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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1949, p. 10

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9 _,.. "T^,r_.^fc, fW^ru - .-• --A«- * " ' 4 >,».•*#»*/»'> * J*»- «Wi "' •*••'«£ ' . • • ' - • : •*• f& 'W*K- '-.M "• ' - . . . . . ' , . . • - . * .-&* * • f c A MoMINKY PLAIKSKALEK wpwp:-;s 3X& . !,*%'*. 1M| tM nT-OOMTKOL HOOKAH MAKING OOOD PROORE8S - ' The 1141 Illinois fly-control camp a i g n I s m a k i n g g o o d p r o g r e s s . . . . . Mrs H. B. Petty, insect specialist, droj»pcd„nearly 15 per cent from the In the Illinois College of Agricul- postwar record of January, 1945. ture and Illinois Natural History The farm price level fell 2 per Surrey. jcrnt between mid-Mav and mid* Illinois farmers are doing a good June, the agriculture department rejob of cleaning out fly breeding ported. In relation to things the FARM PRICES SHOW CONSIDERABLE DROP SIKCE JANUARY, '45 The government's latest market snrvey shows that farm prices have •' 'V* • •v.V-v'-V places, Petty reports, and so are farmers huv. the price level was at the town folks. I the lowest point in| seven yearn. "You lust can't do too good a!- Tru<* cropland foocl grains par> Job of sanitation." Petty declares, t.cularly wheH&om this veart b,g *TOe away Freddie Fly's breeding «oj>, led the latest downturn, tthent places, and you've won more than * lost f0t.rt4.en cents a bushel in half the battle to get rid of him «o»th s period. But there ha. and his kind." j^\ • b.etn " •h*ht ««>very .n wl^eaf Rotting manure/pile% old straw 18in<*e 8urvo-v wa® m.a. , . . •tack bottoms, refuse under feed j ™e department said the latest bunks and decaying organic mat- Recline was rather general. A majot tor are all good places for flies exception was hog. They gained to multiply by the millions. With- f«ve per cent, reflec ing norqfal out these "homes" where fly eggs seasonal decline m market supplier can hatch, flies have a hard time The department said the farm Increasing ' )>c,oe level m mid-June was only Spraying with chemicals is the jper cent above parity. It was *4 follow-up to a good job of sanita-' P" cent above a month earlier. IS tion. Petty adds. Sprays will give, P" ce*»t above a year ago, and as you »5 to 99 per cent control of ,T,Uf h »« 35 P" above during flies--but not without a good sani- war . , , tation job first. Chemicals alone (Paritr is standard for cannot control flies. ' measuring farm prices, designed to The insect specialist points out; equally fair to farmers and ^enthat pyrethrln sprays are all right swmTs.) to use inside dairy barns and on In general, meat animals were dairy cows if you can't get metho- -'greatly, , in excess of three per xychlor, a new fly-killer. Both cent above their respective parity chemicals have been approved by prices, anjr crops,, on the - other federal officials for use around hnnd. were below their parity dalries, restaurants, groceries and , pricey. other food-handling establishments.' . Every Time A goof was watching a house painter at work. "Gee." he said, "you mixed the paints. Why did you do that?" "I wanted green paint. If you mix yellow and blue together you get' green,""explained the painter. "That's nothing." exclaimed the goof. "If you mix' milk and pickles, you get green, too." STILL WANTED TO KNOW FAIR GUEST/ VALLEY BURGLARIES i Georgann Sandman, 8 years old, Burglars broke into three places of. Marengo, was the 100.000th visia the Fox valley last week, escap-litor to pass through the gates at iqg with whisky, cigarets, cash, and | the Chicago Railroad fair. The aa automobile. Places entered were fair management totok the little the V. Wayne Bryan tavern on girl to the Harbor View restaurant state route 25, four miles south of j and gave her all the sodas she Elgin, the Shell Oil company service could drink. She consumed four. station on First street • in Geneva and Marmion Military Academy. The Plaindealer. field house near Aurora. ; Subscribe for The Plaindealer. •« CORRECTSOOXAL SECURITY NUMBER ASSURES PROTECTION "Be sure the boss gets that social security number down, and that he gets it down correctly," is the suggestion to all workers made by Bernard Barnett. manager of the Waukegan office of the Social Security Administration. The best way to make sure that the record is correct is to 'see that you have your official social security card with you when you apply for a job, and iwhen you report for work the irst day. The Social Security Administration must rely upon the number in keeping a record of your individual account because there are literally millions of identical ames. The only way your employer can make complete reports to the government, and thus make sure that your account is properly kept, is to have the Information as to your name and number, If j you fail to do your part by tak- j ing your Card with you, you may lose part or all of the benefits l that are rightfully yours; worse, you may be depriving your family of the insurance protection that. the social security program pro-; vides. "A j The Social Security Act'sets up; certain requirements as to the amount of work which is neces-! sary before an employee, or his: family, may become eligible for: benefits. While these require-j ments are liberal, cases occur: where a small amount of wages j makes the difference between elig-! ibility and non-eligibility. Social Security files show instances in which the decision hinges upon wage amounts of $5 or less. A small wage payment may make very little difference in what yoil or your family will receive, but it can make a substantial difference. At any rate, no worker can afford to take a chance by being careless, or negligent in furbishing the number to hi*' emiflcyer. MTSTERT DEATH Mystery still surrounds the death of pretty Haraldine Pakarovsky, 16-year, old resident of Spring | Beach road, Cary who lost her life | last week Tuesday night when she was struck by a Chicago North i Western railroad passenger, train | near Hart crossing in Barrington. it is said the girl was on her way home from Barrington whereshe was emptied as a waitress when i she was struck by the train be- ! tweea Fox River Grove and Cary. irrs Estimates place the population of . the U. S. by 1975 at 182 mimaa. af* though it eeuld go as million. Complete line of Leo's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. Cera Berer DDT was recommended for the first time In 1948 for the control of the European corn borer in field corn. Corn borer losses in 1947 amounted to about 90 million bushels. or .97 million dollars. Englishman: "What's that bloomin' noise I'ear this time of night?" American: "Why, that's an owL" Englishman: "Of course it is, but'o's 'owling?" WINES if -***» Trunks U iLU Wi IMAGINE! Dear eld lady: My grandson is in the navy, toe. De yea know him? Us name is Jee Smith. Sailer: What ship Is be en, lady? Dear eld lady: What ship? Oh, de yea mean there are two ships? There Jast lsa*t • am ewafactable fair el iwhi tonka than a Jaataea... and "Water »ey,w Uastrated above, Is one ef JaaUea's flaesfc. Ufa Made ef lightweight, qaitk-drylng lastex, wKh the special Jaatiea b«ilt-ia supporter for I eealertaHi »«ppert...and irith »start, spued^at legs fer eexplete freedom, 81x smart eelen ' hi sbw K48...HM W * •- f >A*~. ' m McGEp'S 0SEBT 9^ ': >Si MoHEMEf, Much Too Busy Three girls went into a restaurant. "I'd like a chicken sandwich on white bread." said one girl. "Why do you take a chicken sandwich?" asked the waiter. "Take corned beef. It's more tasty. And besides, why do you want white bread? Take fye bread. It's got more vitamins." "All right," said the girl. "Corned beef sandwich on rye bread." "I'd like some Danish pastry toasted," said the..second girl. "Why do you want Danish pastry toasted?" said the waiter. "It just came from the oven. Hot pastry ain't good for you!" "Air- right." said the. second girl. "Danish pastry-plain with a cup of coffee." "What do you frant to t&ke coffee for? It will only keep you awake. Take milk." "All right," she said. "I'll take Danish pastry plain and a glass of milk." With that the third girl asked. "What would you suggest for me?" "Suggest?" said the waiter. "Who's got time for suggestion*?" Late Arrival A woman consulted a medium. "I'd like to talk to my husband." The medium tried to get the ghost of the husband, but nothing happened. "I don't seem to get hM»" she said. "What time is it?" "Eight o'clock." "Eight o'clock? Oh. he comes in till four." Eeally A Bargain The family had returned from church and was seated around the "dinner table. Discussing the morning service, Father commented, "Frankly, I don't believe the sermon this monring was as good as usual." Mother added. "The choir didn't sing as well as they might have. The anthem wasn't very good." Sis said, "The church needs new hymnals. I wish they would get some." , . The youngest member of the family pondered a bit, 'then observed, "Well, I thought it was pretty good for only a nickel apiece." ^ • - MiUFVDfO said the subscriber's little daughter, '1 know why the editors call themselves *we'." "Why?" "So the fallow who doesn't like what's printed will think that there are too many for him to lick." . -- ., .. . . . . . . . 'Safe; Send A Boat A bath was running over la a hotel room and the water was coming down into the room below. "Hey up there! Hey up^there!" called the occupant of the dOwnstalrs room. "Cut off that water!" "What's the matter?" "The water is running into my room, you idiot!" And with that he started to call the man upstairs all kinds of names." "Wait a minute. Don't talk Ilka that I've got a lady up here." "What do you think I've got down here--a duck?" Cotton Acreage Acreage planted to cotton In the United States has dropped from 42,- 900,000 acres in the 1925-29 period to ahnind » to S3 million acres during the past few years. Herse, Carefal Eater JQtoilke cattle, horses rarely swallow metallic objects, as they chew their feed carefully and& reject unfit materials. TAXI Ride In a tfxl and rVb« in comfort. Toall hare no parking worries or ranking to make a bus whea yon travel taxi-style. - Gall a McHenry Cab Phone 723 Prevail Insect Bites • At WORK • AT PLAY • AT EA« X V/V,*' INSECT ; BCPELLEMT For everycU# °"fr and vocation comfort 49* get your supply nowl . a bonk BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street, TIRES 6:00x16 as low as $10.95, plus tai Truck and Tractor tires all siaeii DISCOUNT ON . For a limited time t --M* • •• ^-7^! WALTER J. FREUNIX . Tlrea -- Tnbee -- Batteries -- Aecsseorka tire and Tnhe Yulcaaising Bfeycb Repairing „ AU ^rork Gaaraaisai Phone 2»4 1 OPEN EVENINGS AND 8UNDAY8 , McHenry, 111. WM, • ilHNiftfes. eMiwbto m •~r\' Sabscribe fer The Plaindealer. FRIENDS gather, look over that long bonnet and wish they had ks much Fireball life as you have here/. ^ They size up Jthe broad windshield amKnarrow corner posts -- and don't have to be told how these tilings step up "see-power. fV ^ /. They appraise the smart styling, the roomy interiors, the usability of luggage spaee--and agree you've made a buy. „ But don't stop, please, with letting them look. Invitethem in and introduce them to some of the special pleasures you'll know as a 3uick owner. Sh ow them, for instance, how completely different Dynaflow Drivet is, with every mile cushioned by flowing oil and none of the rigid harshness of directdrive cars. Let them sample the matchless Buick ride, with all four wheels cradled on soft, coil springs and lowpressure tires made still easier-riding by extra-wide rims. Point out how solid this Buick feels. That's what you get from husky frames, low* swung weight, and power delivered through a torque-tube instead of the rear springs. For the truth is, this Buick's a bargain on much, much more than you can see. It's a big buy on the solid goodness a demonstration quickly makes plain. On increasingly favorable delivery dates. On attractive price. On the kind of "deal" your Buiek dealer makes. That's why we keep saying "Better see jreur Buick dealer -- and get that order in promptly!" BVMCK Sft-MKM* OVNAnOW MfVI* • fUU»MMf WON firoei enlarged ghHoras • fUMNO 1AIY SOOMoRdeaqroccew • HVM MCf MMNMOM wM Pssp Cwdh cnKmh • Mvofoaf-ndSag ftlXINIIHII con MNUM • $au-mrrtm wuw ufisu pb* mlmmi* i« tow pnrniw fc'ief m MNTT4W SMtt SSMX 1MWH, mm* mm* msmMw n* • SOWin • $ > -- o » KOAOMASTEa. ef «rtre OMf •• SUfCR •ifcli. Tom KtY TO Mi QKATH VMM •MmaeMlw sn bmiU MUtCML wtU thmm Tmm In I. TAYLOIL & R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES #3 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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