IMP every Th« 1U , by the Mc Company, Inc Mitor-Adele Fro*! CJ. DoQittioni will be gratefully accepted and may be left on „ , Thursday at the hall or at the Dr. , .ft ®*"iC. W. KlenU residence. i> >ub-j • • • Entertain At I BiAcni^ Party ) The Letter A: Eraana at Grlsrlck's church. Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley officiating. The child will answer to the name of "Patricia Jean". Sponsors were Miss Dolores Keippel, a couBin of the baby, and Ed Oetner, an unclc, both of Chicago. A gathering wits held at the OAKOLYK OSWALD, OEOtO* WHIT1H0 •' -» ,!; MA&RIKD OCT 99 • • «. v _____ • « ** A wedding of interest to their, many friends here occured on , ,ne uexivr n. unwui v* wita-, « s»iuv..uB one uau o_.11P<»nv pvpni«t0 f)< t 29 lit 0 ir_. i _ j j..g matter at! woW k*1"5 entertained at a very home of the maternal gramlpar-, ** "' ?a*. . rectory ' £&«& SmSSS, SfSdS I Halloween barbecue: ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe G««ardo,°<*** intlu rectOTy the a« rtT of- May 8^ , 1879. * ' nnrtv on Oae Year I2.5C Twtas Eatertal* •: OB 7th Birthday r\ ; Jesse and Jerome. t<#Wk ecuiw of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kreund. celebrated their seventh birthday anniversary on Saturday afternoon by .entertaining friends at a party held at their home. The actual anniversary date was Oct. 31. Present to enjoy several hours of ' games, followed by a tasty lunch were Richard Schafer. Joe E. Johnson. Michael Kiesen, Michael Low, James Hester, John Hart. Paul Stiffen. James Freund, p,«y „„ «»*r..o. L-jr^.KK^s tz.tzjz 2=35 the young folks of the community, were Mr. anil Mrs. Leo Keippel ","7, Park, Slocum Lake, Barbara Glorney acted as junior and children. John and Marilyn, ™ hostess. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oetner. Jack St. Mary's Catholic Ohtup "• Masses: «unday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30. Holy l)ays: 0:00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: 0:45 aud 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 'and 8:00.' M S'vV! ** i m .-.r.lti- y-.j, " * *' . I Charles Fret Is Te HoM Ope* House \ Relatives and friends in this community are happy to learn that on Sunday. Nov. 13, Mr. and Junior (iiris Rave v Mrs. CharleR Frett, Sr., of Aurora Hay Ride Party are observing their golden wed-1 A Kroup of Juuhft elates girU ding anniversary. Open house will from McHenry liiech school rolbecame the bride of Mr. George, Confessions: ' Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:001>. m. be held from 2 p.m. on at St. labovated in -p»»rty on Sund.ty Joseph's parish hall, 728 High night which started wifh a hay . ride from Marv Ann Wiidrieh n a Rrey 9U,t- For her wedding, the char mini Miss Oswald chose a win#color ed suit, with which she wore, a | Masses: white rose corsage. Her only attendent was her sister. Miss Gerit. Patrick's Catholic Church .' aldine Oswald, who was attired in street. Aurora, on that day. homo near Riimwood. The group rod<> !<i tl»o hom 1 o* Sharon Grace Sells in Fndiuti RiUp", where they •and Mr?, -had refreshment? and danced, re Roman Bauer of McHenry, close friend of the groom rserved as best man. Mrs. Oswald chose a wine-colorof white mums. A reception for 100 guests fol Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdrich vacationed in Minnesota last week. MV. and Mrs. William Mir tin !of Sterling spent Sunday vlsitihg in the Clarence Martin home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and children of Chicago were weekend guests in the home of his mother, M,rs. Edith Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Don Eck of Chicago visited in the A. H. Mosher home on Sunday. Among those who attended tbe funeral of Miss Elleh Doherty last. Saturday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burke and family Fatare Bride and. Groom Are Honored Edri Potcrsoil ullu |UJC 1|(1U I I ti ^num; uir «*•** UI»II\ ni, , , Bob Peterson honored Miss Shir- turning'to the Wied-Meli residence. : crpPe while .Mrs.^VV hit* ley Weber and Thomas Sutton at Mr. and Mrs. Winn of Richmond J"* wa" ®"lr*d i" * a pre-nuptial shower Saturday served as chaperones for the corsag?f evening at the Bob Peterson grow p. home. A social evening was spent • _ Tlie -girls an.d'-lhei-. escort<»' y««r? and the group presented the lion- Jim Sades of McCullom Ix»krt; Ored couple with an electric Duane Sohmidtlfe, Mary Kay clock-radio. Candid snapshots Freund, Joan Ntfll, Rita Bolgt:*. were taken during the evening- l*wight Dowell, Donald Phalin. A delicious buffet lunch was Paul 'ilrefeld, Don McCrachen. ar.d eervod from a table centered With Marie Stoffel, atl Of McHenry; . a beautifully decorated cake Nancy Siemon and Faith Lang-<*},e McHenry high ^ . .. , rley and worthy" of Shalimar; Jeri Elnspar;° 'L 194served for one land Joau Krein front Lily Lake; ??*r ^ith the nayy a"d " »ow K e,"fIi - Boh Lowery from Wond-r Lake; 'P'°y°d as a carpenter. The hride ; Vnir 8trvires. _ Kjenneth and RicAard Adams, been employed in an official |,"or infOrinatl0tr. phone 681-R-l. William Miller and Michael! ^V^ity at Great Lakes. Wieser, all of Johnsbcrg bearing the words "Shirley Torn. November 12th." Those present besides the hon- Jamee Thompson, Roy and Donald ! tfred guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich. Donald Miller and Ron-i William E. Sutton. May wood; Mr aid Klapperich. and Mrs. Howard Wesson, Green- On Sunday the boys were guests ; wood:, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lede-; * • • SH1&LEY DUNKEE WED •f honor at a family dinner at the, beter. Pistakee Bay; Mike Wag- Guewt af Honor At . Tfl 1RT (1TM Bf5HT17NT ffVeund home. ner. Spring Grove: Mrs. Christine Kre-Nnptlal Shower I * * W e b e r , M r . a n d M r s . E . R . S u t t o n . M i s s J o y c e W e b e r e n t e r t a i n e d : I f f P O P L A R G R O V E tdM Seoat Mrs. Eleanor Nye; Mr. and Mrs.' sixteen cousins at a miscellaneous; Treep S Ralph Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Boh pre-nuptial shower honoring Miss fyi^jds of the Herman Dunker 61rl Scout Troop No. 2 held its Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sut .Shirley Weber last Monday even- family of Capron. former residents last qieeting on Oct 31. called to.toto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby ing. They were present from 1 „f tj,jg community, will be intet1- order by Janice Reinboldt. presi- Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby, Woodstock and McIIenry to enjoy c8ted tb learn that their daughdent. A motion was made by Kar-jMr. and Mrs. Robert Hoelscher, a social hour of airplane buneo, ter Shirley, was married to LaM en Olson that the troop get a bank | Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Peterson, Miss followed by a delicious lunch. Dec-, Verne Kleiiischmidt, son of Mr.' Jtor a Juliette Gordon Low fund.1 Lenora Frisby. Melvin Walsh, R. orations in the home were yellow ! amj Mrs. August Kielnschmldt ol Troop members and membership | J. Sutton, William K. Sutton, and white, with streamers hang* KjRjn on Saturday. Oct. 21, with •atars have been received and will Arthur Martin. Hagh Morris, ing from a small sprinkling can : rcv EkStrom reading the servbe awarded to the girls • who | "Kelley" Conway. Mr. and Mrs. high above the table to a minia- | |ce ^t the Poular Grove Federated liave been members for + rM|r- - Earl Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. ture hridc in tbe cente^. ; -church. Approximately 200 guests * * " Bob Peterson. Shower Attended i ^ attended the nuptial . ceremony, Mtrntef Par , Invited guests unable to be pre- By Fifty Guests which took place before an altar' MeethVr' Bammagr Sale »«nt *we Mr. and Mrs. Richard; A post-nuptial party ror Dr. and decorated with yellow moms and I von're : A rummage sale. is, bMng plan- • Weber. Mr. and Mrs. John Moeller, Mrs. Edgar Peaslee of McHenrjt candelabra. i n i ned for Friday alid 'Saturday. | Miss Barbara Freund. George Gil- was held at /he home of her aunt.; ftae radiant. bride was attired Nov. 4 and .B, at tilt, ^ity Hall.1 pin# Mrs. Harry Mlnteer. May-"Mrs. Laura LeBeau, In Chicago jn a gOWn 0f ivory taffeta, which 'sponsored by Circle 3 the W.S.- wood; Mr. and Mrs. George Bry- last Sunday, with Mrs. Jane Pau- featured a long train and veil i ant and Kehneth Rothmel of za of Emerald Park as hostess. A ' which was held by a coronet at Kenosha, Wis., and Charles Sut- lovely social hour was enjoyed by | Beed pearls She carried a bridal ittm. tthe fifty guests In attendance, | bouquet Gf pink carnations and • • • after which a tasty buffet lunch-1 whHc button mums. Getwer Baby eon was served. i Her 8lgteri Mjgg june Dunker, B^tixed Sunday i Those from McHenry who at- acted as maid of honor, while <_ _ _ _ M i . The infant daughter of Mr. and' tended in addition to the honored (Dunker and Phyllis Broed- I 1 1 1 • •I • A - i^ J o h n G e t n e r w a s b a p t i z e d c o u p l e w e r e M r s . D o r o t h y K i r k , j e r d o r f W f t r c b r i d e s m a i d s . A l l w e r e I I fl • • - J k W ; Sunday kt 1 o'clock at St. Pat- Misses Margaret and Anna Lyons. attited similarly in taffeta gowns Fred Schmidt. MiBs Emmajanij carried colonial bouquets. IHlBininmiMfimitmtllRttHlltlflllflffmiUt-lf-ll linilVtli-r J-*e"ea". and Mr- an<* Mr9- Arthur : Little Kathy Dunker was flower I^essard. ^ iftirl, wearing a dress of pink taf- # fetn. : Shower Honors )• Edwin Duppler was best man to I Bride-to-be • , big brother-in-law. and Leon | Miss Gladys Burnell, who wilr wacker and Robert Dunker, the become the bride of Merwyn latter the bride's brother wore Schmitt on Nov. 12, was com- ushers. John Rae. a frfend was plimented at a shower given by j groomsman. Mrs. Eugene Frost and Miss Doro- j ^ reception followed the cere | thy Schmitt, at the latter'g home, mony at the Poplar Grove eocral j last week. I center. , Airplane bunco ^ was enjoyed,, Mp aotf Rleina<*hmldt ^arq with prizes awarded to Marilyn l now at home at 957 Liberty street, ; Schmitt, Edna Hanford, Gladys j Elgin, where they haVc purchased Burnell. Mary Lou Ek&trom aud .a home. She is a student nurse at Maureen BurnelL Sherman hospital. He lis employed The honoree recnVed many , by.the Western" United Gas and Electric Compaay. s Sunday: 8;00; 9:30 and 11 Daily Mass: 7:00. . ' • Week Days: 7:(K) and 7:30. '"diitribSld^t 6:30, 7:00, during!^ Mary and Dan Coffey of Wilthe 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. 1 mette, Mrs Thomas Grahanr anil Confessions: . IMrp- Ja> Graham of Long Lake, Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and | M"-- and Mrs. Irving Hart of * 7:00 to 8:00 p. iu., and on Thurs-1 Chicago spent the weekend at -days before First Fridays: 4:00 | tlteir home on the river. \;ito 5:00 p. in. aud 7:00 to 8:00; Mr. and MrH. George E. John- : p. ni. „ ; • ; i son and son- of Evahston were Bev.EdwurdC.CoukleyrPa»tor.* 'Visitors in the home of his parlowed the ceremony at 8 o'clock j - •» 1 cnts on Sunday. at the home of the bride, after! 2ion EvangeUcal Lutheran Church Clarence Whiting, Mrs. Llovd which the Couple left on a short j (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) I Whiting and Mrs. Delbert Whlti wedding trip. They will reside at 40s John Street ! >ng of Elgin visited McHenry rcl- Willlams Park. ( West MeTIenry, Illinois. , atives on Sunday. The bridegroom, a graduate of, Huuday School: 9 a. in. . ; v, ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin iJuudity Worship Herviee:10:l5|and John Aylward of Elgin ata. m. -^v -"v ! tended the wake of Miss El|en Tou ari cordially iBVited to attend Doherty on Friday Evening. ^ Mrs. Frank WeiUgart with Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor. ; spent a few days the past week visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Skoney in • Elmhurst. j Mr. and Mrs. Burnice Mackey I of Marengo were Tuesday evening i guests in the Peter W. Freund I home. A FREE BANKING IEBVIC! FOB EVERYBODY ' r'-i - ' v • 'hi »• t Millions of Americans have bought tT. S. Savings Bonds. And they are continuing-to buy. them regularly. Now, as during the war years, ovet 80% of t\e bond sales flow through the tgountry's banks. Every bond sale at a bank is handled without any charge to you or to our , government. America's banks are glad to make fliis patriotic contribution for the benefit of all Ay aur people. Buy your bonds here at our bank.' & • \i Community Methodist Church r Cljnrch So'iooi: 0:30. .Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. iu. Official board meeting on socoad Wednesday of month at S p. in. A cordial invitation is extended to ' Mr. and Mrs. John BorgeBon and you and your family to come and' family of Big Foot Prairie and Mr. /tfcHENRy STATE BAN# Member Federal Reserve System ; :; . . . . . ICeihber Federal Depcatt Insurance CorporatfaMI ' i ti' ir at** sir Marcella Fillweber and dauxh- ! ter, Bonnie Lou, of Racine. WisL, worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. and Mrs. George Freund and daughter of Woodstock spettt the weekend with their parents, Mr. MeHenry Bible Church « a"d, ^is^Peter W F^eimd. l(tt 8. Green Street iPrles Bldf.) ^r. and Mrs. Fred Thogejrson Sunday Bibie School, 10 a. in. !ant* 80n» Edward, of Racine, Wis., Sunday Worship, 11 a. m. | were Sunday visitors in tbe Evangelistic, 8 p. hi. | Joseph AVllliams home. Called® Wedneuday at 8 p.m., Prayer during the day were Joseph Juett-' • ger and friend of Elgin. always welcome here. I - ^-r- an(' MrB. Ralph Smith and T7. -t- VASat OF THANKS | my return borne- Tlip JptDught- We wlsli to thank kind noigh, fulness of all was ff&fltly a Or bors. fflcpds and relative for; predated. > r w floral offerings, cards of sym- . , .. ". 25 pa thy, cats and all other kind* MRS. FLORKNGfc <GEIER ne^seS shown during; our recettt," bere.TMU»nt. _ ; CARD OF THA»*S MKR1KAY MATCHUN,; tllls w<- wiB(Tto,lhank . *25 friends and to: i&WD OF THAlfKS PHOHK 3 iniLLEg WOODSTOCK ILL FRl • 8AT^ 50V. 14 . Mallaee Saturday 3t>0 |ju <Mo. Brent Jaae t#w4l -- I • i a - ' r.f ' I would like to take this oppor-i Donald G. Liberty. Pastor. ^ y ? , £hicago .v,8i.t®d tunity to thank friends and neigh- Mailing Address: McHenry Bible ,.^me of hin parents, the Arthur bor8 for flowers, cards, gift# and Chu--rc•h- , "P. . "Q> Bo--x 2»3»2» - bnuttiH, sr., last weekend. - -- - • • •• McHenry, Phone 63-W Colony •eHENRY, ILLINOIS » fr , By tT(vknitoi*r : T • K« "FHHiTnro FoWLi^' V ' FBJBAT and SATIRBAV In Teclmicelor Walt Dhncy's Feature "THE ADTEXTrKES OF . ICHABOD AM) MR. TOAD" , 8aif and Told By Blnir Crosby Also Basil Bathhone . Onald Back Cartoon -- Novelty ibeaut,ful *ifts i - "Canada rnllarited" sn«. 1071., K9V Jtattaee 8un4ay at StM p.m. Iifretta I«n« (Jeleate R«IM a/ la ^ "COME 10 THE STABLE" 8ATUBDAY MIDMTE SHOW ABOl'T 11:80 ALSO SUN. • MON., NOV 6-7 Laretta Toang "COME TO THE STABLE" Bagfs Bunuy Cartoon aid World News v STARTS TIES. NOV. 8th ItopH Bergman Joseph Cettea ia •TNDE* CATBICOIf" ^»"*an'« Cfab To NAMED CHA1RMAX „ , , Elaine Nell of Johnsbur^ was The McHenry Woman H ^J[u i elected chairman id change of the will hold itii next meeting on Prt- > settlement school chaitfttM of Pi day. Nov. 11. at 2:30 o'clock in, ueta Phi. social sorortty, at the Legion hall, with Mrs. George Lawrence college. Miss Nell is al- Celeste Holm st"ling as c*ia'rman- Her com- „0 athletic chairman of Uie sorormittee includes Mrs. Richard; jty. t Fleming, Mrs. Albert Barbian, j ' ! Mrs. Harry Durland, MrB. E. B. M A _ . _ .. . Ward, Mrs. Robert Hirschmugl.: Mllt'Mi NPlIt Tliri¥§ , Mrs. charies pich and Mrs wii-1 |n Nebraska Expirimiiit liam Pries, Sr. Music will be r . furnished by a girls' octet from ] Meat fed by bottle, a new idea j the high school, and the feature i for young babies, proved success- ] of the program will be a book re- 1 ful in tests with 18 infants, trade iri'ESDAT aad WEDNESDAY Kirhard W Id mark and Lionel Barrymore •"DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS" view hy Mrs- Clarence Anglese on recently by Ruth Leverton of the "For Heaven's Sake," by Hannah -- " ' Smith. Members of the club are re- ,MM i minded that dishes not claimed "v**" | after the pot-luck supper last rCO 1 week arc now at the home of Mrs. ; WIWWmiH^milHiMlWmmHIIIIHHIIIHniUlllllHM j i^obta^i^by owners thCy STARTING THUBSDAY I Farley Granger ! "B08EANNA MrCOV" may SOIITDOOIIS WED THTO8. .': if:-- J• - ni. , SAT., MOV. 2-3-4-5- A6REATCAST...IIVES A GMAT ADVENTURE1 BUR: >AN.AS[[R PAi;; r ' S ' . ' i L L.i.UDf KAiNS -if w:;:r. jicrpeoir tv ; r ; ' CJH.IHST CALVE; Directed by WIUIAM DIETCW.E 9:15 Kebraska experiment station in cooperation with the babies' physician. 8t rained beet veal, pork and lamb--one kind each week in rotation-- were added to the babies' formulas for a period of eight weeks, beginning when the babies Wedding Rings i were six weeks old. The amount History records that the Egyp- I ? mcat ",ed 4US\ c?ou«h tians were the first people to we ! ^ protein content of "ch formula 25 per ccnt, averaging about an ounce daily. Hie tests were made in two adoption institutions with normal healthy babies. For comparison, records were kept of IS babies who received no meat. The Infants readily accepted the formulas containing strained meat apd showed no . adverse symptoms from it. Dr. Leverton reports, thus disproving the old theory that meat is hard to digest. The nurses reported that in general. the meat-fed babies were more satisfied and slept better than the precious metals in wedding rings. | Only the wealthy could afford such i luxury, however, so the poorer classes contented themselres with brass or iron rings. ' ! NiiHHiiiinniuiiimtwitiimititmtiiHiwtttiHiiHHiHiiHi! The Beautiful ' EL TOVAR •CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. ! McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre 1 o^ers. and the physician in charge | ; . ' • j considered them in better physical ' j condition. 8t. John> Catholic Church ' Johnsburg Masses: Sunday: 7:«0, 9:00 and lt:4H>/ Holy i)ays: 7:0® and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 0:33 and 8:0©. Confessions: Saturdays: 7.30 to 8 and 2:30 to 3. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch. 8t Peter's Gi'holic Chord!, (typing Grove Masses: ' Hund^y---8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: :00. ^ : CoufcHsioiia: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. 'McHENRY TEACHSK WAS GUEST SPEAKER AT COUNTY MEETING visits during th« time I. was coh* fined to the hospital and sinee neighbors tor floral offerings, cards of empathy, spiritual bouquets, donations or cars and the many other kindnesses extended at the time 6f the death of Miss Ellen Doherty. THE M.;d. W^ALSH" FAMILY u Christ The King Mission ,, Wnider 1A& ' Masttes: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Sunday: Before each Mass- Holy Days: 7:45 Catechetical Instruction: Sunday: 9:00 a. ni. Rev. James A. Alpha Theta chapter 6f' Delta Kappa Gamma met with Mrs. Verda Dierzon last week. All Interesting discussion of the topic, > "The Teacher Is A Citizen," was' presented by Mrs. Ethel McGee of McHenry and Miss Ruth DeRenty. | Mrs. McGee concentrated her talk' on the United Nations and national government and • Miss DeRcnzy on obligations the teach* | ere have in local communities as citizens. Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, a j local member and also ono of the , j state founders, was one of the {special guests present. Proceeds | I from the silent auction will he: {added to the organization's re*' |cruitment program. The following people from McHenry attended the meeting: Mrs. Hay McGee, Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Mrs. Albert Foley, MrB. John Bol* ger, Mies Genevieve Knoa and Miss Nellie Doherty. Administrator. . OPENS CAMPAIGN William G. Stratton of Morrle on •j Tuesday, Nov. 1 opened hii cam- I paign to win the Republican noth- : ination for state treasurer of 111- 6:15 and to j jnoj8 next April with a review of his record as a public servant and a call to the voters of Illinois to „ . , help in the rebuilding of a Re- Vanderpool,. publican party led by men devoted Gospel Centar Wonder Oenter, Wonder Lake (Nonsectarian) Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a, m. Huaday Evening Service: 7:45 p. IB. Prayer meeting, Thursday -->|0rflO p. m. Bring the family with you to Bunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. FRANIMffr^N DERSON, Pastor. Ringwood Church Rlngwood, HI. Bundav: Public Worship, 0:30. Cburcli School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals Wednesday evening, Rev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. St. Joseph's Church Richmond, Illlnol* Sunday: 8:00 and 10:0(). Daily: 8:00. Fr. Frank J. Miller, castor. J. . to truth and service instead of ambitious, cynical schemers. Stratton is a member of tbe American Legion and the Veteran 3 of Foreign Wars. He has two daughters, Sandra, 13, and Diana, 10. - w j#AP*.v ICE CREAM Wain #NIMI BaniiwdwaCsaa ICE CREAM CAKE ROLLS J ICE CREAM TARTS ^ SHMOOSDAE 10C ^COCOLATE SUNDAE IN A Ct-P DREAM SICKLES--SG--- <*--o- BOLCER'S DRUG STORE PHOHX 40 MoHENKY .FEATHER PARTY The annua! feather party sponsored by St. Mary's church will be held this year on Thursday evening, Nov. 17, at the Just For Fun roller rink. Have You Seen Our Complete The rhinoceros has little intelligence and a bad temper, according ito. the Encyclopaedia ----Bfitannica. --Complete line of Baebe llvestoak remedies at Wattles Drug Btore, McTIenry. ^ l«tf »»•<•'{• 8 1 1 1 » H 11 n H n »l McHenry County Theatre Guild presents FRL - SAT^ NOT. 4*6 (Doable Featare) I George Raft Nlaa Foch MON. - TUES., NOV. 6-7-8 30HN WAYNE" KING OF THE SCREEN! nfiiinmensi (••i^orrino WKft aiiSTM • NIUP MN • OUVII IMBV A JOHN WAYNf PKOOUCTION a uhmjc Hcrviu . -JOHNNY Gene An try ALLEGRO" Barbara Rrltton Most significant, however, is the fict that nofle of the meat-fed babies developed the anemfa characteristic of their age, and that the meat apparently promoted the formation of herrioglobin and red blood cells. "LOADED PISTOLS" SUN. • MON„ NOV. e-7 Sunday Con't From 2»H» p.ui. Kathryn Grayson Jese Itarbl In -THAT MIDNIGHT KISS" (In Technicolor) It's a - great big wonderfal show, all the romance and mssle yon want. Discovery of Asbestos Asbestos was first discovered more than 2,000 years ago in the Italian Alps. Its elastic tibers were woven into burial wraps for Roman emperors. TUE. - WED..THlTR8„ Nov 8-»-10 Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride i ln | -MA and PA KETTLE" iiiniiniiiirnimiiniiiimiiHMitiimiuiiiKiiimMiiMiiiHW Tripping Home accidents caused by tripping over excer.s e'ectric wiring along the floor may be avoided by ir.e cora lo tne iloor molaing or wall with strips of cellophane tape. SI. Annf« Episcopal Holy Communion and Sermon: 11:00 a.m. Church located three miles out on Dean street, Woodstock. Woodstock Playtvt HU'RR&R TREASURER CANDIDATE James Simpson of Wadsworth. Lake county, has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for state treasurer at the Illinois primary election to be held Tuesda>, April 11, 1950. Simpson .^a former congressman from the tenth congressional district, and former member of the Republican state central committee. was unanimously endorsed by the Lake county O.O.P o r ganisation at a meeting on Oct.. IS. Our enlarged infants' "wear department offers you a wide variety to choose from. The Hems ley Gift Shop, opposite depot. Fot t*ke. m Standing Milk Milk left standing in sunlight even in a cool place may not sour but it will change, in flavor and vitamin content within a very short time. NOTICE HegfittifHg Sunday, Oct. M, tiwi* day hours will be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. All other days, hours 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. >ye Drag Store, Mr I IK RICA'S FIRE WATCR KIRK... 17jewel*. t1.0nn 14K natural gold. 18K applied gold n u m e r a l - m a r k e r dial. TPS rcwehi applied ' DYSON...17 jewels. !( 14K natural gold- I filled. 18K applied Use our convenient Lay-Away Plan. 't:old numeral-dot See --r dial. 2fi-tf '"Wwnry. -K 1 "Night of January 10th" ! who killed him? i his wife! Secretary! ; a Jury from the aadkMI i will give the Terdlot j 8»80 pan. Woodstock Qpetm HaiM. .f.i| i|i > f f 1 ' 514 West Main Street Tel. McHenry 123-J $60S0 McHenry / V