*?V71% m/-x ,t CONSTRUCT ADDITION TO HOME • 'a "...oS'TS* £nr)rt* •» Al" . ij^ .! k ivmvy^My „*pw«r * *.s> . *; » *uj 4': * ^gpw „ ^ >• °t« vwiwAt * ** ->»•" *• */a»|§- * „ * * ,v§u*. m x " * *** *r# A ^ t-.-W* ^ .ii AT TOUR SKEVIOE! Ardin Frisbie of Greenwood, for several years trades teacher at the McHenry high school, was recently awarded the contract for construction of a new • structure by the Old People's Rest Home at Woodstock. Work on the $104,000 building was started in September and is located on Seminary avenue. The structure will provide care for an additional twenty residents, making a total of forty-three taken care of at the Old People's Home. The new unit will be connected with the present building by a sheltered heated passageway so that all residents may have access to both units. The new venture is being financially backed by the Free Methodist church denomination in five mid-western states, this church group being the sponsor of the Old People's Home as well as the Woodstock Children's Home. A number of future residents are also assisting with the building progranv The superintendent of the home announced recently that during the past few years there has been an average of three vacancies a year and more than ten applications for each vacancy that occurs. It was this situation that prompted the board of directors ta launch tlje building project. It is expected that the structure will be ready for occupancy by June 1, 1950. All applications for admission are submitted to a committee, which determines the intake procedure on each. Since even with j^the new building it will be im- | possible to take care of all who ; will desire admittance, consideration is being restricted to those who are residents of McHenry county and also the membership of the Free Methodist church denomination included in the coni tributing area of Woodstock .homes. Cheese Eaters Americans eat more cheese tha: formerly. An average of 5.34 pound, per/person is now used annually. j Virgin Timber . F Tlie Kaibab national forest la northern Arizona comprises approximately 750,000 acres and contains the largest stand of virgin timber in the world. i Pitcher's Box The pitcher's box of American baseball in 1867 was a 6 by 6 feet 9<2uare in which he could move about, but batsmen could demand • choice of high or low ball. The box area was abolished in 1893 and today consists of a 24 by six inches slab on which the pitcher must keep one foot sure i getting the (QUALITY PIUSPRICI) fifty*/Jt-. if, *r\ ZPt. Imagine! "What an evening! What aft evening!" sighed the host after the last guest had left. "We had a wonderful time, though, didn't we?" His wife agreed. "And old Senator Pompess," the host continued, laughing, "Boy! He was tighter than a drum." "How can you say such a thing?" his wife demanded indignantly. "Th£* Senator definitely was not intoxicated. Any man who can slide down the banisters without losing his balance certainly can't be drank." Great Amphitheater - Meteor crater just west of Winslow, Ariz., is big enough to provide playing space for 20 football games at one time, while two million watch from the sloping sides. The crater was caused by a comet which crashed into the earth. ^ • Origin of "Soccer" Ouch! Tom was astounded that the Judge had permitted the apparently ' guilty man to go scot free. , "How did it ever happen?" asked a court attendant. "Because he was deai," eif* plained the other. 1 "What has that got to do with i TtT?" demanded Tom. ( ' "Didn't you know," asked the attendant, "that you can't convict 'a man without a hearing?" Soccer was known merely as | "football" in England until the lat- j ter part of the 19th century. An i "unsportsmanlike" run with the j ball in 1823 by a Rugby college stu- j dent accidentally produced a new j form of the sport. Running with the ball soon gained recognition and demanded distinction from the original game. , Heat, Heart A charming southern belle named Tandie was being courted by a rather stern young banker. When queried by a friend about the prospects of a matrimonial al* liance, Tandie said flatly: "If that stuffed shirt proposes, I'll give him nothing but a deaf ear." But less than a week later Tandie was wearing the young banker's diamond. Her friend commented, "I thought you said you'd be deaf to any proposal from him." "Yes, I did," Tandie admitted, looking at the great, gorgeous diamond in the engagement ring. "But I didn't say I'd be stone deaf." Boxing Casualties Five boxers were killed as a resuit of bouts up to April 20, 1949, 13 i in 1948, nine during 1M7, and 11 in 1946. , Cosmetic Industry The cosmetic industry is one of the largest consumers of sheet, roll and strip copper, brass, bronze and other copper-base alloys. These alloys are extensively employed in the manufacture cf a wide variety of products such as powder com* pacts, lipstick cases, rouge boxes, eyebrow pencil containers, as well, as cigarette cases and other articles of costume jewelry. They are also used for talcum powder cans, bottle caps, cream jar covers and similar items. PITZEN'S NURSERY Corner Wilson Rd. and 111. Rt. 120 2 Miles East of Vola EVERGREENS SHRUBS _ ; LANDSCAPING Route Two Round Lake, 111. TREES Tel Round Lake 3570 > Go First To Ypvr Nearby lONa-UFE, LOW COST TRANSPORTATION Month after month and mil* after mile, CMC'* "100-410" series prove they are the top trucks in the light and medium duty field . . . prove it thoroughly as each individual unit delivers the goods at low cost per mile over a long-life span. Powered by big, efficient engines of the same basic design as the famed "Army Workhorse" . . . underscored by strong, sturdy chassis . . . highlighted by wide, roomy cabs . . . these products of the world's la' gest exclusive manufacturer of commercial vehicles are truly "tops." There is a "100-450" series GMC ideally suited to your particular job. Come in and let us show you, prvnt by point, why a GMC is best for you. Lhis is I lie Symbol t,f Srr\ ice displayed in (he stores of thousands of independent hardwaremen ' throughout the nalion--your assurance of neighborly, personalized cooperation in keeping your family needs supplied. So, look Tor this shield displayed by a store in your nearest shopping center. And for the ut«ost in satisfaction buy housewares and hardware needs there. © tMfc us. anna* mat •wain oncitm* Nickels Hardware , Phone 2 Ibdit St., Weet MeHenry ' t tvte i>*ed *t« b'4m ft your tw dm to m btttei buy. R. I. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front Street McHenry, Illinois By Richard Rfll WHklmeil rWAS ETHAN PRYORS laughter that first attracted Abigail to him. When Ethan laughed everj one else laughed. Hie sound had that mirthful, appealing quality that was infectious. It was good to hear. It gave you a feeling of well* being. This aU happened " la 1929, when Ethan's retail antique business was netting him $15,- 000 a year. It was easy to . laugh then. They were a Jolly " couplc. In 1931 Ethap's retail antique ) business dropped off from one-half its top amount to one-third, then to one-quarter. That year passed and the next, The Pryors didn't find it so easy to l a ugh. They gave up their s e v e n - r o o m apartment and moved into a less expensive one. In January of 1934 they moved to a single room In an unfashionable part of the city. Ethan was barely making enough to keep them from starving. Abigail hunted tor a week and eventually won tor herself a job. It wasn't much of a job. She sat behind a glass window all afternooii and evening selling tickets for a stock company performance. The stock company wasn't doing so waU. It looked as though it might fold up any day. But it paid $15 a wefek and would have to do until *bi. could get something better. Inspired, a little ashamed, JSUian went Job hunting himself. Be hunted a week, two weeks, without success. He began to brood. Abigail did her best to cheer him np, to get him into a happy frame of m ; V" *M,; • j Yes; ffjeorge Sanders is always at* your service -- for he is another cf the Omar men who deliver that good Omar Bread (ap'l luicious Omar cakes, pies, sweet rolls and doughnuts, too) fresh from the Omar oveiu -- right to your door! He is married, and is th0 kind of iellow who is completely dependable. "Tomorrow, says Georye, I "I will be carrying a feature item [-- OniaR White Raisin Bread for I only 19c". Get to know your Omgtf man! Write Omar in Wauconda. • • fcEtitVfeS APPOtlTTMENT Ralph C. Stegmeir has been appointed treasurer of ^Nelson L. Davisv company, engineers and contractors, Chicago. His former duties as assistant treasurer having been taken over by Vale Adame, who has al*o been elected to serve on the board of directors. ». NJTKERN mi KIES Mrs. Florence Gier suffered F.^veie injuries to her hand while at work at the Oaks in Crystal Lake tliir, |>ast week. She received treatmoft %t Shermitl - hospital, Elgin. • Need i;uf>i>j-r Ordc£ »t T1/v I'laindealer, j FAUX ACClKBHT Paul Crt>pe, a farmer living two miles southwest of Chotnung, suffered head lacerations, injured back and feet, when he fell 45 feet from a silo on his fa«-in at 10:30 Weduesday morning of last * Mr. Croite had been cleaning off the silage shaft and was getting 1 ready to tfiiow silage down he fell. Bereea out Flies Use close-fitting screens to flies from inside your homes, from bakeries and other .places where food is kept. Screen doors that oj>en outward are best , f + IMAGINE! V Officer: "Hey! Pull over to the curb, lady. Do you know you were doing seventy-five?" Cute She: "Isn't it' marvelous! --And I just learned to drivo yesterday." Technique' If Mrs. Case had stopped to think she probably wouldn't have a&ed | the window cleaner if he preferred a cup of tea or a glass of beer. One look at his face should have been enough to give her the answer,. However, he had a very good reason for choosing beer. "You see, ma'am," he explained, "I < find that beer always gives a better polish when I breathe on the glass." Fiction In 1828 trees felled by the Red ! River formedr a solid raft for1 92 , miles ' above * and below Shrevel> ort, La. . AiJ^riol^ On Hwy. 176, 4% miles east of Llbertyville, VL mile east of Hwy. 42, M mile west of Hwy. 41, 3 miles north of Hwy. 59A, 4 miles northwest of Lake Forest, on Sunday, October 23, At 1 O'Clock ' 20 -- CATTLE -- 90 / 16 choice Holsteln and Guernsey cows, consisting of heavy milkers; bred back; 3 Holstein yearling heifers (open); 1 Holsteln bull, 14 months. This herd has size, quality and are heavy producers. T. B. and Bangs tested. | FEED -- 100 ton of timothy and alfalfa hay. 1st and 2nd cutting. ! JO-KEN FARM, Prop. j Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers! Public Auction Service Co., Clerk.) "Let's hear the old laugh ring out, darling. A pleasant frame of mind is half the battle." She sat Mi the arm of his chair. "Tell you what. Let's celebrate. Let's take $5 and go down to Tony's. We can* have a gay time tor a chan/e." THEY WENT to Tony's. They . drank wine and ate a big dinner. They danced. They sat and watched the floor show. It wasn't a "bad floor show. Among other things there was a. comedian. The comedian was sad. He wasn't Toys are Tumbled '• . The small metal toy prizes, such as miniature dogs, hors.ea, elephants, tanks, automobiles and tractors which are found in boxes of popcorn, are painted by tumbling methods. DO YOU KNOW that ordinary. cleaning equipment simpfy Rearranges ^he JDust in your home? Rexair - the ONLY water machine - it traps dust in a bowl of water and removes it permanently. Rexair i« a humidifier and vaporizer too. 3 machines for the price of oAe. Carl Barnickol Mc&enry 646-W-2 or ' IJhicago R&-8-0864 " Well, I guess we laughed our way through that depression." funny. But Abigail laughed. She laughed as though she thought he was tremendously funny. Ethan looked at her. A fond light came into his eyes. She was trying to be gay. She was doing all she could to bolster up his spirits. Ho could at least help. Ethan laughed.' It was the o*l time, mirthful, appealing laughter. It rolled out and filled the room. Others heard it. Others laughed. They couldn't help it. They laughed with Ethan. The comedian was in- Spired. After the show a man came up and sat down at Ethan's and Abigail's table. Abigail introduced him as the owner of the stock company show where she sold tickets. His name was Jones, "Listen," said Mr. Jones. "We'll pay you $5 a night to eeme and laugh at our show.-- It's supposed to be a funny aliow. You can put It across." Ethan scratched his chin. He-" lboKed at Abigail. He said: "Well, 1 dunno. For $40 a week I might consider It." "Sold!" said Mr. Jones. Ethan looked at his wife when he got home. "You planned it!" he accused. "Sure," said Abigail. "When you have something it should be cashed in on. You can laugh your way to riches, my dear." Times were getting better. People were buying antiques. By the beginning of 1936 he was doing quite well. That summer he enlarged his shop. Well," said Abigail, happily, "1 guess we laughed our way through that depression all right" Ethan kissed her. Then he threw back his head and began to laugh. He laughed loud and long. "Therel" he said. "That laugh isn't going to cost any one a' cent. From now on I laugh because I want to and free of charge. Honey, I love you," "Ditto," said Abigail. KilUNd by WNU FeatOMI ICE CREAM cake rolls ^ ICE CREAM TARTl SHMOOSDAE 1 Oc (COCOLATE SUNDAE IN A CUP iREAlyi SICKLES 5c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 MeHENRY "SPEEDY" wh* - Trr aint NO MO©r\V • MOOELr/ by McMENRY GARAGE r--, J HORRIBLE ( V EXAMPLE.' NICKMiLUftY (PHENKY GARAGE THANKS FOR T»T TIP, SKEOY. THE* MADE IT INTO A OM. weu. AMD lEAttM 604 FRONT STRET Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Trucks THAT* A HABIT PHONE 403 OF OUR COMPLETS STOCK OR PASSENGER CAR TIRES at WHOLESALE PRICES We have, your size in passenger car tires, also complete stock of tractor, truck, farm implement and motorcycle tires. ------ -- --» ' --:-- BATTERIES--We allew you 25 per cent discount off for yeur ^ battery -on a new Firestone Super Battery. " *«$.. Y Population Grows . Over 10,000 citizens of Forsyth county. North Carolina, recently grew beards to celebrate the county's 100th anniversary. ' Need rubber stampsf The Plaindealer. Order at You will be surprised and pleased that we are able to offer these tires at unprecedented prices. Call McRj&nry 294 or come in. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED WHILE THEY LAST. SPECIAL--6:00x16 Super or Deluxe FIRESTONE CHAMPION $12.71 (including all taxes) Other sixes priced proportionately. WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tubes -- Batteritt -- Aeca--srisp,, / lira and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle R«p^r|a| AU Work Guaranteed (tone SM { Wert M OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS