W~W': 'UMM THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEE •aMbl *iv J Aju . if- * <. V . VV. i- ** « ,1U ps t g e T h f 9 e i IIM >••••••••»# charge firearms of any kind within damage, but his gloom was soon our community. This practice in dispelled *^en J*'9 ma°y i • . - -- •. . and neighbors "began forming a past has resulted in much une each carryjng an armful of; betareaM the Mary (to cook): "Look, Iran*, I,, read once that if you peei g^awi* l*:--•"*• v ciotning. oeaaing. cooaing «ieu»uBj ^ . .. ^ dangering the lives of our resi. t f,.h_r Hec#e.iti*« unaer water, they won t una your dents. In one instance, stray bul-j Thoge good people did not eon- •Jr r es Wh' don't you try it?" lets penetrated the panels of a 8jder u a charitable deed, but an' Irm,: '1 can't. I Just had my front door, narrowly missing the 0plK>rtunitv to repay one who ha* *«ir «4 there's a |g(§ tm occupant of the home. In another, red to be a gooa neighbor to m» * aa ornamental glass globe mount- jj in ^ j pedestal, an object difi-j'W.j MeCULLOM LAKE ; " Oa Parade . ^ (By Yardstick) T . . . . Breetiigs. Folks! •* on a oojeci ami-, ^nd thas •with new hovc fn thtf - Using the Memorial Day holiday cult to replace at any cost, was future and greater faith'in bis feliKeekend as a barometer, we can destroyed by a pellet from » Knn lowman. Herman began construe-' •afely prophecy that McCullom 'n hands of some thoughtless tion work on a new home even take will be a heavily populated Individual. '.icfore the ashes were cold. little community during the com- Numerous other complaints 'have -- lag summer months. In spite of been made where roof* have been At a meeting in the beach hoaw the heavy automobile traffic on the punctured, causing damage to in- on* Memorial Day. the McCullom •arrow roads throughout our com- teriors by rain. All this can be Lake Racing Club was formed. I •malty no accidents occurred, avoided through membership in the The purpose of this new organiza- j This can well be attributed to the many gun clubs in McHenry conn- tion is the promotion of bigger | PMtfee of the 15-mIIe per boar ty. where these bang happy Xftl- and better soap box dcrWes a* Mr-, UmH signs by the Property Owners liam Tells can find real targets to Culloin Lake in the future. The' Association at strategic places, and practice on. iboys. ranging in ages from 8 to 18 the seasla nl vigilance of our law •-- J years of age. elected Jerry Mafeaforcement officers who patrolled Kir* completely destroyed the in- 'nnde as their first president. Don; titan, warning violator^ that a sec- terror of the home of Herman Brown, vice-president, and Rojr Oftd offease would mean arrest Jahnke last Tuesday abont noon. ] Brown, secretary-treasurer. ' While we're on the subject of His loss included his furniture. Meetings in the future will be law violations our temporary resi- clothing and all personal belong- ®very Saturday afternoon at dents would do well to bear in ines. The future looked very dark 2 P- ™- at the beach house. mind that it is. unlawful to dls- for Herman as he surveyed the There are many problems confronting the members of the McCullom Lake Racing Club at the present time. The main one Is to find ways and means to get a smooth surface on the pavement of their racing course. The next is to get their cars, which will be Bcfrtfe.Systems ^ Drain TBe t'Mtiar> l>4 DitekHi Seepage Beds Plapblag £D. *JTF *JKCHCU We take the Hard Work out of Your Digging and Plumbing Problems « . WIST CLASS WORK SEEDS FIRST CLAS^ ATTE3EI0X iy WITH or* SEW POWER DIGGER P. 0. Bex Mi Call Ed. Seymour IMiLESIDE. ILL.. Vox Lake 8U« The built to conform to the plans of 1°*er teacher was testing the of observation of a Class. -NOTICE- -o-- The RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP will be open every Monday during the summer season. Riverside Drive McHenry LAURENCE N. PITZEN - EVERGREENS Route One McHenry, 111. SHRUBS LANDSCAPING TREBS Phone McHenry 660-J -2 the National Soap Bo* Derby Association finished in time for the Labor Day event. The Property Owners Association. sponsors of this youth club, hope to have the resurfacing donp before the big day arrives from the proceeds of their big four-day carnival over the Fourth of July weekend. Boys between the ages of 7 to 1<5 wishing to join the speed kings jean dp so at any time of their future meetings. j Mr and Mrs. Bud Tyler of Woodstock were Saturday,dipper guests of Frank Howard, Jr. I Weekenders at the home m( and Mrs. Anton Lennert were Mr. i and Mrs. George Buri and sons., Joseph and Jackie, and daughter.' Kathleen, of Chicago. Alfred. Jr., ana Wallv Aregger1 are signing up a crew for their; palatial yacht. Lady X. for a sftmmer cruise up the Fox river,, with . Johnshurg as their destination. . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Maiich returned from a two Week's tour of Florida. The Muuchs their lovely f'-ju^hter." Kdith. and her fiance, Pohert F<»p. of C'hicaito were weekend guests of Mr. Tid Mrs William Myers of Maple Hill. Mrs. WHtred Lor ion is enjoying a/twJ) week's visit with her daught^ cpat Montfcello. Ark. '_J__ i Robert PiVgler acted 3^'sponsor for h's nephew. Harolii Fallows ati confirmation at Pt. Joseph's church : in Richmond la<«t Sunda». i flapping a half-dollar on the desk, the said sharply: "What is that?" Instantly a voice from the back row called: 'Tails!" FAST THINKING TM yeaag married maa waa tentag Ma little helpaute a beat the pci»loaa alcht's ledce aseetlac- "The presldeat altered a aew silk hat te aay haahaad whe weald aeberly declare that ha had •ever kissed aay wensaa bat his ewa wife, aad de yea kaew. "Why dtdat yea?' his wife. "Why, darliag," he exelalaaed, "yea ka«w I leek terrible la a •ilk hat." Mixed Peraeaality British Health Plan Imposes Long Wait In Collecting Bills LONDON--If yea ware a druggist In Ehgtand, yeu would have to watt at least 1# weeks to ce^oaid tor that box of headache podflhea yeu •old Mrs. Jones. ^ That'* vhe^r^jr the sys'etn af preaenbed free medicine works aader Britain's state health piaa. Fourteen theusani at the M.0N British chemists (druggists) who tigned up for the piaa were paid m March tor the prescriptions they filled in January. Tbe chemist accumulates Ms prescriptions over a menth's period. Then he sends the bundle to the local pharmaceutical pricing bureau at the executive council. He gets paid for the coat of the ingredients. plus a fee for dispensing and the container. In London 00 girls work before huge charts carrying the names of all ingredients and the prices, j After adding up the cost of the medicine, they add 33 per cent to compensate for purchase tax and variations in the wholesale medicine rates. ^ The dispensing fee varies according to the number of doses. A bottle of 18 doses gives the c&emist a fee of 13 pence (about 22 cents>. Another two and a half pence »about five cents* is allowed for the container. If the chemist feels he isn't getting a fair price he can ask his pharmaceutical ninion to make a check on his behalf. Health ministry officials say the chemist is better off under the system because in'addition to a larger turnover of prescriptions, he also attracts more people into his shop who frequently spend the rt-.oney they save on medicines for other articles. The ministry estimated 75 million free prescriptions were filled in the first few months after the healthservice program went into effect JaiIV 5. 1943. The executive councils carry out Aa. American woman visiting in [Paris before^ the war went to a bureau which provided men as escorts. When informed that she could engage either a northerner or southerner, she asked the .difference. and was told that the southerners were gallant and debonair, while the northerners were smooth talkers and romantic. "Well, then," she said "I'll take a southerner from as tar north as possible." frequent 'checks to make certain chemists fill prescriptions properly a::d use quality medicines. Black Leaf MosquitO'Fumer ENJOY OUTDOOR EVKNINOS, PICNICS AND VACATIONS One FUMER will rid average city lot of mosquitos and other pests. * ' ^ V BRING HOME SIWL ----0Sn J* • • '«* . j.' . • Bolger's New He's "la" There was a very, very kind Lt: Ted Olse.i nf~ the armv air |ud*e who would everyforces has been transferred from otf Wlth • reprimand or sus- F*»irfleld Suisan to ^loOellan--fl-ld. Rp"ded sentence But one day ha in Sacremento. Cal'f. •"* was terribly upset and when a prisoner was brought before him Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Han«erj of he unleashed his fury. l«°ng I<ake, Mr. and Mrs. J. (iustaf- ' "You've got a nerve," said the sort °f booster Lake. Mr and Mrs. once kindly judge. "At a time like Crhhiic?ag,o andj aM.?rd. and Mrs. Art Ol- ! th^i s whenj the whole world i.u in sen werf guests over the Memorial f * . Cltl2en i* •utfer- Hav holldav of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- J"0" had to commit such a lard Schultz. crtme. I sentence you to five years --_ in prison. Take him out." Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge Warner and . With that, the judge immediately «on enjoyed t^he long weekend at j grabbed his hat and coat and their* El Contento on Spring Rjad. j started to run. "Where are you going?" asked a 85-Year-0ld Is Dtniid Further Collect Classes DANVILLE. IND.-Au 34-yearold paying resident of the Hendricks. county home can't go to collage to continue his education. Authorities won't let him. T h e octogenarian scholar. James L. Glascock, is being cor.fir.ed to the county home by the superintendent. Ira Plasters. The superintendent says Glascock's going to the nearby Canterbury college makes the other residents at the home resentful. They want similar liberties. ' The superintendent says one inmate grew so resentful that he be3t up two other inmates in an argument and was sentenced to the Indiana state farm. The county commissioners are inclined to back Plasters. TonrratalaHon* Ts Kenny Sawdo «n hi* twelfth birthday anniversary June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jensen on their seventeenth wedding anniversary June 21 George Raumbeck on bis eightyseventh birthday June 3. Frank Rourke on the twentysixth anniversary of his natal day1 June 2S. I Anton J. Cermak on'his thirty- j eighth birthday anniversary June' 29. | Len Jensen.Jr.. on his sixteenth birthday June nineteenth. | ' ADIOS. Clerk. wa/it to get there first. I want to rant his apartment." _ . if • Thorough Practitioner , "Doctor, I've got trouble with my t'roat--my t'roat here." "Go in the other room and disrobe," said, the doctor. "I'll be there in a minute." "But Doctor; my t'roat." I ' "Get in the other room and disrobe and I'll examine you?" r " j So the man went in and disrobed. As he was sitting there in his 1 shorts, he looked around Next to Order your rubber stamps at The him was another guy sitting there. ^laindealer You ought to be ;f driving a WMWAC f wmmfrfrrieed Strmigkt Bight! % Uatil they see the actual figures, lew people realise ifcet the big. beautiful ratiK etgfat is Asaerica's (sweat-priced straight eight. Not ooy dpes it uader ssll all other straight eights by a snbatantial asargja. but it actually costs leas than mm*y six-cytimdm- cmn! Aad finally, h is powered by the world's sweetest ea^iue--s great straight eight which m The fact that the Psatiac eight gives so itch for as little is the basic reasoa isr the gtaat aad growiag pafularity it eajoys. Vbatisc hss distinguished appearance, ai live Silver Streak atjliag Its spacioua Body by yUhcr is haadsomely upholstered aad appaiated. accelerator, packed with power--aa eight whfab gieea peak pecfornniii aad eoaaoaty. We boaeatly believe that ao other car ssiihis aach defiaite asaaraaee of reaBy eajajaldB gptiw--pes at ao low a coat. We iavite ymu W (pw la take tbe wheel ycarseM. We're sure ysul be wjp OVERTON CADILLACr-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILL. disrobed, in hi3 shorts and with big package in his hands. "Can you imagine that doctor!. I've got trouble with my t'roat and he tells me to disrobe." "What are you complaining about? I only came here to deliver a" package!" PUZZLED Fermtr Seritn Star Werks As L A. Delivery Clerk LOS ANGELES--A handsome, graying man <>f 48 delivered flee tion equipment to polling places T o e l e c t i o n o f f i c i a l 3 T - m a n y o f them women--he was just another fl-a n-hour delivery clerk. But 20 years ago the man. Nils Asther, was one of the movie's gr'eat lovers and earning $5,000 a week. . Ho . does it feel to take a psy Cut to $1 an hour? ... "Never felt better in my life," said the ^Swedish-born actor whose love scenes with Greta Garbo were among the screen's" most torrid. He took the job with the city two months ago. "I came back to Hollywood from New York 14 months ago. Picture discussions were in the wind, but pever materialized." "I could not stand or afford the idleness. A friend got me this job ftid I like it very much." As one of Europe's top romantic idols in the '20's Asther was brought here in 1927 to star in "Sorrel and Son." An instant hit, he next played in "Our Dancing Daughters," the picture that made Joan Crawford. As Garbo's lover in "•Wild Orchids" and "The Single Standard" and as "Her Cardboard Lover" with Marion "Da vies, Asther was shaded only by the late John Gilbert as a screen romanticist. Then came the talkies. Asther had an accent. Sa-quit Is this the right train?" queried the little old lady. "Where to. Madam?" asked the "Stupid I" she replied, "Don't you know where you're going?" It Better "DofS this trsin stop at Grand Centsal?" "If ft doesn't you'll see the darndast crash you ever saw!" Iks staking of the battleship Mkine la Havana harbor, February 11, In home searing, Ifs a good Idea to finish the bottom of collars with thin, soft bias bindiag. so that they srfll not be bulky or scratchy under the neck of dresses. „ Toni Permanent Wave Kita. $1.28 and $K.00. Wattles Drug 8tore. SS-tf Noisobolltr Had Blaze, But Was Askri for Phong PORT WASHINGTON. WIS.--A fire engine roared up and down Gqrfield st. while firemen hanging onto it peered anxiously for flames. They hadn't received enough information at headquarters. Finally, they stopped at a residence, and a fireman rushed in to call headquarters for more accurata directions. The occupant said ha didn't have a phone. A call was placed from another houss. The fire waa at the phone- •lass home. When the department returned, the fire was out "Yaw didn't ask me if I had s •re," the owner ssid. "Ysu only 1 td|4 ma If I had a phonal** Mifratfea Habits sf Elk At ImIu$I Hala SMM The result* of a S-year study of the ffell migration habits of the nationally famous Jackson Hole elk herd have been reported to the aecretary of the interior. Observations a* the herd's migrations have been made by weil-quallfled scientists each aHtuma. starting with IMC The studies have been directed towards dstsrasining migration routes* aad ad*at portions of the herd Mhe each route; the time spent by the various bands in Jscksoa Hole National Monument: end the relationship between the hunting season aad the time the herd, or any part at it, was fat the monument The Jscksoa Hole elk herd, sometimes referred to as the Southern Yellowstone herd, spends the summer sad early fall in the mountain country north at Jackson Hole proper. Its aise ia variously esti* mated, but it possibly numbers ss many as 15.600 animals. Apparently set in motion by the first severe snowstorm late in October or In November, the various bands which constitute the herd stream southward along a number of longestablished routes to regular wintering areas where there is considersbly less snow than in the northern mountains or in the higher portions of Jackson Hole itself Approximately S5 percent of the animals never enter Jackson Hole National Monument at all. Instead, they follow routes across valleys and over hills which lie to the east of it. Of the remaining 45 percent, about $ percent travel approximately a mile and a half on monument land; and about 25 percent atay within its boundaries for a distance of 15 miles or more and spend from one to two days traversing it. The remainder of those which cross a part of the monument usually make the crossing in less than a day. Variety Meals Kidney, liver and baa^ am.ife ceDent variety meats. ' Stella's Baal Name •eel name of Joseph Stafis Is losif Vissarionovicb DzhugasbvilL rata M Cottonseed oil accounts for 51 per c«it of the totsl quantity at oils and fats In aleomsrgsrine. - When steel sheets wars hand drawn by men who used long tongs ts grab the red hot metal and thetr handkerchiefs to save ef their mouths from the very best workmen aeakd produce one ton sn hour st mast. The continuous rolling mill aversgee ISO tens an OnMst Move Juan Oris, with Pleasse and Braque. waa one ot the founders «g the Cubist movement. Grfs. s naa* ter at plastic relations, hold gHA it mads aa dlftgance bow appeared in shape, color, end apoctiea aa long ss s bar whale was aflicfd. "My art/' ha said, "is the art ef saythesH, a deductive act." Complete uae of Lee's poaitrj maedies at Wattles Drug 9toe«. Ifto- Henry. tif - CONGRATULATE THE GRADUATE 5#^ Say how proud you are! ' See our quality selections.' BOLGER'S DRUG STORE „j PHONE 40 McHENSY. ILL Woods Fires la death In the South a fresh wild wood.- Are bursts into flames on an aver age of every three minutes • Important Indian City Hyderabad, fourth largest cit> in India, compares with Pittsburg in sire Uncle Sam Says \vV N. „• / HOHItyupil Exterior White \ J i 1 1 / / < Oar Rag. Law Price 4 95 Tlie I. S. ^tinn Bonds '"Oppor- 1 unity Drive May 16-June JO, will be the farmer's opportunity to pro* »ide a *cry real and secure future. A regular investment in Savings Bond* through the BonJ-«*Moiitn Plan where you bank or on a cash basis at your pontoAice or bank will grow, like your crops in fair weather. In ten short years you will be receiving $100 for every $75 j„. vested today. With this substantial return your future necurity will be all that you dream of today. VM. Ti o«i|i >M«w tUoalaw Olaaida • Cww M«i« Ana tar UsS • Oahf fvrtit InaradUaH KR GALLON In S Oal. lo«« Means ^ralairfaa Here is o dependable lonq-Bt% paint. It's made to endure - lha stinging cold of winner pnd Mm blistering bioSK of years longer. Save Now/ The FriancBy Store h Next Door To Bank . McHenry, IHmofa Oara d Serses should recalve a massage pilar hard wwfc. Awarded Oaptala K14d ' Csptaln Kldd was given sa stva|0 ol $m by New Yorit City in 1»1. Idaho's state capital building at Boise Is unique in having Its own wster supply from three arteslaa • • mStFSD MBC ... momn jmmm