T Sass bs* i}tv. lm«< in » Thursday f«i reported as ln>- wj doctors In St. Joseph tkk week. Richard B. lln injured In the blast „ occurred in the basement • hone under construction r miles east of Elgin, returned wmrk Friday. The explosion the ranch:type house from foundation and buckled all walls. Glass Blswtrs Island On the island of Murano, close to Venice, master glass blowers aaake b^utiful vases. ,r •Kwl rubber stamps.? Order at TIm Plaiadealen IMaphone NO. SM IfOKtHL ft RBIHAN9PERGER taaarisi f agents for all classes of jupifll in the best companies West MeHenry, Illinois . |Hfc---- II 1 ^ K INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH §1*4 Alt* Farm * Llfe Iaaaranae " EEUABLE*wSlfANIES When you need insurant* •f any kind - Phone 48 or H8-M fhn * Ebn Tot Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. W ATKINS Dentist > --Office Honrs-- Taos., Thank, ft Safe, .'y 9 i b. to 6 p. n. Evenings by Appointment Paint Wonder Lake, I1L FRANK S. MAY - Trucking Sand--Black Dirt--Crashed Gravel light Excavating -- Limestone i Trnck for Hire Phone MeHenry SSe-M-t' | R-l MeHenry . Sandwich Spread cream cheese* with chopped greefT peppers, prepared horse» radish and little mayonnaise for a delicious sandwich spread. DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway SI--Office and Houae TeL MeHenry 31 Office Hoars: 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. Except Thuradays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J MeHenry Office Honrs: 1« a. at te 4 p. m. except Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. -- WANTED TO BUT -- We pay $S to $2S for Old Horace, leas for down horses and cattk MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Real Phase Jonnsburg 114 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLB We pay phone charges il.H WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ml Main St, MeHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting aiAt w. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 4*4 M'HENRY, ILL. William m. carroll, jr. Attorney-at-law lioy, Benton St. Tkone Woodstock W4 Woodstock, Illinois PR. MARTIN R. STONE1 CHIROPRACTOR " Office Corner Green & Elm Taes., Thnrs. t Sat Tnes. A Thnrs. tsSO to &:M Satardays to 8 • TeL MeHenry 4SS HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs--Sanitary Power Loading --Tankage and Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 11C er MeHenry KM4. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M MeHenry, DL CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (JosWn * Parker) Office Honrs: Wednesday Afternoons--1:0t-5 Office--Koehr Supply Company, $42 Main Street,.West MeHenry Phone--MeHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 ' WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel I--Black Dirt--Limestone Trucks for Hire FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor *Repaire Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 fK-E-2 MeHenry, III. WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- MeHenry 51-J 900 feonth Green St, MeHenry, I1L MeHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 < One Mile Sooth af MeHenry On Ronte 31 I Flowers for all occasions! VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Oor. Green and Sim Sts., MeHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone MeHenry 43 X. WAYNNB . Attorney-at-law 800 Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST MeHENRY, ILL. Phone MeHenry 492-W Sand Limestone VERN TflELEN . Trucking * Gravel "• Black Dirt ii Truck for Hire TeL MeHenry 588-E-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt 1, MeHenry HcHenry Sand and Gravel Co. x Excavating and Crut Service Blaok Dtrt -- Band and Gravel Road Grading CALL McHEHRY 97-J Real Misery ON THE SUBURBAN train, Jones had just read a long letter he had received that day from his old home town. Mellowed by the happy memories it conjured, he turned to the stranger beside him and genially remarked, "DM you ever get a letter that brought back visions of the past?" ' Stark misery stared out of the other's eyes. "Have IT* the man cried. *XMy today I got one from the government, telling me I still owed them $1,900 on my 1044 Income tax/* WAS RIGHT The gang was having an old fashioned sleigh ride and everybody wss having a wonderful time. But one tfrl sighed unhappily. "What*s the matter?** asked the handsome senior. "Nobody loves ma, and my hands sre cold.'* "Oh, that's an right,** he repBed softly. "Your mother loves you. and you can sit on your hands." Discard Boogy--I know my clothes look terrible this morning, but my wife left them in the middle of the floor last night Woogy--She did? Couldn't aha pick them up? Boogy--Not very welL I was in them. equal to ar eveq lingar Omm 'the time spent hi the air en Mttbetween msny cities, a br by the American Road Builders* association shows. Hm study was conducted by Walter R. Macatee, manager of the ARBA airport division. It covered 80 airports In major cities. Commenting ah the results of the survey, Macatee stated: "It comes as a surprise to many people to learn that ground travel before and after an air trip ia generally slow and time-consuming. Our survey indicstes. however, that-this is unfortunately true. Indeed, ano of the most important problems In improving sir travel is that of cutting dowp the ground travel time between cities and the airport*" Plana Daaa M0 M.FJL A British robot rocket plana has readied a level flight spsed of over 900 miles an hour. The flight was made at a height of 10,000 to 40,- 000 feet, and the plana flaw ly 1.4 times the speed ct i That Is the equivalent of MS* an hour in wanner air near the ground. This is the fastest Iqrel speed ever reached in Britain, though John Deny has flowa with a Do HaviOand 100, taster than sound in a dive, and In the United States a piloted rocket plana fcss also exceeded the spesd of sound. The Browning Movement 'named after Robert Brown, an English botanist who first noticed It in 1127. is a random movement of microscopic particles suspended In s fluid medium. It may occur, for example, with an air-borne smoke particle, which is being bumped all the time by test moving molecules of oxygen snd nitrogen, the gasas-i# which sir Is made explain scientists of the G. E. research laboratory Every now and then it will happen that the bumps are all on the same side, producing a sudden motioo of the particle Such motions can be observed easily under s high power microscope, particularly In a suspension of very small "colloidal" particles In a liquid. Bead the Want Ads.. Bigger Loss "Pull over, mister," said the traffic cop. "You haven't any tail light" The motorist stopped, got out for s look, and was speechless with dismsy. "Well, It's bad, but not that bad," said the officer. Recovering his voice, the motorist quavered, "It's not the tall light that bothers me, but what's become of my trailer?" •Qy 8emebedy Had-To Friend: "What's Dick doing now?" Farmer: "Well, he's a-dociorin'." "And John?" "He's horse tradin'.** "And William?" « "He's sorter savin' souls.** "And Tom?" "Well, Tom he's softer politicin'." "And you?" "I? Well, I'm sorter farmin' sn* afeedin' Dick, John, William an* Tom." POPULAR Special mil Portrait Services atlDAl ALftUM Protect and cherish the permits thst reflect the precious moments of your wedding day. Mount them in an album as exquisite u your weddiag gown, as enduring sa year liNM» "THANK YOU" FOLOEtS Send clever gift scknewledp menu that personalise your "thank you with a miniature photograph your family snd meads will WORWICK'S STUDIO 117 Riverside Drivo MeHenry Phone 275 After a visit to dancing school. One mother advised her smsll daughter that she should not Just dance silently like a totem pole; talking to her partner was also a of the social picture. On a later visit the mother saw that each time the music started, the same little boy tore across the floor, bowed to her daughter, and swept her sway to the music. dh the way home, the mother asked why the same lad chose her for every dance. "Oh. him." her smsll dsughter explained. "I'm telling hj[m a continued murder mystery." f t - * - - NOW THEY KNOW Ave of three girls, who had grown ap together, married, and thereafter they contWuMy annoyed their spinster friend with tactless remarks about her as* happy condition. She laughed off their comments geodnaturedly until one day they went a bit tee far. "Now teO us truthfully," they twitted her, "have you ever really had a chance to marry?" With a withering glance, she retorted, "Suppose you ask your two husbands." always give savsiMl to tim various conditions and substances that may subsequently affect the finish, la the esse of refrigerators, for instance, a coating is checked for adhesion, flexibility. toughness, and resistance to chipping. It is also tested for its imperviousness to food and beverage staips: fruit Juices, alcohol, oil, grease, rancid butter, etc Finishing systems for refrigerators using sulfur dioxide as ar refrigerant must have e high sulfur dioxide rsting because of the possibility of a unit starting to leak and causing discolorstion of the surface. Finishes are also checked for their resistance to heat, humidity, weather and ultraviolet rays. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Ba*M*d oast, Ma eeoo^d'aerlee of thla simmer. President Boh. Davy said the group of thirty musicians will offer an entertaining "Stop the Band" feature. "The new program, starting with the first concert on Friday, June/ 24, will be similar," said Mr. Dart, to the famous radio show, "Stop the Mttslc." -But it Will be easier to win a prise." Idaho Irrigation Idaho Is third hi the nation In number of irrigated acres of termland with two and one-half million under irrigation. Far Sanitary Milk Washing and drying a cow's udder before milking is an lmportpt ftep In producing sanitary mWt ' Toai Permanent Wave Kiti. fl.25 and 02.00. Wattles Drug Store. 85-tf FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phosphate 8oil samples taken on request Plaoe orders early and avoid msh.-- Barn Lime and Chips for Driveways CHART,TO FRIUHD, Owner 401 W. Waukegaft Read McHKNRY, ILLINOIS TeL 86-W or 412-J LDST-R-OjO Plastic Tile Inexpensive. n Iastalled at m Big Saving Over Ordinary Tile Hew the «Ohs" and "Ahs" when von skew off year new LUST-R* 6L0 Tiled hathreeaa, kitchen an d piny room. YeaH be thrilled with year steaming, colorfal waUs. And delighted that the eatfare Jeh^was so l LU8T«R4IL0 comes in Individual beveled 4%" square tiles. Don't confuse It with Imitation sheets or boards. Installed quickly without mess. Cannot crack or chip. Durable. Fire resistant Vermin and termite proof. AVAILABLE HOW! Call for free mate and samples. IS popalar colors le cheese freak Also rubber and asphalt floor tile. J, M. STANGARONE Phone 661-J l MeHenry, HI. The Heatilator is a hollow steel form built into the fireplace. It saves and circulates heat wasted up ordinary chimneys. Eliminates common cause* of smoking. Heats cabins in chilly wea$er_£aves labor and materials. Promacverywhere. ALEXANDER /LUMBER CO. West MeHenry, Illinois PIONE MaUBNRT S m m the past two the aenlor dasa of Bar> high adMtol. has voted to take a tour of the eastern United Statei. The; trips have been highly successful in past yeare, and this jtaaN excursion is expected S~be even better with the addition of Boston to the Itinerary. Approximately fifty seflors have expressed their desire to go Oh the trip. Money was earned this year through bake sale, a rummage sale and con sessions at athletic games. Less emphasis was put on class projects this year as a means' of Is pcoviag.te be aa s|. meonservlng Hart # Puerto R0O. Equality State Official flower of Indian paint brush and the dowlark is the stste bird. Need robber stamps? OrdMr "d|" The Plaindealer. P ©SFV-v- " /':• ; -1 ' -i- Glasses flsaal Training -- Visual Rehabilitation ^ Complete Visual Aulyds Hoars Daily; 8 to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to S:M PHONB McHBNRT 451 HENRY FREUND OPTOHETRISV S. Oreen St, McHenl^ (Closed Thursday Afternoons) LILYMOOR PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT ASS"N oordiallj invites you and ^ JN)ur fHends to the ; . " GALA r vt * r CLui LILYMOOR on Route 120 SATURDAY . • 28 Music by l>A&Alft>AU O&CBXSTKA ' Admission 60c Tax Inc. Ghas. Rogers, Pres. local Lie. Net Enough Doctors The U. S. is said to have only 80 per cent of the physicians it needs Gaaeer ia Children Cancer has become ooe of the leading causes of death among children. When One teaspoon of lemon Juice to the water in which rice Is belled wffl help to separate A Complete CLEANING SERVICE Itone in Our Own Plant 206 S. OR1EN ST. MeHENRY Tree Pickup and Delivery Service CHECK THESE POINTS OF SUPERIORITY ;?i J:1' AO MATCHES NEEDED on this cut&matic Magic Chof--oven th« oven light* automatically. . • CLOCK CONTROL lor tho Magic Chof ovon is dependable, easy to «ise. CQQks meals while you're away, RED WHEEL REGULATOR assures accurate oven heat at all times, r Just set it and forget it--it will do the zest SWING OUT BROILER is an ezdusive Magic Chef feature. No stooping. So easy-to-clean. DNE PIECE TOP BURNER catches spillovers. Can be easily removed for washing. A Magic Chef exclu-, sive feature. DELICIOUS COOKING--tasty pies. Juicy steaks, vitamin-rich vegetables-- all can be yours when you cook on a Maai&JSbrf aqs _ range. . gjjpr BUILT TO(W j STANDARDS . Now Lower Prices-Bay Tear New B«ag« Nfw. • . ' ' ; "li . . Western United Gas sad Electric Company ST* A it $6 6 K S K,N O W -- C A S HAS GOT I Tt • . J ' ' / < ,' ti:'.'-- . V f ? t" a •