Thursday, June 2, THE Mcfi£XEY DEALS* h|»IN Balls: p§ "SO L M'HENRY BEATS » JOHNSM >v EARL R. WALSH TO 3 MONDAY 'There is at least one boy in our community who is doing his pari hi protecting the citizens, especial* ly sportsmen, who are pestered with the ever-annoying red (ox. On Tuesday, David Patrick Lennon called on us and displayed a "Sonny" Miller In Good Form; Shamrock Hitters On Rampage Stolen Bafe«-t: McCulla, 2; H ing, B. Bolger. Two-Base Hits:' H. Stilling, N. Freund, S. Miller, N. Smith, W. » Smith. Three-Base Hits: McCulla, H. Stilling. 1. Home Runs: B. Bolger, J. Jackson. Double Plays: Meyer to Freund. , Strike Outs: 'Miller, 4; Jackson, 1. Walks:. S. Miller, 2; Jackson, 2; B. Miller, 1; G. Jackson, 2 FREUND HURLS 5-HIT GAME AS SHAMROCKS BEAT WOODSTOCK 3-1 ! Bases On Ftfund 4. Umpiifta: Bekwleri Walker. MCHS GOLFERS WIN SWANI COlfFEEENOB GOLF TOURNAMENT PRIZE WINNING ESSAY ON LIFE IN OUR AMERICA It can happen here! After several years of reporting j the same old story, the tide fox that he had caught in a trap changed last Monday on the Mcand put out of commission after'Henry baseball diamond and the »it of a battle. i McHenry Shamrocks pounded. c>i„ . ..... _• _ . . „ iow, we know that this wild i a way to a 21 to 3 victory over the j ® Live animal would steal chickens, catch IJohnsburg Tigers. In Amerlca- sponsored by pheasants and rabbits--and make i "Sonny" Miller held the hard a general nuisance of itself In company with his father, Da-, and was carried from the field on Richard "Xickie" Freund pitched j quite a ball gam* at Woodstock , last Sunday to win a 3 to 1 decision | Howie 'or the Shamrocks. Freund allowed | only five hits, with nary a blow, c o m i n g a f t e r t h e f o u r t h i n n i n g . H e ' had a working ball that went wild' a few times when he put too much into a pitch. Dick Conway led off the first: inning with a triple to right field.! Sonny Miller hit safely and was forced £t second on Jim Larkins tap to the mound. Jerry Larkin slashed a wicked hopper along the Light Frem Fireflies Captured fireflies provide the Weaver I 1 with a well lighted nest ID India, according to legends there. „ Of s_ix school„s entered .i.n. .t.h.^e flrst base line that Helm took care, 'Mbit of a battle. |McHenry Shamrocks pounded. contest "It's Fun To Live °* unassisted. Harry Stilling tap-i T<ow, we know that this wild i away to a 21 to 3 victory over the, America."' sponsored by the 'ront °' l^e Plate and was Wonder Lake Area Kiwanis club wben the pitcher and catcher , recently, Dorothy Doherty. repre- bumped each other trying to make; hitting Johnsburg team in check anting St. Mary's-St. Patrick's a P*a>' Stilling stole second and: and was carried from the field on 8Chool, was proclaimed as winner went to third on Hutchinson's wild' vid Patrick was on his way to the the shoulders of a group of happy Qf flr8't prize for her entry Fol- throw, Jim Larkin scoring. "T county clerk's office to collect his fans when the final out was made. iowiDg js the essay which she ,sub- L°«r«cher whipped three bounty. McHenry fans looked for a bad | afternoon as Johnsburg sent Joe Lefty' strikes 1 mitted: pa8t Bil1 Bo^er to end the inning! "There are a number of reasons an<^ went on from that point to; About all one hears this week is Jackson to the mound* but it was why jt jB fun to uve in America P,tch an impressive game. a review of the big victory the not Joe's day last Monday. Nine in fact> there are so many that I 1 Norm Britz, who displayed -a McHenry Shamrocks hung up on McHenry batters faced him " in wjj] onjy ^ abje to mention a few 8tron8 throwing, arm before the Brcoration Day--a 21 to 3 win over, each of the first two innings and ; "We have ona of the finest forms 8ame ended, led off the first inning Johnsburg. ; had a 9 to U lead going into the government in the entire uni- for Woodstock with a hit and ad- ,-- 'third frame. The Shamrocks were verse. The people who recent- vance(i on a sacrifice. Freund then I McHenry fans have waited quite!on the rampage and couldn't be'iy suffered under tyrannic rule in Put on the brakes wit,h two strike.) a while fdP one of those victories!stopped England were not going to take <"*«. . I so had reason for Joy and celebra-. Manager Belts One iany chances that the new govern-1 McHenry's defense left some-. ti°n. ) The big Wow in the flrst inning ment in America could possibly In- Jo • 'was a grand slam homer off the fringe upon these rights. They *J»en the^oodstockput over, It seemed like the Shamrocks bat of Manager Bill Bolger. A took ample precaution in framing «eir lone run oi tne game. j were in a hitting mood and smack-1 base-clearing double by Harry tis law-making body. It takes some pitching to stop ed everything served up to them. 'Stilling was the crowning blow many watch the next game between same teams. It takes some , 'It's fun to live in America the Larkin biothers all afternoon {knowing that you are protected by so it was no surprise when Jim 'a • strong central government. a. . safely to start the There are no fears of freedom of 8 surprise came in the fact that neither scored after rest- NtMfenarfan RtctmmtMk Di»f in Wtll for Ailments WHEATLAND, OKLA.-Do you have heart trouble? A lame back? A common cold? Then listen to Charlie Weiche He's a Wheatland man of 90 years who says--philosophically --that he "probably" found an unscientific cure. The hard way. Charlie fell into a well. He <h*opped 20 feet into eight feet of icy water. He held onto a pipe for an hour and 20 minutes before he was ..discovered by a 9 year old neighbor. "And," Charlie says, "It'll probably cure anything .that's wrong with me." Mrs. Weiche says "everything" includes heart trouble, a lame back, and a cold. ^ But Charlie does admit it was "one of the worst experiences I ever had." He figures he could have lasted about "10 or 15 minutes" more. Climaxing a very successful golf iseason. the high school golf squad i won the Swani Conference golf meet last Saturday on the Delavan Country Club golf course. In addition to winning a beautiful team trophy, two of the McHenry players won medalist and runner up honors. Bobby Miller, shooting his best game of golf, turned in an 80 for the medalist score, with Don '• McCracken trailing him by onej s t r o k e w i t h an 81 f o r t h e r u n n e r j up position. The four boys making up the! championship team from McHenry were Bob Miller with an 80. Don ; McCracken, captain of the team with an 81, Richards Michels with an 82 and Bob McCulla who turned in an 86. Lee Cooney and Herb Engdahl also played on the tourn- ; anient squad hut came in with higher scores. This gave McHenry ' a team score of 29: Delavan High carded a 345. I During the season the golf team ' scored two victories over Delavan,, two over Lake Geneva and two iover Whitewater, while tieing one i and losing one to Crystal Lake j and losing two to $lgin. < j NOTICE The Annual election of officers of the local Red Cross will be held at the City Hall on Tues-1 . day evening. June 14. 2-3 { Safer Rackets le Cmw Jets or rockets often contain a very hot surface that makes a liquid boil--a surface s6 hot that the liquid cannot touch it but is kept away by a film of vapor; when conditions like these happen accidentally. they may contribute to boiler explosions, but when they are properly understood they can be put to work in rocket design, according to Mr L A. Bromley of the University of California speaking to a meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Egyptian Oil Oil has been producea in Egypt for a great many years, but not in important quantities. The western portion of Saudi Arabia is not regarded as having oil potentialities. Need, rubber stamprf The_Plaiiidealer. Order at Officially Classify 32 Gardner Dairy ^ * Following official inspection of Robert W. Gardner's herd recently by W. A. Weeks, North Clareadoa, Vt„ an official inspector authorized by The Holstein-Friesian Association of America, Mr. Gardner, Solon Mills, is the owner of a total of thirty-two officially classified Holstein-Friesian dairy animals. Of the animals classified by Weeks, one was designated "vcfJf good," the second highest score an i animal can receive, and four -Scored "good plus." Adding pre* viously classified animals, the herd now has a total of one "excellent,'* six "very good," and fourteen "good plus." San for Cattle Salt, preferably, in the eearMQfr pulverized form, should be sible to cattle of all ages at times •. mmimM | in the second. It was a tremendous crowd thatj When the shamrocks started the .» game. All of those fans • third in a hitting mood, Manager. .... . ... , , . . Iac, ,na, neimer scorea arier rest- Pl5s many more will be out to Harry Freund called in the veter. ""f1®11 in,^isJreat *and of v.our»' ££^ iS «S:oid and third^%h no 'tween the an Bud M1Uer to try hl(| hand at no fears of freedom of speech and .f?50™. a°d_third T11? of the press, of petition of assem-1 was thrown out at the ' TTw^voo r'ruunnss 'ssccoorreedd ^in^ thee1 Ii nnnnifnrgie, ' bbuutt I y' these five wonderful 'Pgrloatuen dwerh eton thHea trhryir dS btia.Hsenmga nh. iJti ma It was quite a sight when some;Bud did all right until the 7th freedoms are guaranteed under the ?rounder to the third baseman. Jim, crossed the plate on a good slide. of the fans rushed out and hoisted when a 7-run outburst came |.c onstitution. year8 the American Twas c,ose B1U Bol*er drew Sonny" Miller on their shoulders , along. George Jackson was then "In recent Vobe't t e r walk. Things looked promising, but rhen th«» ramp wan over »w!.„mnnw ^ucadon Jf^It.^hiTdren tJI ^ry was picked off third on a 'modern schools have so many con-'^row from catcher Hutchinson. ible in the ninth. t!¥ree hits for the rest of the ,l ine Willard McCulla had one of those rare days in a ball player's life--six hits in six trips to the plate when the game was over. "Sonny" summoned from his catching ' kept the situation well in hand ; duties to the pitching department. education of its children. jUtD^e game" ®™ith Johnsburg «cored their first run' venlences that studying is more a Tom Bo,ger 9W«ttcd a well hit ball and No m S„mh «of i 'II Jo« o ,'? right center, kut Corey .!,t8.,anlN°rm_?_™th |0hftt a,?iv2 'r?n CO"nt to 3 and 2' then j The rapidly growing number of there to haul It in for the third - .. ? home run into center ' universities and colleges In Amer- ouJ;- field. The visitors put over two jCa show what an educational Conway got his third hit in the more runs in the fourth to end country it is. - ' seventh, but had to turn the run their scoring. j "There are also^recreational pro- n'n® business over to Larry Still- A review of -scoring would be, visions. Playgrounds, the public 'ng' ^ue t° a lame leg. Larry was a long story, but special mention I beaches, theatres, skating rinks stealing when Britz took a goes to two Shamrocks, Willard'and the various other sports make w'®e Pe8 an^ made the tag. McCulla and Harry Stilling, who America a country that is fun to The Shamrocks put oven their HamM Rtniintr wa« ..nikw tit* drove out enough hits for an en-, live in. third'run in the eighth as Sonny ter of note, getting five hits in six tlre team ™ an ordinar>- afternoon ! "Our national parks and muse- filler and Jim Larkin. each hit tHDB Some Hfttin! urns are famous nation-wide. We »are,y to ngnt ana puued tne i MoOniin hoH a c „„ v, . also have zoos which are lots of double steal to get in scoring posi- McCulla had 6 for 6 as he went fun tQ visit and feed the elephants tion B111 heat out a hit to g^anager Bill Bolger's four-run'0® d great hitting spree. One of peanut8 third to aid the cause. hfcner in the flrst inning mustjJJ)® K"-*" it,»thriple t0 Start °ff| "Another convenience is that we Freund gave the McHenry crowd have shown the way for the boys, i 'have sufficient doctors and nurses a a ®care in the ninth when j Stilling's total of 5 hits in 6 trips to take care of our daily needs he hlt the flrst batter, Jinga, with Richard "Nickie" Freund had | included two triples. In addition and health problems. Scientists a Patched ball. He then let fly with quite a time for himself over the Harry hauled in 6 fly balls in his have discovered new medicines to 8 w"d pitch to advance the runner, weekend, pitching a 3 to 1 victory left field sector. prevent disastrous diseases and The next three batters were taken at Woodstock on Sunday and con- ' While the lop-sided score came cure of contagious diseases care of on fly balls. tributing three hits as a first-base-1 as a big surprise, the victory was "in this picturesque and care- ^Henry " AB R H. man on Monday. {accomplished by smacking out an free land of ours we have the c°nway. 2b ... 4 1 J assortment of 24 base hits. The privilege to be friendly with the McCracken/ 2b 10 0 Next Sunday the Hebron team victory caused much jubilation people of our choice. We are not Miller, lb A will play in McHenry. Crystal ] among the McHenry fans and is dictated by someone who tells us J- Larkin. rf 4 Lake V. F. W. will appear on the I certain to add support to the to 'do this or do thaf' If we want G Larhin. ss 4 J<fjnsburg diamond. Shamrocks. REMEMBER FATHER, BUILDER OF OUR NATION'S FUTURE FATHER'S DAY JUNE 19 10MV1 CHUNK* ABC lOMOMOWn AMMCA Remember Dad with a Gift from McGEE'S IK Grave slreet H. 8THICK lUSTiBl TIXi COMPANY Phone Elgin S4M 117 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY Elgin, lllinei* McHenry | Conway, 2b AB 7 6 5 4 6 DAILY PINUPS: Beauty in the young is nature's j McCulla, etching," in the aged it is a rare J- Larkin, rf old masterpiece. G. Larkin, m Hitching your wagon to a star H. Stilling, If is easier than dragging your load. T. Bolger, 3b 0 Pulling the wool over others' McCracken. 3b 3 eves may leave lint in your own. i B. Bolger, cf 6 In God's language the glorious Freund. lb ;. 5 sunrise means "Good Morning." I Miller, p l The crimson sunset "Good Night."! - £rue goodness is the subtlest Totals 46 magic. < Johnsbarg AB The hardest person to fool is E. Meyers, cf 4 your own conscience. N. Smith, cf 1 Some men gain their reputations Q- Jackson, c, p. .. by opening their mouth, wiser j Howie Freund, 2b ones gain theirs through silence. |A Jackson, ss .... Dreams are like gay baloons which one prick of discouragement can shatter, -- By Unknown Contributor. Grew Big Leaves Ae Inaja palm of South Americt wuh leaves of from IB le 80 Dee long, reaches a height of 100 feet l<a«g«el aeetaw--e World's largest restaurant Is la Rockefeller Center In New York City, It serves more than 10 tons of food in 94 hours. W. Smith, lb B. Miller, rf,p Harry Freund, c . R. Freund, 3b Pitxen, If J. Jackson, p, rf. R 1 4 4 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 21 R 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 24 H 6 1 0 0 1 3 't, f 1 3 1 Totals 38 3 10 Score by Inningst Johnsburg 001 200 000--3 McHenry 541 000 73z--21 to go to the movies or do anything H. Stilling. If 4 we wish we can, without being told Bolder, cf % 8 that such and guch a leader does Bolger, 3b 4 not want us to. That is what is w- Bolger. c 1 i glorious about our land. The McCulla, c 3 things that are hard to put into Freund, p 4 words, walks down a quiet little ' « -- street, laying on the beach in the Totals 36 sun. going to school and mingling Woodstock AB with 'the gang.' Little ordinary Britz, ss 5 things like these are what make Jinga, 3b 3 me proud to live in this land of Steinweke, rf 5 'spacious mountains, rolling plains. Loerscher. p 4 big cities and quaint little towns A- Steinweke, If 5 called America, our - country. I Hutchinson, c 4 think there are no words quite so Dermont, c 2 fitting to express this country'as Helm, lb ...., 3 those which are in the song, 'America,' . . . 'the land of the ; free and the home of the brave.' | "It is up to us, the future citizens of America, to keep this free ' and b e a u t i f u l l a n d a p l a c e t h a t i s , fun to live in. It is up to us to i Stolen Bases: -Miller, J, . keep America a happy, healthy and H. Stilling, B. Bolger. fun-loving country for everyone to'Two-Base Hits: Conway, ! live in, whether he is black or i tin. E- Steinweke. iwhite." |Three-Base Hits: Conway. g -- ' i Double Plays: McCulla to Miller. ! _ • [Strike Outs: Loerscher 3, Freund j Bead the Want Adt. j g. Corey, cf 4 35 0 cl 0 AO 0V © Total* Score by Innings t McHenry 20ft 000 010--3 Woodstock 001 000 000--1 Larkin, 3. Lar- Since ftayea tiarroeets water spots rayon. don't le£rayon garments dry thoroughly and then sprinkle. Instead, roll the rayon garment in a towel to eliminate excess moisture; then hang on a banger until dry enough to iron. Qnartsite Bock In the Blue Ridge mountafeiti-4ft Virginia the quartzite rock, used in making silicon, chrome and tungsten alloys is so hard that H .steel drills. Oxyacetylene torches burn as far as 20 feet into the surrounding rock and the quartzite is blasted out with dynamite. Complete line of Beebe livestoeV remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me , lenry. .-..'•If Bead the Want TAXI Ride la .a' Ltaxii aad relax la eemferi. Toall have ao parkhig worries or raaalag t« make • has whea yea travel taxl-style. t GaU a McHenry Cab Phone 723 * JUNE IS NATIONAL DAIRY M0NIH BUTTER ta* Mi "A" Niii»I<SI MILK P*Mfc #MB CMNJ EGGS MS»S1££99» SSSta.lttls. i T j a i f c ««Alf CARTON NON M CARTON 59c 2-37c ****' 57c ~ 15 oz. 29e naTco ftiKNPALI CLUB PROCESSED AMERICAN CHEESE SPREAD 2- 65' CHEESE SPREAD . 19' KRAFT VELVEEFA 2 fc 75« CM AMER. CHEESE PMSTCTTICKUC sowSSrscKisc 19* ^£?2St •SC 2fr VaAk. 2 ^ 79« nufts'cneese 2_^ 85* SnMOBK . . Jft 58. jSSn-siMBT* . . 5C 25. rSToSl . . . . St JS. eWMOBK . . . » IS* - - - - - Malar Im*mm* ^ 19> SMSSCKESK . . . ^ 59« Fruits and Vj g e 13 b1 j s & WRESTLING FRIDAY, IUNB 3 LAKE COUNTY ST A D I 8:30 P.M. M round lake park, ill ADMISSION--RINGSIDE $1.25; BLEACHERS 75c, indadin* tax Or BOUND LAIC MK MBTS CUBS ftlliaCTlOHD BY CJUUL MANDY BABY JAft OTP-- WITH THI PURCHASE OF THW Ot MOftC JAMS OP LIBBYSO^OQc BABYFOODS^ SlBW Mete DtoMT w 29* jSmu&Ctffhe 2 ^ 95* SriMMiu. 2'£ 85* Si S115 .jsb «Mk OMfVf Evivtest Pretsnres 1+ObJa SASSY CATF00B , 4 ^ 2 0 . PASCAL CCLEVT s^isi s g 2 » r 7 7 « KANMMUr ARSBAP 3ttr25» . 3* i 2 s 25*^™* fief!T 1st 27*«?75* rait m TTT. *r28« t77< ysargf MBT RJUB .. .lis. 28*ijri--' met mp >.. 2 « 30» HfV: