W'£ Wtanday, Novtmbtr 10,1M0 'M: "mmrmmmtrnm* NimitMi Wonder Lake • I I I I M U I ! • • • < ! n ! *++»» PEAIH&IAUR (Vy« Vanessft Setts* rr M«r * Ii - /' wr of Hew Pteelnet Here ; '^4"*- */ •'" Wonder Lake He# precinct of its own! On Tuesday, the McHenry county supervisors, at their regular meeting, added two new precincts to those in existence in the county. One of them, McHenry 5, is in Wonder Lake. Since Supervisor Schmitt of McHenry township was ill and not present at the meeting, election * "pes for the new percinct were Aamed at the meeting. Tie new precinct will be in use for the first time in the primaries next April. Headquarters for the precinct are to he in the offices of the Wonder Lake Syndicate in Wonder Center. The precinct is a memorial, in ft way to the late John Viola, who worked so hard for so many years to secure a. precinct^ for yfn^Acr •. -V y, ,**+. , cAkmnnttT flirt' ' *" Meets This Evening •. The Community Cla^ rison school meets this- evening, Thursday, at 8 p;m. according to a letter sent out this week by the officers, Mrs. Pauline Grill, president; M!rs. Charlotte Mayer, vicepresident; and Mrs. June Morin secretary-treasurer. The Community Club serves the same purpose as a PTA and all ligJfents of school children and outers who are interested In (he school are invited to attend. . New officers will htr elerifroii Godparents for the l|ttle girl were Miss Marianne Bregenser of San Louis Obispo, Calif., and Ralph Marke of DesPlaines. Proxy for the godmother was Miss Clara Fischer of Chicago. Following the christening, a family party was held at the Marke home. Wednesday Clnb From Chicago „ .•». Visits Sirs. Ohlin The Wednesday clnb of the Gergits Honeymoon House is the new name for the ; variety store. New Refrigerator Given Away By New Appliance The Wonder Lake Appliance Shop, with John Doherty and Jack McCafferty as proprietors, is sponsoring a contest with a 1950 refrigerator as the prize. This is not a lottery--it is a contest of skill in which all participating, write, in fifty words or less, why visited here recently to wish they should be given the new regood luck to a former member, frigerator. Judges will be Alice Mrs. Ida Ohlin, who, has perman- Noren, Carl Hallstrom, Bob Dolores Ann Marke Christened at Christ the Kfngr j The infant daughter 6f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marke, Sr., was christened "Dolores Ann" at Christ the King Church on Sunday, Oct. 30, by the Rev. Fr. James Vanderpool. ^2% SUD0y«V \Jiaper°ne_ • Keeps your dog off furniture, rugs. etc. Prevents puppy damage. Harmless. Your dog smells j^ut you don't. N| Ndtaft, taty $1. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY ently joined the Wonder Lake community. The club members who came to call included; Mrs. M. Carlson, Mrs. Ohlin's niece; Mrs. T. Branding, Mrs. P. Bruns, Mrs. C. Glander, Mrs. A. Tragnets, Mrs. Fred Buerkle and Mrs. D. Hoerich. At a housewarming at the Ohlin home, where Mrs. Lucille Ohlin Anderson and her little son, Bobbie, are also members of the Ohlin household, the guest list included many Wonder Lakers. Those who called were Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelly, Henry Martin of Ringwood, Mrs. Peterson and son of Indian Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jensen; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pummer, Miss Kay Dede, Miss Kay LeFevre, Mrs. Sophia Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Sirtak and son, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Redman, Mrs. Joseph Riegel and George Cheevers. Gergits Pattern For Honeymoon IsnH Niagara How to spend--a honeymoon? Everyone has his own idea about the place where a honeymoon might be most thrilling. Any young couple can tell you that it isn't th$ scenery that'B important, and any old married couple can tell you that honeymoons are like yonth, it seems a shame to waste them on the young! Now George and Joan Gergits •have a whole new pattern for a honeymoon. They bought a store and are spending the honeymoon learning how to operate it." It all goes back to a picnic at Long Lake when George met Joan Preissler. Maybe it was then that the Lakes region became part and parcel of their romance. Anyway when they were married on Oct. 8, at Holy Cross church in Chicago, they had already purchased the store from Victor Milbrandt and were dreaming of getting into their own little business just as soon as possible. Joan is the daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Stephen Preissler of Chicago and she is a graduate of Hyde Park High school. George, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gergits of Chicago, is a veteran of 18 months army service in the Philippine Islands. You've probably guessed that Christensen. There are no entry fees, no cost to participation, and no obligation just drop in at the store and get an entry blank, The contest is restricted $0 Wonder Lake area. the other elementary schools ol McHenry eoanty. For the first time, Harrison school pupils are no longer placed in rural groups of this part of the county. All of the rooms have greeted the new physical education teach- BOMS ADMINISTRATION AGENCY PREPARED TO GIVE HOUSING AID Housing Aid for farmers was discussed by Farmers Home Ad- ••v HUNTERS BRING BACK DEER ®J*' ^r®d Zandler, with sest. The : ministration employees at a meetthird and fourth grades have been |ng»in Peoria on Nov. 7, 8, and 9. playing beat ball with four The agency has been authorized teams in the room captained by Roger Bensen, Warner Bensen, Danny Cheney and Billy Spuehr. Over 96 per cent of the parents attended the parent-teachers conferences. BRIEFIE8 Congratulations to little Judy Jurgensohn, small daughter of Jean and Johnny Jurgensohn, who was 2 years old on Nov. 8-- Agnes Belle Miller of McHenry will become the bride of Karl Fredricksen of Wonder Lake the by congress to loan up to twentyfive million dollars to farmers for the construction and repair of farm dwellings and other farm buildings before next June 30. Attending the meeting were Robert C. Becker, county supervisor, and Alberta M. Hall, office clerk, who are in charge of the FHA program in this alrea. Mr. Becker said. "Loans will be made for the construction and repair of farm' houses and • other farm buildings at four per cent latter part of this week. Karl is |'or Peri°ds up to thirty-three the nephew of Mr. and Mrs. lvarlyearB- Such loans are secured by | FYedricksen and came to this ia mortRage on the farm, subject W. T. Luck, general manager of the Illinois Commercial Tele-, _ w . ...n - . -- - phone Company, told a gathering 1 country about three"years *ago. His !to aPy listing liens, and such of Wonder Lake folks last week I grandmother, Mr. Fredricksen's' additlc(nal security as may be that phones will be installed dur-' mother, from Norway is visiting I nece8B^t'y to reasonabl protect the ing the first quarter of 1950, and j in Wonder Lake now.--Little Jane R°vernmpnt's investment" that several pay stations will be! Ann Stendebach of Wonder Woods ' "The new housing program will put in immediately at strategic | was returned to the Woodstock!he,p farm families modernize points for areas needing them ] hospital this week, where surgery itheir hornes and make needed remort- will be performed. She is eighteen pairs and improvements." said Mir. months old.--That new girl at the Becker- Such improvements may Henry Setzler home has been include a new roof, bathroom or named Joyce Aline and she' *titchen- and^ in some Instances, CORRECTION, PLEAS^ youngsters o/ the ^Gospel^Center ^'Khed 7 lb. 6 oz. when she was! or,lt actual enjoyed a "barn dance" at the Loshbaugh farm on Halloween. This should have been "barn party". In calling this to my attention, Rev. Frank W. Anderson wrote, in part. "We of the Gospel Center do not believe in entertainment of that kind as we are fully convinced that it is completely out of harmony with true Christian principles." There was no dancing at the party. The League of Women Voters met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Redman on Tuesday evening for discussion on the "Voters' Handbook." The definition of a voter was established, also registration, and various kinds of elections. Mrs Uldene Haught was elected treasurer since Mrs. Charles Pilch has resigned. A new member, Mrs. Ida Ohlin, was welcomed to the League and Mrs. Catherine Vacula was greeted as a visitor. A rising vote of thanks was given to Mrsf Haught for her good work in handling the bake sales sponsored by the league and which have provided Operating funds. On Dec. 10, a goodies and gifts sale will be held by the league, with gifts for Christmas as well as cakes and other foods. Mrs. Dorothy McEachren. president of the local unit of the League, and Mrs. Ruth Woodward were designated to attend the state council of the league held on Wednesday and Thursday at the Palmer House, Chicago. The next meeting will take place on Dec. 13, at the home Mrs. Esther P. Born. born Oct. 27 at the Woodstock i construc'tion of a neW dwelling or hospital/. She arrived on her sis- farm buildings. Farm owners may ter Donna's third birthday. How!obtain loans for construction and clever of her mother' improvements on farms occupied by tenants. It is the intent of the GOSPEL CENTER NEWS---- This Saturday night, Nov. It,.IS the date for the big Youth Rally t» be held at the Gospel Center. Participating in this meeting are young people's groups from Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Palatine, Mfc- Henry and Wonder Lake. The speaker secured for this occasion is the Rev. R. Berntsen of Muskegon, Mich., a preacher of unusual COMPLETE TREE SERVICE T&JSS FEEDING •Trees SPRAYING * Weed Control * Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 919 Waukegaa Road McHenry 724 "Come In and Look Around" I have a complete supply of parts Spot LItes Smt Covers Fog LItes Tall Pipes* Mufflers f Bearings _ Springs Tires THE SMALL STORE WITH A BIG SUPPLY Brake Lining Mirrors Pistons • Generators Glass Ignition Parts Carburators Fuel Pomps C-7f Community Auto Routes 31 and 120 Phone 778 Stork Shower Held For Vejma Sinclair, A stork shower was held for Mrs. Velma Sinclair on Monday evening. Since no kind of invita* tion would lure the guest of honj or from her home, the party mov- | ed into the Sinclair residence j while Mrs. Sinclair was at the doctor's office. A group gift of a bathinette was presented to Mrs. Sinclair Participating in the gift were Mrs Del Tallman, Mrs. Lorenzo Thomas, Mrs. Ruth Redman. Mrs. Esther Born, Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, Mrs. Ruth Woodward, Mrs. Uldene Haught, Mrs. Grace Selleck, Mrs. Virginia Grosby, Mrs. Pat Wrede, Mrs. Alice Noren, Mrs. Jane Setzler, and Mrs. Leah Cormier. Mrs. Sinclair leaves j^bn Saturday for her parents' home in New Jersey to await the arrival of the arrivai of the little party for for whom the bathinette was intended. LEGION AUXILIARY Attending the county Legion Auxiliary meeting at Crystal Lake last Friday, Nov. 4, were Mrs Nancy Elbersen, Mrs. Jay Hansen, Mrs. Gertrude Nielsen, MrB Marian Ruzicka, and Mrs. Gradelle Proper. The department president, Jean Brown, was guesL ^of honor at the meeting. v<=:: at BART'S TAVERN West McHenry, ILL. Saturday Eve. Nov. 12 Turkeys -- Duck* Geese v Lunch Served • Victor Milbrandt's mother died at her home in Winona, Minn., on Wednesday of last week. Services were held on Saturday. The Milbrandt's and Mrs. William Fiala, Sr., drove to Winona to be present at the services. act, as applies to the farm title, to move a step closer to a goal of a decent home for every American family. "Recent actions of congress give us the money with which to operate. and jthe forthcoming meeting will show us how to use the money to the best advantage. We want to help as many farmers as we can but want every loan to be a sound one which will be repaid The above picture shows Art Henschel of McHenry and Don Mather of Antioch upon their return from a ten day hunting trip ability. Among the musical talents ' and not cost the tax-payers are the King's Men" (Lindquist j money." said Mr. Becirer Brothers) of Chicago, who are I Congress has authorised a budwidely known for their unique and'get for 25 million dollars for the wrng W?y Pl*y- j fiscal year ending June 80 and «?'»« e ex*en<' a most lMirty in- this amount may be increased to vitation to one and all to this 50 million dollars for the next Rally. The "King's Men" will also take part in the Sunday School at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning, Nov. 13 as well as in the mornyear. 75 million dollars in 1952 and 100 million dollars in 1953. It is not the spirit of the financilal assistance program to . . . compete with private or commering worship service at 11. The! cial credit. Mr Becker, explained. «ii eTeQing Gospel • Service i Preference will be given veterans i e, ^ l:45 &B U8UaL lof a11 wars and immediate fam- Special Evangelistic meetings • Hies of deceased servicemen. ar» scheduled to be held at the The local office has already re-! had Center on Nov. 17-20, with Clar- ceived many inquiries and apence Swanson as the. guest speak- plications for farm housing aser. Special music by the Lindquist, sistance. "We'll be ready to start Brothers and others. Meetings are j processing loans upon our return to be held each evening at 8 i from the meeting." Mr. Becker oclock. Sunday services at 101 said. The local Farmers Home arm., 11 a.m., and 7:45 p.m. I Administration office is located on There will be a Thanksgiving!the second floor of the post office service at the Gospel Center in the in Wodstock, and serves Boone, °f Thanksgiving Day at.DeKalb. Kane, Lake and McHenry 7:30. We believe it to be most fit- counties. ting and appropriate to come to- .Vf1 %Jou im nil urn $ undaij in Canada. The trill proved sue-1 cessful as evidenced by an 11- point, 311 pound buck. The deer was shot near Red Lake Road, [First County "Herd Analysis" Clinic Held Canada, tn the near future tfce head will - grace** the wall of Art and Lee's Tavern on Riverside Drive. PROCLAMATION gethe* to offer thanksgiving and praises unto God for His great goodness and mercy' to us as a nation as well as individuals on this day Motorists Are Told to Stop HAKE EVERY WEEK FIRE PREVENTION WEEK ON THE FARJft Whereas the McHenry Post No. .. A . 491 American Legion has con- The first McHenry County structed a new home, and "Herd Analysis" clftiic was held whereas the new home takes a recently at Woodstock. A general imMnjnent place in the developdiscussion on feeds and feeding, ment and cjVjC betterment of Mcdairy practices and new theory on (jenrv, and dairying was brought out at the whereas the local American Lemeeting. Specific reeommenda- glon Post has been a definite factions that were made in writing tpr ln the progress of McHenry, j were interpreted at this time. an(j Tho M .. . , I' Everyone of the cooperators whereas. Sunday. November 13. i ne cnoir Mothers met last , whose .dairy farms were analyzed ^949 has been designated ss the Wednesday evening and from re- {attended. At the meeting was Carl date for the dedication o£ the new ports that have reached us they ^'tarz and Ben Martin, his herds- American Legion Hwmet . record attendance It is j mai1, Crystal Lak?; E A Tracey Now Therefore, I, George P. recoi a auenaance. it is and Ed Shieids< hjs herdsman, Al- preund Mavor of the City of Mcthts group of women that hasjgonquin; Mrs. Ray Oughton, and Henry, do hereby proclaim the made possible our choir gowns '• son. and Ben Thompson, the! ai)OVe"' date as a day of special and furnishes helpers to take I herdsman,- Woodstock: Mr. and recognition and respectfully recharge and teach the children ! Mrs. Harry Skoczylos, Woodstock: qUest the citizens of McHenry to during the sermon period of the ! •'"hnson. Harvard: Mr. and display the American Flag on that Worship Service. Thanks again, j Herbert Mau, Woodstock; day in observance of the dediladies, and keep up the good work, j Mr a.nd M™ W. C. ^Cazel and Mr. cation ceremonies. Next Thursday. Nov. 17 the W.S.C.S. will meet at the church for a dessert luncheon at 1:30 and Mrs. William Brandt, Huntley. Those who are to have "Herd Analvsis" done this month are: p.m. and a business meeting following. This will be the last meet- ^atson- Northrup 1-arm. I nion, GEORGE P. FREUND Mayor of the City of McHenry POLIO BENEFIT Lee Bennett, popular WON radio Ing before the bazaar and there Spr^ .G,r"^'. and television announcer and eniron out and plans to be made. The president. Mrs. Ruth Barger. urges ail members to be on hand for this meeting. The program chairman has promised an interesting program to follow the bus- BVery week should be fire prevention week on the farm. When Bas Does That was the statement of E Motorists passing the school bus' W. Lehmann. head of the depart- j iness meeting. Let's make it a real are breaking a law. Paul Mats, ment of agricultural engineer- j meeting by being on hand. the bus driver, reports that many ing. Illinois college of agricul-j Mrs. Barger has informed us of the local residents apparently ture, as he pointed out that fires j that the Cherub Choir will furare unfamiliar with the laws are much more dangeroub and i nish the special music this com- Brothers. Huntley; and Harold WLS singer, will headline the Hoftz, Crystal Lake. . Any dairyman who wish this Barrini?ton event Friday evening, service in the near future be tf program of the polio benefit card >/>rtv arid dawce which will be a sure to contact the Farm Bureau office. There are only a few open days in December but need more for January. The cost of the scrv- Xov. 11, at St. Anne's Rose Room. Sponsors .of the party are the General Thomas <f W. Sweeney Woman's Relief Corps and the Four Counties Dec. 6 governing school buses. This in- costly in the country than they ling Sunday. If you have not been) e ' formation Is therefore for thelh. I are in the city. attending recently to see this ; When the school bus stops, all' That is because farm fires are [group, you have been missing Hold Bank Cliilic For motorists are to stop. This means more Isolated and there is less, out. Not only are they cute in apmotorists approaching the bus as chance to put them out. Also, j pearance but they do a fine job well as those behind the bus. If there are fewer people around to j of singing too. TMis Sunday they the large arm on the bus which fight them and to rescue children j will sing, "The Lord Is My Shepsays STOP is out, it means just and goods, and there are no fire! herd." that. It doesn't matter in which fighters close by and little equip- J Following the advance program direction you are going--you 1 ment to use on fires. _____ STOP! Also, in passing the school | Lehmann says that good house- j tering our thinking this month ' tion of the committee ice is $6.50 for twenty cows, and Auxiliary of the Veteran.. of Foreign Wars. All the proceeds will go to the polio* funds of Sherman and St. Joseph's hospitals in Elgin. Representatives of the hosov-^ r twenty are 20 cents each, Sectional meetings dealing with day-to-day problems of bank management and operations will again of our church, we have been cen-j he held this year under the direcon bank bus, be sure that the bus is mov-1 keeping in and around farm-; around "our Faith in God". This management of the Illinois ing good; don't pass the bus unless houses and buildings is very ini-|gunday our'»meditation will fol-! Bankers' Association. O. F. Kunv ii is in motion and then be sure portant. Do not let waste materthat the road is clear and that no : ials collect Jn the attic and baseyoungster is daahing up some lane ; ment, and remove all trash from in a last minute attempt to catch j around the barns and othed buildthe bus. j ings. And, when in doubt about what I Here low the same theme. On Nov. 20 ' of Decatur, chairman pf the assocyou should do, don't take chances. STOP. The bus drivers in the county have been asked to turn in the license numbevs of cars which pas*> busses. This might be you. RlER", official organ of McHenry RIOR", official organ of McHenry high school: A portion of the new building was opened this week. The band used their new practice room on Tuesday and were quite impressed with its elegance. The GAA girls sold more than $1,000 worth of magazine subscriptions in their recent campaign. Richard Wohnrade, senior, played his last game of football for the high school last Wednesday. In the foolishness section of the little paper, it asks this interest COUNTY OPTOMETRIC SOCIETY WINS STATE NATIONAL « APPROVAL With much thought and plann* ing, the optometrists of McHenry county have completed the formation of a county optometric society. Beginning as a study group, these men have worked together until every optometrist in the county has become a member. This study group was primarily concerned with the study and discussion of scientific papers related to the practice of their profession. However, as time went on, are some common-sense practices that you can follow on your farm to eliminate some of the common causes of fire: 1. Clean the stove pipes and flues every year, especially before tbe beating season starts. we will have our Thanksgiving Sunday service and on Thanksgiving evening a special service. Watch for nouncement Sunday." 2. Get rid of inflammable rub- j right arm in an accident with a blsh. such as papers and old rags, i cornpicker a few weeks ago, is 3. Keep oily rags in tight, now recuperating at the home of his mother, Mrs. Charles Nienhaus. Woodstock, where he will probably be for the next few weeks. Mr. Sherman's left arm ation's committee, says that the bank management clinics last year were so successful that by a forthcoming an- ' popular demand they are to be re- See you H Church peated again this year. In planning for the meetings this yea", the committee held a irrinvvT model clinic meeting at SpringrAn. n AlA/IDliHI field on Oct. 13 for bankers ifl - Dorr • Sherman, tGreenwood Cass, Morgan andtScott counties township fartner who lost his pitals will be on hand that ni&bt to accept the donations. Complete line of Beebe Hveatoek .-emedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mo- Henry. i-tf $1.25 PAYMENT Brings Back $543.00 metal containers. 4. Keep matches where children cannot get them. Don't smoke where a dropped cigarette or a lighted match match could cause; wag broken in the accident and On Tuesday, Dec. 6, a meeting will he held in DeKalb for McHenry, Boone and Kane counties. The peach was celebrated in !Chinese, literaluie 20 centuries before it was cultiva'od in Kuropo. a fire. 5. Use extreme care in handling lighted lanterns or lamps. 6. Work outside when you use inflammable liquids for cleaning. Hunters Warned Of Tularemia Danger ing question about a local girl: {the rigid requirements of these A warning that hunters and others who dress wild rabbits should use extreme care to avoid it was decided that more could be'becoming infected with tularmia done for both the community and j has been issued by Dr. Roland R; the profession if a chartered I Cross, state director of public society was formed. J health. He points out that some 90 Applications were made to both per cent of the 540 cases of tularthe state and national optometric emia which have occurred in I1Hassociations, and having fulfilled nios during the last five years will be in a cast for some time yet. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf ASK mi MAN WHO KNOWS , *. YOUR WATCHMAKER! What if Jean was Stray instead of Hay. The Junior play will be given on Thursday, this evening. "Mother is a Freshman" starts with an 8:30 curtain. Two Wonder Lake youngsters are members of the cast: Bob Doerrfield and Sharon Grace Sells. CRIBBED FROM TH& HARRISON NEWS, official organ of the grade school: I'm completely impartial in where I get my news of the younger generation! The first issue of the school paper came out this week, with Clifford Ohlson listed as editor. Philip Armstrong is captain of this year's safety patrol. He has a group of helpers who try to arrange for the convenience and safety for all riding the bus. The seventh and eighth grades went to McHenry on Monday, Nov. 7, to take their first achievement test for (he year as given to organizations, the McHenry County Optometric Society was granted acceptance. The charter officers of the new association are: Dr. Paul "" A. Schwabe, Woodstock, president; Dr. John Boucek, Cary, first vicepresident; Dr. Martin T. Bergsjo, Harvard, second vice-president; Dr. Mary Jane Gates, Woodstock, secretary-treasurer.. The business of becoming a society has in no way dimmed the original precept of scientific study. Papers that were presented at the October meeting were as follows: "Ethics and Economics", by Dr. Henry Freund, McHenry; "Near Point Refraction," by Dr. Martin T. Bergsjo, Harvard; "Analysis of Ocular Diseases,' by Dr. R. V. Ahrens, Mhrengo; "Psychological Optics, '^J}y Dr. Mary Jane Gates, Woodstock; Visual Problems in Motor Vehicle Operation," by Dr. Robert MayloU. Woodstock. have been contracted by skinning and dressing Infected. wild rabbits. Other possible sources of human infection with this disease include wild fowl, pheasant and quail. The wearing of rubber gloves when dressing game is recommended. The llinors rabbit-shooting season opens Nov. 11. STUDENTS ON AIR The Barrington consolidated high school was featured Saturday morning, Nov. 5, on the Citizens of Tomorrow program of radio station WGN. The students were on the air between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m., Philip Maxwell well known principal of the air conducting the program. Rhea Seegar, Chicago Tribune fashion editor, was a special guest. Garbage Cans Garbage cans should have closefitting covers. Empty and wash them often. > GIVE YOUR WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Don't n«gl«ct your wokM Don't bong H around . . . Don't wear It wtoi wathing . . . Don't opw • vp . . . Wind it regularly . . . Repair Ht broken crystal at once . .. Have it cleaned and oiled regularly! Bring your, watch In lor a checkup without obligation today! Dorrenre I. PattersM* <;ale*bargr, Illinels Writing to the White Cross Pl&n, Dorrence I. Patterson, 548 Knox Street. Galesburg, 111- says: "It was good to get your check for $543.00 to pay for my hospital bill, especially since I was drawing workmen's compensation at the same time. I was paying $1.25 per month and the policy had been issued less thn a month before I went to the hospital." You may need $543.00 or more to pay hospital, surgical or medical bills. Find out how little it costs } j to have WHITE CROSS PLAN protection that pays those bills-- large ^br small. i H l H U f ? SUtfonl QwumUif Main Street West McHenry r V * i i i i • r t »S \t ***- m i n ii i mi ii >ii mm