JfaHfct, Oetotyrjgq, IMS ST V*. • ""«* / ;1 _ Wffl -S*P. PQUMSKUJEB . Steel Werfcan \.,More than 40 per cent of ell factory workers in this country earn ; miir livihg by making and forming ' 3 useful products. -- i-~* « -.-a • Sflage Silage made from grasses or legumes has more than enough "retein and vitamin A for wintering eef cattle. let. Beard Beard, a peak near 1ft Mc- Mnley in Alaska, was named after Daniel Carter Ueard, who started tiie Boy ScOut movement in Ameri- , temperature of the human jody was formerly used as the .^jUe point for thermometers. if Law Ancient Dadu laws required that sacrificial thread for Hindu Brahma religious ceremonies be CsMsiisuud aai Mevlet Linters, from cottonseed, are an important part of photographic fifcft. . The cocklebur carries Its seeds to far places by catching on to fUr* bearing animals m to clothing of passers-by. ' •* - V , Cold 8tberla Temperature in Siberia falls even lowto thai H does at the North Pole. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW You are cortlally invited to the first annual Hardy Chrysanthemum Show at the • GREENWOOD NURSERY ^ vy ' $ miles Fist of McHenry on Rt. 120 '•:v'0ver 100 vaieties•-- Three for $1.00 and np ^ ,• OPEN EVENINGS -'^1 FREUND'S TRUCKING -Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading-- Soil samples taken on request ---- ^ Place orders early aqd avoid rash. Barn Lime and Ohips for Driveways CHARLES FREUND, Owner 401 W. Waukegan $pad * . McHENRY, ILLINOIS TeL 86-W or 412-J COMPLETE TREE SERVICE TKkfe FEEDING * Trefti * SPRAYING » Weed Control * Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road McHenry 724 WHEN IN NEED OF Auto Repairing and Greasing " DRIVE INTO * Btrrctfs auto service 309 W. Elm St. McHenry PHONE 811 we also have Anti-Freexe of all kinds 4 . . 24 Hour Towing Servioe l DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 8. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) X •" lyct Exaarined -- Glsseee Fitted - Visual Training -- Visual ReiiabitttatfOH Complete Visual Analysis Honrs Daily: »to 12 and 1 to 6--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to S:S0 PHONE McHENRT 452 REMEMBER MEMORIES ARE SACRED! When Buying a Memorial See Our Display of Fine Granite Monuments and Markers --, Beautiful Workmanship ' r COLLINS^& LOOMIS <45 & PARK AYE. -- RTE. 17f . " I.IBERTTVILLE, ILL. PHOHE 800 Represented at McHenry Mid Sarronnitng Ten*ttory fcf ALBERT ROSING Phone Llbertyrille 674W ReTerw The ClnifM \ -HANS' BODY & FENDER REPAIRS Special Wreck Work Painting, complete from $40 up --• Springs, Shocks, Complete Frame and J Axle Straighteniaf Quick Service All Work Guaranteed r Call any time--McHenry 609 FRONT STREET, McHENRY Reader's Courtroom AtaiMflladri Drip Elitrly Injuries travlty Takn 0v«r ly Will Bernard, LLB._ •tat* laws vary. For paraooal |uMuct, N« your local attorney. It on Upstairs Tenant Liable for Letting Water Drip on tfae Flo©c?„ A pair of newlyweds moved into n flat over a stationery store. One evening, the wife absent-mindedly left the faucet running in the wash basin--with the plug in I During the night, water leaked steadily through the floor and dripped onto some merchandise' in the store below. The merchant later filed suit tor the damages he had sustained. At the trial, the young couple protested that the mishap had been "absolutely unintentional," but the court decided they were liable anyhow. The Judge said that each tenant in a building must use "reasonable care" not to damage the property of fellow-tenants. • • • May an Older Person Collect As Much for an Injury As a Younger Person? I An old and feeble woman suffered a broken ankle in a street car accident She sued the trolley company for a large sum of money, but the court granted her only a moderate award. Said the Judge: "It must be remembered that this woman is in the late autumn of life. Old people naturally and properly command our sympathy. They have the right to pasi the remainder of their days in as much comfort and happiness as the natural infirmities of age will permit. But the fact remains that, from a strictly pecuniary viewpoint, the damage to an old person, n^ar the close of life. Is much less than would result from a similar injury to one in the prime of life, whose days of pleasure and usefulness still lie ahead!" Geestaallble . The roof covering of your house la one of itsjpilnerable points. The materlnl^ffiSi which it is covered, the manner of its application and its maintenance will affect its fire resistant qualities. Where roofs are wood, provide spark arresters on chimneys, wet down wooden shingles in hot dry weather or when there is danger of sparks from near* by fires. Remove accumulations of ieavef and litter from gutters and valleys. Reroof before old wooden shingles deteriorate. Many cities require fire retardant roots by law. OnMoeramaa's Cede Give wildlife a sporting chance, respect the rights of others, and plan tor the future. Fat from Fng«s Foods rich in fats, protein! and vitamins, especially vitamin B complex, are produced from a plantdisease fungus. Cameoflage Architectural faults can be hidden with hard-to-trace patterns. trick calls for a paper that is fairly bold and a pattern that is irregular. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. i l l 1I1 H I l lK f llH I 111 • m »»t »»»»<<<< m 1111 n o QUICK RELIEF'FROM lyMptMMslDMrMAiMnftini STOMAQH ULCERS » EXCESS ACID CHILD KILLED . A 19-month-old child, Russell Litchke, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Ldtchke of Palatine, was killed laat week when he fell out of the automobile his grandfather was driving and was run over. Accoring to police, the accident occured at Palatine and Quentin roads in Palatine township. Dear iBnget . Stainless steel door hinges are being specified because they will not "bleed" onto door surfaces. YOUTH ARRAIGNED The only explanation James O'Leary, 24, of Woodstock, could givfe for entering the hbine of Walter Eckert, Woodstock lumber dealer, and beating Eckert and his wife Adelaide was that he was under the influence of liquor. The attack occured about 1:30 last week Thursday morning and O'Leary told his story when he was arraigned before Charles Hayes, Woodstock justice of the. peace, shortly before noon. PARKING METERS In an adjourned meeting held last week, the Harvard city council passed the parking meter or- | dinance which will bring more | than 300 of the coin devices to I several of Harvard's traffic-con- Igested streets. The ordinance, prepared and read by City Attorney j Hugh A. Deneen, was passed { unanimously. - I Motorists paid more thi lion dollars in taxes to gasoline last. year. jl country man between 1 yen is like a fish bstween i --Franklin. ft* • 5? CLARENCE'S SHOP Select Christinas items! ," Children's barnyards and garages; chairs and table sets; writing desks; kitchen cabinets, «tc. Also full line lawn furniture and bird houses. , Men's and ladies leather belts, billfolds, eto. - Clothes and market baskets. - ^ . CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, 111 Phone 583-J-l terHf IsslV-- OwttNeaMltaloMlM«(l|aVkuua ham bus aoM for apMf of daato MMttankl as Asm. Sold WATTLES DRUG STORE 61ft MAIN ST. McHENRY PHONE 4M Tree Ripened DE-LISHUS APPLES MACINTOSH RED DELICIOUfiT JONATHAN GOLDEN DELICIOUS Fresh Cider and Apple Juice ^ Old Fashioned Apple Butter Pure Honey Mossley Hill Orchards Phone Harrington 667-R Stand Located at Intersection of U. S. Route 12 and Illinois Route 22 Near Lake Zurich, 111. STOP AT THE BIG RED APPLE SIGN SAVE MONfeY ON a Home Carpentry O R D E R N O W ! H. GERTZ OKNEKAL CONTRACTOR Sonte S " McHenry, DL --- PHONE McHENRT 612J-2 REPAIRS REMODELING W« can arrange financing -- fHA, Title tf ", 10% down -- three years to pay 'Carpentry Dormer Kitchen Siding Porch Addition * . ( ) Plumbing ( 0 Bath ( . ) Attic or Basement Wt* ( ) House, Semifinished ( ) House, Complete Name Address City (For Free Estimate » Phono , Phone or Mail Coupon) • , "i Do Courts Recognise The Law of Gravity? > A telephone repairman was aloft one day. Axing a wire, wh«h tHi cross-arm on which ho was leaning suddenly broke off. Injured in the (all, the repairman sued the company for damages. In his petition, he told everything that had happened--except that he forgot to mention dropping to the ground! The company promptly seized upon , t* .»»*i»-- ...the one and only low-priced car with all these EXTRA VALUES tills technicality to insist that the claim was no good. The cempany argued that, in presenting a legal claim, nothing may be "left to the imagination." However, the Judge brushed aside that objection and allowed the repairman to collect. > He said the court took it for granted that, when the cross-arm broke, the law of gravity took over the situation! • • e May the Audience "Hiss the Villain" v In a Courtroom? I A youthful truck «tver was arrested on a charge of slaying his bride. At the trial, the defendant pleaded that he had been Insane fat the time of the murder. The spectators In the courtroom promptly decided that this defense was "phony," and began to hiss, boo and sdlcker. Such demonstrations were repeated again and again in the course of the trial, without the slightest Interference by the Judge. jWhen the Jury finally brought in a "guilty" verdict, the truck driver appealed--and the appellate court ordered the trial to be held all over again. Hie Judges said that public hostility toward a defendant "has no right to breathe" in a courtroom. • • • A 10-year-old girl, riding on one of the "flying horses" on a merrygo- round, decided upon an experiment Paying no heed to warnings posted on the wall, she dismounted, looked around a bit and then tried to climb back on. But as she did so, the heel of the descending horse struck and injured her ankle. She later brought suit against the owner for damages, but the court ruled against her. The Judge said that, i>y disobeying the posted rules, she had "brought her injury upon herself *i. ' ^ 5fir * fiirvtd Windshield wml Panoramic Visibility Longer, Heavier, with Wider Certi-Safe Tread world's Champion Valve-in- Head Engine die extra efficient power plant With the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the automotive industry. Hydraulic Brakes more oatstanding than ever before with new Dubl-Life Rivet less brake linings that last Ug> to twice as long. supplying all that extra vtskm which means extra safety ftt driving with a fuller, freer view all about you. the big car in the low-price field, with all the advantages of more riding-comfort, road-steadiness and safety. * v + \ S-lnch Wide-Base IUm% plus Low-Pressure Tlref the widest rims in the low-price field --plus extra low-pressure tires--for greater stability and riding-cgqrfort Extra Economical to Own and Operate and traditionally worth more when you trade; for Chevrolet is America's most wanted motor car--new br used! Fisher Unisteel Bofly Construction Center-Point with steel welded to steel above, below and all around you for the highest degree of solidity, quietness and safety. With control centered between the front wheels for maximum driving-ease with minimum driver (atigue. wwm ThksebXTRA Vtdutsan exclusively yours at ClmV90it$m Of Paving Project Largest single paving project in the world was the airfield at Cherry Point (N. C.) marine air base. Order your robber stamps at The Plaindeaier. ^ £* JtyMne De biae 2-Door Sedcn CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 McHKNKY, Tti.TlfflllS CORNER ILL. 31 AMD 120 ~ r • w** «• We're featuring Chevrolet Super-Service Specials all this month-so "ALL ABOARD FOR VAIUES UNLIMITED J