P V5- *"' •?"•*' • fc "•'*." • * • - - • >. <-• • * ' k'-i: siSif' 'Mat'ttkivi.CS.. .f,'«fei»iiti;-;- ," '•'••-> rrr~.'% * j&fWMir V»f • 1 ;•» • ' r 4 • . •<. « ' ^v\ J :. J- . • v*f* "» <*?" ,1 vtoxs# ^ •.< • ~n^ "•••*•"•?: • S"^fV's'Tt < "'/%*- * .* *• * * ' ' ' * « / . 3* . - < V • I ' . I '* f Ml . %" • :•«* I " T - , ' , / • - T-rf >.J ||r -. *V- "SMypay • - , ,n •*.- •»' w ^ v. <** -v ^ A- t V- # 4^» r> MlilriiiilniwiiTi . ' . . 1 : :y^- Bargain VALUES *' THIS PAOE REPRESENTS ONLY A rsW BARGAINS TAKEN AT RANDOM FROM OUR GIGANTIC STOCK. ONLY A VISIT TO THE STORE WILL REVEAL WHAT A FEAST OF VALUES HAS BEEN LAID OUT TOR YOU. Close Out CATALINA SEAT COVERS FRONT HM Complete Set .... $1149 BROOMS BIO BARGAIN $1.39 Value - Now 69c CLOSE OUT Washable Blouses Rayon-Crepe Value up to $545 Now $2.89 Hens' LINED JACKETS Ske M Only Now $3.29 DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 6 rails $1.00 Close Out 1 KEM TONE $1.27 qt. value Now 98c $8.69 gallon value Now98o-*248 olUnfc IWUK3 Sale Opens Friday At 8 HM. After Opening Day, Regular Store Hours Will Be Maintained. Daily 8:00 -- 6:00. Saturdays 8:00 -- 9:00 Sundays 9:00 -- 12:00 BIG SAVINGS and PROFIT FOR YOU REMEMBER THAT THE "EARLY BIRD" (SETS THE FATTEST AND CHOICEST BARGAINS. 'is* . SPECIAL HANDSAWS 98" 8 Point hand saw $345 value - NOW $2.79 86" 8 point hand saw $245 valve - NOW $1.49 CLAW HAMMERS $1.76 Talne NOW - 980 Adjustable Hack-Saw $145 Talne NOW 89c MANY OfftER SPECIALS All other hand tools will have a 10% discount for this JAMBOREE only. HOT WATER HEATER . OIL BURNING SO gal. capacity. WAS $129.00 NOW - *109.00 Jamboree Special TRICYCLE 'Operates easily and smoothly. High quality, all steel frame. Sturdy aai durable. Ball bearing wheels. Carrier attached. $2245 VALUE NOW - $14.95 BICYCLES Juniors and Seniors, inspect them, ride them, then buy one f»r that boy or girl to ride to schooL NOW - $36.95 WAGONS stool, Htf, High quality, heavy one-piece body. NOW - $8.9(M~ PORTABLE RADIO Complete with batteries. The rich tones will amase yon. Nationally advertised at $2140 NOW $18.95 SPECIAL Hot Point 8 en. ft Refrigerator $234.50 Ask for special demonstration of this box. TIRE CHAINS Passenger ear chains $7.75 pi 600x15 and <00x1$ Dnal Track Chains $8Ui pr 759x20 JAMBOREE BOWLING 'DRESSES Sises 14 to 80 $945 value NOW - $4.95 SPECIAL WOOL GABARDINE DRESSES Values NOW $17.95 $10.75 $1US . $8.75 CLOSE OUT Clopay Drape J Now 69c CLOSE OUT, EVERSHARP , Pens and Pencil? 40% Discount , SPECIAL MENS' DRESS SLACKS One Lot All Wool *1345 value NOW - $9.98 JAMBOREE GLAZED CLOTH Excellent quality Cloth was 84e NOW - 49c ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS $9.95 to $1545 Nationally advertised heat* ers, high qnal. !ty. CUPS and BOWLS. Cups $1 dos. Bowls 14c ea. ATTENTION WOMEN Ladles snugg 1 e s Small, Medium, and Large s i s e s . Prepare now for winter. Valte 79c Special -We Washing Maohinos Extra Savings This washer Is regularly priced at $109.50 NOW $89.50 No trade Int. ATTENTION FAIR TRADE Items Sorry Folks! Fair Trade Items cannot f be reduced -- Regula 11 o n s you Know. Circulating Oil Heater A Coronado oil heater, 45,000 B.T.U- heats 1 to 3 rooms. Specially pric. ed for this sale. $5745. PAINTBRUSHES All paint brushes in our stock reduced 10% during this sale. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR 10% Reduction, during JAMBOREE SALE Special SOCKET WRENCH SET 14 pc. ft" Set $949 12 pc. Vin Set ....$<48 21 pc. Vt » Set $1940 66 pc. V*n - W and Vin Sot $59.50 tJAR BATTERIES NOW $10.95 Exchange 45-plate with 2-year guarentee 51-plate with 80-month guarantee NOW $13.95 2 Gallon can Duro Flo Motor Oil ALCOHOL TYPE S This is 188 proof Wintcvize now! Bulk 69c per gal Customer Container COLUMBIA Apt si*e, natural or bottle gas Gas Stove NOW • $89.95 PRESTONE $3.50 GaL Passenger Car MUD . SNOW TIRES Buy a set now at this low price. 000-16 Tires NOW $13.69 Each Fed. Tax Extra Misses Short Sleeved Nylon Sweaters All sises Formerly $8.79 NOW - $349 OIL HEATER Draft Koretor Heater Specially priced this sale $36.95 for ATTENTION GIRLS AND BOYS POPULARITY CONTEST For the Lucky Girl A BEAUTIFUL DOLL For die Lucky Boy LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN A $1.00 Purchase Buys One Vote ^ Get Details In Store ENAMEL WARE Gamble's Triple Coated Folks, be sure to examine this ware. We have a complete line specially priced for this sale. Presto Pressure Cookers All Sixes $11.95 to $21.95 Special Offer FRIDAY ONLY Additional 5% off on all purchases of $10 and up- Remember -- FRIDAY ONLY! Except Fair Trade Items. 100% WOOL BLANKETS Four desirable colors. NOW - $9.95 Sheet Blankets, $2.19 and $249 MENS* Winter UNDERWEAR SPECIAL JAMBOREE Sizes 40-42-44-46 25% Wool $848 •0% Wool $448 SHEETING Our 81* sheeting, firm* ly woven, highest quality, 93c per yd. value NOW 79c per yd. OUTING FLANNEL Plain white and figured. Keg. 44c per yd. NOW 39c per yd. HUNTER'g SPECIALS Large stock Winchester, Remington ammunition. Single barreled shot gun .4-10-20 16 • -12 gauge, priced at only $2140 Remington Automatic Rifle, model 550 at $34.95 Winchester Shot Gun, 12 gauge, model 25, $72-85 FOOTBALLS 79c to $445 BASKETBALLS now $846 to 1845 FISHING ITEMS All lures and lines 25% discount. Steel casting rods 4%" $345 Yalno NOW $248 Southbend Bamboo flyrod, No. 24. $25 Value NOW $1940 Buy your HUNTING LICENSE HERE u MENS* COVERTS Quality shirts Value $1.79 NOW $149 Misses FLANNEL PAJAMAS A big savings! formerly $848 NOW $248 FLANNEL GOWNS Specially priced at $2.49 JllSt Arrived Boys colorful Flannel shirts NOW $1.79 Boy's SWEAT SHIBTS Colored 98c SPECIAL JAMBOREE Chenille robes for women priced at $545 others at $745 Ladles Dungarees Sanforised to stay your slse Highest quality. Value $249 Misses Terry cloth Sweaters Small, Medium aad large Washable Choice of colors. Special $&49 BOYS* JACKETS Blue denim sises 4 to 8 NOW BOYS' CORDOROY PANTS varied stock NOW $2.79 XMAS TREE LIGHTS C-6 at 7c each C-7 Yt at 12e each Outdoor bulbs at 15c ea Indoor sets . NOW 98c MAGNETIC DART GAME SAFE FOR KIDDIES NOW - 98c BABY COO DOLL $545 BUY TOYS XMAS TOY PREVIEW NOW FOB SHIPMENT ABROAD REMEMBER Buy Toys now and save dollanu A FINE SELECTION TOYS Keystone Service Station Now S4.70 TQYS PARCHEESI Now 90c Doll Furniture all rooms TOYS BINGO GAMES TOYS Chinese Checkers Now SI.25 TOYS Lionel Trains Now SI5.95 89c Set SPECIAL Read down this column for additional bargains. GLOVES Husking Gloves at 29c 12 os. Canvas Gloves at 29c Rubberised Gloves nt 89c Mittens, Cotton Flannel, out chore ............ el, napat 29c ^ Close Out DRESS SHIRTS Broken lot sises MENS* Former value to $8.19 HOW - 11.69 GEORGE C0LLETTE, Owner TELEPHONE 469 NEXT TO BANK McHENRY) ILLINOIS SANFORIZED FLANNEL SHIRTS She l&Va only $8.19 Plain gray and blue flannels $849 Value NOW - $2.19 Men's BIBBED OVERALLS bin* denim aad hickory stripe $8.19 Value NOW $249 WORK SOX " Sises 10 to 18 [JtHMy Sox, 8 months wear guaranteed. 8 PR. $149 WORK SH018 High quality shoe&h^-- Formerly $74S NOW $645 MENS' SWEAT SHIRTS Fleeced lined shirt. Colors Red-, Blue and YeHow. NOW - $1.79 WOMENS' SLACKS AND SKIRTS GOOD SELECTION Slacks - Varied selection, all sises, at$5.49, $7.75 and $8.75 SKIRTS REDUCED $849 value NOW $148 $449 value NOW $248 $5.49 value NOW $4.49 Infants Department Complete department of. Infants wear. 8eme of many bargains listed: Baby wet-proof pad, 90"x40" Was $249 -- NOW 8148 Baby Blanket, Was $L99 NOW 79c Rubber pants. Wm NOW He Flannel sleepers* sizes 8-4-6 89c annei sues w Were $L19 -- NOW 98e Mens' Sanforised BLUE JEANS Regularly $249 NOW - $2.19 Mens' CORDOROY PANTS Just what you need for winter. Broken let sises only- Formerly valued up to NOW $519 SPECIAL PAINTERS OVERALL Sizes 81 aad 81 Regularly $3.49 NOW - $219 NOTICE - "^Hitore Will Be Closed THURSDAY, OCT. 20 To arrange stock and mark down prices TCMCHE LOWEST LEVELS ---- POSSIBLE BE HERE EARLY FRIDAY MORNING . f M *':i •im i 4; 4 ""SI