^ WNGWOOD Mrs. William Wurttlneer snd famt | i l i i i i i i « i i i i » i | i t ittji', Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. ,"iM 1111111111 1 ,TTTTicharlen Smith o( Crystal Lake, (by Mfrs. George Shepard) , Mr. aad Mrs. William Hoffman , and daughter. Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Klapperich entertained a Mrs. Ralph Smith and ion, Dick, few friends at her home Thursday Mr ^ Mr. Lyie Hopper and afternoon at a plastic party. ^ daughters, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. Lynn Haaford of Lone Lake, Mr. Agnes Jeneks entertained a few u<| Mrs Harold Stanek and dangh Katie Prtvnd, Mr. aad Mrs. Tte-( Kr aai Mn. PmI cent Tonymn and famUy. lfr. and Wauke*an spent Snndny and «*entac In tin FredWIedrlch, Jr., home. Nksey Notdcren, who has been visiting in the WMVWh home, returned home with them.1 Mr. and Mrs Fred Wiedrich, Jr.,' mn Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and children. Mary Ann Wledrtoh, Mary. Ann Bolger and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan attended the Milwaukee Fair Tuesday. Mrs. Mabel Collins is spending WMn of (fee PtntaSsslsv «ff tnn 4pe* ftlXTT TlAMM AGO r fie do France The ui de, France, launched #€erch 14. 1928. made her maiden voyage to Now York on June 23 of the following year. Up to September. 1»39. she carried- 245.000 passengers in 318 crossings of thtf "Atlantic. During her war and postfr repatriation service, for which ihe received the Creix de Guerre with Palms, she carried nearly hall i Million troops. •m at a Stanley demonstration Friday Alvln Benoy of Woodstock, Mr. | and Dayton Ohio * jtho Park Hotel, Janesrille, Wis., K; evening. » land Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox' Mr and Mrs Chauncey Harrison on ,Mt w*«k Thursday evening. t Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler en- | River Grove, Mr. nod Mrs. John Bpem the; past week in the home *he contracting parties being M*. _ i;: tertateed a group of relatives Sun- Smith and A. W. Smith. Mr. »®d!of tllejr daughter, Mrs. Donald j^ran*t L- editor of the Rich- limited, they must be operated in I day honoring the eightieth birth- Mrs. John Lay of McHenry were! Brenner, in Chicago. mon4 Q«*e|te. and Miss Little ^ p bh interest with ODDO_ * day anniversary of her father. A. visitors in the afternoon, ! Tr ^d Mrs. Walter Taylor of! 1 SHity f£ au7i?es of a queS Radle Freqaencies Because radio frequenctes" are Uses ef Seybeaas Today, the soybean is used fot [ producing high protein flour. It also j is used in producing 53 per cent of i the vegetable oils used in making 1 Ii_n 1i77>7m0, named ,t,h em accord,i.n g ,to shor,t e.n ings and 44 \pJe r. ce^nt of that .t.h e d.a ys o.f .t.h e.i r d.i.s covery, n"o tes i. used in mar„g!a„r•i ne. ,Int is the source Ihe National Geographic society, TI*«My. Wednesday, Thursday and Frtdhy are Inhabited gtanlte IShmds in Torres Strait between Australia and New Guinea. Captain James Cook, voyaging thera to the past SO years ths cost «f rails, fuels and other supplies used by railroads have Jiimpsd lit par cent, and hoqrty wage rates « per cant Freight rates have Ham # r ? 1 m W. Smith. Those to attend were Mr and Mrs. Paul Walkington j El~in visited Mrs." Agnes^'jencks I School opened on Monday with ^ ' ... Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Mr. and and family attended the Benoy re- ; Wednesday eveninc a lf00<* attendance and every lndi- 06 y P^wnted ter. Dor- union In the Wilbur Beboy home Robert ^ Haroid Blake attended the races at Harvard Thursday evening. Mrs. -Agnes Jencks spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Smith, d.\aghter. Wllbui othy, and eons, Frank and Sam, *t Elkhom Shnday. LAURENCE N. HTZEN EVC&GEEEKS .<V \ McH^nxy, 111. SHEUBS Phone HcHttiry 600-J-2 cation points to a pleasant and profitable term. | New York's Agrlcatiite Mrs. Helen Slater will give a New York state agriculture was lecture in the city hall In this j ainost a billion dollar business in village next Tuesday. Subject,! 1M8 Gro„ receipts by farm„8 Tom PetUse, and family at Bur-, " wn, £! in trom the marketing of the products I rlngton. i" ,k ,!!*„ T , J 'W" "timated at $948,521,000. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson of;as the_>»dy who taught a German Iwaukesh*. Wis., spent the week- spring. j ! end with her mother, Mrs. Marie' , ? P" Miller, on the west ( Weaner jside, have been treating their: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and 18tore \° \,c?at paint, inside sons attended the fair at Mil-!and out: whlch much Improves its waukee Thursday. 8hrnke fer Privacy iure can be achieved by man-made walls, fences, hedges or shrub borders. 'Walls of living green are the best and when made of evergreens, they give privacy all winter. Btering Nitrogen A Keeping organic mailer fn the spil is the only natural way and the best way to store nitrogen and still have it released as crops require it, according to a Cornell aeronomist. „ of 64 per ctnt of all the oilmeal proteins fed in producing this nation's livestock, hogs and poultry. Ton! Permanent Wave Kits. |1J5 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf ? - *v appearance. Sidewalks y; v r FoimdatioBs .. % Er 1. J .1 • 1 . • M. sfANGARONE MENT WORK Xmerald Park - Phone 861-J-l - McHenry, 111. Cement Mixer For Bent Driveways ~ ° Stairways Billy DeWolf of McHenry was a t visitor here Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. William H^tne of | Chicago spent the weekend la the < George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Crystal Lake and Mr. FIFTY TEARS ifift The picnic given by the members of St. Mary's congregation Howe 6f I a huge success. As early as and Mrs.! noon the crowd began to assemble' Louis Hawley attended the races ani] before night many thousand at Harvard Thursday evening, j people were " present. Much praise Mrs. Andrew Eaemaker and chil- c*n be given Father Kirsch for dren returned to their home at Iv'%y he looked after the com-' Thor, Iowa, after a week's visit for' ()f those who attended. We, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. we,<l unable to learn the amount Roy Neal. realized but believe it was in the, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd attend- nMsltliorhood of $800. I^ed the races at Harvard Thursday 1 evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard, Dr. W. ^C. Besiey, D. D. S„ returned recently from his stay In! New York and other points of in-] CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Oabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Qenoiae Leather glen's and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. • '. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsborg, 111. Phone m ik ? MOSEY TELEVISION '• I". .. . ------s,--- PRAGER BXEH , FRED BOWMAN, Prop. with Mr. and Mrs. William Heine forest. of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan! Ground is broken and building Ainger and family, enjoyed a pic-1 w"' commence at once on a new nic at Fontana Sunday. I residence for Walter Kvanson. ) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of i The McHenry Plalndealer has/a Ridgefield spent Sunday with her neat new heading. 'The paper/to mother, Mrs. Viola Low. (vastly improved. f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and1 The drop orfice for the McHenry family speiit Sunday with her I Steam Laundry is now located in parents, Mr and Mrs. Dale Thom-!the West McHenry postofflce. as, at McHenry. ! Mr. and Mrs. Sody of Kenosha! FOETT TEARS AGO spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Nellie Blackman. ! Butter on the Elgin board of Mr. and MVs. Glenn Jackson of trade Monday was firm at S$V& Richmond spent Sunday afternoon, cents. w|th her mother, Mrs. Emily Beat-1 Work on the slate roofing at f FRONT ENTRANCE DOOR . 20 Designs . . ? Panel or Flush type* . . .. . • .. PICTURE WINDOW - -- Including Frame and Sash Glased Plate Glass, divided eight lights plate Glass, no bars » *, > . "TwindoM 4 or 1 'Thermopaiw," ---^ double plate glass . . . . ;"$123.00 $35,00 $38.00 $46.00 Any of the above with double hung Windows each side, including sash balances . . 1 Add . . . $30.00 ' (Smaller or larger units at proportionate prices!) All of the above units made in our "Clear" grade Ponderosa Pine, treated wittf Lignophol ... wonderful new preservative and protection against rot, shrinking or §welling. ' We also make all types (£,. frames - Sash - Windows - Doors - Cabinets Mouldings - Wall Tanelling and Industrial Woodwork CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. :iim Ridgefield Phone:* Crystal Lake 1333-J-l -w ty. "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison were visitors at the Railroad fair Monday., Mr. and Mrs. Twn Pettise and family of Barrington and Roy Laurence of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Jencks: Mrs. Mitchell Kane and son returned home from the Woodstock hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family returned to their home In Evanston Sunday. Nancy Kane is visiting grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Kane, Sr.. at Mundelein. George and Nancy Ainger of Hebron are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard this week. , Mrs. Kirk Crane and Mrs. Paul Korgren of Waukegan spent laat Thursday in Jr.. home. the new depot is nowaunder pro gress and within the next few days the workmen hope to have the structure under cover. The Charles Parks residence on the corner of Center and 'John streets on the West side, is In the hands of the painters. E. Perkins has the Job. The foundation for the N. J. Justen store building on the west side has been commenced. F. L. McOmber. who will occupy the new building, is anxiously a neither ing its completion. Earl TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Andrew Miller is having a neat, comfortable four-room bungalow erected upon his property on Broad street, near Riverside Drive. The wind storm of last Friday the Fred Wiedrich, |morning did considerable damage to the front of the Alexander Lum- VILLA HOTEL RESORT ON PISTAKEE BAY SERVING LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS DAILY V BRUCE BELSHAW at the Hammond Qj$an PHONE McHENRY 37t STQNEKOn in fay • Economy of Stonekote • Beauty of Stonekote • Permanence of Stonekote -- H aorar imodt painting . j,. STONBKOTI enn be nppUsd over any type # construction -- new homes or old. STONBKOTI INSULATIS CmI || Summer e Warm in NO MONEY DOWN ftll Istimotos, Write or PhotM WELDON ANDREAS Phone Richmond 649 Ringwood, Illinois I - cut AND MAIL - 8 Please send me full information--no obligation. ' Name. Addreia. -CHyt' Mrs. Dewey Beck and children i ber company's building on the of Arlington Heights visited her father, Charles Carr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family of Harvard visited his mother. M!rs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg attended the Milwaukee Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family of Genoa City visited his | mother, Mrs Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Sunday. Mrs. Hitzorth and daughter, ! Marie, and Marian Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice. They all went to Fox River Park for a picnic. Sunday guests in the William Pagni home were Mr. aad Mrs. John Dobry, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Marchi, Mr. and Mrs. C. Linassi, and daughters, Elaine and Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pilt of • Chicago. Mrs. Ed Bauer and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Joe E. Miller and family at Richmond. Mrs. Tolefson of Marengo visited MrB. William McCannon on Thursday. -• Joan Bauer visited Louise Schmitt at Johnsburg from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son. Bob, of Waukegan spent Sunday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. John Walkington of Libertyvtlle is visiting in the Paul Walkington home. Nancy Nordgren ' of Waukegan spent from Thursday 'til Sunday with Peggy and Butchie Lenard. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family enjoyed a trip to Apple River Canyon Sunday. Mrs. Andreas spent Monday night and Tuesday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebel, at Algonquin. west side. Most of the windows in the upper part of the structure were boken while sonie of the front was blown in. Although about two months late in its arrival, we are now enjoying some rest summer weather. Ch*rles Miller, seventeen-yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller, of Lily Lake suffered the fracture of both bones in his lower right arm on Wednesday evening of last week, while cranking a li Melten Glass Molten glass has a consistency much like that of taffy candy between its molten stage and the time it hsfldens and cools. While it is still soft, it msy be cut with shears. JoeU yOUNG /IRE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL A Complete Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. SMCiriCATIOMS Ad-o-Bath "TIAaPdifmMaAhwt ixioaisurtcntcie. .. . The Amaiing New ... • Factory - Assembled Bathroom' Ootnes fully assembled and equipped . . ready for immediate addition to your home . . . No Costly Alterations ... No Sacrifice of Space . . . No Delays Mail This Coupon for Additional Information STOLTZE AD-A-BATH SALES ~ HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS . ROUTE 1 - PHONE HUNTLEY 3231 Please send me, without obligation, more information on Ad-a-Bath» Name a Address . x CLEANING SERVICE Done in Our Own Plant 206 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY Tree Pickup cM Delivery Service When it's time to start thinking about going back to school, it's also time to start thinking about the lighting situation in your home. Young eyes are too precious to neglect... don't risk strairi due to poor lighting. Check the "study spots In your home today and make cegain your children have good lighting for their homework. MP THIS! THINGS All IMPORTANT rOt STUDY CONMTIONSt "• . / - Gkmhs* lifj* dMbvtad over ffce thtdy surface UpwewJ Jlummation to bright** entire study Lamp should ho to loft of ^ *1-- ifrJLl ' *' 1 * -L*-* Liaht-colorod hloMof Of dbdt foo Child's eyes should ho about 74 H po$$iblo, dosk should bo paralM to a coliwed woM " Booh should bo Hkod at on Remember, a small investment to insure proper study oonditkNas now will pay big dividends in preserving eyesight. See the new, scientifically designed study lamps at your electrical appliance dealer's ** our nssmt store. • / f Blllt OP MOBTN1UI lUJflOIS '-.'A '-v: : • lit *.. r J - ' J . . -.4 • ? if