tAW - itmU eooa have a carfew of the Tillage board ms sting in special s*sthat the Tillage needs law. As a result, an may be prepared In a f <Mmi aoen setting 10:30 P- ™' | mm A| MM when children 16 years ' must be at home or in * oompany of their parents. The IdUr will not apply to those attend- ' tat ragnlar meetings, but is meant 1 tor thoee prowling the streets at JUSSi tat* honr ma* r - r . mischief. Many ettmf villagesita th« connty hat* the taw. The Round Lake area waa the moA recant group of Tillages to adopt It INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH flNb Ante, Farm it Life Insnranec BELIABLE*^CO»fpANIES When you need Insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M ^Creon * Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 41| DR. :*L H. WATKINS Dentist * --Office Hours-- . Tnes., Thurs., * 8a*. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Lookont Point Wonder Lake, IH. FRANK S. MAY Trneklng • ^ fji'tti "frlnrlT Dirt--Crushed Gravtfr Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l 1 R-l McHenry Thickness of red hot stall to loaves a rolling mill's inlshtng stands now can be determined accurately and speedily by alectrcnla X-ray without touching the metaL UntU recently the measurement was made by hand, after thesteri had cooled from at least 1,400 degrees to a point where a micrometer could be held against the metaL HIGHEST CASH PRICKS wMlf Dead and Crippled llerses,1 Cattle and Hogs--Sanitary Fewer Leading --Tankage and Meat Swy lor sale. Phones Arlington Heights IK or McHenry Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. First species of Ml all believed In have grown east of the Alps to ward Tartary and the Caw--. ON a Nat To help looeen the top on a SMB •crew-top bottle, damp a ant> around the cap and turn. Although clswol botantaaOy wtOi the yellow pine family, the physicnl properties of P t?\ne align it with the whith A. P. FREUND SONS EscaTating Contractors /. Trucking, Hydrastis ' • and Crane Serrice --ROAD BUILDING*-" TeL 204-M McHenry, m.1 I $ WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ml Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. ' % WILUAM M. CARROLL, Attorney-st-lsw HOVt Benton St. ' Phone Woodstock 1JS4 Woodstock, Ulinoia JR. CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslya * Parker) I Office Honrs: ! Wednesday Afternoons--1 rOS-5 Office--Koehr Supply Company. 542 Main Street, Went McHenry phone--McHenry 4SS Woodstock 1135 Uncle Sam Says Twnrrr-ms TRARS AM Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers aftd family morad last Saturday from the N. M. Bowers farm ta the south end of town to the Kant apartment on Waukegan street The old loe house, on the property more commonly referred to aa the old "Tip" 8mith h«i*i"g« on Waakegan road, haa bain rased. The first of the beautiful Moatac windows for St Patrick's churefc waa installed this week. Dr. F. J. Aleher is having n cement garage built to the north end of his home on Waukegan street FORTY YEARS AG© FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repalrn Pumps Sold nnd Repaired TEL WONDER LAKE 402 BR. MARTIN R. STOKE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green k Elm Tnes.. Thurs. k Sat TM. A Thars. 9:30 t» S:3t° Satnrdays to 8 TeL McHenry 438 WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Filling--Black Dirt--Limestone Trucks for Hire Tree Estimating Tel. C55-R-2 McHenry, I1L WELDING Maintenance and Construct ian Portable Equipment IL E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J •OS South Green St, McHenry, I1L VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law for. Green and Elm ItL, McHe«*y Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 Yon America* beta looking foe an opportunity In lake MM SGGRIASITS IRTHS which wiU ennH fallh In Is partM being riven ^Mtiosln UM DhUos'i ~i JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attoraey-at-law m Waukegan Road (RFD Bon 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 402-W Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Tracking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire TeL McHenry 588-B-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt 1, McHenry McHENRY FLORAL CO. » Phone 404 One Mile South of Mrfleary^ ---- On Route 31 " Viewers for all occasions! Telephone No. 300 3TOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER isurance agents for all daaaea of property in the best companion. West McHenry. Illinois I Bylmlatairy Hamwd RUGS, CARPETS MOTH - PROOFING In the Home Service un AOAUf THE SAME DAY ft EHREDTS DURACLEAN CO. PHOTO ROBVD LAMB 2323 the U. S. Savings "Spiing Oppor taaity Drive** Which opens May 16. Throng this drive von enn help In the pmisnetlSn «f n pmspsrom economy in year land ana show the world that Americans, men and women, still hnve that has led the couatry to the impossible**. Volna are needed to help in this _ drive and this is vonr opportunity to prove that yon have the eoaaage to protect the freedoms that are ours. Your community, your county, TOUT stale, and your country •mk your help. Volunteer today. OJ. --* spark which "Meonmliali Seer workers DR. H. 8. FIKE Veterinarian On H$iway 31--Office anftfcuae TeL McHenry 31 Office Hours: In. m. to 2 p. m. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist' -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Honrs: 10 a. si to 6 p. m. except Wednesday. Office closed nil diy Wednesday. -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $0 to $25 for Old Horace, leas for down horses and cuttle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Phone Johnsour 314 CALL AT ONCE % DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Pionic 8c$s, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fenoes, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. * CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, I1L Phone &83-J-1 The Heatilator is a hollow steal form built into the fireplace. It saves and circulates heat wasted up ordinary chimney*. BliuMnates common causes of smoking. Heats cabins in chilly weather. Saves labor and materials, Proved every - | where. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. i West^McHenry, Illinois PHOHE McHENRY ft Batter has declined to 30 cents. The quotation committee of the board of trade Monday declared the market firm nt the decline. Mrs. E. W. Howe Is exhibiting one of the most beatiful millinery displays ever brought to. town. Over Block ft Bethke's store. A. O. Rupp, founder of the McHenry Journal (deceased) waa Inst week elected to the oMf# of city clerk at Chenoa, HL, hfchan>e. The Sprlag Orove TstHmjl Is ao more, the last Issue tigiiliit last Saturday. The subaedptlon ilst and good will of the paper have been pnrchasbd by toe Richmond Gazette. BMtur fleott haa mafe one long stride townsda advnnoement. Keep It up, Br0.'8cott. Mr. and Mm. H. B. IKWMmaa of Chicngo came out Wedffeaday tor a few days' visit at the home Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Waite. f f FIFTY YEAR8 The new laundry in now a certainty. The proprietora. Messra. Wycoff and Kimball, of Wheatott, have arirved in McHenry and are at work now getting things In readiness. • The school election Saturday was without any opposition. There was a light rote polled. Jamee B. Perry was re-elected president and T. J. Walsh and F. 8. McOmber trustees. The schools are in excellent condition, which is wholly due to Prof. Angevine and Ms'able corps of teachers. W. H. Jaeger and. famHy departed for Grand Rapids, Mich, where they will reside hereafter. At the school election at joannbnrg in district No. 1, John Pltsen was re-elected as director. The new board organised with Peter Rothermel, president, and Jphn R. Freuud. clerk. SIXTY YEARS AGO Howard R. Perry, of thia village haa received frgm the War Department his appointment aa Cadet to West Point, and la ordered to report June 14. McHenry has nix saloons this year, one less than last, Joseph Buck having gone out of the business and moved on to his jarm. Mrs. Bert Darling has opened a restaurant and ice cream parlor In the brick store, oppoaite the Parker House, and has fitted the rooms up in a neat and tasty manner. Corn planting haa commqneed in tbfa vicinity, one furmer Informing us on Tuesday that he had a'ready forty acres in. JT|iis is about thirty daya ahead of last season. Overcooked cheese is lumpy, stringy and tough. To nvold overcooking. keep .toe temparature low. Ooaiplete liae of Lee's remedies at Wattlee Drug 8t£n, Me Henry. i-tf Fire Xocol Inc. Complete WARNING! The McHenry Township roads have been land are being used to dump rubbish and garbage •thereon. To those who are guilty of such acts, which are law violations, this warning is issued. Violators will be prosecuted if apprehended."- CHARLES J. MILLER HiagWAY OOMWISMOtntB. CLEANING SERVICE in Our Own 906 8. O&EXM ST. McHENRY Free Pickup and Delivery Sendee ft prevent light as appiasv pears, and from darknnlng. drop tbem vhtegar solution. Use twj^ spoons of salt and two ' ef vinegar to a galloo of Fruit should have a tat aaaalac. ' •afese of CvaakanlSa Cranberries are firmly kigsi h American tradition as a 'itttt" tood. Before flw white nutt^s arrival they wars valued by tndiafl medicine man. Later, Maw Bnglaiiu sailors standing watdi wad to munch handfuls of raw cianheniss which they grabbed from the bar* relvpt In the cook's %aUoy. V* tart red berries probably warded off scurvy, which Is caused by lack of vitamin C b addition to vitamin C, cranberries also supply some minerals, tadndtog lodtoa and iron, to tta diet la toe acta PaslBe^Ceast states It BMt asat «f all twtf prahactfpn tfan^Msne^ Mm* a m -- B*wwe IlllWf UII|IUOOi appcoa< a atop rtmi a trade Une Junction, or pertisps a dangerous corner. A round sijpi indicatee there is a railroad erossing ahead. A diamondshapad sign-means that yon should slow dawn -- Immediately ahead may ha a dangerous curve or hill, a narrow bridge, end of pavement, bad road, etc. Mead tomatoes, dipped *1 m and crumbe and fried to a golden la own an both sides, are antra good dressed up with eour cream sauce. After lifting the fried slices to a hot platter, sprinkle a couple of tablespoons ef fkmr over the fat left h the pan, mix well, then pour In a cup or a cup and a half of sour cream. Stir and cook slowly until thickened. Season with salt and pepper as desired. Then pour the hot sauce over toe tomatoee on the platter and serve qt once. We <NSt to Mt «Mi grtirt ford tractor. u scum Armed with a heavy tfeis^halnmer, burglars tooka M» tfie Lake Geneva high schbol vnili and attempted to gain entrance tnto the Railway Iftipieas ageacj between # and S:t0 p. m. Stolen from the school safe $lf» Bnpt Varaon Pollock, that. bean strewn ahont the ndt N^htog a from the ezprew office. Sam! aid Gravel Co. SsoRvatiRf iod Oraae S«Yio^ : ^ ^ " Black Dirt - Said and Onvd -> t t Ovadlflf,v^ III Q -- KM&lliii ^ k"p"s .. ,S8S» 4 fieelnf Is Mkviaf. Haft wky we wnmt you to •aa vkf Ihe Fetd Tractor Is wallnf so many new frieods daSfy. How abooi ew bringkkg a tractor o^ to you fan* lor a free ilaawwIiatloiiT IMll like Um Tripl^Qoick Attaching .. • 4M ykt t apaad tranamhaion « • Feed ByMIe Teach Control of imptaaenta' • and aaarfy OHMT advaalfaa. Doaiboni Impla» meals (made for As Feed Tractor) jure joat right, too. TonU like par kind of service. So how about dropping ia or phoning as soon? P. & W. Farm Machine^ Co., Inc. Rand Road at Oraceland Phone 1323 Desplaines, 111. AND Y'S tOOD oiid DRINKS at Their Best ^ " : " i" i ; >i 11 ' i'11 v. ii ' i i ii"Willi' ' STEAKS --- CHICKEN Our Steaks and Chops are Gharcoal Broiled! Dining room open 'til midniyh*. SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED FROM. 12:30 ON ----- (Closed on Monday) ANDY'S Telephone Woodstock 1065 ; % Mile North of Woodstock On Highway 47 When you inspect the cords and plugs on yohr appliances look for these danger signs: worn insulation •.. broken plugs... loose prongs •. . frayed or damaged outer COYCT. Never roe cords under rugs--stepping and walking on tiiem brooks down the Insulation and Ab damage may bo overlooked. tfceo--irt fcoaftof sa^j^is when In w»e to prevent 4e rua over radiators •r steam pipes-- #ver-heatlng may SOfren msutonon or fousa it to crack. , *. • / Cordi dbvM oover Jo used as a sub* «INUf# TOT pMvvKWV* it and properly \ i 0o net pfffft torA In door {ambs-- squeezing breaks the protective covering* do eof dtecoaeecf cppBuw by pulling on the cord-- • tWhPiWs lwoavawownwa Inhive nections. Cords sfcou/d ho axomised regularly --worn cords should bo replaced to prevent short circuits and possible elec- -'m »e w-i ooCo s ^ Have all e/ecfricaf repairs and wiring done by a competent electrical contractor* ;'4*r PUI