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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1949, p. 4

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McSin^r PLAIKDEALt*. m % im „ irffjr Thursday it Mc , in, by A. Howsrd Mosher. Editor--A dele Froehlicb Xatered u second-class matter at the postoffiee at McHenry, 111., under |he art of May 8, 1879. Om Year i - *2.50 m anmf at CO Earl Smith of Tulsa. Okla . Mr. and nJylllrALrn Mrs. Arthur Smith. Jr.. and son, fllflHlMUl Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith. Jr., and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith and Miss Marion Smith, R. N., of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phalin spent the weekend with relatives in Indianapolis. Ind.. and while the* attended the Memorial Day races. Mrs. Emma Smith has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chester •Frasier, in Grinnell. Iowa. Miss Mary Jane Laures, R. N., of St. Francis hospital, Evanston, spent the weekend at her home here. Ed Walsh and Jacob Buss of Chicago visited McHenry relatives last weekend. N Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson -fnd baby of Evanston spent the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Stoffel of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives last weekend. • Guests in the Joe P. Miller home on the holiday were the Elmer Corey family of Genoa City, Wis., the George ZarnstorfT and Michael Gorski families of Woodstock and Mrs. Emma king of Johnsburg. Mr and Mrrs. Harry Lawrence of Park Ridge spent the weekend with fier mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Clarence Whiting and son, Ed- Miss Theres»> Mergen. R. N. has left Cook County hospital. Chicago, and is now in Denver, Colo., where she will enter a he spital to carry 6n ber nursing career. She will remain in Colodado for several months, after which she plans to go to Ireland. Weekend guests in the Aruthur Smith. Sr., home were Mr. and Mrs. ; mund. and the latter's daughter of Elgin visited relative® here on Sunday. Mrs. Marine Zinimer .and daughter, Joan, and Mrs. May Zimmer of Palatine were" guests In the home of Mrs. Celia Knox on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' Koehr spent last weekend visiting in Indiana. j Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting I of Lake Geneva visited McHenry ' relatives last Thursday. ! Mrs. John Phalin and Mrs. I Eleanor Foley and children, Julia, Maurice and Martin, attended the wedding of a relative in Clevie- : land, Ohio, on Saturday. Henry and Joe Weber enjoyed a fishing trip into Wisconsin last weekeiid. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baur and Itamjily of Dpvenport, Iowa, visited McHenry relatives last weekend. Miss Blanche Thompson of , Woodstock was a guest in the Nick Freund home Friday evening. | Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Rockford spent the holiday weekend with her sister, Mrs. John Bolger. Mrs. Glen Robison and Miss COMPLETE CROSS SURVEY i nii i n nj 111 ti 11 n li i n 11 u m it 111 in »n 1111»» Fox Talley Camp Meeting Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. p • A. will meet at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening. June 7, at Woodman j i! hall, followed by a social hour • • * Johnsbarg flab To Meet Jane 7 The Johnsbun; Community club{<> will hold its next meeting on Tues. r • day evening, June 7. at Nell's Ball-11 \ room. The committee in charge i < • includes Si Meyers, Clarence!4' Michels, Peter Miller, LeRoy Mil. I! I ler and Ernest Malsch * * *• Present Spring Style Revue , ,. Circle 1 of the tP. S. C. S of, i i The Community Methodist church " will sponsor a spring style show, j 11 under the direction of Betty Niel- < > sen, at the McHenry Country Club " on Tuesday, June 7. The event will j! start at 1 o'clock, the revju to be ' Woodstock, including mayors, who | followed by a card party, are honorary members of this, • • • committee, police chiefs and Are Matrons representatives of the i ,, Legion, and the Vete- fourteen past matrons of the lo- " m i L L e n THI RS^ FRI and SAT. JFXE S-8-4 A plane survey, taken by Red Helen Welch of Woodstock spent 'Cross Disaster Preparedness Chair- Sunday with relatives in Mc- mfn- Har,ey ,K^°°te. was under Henry 'taken recently, at which time it Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stoller and *** that eacl1 corner .°'I American legion ana uie veie- -- -- . children of Chicago viaited in the the mL ~8QU w * j °.U"Ly ,ca", Lans of Foreien Wars also at-!caJ chapter, O. E. S., w-re enter- |J| Howiird Stoller liomc Iftfit. week* rcfichcd from ^Voodstoclc in Icsf " . ^ * M _ t tftfncd last wpaIc Wpdnporinv in < » d »:»•> ; Mln Marjorie Dulrer. R. N„ who l^rned j.i ot dhaater f,hlef of ^o|lc(. Le„fer Wonder L»k.. A UUy 1 o'clock|.. Chief Gus Freund and Albert S. I 1? 60,1 wa8 followed by a social •• end. has been carrying on a nursing would block roads, delivery career at a Los Angeles. Calif , ot supplies or doctors could b« : hospital for the past year and one + career at a Los Angeles. Calif., '7/'™ ':uu,u "< nf fh- AH»nmnht o afternoon. rvl rv f| -^. hospital for the past year and one- fleWs amiable i^lmost Dealers' Assoc-tion of McHenry Attending were Florabfl Vogel • \J U1 Oil V her parents11 Mr" a^S Mtt C H all pSsofthecounty. al",OSt 'county. ^Woodstock, Ethel Smith, Mabel ;J; •/ parent8' Mr- and Mrs- c- H Tho ni.octor T« ahnvo Pov i:»n> Collins and Arleen Pearson of.. C'«mpani«B Feature Abbott ' Lea Ooatello lMck Pewell la •IS *HE XAVT" with The Andrews Sisters Sl >. . M0>'m JUNE i naf the box GRttHHWB TI ES.. WED. - THI RS. Jl >4 1 linu ttENDftlX mznuiDi WMLLET MrHE>RT, ILL1S0IS FRI. - SAT. Color by Techalcoler Jeel MeCrea Alexis Sailtt ^OI'TH OF ST. LOUIS" »ws and Cartoon sr>\ • mox^ jitxe >4 Color by Technicolor Esther Williams Frank Sinatra «TiKE ME OCT TO THE BALL ! : GAME** | World News and Cartoon l • TUESDAY (One Day) JOE 7 William Poweli Ann Blyth "MR. PEABODY AND THE MERMAID" i- Also Speaking of Animals and Sports WED. (One Day) JUNE 8 James Cagaey Pat O'Brien "ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES" Also Shorts ! STARTING THURS. FOR S DAYS ! Color by Techmicolor 1 Jane Allyson Elisabeth Taylor Margaret O'Brien Janet Leigh "LITTLE WOMEN" i The Disaster Preparedness and' In the picture above. Roy Kent|n. „ j ' Relief committee, under Mr. of McHenrryy,, at the left, chats with ^Kwood. Gertrude Watkins of ;; r* Herb Foote's chairmanship, with Hoy {Mrs. Marion Phinney, executive „wXf i®8?* °I?p.e- " irdav in Kent ot McHenry and Alvin Qiier- seceretary of the McHenry County „ ^E??5lV I v ne8V«F !e • . hammer of Crystal Lake as vice Red Cross; Cathryne Dreyspraak ni80*! ® j 1Mm ber Yes, the F.D.I.C. now is financed entirely by the 13,500 banks whose deposits it insures. Even the original capital furnished by the Government 14 years ago has been repaid. A total of 160 billion dollars deposited by 90 million people is insured. Insured banks pay the entire cost of $5,000 maximum insurance for each depositor. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation :: \ t -t'ii: w Duker. Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger and daughter, Joan, and Mrs ! Reinhansperger spent Saturday CISuiS«y guests in the Martin chairman, held a supper meetliiu ! of Crystal' ' »olne ^r,lc» ^ "'Ailce'und&ff**'11' E™ Eppel | -- -- !_ • ,Mrs |vey *». -- Rockton 111 and Mrs Ed Holle off'cials of Harvard, McHienry,! Harley Foote, who piloted the 11?*0*"1!™ Charles Michels, Mrs. t)dilon Long, | ton, Bob. Mr. and Mrs. George M. • of Oak Park ' iCrystal Lake, Marengo andjplane which made the survey. :For Elgin Vets and the Misses Maurle Taylor, Freund, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Miss Laura Weber was a Chi-'"-- . ;, •! ---- ! A program-party .for veterans | Elaine Nell, Lorraine Michel* and Freund and sons. James and Bob» cago caller on Saturday, MAY-DEHN VOWS Miss Marion McOmber has juitt --n-•»»» n* returned from a two weeks' vaca. £i ./nAnu£U HAY Zo tion trip spent in New York City. JOHNSBURG CHURCH While there she was fortunate. enough to go aboard the Queen Mary St. John's church, Johnsburg, 11 n »»»t iimiiii 11111111 m mi 11»»» ' j. „ j ». »> n i ^ « was held on Wednesday evening, j Betty Long. and Miss Doris Freund. M-rv Inn Morg an* ^p Pnrfili May 25' at Elgin- wIth Ave units Miss Andreen will become the * * * i ° the Legion Auxiliary of Mc- bride of James AlthofT oa Juae 18. Womanfs Clab Mr and Mrs. Wallace Dehn and | Henry county in charge. They * . • To Meet Jane 10 •children ^nd Mr. and ^r8' J«mes were Wondc Lake, McHenry. Har- ye a « Plans Fridav ?nn*> l# i Witte all of Chicago and Anthony vard Hebron and Woodstork a , -- - - FrWa\, June 19, i Oertel of Woodstock. Those from here who^Attended *** »•« meeting datT wUl be1 the for the Mci Circle 2 of the W. S. C. S. is Henry Woman's club, the meeting nnrt V « Varese pianning a rummage sale, to be to take place at 2:30 o'clock in the ana Jeannette Vance. he,d at the City Hal, on Wednes- Legion hall. Guest speaker will be The Bronco Busters of McHenry, day and Thursday, June 8 and 9. Mrs. William Kelly of Woodstock, including Vince Adams, Pete and * • • whose topic will be "Summer Bouquets." Music will be furnished: Hold Election June « b>' Gordon Scholle, who will play Charles Liebig of Riverside, New™8 the scene of a beautiful wed- ! p „ , v- if. Jersey, visited with Mr. and Mrs.- last Saturday. May 28, when George Roeske Vl8ltS J. J. King at River Forest and Mc- ^8yr „^ Mr« European Seaports Henrv this past week of Mr" and Mrs Wi"iam May of, r r Mrs Christina Miller returned ^h"sb"rg' b rf^me the b,ri<le of I^r ( Georee H R^kT'seaman-USN H,ar£U ®n,d T ArJ Cro8S- the' Cemetery Groap To this nact week from Balboa Canal Rich&rd p Dehn, son of the John °e ,. KoesKe, S^man. U6>1\, iatter of Crystal Lake, presented h«1H Fiction Inn# « «» v«»ruou ociiuue woo win Dia-v Jtoie where she hid soent the nas Dehns of Chicago. Fr. Paul Kun- j «°n ot Mrs. Josephine Bresecrer of i a lengthy program whlch P was en_ , "old Election Jane « • se"ecUons and mI"v aSJ Aone. *nere sne naa spent tne past . . offi„iatpfi at th_ q nvinrb ropa :Rt- 2, McHenry, arrived in the thusinnHoniiv The annual meeting and election _ , r, ana «iary Ann several months. el on?ciated at tne » o clock cere Mpditprranpan aboard the destrov inus,ast,S®11y received by the vet- f offjr„_8 of the Woodland Ceme- Bo,8er, who will offer piano num- The Misses Kathryn O'Connor m°nJ befofe an /Uar decorated ^e?or a six-month 6ran8\ Auxiliafy "nits then »f P4 bers. aad Alice Llebak ot Chicago spent °"»r *<">•>* , "uise which will "fford Wm rd'^Kftte,""" W"h """ I M"Uy^venine. lie 6 at S , Mrs. Floyd Coole, is chairman of Sunday visiting m the John Mur- no^er8" ; opportunity to visit seaports of clS*«"es. taugffliome. ! Music during the service was J'1' ^ Northern Africa ' d . ov The Jack Reinert family of El- furnished by the children's choir. Eu F r,°P* EriniDsrof tL oid World S.h®wer gin spent Sunday evening in the who'sang "On This Day O Beautiful': was the -R oc•k of- G-- ilbraltar, where., For Joan Andreen Monday evening, June 6, < 8, o'clock at the home of Dr. Joel! the committee in charge. She will Wheeler. A president, vice-presi- assisted by Mrs. Ray McGeet «««•• ai dent, secretary, treasurer and, Mrs. Jolin Holger, Mrs.. Ray Con- John Blake home Mother" as the bride place«l l'«r ^ arrrved^May" 'for' "aThre^e-da; ^ An^^en8 °ia8 ^rat1 tL^omiTf > ^owners^are invUed^to Sd.1 Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rodda.of ^uet on Jhe altar of theiV,sit p^r to transiting the StraitSM?88Ma™ * * * Mrs. A. J. Richardson. Hammond. Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. Blessed Virgin. Gibraltar for Augusta, Sicily, da® with Miss Bo?ier Mflrinn Cnn- Freund Infant * • • Gus Hofer of Chicago spent Sun- Miss May was charming in a while in this area the destroyer way Marv Jean Do'hertv Nan<*v Baptised Sunday Honored <*aest - day and Monday with the latter s white satin gown with fltted bodiceJwill concentrate on vast fleet ex- | cristy and Maraaret Bo'leer as Thp infant son of Mr and Mra Shower Saadtfy y' ."1'u-f.1™111-, "!f lerclBes, aimed at maintaining the hostesses. Games were enjoyed George M. Freund of Wonder Lake' - Mlss May Jnsten was guesi of tn>HmiH.liMi.iiiHiii(UiuiiiJHiiiiiuillluliillllti iHllimilHIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIimillllllllllUllllllir Fred Kamholz. Lily Lake m, was held in place by a beaded peak of fighting efficiency Mr. and Mrs. George Tonyan tiara and she carried a bouquet of i and daughters returned home white roses and orchida. Her only Tuesday after spending the past jewelry was a gold cross in diaseveral months in Tucson, Ariz, mond setting, a gift ot the groom. Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Chicago Serving as maid of honor was spent a few days this past week^Miss Dolores Michels of Johnswith her parents, Mr. and Mrs^ at honor at a miscellaneous bridal Ttxtilt Mills to Step Up Efforts for Homo Sowing with prizes being awarded to Mrs. I was christened "Robert James" .M . . t .. „ , _ 1 William Althoff, Diane Freund and! baptismal services held at St. Pat-1 be d ® Paul Pera8Cl» |Mrs. Jay Criaty. At the close' of'rick's church at 1:30 o'clock last ' ®un ay afternoon, .the afternoon, a tasty lunch was Sunday, Fr. William Regnier offi- ® ^ besides Mrs. Gerasch c i, / ii *u - « i served. ' elating. Sponsors were Mrs.1 ® ® anlf8 o 8iun ». ^ayu Seeking to fill the gap in fabric, jn attendance were Mrs. Jack George P. Freund, paternal grand- 1 w ^ Bubs. Charles Michels, Helen Box Office Opens At 7:15 Shows Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 1st, thru 4th "Paleface •b HMO Cflori ;--; Jibo UtTliSfrll ions Technicolor Sunday, Monday and Tuesday June 5, 6 and 7 MMy Dream Is Yours" Jack Carson --: Doris Day r Color by Technicolor ( V Starting June 8th "MR. BELVEDERE GOES TO COLLEGE" Two complete performances nightly - rain or clear. Children 12 years and under admitted FREE when accompanied by adults. burg, cousin of the groom, who I chose an orchid net gown over! satin. She wore a matching colo-' nial hat and carried it colonial1 bouquet of daisies and roses. Bridesmaids were Mary Aun Johns o n , c o u s i n of the b r i d e , a n d . Betty Dehn, the bridegroom's sis-1 ter. They were attired similarly in blue net over satin, with match- \ CHICAGO.--More t h a n 2 , 0 0 0 pef> tag c o l o n i a l h a t s and b o u q u e t s o f ' sons witnessed the dedication of a daisies and roses. new $18,000 "dream" home for Vernon Freund served as best Roberta Lee Mason, 14-year-old man and Donald Michels as heroine who saved the lives of her groomsman. Ushers were James four younger brothers and sisters Hettermann and Donald Phillips. / 4-Year Old Heroine Presented With New "Dream Home' sales made by curtailment of ready- Phelan, Mrs. Harry Conway, Mrs mother, and Harvey Biggers, mato- w^ar output and loss in export! Paul Doherty, Mrs. Ray Conway, ternal grandfather, with Mr. ° " markets, textile mills and convert- Janet VanKanegan and Marianne Feund acting as poxy for the laters will step up promotional efforts Rogers. Other invited guests un- ter. for home sewing. ^able to be present were Mrs. Har_ Efforts should be made, accord- old Wohnrade, Mrs. Jennie Mae P. Freund home following the Richardson, Mrs. Jack Jack Van- baptism. Present were Mrs. Har- .// when fire destroyed their former friends of the groom. home three miles southeast of Dei'„^r ^er daughters wedding, Mrs. | Plain** TH n i May was attired In a navy blue suit IS?* «r'I2" 1' w . ^ and grey accessories, while his; JMter the dedication, about 40.- j mother chose a navy blue print! 000 people from cars strung out dress and white accessories. Both; along the highway visited the had corsages of pink carnations.! k°me- _ A reception at St. Mary's-St. A message from Matthew J. Connally, secretary to the President, asserting that Mr. Truman "is da Patrick's hall In McHenry fol-! lowed, vjlth sixty present at thei wedding dinner and 300 for supper I lighted to send greetings to Rober- and BOCtaI •v?nlnf- >ro«H»win« a «. « b.pp, oceatktn" ... SSnMUS' COT,PU ""I A • | The former Miss May graduated Another message from Secretary from the local high school with of Labor Maurice J. Tobin "com-j the class of 1948 and has been emmended not only Miss Mason for1 ployed at the Textile Rug factory! her outstanding act of heroism but,'!! Johnsburg, The bridegroom re.! also labor, management and pri-1 ceived his education in Chicago, vate citizens for their unselfish ef-lwhere he 18 employed. forts in making a dream literally! Out-of-town guests included Mr. come true. It was a great act of !and Mr8^-'Raymoj^.Martin and Bob. brotherlinea. >nri 1- .. IMr- and Mrs- Ernest DiSilvestro. Monev for Mr and Mrs- Louis Oertel and hbvy ^w enll wis.h et res hanodT t\hwe alsa bdoorn awteads i F#r ed, Mr. and . Mrs Peter Hack ing to textile men. toward greater fabric consumption by accelerating the home-sewing trend which has been apparent in the last decade. It is estimated, they said, that 1,000,000.000 yards of cottons, wool goods and rayons are consumed by women who do their own sewing, and the figure could be increased materially with a coordinated program between pattern companies, sawing machine companies and the textile manufacturer. According to • survey by the Mc- Cann-Erickson advertising agency for the Simplicity Pattern company, approximately 100,000,000 patterns were sold through retail stores In 1948, an increase of more than SO per cent since IMS. Of i total of 5,144 women interviewed, 4? par cent sew at home, it was pointed out. By far the largest percentage made dresses, with blouses, skirts, aprons and smocks, play clothes, lingerie and underwear, pajamas, suits, coats, skirts, and slacks following in the order named. More than 90 per cent of the women currently sewing at home, bought patterns last year. Crescent^ soyst vided entertainment, after which a-buffet supper was served from a table attractively decorated in Dinner was served at the George K®1 nn c«1w"h a mi"iature m , , i bride and groom in the center. Out-of-town -guests were Mrs. Kathryn McCabe Bottler of Hartford. Wis., Mrs. Bernard Freund! of Delavan, Wis., Mrs. Earl Walah of Chicago. Mrs. Jacob Just en of Waukegan. Mrs. Al. Rosing of Libertyville and Mrs. Dora Krepel of Crystal Lake. Those from here who attended were Mrs. Jos. J. Rothermel, Mrs. William Rothermel, Miss Rose Huemann, Mrs. Nick Justen, Mrs. Susie Justen, Miss Delia Beckwith, Miss Helen Stevens, Miss Francea Hughes, Miss Maurie Taylor, Mra. Ralph Justen, Mrs. Celia Fox, Mrs. Caroline Justen. Mrs. Delia Matthews, Mrs. Geo. P. Freund, Mrs. Rose Freund, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels, Mrs. Lena King, Mra Robert Thurlewell, Mra. Arthur Smith, Mrs. George Schrelner and Mra. John Justen. ^wi ivw* nmw mil feei Mwae KM Teal MMI *1 BOLGEITS DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. J Chaagfciag Chine's wartime capital, king, was noted for its vast system cf new and old tunnels piercing the Mivounding hills. From these ratior labyrinths, equipped with seats and lights, the city's population of hundreds of thousands kept civic life going through yean of relentless Japanese bombing. b y building trades THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS FISHING TACKLE 1 Langley Castrite Reel Bnmson Mercury Reel .... .. Pdfectoreno Ho. 760 Shakespere President Reel ....... Steel Casting Rods Bristol Steel Rods Genuine Heddon River Runlto Genuine Baas-Qreno Plugs Z1T6.75 .. 10.00 Special $ 6.19 8.75 3196 3.19 4.96 Li 25\ .96 •rath Bead Bamboo Ply Rod He. 59 8fc_ 13J5 South Bend Bamboo Ply Rod Ho. 47 9 ft 17.96 Actfeaglas Ply Rod • , 3SJ5 Popular Plies for Pan Pish ^ ' .10 Qui Pish Poles 16 ft .apodal J9 G»mllad Mcfleary, 11L ! contributed j unions. I Roberta was taken to the scene from the Cook county hospital, | where she is recovering from j severe burns. j With shiny scissors, she cut a i b l u e r i b b o n w h i c h h a d b e e n I stretched around the house. Then I she received a gold key from j Michael jSjjxton, president of the I Chicago district council of carpenters. On a rostrum outside the house was a forty-piece band supplied by the Chicago federation of musicians. Speakers included State's attorney John S. Boyle, Richard J. Daley, state finance director, and Mayor Martin H. Kennelly. Except to cut the ribbon and receive the key, Roberta stayed inside the house, with her mother, Mildred, her step-father, Walter, and the children she saved--Leroy, 2; Rosemary, 10; Henry, 8, and Ruth, 6. Roberta later returned to the hot* pital to remain two.weeks more In addition to the home and: more than $10,000 worth of furnish* ings, a cash fund totalling fll.QQf has been contributed. Members of the Chicago building trades union completed the in three weeks. Order your rubber stamps at The PlaindealV". Far Aa Onion Flavor Next time you are making sand-, (•riches, slip the knife with which you are slicing tomatoes into an; onion several times while slicing' each tomato. This will give a delicate onion flavor, but the onion taste wfll not be strong enough to be unpleasant. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me Henij. g-tf NO NEED TO RIDE ON OLD TIRES when you can trade thwm in for new Firestones SPECIAL -- 6:00 % 16 $10.95 plus tax 25% DISCOUNT ON Tirestone BATTERIES Por a limited time WALTER J. FREUND Tina -- Tabea--Battering ~ Accews arise lite and Tabc Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Gvaraataad Pfcaaa West McBa^y . OPEN BVKNING6 AMD SUNDAYS . •$e ••e efr e$» <%» <$> e^e e^» <*> >•> >|> ^e e^e e^e *•* *•* *•* ^ MARINE SUPPLIES Mercury Outboard Motors SVi .to 10 Hit available now. ft hp. c.»aiiag soon. Larcoloid Marine Enamel Synthetic Base For boats yard faraitare, koasehold a»e. Available ia colors, dear, porcelala white flpT T"0 T)'C\TrfT\]f Your Container, $1.10 per gallon; jL LJ Jtvl HIN JL JLJlN JQ $1 per faL in 5-gal. quantities or more Batt Boat Hardware and Accessories Large variety brass screws, gas taaks wiadshieMs, throttle controls, boat handles, steering cable and boat rope, life preservers, life Jackets, boat caavas co>ens M paddles, self eompoaad, plastic wood ftll, glee and Slier. Marine Plywood BMrtMul im.Ii Iffl? u4 flr. Availabk by M ar sheet. SWITZER - CRAFT Wholesale and Retail Entrance Rear of Gladstone's Store, McHenry, IU. - r:

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