<& jy^^T "t«K - *v*t '^2 l1,^ *"•>% ' hT. " "^y lift Si* , * »" *Srf?*A4 * * "* *iW ^ tWt McHENRY PLAITOEALIR ThtnwUr, Joat 2, ]M| CLR55IFIED f ECTION 4I.I,.lEiR-R0l'>n HONES FOR FOR SALE-Very good vanntint, PRHISU AKD SPRATIXO--Tree SALE -Pistakee Bay. 5 rooms and ">0xl5(V, Quinn's Subdivision; line pruning and spraying. Frank bath lot 104x360.' also suitable, trees; high elevation, by owner. Henkel. plume McHenry 5i:)-J-lfor ressoorrtt ccoottttaaggeess.. Price $16,000. F. L Fraser. Box 101, Walnut. P. O. Round Lake. III. - Residence will take reasonable offer. Shalimar Subd. Jlodern 111. 4 Volo 44-tf FOR SAL Shallow well Dem-1 . of the great number of ads which appear in the Tie lades It each week, we hare feuad II bappssibls to keep books ea each Mil accounts. Theretare, ia the future, only ads which M fill fer before this section af the paper gees to press at 10 felecfc en Wednssday mornings vfll be printed. home, garage, automatic oil heat. V """"Vr' ""JT' 1 1 Irtt. heautifullv land- min* pump "with %-hp. motor.) Woodstock Piano Toner Price $15 000 jo00-gal. storage tank, complete; Phone 203-526 Washington St. £\ Alto five large rooms in Shalimar. j fgHnfr8 .and su*ges3o lots. 1ir5A0x.i1-5.d0 . $H142C,5A0A0 . McHenry 66S-M-1. *5 4 rooms and porch, in Wooded FOR SALE Sofa and chair, 30-tf Woodstock, HL ExmmceBD LANDSCAPING--TBEE AND REMOTAL -- INSURED PUS ESTIMATES J. W. RATCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 FOR SALS Estates Sub. Pistakee Bay. lot;Co(fee and gateleg tables, pull-up 100x200. Price $7,500. {chair, book-case, table and floor Wonder Lake on Blacktop road, jamp kitchen table and chairs. ... o rooms, furnace heat, garage t)onn Nutf Hickory Creek Farm,: Phone 2SS-R -- W. McHenry. tU. large lot. Price $S,500. For »PO}nt- 1 Phone McHenry 603-W-l. *3 ment call in Johnsburg. JACOB -- • •• FRITZ, REALTOR, Tel. McHenry 'FOR SALE--Year round home; 37. S-t' four large rooms, also closed-la -- 1 ! porch, at West Shore Beach. Mc- VACATIOX SPECIALS jCullom Lake. Call after 7 p. at. 43 tf JEER FOR SALE -- If you get company and need a case of cold beer in a hurry, come to the Sportsmen's Inn; also package liquor to take out. 513 Main street. McHenry. *3-3 jmm "* FOR SALE-- One practically new |-hp. Bolens Huske garden tractor with all equipment. First house north on Sherman Hill Road and Route 120. *3 FOR SALE -- Two matching Axniinster rugs. and !>xl?. complete with pads and throw rugs. Suitable for living and dinette room; like new and reasonable. Claude Nickels. Phone McHenry 259-W 3 ; Brlag this ad ia for «pwW nisll home on Saturday redaction. If* worth *J0 Ml a -- *40--Willy* Sedan ; '40-- PoatJar C oach •' *40--Pljmoath Sedan *40--Madehaker Coach- *3# -Plymoaih f«ip# . Sate also ©a £ *42--Plymoath ( lab Coape •41--Oldtiaoblle Coach *41--Plymeath Sedan Pla« many ether* Phone S38-M-2 and Sunday. •a Ceaieat a ad Carpenter Work Oaieat ITicr Far Beat Mi X. Musartw KmeraJd Park Sah. Phone Ml-J-1 l-tf FOR SALE -- 1947 International %-ton pickup truck. Pine Tree Stables. Phone S9S-.J. *3 i SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charles Freuud) Mr and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund and daughter. Sharon. vi.>lted in the William Huff home in Waukegan last week Sunday and attended the services of a Confir- CHICAGO, ILL -- Consumers mation class. changed their spending and saving i Air. and Mrs. Arnold May, who habits la it year aftef four years have been in China for the past in the same groove. Maybe you two years. are visiting at the hadn't noticed. But Margaret Reid. £.om® °' his P»"-ents. Mr. and Mr University of Illinois economist. 1 rf, fy,K .. . A dMidA m ilojuoakti.ni •g over a survey of con-1 Mrs. Arthur Kattaer attended # blrthday at the home of sumer finances sponsored by the Mrs. Agnes RusselJ in Chicago on federal reserve board. I Monday night. She also fbuftd the rich and poor Mrs. Arthur Klein aad daugli- FOR SALE--Beef Steak Ponderoso1 and the famous Italian Tree Vine! Tomato Plants. First house north j eh Sherman Hill Road and Rou•tJe j t Hfclr If AiTEif CARPENTER and CBMBMT WOBK Asbestoi Shingles aad lamlatlon Free Estimate ABVT0SOK BBOTHEBS TeL MuHearv 653-M-2 50-tf j relatively more money wealth, they were richer while the Inbetweens ter3. and Mrs. • Albert Britz and had relatively leaa. wealth thaa be-1 sons attended graduation exerfore the war. Furthermore, she says, jclses of the daughter of Mr. and in recent years the rich are saving 'Mrs. Joseph Brltz in Moline. III., more, but while the. poor have oq Sunday. « Arthur Klein and Albert Blitz grade and Jennie Smith, tenth grade. F. L. Hatch, of Spring Grove, returned home Saturday evening. from an extended tour, inspecting universities in the Interest of* the new agricultural college to be erected at L'rbana. III. The electrical storm Tuesday morning did considerable damage. On the farm of Frank Peck, who resides near Ridgefiekl. there were six tows struck %ty lightning. The WauK*gan Gazette-Register proprietors have added a new linotype machine to their j future, office equipment. Gus Carlson, who lun cOn-1 ducted a harness s'oop In this village for the past seven years, has disposed of it to Wm. Merz. who has been in his employe for the past four yearsaddition to his residence in till# village. Circuit cOurt is in session at Woodstock, this week. Judge Kellum presiding. There are ninetyfive common law and eiglity-four chancery cases on the docket. % The home Bakery, in this village. has changed hands. C. A. Barbee having sold the business to Chas. R. Huber, of Michigan, who has taken possession of the same. L. F. Newman started on Tuesday morning for Nebraska, where he will n?ake his home in tha SIXTY TEARS * George W. Owen is building an Canada grooaa differ* dram fe# rwBad griwas hi having «»ail«rI eraats on their heads, smaller air sacs on their necks, and shorter . taOa, which are aquare a* (he eMs The coloration is darter aad 1hep an somewhat smaller. HBLP WANTED i 120. Kitchen help i and waitresses for dining room. I Magic Chef gas stove, full or part time. Villa Hotel; are cutting deeper into their sav- ®nj°.ved a fishing trip to Fox Lake, i 1,,^ Wis., over the holiday weekend. -The middle groups are Just about ' graduates of St. Peter's holding their own in the percentage 8C^°P' received their diplomas at of net savings. services in church Sunday morn- ". . .. ttk.M „ ing. The girls were in dresses For the first time since 1944, pastel colors and wore corsaxea the economist notes in. the univer- cj pinij and white carnations. The iFOR SALE !left-hand oven: cream and green, j Resort. Phone AlcHenry 378. 2-tf ~--~~ Suitable for city or bottle gas; j __ All (.narantefd. Pla* 3iew ralnt goo^ condition. Phone McHetfryi HELP WASTED -- Experienced gity's Business Review, "the per- boys were in suits of gray or blu^ 3 bartender for evenings during centage of income spent last year with white carnations boutonieres. summer monrthsV in McHenry; good salary. Write Box 44. in cajre Job* and Reconditioned Motors A. S. BLAKE *<>TOR SALES, lac. _!--_J S#1 E. PEARL STREET, FOR SALE Mr HENRY. ILL. l«-hp.. No.15 SD. 437-M. Phone AfcHenrv of piajndealer. *3j FOR SALE- Mi'Culloni Lake 4V4- FOR SALE -- One Skyline field FOR SALE--Five automatic oil hot room home; insulated year-round; harvester with motor; one Alodel water heaters. $45 each. Tel. Wonrunuing water; lot 50x150. Phone CIS Harden Roto.tiller (demon- der Lake 681. Paul Reuter. 3 McHenry 566-M-l. *3 stratorc 1 Red Cap lawnmqwer r#.tirv -- (demonstrator i; one Seaman h-ft. FOR SALE -- 42-ft. Century de- FOR SALE PIANOS • 40 MILES Roto-tiller in good condition; livered in '44; 17^ ft. dbl. ckpt. FROM HM;H PRICES -- Factory one Allis-Chalmers, Model B. trac- twd. lrt;? gray; completely refin- Warehouse Sale. Special allowance tor with l$-in plow. 1948 model: ished; extra prop; perfect confer old pianos during June. The rotary hoes; also a complete line' dition throughout: reasonable. most perfect graduation gift - the of Ford tractors and farm ma- • new- Cable spinet - and many chinery: one Galloway manure Others. spr^a-ler 95 !>ushel cap. REED Cash or Terms. Call Elgin 750 or RAMH.E TRACTORS* West Belvisit DAVID E. STARK PIANO videre St.. Waukegan, Ilk Just CO., 21 N Union St., Elgin. 111. east of Highway 41 on Route 20. Phone McHenry 657-M-l. FOR SALE -- For your Fuller brushes call Albert Peppipg. Sr., R-l. AlcHenry. Phone 676-W-2 2-tf _ 3 FOR SALE -- driven Hobart 4-wh?el gasoline electric welding Biachine. Wcmnry day. E>TATE LIQI I1>ATI0>' BY OWNER Frank Cirocke. Phone B^utiful Colonial Inme. Five FOR SALE -- Electrify your oil (lamp in V* minute with the new 1 Gyro converters; it's ready to light. Also cut glass vases and 105-J. Sunday, or Mon- ^d7^s. largeTuins' rocim. libra-! ch/na, vases electrified aid made ry. dining room and ^closed m}° lov^lamp vases. All types porch. Approxm^l^iv vi acres foot shore 1:a^- o.i F'istak FOR SALE--'49 Hudson Commodore- 6 sedan. Owner must sacri. fee. This car is in perfect' condition and fully equipped.; accept best offer. Call McHenry 66^-M-l. *3 o f lamps * repaired. Estimates ziven free. Open Sundays. STILLTOWN AND -COUNTRY DHV,. >l«- SUMMER HOMES FOR Large one.story building. :3')x40. large porch, new foundation, suitable to change into 6 rooms, near Jonhsburg Bridge, only $4,200. BlcCullom Lake, Shell. Home, large corner lot, price $2,8D»> Miller's Sub., 5 room and shad", flowers, lawns caretaker house, garage a.^greenhous ®. $42.-v"}. If int?r>-5Te1 call r*r writ*1 Ra'.oh I». K=»;!•*;•. r'.t. 1. SALE-- McH-?ary. Phon? Pista,kj^ 7 1-J Henrv. Tel. AlcHenry 297-J. 1-8 FOR -»AI.E A I.I. YEAR HOMES, and ur». FARM S, larne and small: CHOICE LOTS; LISTINGS APFREi IATF.D; ST0MP0- Wood- FOR SALE--Cocker spaniels, one buff female, S weeks: two blacks, females: 3 years old. George Reiker. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. *">2-tf MISCELLANEOUS PAiyXINC' -- Exterior and inferior: installation of plastic tiie; ARE YOU LOOK1! FOR A COOD POSITION At the same time learning an old m - trade. WE WAS* ' AMBITIOUS GIRL#; •WHO WISH TO fr--V MAKE SEWING ^ THEIR CAREER / CNOOSI A IF YOU ARE STEADY AND NOT AFRAID TO WORK YOUR EARNINGS ARE NOT LIMITED 5.day Week - 40 houra- No Saturday Work Girls with home sewing experience preferred declined as compared with the pre- They marched in church led by ceding year, and the percentage Judy Anna Weber and Daniel saved rose correspondingly." Freund. Ju^y. in a fioor length" _ light blue dress, and Danny in a •••F ®c Over white suit, both carried baby mums This may signal the end of the and carnations. Graduate^ were special postwar spending boom, [Edward Popelka, Eugene Huff, she says, but she finds that expen- Henry Kattner, Wayne Miller, ditures "are not far front what Fred Alav. Norman Whipper, might be expected on the basis of Phyllis May. Betty Lennon, Patsy prewar experience" Hines, Jeanette „ Huff, Barbara Prof. Reid describes-Mtrtrat has Schmitt and June Klaus. been happening in this *ay: j A >arge crowd attended the card ' . . . . 1 p a r t y h e l d a t S t . P e t e r s p a r i s h J5ST * Iag. half on Wednesday night. Games ncome last year, increasing less of p,nochle. five-hundred and bunthan the given rise in income. This ^ were played and prizes wegi was similar to the pattern of the to Airs. Olivia Bauer. Russel Ruprewar years. Consumers putdolph. Mrs. Harriet Olson, Mrs. j away about 7 per cent of personal {Myrtle Siedschlag. Tom Adam*,' disposable income In 1948. This is Airs. Albert Britz. Lawrence Nimshigher than most prosperous years Kern. Airs. Charles Freund, Mrs. !"before the war, but still is a third I ^ Buessler^ Bob Lent. Lester j below the 10.6 per cent saved in ^fschlag. Mrs. Delia Miller. Mrs. ' IMl jTillie Alay. Airs. Alice Wagner, (Catherine Freund. Anne Spindler, In prewar years spending and Elaine Freund. Airs. John Jung , income fluctuated closely together, and Mrs. Kutherine Kngels. Specj Drops in income were accompa- iai prize winners were Mrs. John ' nied by smaller drops in expendi- Miller. Aliss Elaine Smith and Miss tures and rise3 in income by small- Clarice Alay. A delicious lunch of er rises in expenditures. The two always moved in the same direction. oi.i.c. o inclosed ' I i|! ( H /iVl F K\<IY 'erior: lUMiaiiain.'ii ui piasm; me, porch, near Johnsburg. Price v " { t -, V insured; for estimate call Mc- $7,500. For appointment call (Hank 1 ' ^ Henrv 552-W-l. Bert, Engstrom. Nell). JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR. , ,fr ... „ . f. c .. in Johnsburg, Tel. AlcHenry 37. * j *a- . , ' RirgAO^d. suitable for z-s station, cabins. I uucii room. i-'or infor- RIVFRSIDE MFG. fl|» Sm 9. Riverside OHve McHenry, I1L Spending Trailed Incema But during the war years there was an ever widening gap between income and spending. Production for civilians fell off and retail 3; shelves took on a bare look. The »<,„» ..r. « » . - I armed forces expanded and there Bertr Lngstrom. HELP W A>TL0--several men for wa« an increased nrt»«sur» tn hii» Marine Route. McHenry." 47-tf in5U,ation roofin? and sidlng. Ex-1 bSLidSf pressure to buy KINSEY k BE>STES ! AU these worked Carpenter* HHP WASTE D - W a i t r e s s . I Landl's Countryside Inn. Phone ] AlcHenry 212. Call Air Spun FOR SALE--Spring formal*, satin D}f ion rf>H -JACOB FRIT/. KEAL«<r^t ll3 voll an AfttimatA S Wonder Lake 69s> *after 3 P i. j...... Till), m inhnoKnpv Tal \f^HAni»v I .... * . .. - ' ' ' • wedding gownS. ladies' dresses. TOR, in Johnsburg. T»l. AlcHenry )thgt building 'or remodeling job. WANTED TO RENT hats, suits; children's clothes: wl. • v-tf -- -- -- men's and Phone McHenry *3-4 FOR SALE -- 13' at. «s standing alfalfa. FOR RF.5T -- < '• acres pastun- land. R. Ames, Gerry F a r r r . a a " P u b r i d g e * 3 Insulation Co.! j "1"e wwrit J ea ^her to m push civilian spending farther and farther behind the rise in income. Then, with the end of the war. hot chicken sandwiches and horaeiriade cakes was served by the committee.. Airs. _Paul I-ewis entertained members of her club at her home in Fox Lake Thursday afternoon. A luncheon of Italian spaghetti v as served at 1:30 o'c lock and the afternoon was spent at cards." Prize winirfers were Mrs Norbert Klaus. Airs. Arthur Kattner. Airs. Arthur Klein alid Air3. Catherine Kugdn. Mr. and Airs. Joseph Pittges of Chicago were . Memorial Day guests in the Math Nimsgern home. A -lurze crowd attended th« USED CAK AU Prices Slashed 1917 ST10EBAK1K C. C. 194? KAISER I DR. I»47 NASH 000 4 DR. 1»« WILLYS JEEP 1»4« WASH AM. 4 DR. I»4« J( ASH COO 3 DR. I 1944 FORD COST. ! 1941 PLYMOUTH S. If. . 1941 NASH «00 2 DR. I 1941 DODGE 4 DR. | STl'DFBAKER 4 DR. 1940 LINCOLN ZEPHl'R 4 DR. = 19«r FORD 2 DR. !%«• RUCK * DR. 19S« CHEVROLET 4 DR. . 1934 DESOTO 4 DR. 19» PLYMOUTH C. 1947 DODGE POWER WAGON 19Sg BUCK COUPE Downs Nash Sales 406 film Street McHEICKY 484 Also Towlag Service Which Do We Need? The answer is obvious-- Both! The doctor makes the diagnosis and prescribes the necessary ingredients for medical treatment. The pharmacist fills the prescription. he must know tye doctor's language, and' he must fill the order properly. Both the pajtron and the doctor can depend , oa our qualified pharmacists. •NYE DRUG STORE (Walgreea Agency) Phoae 96 McHenry ANTED TO RENT I>0 VOL" WISH TO RENT YOl'R HOAIE? HERE'S A GOOD INVKSTMENT -- Middle-a^ed couple. boys' suits; sport coats; shoes. This clothing in good condition. "Gone With th? Wind" Tamps, chinaware. glassware. gilded frames, clocks matched luggage; Burrough's adding ML" machine; electric vacuum clean- ril.ht fnr _ap. .. ers, violin. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra den fertilizer/ $4 per \°ard gde-! "rms- problems t be^_°^ Cotta Road. Terra Cotta Consign- jivere<i ,n ' i ment A Resale Antique Shop h hul F George O p e n d a i l y° f1, Tpe. r mra. C--ot t^1 0fa cpt.o rm>'. i McHe,n ry%.' Phone Pistakee 633-J-2 Sundays. 11 a- m. -- 6 p. m. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. * A CCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING ' CONSULTATION in Tax Matters. Reliably aai§ i*i- =* rfili7pr rotten row1 expensively performed by former!no children, need 5 or 6-room niiizer. rouen eow;^ member of Chlca)?0 CPA j modern home; walking distance i r v^ni 1 firms. To discuss your problems'Ration: best of references: can or 5-var^load Rest-or d >aro ioaa. Kest-1, without obligations call McHenrv , occupy any time from now to Sept. 1; iong time Iease at sen3ible SOrge VV . Reiker. R-l, i runt • icrila full Hatailc nrinf »a l tf i MOWING rent; write full details; want to Tractor mowing and inspect and close deal at once. wood sawing. Herman Dowe. I George Knisely, 7o37 S. Kenwood 3-tf FOR SALE-Johna-Manviile HomeiPh"one McHenry 241. 3-tf Ave.. Chicago 19. 111. 2-3 FOB SALE--Generators, armatures,. InataUed by The Wall- 0LD PIANOS RECONDITIONED WANTED -- Apartment or small ^artern, fuel pumps, distributors' w est|™^te , I--I»oes your piano buzz or rattle? •'house, furnished or , unfurnished, voltage regulators and ignition parts stilling. McHenry lv f 40-tf Has it broken parts that do not Call George Brda. Phone McHenry for Ford and all oth^r cars. Seaoo FOR S4IF_Piain anH rr^btarc Iwolk? Are the ivories broken or;243-R. 4S-tf B.1,. * Service. Lilymoor. Fred J. Mock,: T" el! »<«'•«' Have it p.p.tr.d and the I WKT fivoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 1 S3. Mocks; chimney blocks. bird^V^ya ^cov«r.ed.^For a guaranteed TOIt 1 47-tf ha»ha .>m- _iri_ „first class Piano Technician, write :-- .hs, urn.-,, ring and co*er3. Rich-1 Jack v jjarkofski. 533 State St.,, FOR RENT--One-room apartment production for civiliaus increased 1»r»ll jjame between .Miller Corners and spending rose even more 8V1<i Sprincr Grove team at the sharply than income. In other , diamond Sunday^ afternoon. Words, many people dipped into <)ur boys took a beating with a Ttruuee f"roomm 19'4^5 ^thrroou^gh T194w7. 'nD*e- , ,. °It ' Cr^raF ^8^ noont W|nain? the game 11 mobilization and the high birth rate tl> v" - Don't stive up, boys, we're added a demand for men's cloth- aj| rooting for you. ing, house furnishings and many other goods to the large demand backlog for durable goods whic civilians already had built up. TV^ICE TOLD TALES mond Cement Products. LT. and 17«. Richmond, III. Phone 1304: »2-» FOB 8ALE--TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES. Ser.viw m all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbou paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.,! FOR SALE--Household furniture, Woodstock. Phone 549. • 7-tfjend tables, davenport, upholstered in V- u c. (hairs. 3-piece sectional bed. 10-cuoic ft. Cold Spot • lamps/ etc. B E. Hall. Fleming ' Road, Bull Valley. Woodstock. Tel. ; Woodstock 1617-M-2. 52-tf FOR SALE refrigerator: 66x22 walnut' buffet Magic Che| 4-Burn^r gas stov high oven: all excellent condition .Call McHenry 631-M-J ia eveuin*. FOR SALE--Large lots, with river i FOR SALE --5-room y^ar 'round home on P i s t a k " f J & Y - ' Hot air heat, insulated, electric stove, kitohen cabinets. Venetian blinds, storm windows, 20 x 20 garage jrPhone McHenry 7^7-J. 7 Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Iiurlington, Wis., or call Burling-1.with bath and shower, no kitchen, ton 211. s adults only. Apply Town Clttb. ^ s---- i Phone McHenry 12. 3 MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SEB> | r-- i YICE--Records installed and main- ! FOR RENT--About 30 acrp.s good tained. Elm^r P. Adams; Certified j pasture, near Burton s B^glge Tax Consultant. One mile north j S150 for whqle _'WKiuon. -.^WTite of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; | William Deria?' Bluff III Fox Lake. Til. Phone Fox Lake i Phone il». •' 2-3 __57"tf ROOMS FOR B£5iT At 109 West the | Main street. Mi»Ffenry. Tel. 100-R. 3-2 Fanid Wartime Fortress 01 Air Piaetd in MUMUM CHICAGO. -- The Swoose--last Flying Fortress bpmber of pre- World War II vintage still flyingchugged into Douglas airfield to take its place in the Chicago branch of the Smithsonian institution's national, air museum. The craft and its crew wereimillwork plant located on greeted on the ground by civic Frank Hughes property on leaders, and the airplane iwai mt lataraft Take* Fwa ia* Fife* of the Plahidealar •f tear* Ago TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Z rights, near Pistakee Lake. George 1 SliWERl^^ Have m< -'W Reiker. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2 electr,c rod cut out the obstruc '52-tf FOR' SALE--Norge refrigerator, 2-door, 10 cubic ft., in running condition. Price, $100. Call M. G Miller. "Phone McHenry 6S7- W-L ( 46-tf tion. ! No digging. No lawn mess: 1 Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned. Built and Repaired. • | Modern Construction, j Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitaiv Co . Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf LOST M 4 t u « 4 < n « l 11 I I I n | | 1 1 1 t H » l » H I 4 * l UK I l l l l l l l Helen Weber Says: -Zj7-4t. " Stains Are Dangerous Ewry stain or unknown spot on jour clothes fit a danger apot! ;erous to tha fabric and to the >vity of the garment. When spot or stain your clothe#, thp cauae at one*, and bring garment to ua. Our export n^overs will carefully treat apot to renew the color at the ~£aroMot and remove the apot. This "ju Juai another one at the outstanding serrloA tif our qnallty dry cleaners, t*' ^ McHenry Cleaners 1M-M lMEbi SC. i0". m Iter. BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US--We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND S U P P L I E S . ..WORWICK.'3 j Green St.. Phone 291. STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf LOST--Diamond ring. Watch and pair fo earrings, between Mt Henry and State Line. Return to Mrs. Tom Mau, 712 Laurel St, Elgin, III. Reward. , 2-2 WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen mastJze transported in sterile container. Charge $4. McHenry XRay A Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. S-t! WANTED TO BUY FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials. Call or write * FRANK GANS 30® Riverside Drive, McHcnry Tel. 106-W WANTED TO BUY -- Old used piano for summer practice. Phone 680-M-2 or write to Dove Carter. Rt 2. McHenry. Lily Lake. *3 ' S. 'J. Frazer. local oon*-.ctor and builder has taken ov»r the the the was east side of the river, and which escort: i on its bjt sixty miles for a tim* was '0P*rat*d nnder of flight by B-28 bombers from ,the Fra'.er. Newiwrg & W national cuacd ««t that V1 i \ tr . . « w 11:-» * Jther has been anything Col. r'ranic Kurtz ot Omaha, or- | ^uf favorable for automobile tou iginal combat pilot for the Swoose. {ngr a number of travelers have and five other members of her ! already made use of MeHenry's original crew were aboard when tourist camp located on the M she landed. They picked the plane i A. Conway property ea3t of Fox up at Hamilton Field, Calif. I river. Swoose became famous during ! home being erected the earliest and most trying war^f.orA,rin n f ^ „ A. Conway subduision east of Fox Sy ™ ^"Upp,,ne e,xpl0its, river, is going up rapidly and She won was the only plane of hould ^ read>. for occupancy her original squadron still flying, j within a few weeks. sluggingi at the Japanese until she and her/ crew retired to Australia. Swoose *w&s built'in October, 1941. snd flew out to the islands a month before Pearl Harbor, remaining on flight status until V-E Day. Britain's Own fSinatra* FORTY YEARS AGO Is 42, Said to Ba 'Carny' _ .. . . . * .• But'er dropped to 24 cents on LONDON.^-Britain at last has its 'the Elgin board of trade last Mon- <U*m "Sinatra." complete with bow day. ! tie and a fanatic following of fe- j A 50 cents supper for 20 cents We understand chat a petition is being circulated among the property owners along Riverside Drive for the purpose of ascer taining just how many of these are in favor of cementing that thoroughfare. CONGRATULATE w* 5\#^ Kow proud you are! See pur quality selections. SUGGESTIONS FOR GRADUATION GIFTS •IJirHTERS EI LI FOLDS REVI:ON FiRFUME^ CAMERAS COLOGNES STATIONERY RAZORS PI:N* Amy PENC ils N¥£- DRUG STORE PHONE 26 McHENRY FIRST CHOICE FN ECONOMY Ml VIUIE WANTED TO BUY We have cash i males. ' j at the M. E. parsonage next Frl- Representative of Sears Roebuqk I bu7e" for The home grown troubador is day. & Co.. Wall and floor tile, roof- ^iifa™8; * , t , u n *2 year old Donald Peers, the, Schaffer's orchestra of this ing. garage doors, screens, *»«; 7- ' K„^ni. ini ^' BBC'i "Cavalier of Song," who Place recently furnldhed music for board, and ceiling Ule. siding, gut-; 31 • or'Chicago, Lincolm 1333. 2-tf five broadcasts a dance at The or- WANTED tile, gutters. r :-icwool, iron railings. Free .delivery. 4S-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN | WANTED--Watches and jewelry to WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, impair { repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. in Grayslake. . . . chestra gave entire satisfaction, j poooy j ^nton Schneider, son of Fred and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone 167. " 25-tf TEUCKDfO -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl 8t. McHenry. TeL McHenry 60-B. 15-tf Green street, MeHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) IB-tf FOUND HAVE YOU» qBS0OOL8, cateh basins, septic taiiaa, eisteraa cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. TeL McHer.ry 290. 29 tf OAKBAOE OOLLEOTINO -- Let us dispose of your garbage eaeh week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year rouad route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, MeHenry, Phone 365. tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for eows, horses aad nogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 9; reverse charges. SS-tf I'OrSD -- Black and tan police dog. found shot near Oakmount Pheaaant Farm last weekend. Owner pleaae call 571-M-2 before Sunday, as owners of farm will be forced to dispose of animal after that time. Dog recovering nicely 3 EXPERT PIANO TUHIK6 AMP REPAIRING--Work fully guaranteed. Phone McHenry «81-M-t. •1-4 Tha term "pressing" means slitting tha Iron directly down upon fabric and lifting it directly up without to and fro action. Woolens should always ba pressed to avoid ruining (ha shape of the garment and tha surface finish of the material Llhewiae. laces, nets and ether delicate materials should ba primed ta await tearing tha material. ^ Complete una ot Lcet pouttrj remedies at Wattles Orug Store, Mc Henry. S-tf start new thumpings socksera heaits. 'Schneider, gave up his position at Peers, amazed, sayg his stuff Is the Schneider grocery store and "Just corn." I his place is being filled by Nick One radio critic noted that he Justen. t, is not a crooner. He just sings j Work of tilling in. grading and along in a light baritone. His secret, leveling goes merrily on at the the critic guessed, ia "a strange Northweatern tracka. At preeant personal magnetism that makes :th«re i8 » tr**k »J»ortage.'whfch each girl think he is singing tor ^counts for the deUy of prog £er„ a ress on the-new depot. Wavy haired Donald is old enough ta ba daddy ta many at his worshipers. In fact, ha is. to one of Property owners at Fox Laka them. Ha has a 17 year old dsugh- l»nd Pistakee Bay are rejoicing tar. And ha stands only S feet S ove" th« project of a new railroad. which is to run from Liber- FIFTT TEARS AO* rlWIUH %MF JW f IWUUil bailt of coduriqg bo^r ia iafer aoa dorgbla fioisli Bridge, a variety of wfelst arlgt istad hi Ruaaia. •r "Oafard" ' Low shoes are called "oxfords" because they were first mada and worn at Oxford. England. Faaftry Feed Xp protect poultry teed from rata, keep U In covered galvanized steel garbage or ash cana. tyville. Lake county, to Fox Lake. Now whether this ia to be a steam or an electric road ia not as yet aettled. The following are tha namee ot those who stood highest in scholarship in their respective classes and they will appear on the program at the commencement exercises. Myra Mead, llrat grade; Ray Page, second grade; Lillian Wheeler, third grade; Irene McOmber, fourth grade; Frank Block, fifth grade; Martin St off el, sixth grade; Ethel Owen, 604 Front Shut seventh grad^; Mable Granger, eighth grade; Mamie Knox, ninth CM steel, cke ^eep' longer laatsog. is aasf to keep " ectgtoe ive savaa evwjr wilt. Itib-tB tiaiwin% Aeapa lower ice fottt tgi all-arowod ^dapsodabilic^ make* valae die watchtrofd with owners eittphefi. UMVMUSAn-A pncdcal feature of the 'Jeep' Station Wagon. Gives yon quick choice of a discioo> tive passenger car Or kignly useful utility vehkls with large load space with capacity up to % too. McHENRY GARAGE atskr. mMk