<• fwcxLJBt&f » *, '^;<1 ,- f- -•• *, s \' 4/<?s *V<1' :"»-i * -. •**•*• ,,.: • •^5$ A. * V V* *• -LIK^VYYVV'.-^A'---5'*-•'• ;; HcHXNBY PLAIWDEALKK 'mmmmm ?»1-i --V ,VS7 - >n ; str^«Vr "l^f ,-«iK^3K>T^ **Ef „ r'"T*~V ^ ^ »A * ^ " 3M*V ^ f «fc <**? '** »** - 1 #+- t **• ^,, 4 ^ "W , ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thursday, August 18, 1949 FOR SALE -- Beifje two-tofte Wil- j FLOOR COVERING ^ ;<m nig. !>xl2: used two and one-(Asphalt, rubber, cork, plastic and li ilf ve'ir«. TeL McHenrv 791-J. Lvvood tile, linoleum, wall tile. '"- "- '* -: . • . * jv$L. 14-Bay Irion, Phono 88'S, Woodstock, • ' ' • T.I 4-t( Bacause of the great ntunber of a^s which appear in tbe Plalndealer ea* week, we have fond it iinpossfms to keep books •• snch small accounts. * Theref «n, in the future, only ads whiCh •N paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOR SALE PSX^JPOB SALE -- (mis heater for city-):: ft or bottled gas; PuoTherm circular- ! ; F», ing oil heater, used- very little. ' G.; Pi lit, 305 Kant Elm street, McHfcn- • '- * r\, 2nd floor rear. *14 * ----ll-. • ••--• ! , . -TOR SALE -- 100 High Line, pul-j ' lets just starting to lay. Tel. Me- i v; .11 en rv 563-M'2. ..14, • • i i r - . f c -- - 'i' • f ™ * 1----i ,',/LFOB SALE -- Furnished six-room^S. voar-'round house on lot 110x110 fj»!. "%•. , * ." Running water.' flush toilet, electri- j ; *itv Can be seen on Saturday*^or j : Corner route 120 and'Hill- ! --ARE YOU LOOL FOB A GOOD , POSITION ^ A\ the same time learning an oid. felijtbla.j trade?* \VK WANT AMBITIOUS GIRLS WHO WISH TO." MAKE JEWING TitETK CARKKR. 1 /. It YOU ARE STEADY •^•AXD NOT AFRAID.. TO WORK YOUR EARNINGS « ARE NOT LIMITED! MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE •Typing - Minieojfraj'htttg ^ Addressing Prompt S<>drTce - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington "Street, Route 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 476-M. 1 r>-tf iBjRIX' YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC j PROBLEMS TO US--We can de- ! Uver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AX D SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mc- Henry. Phone 275. 40-tf LOST LOST -- Pair of light colored, phis tic-rimmed' glasses; reward. VY'iiliani Mentli. West Mi-IIenrv. 11 ?f-rpiaf.j SoW eek - 40 hours' Saturday; Work < ' «0irls with home sewing. , - experience preferred* • WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen imust be transported in sterile con- ! tainer. Charge $4. McHenry X I Ray ft Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. ! Green St.. Phone 291. S-tf eitv. "Sunday. 'RIVERSIDE MTO. CO*. ' S00 N. Riverside Drive ;;; McHenry, 111. [.ALTERING -- Men's and fedies' I garments of all kinds. Kathryn iBarbian. Tel. McHenry 265-W, HKirnings or evenings. 11-tf rest, Liiytnoor. '14 , PIANO TUNING, $6.50. EXPERT REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. A. FOR SALE -- Oil heating stove, in ; -- • " * ^ G . ^ K A L A O F M O D E R N K A N O ,,-goodI condition; reasonable. Phone )FOR SALE -j *)0 ^erefc on blackj" rSteffail'a Music'and Jewelry agent! •640 R l. | top foad; all tillable >rown silk pi)MpHpnrv joq j •]!•« . loam; 8-room house,; a--ll - dair^y FOR SALE -- Four-roomi house jon buildings; priced for quick sale; acre; one year old; full price $1200 au acre. •3,950; half cash. Call Lake Zur aores; 8-room house, furnace, or oftener'if desired? ich 4118. '14 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, Reasonable bath, automatic water ssy^ssnte-mm,, rraatteess.. RKeegguullaarr yeeaarr rroouunndd rroouuttee,. large drive through Uairy baru, john E *gin( -p q Box 274, McFOR SALE -- Woy ln ShoT* Hills| m a-.hiue she(] houses, corn crib,;Henrv, Phone 365. tf subdivision, Wonder Lake, feJMwt j garage; oir blacktop road; ll_ " ' _ • OA k ' * V*'* |^ul U^V I VII . from lake. Call McHenry 4_u De-jgood orchard; $20,000; other farms DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash tween 8 a.m. and 5. p.m. an sizes 1 to 1,000 acr£s. F. E. priafvs paid for cows, hoTses and drive to blacktop off route 1-0 au«l, Howe 31w t}ate8 gtreet, Crystal hegw no help needed to load. Day turn left, 1% blocks on Hiclw> , Lak(, • In Tel. C. L. 49r,. 14 , and\inght, Sundays and holidays. : Road. Richmond', 111. Phone 1304. Call VV^heeling Rendering Works, FOB Plain and rockface PIANOS, 40 Miles from high pricesi Wheeling No. S; reverse charges. blocks; septic, cesBpool, drywpll ,-- AUGUST FACTORY WARE 36-tf blocks; chimney blocks, bird baths, : HOUSE SALE on Spinets and j "T" -urns ring and covers. Richmond frauds, Baldwin, Cable, Wurlitzer, 1 CARPENTER WORK Cabinets Cement Products. U.S. 12 and ITS. > Estey, and many others. Cash or built to order interior finishing. *14-2 terms. Call Elgin 780. DAVID E. Tel< McHenrv 674-J-l. *13-4 STARlv PIANO CO.. Elgin, 111. 12-4 BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. MCHENRY, MCCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS, CHOICE LOTS, RESORT PROP E R T Y , B U S I N E S S E S . K N O X REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND R O A D. PHONE McHENRY PS 421-J. 11-tf ; r FOR SALE--Antiques, glass, china, rights, near Pistakee Lake. George BARN SPRAYING, WHITEWASHFOR SALE -- Hand knitted' baby ING AND FLY CONTROL -- Wil booties in pastel colors, $1.25 a | liani Ahrens, <507 Front street, Wrest pair. Order by mail or in person. , McHenry. Phone 148-J. 4-tf Mrs. Anna Winkel, route 2, McHen- ! • ' rv. On highwav • 120 in Lih-inoor. WANT TO STOP SMOKING? -- B , *l°-3 ^rv NICO-STOP. Guaranteed. NY! 1_ DRlJG STORE. 12-b KINSEY & BENSTEN Carpenters H«me Decoration Idtat " j Advanced by SpeeiatM^ *" j Getting too much design into a j single room is the commonest mis- i |ake mad* in home decoration. If your rug is figured, your walls should be plain, or vice versa. The : profusion of floral and figured de- j signs on the fabric and wallpaper ! makes it difficult to find plain pattern*. It is always better tasta to have too little design; in a room than too much. Color may well be the accent instead of over-design. Red and green are two of the smartest colors in 1949 decoration. The green may be either a deep magnolia tone or a bright' Kelly. The new reds are bright tomato or lipstick, rather than wine or burgundy. Gray continues to be a popular choiee as are the brown tones cocoa, tobacco, and rich tans. Chart-, reuse is another accent on th#' color calendar. ' „ When selecting the color scheme for your upholstered pieces, Mr*. Archer thinks it best to follow • definite plan. If you are usipg flow-- ered draperies, choose upholstered pieces from the colors represented in the print, not the background color. Your walls or rug can match the background color in a lighter 1 £ or a deeper tone. ' If you decide on one floral upholstered piece, bring out the colors of the print in the other pieces, only remember to use Just ope patterned upholstered piece. Complement it. with a stripe and a solid color and you will hava- a distinctive color scheme. JEST JESTIIM' "EH Do" An Irish and an English eoa01e went on a vacation together. They were most affable. In the afternoon, while the men played cards, the women would go fishing, for both of their husbands were very fond of fish. One day, Mrs. Clancy got a nibble on her line. After great difficulty she brought in her catch--a great big eel. "I say, Mrs. Clancy," the English woman said, "you have an eel for your husband." "Yes," snapped Mrs. Clancy, "ta4 yoju've got a jerk for yours!" Matter of Choice Once'Changeless India' Undergoes Transformation The face of once "changeless! India" is undergoing transforma- : tions to tax the most agile map maker. Since the British withdrawal and the establishment of the India and Pakistan dominions, the hum dreds of individual pfince-rulfd stales have been literally pulling themselves together. .Numerous unions have been formed among the big and little royal entities whose dazzling courts and maharajas were reminders of the feudal age. Separate states have been merged with neighboring - provinces. H Largest of the new Indian coat^j tlon is Rajasthan, in the north-1 central west. Recently inaugurated | at Jaipur, capital of one of its 15 j states, it cover* most of the former t British-protected Rajputana agency. ( The Rajasthan Union was first { organised with ten small and onedium-sized states. Lately jft was augmented by the larger units of Jod^pur, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, arid Jaipur. Within the combined arei live some twelve million people, mostly of the Hindu faith. Both the names Rajasthan, which p> taoni nl th. Vlnodr-M LEAVES FOR VENEZUELA Miss Mary Rockenbach, formerly of Crystal Lake, who has been teaching at Garvey, Calif., near Los Angeles, left Sunday night to fly to New York for bhat passage to Maracaibo, Venezuela. For the next year she will teach seventh grade in a school maintained by the* Creole Oil Co. for the children of their American employees' Miss Nejlie Rose Haselton, who.taught in Crystal Lake' Bom6 years ago when Miss Rockenbach did, ha* been in Venezuela teaching anothr er Creole Oil Co. school for the past several years and she will travel from New York back to the South American republic with Miss Rockefibttch. MpUtress Filling Comfort of solid-filled mattress* . es depends chiefly upon the filling. Long-fibered cotton felted into layers is the best type of cotton fittest Cheaper fillings of short cottiQ fibers tend to mat down and develop lumps and depressions. Hair makes a good mattress for those vh* prefer firm beds. Horse tailand ^attie tail are best, with horse " ! mane second. V . New Fain IUhr . v " A new pain-killer six times more effective than morphine, has been produced in England.^ ... Outdoor Reear " Americans are using their gar* dens more than ever today--really living in them. The word "garden" means an enclosed place and manjfc shrubs, trees and vines, are zieedaa to screen the area so the; family caf utilize the garden as an auxiliary room of the house-- a sort'of outdoor living room.'. „.... Car Buyers Attention! • means "Land of the Kingr~ arsdhj Rajputana, "Land of the Sons of the i. Rajas," have their roots in the long ] . rule of the Rajputs, descendants of t - 'the Aryan warriors who came doWii| ;' from central Asia to conquer th« t ' earlier inhabitants. ! '.>t* fSIB CAR University Life Students may complain or overcrowded colleges these days, but life for them is a bed of roses com- To neutralize the odor of the stockyards district as the bus went by it, a lady passenger bought a bottle of lavender salts. She uncorked the bottle one block away from the district and kept it under pared to students of a hundred , °her nose until the bus passed the years ago. The University of Wis- ' section. FOR SALE-t-Large lots, with river) Wp K % •y . holidays, 11 a.m. to 6 p. in. Miscel-». - - ... „ . laneous items. Mrs. R. Dietrich*60x150 ft.; beach rights Fox riv- Terra Cotta road, Terra Cotta Con- Phone McHenry oSS-W2,. besigiAnent and Resale and Antique tween i-8 a.m. aiid all day Sun^ Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta "ay-, ' factory which is on Route 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. tf FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Homt Insulation, installed by The- Walr- .POB SALE -- Apples, $2 a bushel; pm Co. For estimate call Leo J. bring own container. Bernard ; Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf Baner. Phone McHenrv 630-M-2. FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials. • Call or write FRANK (JANS 300 Riverside Drive, McHcnry Tel. 106-W. Representative of Sears Roebuck & Co, Wall and floor tile, roofing, garage doors, screens, wall *14 FOR SALE -- For your Fuller s board, and ceiling tile, siding, guti brushes call Albert Pepping, Sr., i ters, r -Kwool, iron railings. Free . (TOR SALE--Three davenports and R.lt McHenry. Phone 676-W-2. j delivery. * condition; 2-tf 43-tf one chair; excellent good covers; $3o each for daven- PR, ports, t25 for ctfair. Tel. McHenry I RIVERSIDE DRIVE ,-f 63. , 14 {Modern home, five large tearooms. | Automatic oil heat. Lot 50x400 POR SALE -- Five -gaited black ] water front. Price $16,500.00. horse; 8 years old; gentle; also | EAST RIVER ROAD bridle and saddle; 3-year-old pony, 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms. Large living 42 inches; saddle; cart and buggy^ room. Tile bath. Lot about % acre." two new western saddles. Also 14- j Price $6,500. ; ft. runabout, 2 cockpits, 50-hp. i WOOSTER LAKE lEvinrude, trailer. Will sacrifice, i Modern 7 room house. Lot 60xl60v Best offer. Call McHenry 575 R-2. | Price $11,500. * 14 j Por appointment, call , l 1 JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE POR SALE -- Small, pretty house, 1 in Johnsbnrg . . Phones: McHenry well furnished; renting for $40 per ; 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 9-1333. 13-tf - week in season. $3,500. By owner. ' Phone McHenry 627 W-2. * 14 2 ; FOR SALE -- GROCERY - DELI .FOR SALE * ging machine WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenrv. Telephone 167. ^ 25-tf HAVE YOUK CESSPOOLS, catch bashis, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned hv Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff. Prop. Tel. McHerry 290. 29-tf EXPERIENCED 1*ANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 one 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. f 45-tf consin students even had to fill their own mattresses from nearby farmer's straw-stacks. Many college beds of today are old and worn out. it is true, but at least there are good ones, available. . . Pillow Cases When a bed pillow seems too firm and fails to cushion the Head properly there may be a simple reason for the trouble--a pillow case which is- to tight. HomemakeVs will find their pillow cases will wear longer and their pillows will be more comfortable if they buy large enough pillow cas^s. r One morning as she rode along she glanced out the window and saw tjiat it was time to uncork the bottle. She did so and held it to her nbsj. As nhe smell of stockyards grew stronger she held the bottle closer to her nose. When the bi's reached the heart of the stockyards district a man across the aisle shouted: "For God's sake, lady, close that bottle." ' - Cement Strength Seven-day strengths of concrete made from present-day portland cements are higher than the 28- day strengths for the 1916-1920 cements. ^Cottage Cheese Remember to serve cottage cheese and other soft cheeses soon after you buy them, as they spoil rapidly. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.28 and $8.00. Wattles Drug Store. 15-tf It All Adds Up "The music teacher asked fne something to-day that I didn't know," said little .Freddie. "What was that?" asked his parent. , _ "He asked me how many carrots there were in a bushel." # How many carrots itj a bushel?" asked the surprised parent. "What in the world can that have to do with music?" •And the next day he chanced to meet the professor, and made in» quiry. The professor looked blank, then a light dawned, and he laughed heartily. "Oh, I se$. I asked him how many beats there- were in a measure!" Pair of Glasses Seventy million Americans wear eyeglasses today, according to the Better Vision institute, and every pair of those corrective glasses has been produced by more steps than there are days in the year. It has been computed that as many as 333 different operations and skills may ! be required for the production of j a perfect lens blank alone. And jthese manifold precise operations ' constitute only Step One as far as your individual eyeglasses are con- j cerned. From the perfect lens blank * must be fashioned the particular combination of curves and powers ' that will correct your visual faults* j as determined by a specialist's ^ analysis pf your eyes. Moreover, j the lenses must be shaped to suit i your features best, and placed be- J fore your eyes in exactly the right j position to assure maximum effi- j ciency and comfort. | 1047 1947 1947 1946 1940 Jfash 600 $1195 . Hudson i'„.„ $1395 Plymouth $1195 Nash Ambassador .. $1145 Nash <00 $1045 1040 1040 t»S9 ||»87 Ford. ........... Stadebaker Hudson ..... Dodge Model B Ford $1045 $3S.l^ $295 $135 $125 1941 Plymouth Station Wagon $675: DOWNS NASH SALES 405 EL* STREET tHONE McHENRY -- Also Towing Service -- THE TODDLER SHOP | IS MOVING! 12-4 , • • j FALL CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player," TTZ --: ' CATES8EN PACKAGE LIQUOR. | v©rR CUT Glass Vases and China formerly with Anton Weeks. Casa ALE - Jeep trench dig- Fine loeation. Jor information, call I can he^ made^ into lovely ^°ma, ^ Noble, Griff Williams. h.jf "i,?*:""oSiXU; Z'. ir« F,"vn K". %J"«Td i*»».hoi »»« ich 4118 ' * *14 i 1333nr^ or Chicago, Lincoln (yOU jjQw you may have an original Foxy Grandpaw Gramps was getting married again. Asked why he was marrying a nifty chorus girl instead of a »oman nearer his own age, Gramps ^id: "Well, son. I'd a heap rather smell perfume than liniment." 13-tf FOR SALE -- Eureka vacuum cleaner; good condition. $15. TeL Pistakee 768-J. *14 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- Simmons bed com plete with spring and mattress; Frank good condition; cheap. Call Pis " WHITEWASHING AND FLY CONTROL OF DAIRY BARNS-- lamp. Stilllng's Town and Country Studio, Riverside Drive, Mc- Hfenry. _J 13-4 WE DO~ALL KINDS OF LAMP REPAIRING. Stilling's Town and organizing fall classes. Call Mc Henry 533-J-l for appointment and 8ame Words--Different Versloa. Henkel, phone McHenry; Country Studio, Riverside Drive, 543 J 1. P. O. Round Lake, III.! McHenry. 11-4 takee 579 R-2. 14 | Residence Yolo. 44 tf C. J. H. DIEHL . WANTED -- Farm work around , MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SER-! Woodstock Piano Toner McHenry, 111. Man, wife, two VICE--Records Installed and main-I Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. daughters. Fred Loshbaugh, 1422' tained. Elmer P. Adams: Certified 30-tf Scoville Avenue, Berwyn, III. 14 , Tax ConsulUnt. One mile north Woodsto<!k, 111. WANTED -- Cedar shingling by | Fox Lake, 111. Phone Pox Lake experienced cedar shingler. Labor 15962. 47-tf or labor and material: also com- ; • -- -- position roofing and siding. Free j CLOGGBD HEWER? Have the estimates given. Phone Johnsburg ; electrlc^^ rod out out the obstracj «»00 M-l. *14 i tion. « 1 No digging. No lawn mess. |OR SALE--Generators, armatures, j Septic Tanks and Grease Traps of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; , CLEANWG--Ruga, upholstery anH PrtT Tj>lto III Phnno I.>Va ! carpets cleaned proofetl Cleaned, Built and Repairof. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitatv Co.. Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf jjy..' farters, fuel pumps, distributors' Itltage regulators and ignition parts i t»r Ford and all other cars. Seaco I isles ft Service, Lily moor, Fred J. I Jvottbda, Prop. Tel. McHenrv 183.1 * 47-tf j *OR SALS--TYPEWRITERS, AD ! ING MACHINES. Service on all' Available now in any quantity > akes. Also ribbons for all makes; |, the Water Tower ' carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. j in West McHenry WoodstoclT Phone 549. 7 tf VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS 00. . . I : ' I H o u r s 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. FOR SALE -- 24-incli hot air fur- i Phone McHenry 788-W CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS . rpets "cleaned and mjth-prooftin the home. Call Ehredt's Dura c)«>an Co.. Round Lake 2223. 5-tf. WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Gnfr een street, McHenry- (Front part Claire Beauty 8hoppe.) 15-tf WANTED -- Sewing machines for repairs; reasonable price; work guaranteed. Phone McHenry 620- M-2. ErvUi Erber. •13-3 WANTED TO BUY Relief with Washed Air Eezair washes the air you breathe. See Rexair Now! . . CaJl . . Carl Barnickol For a Demonstration McHenry 646-W-2 74 Woodlawn Park McHenry at 2 p. m. a NEW HOUSE will be sold at auction to the highest bi^dtr. Located ODe-half block east of Route- 31, on Grove Avenue, south part of McHENRY, ILL. P This house has two bedrooms, bath, large living room with dining space, utility room and kitchen, including sink, gas range, cabinets and refrigerator! All rooms decorated. .. Tile bath, city sewer and water, oil-fired forced air heat, gas hot water heater, Lot 66x132 feet -------------- Approved F. H. A. Construction ED. VOGEL, Auctioneer XL V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V W V V V V V V%* V V W V V V vv naee. Tel. McHenry 20.r>-R. *14 4-tf »••»»! I It I II I I I M I U l l l l l l l l l i I HI 4 1 11 1 I I t i l l I H| Helen Weber Says: 2- :: v WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. MeHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincols 1333. 2-tf FOR RENT BLAKE MOTOR SALES 1st critic: But you said she sang beautifully. * 2nd critic: No, 1 didn't.. ls,t critic: What did you say? 2nd critic: I said she was a beautiful singer. Subscribe fur The Plaindealer. FOR RENT- $1 pfer day. Henry. -Johnson floor waxer, Gamble's, West Me- 7-tf FOR RENT--KIRK'S KOTTAOJ58 AND KABINS, EMERALD PARK. Crowded? Send your friends here! Housekeeping, $15-$25 ^jreek. Low day rates. Boats, private beaches. Phone 661 M l. *13 4 FOR RENT--3 room duplex^p, fur nished or unfurnished; 5-rooni houses, furnished or unfurnished; all modern, electric stove, Frigidaire and bath. Located on entire south side of Lily Lake. Fritzsche sub division. *13-2 IM3U-. mvu McHenry Cleaners '-V-t' 2; - PInc 1M-M .7 •. lot / su mk* FOR RENT--Four-room house, unfurnished; adults; $60 per month. Inquire at Farmhouse Tavern, IlA miles south of McHenrv on route 31, ' *14 HELP WANTED ,;!HELP WANTED -- Cook at Mi Place Restaurant, Green street, Mc- ;; Henry. 12-tf HELP WANTED -- Waitress and dish washer. Apply to Mrs. Smith at The Nook restaurant, West McHenry. 14 WARNING -- POBHTEET... YOUR HOME GST THAT "OLD LOOK" Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices Custom Made . . . Venetian Blinds Bedspreads flipcovers TA llows Communitylnterior Servi 204 S., Green St. ;e PhoneMcHenry 490 j --FOR SALE MODERN BRICK HOMES IN McHENRY 7 Near Intersection of U. S. 31 and 120 ifc- Fjally Insulated -- Improvements" WATER _ SEWTBR -- OAS -- ELECTRIC Water Rights leading to Fox River and to Pistakee Lake PRICE $10,900 and $12,900 E Z Terms JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR In Johnsburg Telephone McHem^ 3|7 IA Chicago Telephone Lincoln 9-1S33 £&£*?& 1-;,&