Would Mr. Kirk have the police department Ignore our duty to the public to sweep up a little glass? If Mr. Kirk was a bystander, why didn't he sweep it up as any good citizen should have done? McHENRY POLICE DEPT. OFFICER E. MURPHY (Editors N#t» The following article Is the one which appeared in Sunday's Tribune, signed by Mr. Kirk. McHenry, 111., Oct. 12--Police visiting the scene of an accident leave broken glass on the pave- I. th. Chicago Tvibur, Sunday, j "™' ,'°8u^e« 'ft'r p.«e* par°t J an Hem" bene»lh the dlKr.lty o[ . police- g f' ,. \v Hi.crh man to sweep the hazardous glass K Kfrk If Mr KiTk woild take ia8ide' let 8ome bystander volun- •- 4&."oub" IcJinquIre, we S,"" <° ^ '• very \/':;.^Jshow him a very good broom that 8 ^ • -; is. and always has been, a part of the equipment of our squad car.. " : W e , t h e p o l i c e o f f i c e r s o f t h e . ItfcHenry department are not too far Ail IM rifnad by tkr will »ot be Tlw Plaindeatar into raadsrs to «ipnia theee eolumna.) Policeman Answers! "Voice of Traffic" mm 1 1 1 K«V« St. Mary's Catholic Church' Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. «. Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. in. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 1:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. •• dignified to sweep up the glass on > . the streets. The accident referred : -'"to by Mr. Kirk, I think, occured ... |>n Front and Main streets, in ' Which two cars were involved. One was rolled over, one damaged in v front, also personal injuries, lere were witnesses to be had, HUGH H. KIRK ;,;/ :>limiraikce In C«n»i» Life insurance protection of Canadian families at the end of 1948 was more than 13 billion dollars. This was an increase of lb per cent over 1947. Four and one-half million Canadians carry an average of nearly $3,000 of insurance each. i^fomplaints signed cars to be tow- Complete line of L/?e'« poultry jm! away and injured taken to the , remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me St. Patrick's Oatholle Church Masses: Sunday: 8:00; 9:30 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:10. Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00, during the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m.and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. floctor. Henry. our Fawmtt Store 1 Win Bvecyjac Zion Evangelical XafherAn Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St., % block east of Hwy 31 West McHtenry, Illinois. Sunday School: 9 a. m. ' " Sunday Worship Servieiev- M:15 a. m. .v". ' You arc cordially invited to attend our services. For Information phone 681-R-l. Rev. Carl A. Lobltz, Pastor. Community Methodist Church Church School: 9:30. - ---- Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to rou and your family to come and Irorship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. Christ For McHenry McHenry Bible Church 103 S- Green Street (Pries Bldg.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Sunday Worship, 11 a. m. Evangelistic, 8 p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. You're always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor, .^failing Address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 63-W St. John's Catholic Church J ohnsburg jkfasses: - Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00* Holy Days: 7:09 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:85 and 8:00. Confessions: ; Saturdays: 7.30 to 8 and 2:30 to S. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Joseph M. Blltsch. BSOTER1CA is that fcfed of beod cnum for those brown spots that make your hands look old. o t h e r k i -- a a d caused by weather or is • way ao ordinary bead cream or lotion can. uds whiter, dearer, looking quickly--often within the first few days. • KSOTER1CA looks and feels like the finest non-greasy kbmm added deariag action. Produced in a laboratory that has studied the effect of cosmetics « skin pigments for 25 years. ^ When used on lace or neck, ESOTERICA makes a perfect powder base by day--delightfully non-greasy when used at night. If yon want clearer, whiter-looking bands, get-ESOTERICA. Money bade if the first jar does not ' bring desired results. M Peter's Gs'hollc Ghorchj Spring Oroya Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: , ' Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. t, Vlctm Mllbrant, will not be responsible for debts contracted under Milbranta Variety Store affer October 15, 1949. , Playing It Sail >5 Love was apparent in every move the young man made. His visit to the jeweler confirmed everybody's suspicions. The jeweler, himself, was a very good friend of the young man's family. 'This is the best ring I have," ha told the modhstruck youth. "It's pretty expensive but I'll give you a good price. I think your girl will be very pleased with it." "All right," replied the yQung man, "I'll take it. And will you have 'From Frank to Jessica' inscribed inside it, please?" "Now wait a minute, son," cautioned the jeweler, "don't go overboard on this thing. As I said before, this is an expensive ring. Why don't you be satisfied with, just 'From Frank' on it?" CAUSE AND EFFECT ~Z October & W. 8. C. 8. Monthly Meeting.»' October 14 Y * Business Men'a Association Masting. Past Matron's Club No. 647 --• Mrs. George H. Johnson 'home October 25 Woman's Club Teachers' Party-- Legion Hall. O. E. S. Penny Social for Members. sj October 27 Public Bunco and Card Party -- Sponsored by American Legion Auiliary Annual Bazaar and Cafeteria Supper -- Ringwood Church Basement--5 p.m.--sponsored by Ringwood W. S. C. S. Pillsbury^ Pancake Supper -- Methodist Church Hall. • . October 89 Bake Sale -- Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church basetnent-- Sponsored by Mission Aid--10 a.m. Bake Sale -- Zion Evangelical v Lutheran Church basement -- Sponsored by Mission Aid--1 p.m. November 1 , SPRING GROVE & (by Mrs. Charles Freund) Girl Scout Leaders' Clufci^afrs. Harold Vance. . 1 • ' November 2 ,> St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School P. T. A. •. . November 4-5 T ? Rummage sale -- City Hall f-- Sponsored by Circle 3, WSCS. November 10 Junior ClasB Play! November 11 . McHenry Woman's Club Meeting --Legion Home -- 2:30 o'clock. November IS j Dedication of New Legion Home. The colored barber's corn llkker had left his hand a little, unsteady so that when he shaved the Colonel he left a number of knicks and scratches. The Colonel grimaced ruefully in the mirror and obsacv^d: "See what drinking of hard liquor does to a man, Zeb?" "Yassah," replied Zeb. "it sho' do leab de skin tender, doan' it?" Bird Dogf Did you hear about th«i farmer who crossed a dog with a chicken trying to get pooched eggs? * Local Notes and Mrs. Harrison < Nebs have" just returned from New York, where the Missus got her face and Harrison his watch lifted, both on Broadway. "Habaea of the 8k)f» ' Ordinary meteors nifgli( ' be termed "hoboes of the sky," for .they move around in random directions, unlike the great celestial : "bodies which* have fixed courses. Order your rubber Stalllfl/ittjjhe iMaindealer. Back to This Again "I don't believe in Darwin's theory of evolution," remarked the professor. "No," chuckled the cynic, "It's more probable that some woman made the first monkey out of manM* OWfr •ftrnr rubber stamps at The PlaMeitier. Frank Tinney, Jr., celebrated his eleventh birthday on Friday by Inviting several of his classmates and playmates to his home in the afternoon after school. Games were played and the boys all had a lot of fun. Refreshments were served, which Included a large birthday cake. Those to make up this happy parta% were Peter Jaffe, Peter May, Bobby Klaus, John Hihes, Thomas Williams Jerome Lennon and Terry Brits. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hergott and Mrs. Nick Freund accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Agrella of Chicago on a trip to California. Mrs. Agrella is Mr. and Mrs. Hergott's daughter, Eleanor. They traveled to San Francisco, where they spent several days with another daughter, Mfr*s. Evelyn Schlozer and family. From there they went on to Los Angeles, where they visited a son, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hergott and family. While there they enjoyed seeing such points of interest as Hollywood and' Beverly Hillfe and saw many of the movie stars' homes. While in Los Angeles they put in a phone call to the Leonard Franzen family, former residents of Spring Grove, and Mrs. Freund had a nice conversation with Lyle Franzen. Another point of interest they enjoyed seeing very much was the Will Rogers memorial in Oklahoma. They returned to their homes this week after three weeks of traveling and all report having had a most enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mikoleit, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Shirley Dawson enjoyed a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen in Chicago on Wednesday t night. Mr. and* Mrs. Arthur Kattner and daughter were supper guests in the home of Mrs. Regina Schaefer in Fox Lake on Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman of Wilmette. Mrs. Arnold May and baby daughter, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank May, will return to New York this week. They will leave New York on Thursday of this week for Turkey where they will make their home. Arnold May, who is already in Turkey, is working on an engineering project there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mike Wagner and sons, Herbert and Richard, attended the wedding of Vernon Wagner and Miss Beatrice Peera In Chicago Saturday. Vernon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and family moved on Sunday into their new home in Lily Lake. Those wlv> helped them with their moving were dinner guests in the Math Nimsgern home. They were Mr. and Mrs. Frank "Pro" May, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Enselman, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. Bernie Jordan and son, Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges of ROADSIDE PROTECTION PROGRAM SUGGESTED AS SAFETY MEASURE Federal funds for making sur- . veys of highway encroachments are • being obtained by several state highway departments, according , to Charles M. Hayes, president of ; the Chicago Motor Club. Mr. Hayes says, "It has been , o, J A i found that billboards and other finn ^thee NNiimmssegeerrnn hhoommei1.n gueBt8 [' businesses have in some instances move<l over to the right-of-way. This community was saddened I itself. Heavy traffic obviously canon Sunday morning to liear of j not moVe in safety and easily if the death of Mrs. John Kattner, I j8 obstructed every few feet long time resident. She passed with vehicles entering and leavaway on Saturday night at Tampico, 111., where she had gone just last week, to spend the Winter months with her daughter, Regina. Funeral servieea were from St. Peter's church Wednesday morning. Supply of Housing ] Answer to De-Oonti^: Back from Chicago, where fee conferred with Tige E. Woods, national housing expediter, J. Edwin Porter, associate rent director, said this week that the question of rent de-controJLin the Waukegan and Waugegan rental areas and elsewhere continues to be a question of the supply of housing. Woods told him, that the ending of rent control in a community on the initiative of the national housing expediter need not be expected until Woods is assured there exists a ratio of supply and demand in housing that gives tenants an opportunity to exercise normal ability to bargain for shelter, in price range consistent with their monthly income. "Once again this presents a challenge to the community to step up its production of housing in the price and rent ranges that are in the greatest need." the rent official declared. ing highly traveled routes. Illinois -has adequate legal authority to control highway access." 9 The roadside protection program . suggested by the Motor Club is part of the highway modernization program initiated by the organisation several months since. The club president says that exercise ; :of the control bf access will-con- • trol placement of roadside establishments, such as gasoline sta- . tions, restaurants and taverns, both with regard to/location and desifen. Comprehensive surveys of conA ditions are essential, he says, it we are to determine a factual ba^is for reform. Such surveys provide an in#ntory and classification of roadside uses and structid'af. The location and de- - sign of driveways is noted. An Important phase of the survey is the determining of the size, location and nature of advertising structures. Not infrequently it has been found that advertising structures gre a decided hazard bd|| cause of colored lightB, red or green, or the intermittent flashing of signs. Parch for Barl*N» A patch has been invented for barbers and dentists to sit on whila 'hey work. L & H TELEVISION EMERSON and MOTOROLA SALES -- SERVICE ' "Phone 403 604 Front St. or 653-R-2 West McHenry, Illinois THIS MMKINCIAL S-FMMNW COUM (Model 46) doet double dirty at a car and a tpadow carrier far the smal family. IBOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE-40 " McHENRY, ILL . / . . . ' Fine for Fall gatherings Christ The King Mission /Wonder Lake Masses: Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: ~ Sunday: Before each Mass. Holy Days: 6:16 and 7:00 7:45 Catechetical Instruction: Sunday: 9:00 a. m. Rev. James A. Vanderpool, Administrator. h Gospel Center Wonder Center, Wonder Laks (Nonseetarian) Services: Sunday Bible 8chool: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. Suaday Evening Service: 7:45 1 P* Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:90 p. m. Bring the family with you to Sun day School and Worship Services There is a place and a welcome for everyone. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Btngwood Chunk ' • JUngwood, IlUr-- Sunday: Public Worship, 9:30. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve' aing, Rev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. 0trt TEN-STRIKCI Only fafct F^aturms! Trafc-Hamdy Sise . M*rt , /I^ Drtve om>„a/ WfCMi hm ucx., B.m,„.czrzz Visibility fore and aft . £f ] J! * Gr""" S,ead>-mm T^r^.Tuke Dri Zf l mUm" LU* • h Fiaktr Skipper Corduroy Sportshirts St Joseph's Charch Richmond, Illinois Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Dally: 8:00. Fr. Frank J. Miller, pastor. St Ann's Episcopal Holy Communion and Sermon: 11:0$ a. m. Church located three mllea oat on Dean street Woodstock. IF ITS WILSON WEAR IT'S FAULTUESS J. You'll find these beautifully tailored Wilson Brothers Skipper Sportshirts fit well in any fun-loving crowd. Great for loafing or chores, too. Broad shouldered, tapered at the waist for trimness. Warm but lightweight cordptfoy fabric, rec*l colors. See them! ; ? $8.95 McGEE'S JH*0. OREEN BT -McHENRY . -< W.A ,'K "Cold" Peak The number of cold victims reaches an annual peak of approximately 25 million in February. Two of the best ways of staying out of the February £otal are by wearing plenty of warm clothes and putting on rubbers or overshoes when the going is wet Need Tougher Hides Nicks, knife cuts, and accumulated filth are making nearly 75 per cent of all hides marketed in Japan unsuitable for economical production of^good leather, the veterinary affairs division of General Mac- Arthur's occupation headquarters has reported. RUN your eyet over this fresh new beauty. .Take in its style-setting non-locking bumper-guard grille, the graceful downsweep of its fender lines, so unmistakably Buick, and we think you'll agree-- It looks like a lot of money--but the fact it, it's a lot for your money. Take in those bigger interiors, the sofa-soft seats, the easy control and the high visibility you get from the more-than-generous glass area all around--and you'll beam at the news that this one's priced tor really modest budgets, right down .near the "lowestpriced three." Beyond that--put this gorgeous new Buick SPECIAL through its paces. Sample its valve-in-head straight-eight power --the lively, ever-thrilling kind that comes from a high-compression, high-pressure Fireball engine. You'll find a ride that's pillow-soft smooth, level and steady. Ydu get ample wheelbase-- in shorter bumper-to-bumper length for easy parking, gsl-aging, maneuvering. You'll find a car that handles light as lacemade even more of a breeze by Dynaflow Drive, available at your option at moderate extra cost. So why not do a thorough matching-up of price tags, and nipt they'll buy around town? in particular, put this straight-eight beauty up mgainst the sixes, feature for feature, dollar for dollar--and you? 11 see for yourself there's nothing to touch this Buick as a buy. Yes, go see your Buick dealer, take in the JSPECIAL from every angle--and learn how quickly you can have one for your owttT^ SEK and HEAR OLSEN mn* J*MXSON*a every Thpndoy ow When tetter automobilea are bwMt MVMCi \ . . self* MM them You* Key TO Okatci vaum IMM M HtNKY J. TAYLOK. ABC NMwotk, «Mty Plate Glass Shipment A 30,000-pound shipment of plate glass will include 5,100 pounds of boxing lumber, paper, packinf hay, blocking and bracing lumber, nails, wire and covering materials. R. li OVERTON MOTOR ^ALES .403 rapirr stbbet . phone « mchemsy, illxhois.%,.