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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1949, p. 8

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"'"•'iW'""" * "v" ' ' "'*' '" •:t'!,s-'"^--^ vm TfW MoCTWy. M^indealek •Th8r«d»y, fepfrmfrr 8, I Wa» J «1km «ft» VMI«A • n • } C*i«r ef Eye* 3P«rt eye* are dark because of f fjMe particles of pigment in their j pises. Blue eyes have no pigment but look blue because colorless : droplets in their irises scatter light, absorbing the longer rays ; and reflecting only the short blue $**'. •••• ' • •••.- • ••'- i iwtel Com ' J feweet corn was not kpo^ |9 Crisi-Eyea A cross-eyed condition Is-not always easily recognized. If neglected, it may cause loss of vision in the out-of-line eye. For this eye is likely to be used less and less until, in many cases, it becomes blind. Then it may resume its normal position. Sqaim EncephalemyelMp «,ww .... • Severe outbreaks ol equine encek «feite men till the discovery of phalomyelitis often occur during America, after whi-.-h time it be- fc6t, rainy weather, probably be • C8me popular; increasingly so since 1900, largely due to the de . v^lopment of hybrid corn. .v^ cause mosquitoes, which spread the disease, multiply rapidly during such .weather. . * f1 Sound Souvenir# OF CHICAGO :?;V„Take$ pride -jn announcing the opening £f ip^McHenry office on Orchard Beach. K. G. Voss, Jr., Mgr. PHONE McHKNEY 797-R mfm I"-" L J l.| UJ . IUH.LU Riverside Bake Shop WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, LA&QR DAY, UNTIL NOON, AND WILL BE CLOSED EVERY MONDAY THEREAFTER "FOg FALIj £ND WINTER MONTHS. 4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS QUALITY DRY CLEANING at ... A Fair Price! For Pickup Service Gall McHenry 222-R 3 - DAY SERVICE PICKUP MONDAY 3-:-- DELIVER THURSDAY are • Sanitary • Economicpl § Labor Saving' * Feed Saving pnd t Igst a lifetime REAPV-MUiO CONCRETE TjOR dozens of other improvements abound farnyno other material offers the service and economy of fire* safe, enduring concrete. If you are planning a new ratproof poultry house floor, sanitary dairy barn floor, a feeding floor or foundation--'build it the convenient) low cost way w£th Cpoctf&te; " • _ (f YOU KEEP ¥E^P *E CAH PUT ypy in TOUCH WITH COMPETEN.T yC ONTRACTORS^ Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenry 97-J 606 Front Street ~~~ McHenry, 111. WHAT KIND OF HEALTH INSURANCE FOR OUR COUNTRY ? Following 1ft the second in a ser- I Program." These are the personios of articles on. health insur-1 al reports and recommendations of ance in .the United States, a Federal office holder. The Aswhether it wi|.l. be voluntary • qr sembly refused to recommend compulsory. Tha, questions and Compulsory Health Insurance, answers are comained in a pamphlet released j hv the American Q: Does the "Report on the tlonN Health** ghe a factual picture of the people's health In America! A: No. This widely publicized report is a hoax.- It is a propagandized treatment of a subject far too important for such loose Medical Association. IV ill people who already are fjfotected under satisfactory Voluntary Health Plans Jl»e taxed! A: Yes. Whether protected under medical care plans, commef- Hal. industrial, fraternal'or labor handling by political experimentplans. they will be Compelled to ei"8- f pay -,tlie tux for the .government « Government agencies are spendplan. fng untold millions in tax money Q: How much »ill .tAe tax be? its erroneous "facts" AigSporisois have used various figures. Estimates tange from three to ten per cent on every paycheck up to $4,§00, "half paid by .the employe and half bv the Just Wanted To Know and false conclusions--forming a government "lobby" to sell Com-! pulsory Health Insurance^ to the people of America. Many leaders, ill good faith, have ADEQUATE STORAGE ONE OF frARtffiftS' BIGGEST PROBLEI# "Unless adequate farm storage is provided, price support programs cannot function properly," asserted H. M. Combrink of the Illinois PMA committee. The problem of providing this ! storage is one of the biggest and most pressing tasks facing the department of Agriculture and the American farmer. At harvest time it is expected that there will be approximately 4,300,000 bushels of corn on hand including a tremendous 'carry-over of about 800,000,- 000 of the 1948 crop. This is a A rather smallish man was record supply and most of it will hailed into court charged with have to be stored for at least a piclyng a man's pocket. The com- short time. Even a three billion pl'ainant was very near-sighted and i crop production with a moderate didn't seem very sure of his facts. J carry-over was unheard of before fie couldn't positively identify the ' 1942. Any large scale attempt to other man as t«e one who stole his jf,00(1 thp market will result in real watch • price trouble and when the farmer has price trouble, everybody has trouble. ;• , : According to Mr. Combrink, -the When the man stood there, as if ppfo1 ss.i.b.l. e .in securi.n g government-owned Woodchnck Nnls&nce Dyes for Diapers j Woodchucks are nuisances on an# Use of aniline dyes, those de- farm or p^ure. Many a head «t - ytVed from coal tar, to mark uvest0ck has broken its leg by step* diapers Wy cause serious poison- ping into one of hoIe8. ing in babies according to the Jour-! mounds of dirt around the holes fit nal of the American medical asso- j tcrfere wjth farm machinery. Theso ciation. Seventy two cases of, anjmais destroy a certain amouilft poisoning in babies from the dyes I of grain but maln hive been reported* including five! ig done ^ burrowing. "Tdeaths, the Journal says, adding: "Prevention of such .accidents is simple. If the diapers are bailed after they are stamped and ( thoroughly dried before use, the | dye becomes fixed and absorption does not occur. The i,deal ftiethod of prevention would be the use ol J nontoxic dyes, but, Unfortunately,. vegetable pigments, charcoal, and; silver nitrate lack the permanence! required for markin^ -6loUua# in| large institutions." Brighter Small Rooms Small halls, closets, bafiiroOflil and dinettes can be brightened with wall p%per> A small room gives yoil a chance to try bold, dramatic pafc terns you can't use in lar^et rooai|. The judge, faced with the lack of evidence, was forced to discharge the alleged" pickpocket. A--, , man stood there, as if Wernment- is moving as fast as he didn't comprehend the meaning Fashions in Strip Steel About 1S59, ladies' hoop skirta ..created a demand for flat wire m j America. Supplying the fashio^ ; gave birth to this country'* coU Weed Killers rolled ftrlp steel industry. . '.;.f Chemical weed killers aire important, to market gardeners, since Tlomplete line of Beebe livestoek elimination of ^hand weeding saves ; remedies at Wattle* t>iug Store. Memuch labor cost. tienrv. 8-tf emplover. ,The - self - employed carefully considered both the "Re-- would' pav the whole amount. . port" and the Compulsory Health-1 • Insurance proposal -- only to dMQ: ^Vluit does that make" il"1 Povpr that both are based pn badly total bill? :distorted evidence. ; 1 n *2",M m • • • not "trebled. The staggering cost1 Qn*: What distorted evidence «w«a«s1 used I A: Misleading use was made of the U. S. draft rejection figures, with the sly implication that the rejections would have been fewer under government-controlled medicine. » .of the justice's, words, the judge repeated the ,wotds - whijch dismissed him.-- : • ' •* ^ ' "All right," he said, "you're free to go. You may leave. You are judged not, guilty: Go 'om" 'V: The man still wasn't sure. "Does that mean,/' he asked, • "that ~I -ckn keep the watch?" and erecting storage in Q: What is the troth about the to the nation has been estimated at from six to fifteen billion dollars. - Q: Why don't the sponsors advise the people honestly and clearly on this all-Important matter of cost? A: They know they are apt to, be wrong however well they fig-1 draft rejections? « • ure. No nation which has tried j A:' According to the highly regovernment - controlled medicine Rarded authority of Dr. Maurice ever has been able to anticipate j H. Friedman, formerly of the ITitM the cost correctly. In New Zea- i versity. of Pennsylvania Medical land, the cost multiplied eight School, nearly two-thirds of the times in fi-ve years. In England, total draft rejections were for govrnment niedicino has gone 200 manses beyond tho power of medlmillion dollars in the red in the <*®1 treatment to prevent I past nine months, grossly exceed- With eU. S. selective service ing estimates first given the peo- standards highest in the world, pie. And the type of assembly-; millions of men were rejected for line service heinpr rendered there such causes as illiteracy, mental would not be tolerated by Amer- deficiency, venereal disease, deicaiis! ' fective vision, amputations, heart Q: Why shonld the cost, even ailments' color b,indesa and deaffor second-rate service, rnn so,11688- hiirk? Q: How many 4-F's conld medi- A.: Because government - con- cine have helped? trolled medicine is political medi-1 A: Dr. Leonard Rowntree, forcine! In Germany it took onejmer medical director of selective Government employee for every service, has declared that only 6 100 persons insured. At that ratio, per cent of all the men examined America would require a million had defects which might have been and a half non-medical employees cured by medical treatment. clerks, administrators, book Gr-rrr! Dentist's wife--"Have you been abfe to collect that bill Mr. Jones has owed you for so long?" Dentist--"No, darn. it. I met the guy on the street yesterday and he had the nerve to snap at me with the teeth I made for him." Q: What do the draft figures mean, then, In*respect to measuring the Nation's health? A: The ifnpartial Brookings y Institution--which the government itself engages on important research-- says the draft rejection figures "are wholly unreliable as a measure of the health of the Jiukeepers and tax-collectors -- on the federal payroll, siphoning off medical funds before ttyey ever brorfgftl^the patient care kinH. The "Insurance" Delusion Q: Is Compulsory Health In snrance really "insurance"? A: It is not. And it is gravely Ition.? unfair to the people to pretend that it is. Reasons it is not "insurance": 1. Though an arbitrary "premium" is collected, in the form of a payroll deduction, benefits are neither specified nor guaranteed. In the exact' language of th^ sponsors, certain services are promised "when funds are available," "insofar as possible," and "when facilities permit"! 2.. Sound insurance is based on sound actuarial standard? --and on contracts clearly seting forth both benefits and costs. Millions of Americans have such guarantees itf^t writing -- under Voluntary Health Insurance. But the only guarantee in the Compulsory Health "Insurance" proposal Is guarantee of a new payroll tax -- the amount unpredictable! The Biggest Hoax Q: Did the \ational Health Assembly recommend Compulsory Health Insurance? A: No. After a meeting of the National Health Assembly, the office of the Federal Security Ad-I --. : -- ministration submitted to the The "fingers" at the end 6f an president a "Report on the Na-1 elephant's trunk can handle option's Health" and a "Ten Year I jects as small as a penny. A Lot of Crust In the few seconds it takes you to read this sentence, more than 4.500 't~ 'm~ake" sure it wasn't the alcohol loaves of bread will have been First Choice A prospective •father" had become so keyed up with the waiting that he staged a premature celebration. H? managed to bieak away from his drinking companions soon after midnight and headed for home. He was helped through the door by the nurse. "Is my son here yet?" he demanded, and without waiting for a reply, continued, "Oh, he must be. Show him to me, will you, please?" ' The nurse, . without a word, pulled back some covers and revealed triplets. He blinked his eye's several times, counted them again heavy production localities. This jineans, he said, that numerous bin ' sites must be leased and it is hoped that all'owners of eligible locations will co-operate. The department is also investigating the possibility 'fo improvising storage in vacant structures, such hs com-i jmercial buildings and war plants, j Even with<* this effort on the j I part of the government and re-! gardless of how much can be (done in the future, it still won't be, enough, predicted the state com-' [mitteenian. Farmers themselves j must co-operate and in a big man- | ner. Each corn producer should i weigh the situation carefully and j appraise the full meaning of what j would happen if markets become j flooded with corn. This is no time for selfishness! on the part of farmers to beat their neighbor in liquidating corn, loans but rather is a time for each ; producer to do everything he can ! to provide his own storage, both j for this year's crop and for re-! sealing as much as possible of j the 1948 crop that he now holds ! under the loan and purchase ! ! agreement. j j If this iS done, the storage problem can be whipped, predicted Mr. Combrink. He pointed out that I the government also offers help i and incentive for farmers to provide their own storage. A storage fee of ten cents per bushel is al- I lowed for storing 1948 corn which I is re-sealed. This allowance, said I the committeeman, will go a long j way toward buying a bin which j will help the farmer with his storj age problem for years to come, | Furthermore, producers who de- I sire to do so may also take ad- ] vantage of a government loan pro- | gram which has . been set up to help them in the actual purchase of bins or^cribs. Full details on all aspects of these programs may be obtained at local county AAA offices. i PITZEN'S NURSERY • Wilson Rd. and 111. Rt. 120. 2 lilies. East of Volo ; EVERGREENS .SHRUBS* TREES LANDSCAPING • . • Route Two Round Lake, 111. Tel. tyund Lake 35^0 Auction of Household Goods Meissner Residence at Richmond, P *4 On Sunday, Sept. 11, - 1:30 £• m. ED. VOGEL, Auctioneer Bedroom and dining room suites, refrigerator .' and hundreds of other items. Located second house north of Stermer's gas station. ROW ITONI HOME PERMANEHT TWICE AS EASY-TWICE AS MSI turned out by bakeries all over the country, according to the American Bakers association. U.S. bread production is estimated at better than fourteen and a half billion loaves a year--sufficient to provide each man, woman and child with about 100 loaves annually. Biggest Earthquake 'The most violent earthquake in history was that which occurred at Assam, India, north of the Bay of Bengal and Calcutta, on June 12, 1897. There was complete destruction over an area of about 9,000 square miles, while the area of moderate destruction covered 150,- 000 square miles. The shock could be felt over a total area of 1,750.000 square miles, about equal to half of Europe. Great charges in topography were produced. multiplying for him, then seemed to brighten all of a sudden. "I'll keep the one in the middle," he announced. •-•-s Insect Pollination Entomologists say that at least 50 crops depend upon the insect for pollination or.yield more abundantif when insects aire plentiful. They estimate further that honeybees are responsible for more than |0 per" cent of all insect pollination. Somewhat Tougher In the heat of ah argument with~f There a judge, a young lawyer lost a - -tittle of his temper: The judge was 1 not one to brook any insolence ' from young whippersnappers, so I he pounded his gavel and said ! sternly, "I fine you ten dollars for • contempt of court." • I Hardly were the words out of his ; mouth when the lawyer piped up,'! "Yes, Your Honor, I was sort of ; expecting that. I have the money ,i right here in my vest pocket." I "Well," continued the judge, "look through your other pockets and see if you can dig up the, rest of the sentence--thirty days (n jail." Bluefish are several instances on record in North Carolina when voracious bluefish have driven schools of menhaden oh to the shore until •hov urore rtilpri tin lrnpA Hoon New foni Refill Kit. New Photo Method Directions show how Toni now waves hair in as little as 30 minutes. $1.00 New Toni SPIN Curlers. No more rubber bands--all plastic --all-in-one! Grips ... spins ... locks with a Hick of the finger. Regular Value ....... $*.00 *3«° VALUE ONLY urn BOLGER'S DRUG STORg PHONE 40 , McHENRY, ILL. Modern sealing wax is made, Mot of wax,, but of shellac. SSHg? Never Fails Bored--"Why do you call Mark a small-talk expert?" Boreder--"If there's nothing say, he'll say it." to Save Money on NEW Dodge Trucks gNo Consolation Save Yourself the Fuss and Muss We Make Up Trays of SCALLOPED POTATOES POTATO SALAD BAKED BEANS COLE SLAW KIDNEY BEAN SALAD Bake Your Ham or a Roast Individual C^cken Pies * Serve 10 to 100 Pantry Delicacies McHENRY, ILL. RIVERSIDE DRIVE ^ PHONE 754 The young swain climbed int® afield to gather some flowers for his^ girl friend and sighting a bull in the same pasture, called to a nearby farmer, "Hey, mister,, is this bull over hefe safe?" "Well, sonny," d r a w 1 e d""-^hefarmer, "I don't know for" sure, but I can tell you he's a dern sight safer'n you tire." "OUR" GIFT ? TO YOU We Slashed "Our Own." Prices So We Could Have. This GIGANTIC SEPTEMBER TRUCK SALE Take Advantage of This Great Sale! Save Up to $500 on the Truck *of Your Choice ZOiuC TRUCKS Buy Now! Save Money 3 Ways 1--Lower Operating Costs 2--Lower Upkeep Costs 3--Lower Prices During Sale JUST TO BE SURE Farmer's wife: "This the druggist?" " "Yes, ma'am." "Well, be Sure and write plain on them labels which is for the horse and which is for my husband. r don't want nolhin' to happen to that horse beforespring plowin'." Sale Is Being Held at Our Truck Headquarters Across From Our" Car and Service Buildings. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings During Sale. Af S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 156 Established 1930 301 E.J PEARL STREET 14 Million Crocheters The National Jleedlecraft Bureau, New York, reports there are now more than 14 million crocheters i& the United States today. Subft^rilNE! for Tjbe' Haindealer. i

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