Yeturn the i registrant sh9uld report to th? I local board {bV mail if more con-, I v^niert), giving bis old address j rll n i (Where he may be reached by | | mail) or, in case it has been I changed, his new address. -- MrHENRY RECREATION according to Ross D. Siragusa, president. Net sales for the first quarter of 'this year totaled $23,513,097 compared with $12,004,168 for the corresponding quarter last year. C. Thorsell, 611; B. Pelsert, SOS. K. ef CVII. Behnke. 524; H. Steffan, 200- "524; E. Frost, 533: L. Stilling, 200. Early Birds-- M. Freund, 421; D. Schaefer, 180-525; H. Knox, 177.-423; V. Freund, 427; E. Rand, 177-485; A. Ross, 456: • A. Grosso, 482; M. Kelley, J8S-468; B. Buergler, 425; L. Frisby, '422. Business Men-- Sanders, 215; Rottrke, 530; 525; Stilling; 511; McKim, Majors-- Carlson, 20i:548; Downs, 206- | If he^ecomes 18 years ofage518; Ben'nett M0' G Sckefer, i during the tour, the law requires B54; E peisert, 202-541 that he register at a convenient I local board office within five days I this | I country. j I "It is not necessary that he ipyj | of the date of his return to this: T>TerB_ ^ PALACE ' »W / ; country. j geatj1 254-555; Jim McAndrews, , , . .. . . iWt ,,199-501; Joe McAndrews, 199-552; Hie old man fishing from the river return to his home to do this, gtoffel, 201; R. Sullivan, 229-522; bank landed a pike about two feet f?5llonel Armstrong pointed ^ °'Jt Sutton, 524; Zuelsdorf, 509; Landl, long, but threw it back. Later he"He may register, at the local 514. jolinson. 634. -- . , . • b o a r d o f f i c e m o s t c o n v e n i e n t , b u t 1 . . h If perch. This he also he mu8t ^ gure to g|ve the place 1 Majors threw oack. !he considers his home, as well1 Miller 200-526- TUrnn M#* Five minutes later he caught a a8 hig temporary address, to 1 ' 200 526 • Bacon, 527 • small perch, and put it into hi« bag. local board registering him election. 49 . THE PROGRESSIVE PAHTY. CARD OF THANKS would like to take this op- Come in today and see our newest spring hats in styles and shades which would greatly enhance any spring outfit. Elizabeth Pich, Green Street, McHenry. 49 When pasture season starts for cattle, it's a good plan to make Net earnings for the first quar- P°r*T,n^y to thank th» voters who the change gradually. tei4 of 1949 were $1,536,217 compared with $530,410 for the same period in 1948. This year's first quartet earnings were equivalent to $1.54 per share on the 1,000,000 shares of common stock now outstanding as compared with earnings equivalent ,to 53 cents per supported me at t^he polls Tues-; day and all others who helped in t aay way in my election as mayor. # GEORGE P. FREUND. THE BRIDGS OARI* OF THANKS I would like to thank the many friends who supported me at the | polls on Tuesday and who helped! iqjcv « . . • - snare for j otherwise in my campaign for! 1948 p first quarter on the basis of j alderman. the same number of shares now ; 49 FRED PETERSEN outstanding. • Commenting, on the quarterlystatement. Mr. Siragusa said, Twenty-two states do not require that automobiles be in- "This is the second-highest quar- ; spected periodically for safe meterly sales and earnings record in 1 chanical condition, the National Admiral's history, exceeded only | Safety Council fiiyn. | The McHenry Business Men's Association frill meet in the Legion Hall next Monday night. If you aren't a member, It might be well to join. The organization is set up to benefit the entire community. It's a good place to express your ideas. pan's only nine Just read that movie actor Wallace Berry left an estate of two million bucks. -- And there are guys who want to be President! PJ One ppur soul, a candidate for office down state, dropped dead in the- voting booth. We've often heard people say that any man who runs for office ought to have his head examined. Looks like a complete physical examination should be required. Easter was a complete bust as far as the weather was concerned. But, one lady told us she rather iked the weather. She didn't have v new clothes and the old ones were very appropriate for the day. Says Bhe, "God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." wen1 Miller, 526* as his temporary address, to the I schreiner, 201-518*; Tonyan, 645; . . . « 11 « w local board registering him so, pejsert 544; Rosing, 226-566; C. As he rose to go a fellow fisherman that his card may be forwarded to jTIiorsell, 537; J Thorsell 221- asked him why be had thrown back the appropriate local board." ' ggg. steffes, ' 206-586 * Wheelock two beautiful ft^h and kept a small | While he did aot ascribe it to 1531; Cristy. '232-574; Rogers, 542;' one. \ !any widespread intent to violate Crouch, 236-556. "Well;" he replied, "my frying the law. Colonel Armstrong de- « » /incites wide." clered that the halt in inductions!Old Timers-- ' •/ had caused misunderstanding in! Rogers, 515; Page, 519; Barbfan, minds Qf some registrants as 1505; Blake, 501; Downs. 226-549. wrong AIM Kignt tQ certain ,egal obligations. He I Ike theatrical agent's new clerk emphasized that the obligation of Cityentered the private 'room and said, the registrants to keep local, Meyers. 160-203-202-565; Meath, "There's a lady to see you, sir." j boards informed as to their where-1507; Behnke. 531; Weingart; 524; "Is she good-looking?" abouts does not cease when they 1 Wheelock, 213-3570; Rogers, 209; "Yes, sir." become 26. Britz, 512; Stoller, 201-145-202-548; "Show her in." | "Selective Service registrants Conway, 202; Schaeffer, 508; Ten minutes later thw dak wan ar® required by law to keep their, Steffes, 206-507. summoned ' local boards informed when they j • "Well," said the agent, gruffly. £hange ,l e heir addFe88 after they ^udies- _ . _ "vnn'r* n „iM t become 26 years of age. as well as Barbian. 489; H. Conway, 441; J 04 be#Uty' 1 before." said Colonel Armstrong, j M. Yegge, m-461; M. Kinsala, * "Men cannot be inducted with- 433;* E. Slfrfon, 425; M. Donnelly, L careful, sir* oat their consent after they reach i 180-168-196-543; G. Barbfan, 173- For all I knew, she might have twenty-six under the Selective 1437; M. Yegge, 175-446; M. KinyOtfCA' 7' been your wife. "Yes." said "she was." Somebody is showering us with literature on how to become a sue-, ceusful chicken raiser. Too late | for this year. Anyhow, it will take half the summer to eat the eggs the Easter Bunny left arouud the grouse. It looks like a big summer seasou around McHenry if somebody can arrange to have it rain ou Monday each week. ' Too much going on. Haven't heard the Lone Ranger for over a wt-ek. Holger Peterson may demand a recount. Somebody gave him a rfrote for alderman Tuesday, but 'rae judges threw it out as a spoiled ballot. Hear tell that our local V. F. W. will send two teams to enter the Annul Y. F. W. Bowling Tournament at Milwaukee on Saturday of this week.--And don't forget the Y. F. W. dance on May 4th. They have some fun planned. CANDIDATE? Somehow in the group of picture* of elected city officials, gathered to-gether by our editor, Appears this serious looking iudividual. An incomp'ete investigation reveals that Roy H. Miller received one vote for Mayor. Minnesota's Death Kale Ike lowest death rate in Minnesota's history was recorded in 1948. Based on reports received up to February 1. 1949. the death rate tor the preceding year was Jfctween 94 and 9.S per 100.000 population. Not since 1921. the last record year, has the death rate been so low as "9.5- In 1947 it was 9.8. Deaths reported from all causes during 1948 numbered 27.- 689. Births reported for the same perior totaled 72.500 The all-time high was 75.469 births in 1947 . Service Act of 1948, but that does j sala, 176-458 the agent, scidly, not mean they are relieved from j I obligation to keep their local ______ . | boards informed as to a new address." E. H. SCHICK DISTRIBUTING Gre?e Street Phene Elgin S4M COMPANY • Elgin, Illinois BEFORE YOU BUY TIRES SEE US! TIRE REPLACEMENT VALUES 1 For tire replacement it pays to come to our shop tires for trucks, tractors and pleasure cars in practical^ all sixes and at reasonable prices. Don't wait for a disastrous blowout so come in and pick the tires yon SPECIAL FIRESTONE TIRE PRICES-- 1 600x16 HS.40 ? plus tax * 6.50x16 : 11B4A ^ plus tax All other passenger tires are priced proportionately lo Very low reduced prices on BATTERIES Gome in and look them over. k h WALTER J. FREUND - THAT STOPPED HER Ike farmer's wife was famous for miles around for her sharp tongue, but one day she had to step nagging. A farm torse kicked her so badly Out she had to go to a hospital. During her absence there was a ceaseless stream ef callers at the farm. The farmer was touched. It's very nice of the neighbors, especially the men, to call and ask after the missus," he remarked to the maid-ef-all-work. "Aye, sir," replied the girl, "but most ef them want to know If you'll sell the horse.*' PUBLIC WATER FOWL MEETINGS PLANNED FOR VARIOUS STATES Be Asked for It He was up before the orderly officer, charged with using insulting ; co^eVTations language to his sergeant "Please, sir," be protested, was only answering a question." "What question?" snapped the officer. "Wall, sir, the sergau* said, •What do you think I amt' And I Nebraska Public Water Fowl have been scheduled by the U Fish and Wild Life Service and will be held in the following cities at the places dates indicated. Chicago, 111., Sherman Hotel, April 20; Minneapolis, Minn., Curtis Hotel, April 22; Lincoln. Nebr., Cornhusker Hotel, April 25. The above meetings will start promptly at 10 a. m. and will be all day affairs according to the regional director, D. Janzen whose headquarters are located at 501 Metropolitan Bldg., Minn. Dr. Clarence Kottam ass't director of Fish and* Wild Life Service with headquarters at Washington is expected to conduct the meetings. ! Concervations clubs, sportsmen, < outdoor writers and all persons ; interested in maintaining water I fowl as an important national source are cordially invited to attend. Directors of fish and game departments of North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa. ATTEND ORDINATION Mrs. John Bolger, datghter, Mary Ann, and son, John J., and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roche attended the ordination to the priesthood of the forrtier's cousin, Fr. Edward McDonald, last Saturday, April 16. The impressive service took place at 9 o'clock at St. James Cathe<j|- meetings ral in Rockford and Fr. McDonald S.1 read his first mass at noon on Easter Sunday. told him.' False Alarm A saucy farm damsel was speeding through traffic in the city. She soon found herself stopped by a policeman. "Look her e," he growled, "where is the fire?" "What are you worrying about," she countered, "you are no fireman." REASON ENOUGH . ' Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana are expected to represent Iheir • respective states at one of these meetings. Service officials will make extensive use of sides and charts in illustrating their talks on waterfowl. They will explain in detail how waterfowl regulations are made and on what information they are based. They will show how the service conducts winter water fowl census and spring TAXI We can give you safe, quick taxi service to any part of the city or surrounding territory. no matter where you are or where you want to go. "Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723 **I see you farmers raise hogs almost exclusively here. Do you find they pay -better than corn or potatoes?" "Well, no, but you see, stranger, hawgs don't evab require no hoeing Weeds te Wtater Garden Keep down weeds by mulching or cultivation; they do Just ss much damage in winter as in summer. Accident Hazards Hayloft doors, feed chutes and fiders are accident hawds in most barns. • *8eantia' Quite appropriately, the Communist newspaper in Bucharest Is named "Scantia." California Grapes California produces more grapes than all other 47 states combined. Car Owners In (7. 8. There are over 30 million ear owners in the U. S. and more than 90 million Americans who drive. THE NEW LIBERAL "Banner .Hospital Service" FOR RURAL FAMILIES PAYS-- $6.00 per day toward hospital room, plus up to $35.00 toward all other hospital charges. GOOD IN ANTi HOSPITAL IN THE WORLD COSTS-- $1.00 per month for a single adult $2.00 per month for a man and wife IM0 per month for entire family NO SERTICE OR COLLECTION CHARGE ALSO AVAILABLE-- A Banner Surgical and Medical Service.' Pays from $6.00 to $150.00 toward aurgery and $2.00 per day towarddoctor's bill for medical care in a hospital. GOOD ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD COSTS-- 75c per month tor a single adult $1.50 per month for a man and wife. $2.00 per month for entire family ... No Service or Collection Charge DIUCJOUS < Tiro Phono SM Tires -- Tubeo -- Batterloa -- A< and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle All Work Guaranteed 1 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Repairing r LOOKNOfURTHER YOU'RE ALWAYS SURE TO SAVE ON THE&EL BIG NAME BRANDS AT NATIONAL WHERE BEST KNOWN BRANDS COST NO MORE . THAN UNKNOWN BRANDS OF QUESTIONABLE QUALITY! Wtlcam* BASEBALL BACK WITI TIE BREAKFAST OF CIAMNMS WHEATIESlQ* ISMAU FKQf. •* laiofrM. Onlu * " InM tm Clint-- NHto Crackm % 29* BORBOrS MX 25* CNH Km S? 49* Cat. n • _ _ i^iri ^ A PV-O-MV MX 25* PMMt Mtar"^ 29* MUftA * & 69* UW»» A I imlpm. Only iUk lot $1.79 -- 111k Bat Mi GOtO MEDAL FIQUR •KUFUTTUV * 29> WNCI^ CKEMOS - 2 st 29> WTXMUT MMUX 2%29> Shftr Cak* I e*M te m _ It €»••*• W» mi Mtty Cmitir S«a» 3 "»29> CMtmiCK THIS TIME BE SURE TO SET ENOUGH RITZ CRACKERS W. S. ARMSTRONG AGENCY 525 S. Jeflferaoa St., Phone 44H1, Rockford, 111. Name - J<e...... « Addresa ... City : I am Intereated In the Banner Hospital Plaa For One • Fer Two • For Eatlre Family • Mediral and Sarfical Plan • • • Beth Services • • n CMM STYTO DELMAIZC0RH2 SHRE00E0 WHEAT _ Vadb watnw 23< MkaCndun'B'JS' Ilk Cractn -c* Zt> j' t Ne. 303 CANS Staid MOMHMMO MARIO'S OLIVES Mod* fro« Rod Rip* Towufon HATCO CATSUP 2 Piliciwi Sdod Prrnhf MIRACLE WHIP fM|MMif,j, ^W M• DILL PICKLES Yitomla EaricWd HATCO MILK GOLD MM 21. 11-Os. JAR CANNED CHICKEN mCKEN ALA KING CHUJ CON CARNE "W 1" 49. •s- 25< •K 2 'U? 29* Rar-MlMnn 4S* *£"2* KEFSM 31* SFFVLW 45« SSN 2 -- 21* WMta II SVAV MAP 3-sr 27- WMta H SVAI 2 tir tOAP » Mi S0AAP2FSUU>S S WATERMELON • smwuno ... ft. 29c WuM . Waste » POTATOES .10 us. 59c r*My rmfe rm» c«m nsrmm. . . . u . 15c r»«y FtorMa 1VKIWUT0IS . k|( I NMiaHI.:«nu0l ROHM NDHBES T & SFC Wm>h« T««e*r RESH na WASH curm SILVER DOST •55.31' ^ VJ-,. LHX FLAKES X29< NATIONAL