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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1949, p. 4

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* ifrf '• ' > T :.W 4 r *••»»• * 1fT!v~ ~ r v* .'1""- ML.*.: .... •««.... ^1 rsr 'f>.'Tii,' -Ji MkMMiMI|i Charlotte Fretted enjoyed Children's Day at tilt Walworth County Fair In Blkhorn, Wis., on Friady. Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of Chicago spent the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Dr. and Mrs. Duane Ford and children were in Indiana visiting home folks this weekend. Students of Richmond-Burton high school resumed studies on Tuesday morning. St. Peter's School held their opening day on Wednesday and the children of the public school returned to their books last week. A large crowd attended the Firemen's Carnival held ,on the grounds at the Fire House Saturday night. The Spring Orove baseball team won the second game in a threegame series with Richmond at Miller's Corners on Labor Day. The final game will be held at the local diamond next Sunday afternoon. , ' • ~ " v . . , Because of the great number of Classified ads which appear in the Plaindealer each week, we have foand It impossible to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which an paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOB SALE--Urat lots, with river rights, near Plstakee Lake. George W Reiker. Phonft Piitakee 633-J-2. •- *B2-tf FOB SALE -- John Deere Model A tractor on rubber, with 2-row cultivator: Allis Chalmers W. C. starter, lights, now tires; 2-hottom John Deere plow; new 8 ft. double disc. BAXN SPRAYING, WHITEWASHING AND FLY OONTBOL -- VV11- liam Ahrcns, 607 Front street, West McJ^eury. Phone 148-J. 4-tf FOR SALS BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRY, McCULLOM LAKE. WONDER LAKE. FARMS, , CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PROPERTY, BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND B O A D. PHONE MCHENRY 421-J. : ii-tf FOB. SALE--Antiques, glass, cliina, silverware, lamps; clocks, clothes for the family; Formals. (This clothing in good'condition.) Open daily until 10 p.m. Sundays and holidays, 11 a.m. to 6 p. m. Miscellaneous items. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta road, Terra Cotta Consignment and Kesale and Antiqua Shop, % mile wfcst T.etra Cotta factory which is oft itoutc 31. Crystal Lake 1346 R 1. 9-tf FOB SALE -- Cieaned rye seed. Will deliver. Phone- Mclleurv 610- J-l. < ' *lii-2 HOUSE FOR SALE -- Year round McCulloin lake front cottage.. 4 rooms, lot '50x12.") feet. Take route 120 to sign •"West Shore Beiieh", turn light to, private road, turn right and go to last cottage." E. Plencner. *16-2 FOR SALE -- " Parochial school books, like new, for 1st, 4fh and 5th grades. Phone 75S-R. 17 WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen must be transported in sterile con* tainer. Charge $4. McHenry XK. J. Sheldon, Phone Grayslake Ray & Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. *lti-2 Green St., Phone 291. 3*tf PIANOS --40 Miles from Hlgn i Prices--Sehool diivs are here again. (Jet your Spinet l'innos now: Rald- | win, Cable, Wnrlitzer, Lester-Betsy I Boss, Kst-ey. Many bargains to se.- ; leet from. Cash or terms. Chll Elj gin 780. David E. Stark Piano Co. 21 North Union street, Elgin, 111. ' 2- l!M •FOB SALE--Ten acres ripe standing" corn. Clarence J. Stilling. I Phone Melleiirv 541-W-2. *17 FOB SALB--7 -ft. refrigerator ill vcrv good condition. Tel. McHenrv 209-W or 185.- , *17 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses,., and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 36-tf WANT TO STOP SMOKING? -- ^ry NICO-STOP. Guaranteed. NYB DRUG STORE. 12-b X'OB SALE--Bedstead and' spring and mattress. Jos. W. Freund. McHenry. Call Mr. Fitzgerald's home. *17 FOB SALE--Macki ntosh apples for sale Call McHenrv 142 M. *17 .MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE-- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Certiflad Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111; Phone Fox Lake jj>962. ; 47-tf | CLEANING'--Rugs, upholstery and j carpets cleaned and m >th-prOofed | in the home. Call Ehredt's Duraclean Co., Round Lake "2223. 5tf. F^jl SALE -- Wonder Lake, 5- room house, year-round, full basement, garage, game room, cypress paneled- living room, fully decorated. Inspection on weekends. Williams. Wickline Bnv. *17 FOB SALE--rapes for sale. Call McHenrv 427. *17 FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf SEPTEMBER SALE ON "GUARANTEED" USED CABS 48 Dodge custom sedan Low mileage--perfect 47 Ford 2-door sedan ... Ha? very special care ,0 Plymouth Spec. Deluxe Coach Perfect inside and out 46 PI) mouth Deluxe Coach Beautiful is the word 40 Chrysler "Royal" Sedan 48 Plymouth 4-door Sedan Also many trucks DON'T MISS OUR GIGANTIC SEPTEMBER SALE ON BRAND SBW DODGE job-rated TBUCKS A. S. BLAKE MOTOB SALES 301 E. Pearl St., '17 McHenry 111. j FOR SALE °-- For your Fuller | brushes call Albert Pepping, Sr., | R-l, McHenry. Phone 676-W-2. ! 2-tf • RIVERSIDE DBIVE Modern home, five large rooms. Automatic oil heat. Lot 50x400 water front. Price #16,500.00; EAST RIVER BOAD 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms. Large Uvjfg room. Tile bath. Lot about % acre. Price $6,500. WOOSTER LAKE Modern 7-room house. Lot 60x160. Price $11,500. For appointment, 'call JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg . . Phones: McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 9-1333. 13-tf FOR SALE -- GROCERY - 1)ELI t^ATESSEN - PACKAGE LIQUOR. Fnie location. For information, call Jacob~ Fritz in Johnsburg. Phones: McHenry 37, or Chicago,-Lincoln 9-1333. 13-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE -- Five - gaited black* horse; 8 years old; gentle; also bridle and saddle. Will sacrificc. Best offer; closing house for season. Call McHenry .r>7.">-R-2. *17 FOB 8AL£--'1 wo l)urov* breeding! bdars with papers. Phone McHon- I ry »6l(i .1-1. 17 j FOB SALE --.1947 Diamond T i Truck, 2 Vi-ton model 50&. Has"! Jive speed transmission and twospeed rear v>nd. McIIenry Garage, 604 Fro;it„jlL^„JIeIIehry, Illonois... Phone 403. 17-tf' FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials. Call or write J FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive, McHcary Tel. 106-W. Representative of Sears Rocbuck & Co., Wall and floor tile,"Proofing, garage doors, screens, wall board, and ceiling tile, siding, gutters, r :KWOO1, iron railings. Free delivery. 43-tf FOB SALE--24-in. boy's bicycle, equipped with eight lights and door bell. In good condition, price $20. Call McHenry-521-W-l. *17 FOB SALE -- On route 120 in Mc-. Henry township, two-story 7 room house. Completely furnished. Three enclosed porches On McCulloni Lake. 20 fruil t*ces; 150-ft. grape arbor; large/" tool shed; 3 metal boats; lot., 175 feet lake front and 240 feet deep; enclosed with heavy steel wire fence. Phone McHenrv 698-M-l. *{7 HOUSE FOR SALE--Five ' rooms, bath, enclosed porch, cabinet kitchen, full basement,, furnace heat, Sarage, chicken house, large lot, 6x250, fruit trees; immediate possession. N. Park St.,' phono Mc- Ileiiry 15 1 J. «17 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS .Available now in any quantity - at the Water Tower " in West McHenry •ON CONCRETE FBODUCT8 €0. Hours 7 m m. to 0 p. m. NPhoae McHenry 788-W 4-tf FLOOB COVEBING Asphalt, rubber, cork, plastic and wood tile, linoleum, wall tile. Bay Irion, Phone 888, Woodstock, IlL 4-tf MIMBOGBAPH 8EBVICE • Typing - Mimeographing - - Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Bates 647 Washington Street, Bonte 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 476-M. 10-tf FOB BALE--Hervcl refrigerator in perfect condition. Priced reasonable. Call McHenry 533-R-l. *17 FOB „ SALE--Apples, pears and grapes. You pick them. Kane & Jepson, Ringwood. »17 |OB SALE--Generators, armatures, farters, fuel pumps, distributors liltage regulators and ignition parts f»r Ford and all other cars. Seaco Wes & Service, Lilvmoor, Fred J Ivoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. I ' ___ 47-tf JOB SALS--TYPEWBITEBS, ADlOTG MACHINES. Service on all f.akes. Also ribbons for all makes; earbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.. V«odstock. Phone 549. 7-tf GABBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftfner if desired. Reasonable ratCT^ Regular year round route. JohttTE. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc- H#»y, Phone 365. tf O. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Txiner " Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, IlL WHITEWASHING AND FLY CONTROL OF DAIBY BARNS - Frank Henkel, jihone McHenry 543-J-l. P. O. Round L'ake, 111. Residence Volo. 4-t-tf WELLS DRILLED OB DBIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Rill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry* Telephone 167. r 25-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned ky Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McIIerry 290. 29-tf CLOUOED SEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess: Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. • ' • Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitai v Co., Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tJ J O I N THE S H U F F L E B O A B D Tournament at the Sportsman's Inn. Ice cold, canned and case beer. Package goods to take out. A1 Phanneivst'll. Prop. *16-2 HB£» WAifflur -- w«m and girls. 300 Kottli Bivefiide Drive, McHenry, III. 16-tf HELP WANTED -- Girl to help with general housework, full or part time. Mrs. M. F. Clark, 200 N. Green street, McHenry. Tel. 728. 15-tf HBLP WANTBD -- Married man, without children, or single man willing to do own cooking; experienced in dairying and general fffrm work. Good salary, pleasant working conditions and permanent wbrk. References required. Write Box "W," care of The Plaindealer, stating age and past experience. A personal interview will be arranged promptly. . 16 3 HELP WAfNTEft -*• Cook at Mi- Place Restaurant, Green street, McHenry. 12-tf HELP WANTBD--r-Clerk for exclusive shop; 40 hour week. Write P. O. Box 27, McHenry, 111. 17-tf HELP WANTED--Punch press operator; male. Apply Johnson Tool & Manufacturing Co., 525 West St., McHenry. Phone 772-R. 17 HELP WANTED--Glazers wanted for 4 to 6 weeks work. Write to Box "T," care o/ McHenry Plaindealer. 17 HELP WANTED--rFlve -room ten-, aftt house on farm in exchange for work as part time caretaker., Adults only. References required. Write Box *'A," Plaindealer. 17' HELP WANTED -- Part-time cook and night dish washer. Mi Place, Green Street, McHenry. 16-tf SLAPLOST LOST, STBATSD OB STOLEN-- Three cocker spaniels, a black male, ' buff male and buff .^female, on Bull ValleV Road, near Ridge Road. R. L. Conroyd. Phone McHenrv 613-W-l. *17 MACHINE WOBK WANTED -- Also machine rebuilding, lathe. Planer and shaper. Milling "and grinding work. McHenry Mills Machine Shop, MeHtjnrv. Phone 92-R. *16-2 EXPEBT PIANO TUNING AND BEPAIBING --Work fully guaranteed. Also used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 15-tf ATTENTION, POULTBY RAISERS -- ,Ready-to-lay Hy-Line Pullets. Raised on clean range. Five months old. Genuine profit-making Hy-Line. Available in September. Inquire for details. Booking orders now. Supply limited. McHenry Mills, Inc. lg.'g COMPLETE TBEE SEBVICE -- Tree Feeding -- SPRAYING Weed Control' Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TBEE SEBVICE 519 Waukegan Boad - McHenry 724 ir»-tf KINSEY & BENSTEN - Carpenters - Summer Homes - Bemodeling Cabinet Work For estimates,: Tel. McHenry 893-J or Woodstock 1359-W. . *16-5 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SUBGEBY AND BEMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, F. O. Box 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf PERMANENTS -- Given in your lumie. Licensed beauty operator. Eddie Meatli, phone McHenry 546 W-2. - «i7 WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 8o. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED--Old kitchen cabinet. Please call 042-R-2. . 17 WANTED--Kaby sitter for my two children; one child 2 yrs. old, other « iiios. Call at 506 Waukegan Rd.,' W. McHenrv, 111. ' *17 WANTED TO BUY 8ub*cribe for The Plaindealer. •frrirrtTm. BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC j PROBLEMS TO US--We can de- | liver anything from a snapshot to j large murals, Or free hand oil ' paintings. Copying and framing* I CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf •I' <• I'• !' I1' 1' '!•• !1' Helen Weber Says: m For The Best Cleaning This Side Of Mars WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JACOB FBITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf FOR RENT FOB BENT--Johnson floor waxer, $1 per day. Gamble's, West McHenry. - 7-| f DESK SPACE FOB BENT -- In Waueonda. Ideal location. Plume Bert Ruthenberg, Waueonda 3542 After 6 p.m., phone Waueonda '39<fl. *16-2 FOB BENT--Furnished house . on Fox Street, McHenry. Tel. McHenrv 87-W. *17 FOB RENT F o u r ^furnished rooms. P< rmaiient. Hot water, gas, electric. Annlv Thriftwav Foodi Store, Lily Lake. M7 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO BENT---Year-round house or apartment; young couple and baby. Call (iuettler's Service Station, S70 J. Rt. 120, Phone McHenrv '17 McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M 103 Elm St Helen Weber, Mgr. •ft it I • Ii4ti4 s at j. jut it 11 HHHiHhUHnt 111 WANTED TO RENT -- 2-bedroom house or apt., unfurnished, at reasonable rent. Excellent ref. Please c;^l McHenry 638-W-l. 17 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED --Grinders, liandpressers and laborers; also bricklayers. No experience necessary. First and second shift. American Terra Cotta, Route 31. Phone Crystal " Lake 24. ' n the Want % " » ' ^ V ' £ leebirft Havi Sldw Yttr; Fewtr a Ptril to Shl^inf • The international ice patrol of the U, S. toast guard reports the 1949 season for the floating ice masses was the shortest and mildest on recent record. This means that fewer icebergs drifted south from Greenland waters to harass North Atlantic snipping lanes, poiht* out the National Geographic society. Fewer bergs survived the tempering influence of ocean currents and sun to make the long voyage. The Grand Banks area off the southeast coast of Newfoundland, in the path of the wbrld's busiest water trade routes, is the iceberg danger zone. In this area coast guard cutters operate from early March through June, daily broadcasting iceberg locations to merchant and passenger ships. . Most of the Icebergs menacing North Atlantic steamship lanes are born in the glaciers along the western Greenland coast. As the ice from the vast inland masses reaches the sea, it noses out into the water until buoyancy lifts it up. The lifting action cracks off the front of the glacier, and the dislodged ice floats loose in Baffin bay to begin its long drift southward. The newly-spawned iceberg has about 1,800 miles to travel, if it is to reach the Grand Banks arfca--a two to three year trip. Many are too small and disintegrate in northern waters. Some ground on the shores of Labrador and Newfoundland. Still others, caught in the eddy of the warm Gulf Stream, melt off the Greenland coast.v Trutlng Hivn In Animal* With Antl-H iitcml n« Drag! Animals, just like human beings, suffer from "hives" and allergy conditions similar to hay fever. And some of the same types of antihistamine medicines which are often successful in treating these conditions in man are now being used with pets and farm animals, the American Foundation for Animal Health reports. Animals develop "hives" when they come in contact with or eat certain kinds of plants. The resulting disorders are a drain on the«animal's health, which means a loss to the farmer. Some of the common forms these allergies take, according to the foundation are founder of cattle and horses, nettle rash, and "stomatitis," a severe form of sore mouth which affects^ cattle. Reports in international veterinary literature now show successful treatment of all these conditions with the anti-histamine drugs. But since animals, even more than human beings, vary in their response to the drugs, their use should be carefully supervised. Even death may follow use of such products in wrong quantities or in an improper manner, the Foundation states. SPRING GROVE No, Indeed 0 Indian Representative--"T have come before you gentlemen to plead for the right of my tribe to manage its own lands. (by Mr^ Charles Freoadj Miss Luella Hanford, who will • become the bride of Leo Braid- {man of Elmhurst on Bept. 24, was ; the guest of honor at a shower given for her by her sister, Miss Edna Hanford, on Thursday evening, Sept. 1. Games of airplane bunco furnished the entertainment and prizes went to Mrs. Richard Miller, Miss Clarice May, Miss Donna McNish, Miss Donna Schmitt, Miss Nancy Rasmusscn andMrs.. Raymond Anderson. Other guests present were Misses June Morheiser, Blaine Smith, Edith Winn, Georgia Schmitt, Evvie Busch, Mary Popelka, Mari Senator--**I objecti on the grounds!lyl\ Dj!drich- Mrs. James. Borrej *».<.* a~ * ., , and Mrs. Raymond Anderson, that the average Indian hasn't the |Mi8p jeannette Braidman of\Elm-l intelligence to manage property, hurst. The bride-to-be was the! tadian-- Why, Senator, do you happy recipient of many beautithink I haven't that much sense^"|ful and useful gifts. A delicious! Senator--"I said the average m- lunch was served. The table was I dian. You surely can't be average, j decorated for the occasion, the Your tribe undoubtedly would send centerpiece being a bride doll un-| the smartest man they hid to plead der a heart-shaped arch. their case." j On Sunday afternoon, Sept. 4th, i Indian--"That isn't so. sir. We Miss Hanford was again honored! Indians are just like the people a T 8howe t 1; g've" for h" ,by nt fhfl «r Miss Jeannette Braidman at Elmof the Urnted States, We never hurst Approximately fifty people Ffcmea* Leathermeck U.S. Marine Dan Daly- had rare distinction of twice the Congressional Medal of HonofJ the nation's highest award. He received the first award for service in China in 1900 and 15 years laMr won the medal again for action against Haitian bcrdits. The famed Leatherneck died <n 19W. --^ T" ' ' x Soil Cover The impact of'falling raindrop*] upon the bare soil is usually damaging to good tilth. For this reaaon an effort made to mafftitain a soil cover of growing crop* or of crop residues. If the toil must be lpft bare, the tillage should be such as to leave the sttfface in an open, fine cloddy attention. ' Complete line of Beebe liveetoek remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Heniy. . •' t-ii send our smartest men to congress Sure Enough mm® Crossing Deaths Lessen Fewer persons lost their lives in 1948 in highway grade-crossing accidents than in any year back to and including 1940, according to a study made public by the interstate commerce commission recently. Fatalities resulting from such accidents involving motor vehicles totaled 1,359 in 1948, according to the commission, a reduction of 10 per cent compared with 1947. Persons injured totaled 4,054 in 1948, which was an increase of 0.15 per cent compared with the preceding year. were present at a buffet supper which was served at 5:30. In the evening there were cards and dancing Music was furnished by a cousin of Leo Braidman on hiB accordian. Miss Hanford was presented with many lovely gifts. A gathering of relatives and friends was held at the Charles |Freund -home on Thursday night in honor of their on, Tom, who I will enter Jordan Seminary in wiwxv;:!? Monominee, Mich., on Sept. 15. |The evening was spent at cards I and visiting and refreshments were served. Tom appreciated very much the gifts presented to ihm by all those present and is very thankful. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch and family, Jimmy Freund, Mrs. Helen Weber, Sis and Betty of McHenry, Mr. and Mts. Chas. Michels and Richard of Johns- Iburg, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer I of . Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- >tudent -- "How would you describe a miracle, professor?" Professor--"A miracle, eh? Well, if you were to see a bullfrog, that would not be a miracle. Neither ter Brown and children, the George W. May family, Frank Tirmey family, Mrs. Frieda Mikoleit, Joe Weber, Bill Lennon and Paul Weber would a thistle be a miracle. Even I Ju^nn A a"'« !.TS the melodious song ot a bird sing- •l,ent a*veral <""rs IMt ing would not constitute a miracle. But if you were to see a, bullfrog sitting on a thistle and singing like a bird, that indeed would be a miracle." week, at the Dells, Wis. Mr. and Mrs^ Ed Hoffman and sons of Wilmette spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner. The Andy Straub family of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Not Too Much j Britz of Woodstock were guests The new dam had diverted much j Albert Britz home on Sunof the water that a community of day truck farmers previously had used to keep their crops healthy. They Complained to all officialdom about it. Getting no satisfaction from the state officials they brought suit. Arguing the case before the court one hot, lazy day the farmers through their attorney contended that the water had been vital to their business. "But we must have water, Your Honor," thundered the defending lawyer in a roaring basso-profundo. The lawyer's sudden vehemence awakened the judge, who had been dozing. "All right," he muttered hastily, "but only a very little in mine." Mr. and Mrs. George W. May, daughters, Donna and Diane, and « Outnumbered ' Plaintiff--"I have four men here who are prepared to testify that they saw the defendant steal two overcoats from in front of my shop." Defendant--' 'And I, Your Honor, have twelve men who are ready to swear that they never saw me take them." Judge--"Case dismissed. I am forced to take the festimony of twelve men against that ot only four.'* " , BLAKE MOTOR SALES NOW IS THE TIME TO M VP THE HOUSE FOR FALL 1 Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices Made Slipcovera * Pillows Bedspreads Venetian Blinds • COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICf 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 490 ACCURACY GUIDES US -*~Had Some Value Grandpa--"My! This certainly is terrible weather." Grandma--"Yes, all it's fit for is conversation." Indubitably ff.r "Rx" on your physician's prescription blank is a symbol that stands for the Latin word "recipio" and which means "take thou." Tou can be sure you're getting just what the doctor ordered if you let us fill your prescriptions, because ac-** curacylsour guiding factor.~ r~~~" ~ NYE DRUG STORE . tttalgretn Jfoenqt y PHONE 26 X--McHENRY & - . ' ' i. ' 1 FOR SALE MODERN BRICK HOMES IN McHENRY V Near Intersection of U. S. 31 and 120 - "What do youi think mother would like best?" asked the young man, thinking of a birthday present. "To be weighed and found wanting," replied his father. Naming U. 8. Battleships Battleships are named for.stfctes; cruisers for cities. - Toni Permanent Wave-Kits. $1.28 and $8.00. Wattles t>rug Store. 85-tf TAKING A CHANCE Boy: "Grandmother, can you help me with this problem?" Grandmother: "I could, dear, but I don't Jthink it would be right." Boy: "Maybe it wouldn't^ but take a crack at it, anyway." "Virginia Tobacco" North Carolinians can't do anything about it, but most so-called ^"Virginia" tobacco is raised in their state, and they - also raise more "Virginia" peanuts than .Virginia does. - V Fully Insulated -- Improvements ^WATER -- SEWER -- GAS -- ELECTRIC Water Rights leading to Fox River and to Pistakee Lake PRICE $10,900 and $12,900 . ' ;T ; - t E Z Terms -o- JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR In Johnsburg Telephone McHenry 37 * In J?M9&go Telephone Lincoln 9-1333 ^TVV^ IL

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