i'J-L CLASSIFIED SECTION <6* Because of the gnat number of classified ads which appear in tl^e Plaindealer each week, we hare fomnd it Impossible to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, tn the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. if FOB SALS OR BALE -- South/ Wind Auto heater; like new; use^ one month, $35. Phone McIIenry 739. 22tf FOE SALE -- 4-room year around home; running hot and cold water; 7 ft. full basement; coal furnace and house is insluated. Two rooms iindercoatcd. "Located on two lots 60' by 125' each, next to Slocum Lake. Gall Hebron 475 after 6 p.m. or anytime Saturday and Sunday. i l?OR SALE -- Yorkshire boars; from 1ft to 18 pig letters. Call Mc- .Henry 670 M-2. V 22-3 I FOR SALE -- Brick hotife, s^ven rooms; 1 Vie baths. Call 246 for appointment. Mrs. Carrie Covalt, 303 Waukegan Hd., McIIenry. 22-2 |*» FOR SALE -- -- White enamel Heater; burns coal and wood; perfect condition. Flat top for cooking; ideal for hunter's cottage. Call 651-R-2. *23 FOR SALE OR RENT -- 5 room home. Rath; on 3 acre land north pf Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ JlEALTOH, in Johnsburg, Tel. Mellon rv 37. 23tf TOE SALE -- All year homes. 5 rooms and bath iH'«r 43wpel Hill, $7500.00; 4 rooms and"bath North . Of Johnsburg, $7500.<ft. JACOB RITZ-RKALTOR, in Johnsburg, cl. McIIenry 37. *^j . 23tf FO R SALE-- Modern Brick Home 4 to 6 rooms; Face Brick on all . four sides, Radicnt H. W. Heat •' or Automatic Hot Air, also Auto- ! matic Hot water Gas beater, City - Sewer, Walking distance to *R.R. Snd stores, Bathing Beach. Only $129.00v or more Cash dowp payment, Bal. 20 Years to pay.' Jacob Fritz-Real Estate in Johusbupg. ^ Tel. McIIenry 37, or Chicago, Lin- J&- coin 1333 4, 23tf toR SALE -- Super Flame space heater; double burner; good as Jftew; price $85.00. Cnrreiit retail price $135.00. Emerald Park, phone (J34-W-1. *23 BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. MCHENRY, MCCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS, CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PROPERTY, B U S I N E S S E S . KNOX AL ESTATE. 405 RICHMOND " A JD, PHONE McHENRY *21-J. ll.tf FOR SALE--Antiques, glass, china, silverware, lamps, clocks, felothes (for the family. Formals. (This flothing in good condition.) Open daily until 10 p.m. Sundays and """"holidays, 11a. in. to 6 p. m. Miscellaneous itcmi. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta road, Terra Cotta Consignment And Resale and Antique _ 8hop, % mile west Terra Cotta ^ factory which is on Route 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 9-tf FOR SALE -- One improved lot on Park avenue;. 132x132. Near new school. Call Crystal Lake 638-R or McHenry 255. 22tf FOR SALE -- By owner in Woodstock, 7-room house with 2-room furnished apartment, full basement, automatic hot water, modern kitcheii, good opportunity to own home with income. Phone Woodstck 195-M. . *22-2 FOR SALE--Johns-Manvllle Hom« Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf FOR SALE -- GROCERY - DELICATESSEN - PACKAGE LIQUOR. Fine location. For information, call Jacob Fritz in Johnsburg. Phones: McHeniy 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 9 1333. • 13-tf FOR SALE -£&>30 gal. hot water tank with furnace coil, $10.00; New Elcctric Draft contfol $10D0; French windows, $1.00 each; Lionel Wide track freight train cpmpletc $25.00; Elcctric spray outfit with 2 guns, $35.00; % Hp - motor, $6.00 Heavy rug pad $3.00; Kerosene 3 burner cooking stove, $12.00; other items. Call evenings or Sat. and Sun. A1 Wetle, MeCullum Lake 678M1. 23 FOR SALE -- Like new condition Roper tabic top stove, $30.00 used only in summer cottage. Also good bed and springs, $5.00; odd tables, cheap. Ray W. Kinsey, Phone 567-R-l, McCullom Lake. 23 FOR SALE -- Year 'round home two bedrooms? large lot; in fast growing river front development; Rusco storm windows; complete iusnlation; oil heat; all conveniences; Low as $500 down to responsible party. Tel. McHenry 637-R-2. *23 FOR SALE-- 1938 Plymouth, radio and heater; four new tires; good running condition; engine recently overhauled. $200 or best offer. Call 584-M-l after 6:30 or all day Saturday. 23 FOR SALE -- New oil space heaters. Upright Vacuum cleaner and hand vacuum cleaner; Crown Gas range, 20 per cent off list price. A^ Bjorkman'a Riverside Hardware. 23 LIVE NEARER TO CHICAGO FOR SALE --• Prospect Hgts. Iinm. pons. 5 room colonial homo knotty pine recreation room. Att. garage. Corner Lot 100x300. Landscaped and fruit trees. , $13,500. Owner McHenry 575 J-2. *23 MISCELLANEOUS KINSEY * BENSTBN - Carpenters - Sunnier Homes - Remodeling1 - Cabinet Work For estimates: Tel. McHenry 893-J ©r Woodstock 1359-W .'22-7 MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE-- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 47-tf WAUttD WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair*. Anthony Noonan, 200 Bo. preen street, McHenry. (Front part Of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTED -- Farm 80 to 200 acres for cash buyer. Possession not necessary.,. Also have buyers for chicken farms. The Kent Co., Inc. Phone McHenry 8. 22-4 WANTED CUSTOM CORN KICKING, with 2-row mounted picker, $3.50 per acre.^Vm. J. Parry, Ringwood, Tel. Richmond 63 J. *22-2 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25 tf WANTED -- Home typing -- will do typing in my home. Tel. McIIenry 533-.T-1, #23 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 36 tf Volo, 111,, or call McHenry 524-J-l. 4<M I i H »H H • 1111 n I n »» Nt wi Frt« Wonder Lake •4$ 1 1 1 m m' M 1 1 WANTED -- experienced butcher for all-arouhd work in sausage place. Apply: /Will Koenemann,^*0? to submit written bids for (by Vanessa Sells) Indian Ridge Plans Bnsy Whiter SMMOI Fifteen persons were present at the meeting of the board of directors of the Indian Ridge Improvement association held Saturday, Oct. 15, at the home of Guy Henderson on Lake Shore Drive. President Henry Setsler presided. A budget for 1949-50 was presented and accepted. Steve Vacula, vicepresident and chairman of the road committee, explained that six or seven contractors had been the three dry wells and eleven WANTED TO BUY HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29 tf WOMEN WHO KNOW AVON will appreciate this fine opportunity for two smart women to earn good money in spare tiine. By starting now, you will have the big Christmas gift line to offer. Write Mrs. Eva Huffstutler, P. O. Box 86, Dixon, 111. • . 213 (Post office: Rt. 2, Round Lake). ^aps needed in the subdivision. 23tfi"ut "P to the time of the meeting only one written one had been submitted. After considerable discussion. the 'question of going ahead with the work was put in the hands of the road committee to use their best judgment as it was desirous to get the work under WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buvors for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITS, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry . 37, or Chicago. Lincoln 1333. 2-tf!way !n t{n1e to take care of flood i waters from snow and ice this Former Residents * ' : ? Have Baby Girl ^ . Mr. and Mrs. Jed Alletag are parents of a girl, born Sept. 27, at Fort Dickenson, N. Y. The baby's name is Jean Marie. She weighed only 3 lb., 15 oz. The baby has a little sister, Joan, 4 years old and a brother, Eric, who will be 2 this month. The Alletags will be remembered as former residents of Wickline Bay (Wooded Shores) during the period that Mr. Alletag was employed by the chemical plant at Ringwood. • Amateur Show » * On Halloween At Legion Hall That big bike that will be given away on Halloween night by the American Legion Auxiliary is now on display at tlje American Legion hall. The bike will be given out during the party for all children, from toddlers on through school age by the members of the 1 Legion Auxiliary.! An amateur show will be a part of the program and those wishing to participate are to phone Jay Hansen at 583 or Nancy Elber&en at 171'. V * - •: ... • • FIOHT RATS -- With Itodan. No mixing; prepared bait rats will eat; enough to kill 800 for $0.98; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Bolger's Drugs, McIIenrv. '21-4 CLOHtiED NEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitatv Co., ' Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf WE CLEAN FURNITURE-- and mothproof, free estimates, pick-up and delivery. James W. Seymonr, 118 No. Main St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 653 days; evenings, phone 1155. 20-4 WANTED TO BUY -- Will pay cash for late model speed boat in good condition; romt be bargain. Write box 221, Richmond, Ilk, or phone 204. *23 FOR RENT FOB BENT--Job nson floor waiter, $1 per day. Gamble's, West Me- Hen rv. 7-tf FOR SALE -- 1937 Ford Panel Truck. Good condition. Can be seen at McHenrv Garage, 604 Front St., McHenry. Tel. 403. 23tf «WHITEWASHING AND FLY I CONTROL OF DAIRY BARNS-- Frank Ilenkel, phone McHenry 543-J-l. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Residence Volo. 44-tf FOR SALE -- load of assorted <Jrv, kindling wood. Price reasonable. Call Pistakee 558 J 1. '23 FOR SALE-- Man's overcoat; size 38-40; Oxford grey; just cleaned; like new. Remington No. 1} seminoiseless typewriter; recently overhauled. Upright piano; good condition - will move for you: Phone McHenry 898-J. 23 FOR SALE -- Chemical toilet; 4 ft. tank; like iiew. Phone 215-R or 250 • Country Club Dr., McHenry. *23 FOR SALE ---Beer - for your icc cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where, good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and paskage gbods to take I out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phamienstill, prop. 23tf ALL YEAR 'ROUND HOMES FOR SALE ^ Chapel Hill w Four rooms and bath; utility room. Price $7,500. : Wonder Laks Five rooms and bath; furnace heat; garage; well«J»uilt home. Price, $8,500. Orchard Beach Six rooms, bath, furnace heat: prater front lot. Price $16,000. JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg. Phones: McIIenry 37 or Chicago, Lincoln 9-1333. 19-tf. tOR SALE--Generators, armatures, farters, fuel >pumps, distributors tDltage regulators and ignition parts 6r Ford and all other cars. Seaeo bles & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Ivoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. 47-tf FOR SALE -- A profitable restaurant with a very fine location in McHenry. Reason, the owner's ill health. All replies will' be handled confidentially. Address Box 44, in care of Plaindealer. 23 FOR SALE -- Small Naxon washing machine; perfect condition. Rcasopable. % horse electric motor. Call 109-M after 5 p.m. *23 FOR SALE -- Willys Jeep, late '47, excellent condition, extras. Call Fox Lake 5126 evenings. *23 FOR 8ALE -- Large Norge space heater; two 50 gallon tanks with attachments. $35. Phone 491-W 23 j FOR SALE -- Gas. floor furnace, L 55,000 BTU., Less than one year ) old; complete with thermostatic | controls; less than wholesale, $165: j McHenjyr Boat Co. Phone 303 23 IOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADllNG MACHINES. Service on all lakes. Also ribbons, for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kilt*, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- 1949 - 12 H.P. Elto motor; 1949 - 12 foot Tomahawk boat; "16 H.P. Mercury motor. Inquire Fred Wirtz, last street back of St. Patrick's church. , *23 Order yoi^r rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. ;*n I ••••••.•• IJMIM* II I M I < H 11 »l 11 H 11» > i »»» • Dear Folks: Helen Weber Says: Our store is open this week its per usual even ; though vacation. While I'm having a good time I thought perhaps it would be a good idea to remind you that winter $ will soon be here and your winter wardrobe should be lceaned -- and what about Fall Housecleaning? You'll like the way we clean drapes and slip coverS. McHenry Gleaners Phone 104-M 103 Elm St. C Helen Weber. Mir. p .HIM umm ti' i ' i i i i Ml I i l l 111 BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO lTS--We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE r Typing v - Mimeographing! • ^ -Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, Route 14 Woodstock. TeL Woodstock 476-M. 10-tf WANTED TO BUY -- Half cash | winter. for lute model speed boat in good Elmer Raske, chairman .of the condition, must be bargain. Write beach committee, brought iip a box 221, Richmond* 111., or phone [ number of ouestions pertaining to 2A4. 22-2 | the work mf his committee, particularly the improvement of the two playgrounds belonging to the association. He was authorized to purchase trees and to see to the dumping of fill where necessary In the playgrounds and on the beaches. There will be a light erected early next season on the north beach, similar to the one now at the south beach. The committee was also given authority to go ahead and see if someone could be procured to clear a space at the south beach to provide icft skating this winter. Mrs- A. Thompson, chairman of the ways and means committee, brought up the question of a picnic next year. It was decided that henceforth it would be called a beach party, since the affair wasn't technically a picnic or a carnival. The dates of July 22 and 23 were finally agreed on and thfc various committees will be at work during the winter to make thfs -ffair the biggest and best yet. Sl e presented several suggestions that have been made to her for raising money before the beach party so as to have funds well in advance to purchase awards, prizes, etc. One such affair will be a Fall Festival to bo held on Saturday. Nor i». This will be held HOUSE FOR RENT -- 4 rooms furnished; gas heat; hot and cold running water; garage. IH Johnsburg. Call 584-M-l evenings after 6:30 and Saturday and SuUgty.v: WANTED TO ftENT WANTED TO ItENT--Five or sixroom house in Wonder Lako territory. Best of references. Write Lyle Pilcher, 910 Irving, Woodstock, or phone Woodstock 119-M. •18-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Women and girls. 200 North Riverside,-J)uvic. McHenry, 111. 22tf LOST LOST -- Diamond ring hj vkmiity of Green street or Riverside Drivo in McHenry or at McCullom Lake. Finder please phone Mrs. *'Margc Brand, phone 509-R-2. Rcwiro'.,.' •itf LOST DOO black and GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Me- Henry, Phone 365. tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available how in any quantity at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. ------Phone McHenry 788-W 4-tf FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials. Call or write FRANK GANS v.-JW#'• Riverside Drive, McHenry . -•----- Tel. 106 W - Representing SEARS ROEBUCK ft CO. in this area. Roofing, Hiding^ Insulation, Gutters, Iron Railing, Rtorm Windows, Garage Doors, Wall and Floor Tile. Free delivery. 18-tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. Also used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 15-t/ COMPLETE TREE SERVICE -- Tree Feeding -- * Trees SPRAYING Weed Control Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 619 Waukegan Road • McHenry 724 15-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTHETES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your ornamental iron railings. Mihcellanous and structural steel. Let us figure your job big or small. All work done by skilled craftsmen. Your inquiry will receive prompt at^ntion. Phone 617-M-l. Schroeder Iron- Works, Route 31, 2 miles south of McHenry. 20-14 Answers ttr name PPtfT cfciWp pat. Carl Buckncr. PRaM 670*J-1 . 23 LOBT -- Would the party tbat*£ot the wrong coat on Sunday evening at the P.T.A. party please call DIR. *23 Uncle Sam Says BAKE SALE PLANNED On Saturday. Oct. 29, the League of Women Voters will hold a bake sale at the Lakeview ice cream parlor in Wonder Center from 9 a.m. until noon. MVs. L. Haught, chairman of the bake sale, would like the members to please let her know what they intend to donate for the sale. on the south beach, weather permitting, and a huge bonfire will be constructed, hot coffee and donuts will be on sale and possibly bobbing for apples for the children. It Was also decided that tive wrijnen of Indian Ridge gather one of* twq afternoons during the wintcf mi i no'TnMthisn aani idu snerww WonI I aprons. I -- At McOulloiW Jtowels other items that can be white female tcurior pup. Ifllldfor given as prizes at the beach partynext July. The material will ,bc provided by the association alti<! thd group will meet in varloUS homes. A schedule of hostesses and dates will be worked out by the committee. Apart from money raising activities,. Mi s. Karen Widen, social acttvittes chairman, suggested a series of pot-luck dinners, basket socials, card parties, etc., be given Tor all residents of the subdivfrtOn. These will be strictly social affairs and no attempt at fund raising. Each family will bring their own potluck dishes, sandwiches, etc. .Because of the many activities between now and Christmas, the first of these affairs will be held sometime in January. Charles Garbe, Jr., was nanied as chairman of the Fall Festival party, inasmuch as Mrs. Thompson, the regular chairman of the ways and means committee, will not be In town at the time of the affair. Mr. Garbe is counting on everyone to help him. President S^tzler suggested a welcoming committee or chairman to see to it that newcomers to the subdivision are called upon, given a copy of the by-laws and an explanation of the association and what it is trying to do. This was accepted as a very good suggestion and will be worked out in ! BIRTHDAY PARTY | Michele Hansen celebrated her I fifth birthday on Wednesday with I a party of small friends who came accompanied by their mommies. I Children present were Doug and 'Leanna Sellek, Jimmy and Joan iMarke, Jinimie and Johnny Hanisen, Ricky Rusicka, Ruth Wilson, jChickie James and Sandra Grander. | I BRIEFIES I 1rthe McHenry PTA meets this 'evening at 8 p.m. in the auditor^ ; ium of the high school. All Wonder ; Lake Parents of high school Btu- 1 dents are invited to be present.-- .Mrs. Marianne Burkhart and her 'son, Bernard, and her daughter, Gertrude, were visitors on Sun- Iday at the home of Mrs. Amanda ; Donash of Hickory Falls. Mrs. Donash is also Mrs. Burkhart's | daughter.--Don't look now but isn't that the Gail Wredes in that 1 beautiful new car which is mak- • ing many of their friends that i well-known shade of fcreen ? ? ? ? : It is a girl for Jack and Betty ' Smith Pavlik, born Oct. 17 at the i Woodstock hospital. She is their 'second child; they also have a son.--William Heser has been disi missed from the Woodstock hos- : pital and is now recuperating at his home on the lake front.--Another little girl, Dolores has joined the household of Mr. and Mrs. , Paul Marke. Sr. . She was born ; last Friday and is their fifth child. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson of Chicago were Sunday visitors at School bells are again ringing f . . and ttwindi of obttdfen are back, m°re In classrooms all over the conntry. And many el these little boys and girls are crossing the thresholds of teaming far the first time, A great many business items were brought up and discussed and acted upon as the meeting did not adjourn until 11:45 p.m. The the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Selsdorf. The Johnsons were married a month ago. The American Legion Auxiliary meets this evening at the Legion home.--Grandma Frances Riegel says her little granddaughter, : Donna, is still in a San Diego child. Iren's hospital.^-Mrs Riegel, who is ! chnlrman of . veterap's craft for the American Legion Auxiliary, re- I ports that she has a fine display of j articles for sale, all made by disiabled veterans. In only 1 month's (time, MTB. Riegel has already sent $50.50 to " the Veterans who made I the articles.--P. L. Cromier and his son. Bobble, were present at the Notre Dame-Tulane game last Saturday and didn't think the trip was worth it.--Joan Dornbush has the part of Hilda, the maid, in "Junior MJss", play to be given j at Woodstock high school on {Thursday and Saturday nights, j Tickets can be secured at the door. 8 p.m. curtain.--Those werei n't weed collectors you saw Saturday carefully cutting down the biggest and driest weeds. They were just two of the season's duck hunters, Joseph Kolar. Jr., and Tony Bogus, gathering material for their duck blind.--We lost our beautiful mother cat this week. Someone put rat poison out and got several of the neighborhood kitties. Ours left four orphans we are trying to raise. ACCIDENTS OA* MAR ENTHUSIASM OF REOO&D CROP Mechanical corn pickers are all set to harvest anothef big corn j crop in record time this fall, but the record can be spoiled it they I are not operated safely. : A. R. Ayers, extension agricul-! tural engineer at the Illinois College of Agriculture, says that! careless operation this fall will mean another heavy toll of fatal- j ities and mangled limbs. Most dan* j gerous of all is the feeling that! "It can't happen to me." j National Safety Council records show that most corn picker accidents happen wh^n operators try 1 to unclog the snapping rolls while they are in gear. Ayers recom -1 mends the following rules for you 1 to follow for safe operation: ; 1. Stop the picker when it j clogs. The snapping rolls are! vicious, and you should never try ! to unclog them while they arej rotating or in gear. ! 2. Keep guards in place. Manual facturers provide shields for power] take-off shaft and exposed ha*H arda that can be guarded. 3. Watch out for fires. Keep! the manifold and exhaust on your j «M9» tractor frw from .tnph. leaky fuel tine*, aad *ef«t . your tractor while the Motor running. 4. Never oil the picker adjustments while It to In operV ation- . These simple things, are than taking a trip to the bos$lta£ paying doctor bills, going throtltlt life with a stump of a wrist tot • hand, or trying to get a farm Jd| done with an empty sleeve dangling uselessly. ^ N O T I C E - NOTICE IS HEREBY OlVlf that through traffic on Wondet' Woods Drive in Wonder Woods Subdivision, Wonder Lake, is forbidden. * Non-resident owners and irir* • ers of automobiles and track# using said driveway for UuttttsN traffic wil> prosecuted. ^ Signed: . ' \:p' Wonder Woods Association, Ittfev Makes Rooms Lighter ' Painting walls in light ttoflt makes rooms light by reflecting more of the light that falls upaii Ahem. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. It* and $8.00, Wattles Drug Store, ft#:. starting the great adventure of be- residents have a hard working ginning an education In a free land. a®d enthusiastic board and they They can go all the way, and that' w,u appreciate the people of Inmeans college. If they learn to <M&n Ridge giving them wholesave. The School Savings Program hearted support in carrying out teaches them to be thrifty and chil-j the wishes of the membership, dren who learn te save will cer- •---- talnly be better cMsens tomorrow., Teachers Meet Yon parents--be sare there Is a' With Parents School 8avings Program at your At Harrison school and be sure too, that your | At Harrison school this week, children are Investing In U. 8. School Savings Stamps. ". S. Trumrj Df^trtanl BODAN -- DuPont Antu. Kills rats; a prepared bait that rats will eat. enough to kill 800 for $0.98. Satisfaction guarante«d or money refunded. Farmer's Mill, McHenry. 21-4 C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. SPACE NEEDED -- for beauty business by Licensed Beautician. Shop owner in Chicago for 12 vears. Smart Set Beauty Shop, '2437 W. 69, Chicago 29, IlL^ Prospect 6-9664. 23-2 PANCAKE SUPPER -- Pillsbury .Pancake Supper. Admission 75c. Thursday evening, Oct. 27, 5;30 to 7 p.m., Methodist church hall. Be sure and attend. 23 all of the parents were invited to interviews with the teachers of their children. This is U new system, recommended by child-study Ifftgtfwl ! experts, for better mutual understanding of the child. The father lectured his young i A county-wide child study proson on the evils of fistcuffs as a *r*m has been presented by Seni eca Grange for all mothers, * w , fathers, and teachers in the county Don t you know that when 7°^ t and a series of four lectures will grow up you can't use your fists ! be glven thls winteri one held last to settle an argument?" the father week, the rest for the early part of began. **You must begin to use ! next year. Miss Ethel Kawin of peaceful and amicable, means of arriving at a decision. Try to reason things out. Try to discover by logic and evidence which is right. the University of Chicago is conducting the study, which includes clinics at the University. There is no charge and those and abide by the right. Remember t who part cipate are urged that might does not make right; w p at,ch to* notice of the next though the strong may win over ,«eneral meetin£; the weak, that still does not prove j Superintendent of that the weak is wrong.' "I know, dad," said the boy kick* ing at the grass. "But this was different." Telephone Company Here Next Week W. T. Luck, general commercial superintendent of the Illinois 'Different? How different? What | Commercial Telephone Company were you and Johnny arguing about that you hapl to fight over it?" "Well, he said he could whip me and I said I could whip him, and there was only one way to find out which of us was right." Complete line of Jieebe livestock vemedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf at Springfield, has signified his intention of appearing in Wonder Lake on Oct. 26 at 8 p.m., in the American Legion Hall to discuss the future plans of the company in this area. Mr. Luck's appearance nere has {been arranged through correspondence with M. C. Woodward of Wonder Woods. * CHRIST THE KING CHURCH Christ the King church is planning a pot-luck dinner on Sunday evening Oct. 30. Folks are asked to bring a dish to pass. Donations of fifty cents for adults and twenty-five cents for children help toward the entertainment which will follow. Catholic parents are asked to meet at Christ the King Church each Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. GOSPEL CENTER NEWS The pastor has returned from a Missionary conference held in his former church in Chicago, where he was speaking on Saturday I night, the fifteenth, and Sunday j morning, the sixteenth. Tn his 'absence, Clarence Swanson, mn- Isionary candidate for Japan, [ preached at the Center at the ' morning and evening services. We are planning a house to house visitation program in the near future, not for thg purpose of "gathering in new members for the church" or for soliciting fui.ds, but just in order to get better acquainted with our friends and neighbors ahd with one sincere desire, that of being of some help and encouragement in things spiritual. The Boys Brigade iiave decided to resume • activities, and plans are in the making for an e\tra- | ordinary program for this fall .and winter. All boys in the age of ' 12 and up are invited o join. For further information see the leaders, Dick Olsen and Ed Dornbush. j We extend to one and all a corjdial invitation to our services : next Sunday. Oct. 23, at the usual hours: Sunday Bible School, 10, ! a~m., Morning Worship Service, 111 a.m., and Evening Goapel Service at 7:45 p.m. Need rubber stamps1 Order at The Plaindealer. \ •Ns FLOOR TILE ASFHALT*and &UBBEK -: - - - also ; ~ PLASTIC WALL TILK ' J. M. STANGARONE 1 or 196-R McHenry, tit Pistakee Home for Sale Six-room Stucco House with basement. Also two guest houses; three car garage. Approximately two acres. Beautifully landscape!*. • Mrs. Adam Koch ; Pistakee 558-J-l Rt. 1, Mc8%nry LOTS SALE TERM! Lake front and water rights at beautiful PISTAKEE BAY HOUSE TKA1LER PRIVILEGES Gas and electricity on premises Telephone McHenry 194 NOW IS THE TIME TQ FIX UP THE HOUSE FUR FALi . . . . C u s t o m Made . . , Draperies-- „ Slipcovers, „ i „ Curtains Pillows Valances Bedspreads Cornices Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICE Service 204 8. Green St. Phone McHenry M ACCURACY FOR HEALTH Latin is not a dead language to us" because it it used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health -- always bring prescriptMttfr to us. NYE DRUG STORE PHONE 26 M