V~#ifUmSr< 1948 flupr" SO !•':«* ;STORY BOOK HEAR" ""® >eaSiV^HFOR TI8EBS DUNDEE NIKE ;i K-:>i w.tf« 21 PIPELINE COMPLETED (" You are urged to take note < a couple of evenla coming off nexu Sunday for the benefit of the Polio Ftand. T • t JKMKBWJ* Miller Saves Game ted Mory-book tl.ld> to no.. „M tie burg for a game with the Tigers. All proceeds go to the Polio Fund. Algonquin nine by a score of 8 to 7. ' Don Blankest started for Alfon- ;*L _ tquin and was coasting along with wThat lafft all. On Sandajr night a 7 tlere will be a dance at Neil's Ball. Room ... all proceeds to the same Pons Fund. Frank Nell is donating the hall. M HeuSer's Music Makers will 'Bate their services (and the kids H goodf). "Marty" Conway will to 0 lead when the roof tell in. Blanken was So effective that only one man reached base in the Hrst five innings. Miller was hit by a pitched ball in the first inning. Johnsburg's first hit came in the sixth when Meyers broke the ice. Algonquin scored two in the second when Bangart's triple fol The Adams Brothers will l°wed an error and base on balls. &. Oh \ . there's going to be The visitors kept peppering away pig time! . ^Hto PyWts M vacationing this week, but if Dick Hcuser can catch him, you can bet that Otto and his partner, Art Thome, will »dd mucteto the entertainment. • It's the same story--Let's dance so others may walk. Where's the play-off game next Sunday? At Dundee. To be more exact, it will be played* on the Cj^pentersville diamond. McUenry won the first game . . here. Dundee won the second game . . there. Then Dundee won the toss and will play on their diamond next Sunday. ---The Shamrocks were able to hit Bchuldt last Sunday, but couldnt score. One reason was that Dundee played a tight defensive game. to build up a 7 to 0 lead. The Inning was highlighted by a tremendous home run by Blanken following a double by Simonini. v Miller te Rescue It was in the sixth that Algonquin became so boisterous with their bats that Manager Harry Freund had to look around for mound help. In came Bud Miller from his outfield post to put out the fire and limit Algonquin to one hit and no runs in the last three innings. It was a great performance by a veteran who hadn't toed the slab in a long time. Some still can't believe it happened but here's how the Tigers went out and got their runs in the last three innings. In the seventh, Wal'ly Smith led off with a triple and scored on Howie Freund's single. In the eighth, Meyers was safe on Simonini's error. Q. Jackson flied out to left. Miller's hit to j . . . -- center advanced Meyers to third. !had the 8tuff to get out of both TO WW TEAM •- I M1RT IN EXPLOSION , Albert W. Sommers, Elgin, aj The natural "M"pteHna of "'Ml I I • • game when -*€AMP NOTES -- ^ beverage distributor, had to have; America has comJleted conTtru^ JUNIOR l° 0,9 last Sunday we vwon from" St. | *n removed at St. Joseph's tion of a new pipe line metering • "Art" Jackson inl Joseph of Elgin 6 to 5. j hospital, after its nerves were cut and regulating station at the junfc- : Tue8da)r ***•* be St. Joseph 021 000 200--& an exploding beverage bottle, tion of the Illinois State Line and' & CP coach football again thla - ,mw,w Town Team 000 420 OOx--6 jjn the early evening, he was un- II. S. Highway 12. From that noint ; 'I » I 1 ! I I M »•> are pleased and thankful that m. Losing pitcher: C. Pokorny. leading cases of bottles from a the Wisconsin Southern r:#. ,/v': tk» w >i "Art" and "Sonny" will bm^wS. Winning pitcher: A. Bock man. (trailer to place in his warehouse is building 165 miles of S inch1 oIoro nt season came to a U8 again this ftUL They abasM We Just received a last minute! whichi Is behind his home. OnJ SpeiffV make a permanent: 2hS the J"0?!? «ach ™ assistant ' call from the Johnsburg JTigers; concrete and connection with their present sys- saders 12 to 7 * For the boys' benefit we will r*> "" "" rvin« Geno» City, Twin ^ Crusaders » - . iterate that the r«<oirement» wflf with mm Saninra ^requesting a .practice game fortknowing that bottles occasionally tem, servi ^9 ' fe >,...jr * p.m. next Sunday at Johnsburg. ;MP»Ode during hot weather if the Lakes."'Silver Lake and Richmond -» »uh ieu aeverai be the u i--* . Batters; Play at y' « We understand that our Munlcl-(intents are shaken up, he let the Since the introduction of natural must tW-in g%e -- * -- - - pal Diamond is ac- <ase "* and untoadefl »iL i? ^ ^ year' ®w under w< Uvities ao that v^ hartlv •--d«d|the traHer. When all - - ° - -- *rca >n May' tftem put Up' a better perform- ofScffi acili started several ^ the MQU » " •' ' . der, weight«80 to ll^^hu! school, 14 the Carpertersvllle diamond last be "sodded." Well, we know of Sunday afternoon, 2 to 0. |.no better way to prevent erosion Mike Santoro struck out , 14 bat- by wind and rain. ters in the first six innings, but! We bope that the committee in was the victim of a 2-run uprising charge will have the co-operation in the second inning. Mike fan- and good will of all MoHenry peoned Schuberg to start the Inning.: pie. Broderdorfs smash went through j it would be nice if an individual Jerry Larkia at short. Faber'or organization would donate a singled to right. w#!k tWin riiinrl** K.T+ Snn/laW P" ui«mona i8 to be closed to ac-|*»oc ;"»a uiwoaaed the rest of gas to the Richmond area in Mav ,"VL year, and saw and arjsstsLTist R - z star ^ ^ -p,v - • s-l ing the McHenry Shamrocks on It was suggested that the infield j"!***. ; e n completed. ( Wally Frett and Harold Schmitt, W. ho«» to --t k " a couple of southpaw flingers. SeptemST , * 3 Safety First , Th* crash of a liaht nlane last °ther °n the K' KILLED IN CRASH . .u „ The crash of a light plane last! Batters were loxv in* w«?n^U)Und» • Never swim slone. Always have 1 Friday killed J. Preston Minch of ; tile pitchers and K ° 1 Complete line of Lre't Hueinajjn made the play of the Hrniy. help at hatjd. preferably a life- ! Elmhurst, 111., pilot of the craft, 'hi'e d« r t " i n ° t p , a y e d - • „ . . guard with the knowledge and The plane crashed into a field ?!iDg . remed.es at Wattles Dr^ Store. Mm equipment for rescue. Don't swim twe,r* miles east of Elgi«. A witafter dark for the same reason It 'ness 8411(1 the Plane was flyin« is too hard for even an expert to inorth at about 1'500 feet» 8udden'y: Knabusch blast- flagpole for each foul-line marker.) you in the dark. : [banked to the southeast and head-, | H I1 l4t> I I 1 i 4 : wed a line double over Bill Bolger's As you can see by the following head in center field to score the letter, steps have been t*k*ft to only runs of the ball game. San- join the County League: - toro then fanned Rako* and * ed directly to the ground. M. I I H U K t l l l l H H Schuldt to end the inning. 1 The Shamrocks got to Jim' Schuldt for nine hits, but spoiled ) their own chances with some over-! ambitious base running. Of course,! responsibility may rest with the; third base coaching. We dunno,' With two out in the fourth, Mc« i Culla hit sharply to center. Mc-: Cracken followed with a hit to left i on which McCulla tried to reach; third. He was hailed .by the j proverbial mile for the third out.: Conway hit safely with one out: in the eighth and moved to second,! • base easily on Broderdorfs error.! But, Conway headed for third mod: was thrown out with plenty to| spare. i On€ of those puzzling ground; rule doubles went to Schuberg in the fourth inning. Murphy caught i the Tly ball, but it had hit the; trees so what looked like a put-1 out was ruled a two-base hit. Dundee loaded the bases in the! fifth and seventh, but Santoro r Mr. J. E. Armstrong Algonquin, Illinois v r "Dear Sir: On behalf of the "McHeftry Athletic Club" that is being formed, I want to formally apply for an entrance in the "McHenry County League," for the team which we have been building since mid-summer. This team will have the use of the McHenry Municipal Diamond and will represent McHenry under the sponsorship of the "McHenry Athletic Club" and is being managed by Mr. Harold J. Freund of McHenry. The team is now known as the Town Team -- but a more appropriate name will be found through a local contest that is to be held in the very near future. Knowing that you will giye the above its due consideration. • Another thol meyerg lO tnird. ! »"•« "» Rei OUl Ol I remain, r«n h. . 1 . ^cHenry W. Smith walked to fill the bases 'a,»8 without allowing any b^'s ran bases like they shouldn't, j Howie Freund walked to force in8 But such ronnrta ov*a t•». !«...* rIin Pitzen's hit scored! Tlle Shanu-ocks put on a threat record and not hr Iriti f i Corrigan came in to pitch Iin the ninth after Jim Larkin had The bovs are 1L1 ' ^nd was greeted by a 2-run hit bv|Krounded °«» to short. Jerry the wav and irooil lntni f *n ' ^,rei,nd A- Jac<son struck out.! Ijarkin hit safely to right field. i i y J 11J *reund batted for R Freund M<>Cu,,a forced Jerry from ^_r,Kh.fihe,e next Suad*y Pulling |and went down on strikes !Schuldt to Crover. Harrv StilUnL t»Any™e ^'h° <wou,d like *• ' i RIb> \'in<h ' i batted for McCracken «nH the team for next spring A Big Ninth (batted for McCracken and drilled It will ho woii ,,,, Algonquin led 7 to 5 as Johns- a '"t to right. Murphy fouled off itnhee>y Scann ggeett 7thh2e |i2ssupe sjeSttSledT hbe"- Meyers< agmro9 uton dedb aotu ti nt o thshe ornti.n thG" !" f"W °f" Schuld^ offerings Very sincerely yourp, ! OD1LON IX)NO, J 118 E. Wankegan Road,. McHenry. Illinois. . j We hope that within the next mQnth Hie building of the organization will he well under way. Anyone who .would like to jbin j don't frveTr%chwf b0y*0n thC t6am in'/8011 and Went to scnool. ond on a wild pitch. Miller s hit | scored Jackson. W. Smith hit to 4£he team stacks up strong as it right, putting runners on first and is at present. There are- enough outfielders to switch around, but the infield can't" be changed and still function smoothly. Miller can pitch as his record shows. However, you can't take him off first without weakening the infield. » Conway gives no worry at second base. Jerry Larkiu has « second. N. Smith ran for W Smith. Howie Freund hit safely to drive in Miller with the run that tied the game. N. Smith advanced to third. Mavis came in to pitch. Ted Pitzen, who makes a specialty of driving in winning, runs, drove a long fly to left and Norb Smith raced in with the winning run after the catch. Thus, Johnsburg won its second straight play-off game from Al- SP?1 aim shortstop and can't.gonquin and will meet the winner be toyed with on relays. of the Dundee - McHenry pTay^f? McCracken ^ **. *» «, "" experience at third base, but has the hustle that make* him valuable in the lineup. Santoro and McCulla make about as nifty a battery as you will be finding. Santoro can pitch and is no slouch with the bat McCulla can catch, hit. run and tlp>w with the best of 'em. As mentioned on previous occasions. Dick Freund has stepped in to do a good Job at varioua positions. All in all the team stacks up like champions. All they have to do now is go out fnd prove it. Had a card from Joe Yaeger from Montreal stating, "Will visit Nliiaagoaarraa Falls on the way hiusk. the 'Missus' is along.' Dally Pinups . One excuse piled upon another will not build a solid alibi. % If you are too big to stoop to pettiness, you will never be small enough to utter sarcasm. When you haven't a store «| knowledge at your command, stow away a small package of aptitude fo^P^n emergency. Don't try carrying the world on your shoulders: leave that job to Atlas. Johnsburg __ g. E. Meyers, If O. Jackson, ss Miller, rf-p W. Smith, lb N. Smith Howie Freund, 2b Pitsen, c D. Freund, 3b A. Jackson, ct Klapperich, p R. Freund, rf .. ... J. Freund _ -Totals to extend the suspense before he slipped over a third strike to end the inning. Schuldt enjoyed tight support and again proved to be hard to beat. On the other mitt. Santoro deserved better fate as he hurled a great game throughout. hesitate Fiheimd. to call Mr. Harold J. ACCIDENTAL DEATH RATE OF U. S. ONE OF HIGHEST IN WORLD McHenry Conway, 2b Miller, lb J. Larkin, rf .. O. Larkin. M ... McCulla, c ....... McCracken, Sh Stilling Murphy, If B. Bolger, ef ... Santoro, p ....... AB ,,....4 i 4 " 4 * ..:...4 3 1 4 3 ......3 R 0 • 0 i r -ii 0 Totals Dundee -i- f AB Thomas, 2b 4 Grover, ss ^....,...3 Schumacher, lb !.4 Schuberg, rf ....4 Broderdorf, cf ..... ,...8 Faber, If 4 Knabusch, c ........3 Rakow, 3b ..J Schuldt, p ...4 It • H i HThe I'nited States may have the j highest standard of living in the) w^oild, but it also has one of the i world's " highest accidental death I rates. , j The IJ.vS. rate in 1948 was 67.1 I deaths per 100,000 popurtSRon. as I compared to a world-wide postwar | average death rate of 48.9, accord- i ing to the 1949 edition of "Acci-; dent Facts," statistical yearbook of the National Safety Council, t Only three countries topped the ^accidental death rate of the Uniti ed States -- Iceland. Egypt and ] Austria. Those countries had rates of ?1.5, 83.8 and 85.9 respectively in 1946. j Mauritius, a British island near "Madagascar, had the lowest rei ported postwar accidental« death rate of 25.9 in 1947. "Too little time" and "too little thought" are tragic words with heartache wrought. Hitching the horse is a dilemma that even horse sense will not affect. wrong of today Will not he the right of tomorrow. . . ANONYMOUS. ........37 Alyouqula -- 7 AB Tipps, rf Mavis, ss - p . Simonini, 2b . Richards, c ... Blanken, p - If Boyd, 3b Moehle, lb ... Bangart, ct ... Torek. If Corrigan, p Totals .....: 39 7 jf Scere by Innings Johnsburg 000 000 143--- Algonquin 022 021 000 -- 7 Two-base hit: Simonini. Threebase hits: W. Smith, Bangart. Home run: Blanken. Struck out -- by Blanken, 2; by Corrigan, 2; by Mavis, 0; by Klapperich. 4; by Miller, 3. Bases on balls -- off Blanken, 3: off Corrigan, l; off 0; off Klapperica, 3; off Miller, 2. Winning pitcher: Miller. Totals 32 2 Scare by Innings 1 1 DIE IN ACCIDENT J 1 J Allan Eugene Fleming. 32, of 0 • Marengo died instantly in an ac- • 1 jcident which occurred at 11:30 --»•' ja.m. on Sunday. Aug. 28. on River * | Road about three-quarters of a _ J Jmile from Illinois route 23. Ap- Mcllenry OWf ftOO~ 000 # parently, Fleming, accompanied Dundee 020 000 00* -- i 'by Dolores Spurling, 16, of Elgin, Two-base hits: Schuberg, Kna- driving west on River Road huseh. Three-base hit: Schuldt.; when a milk truck driven by Mich- Struck out--by Santoro, 14; by, ael Kearney, rural route 1, Ma- Schuldt, 5--Bases on balls--off rengo, came out of the driveway Santoro. 3; off Schuldt, 0. Win-, of the Albert Krueger residence ning pitcher: Schuldt. iand was struck by Fleming's car. J -- j Miss Spurling was taken to St. Jo- ! Complete line of Be4be livestock' seph's hospital, Belvidere, where I remedies at Wattles Drug Store, her injuries were not deemed aer- McHenry. |-tf ious. Kearney was not injured. FATALLY INJURED Mrs. Edna Sebel, 48, of Itasca, was fatally injured last week when she stepped in front of a cart before the'Bur,lngton Pa««mger train at Hinsdale. In the belief that she might still be alive, the Hinsdale police chief. William Henrv. rushed her to the Hinsdale sanitarium but she was pronounced dead upon arrival there, v Walworth County Fair to Begin with Circus Sept.. 2 Starting wiui a circus on Friday •afternoon. Sept. 2. and closing with two hours of organized calanMy in a thrill show Monday i^Q. with hall games, revue, carnival, exhibits, hot dogs and a $12,090 racing program in bewteen, patrons of the Walworth ,County Fair at Elkhorn are- in for four days of fun, thrills and wholewme entertainment. The grounds are packed With oncessions, exhibits and enter- Uiinment features. From the Walace* Brothers carnival of Jackson. Miss., which offers fifteen riddb eight shows, to the pitch irtflr who sells you the patented potato peeler, the ninety-ninth walworth County Fair offers va- 'iety and fun. You can buy anyhing from cream candy to tracors or just lOok at them. Laundry Bundle year weighed 7.4 billion pounds and The nation's laundry bundle last contained 22 2 billion items GUIDE'S RKSCI'E TOLD Several reports came to our of- 'ice this week concerning a radio broadcast describing the heroism (>f Dar Granger, a guide at Hayvard. Wis., and a former McHenry 'es^nt. No details have been Received but it was disclosed that •ir. Granger last week rescued two nen who had fallen into the river >ut was unable to bring a third safety and he drowned. 11^, It there Is mmy place that yen must travel, night er day, we are ready te serve y>M. On call twenty-foar hears.a day for these In need of traaKportat^M, Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723 Bargains You Can't Afford To Pass By 25% DISCOUNT ON j Tiresione BATTERIES For a limbed time TIRES 6:00x16 as low as $10.95, plus tat Truck and Tractor tires all sizes WALTER J. FREUND tire Phone Tires -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accessories ^ and Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed Waat Mctienry OPEN EVENINGS AJlD SUNDAYS It^ Au Revoir These crisp evenings, early sunsets, and dewy lM^ininjtfs all suggest that the entrance of* fall is arouml tliat familiar corner. Next week school hells will begin chiming daily to establish conclusive evidence that the autumn season is with lis. In a summer resort suelt as McHenry, there is' always a nostalgic feeling following Labor Day, wben Chicago vacationists return home and the city OIMC more-."becomes just a "little town'? for nine muutlis. - s - '• As a matter of lifting spirit*, however, it might b<* well to rentfiiihcr that actually there is no nuwv beautiful time.of the vear than fall. So it. reallv isn't a permanent goodbye to our summer friemls for many days. We shall be looking forward t<» their weekend visits until well after the leav;1^ have been touched by .Tack Wost and the fii^t bit of snow covers tlip countrj'side. . tt isn't goodbye, it^8 just An Revoir. Nickels Hardware Main St. » Phont 2 West McHenry ISOMERS! OIT KXPCRT P I T T I N G for your own MINERALITE Custom-Grip Ball Blaek Mlnerallte .|21Ji a| Ball and Shee Bags flJi af 9Mi •» Winter Leagues Now Forming THURSDAYS, 2 p. m. -- Ladies' Handicap SATURDAYS, 2 p. m. -- Boys' Junior Leagtitv' SATURDAYS; 7 p. m. -- Mixed Handicap 1 For further information . . . Phone McHenry 349 ' -- --T- PIN BOYS WANTED f Bowling lanes are equipped for your cuiiveuleiitt and better bowling with Brunswick Range Finders, the Electric Bye and B-10 Electric Automatic Pinsetters. PAL ACE RECREATION^ 119 S. Green Stre^ McHenry, Illinois ••M 1 M t 't lH l I M M«HI# t BREAD BASKET PICNIC BASKET FOODS HOU»AV Apple Sauce i fr*ai WMfttW Aff 2^29* Half Chicken OUjoSatod • Kh^y W Serve SWANSON-S MMdOVS Whole Cbickea Par • HmIi ar • - * \ -v 3 V4-U. CAM PMSM PACK HAZEL OLIVES A Tr«*f far Yaaaf *a4 OM 59l Swtl ftr Nrtiti NATCO BEVERAGES Hud far Baktof «r Fryiaa CRISCO St Jaaaaf Art NO DEPOSIT 4 for 29c • 12 for 85c 32« 3^84e RED KIDNEY DEANS 3 c^29< TOMATO CATSUP CREAM CHEESE imwmf TUNA FISH . Skiwy • Craaair ** Cr«acby PEANUT SUnER Fra^i Pack CIRCUS PEANUTS FfMk Pack - WMt* ar Calfd MARSRMALLOWS hwliHtwth 111* silveibvst . ta 55* Qaaiii Cwa Stwch 2 ^ 23* STALifS STASIA . & 21* 5a^*a . . 'ar 21«i 14-Ox. BatHat l-O*. rues lS-Ox. JAR VARIUA WAFERS ciauuTEiMis6t->19< wSoiTcilCIlM 'SJf 1" MaM (ar T«* hf A jkh STRORfiNEART 3 '-27« Ma1* laMM Mil a • HOT CROGOUTE £5 25< MOR-BEEF . . . 45« DEVH.ED NAM . POTTED MEAT 2c- VAmLLA EXTRACT ^ * PIECRUST MIX 2 SANDWICH SPREAD 2k MIRACLE WHIP . & MTM JELLY . IVO RY FLAKES P« ^ AMERICM FAMILY Far Baby's ttia IVORY SOtf . .'. Nr a Salfar Craptata IVORY SOAP . . Panaaal Sim IVORY SOAP . . - Mb Oee® DUZSUDSER -- > . < _ a AMER. FAMILY IWeSwa te 27. 3-23* . 2 & 27* •> - ,3» 25* • * • 41 23* % 27*%r 73* 27*«r 75* CAMAY 3 ~ 23*1 D . CAMAY ^ k- I: ' v *27< 2= 23* CUKSTMCi 2'^ 25* un SOAP I0T BRUMS . ^15* •MS 15T HORTSNOW .. . . *27« KUHTS CASTILE . 3 - 23* Caf IMaCkalMi LAW SOAP . . . 3 - 2 5 . rs^J: f r * N a* --* wwam* SPtC & SPAN % 23«.«? 73- rc*« «Wb CW*M VMla «ar Ula 0XYB0L . . Zl 27«g78« A KATCD COFFEE . 2 & 89< Rrip m C«fc» -- _ MAXWBl HOUSE 2 s. 98« OUS&SANBOM2 98 SmHrn . 2 ^ 98< IARTIETT MHATNANAPPiLS lilri faaa? •»*••• COOKMG APPIES mrum to cow^m w WATERMELON