'•*•' *-;-> ' •• "> * ' f' •' •"»: " '- v/v IWWB V ' toGWOOD PMIII M 11111 H * (by Jft-s. Qeorge Shepard) 1 A The Home Circle "was entertain- *• to the home of Mrs. Wolf Sha- ^w®* Thursday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. Shadleand Mrs. John Hogan. The usual business meeting in charge of the new president was held After- Ward a fine program in charge of jpfrs. Oscar Berg was enjoyed. The ftext meeting will be at the home J* Mrs. Pete Sebastian, with Mrs. Charles Sterns helping serve. Mrs. George Shepard will have charge of the program. Mrs. Joe McCangon of Chula Vista, Calif., and jajMrs. George Haberline of Chicago "Were out of town visitors. . Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith announce the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage on Thursday, Oct 20. a reception will be held in Muuy's hall on Sunday, Oct 23, from 2 until 5 o'clock. The Ringwood W. S. C. 8. will hold its bazaar and cafeteria supper in the new church basement Thursday evening, Oct. 27. Serving will be from 5 to 7 o'clock. There will* be plenty of aprons and fancy work for sale, also home made candy and a fish pond. The supper menu will include chicken and biscuits, baked ham, mashed potatoes, baked beans, corn, cabbage and pineapple salad, individual salads, rolls, cake, pie, coffee, milk and fruit juices. The Round-Up club will hold a bake sale in Muszy'a hall Friday, Nov. 4. The Youth Fellowship group met at the John Hogan home Saturday evening. Election of officers Once Again We Have McHeijry f Shirts Sizes 2-6 S i z e s 8-14 For Your Convenience THE TODDLER SHOP Offers You Longer Shopping Houfj [6nd&] L0:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tues/Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8;Q0 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 312 St. McHenry 746 REMEMBER T«r NYE DRUG COW Is featuring the amazing acw TOXTRON hearing aid. Kow at last you may BUT and be SEEYIC1D LOCALLY ta the hearing aid field. Here Is a light weight, one piece nnlt with amazing power •lie fidelity. And priced within reach of every pocketbook, as « hearltag aid should be, at ONLY $89.60. Jh So stop In for a frtee demonstration. No Obligation. Ten day money back guarantee One year service guarantee We hare. EYERREADY batteries for all hearing aids. V 6 LIVESTOCK CONSIGNMENT SALE KVKKY WEDNESDAY NIGHT .' 7:30 P.M. , DAIRY CATTLE FKEDER STOCfe fresh Oo^i Springers Heifers -- §tock Bulls-- Steers Pigs Sheep Oalves SELL YOUR LIVESTOCK HERE TTOODSrOCK COMMISSION SALES CO. INC Phone 572 or 499 Woodstock, Illinois Iras held, with Jackie Pearson elected as president, Louise Hunt, vice-president and Mary Hogan, secretary and treasurer. A. Hayrack ride was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Twelve people are needed to have the Red Cross send out an I instructor in first aid in Ringwood. , If interested, contact Mrs. Mitchell Kane immediately. Harry Evans is ill in the Woodstock hospital with .pneumonia. Mrs. Leslie Olsen of McHenry la assisting in Brown's Drug store in his absence. Mrs. Mary Endres is coming to Ringwood to help organize a parents' study group for the prescnool and Bchool children at the school house Monday evening, Oct 24, at 8 o'clock. Anyone interested please come. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Orover and «on of Huston, Texas, Mrs. Carney of Bellwpod, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bodie of Oak Lawn and Mrs. Pete Negri of Chicago spent 8unday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck and fftmily of Arlington Heights spent Sunday with her father, Charles Carr. Mr. and M!rs. Roy Andeson of Paaltine spent Sunday evening in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snjlth and son of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs S. W. Smith, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday in the Julius Reck home at Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Evanston spent the weekend at their hom9 here. Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberline of Chicago were visitors In the George Shepard home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Blackmen spent the weekend with her sister at Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Collins left Saturday for Toledo, Ohio where she will spend some time with her sister, who la ill. Dr. Wm. Hepburn Is visiting relatives in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce were Woodstock visitors, Saturday. Mrs. Angela Pagne Is visiting relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Marie Wegner and son are visiting relatives at Deerfleld, Milwaukee and Green Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison returned home Thursday from Waubena and Chetek, Wis., where they visited in the home of their daughter, Margaret, and aon, James. Mrs. George Shepard spent Friday with Mrs. Clara Foster at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a birthday party in the I. N. Butler home in Elgin, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family were visitors at Brookfield zoo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrlch of Harvard visited his mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrioh. Sr. Sunday. Charles Carr and PeprI and BUI Wiedrich returned home Sunday evening from a trip to Dallas, Texas. Mr. . and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday in the Alan Ainger hortie at Hebron. Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Frey of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and son, Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons Of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty Low home. Mrs. Lena . Peet spent Sunday and Monday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Viola Low and son, Robert, spent Saturday in the Walter Wilcox home at Woodstock Mrs. Emily Beatty returned home Saturday evening from visit with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Frey and family at Bine Island. Miss Charlotte Hogan, Cou_ Federation 4-H president attend a meeting of the McHenry eoaaty fair board at Woodstock, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family of Caladonla and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ackerman of Marengo spent Sunday in the Alan Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison and Mrs. Etta Wattles were Sunday dinner guests In the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rw Beard of Woodstock spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Harrison and family. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C, Peaaon, and family. Mrs. Vern Malsch of Lake Geneva visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown of Clarendon Hills spent the weekend with his father, S. W. Brown. Mrs. Josephine Hatton of Columbus, Ohio, spent the past two weeks with her brother-inlaw, Dr. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and son, Jerry, spent the weekend with relatives in Waupaca, Wis. Mrs. Ed Bauer, daughter, Lu Ann, and son, Roland, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Bauer and Miss Georgia Schmitt of Spring Grove attended the Wagner-Teera wedding reception in Chicago, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams visited their uncle, Fred Adams, at the hospital la Des Plaines, Thursday evening. Dr. Wm. Hepburn and sister-inlaw, Mrs. Josephine Hatton, of Columbus, Ohio, spent Monday and Tuesday in the Frank Block home at Sheboygan, Wis. Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughters, Lu Ann and Joan, and soon, Roland and Marvin, were 8oday dinner guests in the Gregory Kattner home near Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shafer and son, Ronnie, were visitors at Brookfield Zoo Sunday. Mrs. Radock of McCullom Lake spent Saturday and Sunday caring for Mrs. Jennie Bacon and Mrs. Cora Flanders. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller and Michel Buckner of Kenosha, spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Nellie Blackman. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch visited his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Rose Jepson spent a few days the past week with her daughter. Mrs. Roland McCannon, and family of Woodstock, "Cleve Capital" For more than a century Zanzibar has ranked as the world's "clove capital." The spice was introduced into the islands around the first of the 19th century by way of either Mauritius or Reunion Itland-^both east of Madagascar. m i n i t m i n i in n ^ I I> A Lei af Cheeks Over 900 million checks are cashed daily in the United States, and only abwt aba In 1,000 "bounces." Hi m* at Ctapd BB, 9. C.. MB to bum Bi America, Is the in tfc* world located U • Footwear •W't'l If •!' tlM At on< time or another in hlstory, men have made footwear out of wood, ivory, metal, textiles, straw, paper, rubber, raw skins-- usually when there was not enough genuine leather for soles and up- PW.'A? ' • 4 He Had It In Him -• "Isn't it .remarkable that Brown's luck should stay with him to the very last?*'. -,c ; . "How was" thatt^ queried the o t h e r . ' • - v "He was operated on for the removal of a pearl he had accidentally swallowed while eating oysters, and when the pearl was examined it was found to be valuable enough to pay for both the operation .and funeral." Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me Henry. S-tf M A S T I T I S C A N B E C U R E D I The National Research Council, composed of leading authorities^ has surveyed all treatments for chronic mastitis due to Streptococcus agalactiae. The survey shows up to 95% of cases were cured in milking quarters by treating with G-LAC (Tyrothricin). Tyrothricin, marketed as Beebe GLAC is suspended in a soothing mineral oil emulsion to reduce irritation. Dose: 40cc. Easily Injected into the teat canal-quick acting -- long lasting. Milk can be used at the second milking after treatment. See us about our mastitis testing service. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 HcHENBY WINTER POTATOES -- . _ per handwd # *• "x White -- $3.60 • -- «.00 IDAHO (The Baking Table Queen Squash ... . . . ;• ' ^ • IL26 btt. -tr r V yy,1 W*wmi>ittTCif'>'%. . - • ..... ir^ ^Ohickens live or dressed to ordir FRYERS $1.00 5 to 8 lbs. Koas^g Chickens -- StewiAf A. KN1GGE Phone 510-J-2 East Btasr AND SELL IT AT THE PRICE OF REGULAR"? You ought to be ii driving a n • TMU A Product of Central tfun Here's Where the Best Begins! Mrnt people look no further after they've bad a good look at a 1949 Pontiac--they know that the beat begins here! Here is the best in beauty--with a "Silver Streak" personality all its. own. Here is the best in performance--thanlu to Pontiac's great engines, straight eight or six. Here is the bett in comfort, luxurious deuil and appointments. And here is the best in real economy--a sensible price to begin with and the famous Pontiac record of rolling out miles and miles and miles with only routine servicing. Hie bett begins right in our showroom--come in and see! THIKI? COMPORT M A PONTIACI It's m MM* mar to ride in a Pontile--tkert'i loadaff head- and leg-room, the door* are wide for eaay •nliaam MM! exit. Every mile ia amootfa and comfortable. %u're looking at Marathon's new mulri-millioodollar CATalytic cracking unit. It's the most modern, most efficient, ever built The simple fact is that it gets more gasoline power out of a gallon of crude oil than was ever before thought possible. It's the efficiency of this newest and most advanced -refining method that enables Marathon to bring you r e a l l y n e w k i n d o f g a s o l i n e p e r f o r m a n c e . . . a n unbelievably smooth, cat-quick pickup from *nf speed. Yes, sod to do it at the price of "regular" gasoline. 3 MARATHON Convince yourself with ONE tankfulof TAT" (Mine QUICK AND POWERFUL AS A JIWGLE CAT THE OHIO OIL COMPANY P|ODUC!tS OF PETROLEUM SINCE I S t f OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STBEST <mSim PHONE 17 McHENBY, ILL. CARLSON OIL 00. Distributors Phone 255 XABATHON SERVICE STATIOH McHenry, East of Big Bridge DOWNS NASH SALES McHenry WM. BUCHEBt Weet McHenrf 8BBEBG GBOCIBT Clrlswold Lake