tSE McrtEinti' PIAITOKALM ELSIE AND HER SON, BEAUREGARD 9 V wt friends at Harvard. and what'a more, this world famous hoofer promises to more and more people each year. The reason? Well. Elsie likes' people! And people like her. Elsie. th,e cow, and her, .son, Harvard. June 9. Visitors to will be able to se.e Elsie and Beauregard, will be meeting the this nationally fam6us day, honor- Beauregard In this unique bovine public at Harvard Milk Day in ing the milk center of the nation, boudoir. \" ELSIE, FAMOUS BORDEN COW, TO VISIT BULK DAY Klsie, the famous Borden cow, and her charming son, Beauregard, will be on hand to greet thousands of visitors at Har- ' vard Milk Day. June 9 in Harvard. She will arrive at Harvard in her private express car June 7. Elsie and Beauregard will be officially welcomed to Milk Djiy by General Chairman Louis Simonini. With Elsie and Beauregard will -be their two-ton boudoir and all , its furnishings. She is also bringing along baby things for the calf, : her special menu of food for trav- | eling and her personal at^endents. | including a boudoir manager and J two herdsmen who watch over her I night and day. Elsie's appearance at Harvard GIFTS AT BOLGER'S Van Heusenv or else! • • Wt kka$ for father as featured in UFfe . V Vtm ffiHiM 400 tkirt with patented can't-wilt-or- Vrtakle oee-pieoe collar, French cuffs. Superb white Iroadcloth iMJJ f Kmf» Mm ooml with a Vaa Heusen air-weave shirt • •« 4m shirt with the wide open windows. Smart solid IlUa tad white $£»& H# kind •/ dm he'd choose for himself... hand* •e panel designs, rich ooloriap, fine satins. By fm Heusen t&M i '• Mp Mm iIms tight . ; . Wonderfully com- _ fsrtaiile Van Heuseit Fimribelt pajamas in smart patterns mi rioh fabrics .V> to**l«.0e < b that are washable wonders, gandsome summer colors with exclusive two-w*v iU-NoooUu............ UJK to McGEE'S 117 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY . . • I I U -•k-r-- -- Milk Day is one of her first stops on her 1949 transcontinental tour. Judging from the millions of people who have already seen her and the beautiful bovine boudoir, 1949 will be Elsie's biggest year. Her tours have taken her from the New York World's Fair to Hollywood. the movies, and into the hearts of millions of Americans. Elsie and her boudoir have visited more than ninety cities. She has been seen by one out of every six Americans. N'ation-wide surveys have shown that she is better ktaown than movie czar Eric Johnson. Jinx Falkenberg and Albert Einstein.. In p o p u l a r i t y , s h e i s h e a d a n d shcrulders (withers) above Van Johnson and Jane Russell. Yes, Elsie is truly a celebrity. Just last year she was named 'Dairvland's Greatest Saleslady" by Mila Swanton of the Wisconsin Council of Agriculture. She is recognized as the most famous advertising animal in the world. Elsie is also the most traveled cow in the world, having more air miles to her credit than any other bovine, excepting her famous ancestor who jumped over the moon! Elsie's boudoir at Harvard Milk Day will .cover a spacious 20 by 2# foot area. The bovine glamour girl sleeps in a four-poster bed with plaid canopies designed to match the window draperies and dressing table skirt§.\ Her lamps are milk bottles topped^with dainty pink taffeta shades. Beauregard has his own extra-large playpen, complete, with dolls, rattle and other children's toys. He is learning to read from a copy of "The Adventures of Supercalf." There is also a large easy chair made from a barrel and a roomy chaise lounge, originally a wheelbarrow, I and a go-cart for Beauregard. Her bookcase is filled with such bovine best-sellers as "How To Live On 5.000 Quarts a Year," "Practical Bull Psycowlogy," and "Calves or a Career." The nursery boudoir contains s uch essential items as Nose Ring Polish. Horn Blower, and Anti-Tick-Talc. Elsie and Beauregard won't be bothered by all the bands, floats* and other gay festivities at Harvard Milk Day since she has appeared at dozens of state fairs and expositions all over the nation She is expecting to make many new How prowl thmy'll bo Graduation Day , 60-Year Old Grandfather Wins Love of Vienna Girl • CHICAGO^--Sam Hedge, 90 year o l d g r a n d f a t h e r , s a i d h e w a s "knocked dead for Joy" when i 30 year old Viennese beauty contest winner accepted hjj proposal of marriage during a $25 transatlantic telephone call. Hedge said the call to Getta Rauch was "worth a million dol lars." ' "The first thing she said was. 'Sam, I love you, I love you, I love you." " he said. "Then England butted in. There was some wirt trouble. But she said she'd marrj me. I was knocked dead for joy." Hedge became acquainted with Fraulein Rauch's family a ye<Tr ago when his church gave him the name and address as person* worthy and in need. He began send ing groceries and presents. "I learned there was a girl ir the family and sent her an Easier outfit." he said. "We began ex changing pictures and [ fell in love with her. She speaks English but w.'ites to me in German. A schoolteacher trans.ates her letters for me. They're wonderful." Bruised Apples Serious losses to apple groweroccur because of bruising of fruip 1 Why (>hone Wires Hum Telephone wires hum. electrical science explains, because jhe wind vibrates them and produces sound waves, as do the strings In a musical instrument timber Wolf Timber wolf belongs to that group of animals of which both parents share the responsibilities of the home. Some naturalists believe that they mate for QUe. Lime on the Farm Lime has two main functions on the .farm, (I) It corrects the acid and alkaline needs of the soji. (2) It supplies plant food and brings about many secondary effects which, affect the growth of plants such as the immobilization of toxic substances and the increase ?in availability of plant nutrients. The practice of liming was known before the Christian era. Throw 'Cm Out If. your medicine cabinet Is full ; to Overflowing, maybe it's time to i go through It and throw cAit half of ' the bottles and boxes Those drugs : left ov^rfrom ailments long-past will have lost their effectiveness by ! the time <if ej?er> they are needed , again It's a good rule to dispose | of them as soon as the,patient ! r e c o v e r e d -- t h a t e l i m i n a t e s t h e I chance of anyone taking them £jr mistake • > Thursday Jane 2,1949 Have Fish Cars? Snakes and fish have ears Mt these ears have no outside openings. They "hear" mostly through vibrations in the ground or fcrater. Sooth fsls lee Cap Growth of the South Pole ice cdf is certified by the snowfalls which produce the thousands of great icebergs disgorged annually along its 12.000 mile coast line. 'Get Tough' Policy Qeft Response From Lost Tot SACRAMENTO, CALIF. Kind ness, ice creaox and candy failed to draw the right word*, from the lost little boy. Finally policeman Bill Wilson put on his grimmest face and said: "Now"see here, wise guy, If you don't sing, I'll throw you so deep into the clink they'll have to pump the sunshine to you!" Said the boy quickly: "I'm Dickie Sharrah. I live at 1015 Arcade blvd., and I are four years old." Smallest State Nevada ia the smallest state the union from the standpoint of population. Breakable Target A paper target with a printed bull's-eye is the best known rifle target. £ut most people like to see something happen when they hit a target--have it move or break. Breakable targets can be readily made by sawing a piece of 2" * 2" lumber into 2-inch lengths. Family Council ' One way of attaining a more succesful home life is by the provision of a family council. Let all members of the household join hi this council and meet once a week to discuss common problems. This will give anyone with a grievance an opportunity to bring it before the group. Hessian Fly Again Wheat jointworm. ranking next to Hessian fly as causing heavy losses to the wheat crop, was present in many fields this past season. The areas most heavily ia- ' tested were southern Illinois^ cea- 1 tral and southern Indiana, southwestern Ohio, Kentucky, and sevj eral localities in Missouri. The department of agriculture is warning farmers to make use of known I control measures to avoid severe and widespread infestations in I 1949. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Complete line of Lee's pealtrj remedies at Wattles Drug Store. „M;i Henry. • (r' ' 8-ti ft. INSECT | RtPELLlNT 1 LAMP • t : 1 • ( t s O O ' ; ' 1 A T T I,' A (. T ! (. ) M UP TO 7 ^ Insect Repelling« PHONE 40 YELLOW CLASS LAMPS that are translucent...' give ample lighting for all outdoor needs.. .yet they re- * duce attraction for insects.. .mosquitoes.. .gnats up to 92% - -. Use them freely on porches... in gardens by the barbecue pit.. .aad all ever your summer cottage. 100 watt size .... 30c each z 00 watt the .... 16e each BOLGER'S DRUG STORE McHENRY, ILL, MOVING TO WEST COAST V A U C T I O N W. H. &USSEL, Auctioneer SUNDAY, JUNE 5th AT If. H. at Richard von Bampus' Located ll/t blocks west of Shorehills Food Shop, WONDER LAKE, ILL. 3-pc. Sectional Sofa 9x12 Rug and Pad Hatching Dapenport and Chair . Detroit vapor Gas Stove Set of Maple Bonk Beds (cmoplete) Sectional Bookcase Tables Oil Circulating Heater Lounge Chair witfi Ottoman 2 Folding Baby Buggies 3 Chests of Hrawwrft 2 Washing Machine^ Garden Tractor Cultivator and Planter ° Porch Shades, 618 ft Lamps Blond Modern Cfef&er Table Breakfast Set Mirrors Deluxe Car Air Conditioner Canning Supplies Dishes Inside Door , ' Toys Mkny Other MIkoHmmmm HooMhold ArtieiM W«aiMaoal >«•>. m Uliutrutii •Mflobls at extra cotf. V * others priced from \ " *19.95 to $125 jeutebuf THERE'S the smile when you slip the selector lever into Driving notch --and realize ' that's all there is to do. There's the smile when you swing smoothly up to cruising speed without halt or check or break of stride. There's the smile at traffic lights when you halt, wait, then move away ' , with never a thought about shifting. But the broad&t grin of all comes at the end of a long day's drive and you find you've Opvered more miles more easily. Even your treadle-foot--so likely to become tired and cramped maintaining an even speed in directdrive cars -- appreciates the fluifi ease 0/ ' Dynaflow. For Dynaflow Drivet is not merely a new transmission. It's a new experience -- a new luxury in driving. In ten minutes you are handling it like a veteran--in two days you wouldn't be without it. tStandard on ROADMASTER, optimal at extra mt M $UWl mMu Tui-- in J. TAYLOR. ABC N«fwork. *t«ry Monday svining. Small wonder* then, that Dynaflow is the drive with which all new developments in transmissions are compared. Not merely "sdmething better," it is something entirely new, the first exciting chapter in a whole new book. J Go learn for yourself how abundantly rich in pleasure every gallon becomes when you have Dynaflow. Your Buick dealer will be glad to demonstrate •--glad to quote delivered prices--glad to talk terms of as fine a deal as you could want. And you'll find glad surprise in the deiivetf dates he is now mentioning. ML iCK mlom* hma mil thmme femturem Sifc-imooM. OYMAflOW OWVf* . fUU-VWM "VISfOM from wlorgtd glass ana • SWING &ASY OOOSS and aoi y access • "(IVIN9 INIWORI with Deep-Cradle ttfthan Buoyant-riding QUAD9UMX COM. SMfNGINir My MMMU STRAIGHT-HGW POWCR w>* Mv-smiMG vALvt unrns ph. m-poum moMf Mowmwi • low-pressw* tires om *AmY-UO* VMS . Cnimr-Um WMPOtll 0IMIX IIAIINOJ, maim and eonmttmg rodb •oor or « u •Steeder# on ROADMASTER. optional at u(r'|cMf •- 00 SUFEft mad«l(. BVWCM mUi ftssiM tMrnm roue Ktf id Gkatbt vme lata Street WiW MeHenry R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FXONT STREET McHENEY, ILLINOIS