JrfK'T^ 1 i ' # /- f,i '- , ' • r % iIZE SHOOTIRm WIN / PIPES (UH6001L3 TRAYS y*./* vvvr,n&f*' \ ' tta^TrllWtwtilift'M, 1949.Jt • KOTICE' *•?•.'*'•' The T)oard of education of Har* rlson school district, No. 36, will' receive sealed bids for alterations and Addition to the Harrison school until 8 p. m., central standard time, on the first day of October, 1949, at the Harrison school,, McHenry, III- Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at thai time. > The work will be divided into separate principal contracts ai follows: 1--General work; t- Plumbing work; 3--Heating and ventilating; 4--Electrical wiring, ventilating; 4--Electric wiring. "The contract documents, includ^- ing plans and specifications, ar# on file at the Harrison school and at the office of William A. Ganster and Arthur Hennighausen, archif tects. 222 Washington street, Wau* kegan, 111. The board of education of the' Harrison school district, No*, 36„ reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. No jMds may be withdrawn after; the schedule closingfctime fbr re~ ceipt of bids for at least thirty days. ; "V Board of Education . of Harrison School, [ District, No. ,36. By Alice TTorei Secretary. 18 Dated Sept. 14, 1949 IMPORT. message NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS i* 7WEEKMOMIM PROGRESS 6M-92 "PANTHER"--A Jantzen original, destined to be prized by every boy lucky enongh to own one. Perfect for all outdoor sports, long enough for tuck-in and warm chough for winter days. Jantzen-knit from long-wearing Weatherknit fabric of 100%'Tlrgin worsted wool. Smooth fitting elastic-knit cuffs and waistband keeps their shape. Slses 54-46 In five striking two-color combinations. $10.95 OTHER SWEATERS FROM McGEE'S 117 SO. GREEN ST McHENRY Flocks--Large and Small Big flocks produce more eggs per hen than small flocks! This recent report by the USDA's bu> reau of agricultural economics, says D. D. Moyer, extension specialist in poultry at Ohio Estate university, tells only half the storyT What he feels is important is that good laying records follow good management practices, and th« more chickens a poultry raiser has, the better job he tries to do with them. Many small flocks are left to shift for themselves, Moyer points out, and a poor laying record results. When the flock gets above 100 in number, the owner tends to make poultry more of a business, "As a result," he adds, "they keep up-to-date on new methods, buy quality chicks, feed them scientifically and house them properly." Read the Want mutes N Seem but Half an Hour I D'I STANCE isn't the only thing which passes swiftly when you sit at the wheel of $ 1949 Cadillac. So d o c s t i m e t • • ' ; V ' - . You rest your hand on the beautiful steering wheel and press your toe--* ever so lightly--against the obedient throttle ... and you're off on a wonderful journey. Your ride is free and easy *aend restful. You just sit--and relax--andT enjoy the scenery--and the com- < panionship of those about you. Con- ' versation is as easy as if you were sitting in your own drawing room-- for the car is so quiet you can hear the soft ticking of the electric clock. The labor of driving is almost non- ; existent. The big powerful motor moves you in and out of traffic as if by automatic propulsion. Steering is little more than a response to your, wish. Brakes are light to the touch Hind velvety-smooth in action. You are as relaxed and care-free as the happy passengers around you. For you do little more than the thinking--and the car does the rest. And then a familiar landmark looms in the distance. Can it be that you •re there? • ' You look at the clock and you look ftt the speedometer--and, surely enough, the time, and the distance have passed, and your journey is over. Better come in and see for yourself that--when you sit at the wheel of a Cadillac--sixty minutes seem but half an hour! OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC CO. > 400 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILL. :'k .... C-> ' -- eerTLGjSgjgis! IW FHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Our Prescription Department is our "Number One" department... because compounding your prescription is the most important thing we do in this store. So bring your prescription here with confidence. SIMIIAC ts FOOD size ABS0RBHV[JR!^89> fSliui Uf f BUOYs^lO EPSOM 54lTS'-34f NESTLE HIGH POTENCY ITAMINS FRESH STOCK V1CRAN 00 UNICAP5 !}ll ONE-A'DAY too SQUIBB VIGRAN I3I9 iVf-oz BAUME BENOUE £Aj am BABY NEEDS CASTORIA Fletcher's, V/z a*. rf. JOHNSON'S ' Baby Talc, 10 01.. #.. w® MENNEN'S Baby Oil, 5 oz PABENA FOOD 90 8 o«. Pkge. ANTI COLIC 07 Nipples... 3 for Z/C HEiiNE CURTIS axMesHMUVo AMD SUAVE 09< 3'4eoz HALO SHAMPOO 49 _ JERGEtfSl LOT/ON 45( 49c "B" COMPLEX BOTTLE 24- £MULS/ON SCOTTS £Mi/LS/OA /4'fc-OZ MEADS OLEUM PePCOMC*iPHUM91Q SOcesize jyr VIPENTA drops 41IQ /5CCS/ZE MULTICENUN ^•^486 HOUSEHOLD AERO-WAX 97 Cleaner, Pint....., fc/C DRANO, 12 oz. 00. For Drains wC PT. ENOZ ' on With D.D.T O^C CLIMAX WALL qa Paper Cleaner ... OOC PT. LARVEX / 70a Moth Repellent .... • too BAYER ASPIRIN 591 LAXATIVES FEENAMINT 01. Box of 16 PT. SQUIBBS Mineral Oil 25c CASCARETS Chocolate lW 75c ALOPHEN Laxative Pills . , w SARAKA 10 oz. Size. .v.. -- 49c DENTAL NEEDS 43c 50c DR. WEST Tooth Paste 50c IODENT m Ammoniated Pastt.. tJC KOLYNOS ANTI Decay Powder..; . . T"oC FASTEETH re, Plate Powder, Metfr -WC 1.00 LAVORIS 7Qa Mouth Wash «^C % fi/.OO MILES 4NT/ PA/A/ TA&LBTS SOP 5QUI&65 CENTAL CREAM 69 &.2S VALUE HAIR6MI5H Ws< , HA/R OOi WN/C SPSfy ODOR0NO paII CJ&AM0£O)OHm3Vf\ DIAL fij DEODORANTSOAP 3rJ1 FACTOR i M£SW< yjlljfNOLLS $/.oo IRONIZED YEAST 83^ ^MAHOEEN HA/R T0MC 1 WITH 50t SHAMPOO ^fitoo 60X43 MODESS NAPKINS 119 Imsi f • t, Jir /'At-oz VICKS VAPORUB 33 PONDS MED. JAR P0ND5 CREAMS 49 ?/oo WIL0MWT CREAM O/L UA/R TOA//C 89* MEN'S NEEDS AQUA VELVA 5 oz. Bottle 20 SCHICK Injector Blades. WILLIAMS Shaving Cream... BENEX Brushless Cream. VITALIS Hair Tdhic 49c 73c 49c 47 c 47c REMEDIES ASPERGUM Box of 16 BROMO QUININE Groves, Box 16.. MIDOL TABS Box of 12 BROMO SELTZER 2% oz. Bottle .1.50 ANUSOL Suppositories /o4 IMfl WET'SOAP] ^ v#V ^ • ii- fi/IURt&I m t