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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1949, p. 2

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HPPPli II fjgi '•CS^ -V* KALSH Tvi*?y fc:5-"*"'... / WITf, 1»4» 4H BrtvMk Cfin Eight little girls were present Fr Edward Coakley of McHenry the remaining term of Lyle Stens 4nd a talk was given by Major ru^- ^Jund^of applause in lieu of at the home of Mrs. Claire Riete Henry 0. Byorum from Fort Sheri- thanks was given to R. H. Pinkel s*l in Deep Spring Woods on Sat VmMUt Lake 1 dan. Also from Fort Sheridan was for "having completed the fine new urdav, when a picnic jwas held for m H i n i i n i w t m > (by Vane*** Sells) Om OM SfllMfr Pmrai At Senkw ©a Memorial I»sj Otto Scholr. former local resident street signp in the subdi\ision and the Brownie Scouts. Those attend so freely of his time for the ing were: Suzanne and Mary Lou lettering. Miller. Penny Halseth. Judy Bas- There was general discussion tien. Barbara Mahal. Kathryn Maabout the picnic which will be jercik. Roberta Mpreau and Susan held on the South' Beach on Satur^ Spuehr. The next meeting of the day July 23 and Sundav. July 24. Brownies will be held at the Riete- Announcement was iyade that sel home on Tuesday, June 7. in place \ the south beach and that the now of the army. Scholz placed a wreith at the base of the monument following the ceremony. M./Spt. Carl Cihos served as master of ceremonfes and the dedi- . cation of the jnonument was given At'the impressi've Memorial Day by Commander John McMahon of services held at the triangle in the local Legion post. on the south beach and Egg Shells ter Umtod I Egg sheila are an excellent j source of calcium and the calcium is almost 100 per cent digestible. ] Calcium i* essential in bone de- j velopment and is added to livestock feeds. 1 •*« 0-l»lN* World supply of rice to Ilfceif ts ] continue short in IMS. Pasture Feraf# Rotational grazing wiO hetftB provide more pasture forage. ' ' What Is a Lake? Fish are a crop; a lake is an aquatic pasture, community-owned and frequently overstocked, a con* dition that can cause poor fishing quite as much as understocking. Layiag leu One hundred laying hens nave 20 nests and 70 to M «f roosting space, i** * »;/: Per Weed Carvers • (ilrl Sreats The Oirl Scouts met on Wednesday evening. June 1. at the Legion Hofilie. They will, however meet on Mondays hereafter with Ltheir leader. Mrs. Hell Tallman Co- StVlnkeT""jiminie Widen. » Willie Resident" o7 the >^der is Mrs Evelyn Gallup. The Fiala and Bob Moreau. plained that the violent action of troop c-ommitte6 for the newl> waves and wind always washes it formed Girl Scout Troop is com- 9,.v flMin Posed of Mrs. Bott, Mrs. Dorothy wfs suggested that* the by- MeEacluren and Mrs. Marion Can- Wonder Center on Monday, one color Kuard was composed Jd WQod ier will soon be placed old polider stood at attention witb Gf Bill Kamp. Maltha Hansen and Qn the beach. the younger men of World Wars I Pau] Murdoch and the firing squad , vvhen |nqUi, es were made conand 11. He was Jack Graff, veteran was niade up of John Kinsella. cernj„g tj,e placing of sand at the of the Spanish American War, and Bob Gallup. Marius Hansen. Sgt. h„at.hes near the shore, Mr. Marx, he was a s o l i d e r l y s i g h t i n t h e - - • - « « . « - - uniform of that war. A monument to the memory of Robert A anderstraeten. who lost Spring Meetin his life "over Germany in the late Of 1 lid lull Rid*! war and for whom the Wonder The Spring kieetins of the Jn Lake Legion Post was named, was dian Ridge Subdivision Assoc,ia When purchasing a winter coat it is wise to remember the fact that the best linings are usually slippery so that the coat will go on and off easily; firm so the lining won't pull at the seams; color-last; prs-shrunk; and of a material that won't wrinkle or stain, Sentbern Palp, Paper flMtbera states now are proiaclng three times as much pulp arid paper as they did in 1936. The annual value of the finished paper products is 7S0 million dollars. ktampsT The Plaiudealer. ffp | .Ease of cutting sugar pine 'Owlet sTi ,t « basic material for wood ' '•'••.I vers, mt •wsssliM -p WW* unveiled. coiicrele 'memorial was designed and erected by &mil Legion hay. with Ctviry- V c n K n a u f o f S h o r e H i l l s . s o n s p r e s e n t . M i c Tfce memorial was blessed by. Thompson was appoints ohorrna FOR YOUN JEWELED JACKET AND JEANS laws be amended to change the nonspring meeting from the Saturday s held on^mirdav at the {£for* Memorial Dav to the first The American Legion Auxiliary * " • ^ - Slay in June, but the matter was shelved until later. School Is Oat At Harrison SCHOOL IS OUT! On Tuesday the youngsters of 'Harrison, school called for their report Cjrfrds and this year was officially /over. Pic eotmty meeting is Friday at Huntley. Call Gradelle Proper for transportation 4t Wonder Lake 696. w 'Qaeen* Sting » Queen bee has a • longer sting than the worker, but rarely uses it except in combat or in killing other queens. Instances of a . beekeeper being stung by a queen are extremely rare. The queen doesjiot lose her sting in killinyg another queen: ! " ^ " Chicago's Population The population of the Chicago metropolitan area approximates 5,314,000 persons. Seven million persons live within a ICO-mile radius of Chicago, 10 million within a 150-mile radius,- and 60 million within a 500-mile radtus. Read the Want A dr.* Complete line of""Beehe" livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me Flenrv. %-tf Mr. aafl Mrs. A. M. Vtnje of Parlr^Ridge were quests on Saturday ^nd Sunday at the home of their daughter and her family, Mr. nics and' a^eVdarprefe^ded'the Mrs BuSter Pr°per' °f Indla" closing of school. The high school will be out on Friday and a round of *pirnics and parties are now in progress there. The Sophonv Junior class for their , Ridge. •lass pent Mr. tttd Mrs. >'oble Pu^gr of Crystal* Lake were callers on Sun-! an»i TiiP ^ at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. £_v<itnl I>ake Gail Wrede. Mr. Puffer is chairman i _ _It pwuic^on Tuesdav and the i »he «ute f^ucation smd regis. Freshmen go to Walkup Woods for ,tratlon department. , 'hT'LmS™.^ea,?^»Tci. in ' A .urprlse party and foTng-«ay i McH.nrfSi?l Z tonZ[ J»n« 5 '?<TZ at the high school and commence- j2,arjL nfiH, th.' ment is Wednesday. June 8. Commencement at Woodstock high will be on JuneS One Wonder Lake in« soon to I»l*ndLake. graduate^will receive his diploma there. Donald Grill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Grill of Wooded Shores. Two froifi Wonder Lake will graduate at McHenry, Henry Cross and Jayne Cristy. ©BFwHmurs REFRIGERATOR is YOUR FRESH CANDY HEADQUARTERS! Friends of Hazel and Dick Von Bampus will be" sorry to learn that they have sold their Shore Hills home and will leave on Tuesday. June 7, for the west coast, where Dick plans to enter a university in the fall. The Von Bampuses are auctioning all of their possessions on Saturday afternoon, June 5, starting at 1 p. m. The Open House held set the Legion Home on Mefnorial Day afternoon was well attended and the Legirn Auxiliary served coffee and cakes to all who called. Christen Infant The -little son of Gloria and George Freund was christened on Sunday at St. Patrick's church, McHenry, with the baby's maternal grandmother, Mrs. George P. Freund of McHenry and a proxy r his paternal grandfather, Har- •KBiggers serving as sponsors. Every young "cowboy" will thrill to authentically western denim jacket and jeon outfits. Studded with brilliant jewels and silver* bright harness spots. Western cut and ruggedly tailored of 8 oz. Sanforized washable Denim. Jocket has yoke shoulder, 2 pockets, grippers. Jeans have long roll-up cuffs, talon zipper fly, 4 pockets plus watch pocket. Double stitched, copper riveted, reinforced throughout. Jacket -- Sizes 1 to 12 ... . $2.95 Jeons -- Sizes 1 to 12 ... . $2.95 The Toddler Shop Rj/s.-W. J. Cardin«l of Oak Park was present at the ceremonies on M e m o r i a l Day when h e r brother, "Bub" McMahon, dedicated the new monument. 0VB fR€SH tfPT FRESH Kenneth Audino celebrated his sixth birthday on Memorial Day, with a group of little friends present at a party. Besides his sister. Virginia, and his brother, Donald, those attending were: Rob and Judy Kolar, Jean Selsdorf, Robbie f-Cormier and Sandra Sells. Residents of Ifidian Ridge are ^ reminded of the special meeting to be held this evening. June 2. at 8:15 p. m. at the home of Carl1 Marx, president. .j CHOCOLATES Cor. Green and Elm Streets McHenry, m. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHOJiE 40 McHKNRY, ILL. WHY DO IT THE HARD WAY? GET OUR CONVENIENT IOW-COST WMJ COMBINATION WINDOWS changs panels from iiuidml Briefles Mrs. Roy Harrison will entertain the W. S. C .S .of the Greenwood Methodist church on Thursday, June 2--Mildred Howarka served1 as "Adah" on Advanced Officers Night at the Woodstock Order of F'astern Star--On June 2, Mr. and Mrs. Howorka are to serve in Algonquin, Mrs. Howorka as "Ruth" and Herbert as treasurer; and on June 8, they will serve in Hebron, he as warder and she as "Martha." --Walter Troxell underwent major surgery at the Woodstock hospital on Friday. May 27--Paul Reuter, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rei)- ter Sr., is confined to his home and to a wheel chair as it is suspected that he may be a victim of i rheumatic fever--It was a busy weekend at the home of Alice and Roy Noren. Esther and Spencer Maggs of Evanston were visitors, as were Ken and Emma Todd and the James Bittermans--Congratulations to Mr. and Mrsr Anthony Bogus of Indian Ridge, who celei brated their twenty-fifth wedding i anniversary last week--Sandi Jo Monteleone and Betty Holocwost were dainty and attractive in the dance, recital held in MeHenry last week. f ®S»Mf fk/ ' &at£ • Sole sod siemle-operetleg hardware lea «ou imlodk ««4 change psneu quickly, from inside your BOOM! NO fuss, no ladder-scaling, no danger ac all. Each smart-looking window prt-fu to your frame opening, if desired . . . ac no extra coet! No sub-frames to reduce vifion area. Simple arrangement rflows r«sdM««/ ventilation all summer! Foolproof lock keeps kiddies safe, yet permiu opening of screen or storm sash for houseclean> mg chores. YES, you can aJEbtd these attractive, permanent windows^ Added fuel savings will repay cost of installation in a few wmoih, too! Be sure to investigate these smart-looking, convenient windows soon! "AS UTTti AS fte r«« MONTH ON OUR MONT HIY MIOOCV PIAM ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. WZST McHENEY, ILLINOIS Gospel Outer Xews - ! Last Sunday. May 29, was a^ , rather unusual day at the Gospel1 Center. A large number of i hil-, dren turned out for the Sunday V School session in the morning and , a crowd which overflowed into the p a s t o r ' s a p a r t m e n t came o u t f o r ' the closing' exercises of the Con. firmation class at 11 o'clock. As the concluding number of an in- . teresting program the members of the class were awarded certificates of religious education. Each member also received a beautiful Bible i A number of out-of-town people 'attended the service. I In the evening a very unusual i Program was presented by a group j of young people from the Elgin Bible church. A most remarkable testimony was given by a young; man who was c o n v e r t e d in a n1 ' Illinois penitentiary, in which he ; I told the story of the greatest1 I thing that can ever* happen in a' i man's life, that of regeneration, i by the Holy Spirit and transfer- 1 ! mation from a life In trespasses jand sin into a life in righteous-' i ness. Godliness and holiness. We invite one and all to our ' services next Sunday, June 5, Sun- , day Bible School at 10 a. m.» morn- j jing worship service at 11 o'colck i ;and missionary service at 7:4|f p. m„ Miss Esther A. Ritzman, mis-' sionary to India, will h« ffc.' speaker. Philippine Ceias head of General MacArthui appears on official coins of the Philippine government. rirtini#'! Remarkable Reee Busk What is believed to be the world's largest rosebush is at Tombstone. Ariz. A white Bankria 90 years old, it has a trunk more than 40 inches in diameter and had an estimated 150,000 klocms in May.. ^ CURR AN'S BOARDING KENNELS Located 3 Miles South of Fox Lake, <8 Miles North of Volo on Route 12 Individual runs for dogs. Box 617 INGLESIDE, ILL. BHONE McHENRY 632-M-2 2^ LANDL'S COUNTRYSIDE INN ; ; i L A K E 0 r .'"-V '"t'V: c " Featuring ^ DOVE CARTER^-- • *at the Hammond Organ SATURDAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS The BEST of FOOD and DRINKS Community Interior Service 204 S. Green St. DRAPES CURTAINS VALANCES CORNICES SLIPCOVERS BEDSPREADS WALLPAPER TABLECOVERS Phone McHenry 490 p. & w. FARM MACHINERY See Us For Your Farm Machinery Needs MBW AMD USED KQUIPMKNT -- NOW IK STOCK Rotary Hoes -- Field Mowers Plows -- Discs -- Cultiyators Heavy Duty Hay Mowers Sky Line Field Harvesters Manure Spreaders Wood Brothers Combines / v Wood Brothers Corn Pickers One used Vai Case Tractor with double row cultivator, single 16-in. plow on rubber, $1,300. One used 2-row Case Corn Picker, $550. ' Everything You Need For Spraying SPRAYERS SPRAYING SOLUTIONS P & W Farm Machinery Co., Inc. FORI) FARMING MEANS LESS WORK AMI MORE INCOME Rand Rd. at (•raeeland Are. Res Plaines 1323 are Size! Compare features! Compare Economy! Compare Style! *"On m trip fnm Cmumdm to ken, w mvtrmgtJ 25.0 miles per geikm. Very plemsed with perftrmmmce, St." MmftlU P. Ficmrd, 40 E. Liberty St., Wmterbmry, Gmm. Compare all the new cars aiid by every comparison one car stands out. Thatjcar is the Nash Airflyte. America's Most Advanced Engintsrlnf Pislfn Here Is thfeonly Car adentlflcally designed with girder-built unitized body-and-frame--one solid, welded I««-iIub| unit--the greatest baric Improveoaent In 4S years. Expands interior room... adds SS percent greater rigidity . . . eliminatee assises excess weight . . . prevents body eqneeks and rattlee--glvee you a bigger, better, safer car. Only one new cair is entire^F streamlined, even to enclosed wheels. It's the Airflyte. Only one new car has seats so wide they make Twin Beds-- has more passenger room--is lower but has greater ro#d clearance. //'j the Airflyte. " - Only one car has Weather Byt- Conditioned Airt and 4-wheel ooil springing, the smoothest ride known, ft** the Airflyte. Only safhigxar get* mor* than Amhassadof. 25 miles to the gallon* at average highway speed, //'s the "600" Airflyte. Only one car has the Girder* built Uiiitized Body-and-frame. It's the Airflyte. Only one car has Uniflo-Jet carburetion-- the Uniscope--a one-piece windshield on all models. It's the Airflyte. Compare the Airflyte with say car--at any price. See and measure the differenoe. Then drive it... and you'll know the buy of the year is NASH! # Let your Nash dealer demonstrate a Nash "600" or Nash CHE•AJT. CAH* tlNCt I»M Nai* Meferi, Pi»i»i«« Nnt-UfWlo C•rpmrmlmt. btr«l. mUkigm V , DOWNS NASH SALES m ELM ST. TEL McHENRY 484 McHENRY, ILLINOIf

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