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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1949, p. 8

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#iiD CROSS CHAPTERS MEET VARIED NEEDS OF SERVICEMEN fc; The Red Cross Home Service worker looked up from her desk to find an old man holding a telegram td twenty-five, dollars. "My boy wants to come home, bat he hasn't got the money for such *an expensive trip," the old gentleman said»-"**H?'hti8 just returned from 2 £ears overseas service and is aV(c»*e before reassignment.v "is mbther has V^'| been very sick and I think he might EJ|! help her to gc£«eU. We are living -xgf, ion our faroi 1 ytnQ.c^vJiiVcqtar,d wliat- /tr< ever mon^y my rcn can-send, but [ft I've scraped together this $25. Can '••; • h you give me enough more to bring home?" , rt^~7Lj After verifying the facts, the - ^ Horrie Servicc Sent a tele- Vy igram to the fled 'Cross-field direc- '« (tor at the boy's^mp, tiling of the • •' father's rcqwpirt and ^ the offer of the twAtty-jfaft dollai* Jie could a so ill afford. The foIlotPfag day she received an ansvvcrin the field director: Under federal statute and regulations of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, the American Red Cress furnishes volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of the armed forces and acts in matter of voluntary relief and as a medium of communication between the people of the United States and their armed forces. "Return twenty-five dollars to father. Army granting emergency leave and arranging for air transportation home. We are arranging for maintenance and return transportation." It was or.Iy one item in a busy worker's day, but to two old people and a long-absent son it meant a lot. Often the need is not for financial aid but for help wit!) the unexpected problems that may hit any family and are more acute when the head of the family is thousands of miles away. It so with an Air Force sergeant who reenlisted after overseas cojnbat service. He left his wife and children in Kentucky on a farm with his mother-ih-law. He also left 25 head of cattle, through which the family income would be supplemented. lie thought his family secure for tTie 3 years of his new enlistment. Then disaster struck. Ths wife's mother became ill and was compelled to sell the farm and go to; live with a distant sister. This left the sergv. ire from ! eart's family without housing, and .25 head of cattle without care. The Red Cross helped the soldier get emergency leave, helped him find suitable living quarters for his wife, and arranged for quick sale cf his livestock. The sergeant then returned to duty, content in the knowledge that, his wife and two small childreifHvere provided fbr. Ofteh, the need for help extends beyond the tinjp a man is separated from the servicc. If. as a veteran, the man and his family continue to need aid, the chapter is ready to help. That is Red Cross Home Service --a friend, and counselor to the perplexed, to those in need, to tihen and women with problems. Rhubarb Juice Rhubarb juice may be served alone or mixed with other fruit juices or gingerale for refreshing <• mealtime or between-meal beverage. « Venezuela Venezuela was the largest customer of iron and steel exports in South America, taking 30.6 per cent of the 1,140.621 tons sent to that continent. GOVT. SURPLUS LUMBER The Finest USED Lumber Obtainable 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 FIR FLOORING SHEATHING PLYWOOD LIKE NEW BOSLEY WRECKING CO. HARVARD, ILL. West end of town -- south side of R. R. tracks. NOW! for Halloween f :FRESH,^ SWEET CIDER 0 [ossley Hill Orchards Phone Harrington &&7-R Stud Located at Intersection of 17. S. Route 12 and f Illinois Ronte 22 Near Lake Zurich, 111. STOP AT THE BIG RED APPLE jttftS------ J & Da you NeedT.~f H. T. Trauger WINDOW SHADES or VENETIAN BLINDS See our new. line of removable slat and Bauflex Original Blinds and Tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Direct from factory. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co. 5640 W. Division Street Chicago, Illinois Phone Columbus 1-8743 Phone McHenry 651-M-l Fri. Eve., Sat. and Sun. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed One and Two Weeks Service FOR \ CHIMNEY ,7 </'VA uV ITS THEO. 0LSEN & SON MASON CONTRACTORS McCULLOM LAKE West McHenry " • 0 Ho Job Too Big Or Too Small ' For Expert Workmanship and Fast Service Call McHenry 548-W-t CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney n & Parker) ice Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:00 Office--Koehr Supply Company, »42 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOI), ILL. tilectric Wiring Motor Repair* Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 'WICE TOl TALES heats of interest Ttfkea Frets tBfe Pile* of the Plaindeaier t of Years A to TWENTY-FIVE TEARS AGO Three quarts of cranberries for ^ cents at J. J. Miller's.^ l; 8IXTY YEARS VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law- COT. Oreon and Elm Sts, McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons ! Other Days Rv Appointment Phone McHenry 43 , i Wm. Stoffel has been appointed by the National Building and Protective Union • of Minneapolis, Minn., as local treasurer for this district. We learn that there is to be a new blacksmith shop on the west side. St. Patrick's church chimes fund The circus has conic and gone was e:ir!ohed to the extent of $65 i and the small boy is now giving as the result of a card narty as; athletic exhibitions on every corhold at the 'home of Mrs. II. J.; uer. SeUaffer on' Waukeean road last I "Wizard", a running horse from T^u-sd&y. - _ . A iiev/ home is nov.* under course barns on Friday morning. He was of. construction in the Owen. Steng- !n the races on Wednesday and er and Allen subdivision on John Thursday. street for Mr. and Ail>ert' Married At the residence of Purvey, who expect to be able 10 Rev. Father Matdone, Chicago, in occupy same sometime late, tills September, Henry A. Smith and fall or early winter. Miss Susie Bl^ttrnan pot|i of Mc- Lewis .McDonald, who resides on Henry. > ^ , ILLEGAL HUHTlKG ,, Two Ctffcago newst&ijtt photoggraphers are minus their shotguns and face fines of MOO and cdsts each because game Wardens found a hen phfeasant in their car ilear Fox River Grove. They are Robert McHugh and Clifton Oliver. They were arrested by Harold Baker,; A. J. Mares, and C. Cassldy, rflate I game wardens, who accidentallyj stumbled onto the Chicago men's j car while they were returning | from' a training school in Lake ; County. The game wardens stop- i ped to investigate the parked car | and when they found the hen pheasant in the machine, they ! , Oototer Waukegan xvlz*I"u ' T n norse irom arrcsted M^Hugh ar\,d Oliver. i Elgin died at the Parker House % Discovery of a human arm and leg in a gunny sack near the edge of state route 59 at Ivanhoe, Lake county, last Week spurred a search for the rest of a man's body and led to the theory that the victim may have been murdered. Qoroner Garfield R. Leaf said the arm and leg appeared to have been those of a man dead at least three months. The arm was partly covered by what appeared to have been a white shirt sleeve. The sack, which was weather beaten, bore no markings. Authorities believe the bag was tossed out of an automobile and that the remainder of the body may be found elsewherfe. 2-YEAR SCI David Njaa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. NJaa ot Crystal Lake, who last year received the award j of tl^e Barrington Music clnb : which enabled him to spend elglt i weeks at the National Music camp 1 I at liitorlochen, Mich., received recently. from the Todd school at : Woodstock, a two-year > scholar^ ship. The award was given tor ' exceptional ability in piano, Violin and voice. v Total U.^S. casualties In the Spanish-American War were 100 killed in battle and 2,000 dead of disease. . Coniplntu tine ««i « jioattfx remedies at Wattles l>rug Store, Henry. ' *; •' • i-t# v jone of "the llaniy-. iarms. suffered -- WANTED TO BUY --- I a paipful injury one day last week,' We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, when he was kicked in the face "by less for down horses and cattle, a cow1,, the kick resulting in a MATT'S MINK RANCH _ broken right jaw biv.o and-the Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road loosening of three tcetli. Phone Johnsburg 314 1 C. W. Stenger, receiver for tnc CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD iMead property on th? .McHenry HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE Crvstol Lake road reports the sale We pay phone charges Ai P. FREUND SONS •' Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Servic* ; --ROAD BUILDING^ Tel. 204-M of the place of .Joseph Hoff of this city and formerly of Chicajo. r j?0RTY YEARS AGF . { E. E. PEASLEE, D. C. Chiropractor 120 S. Green St , McMenry _ Office Hours, , Daily except Thursday - 9 to 12 1:80 to 6 - 3Ion„ Wed. and Frl„ Evenlngrs 7 to 9 Phone McHenry 292-R McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 Que Mile South of McHenry On Route 31' II Flowers for all occasions! On Thursday afternoon of this week at-- 2:30 o'clock, there was solmnized at the home of the bride's parents one of the most McHenry, III I impressive home ceremonies that ever took place in this village1, when Rev. J. H. Ailing of the M.E. church united in marriage Miss Lillian E. Wheeler and Mr. James N. Sayler. ' A pretty romance, which had extended over a period of a year, culminated yesterday morning in the marriage of Miss Mary Anna Van Dyke to Mr. Martin J. Stoffel, the ceremony having beejn performed at St. Francis' Catholic church. Humphrey, Neb., at the hour of nine o'clock. I Martin Bickler, who until recently seved in the capacity of local agent for the Schoenhofen Brewing Company, of Chicago, moved his family to Elgin the first part of the week where he has recently pecured more suitable employment. The canning, factory- is ^closed Sidewalks Foundatioi^_^ J. M. STANGARONE CEMENT WORK Emerald Park ' . - McHenry, III ^ >hoiie t Cement Mixer For Rent Driveways Stairways Marine Colors Scarlet and gold are the official "ITS of the U.S. marine corps ' ' Bird Coarse* . i MlgrdTory birds tend til I along sfet flyways. Most heavily- | traveled tiird courses in Norih | America include the Atlantic Coast, Pacific coast. Mississippi valley, ,Appalachian and Great Plains fly* ways. A FALL CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION ' Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks, Casa | for the season, and Handy Bros. Loma, Eay Noble, Griff Williams, j hope to be able to give a satis- Chicago and Oriental Theatres, i factory account of thems§lves just organizing fall classes. Call Mc- as soon as their products are mar- Henry 533-J-l for appointment and keted.^ interview. -Auction Sales Every Friday ihfr": -t : • ^ Dairy Cows, Dairy Heifers, Veal Calves, Feeder Pigs, Feeding Steers and Heifers. Steers and Heifers can be bought private any day # tl}e week. ^ DeWane's Livestock Exchange belviderk, ill. A. S. DK WANE, Auctioneer PICTURES MMt/uteeo AT NO EXTRA CHAR6E! 49, PER ROU. JU WATTLES DRUG STORE 515 Main Street McHenry Phone 450 Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL $ REIHANSPERGER insurance agents for all classes of properly in the best companiea. West McHenry, Illinois INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH--L-- FIFTY YEARS AGO Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insuranec Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES . When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist , ' --Office Hours-- TUBS., Thurs., ft Sat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ^fenlngs by Appointment Lookoat Point Wonder Lake, 111. FRANK S. MAY Trucking 3and--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry* Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cuttinz ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. - Albert Holly is in Chicago studying dentistry at the Illinois Dental College. Wm. Stoffel and family will (j* move into their handsome ' home next week.---: - "i" *|} ' Last Tuesday jwjttiiftj'walle unloading stoves. Beioawa. ^xermau severly mashed first finf-i g^rs on his right hand. Twenty-five Chicago telephonemen are at work on the line between he»-e and Terra Cotta. They expect to ha^ the line completed In a week or ten days. m WILLIAM M. CARROLL) JR. Attorney-at-Iaw HOVa Benton 8t. Phone Woodstock 1334 , Woodstock, Hlinoia DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green A Elm Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Thursdays 9:30 to 5:30 Tuesdays and Saturdays to 8 Tel. Mcllenry 438 WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 61-J 909 South Green St., McHenry,'111, Sand Limestone VqpN THELEN Trucking Grsfel Black Dirt Truck for Hire TeL McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l ' Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry -- DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and House Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 5 p. in exeep't Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. Evenings by appointments only. JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box !) WEST MeHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W " Price is important, we know, but QUALITY is, too. Speed Queen gives you not only low price but quality, efficiency, and duN ability as well. Five moiety,* to choose from. $99.95 Carey Electric Shop Electrical Contractors Tel. 25l' McHenry, IlL It's big news In tbe ligKnng world .. . and go68 news for you! The White Indirect-lite utied In this attractive china lamp is ai new development. It's a light bulb which doubles as a diffusing bowl... and the result is good lighting at a good low price. S You'll sleep like a baby under this luxurious General Electric Automatic Blanket. It keeps you as warm as you want to be, no matter how the temperature rises or falls. Just one of these lightweight electric blankets is all you need... no more tussling with a mound <ft covers. Be sure of a good night's sleep* . * get an electric blanket. 3------r « Blanket illustrated is General Electrics double bed, single control model PB12A1 priced at f 44.05 Other electric bedcovers from, $39*9<l China base column lamp with rote decora*] tion on fine glazed whitechina background. Drum diode in egg-shell Celanese* rayon with self trim. Only *8.95 •tteg* U.S. Pat. Off. Your Public Service stare has the lamp, blanket and White Indirect-Lift bulb.. .come in and see them todagt PUBLIC SIRVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN fUlffftlf U-\

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