Thursday, July 14,1949 , i ijUJin. wijw in . ,u. i,. TH1 McBJWK? fUIKDULn WiWW www WW** :g}'" : OIANT 43« size «4 uiai 27* SIZS Total H1TK6RT CROWD ! The 25,000 people who attended I Community Fair Days at Crystal lLalce recently were very hungry and thirsty, concession stand sales | show. At the food concession, 5,000 sandwiches were sold, 11,000 i bottles of pop, 240 quarts of chocolate milk, 1,000 cups of coffee, three I gallons of mustard, a huge stock of j cigarettes waa depleted and Qiter 'items sold. ~ BOLGER'S DRUG STORE mOSE 49 McHENRY, ILL. May Caase Mastitis Information assembled by American Veterinary Medical elation indicates that staphylococcic j (gangrene-type) mastitis may break j out suddenly in a herd following j any deviation in the milking routine. For example, if the milking j machine goes out of order, or if a new person milks the cows, cases of the disease may appear almost Immediately. On the other hand, the staphylococcus germ may be harbored by cows indefinitely with- j out causing trouble if good milking j practices are observed. I UNES Indignant Ton! Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 aad $2.00. Wattles Drag Store. Sff-tf CONCRETE BLOCKS pvv Light Weight and Cinder Blocks Chimney Blocks -- Septic Blocks *-- Glass Blocks Steel Windows -- Water Proofing Fox Lake Concrete Products Hy. 12 arid Railroad Depot Tel. Fox Lake 3742 DR. HENRY FREUND 1 _ OPTOMETRIST ...I At 136 S. Green St., McHenrjr (Closed Thursday Afternoons) . Eyee Examined -- Glasses Fitted Vlfual _ Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis ™ ~ Hours Dally: 9 to 12 and 1 to 6--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to 1:30 PHONE McHENRY 452 FOR A CHIMNEY OR SKYSCRAPER >1 ITS THEO. OLSEN & SON MASON CONTRACTORS MoCULLOMLAKE West McHenry No^Job Too Big Or Too Small " ; ' -- For Expert Workmanship and Fast Servioe Call » . McHenry 548-W-l edtime story No foiry ial*# tMs I Tfioro rooRy is dm amazingly Comfortable Twin Bod arrangement in tho Nash Airflyto! It makes up in 60 seconds--double, for full-length, nighttime sleeping for two people; or single, so you can sloop while your partner drives on long trips. It's iust one of tho plus-value luxury features that •akes the Airflyto "America's most modem automobile." Phone us and make cm appointment to try that Airflyto ride yourself--and bring the family. As a cop passed a store he heard a noisy argument going on, so he stepped inside to investigate. "What's going on in here? What's all the noise about?" he called. "Everything's okay, r Officer," said the store owner. "There's no* body here but me." "Listen," insisted the cop, '1 heard an argument going ot^ and that's why I came in." "You see. Officer, I'm alone In the store," explained the man. "Business is very slack. So what do I do to pass the time away? 1 talk to myself. And when 1 talk to myself there's an argument." "Just a minute," said the cop. 'There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself, but when you talk to yourself why do you have to fight and argue?**-- "I hate a liar!" 'iPPlCAL GRANTED McCULLOM LAKE 6s Parade >»»»«»•»••»*»<tI<<>»«»»« | (By Yardstick) . j Greetings, Folks! ] George Gorenson, director of the 1 Property Owners association, in charge of beach and parks, in- • formed us that classes in swimming and first aid sponsored by the McHenry chapter of the American Red Cross, will begin at Mc- Cullom Lake beach next Monday, July 18. from 9 a. m. to noon and will continue every Monday and [Saturday of the following six weeks. All children of six years and ' over can get the benefit of these instructions. j All they need do to qualify is to i register their names with Mrs. I William Creutz, phone number , 577-M-2, before Monday morning. Adult classed will also be held {providing twelve ot- more persons | register. ! There is no charge for these instructions. Just another one of the , many wonderful service* rendered j the public by the American Red Cross. Violets to Mr. Gorenson for donating the use of his boat for thli worthy purpose. ; Mr and Mrs Syd Sttittll And Frank Madseen returned from a week's auto trip to Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Smith reports that the temperatures were extremely high during their stay in this tall corn country. v Otto Pyritt, Mrs. Shirley Jensen and Franz Freislnger. Mrs. Elizabeth Rudin is expected home this Saturday after undergoing surgery at the Woodstock hospital. We join her many friends and neighbors in their wishes for ft speedy recovery for Mrs. Rudin. * Mrs. George Klddetsen, who has been seriously ill for the pa6t two' weeks at her home, ^as shown a marked . improvement at thi3 writing. It is our firm conviction that the prayers of her family and friends will be heard. tlvat. The way things look from our ^corner at the present date, this year's' event promises to be more thrilling than last year, since there will be many more entries and their cars designed for greater speed. Jerry Marunde. president of the McCullom Lake Racial club, will accept applications for entries starting next week. No boy will he turned down. There will be classifications for cars of all shapes and sizes, so . . get busy, kids! * Waterproof Matches Waterproof matches were introduced during World War U through a formula discovered'by Raymond D. Cady erf Oswego, N. Y.. Immune to the effect of tropical humidity and water, they are still usable after eight hours of complete submersion. . • • , The first printed colored advertisement was for a - • r \ i rnr Exrcusnrs bsi ! One recent afternoon Mk» Joyce Hatfield was driving an aatomobU# 'down Park avenue, Barrington. « (bee had gotten into the car an# annoyed her and her lady friend* In the chase after the bee, th& | automobile somehow bumped tew ' a car parked in a stall on the aoi1ir: ; side of the street. According tC police, the Hatfield car sustained - a broken headlight and bent rigfc|r front fender. t,. Mr. and Mrs. Jphn Steinbach and Joseph Steinbach are enjoying a two week's vacation at the Castle ;Steinbachs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blaney and family will enjoy all the many pleasures available at McCullom ILake for the next month at their cottage on Maple Hill Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ward and son, Jerty, have established permanent residence at the Kosti home on Orchard Drive. To the Ward family ,we extend a heaTty welcome. Mrs. William Hailey watf the honored guest at a gay birthday party last Saturday at the Hailey manage. Among the guests present who made the nineteenth anniversary of her natal day a happy memory were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nimtz, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl of McHenry. FVeparations are again underway tor McCullom Lake's second annua! Soap Box Derby which will be the main event of the Property Owners association Labor day fes- Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKim will soon be the t>roud owners of their own love nest now under construction on the McKim acres. Mr. and Mrs. Elnla McKim returned home from a prospecting tour to. Bull Shoals. Mountain Home, Ark.,! where they purchased a homesite for futiire development. Guests of the McKims over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gleeson and i family and Mrs. E. Gleeson, a l l of, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz, Jr.,) enjoyed a pleasant weekend visit: with Mr and Mrs. A1 Lovada of Orchard Drive. ADIOS. ! Before she was 15 years old, Charlotte Bronte wrote 23 novels, according to . .thi Encyclopaedia Britannica. v HANS' BODY & FENDER REPAIRS V ... ^ Special Wreck Work v. Painting, complete from $40 Springs, Shocks, Complete Frame Axle Straightening V ,. •K-3-'," Quick, Service. 7 All Work Guaranteed any time--McHenry 244-R " 009 FRONT STREET, McHENRY Mr. and Mrs. Jake Levesque and son, Jeffery 'Roger, arrived from California last Saturday and are enjoying an extended vacation as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Qiaen and the Willard Schultzes. Father: "Wasn't that young Jones I saw down stairs last night?" Daughter: "Yes, Dad." Father: "I thought I issued an injunction against his seeing you any more." Daughter: "Yes, Dad. But he appealed to a higher court and Mother said *yes'." Tactical Mane aver Little Willie had been extremely naughty in class, and, anticipating the punishment which would shortly descend upon him, craftily slipped a book in the seat of his pants. "Now," said the teacher, producing a sturdy well-worn cane, "you and I are going to participate in a little performance together." "Okay, Miss Jones," was the surprising retort. '1 have already booked my seat!" It was S. R. O. at the Roy-Al Community Center last Saturday evening when a record crowd enjoyed the entertainment provided by the Screwy Dozen at their regular monthly birthday party. Those whose birthdays were celebrated at last Saturday's gay party were Alvin Blake, Mrs. Paul Struck, QjljuMtikA' LAURENCE N. PITZEN EVERGREENS ^ SHRUBS LANDSCAPING TREE8 Route One McHenry, HI. " ' A v ' - , ,-- Phone McHenry 660-J-2 MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION PRAGER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. Tarpaulins Canvas Goods Large Selection of Material! ORDEREARLY Specializing in Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, Prop. Cfceer Up "1 suppose you think I'm a-pet feet idiot." "Oh, none of us is perfect A Complete CLEANING fan! INDUBITABLY Done in . Our Own Plant 206 8 GREEN ST. McHENRY Free Pickup and Delivery Service Phone McHenry 20 * "fcfcfcooi*. * -- " puiis out ttofj _ . »*i'e cool, night *rougb dr**a i» A group ot American tourists was going through an ancient castle in Scotland. "This castle," the guide told them, "has stood for 700 years. Not a stone has been touched, nothing altered, nothing replaced." "Hmmm," observed one woman, "they must have the same landlord we have." Aaron Burr challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel because the | latter said he had a "despicable" • opinion of Burr, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings,, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH" " Johnsburg, Dl. Phone 583-J-l IN TWO SEftifSt THE NASH AMtASSADO* AN0 HASH "600" DOWNS NASH SALES ELM STREET fEL. McHENRY 484 * McHENRY, ILLINOIS GOVT. SURPLUS LUMBER The Finest USED Lumber Obtainable 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 FIR FLOORING SHEATHING TIMBER s EASONED, URFACED TRAIGHT Like New* But Costs Much Less Sectional Buildings 16x16 16x20 16x24 $365 and up BOSLEY WRECKING CO of Chicago VISIT OrR 5EW LUMBER TARD 15 HARVARD, ILL. West end ef town -- soath side of R. R. tracks. Yon bring a lake shore breeze right Into your apartment... when you have a night cooling window fan. A win- x dow Can draws in cool air from outdoors--and tends it through your rooms to lower the temperature and help you feel cooler. As the moving air passes over your skin, moisture is evaporated quickly ... and you feel comfortably cool. Best of all, you can sleep in comfort. There's a night copling fan for your home.. . find out about it today! • ' AtyiMftrmry for Hie apartment, on easily- (totalled window Ian or a part-' able model to bo set up |g Irani el the window is ideal. Ike par*; .J Btanentiy instaRed attic typo recommended for 9 MaM coating fans are perfect for basinets, too. Investigate , see your DEALER or PUBLIC COMPANY OF