UIJJ THS McHKN&Y PJJUKDEALES Fag6lnM City Council Proceedings I^Thwsday, September 15, 1949 Franklin Fought Fire A pioneer leader in American 0»e-fighting was Benjamin Franks Oh, following in the steps of Petar Btuyvesant, who is pictured ou the commemorative stamp as "organ* lzer of the first volunteer firemen In America." In 1738, Franklin ] helped set up Philadelphia's vol- ! 4>Unteer brigade known as the Union Fire company. It served more than 80 years. Blocs, Grays, Lead N Six out of every 10 Americans Iwive blue or gray eyes. Ne*t in prevalence comes brown, and then t^-ral Toni Permanent Wave KitA $1.23 and $2.00. Wattles Drop Store. 35-tf AM ta Cancer Recent animal studies indicate that a new radioactive cobalt-nickel alloy material made in the atomic ovans at Oak Ridge. Tenn., may, like radium, become 1 useful aid for the treatment of cancer. Available both as wire and in the form of needles, this alloy can fit into certain places impossible to reach With radium. A break in a radium fas-filled needle may cause injury to a patient or contaminate the surroundings, but a similar break in the radioactive wire makes- no di# ftrwM. Largest automobile racing course in the world is in Indianapolis, the 300-mile Speedway course which is a 2% mile track. MOSEY INN / -MSS BINGWOOD i . I St. TELEVISION PR AO EE BE8R L TBBD BOWMAN; Prop. "in I? it vfvMi cnwnw Exhibited at Duke Library Complete records of the Nazi war crimes trials at Nuernberg have been received by the Duke university library. Thirty-nine wooden cases, weighing more* than two tons, made up the shipment. Duke was one of 12 institutions in 1 America chosen to receive the documents. Two other Southern universities were selected, the Universities of Georgia and Arkansas. • " ' Copies of the evidence presented lh the trials amounts to 132.855 $ages. This does not Include the accounts of the early trials of topranking Nazis in 1945-6. The Duke la\t. library received* a complete traa^mpt of these early trials, totaling 17,07?- pages, in February, 1947, through former, law school dean H. C. Horack. The documents are available to the public in this country at Duke and the following other places: The United Nations at Lake Success, N.Y., New York public library, Mil;tary Academy at West . Point, Harvard law school. University of Washington law school, Stanford and Northwestern universities and the Universities of California; North Dakota, Qeorgiaand Arkansas.'• 'iV y; !' LINES FRONT ENTRANCE DOOR 20 Designs . v t , t , , i Panel or Flush type . . . . PICTURE WINDOW Including Frame and Sash Glazed Plate Glass, divided eight lights Plate Glass, no bars . . . . . . "Twindo" or "Thermopane," double plate glass . . . .,. $35.00 $38.00 $46.00 $123.00 Any of the above with double hung Windows each side, including sash balances . . Add . . . $30.00 (Smaller or larger Units at proportionate prices!) All of the above units made in our "Clear" grade Ponderosa Pine, treated with Lignophol . . wonderful new preservative and protection against rot, shrinking or swelling. We also make all types of. . 1 Frames - Sash - Windows - Doors - Cabinets y • Trim Mouldings*- Wall Panelling and / Industrial Woodwork CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. at Ridgefield Phone: Crystal Lake 1333-J-l J-'. Value of Astronomy Astronomical observations hf'e necessary for the determination of time and of accurate positions on the surface of the earth. Modern physics is closely allied with astronomy because in the stars we may observe atoms under conditions of temperature and pressure that we can never hope to duplicate on earth. Scientists first learned that atomic energy could be released by studying the sun and stars, where such processes are going on all the time. However, the chief value of astronomy is probably a philosophical one that is no less real even though it is intangible, and that is the concept it has given us of the place of man in the universe of which he is part. Last year the.average American consumed a half pound of tea. DO YOU KNOW? That the humidity of the average home in winter is Lower than that of the aif in the Sahara Desert? Make your home Above average aiid protect your health by installing Rexair now. • Carl Barnickol FHONE McllFNRY 646-W-2 or CHICAGO KA-fe-0864 You ought to be driving a IW i.l Distinguished by a Beauty At! Its Own! iiutfu. ii 9 a uraui^ uuu tuc iniui auu inini iuc rvir; lerevcr see "Silver' Streak" styling--in city traffic, the highway, or rifhotietted at tne curb--you know mediately that it's a Pontiac and something very gpedal There's an unmistakable stamp at distinction about the new Pontiac. It's beauty from the front and from the rear! Wherever you gee its ' on immediately among automobile*. Pontiac"* performance is equally unmistakable--thanks to Pontiac** great power plaiits, the straight eight or six, and to the amazing conv<nienpe of CM Hydra-Malic Drive.* And remember, Pontiac. It is stifk the Itwot priced straight eight in Amerioat Why not come in soon and get the whole Pontiac story? MFE-T-NEW DRIVER VIEW! Pontiac's Wide, optically curved . windshield, plus --^wider windows and slimmer pillars all around, jrives you a,new driving horizon. *' * Hydra-Malic Drive optional at extra coil. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STREET MCHENRY, ILL. On The Target A race for the love of a certain man had ended in victory for the prettier of two women. She had concentrated on physical charm while the other, realizing that she was no match in that department, had had to rely on her superior education. The successful girl was showing her defeated rival the tricks that had won the man for her. She revealed all her Lule secrets in make-up and then showed the other the hairrdo she had devised. "See?** she said, "I start Off by parting my hair "exactly in the middle." ' - .... • .' "Uh-huh," mtised the other, "in .dead center, eh?" • *'•: ?' COUNCIL ROOM September 6, 1949 The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting j^ith Mayor Freund presiding- Aldermen present: Althoff, Anderson. Blake, Freund, Vycital. Absent: Tonyan. Motion by Blake, seconded by Vycital. that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Freund, that the treasurer's report! be approved as read. Motionr car-1 ried. •> j Motion by Vycital, seconded by j Anderson, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. > Motion by Freund, seconded by Althoff, that the clerk's report be * approved as read. Motion carried.A Motion by Anderson, seconded by Blake, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: \.V". j Motion carried. John J. McCarthy;;; Salary.. .$220,10 i Elmer R. Murphy, Salary .. .186.90 Joseph G. Grobel, Salary .... 13S.20 Arthur J. Smith, Salary Philip M Thennes, Salary .. Anton H. Freund. Salary .... Earl R. Walsh. Office - expehse Bert Bienapfl, Sidewalks ...... Joe Weber. Sidewalks McHenry Artificial Stone Company, Sidewalks \ ~ H. H. Mass Construction Company, Sidewalks Worts Service Station, Gas & Oil A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc., --...Jiopairs to police car Perfection Legal Blank Co., Supplies - W111. n. Althoff Hardware; ; : Supplies 'LAl's Welding & Repair Service. Welding McHenry Lumber Company, Lumber & pipe B. J. Bjorkman and Son, Supplies 196.20 178.2o! 178.20 65.00 13.20 13.20 239.80 78.35 s 45.49 • t.37 "8-40 4.50 32.28 2133 Always The ( avail# -- The old ferryboat man gazed at the darkening skies apprehensively. "I think I'll be able to take you across," he told the tourist, "but I'll have to get this cow over first." "Why must I wait for you to take the cow first?" the man demanded. * "Ladies first,"-said the old man. One on The Judge A cook was accused of brteaiing into a house and stealing a valuable vase. His lawyer, in presenting his side of the caaa.to tha judge, contended that the cook didn't break into the house. "He didn't enter the house at &11, Your Honor," he eotpUut)< stood on the dootstep, through the . open ^oor^thi around the vase and pty|le through the door. Beca; leg actually entered believe that his leg albn be punished for the crime." "Since you figure that smiled the judge, "I will sentence the leg to one year in prison. It is up to the man to follow along if he chooses." "But he doesn't," said the lawyer, as he hastened to help the -cook remove his wooden leg. ed it way," Puzzling Old Lady---"Mrs. Mowrer says she has never been sick a day in her life." Another orie--"What In the world does she talk about, then?" Routine The McHenry Plaindealer, Adding machine rolls ... .3 1.00 Joe M. Schm.itt, Mowing * athletic field; .rr^... 48.00 John J. Vycital Hardware, •Supplies 19^03 Consumers Company. Sand.. 4.37 Bernard .N. Smith, Sand * 57.00 McHENRY SIGN SERVICE TRUCK LETTERING & WINDOW LETTERING SHOW CARDS -- OUTDOOR SIGNS H. REESE" 7 Fox Street Phone 440-R CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. . CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, III Phone 583-J-l Vaa«e WeMiag Bcrvlct, Welding & installing * railing IfgJo McHenry Garage, Cutting post iS0 Clark Chevrolet Sales, Repairs to truck & storage MM John J. McCarthy, Special ' ,police duty H-00 Joseph, G. Grobel, Special police duty 22.00 Lester R- Bacon', Special police duty 10.00 Ero Erickson. Police radio maintenance Mayme l'uss. Salary & commissions Phillip J. Hastings. PoliceV Ji»ty Illinois Bell Telephone Co.\ Telephone service ....... ...... Public Service Company, Power & light Thomas P. Bolger, Light bulbs r SPECMIAL SEWER FUND: Fred~C. Feltz, SalaryiV.i^'; 135.00 Mayirte Buss. Clerical 20.00 117.22 133.70 13-SSi Public Service Company, Power & light 4«.5T v Motion by FreuAd. seconded by Anderson, to approve the application of Bernard J. Peschke fotf Class "A" Alcoholic Beverage License. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff. seconded by Freund. to pass and approve Reso? lution. as read, pertaining con* struction of sidewalk on the south« erly side of Route No- 2o front Front Street to Richmond Road, instructing the Clerk to certify copy to^the Department of Publia Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois. Motiort carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Vycital, to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R WALSH. CITY CLERK. GEORGE P. FREUND, MAYOR Rocket Ship sir force's experimental" rocket ship, X-2 has a stainless,,, steel hull to withstand, heat and r pressure at 1,700 mph and atti* tudes up" to 8®.0Q0 fefet:"; • ^ A OR SKYSCRAPER ITS THEO. OLSEN & SON MASON CONTRACTORS McCULLOM LAKE West McHenry No Job Too Big Or Too Small • For Expert Workmanship and Fast Service Call McHenry 548-W-l A congressman, back home from Washington, was telling a few of his constituents about the dream he had. "I was sitting in the House," he said, "and must have dozed off. Soon I began dreaming that I was on the floor, making a speech. And, by golly, I was." FEATHERED HIS NEST A lawyer came to London to locate a young woman who had fallen heir to a large fortur^ The police were called in to aid in the search, and placed the case in the hands of a clever and personable young detective. Several weeks passed by without any information, and the lawyer was beginning to feel concerned over the matter, when the young detective appeared and smilingly informed him he had located the heiress. "Where is she?" asked the lawyer. , "At my place," replied the detective. "I married her yesterday." . » I •A M: "BOTTLENECK WIRING is like a stadium with one gate! - Everything ia Place Rave a place for garden and yard tools and put them away after each use. Lock up insecticides, weed kfllers anci the like. No on# would think of building a stadium with only one gate . . bat many people build homes with wiring systems that are just as inadequate. Having just one gate in a stadium means a bottleneck .. . just as too few convenience outlets and inadequate wiring create a bottleneck to the free use of electrical appliances. Don't build bottleneck wiring int oyour home --remember tomorrow's world will be electrical! Electricity does more to make modern living easier and more pleasant than any other feature of your home. Adequate wiring is your assurance that all the comforts and conveniences electricity makes possible are yours when you want them. Make adequate wiring a must in your new home. The difference between the cost of a "just average" electrical installation and an adequate wiring installation is small. It costs^a little more but offers many advantages. In the years to come as you adtl the many new electrical appliances that become available you'U benefit from your foresightedness. You'll be glad you installed adequate wiring. There's an Electrical Future for Apai Mieafj^ too Warsigbted apartment owners and builders eliminate bottleneck wbimg, Sto, tm to assure thejuture desirability... and present safety... eftbeir buildings. BOTTLENECK WIRING means* Not enough ouHets Tad few circuits Wire too strait Not enough switch* jfeUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILUUMB