t Novemhfr ^ im^ ""C-1 CLRSSiFIED SECTION 4 "WfPff? w W-WP ? mmmmm FOE SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold ease beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinda of wines and poskage goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf Because of the great number of classified ads which appear in the '¥laindealer each week, we have foand it impossible to keep books on rach small acc omits. Therefor^, in the fnture, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings Will be printed. j rOU SALE--Johns-Manville Horn* 'insulation. Installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J Stilling, McHenry 18S 40-tf FOR SALE IFOR SAIaB -- Confinement raised I young turkeys, premium quality. 10 j to 22 lbs. dressed weight. Also live ! birds. Ed Rehmelzer. West Mci Henry, 111. Rt. 1. Phope 613-R-l. •24 5 FOR BALE -- About la acres of corn in field. M. Gladstone. Inquire at tlie store. 24tf jfOK SALE -- All year homes. • » rooms and bath near Chapel Hill, $7500.00; 4 rooms and bath North of Johnsburg, $7500.00. JACOB • FRITZ-REALTOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37. 23tf FOR SAJUES--Bargain, $75.00; A-l reciprocating pump and t 30 gal. tajik; practically new; UMieasiiltt Road and Blaektoj), first cottage north side Wonder Lake. Kchulzo. Call Nov. 1112-13; >26 BAJjiS--9x18 green floral rug. . practically new; Hoover vacuum gleaner, antique mirror and table, women's roller • skates, size: 7. Ca»l 1 574.1 2. r *2C jFOR SAX>E -- Capons, 7 to 9 lbs., |6oc lb. liveweigbt; Will dress and ! draw <1io additional charge. Will | deliver on Saturdays. Drop penny ! post-card. Albert Scbmeleerj Rt. i, j West McHenry, 111. ,*24-3 ; FOR SALE -- Infants' wear,, costj urne jewelr^, ceramics, bone china j lamps, glassware, ideal Xmas gifts; ! all moderately priced. The Hem- ! sley Gife Shop, opposite depot, Fox Lake, III. 25-tf IFOR SALE -- In McHenry^ 2 flats : near intersection of 31 and 120, j large lot faeing U.S. 31 and millstream, also suitable for business, for information call Jacob Fritz, in Johnsburg./. Tel. McHenry 37. 25-tf 'FOR SALfi--Sears Dri-Gas cook stove, excellent baker. Used 4 mos. $89.00 value .for $50.00. I'lione 638-W-l. - FOR SALE 40 miles from high prices. Select your Christmas Spinet Piano - Raldwi'i; Conover-Cable; *26 j Wdrlitzer; Lester-Retsey Ross; Gul- -- -- , | branBcn; Kstev; and many others. FOR SALE--Small pot burner oil | Cash or Terms. Tel. 780 or write stove, $8.00; iiuto top carry-all | DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO., •rfSteel box, $10.00. Vie's Uholstery 21 N. Union St. Elgin, III. 25 4 ^service, R.li. 1 Pistaqua Heights. - " Phone Pistakee 551-R-l. *26 I *OR SALE--Part collie puppies, 4 j weeks old. $10. Call McHenry FOR SALE -- 550 gal. gasoline j 532-J 2 after 5:30 p.m. *26 storage tank at Hank's Fireside j . . . . 1 Inn, Rt. 31 a;id 12, Ringwood, III. !*OR SALE--1949 21 ft. Ventura *26 ! p trailer; has electric brakes H_ j and refrigerator; apartment .size lOR SALE--Baby Stroller buggy; I gas stove, oil heater; sleeps four, bassinete, like new; 3* walnut end i 11 Lake Geneva 2928. *26 tables; Duo-Therm oil heater. Call | 223-J. *26 »A.LE -- Body and fender tools; reasonable; A-l condition fc?°R SALE--3-pc. blend bedroom i Me Htury Auto Body Service. Edcsnite; 1949 Stork Line babv car- I mund Wirfs. Tel. McHenry 475-M. riag<\ like new; power mower.! 26 Phone Wonder Lake 576. 26 2 j _ ------ • -- • : ; « UK BALL--rive-room home, in- FOR SALE -- Thor Automagic I snlated; oil heat; automatic hot Washer. Bargain. Washes atd!jia, I7' oa blacktop. Tel. spin dry. A-l condition,. Call Me- j McHenry 456. 26 |:|Palace Recreation i "y 119 8. Green St." Turn Monday to Saturlay Inclusive - wm. i4th to mov. in* V. • Lnncli Served Everybody Welcome 20 SELECT TOUR . LOT In Millstream Mubd., and we build you a MODERN BRICK HOME. For appointment, call JACOB FRITZREAL ESTATE, In Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago Lincoln 9-1333. 25-tf $200 REWARD -- For arrest and and conviction of person or persons who destroyed the sign on Mutt's, Mink Ranch, Johnsburg, 111. 25-3 tfoTlCE--Reward for information leading to the recovery of stolen carpenter tools. Claude Nickels, Stiff I isJ Rt. 3, Woodstock, 111. Phone Woodstock 1610 M 2. J lUrt ftr S«M la FiiUa* rfUnUMwt, sh soiirdoi C. J. H. OlEHL Woodstock Piano Trnwf Phone 208-W 526 Washington 8t.' 30-tf Woodstock, 111. WANTED atches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noona'n, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shopped 15-tf WAMTEJD--A good ltonxi X for a police dog, 4 years old. Telephone 63S-M-2 after 7 p. m. *26 PHOTOORAPHT -- Have your photograph taken early for personalized Xmas cards. Home portraits by appointment. Frost Studio, Mc- Cullom Lake, West, McHenry. Tel. 549-J-l. P.A. of A. member. 25-3 iHOMlNU---Will do regular famiK' ironing, also curtains, lacc table cloths, etc. Tel. McHeurv 131-VV. 26 NU'ijiCJi--Leading farm equipment manufacturing company wishes to -•ontact party or parties interested in assuming dealers franchise in McHenry, Illinois. Write Box Y77, Plaindealer. *26-4 REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 Bring in your property--we will j furnish the customers. Bushels of j 4 per ^ent money to loan on farms. A business that reputation built for over one-half ecu- i fury. It msut be right or not j at all. Large ones, sjnri 11 ones, • we sell farms. <>r.IVLAN'D j LAND OFFICE, Woodsto, k, 111.! 26-4 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have ciish i buyers for resort t>ro|>erties, homes and farms, JACOS FRITZ, REALTOR, at Jolinshntg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago. Li*™'* 13R3 2-tf I Homes -- Oarages -- Insulation -- Roofing -- Combination Windows -- Siding and Remodeling. SPECIAL Will biuld seven room ranch home fully insulated, $5,995.00! Easy termB. AIRSPFN INSULATION CO. Free Estimates. Phope bonder 'Lake C98 after 5 p. m. *26-4 EXPERT RUG WEAVING--Mrs. Henry Pol iow, 211 *N. Madison street, Woodstock, 111. Tel. Wood •stock 341 R. *26 WANTED TO BUYr^Knr corn 75 lbs. to bushel, 80c |>< r h mhel, cash. Will take from pickery help haul. Can use up.to 5.000 bu>liel«. Phone Crystal Lake 358. 24-8 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Joh nson -floor waiter, $1 per day. Gamble's, West McHenry. 7-tf *'°R KxJNT -- Attractive year round house at Wonder Lake completely or parti/ furnished. Phone W. L. 386 or Woodstock 480-K. A vailable Nov, 1. 24 3 Henrv 530-W-l. Also c:m be used ! rnp uTTT « . for dish washing. -26!^°? , t ,PooW t Wa8!,nK H . I clime; baby bassinet, with stand, "FOR SAiiE---1949 Mei^uiy"^^fudor |+iPr'*t' pnd.Call Wonder Lrfke Sedan. Radio and heatd*', over-I "6 FREE ESTIMATES on oil building materials. Call or write FRANK GANS 800 Riverside Drive, McHenry • Tel. 106 W Representing ' - SEARS ROEBUCK h CO. fin this area. Roofing, Siding, Insulation, Gutters, Iron Railing, Storm Windows, Garage Doors, Wall and Floor Tile. Free delivv »drive, Smitty's Van Aukeh's seat IHAVE OUARANTEBD STARTING overs, Hollywood front end, low ) - • - • mileage, original owner. Cafn, be seed at Hertz Sinclair S|ation, McHenry, 111. *26 FOR SALE --White Muscovy durks Tel. McHenry 636 R P. *26 FOR SALE--Yorkshire* boars, 10 to 18 pig litters; serviceable age. Hickory Creek Farms, ) ill one McHenry 670-M-2. 20 OR SALE--Appleton self, .feeder hreSAN^^^-iRll^wi • nitrtwei' fn"jn^; feet running condition; three years old. Joh>i Pa.sslield, one mile south Volo. Phone McHenry 612-W-2. *26 FOR SALE-- Modern Brick Home 4 to 6 rooms; Face Brick on all* four sides, Radient H. W. Heat =--OP-Automatic Hot Air, also Automatic Hot water Gas heater, City Sewer, Walking distance to R.R. and stores, Bathing Beach. Only $1500.00 or more Cash down pay- ^yipent, Bal. 20 Years to pay. Jacob *Fritz:Real Estate in Johnsburg. "Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333-4. 24tf BARGUNS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRY, McCULLOM ZiAKS, WONDER LAKE. FARMS, CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PROPERTY, BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE. 405 RICHMOND B O A D. PHONE McHENRY 421-J. 11-tf In A "Guaranteed" Used Oar or Track From Blake '47-PLYMOI'TH, Special Deluxe Sedan The Buy of The Week '47 FORD Super Deluxe Conch Looks and Runs Like New '46 ClIEVORLET, Sport Sedan Had The Best of Care '46-DODGE, 2 Door Sedan Fuilv Equipped, Perfect Shape '46 PLYMOUTH, Deluxe Coach Radio, Heater, Low Priced ^48-DODGE- 4* Door 8edtui ' t 41-NASH "Ambassador" Sedan '"9-CHEVROLET, Tudor Sedan '47-Hi Ton DODGE EXPRESS <•47,2 Ton STITDEBAKER Chassis "45-2-Ton FORD Chassis '45-Vi Ton DODGE PICK UP PLUS MANY OTHERS A. 8. BLAKE MOTOR SALES-- 301 E. Pearl Street * McHENRY Phone 156 26 MISCELLANEOUS KINSEY & BENSTEN - Carpenters - Summer Homes - Remodeling Cabinet Work Fcr estimates: Tel. McHenry 893-J or Woodstock 1359-Y* ~~ •oo-7 M. B. UPHOLSTERY--308 W. Elm St. Custom built furniture. Reupholstering, Repairing, Restyling, Draperies and slip covers. No job too big none too small. We're as near to you as your telephone. For estimates call McHenrv 812. 25-2 FOR RENT -- At Pistakee Bay, four rooms with h«th; gas aiid electricity. Tel. Mclle irv 194. 25 2 *9R RENT--Meant if ill 5-rin. home on Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake automatic oil heat and hot water. Call Juniper 8-5133 during week "f 'Wonder Lake 788, Saturday or Sunday. ' * FOR RENT--2%-rm. apartment .at Town Cluli. Aply© at Town Club or phone 12. 26 *OR RENT -- Four room house. Prefer employed couple. West Shone Beach,- McCullom Lake, Eddie Mentli, phone 546-W-2. 26 A gold rush recalling sourdough days in the Klondike is under way north of the Arctic Circle in Finland's land of the midnight sun. reindeer herds, and a sturdy dwarfish people called Lapps. The latest gold finds now reported to be luring Finnish fortune •oekers from all over the country have turned up along the Lemmen river, not far from the borders of neighboring Norway and Sweden. Last year the gold cry was raised along the birch-framed banks of the Ivalo in the same Finnish re* gion. And two years previously gold was discovered farther west in Norwegian Lapland. The Lapland region, stretching from Norway's far-north coist to Russia's White sea, is aptly named skullcap. It already is noted as an iron and copper producer, especially in |he Swedish section where some of the world's largest iron deposits are found. The Lapps are real-life counterparts of Scandinavia's legendary dwarfs. Of Asiatic origin, they usually are four and a half to five feet in height, stout, and with great physical strength. < They make a living chiefly by fishing, hunting, and tending reindeer. Farming in their treeless country of frozen marshland and tundra is a meager business. The reindeer to the Lapp is what the coconut palm is to the South Sea Islander--food, shelter, and clothing. Lapps eat reindeer meat and cheese; drink reindeer milk; use antlers and bone for tools, and sinews for thread. They dress in reindeer skin, and for warmth stuff their boots and gloves with -grass. WANTED TO RENT BRl&GipOrR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO Ufc-We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, er free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS* FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S 9TflDI0.^1T~ltaugfMar whre, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf (WANTED TO RENT -- 4 or 5 I room modern house in" Wonder ; Lake, McH«nry or the Melleury area. Man and wife. Will take excellent, care of property. Can I furnish references. Phone 170. ifc-tf HELP WANTED CLOGGED SEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Trapa Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitaiv Co.. Libertyville Tel. 134C. 47-tf MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING 8EK- \ ICE--Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams: Certlflad jab BrtT.TT ft ntimirn iritmn otiino l Tax cCoonnssuullttaanntt.. OOnnee mmiillee nnoorrtthh <rEi • Aids---Antiques, glass, clnna, I of Pox ^ u S 12- Silverware, lamps, clocks, , clothes i PnY T tlI DVT_ -V . lf ' for ftHheo famiiilvy . Formula. (/•TTVh,i;.s, ij fgogg*2 Lake> in. Phone Fox Lake clothing in good condition.) Open 47-tf daily until 10 p.m. Sundays and | WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN holidays, 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. Miscel | WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair laneous iteme. Mrs. R. Dietrich, i and install pump. Bill Hacon 206 Terra Cotta road, Terra Cotta Con- 1 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone signment and Resale and Antique j 167. 25-tf Shop, % mile west Terra Cvuottmta I • factory which is on Route 31. Crys- j DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash tal Lake 1346-R-l. 9-tf | prices paid for cows, horses and 'mvb a A TV ^ A " - I il0K8; no help needed to load. Day #lpR SALE generators, armatures,; and night, Sundays and holidays, garters, fuel pumps, distributors Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Bltage regulators and ignition parts ; Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. or Ford and all other oira. Seaoo 36-tf kles & Service, Lilymoorf Fred J. froboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. ! HAVE YOTJR CESSPOOLS, catch 47-tf I basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned _ _ . _ _ , , --* ! by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie ' i Huff. Prop- Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf WO MACHINES. Service on all1 --1 lake's. Also ribbons for all makes; FEATHER PARTY -- ON Sat., earbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Nov. 19, at Snortsmaii's Inn West Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-lf ; McHenrv. Lunch served. 25 3 -V 1111 trim 111 >'M»f »i-m 11 it 11 it 11 n in* : Helen Weber Says: Too Late For This ^ But Early Enough ^ For ... ;; Yes, the thundfep-and lightning season is past-- ;; but your summer wear may still be out -- don't ne- !! gleet it! Sned it along to us for economical, thorough storage preparation. 1 McHenry Cleaners E^TI ! Phrae 104-M 163 Ekp SA> Helen Mgr. •<« 1 1 ii I I HUK H H U » U l U l H I I I H I I I I I I •«ul MIMEOORAPH SERVICE - Typing - Mimeographing - Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, Ronte 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 476-M. ' 10-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. 0. Box 274, Mc Henry, Phone 365. tf CRMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available now in any quantity at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone McHenry 788-W 4-tf *ELP WAKTBD -- i tf girls. 200 North Riverside Drive. McHenry, III. 2Stf ** LP WANTED -- Exjierienced. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, contractor, phone Wonder Lake 221. 20-tf HELP WANTED -- Waitress, day work. Wing and Fin Club, Sullivan Lake. Call McHeniy 647-J-2, Mr. Johnson. *26 LOST LOST Crystal and sterling silver rosary; reward. Tel. McHenry 41. 26 Uncle Sam Says Wonder Lake Gospel Center (Nonescctarian) Frank W. Anderson, Pastor YOUTH RALLY SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12th at 7:30 Speaker: Rev. R. Bwntset, Muskegon, Micb. Music by "'The King's Men*' (Lindquist Rrothers) :: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER IU&t- Sunday Bible School at 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service at It o'clock. Sermon by the Pastor. Music by the Lindquist Brothers Evening Gospel Service at 7:4«. A Cordial Invitation To One and All of The3e Services. 26 mmWm - .7* U.S. Railroads' Profrest Helped by Standard Qaift • Development of American rafl« roads into the world's greatest transport system would not have been possible without standardization of railroad gauges. Where uniformity was achieved, the interchange of traffic from one line to another and through services became possible. In early railroad history, almost every other road had a different gauge, causing freight and passengers to be shifted from one train to another at con* necting points. >When the industry was in its infancy, each new road set its own Slige, probably not foreseeing the digested rail system of today. As late as 1871, there were more than 23 different gauges used throughout . the country, ranging from three feet to six feet. In the tame decade, ndmeroiia narrow-gauge railroads were built, causing a "narrow gauge fever." Altogether, there wpre 148 different lines, totaling ^88 miles of track, with a three- •fr imWJBLm • - - ' \ - ' ' * Habltata of Tapir There are four kinds, or species, of tapir, all closely related and classed in the genus Tapirus. Three species variously distributed in tropical America, from southern Mexico into southern Brazil and Paraguay, are the largest indigenous land animals south of the United States. The fourth species, the Malay tapir, UVes in distant Burma, Siam, French Indo-China, the Malay States and Sumatra. Were it not for investigations into the past history of the earth, this remarkable instance of discontinuous distribution between American and Asiatic tapirs would be difficult to explain. We know that in past epochs tapirs abounded over considerable portions of the northern hemisphere. Adverse climatic conditions, combined with the rise ol animals, caused the extinction oi tapirs except for the few survivors that wandered southward into tlfeir present widely separated habitats. Dim Outlook INSTEAD OF LOOKING for a Job • he would frequent and participate in radical meetings. His father held his impatience as long as he could but finally exploded. "You lazy loafer," he shouted, "why don't you go out and earn some ftooney?" "What good will money be after we've had the revolution?-" asked his son. "There won't be any need for money in the Utopia we will have then." "Maybe." said his father, "but if you were to go out and earn, say, $25,000, you could help the cause along, couldn't you?" "Yeah," the son pointed out, "but supposing the revolution don't come? Eh? Then I'm stuck witfr the 125,000." ' w?." J SOME MUSICIAN The occasion was an amateur musical. The kind-hearted hostess, spying a lonely-looking little man huddled in a corner at the room, paused to make conversation. "Tell me," she asked, "do you play any musical instrument?" "Not away from home." the lit* tie man replied. • "How peculiar," remarked the hostess. "What instrument do you play at home?" "Second fiddle," the little man replied. Matter of The mountain woman had come across the creek from her little cabin to tell a smypathetic neighbor about her man's goings-on. "He whupped me this mornin'," she complained. The big-boned neighbor womah turned upon her indignantly. "Don't ever say he whupped you," she ordered. "Jes' say *we fit!'" Kxctaaive Henry: "I'm sorry, Josephine, but I went into six stores and tried to match your sample of goods but there wasn't a thing in town anywhere like it." Josephine: "That's just what I wanted to find out Now I can make a new dress and know that all the other women in town won't have one of the same kind." I Confirmation EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. Also used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. ' 15-tf COMPLETE TREE SERVICE -- Tree Feeding -- SPRAYING Weed Control Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Wankegan Road - McHenry 724 15-tf The Payroll Savings Plan for the regular purchase of U. S. Savings Bends is AMERICA'S NEW WAY TO SAVE--It's "the way millions save billions." Today there are more than Hi million Americans -- people just like you and yonr neighbors down the street--who have signed up for Payroll Savings where they work. Every payday these "Payroll Savings regulars" pot .aside part of their earnings in U. S. [Savings Bonds--the world's safest Investment. u.S. Tf uury D»pv*m»wt Effects of Color fciduitry is constantly learning new tricks with paint and color. There is, for instance, the matter of the Beat contained in sunlight. This heat radiation is subject to control through the use of color. Dark colors absorb heat rays; light colors reflect them and therefore cast them away. Oil companies make use of this knowledge when they select white and light tints for painting tanks to keep their gasoline evaporation as low as possible. In gasoline storage tanks, the U. S. bureau of mines reports, a white 'tank had an evaporation loss of 1.40 per cent; a red tank had a loss of 3.54 per centmore than double. This test wac made over a four-and-a-half-month period. Boaster: "Yes, when I was in Africa a lion ran across my path. I had no gun in my hand so I took a pail of water and poured it over his head and he ran away." Bored Listener: "I can vouch for that I was in Africa at the time and the lion ran into me and when I stroked his mane,/It was still quite damp." •AW IT COMING. The wife smiled at her husband when he got home. "Poor darling," she said, "you must be hungry. Would you like some tender chops with golden-brown potatoes and green peas, and some apple pie?" "No, darling," was the weary reply, "let's save money and eat at home." EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, I1L 45-tf NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your ornamental iron railings. Miseellanous and structural steel. Let us figure your job big or small. All work done by skilled craftsm^ ta. Your inquiry will receive Srompt atention. Phone 617-M-l. chroeder Iron Works, Rout& 31, miles south of MaHenry. ZO-14 Mt. Kilimanjaro Highest mountain in all Africa is Mt. Kilimanjaro. It is about 19,500 feet high, and although it is less than four degrees from the equator it possesses an icecap and several I large glaciers. Mt. Kilimanjaro | and the nearby Mt. Kenya domi- \ nate the big-game fields of British I East Africa. Neutrons A rfeutron is one of two building blocks of which nuclei of atoms are made; the other being the proton. Natural Bridge Tonto natural bridge, near Payson, Ariz., is formed of white limestone and red coral and is 185 feet above the stream bed. Toni Permanent Wave Kits.-$I-tS and $8.00. Watties* Drug Store. 8S-tf Opentapg Ammonia Bottle Ammonia water, as purchased and used for household purposes rarely contains more than 5 per cent of ammonia and presents few risks. However, if the bottle becomes heated and is opened while in a heated condition, the pressure developed in the bottle may cause a spray of the solution to be thrown into the face. When a bottle of ammonia water is opened, it should be opened in a well-ventilated place and with the bottle held well away from the face to prevent the escaping fumes from coming intc contact with the membranes of the eyes, host, or mouth and irritating them. Padding flavor Orange and lemon peels scalded, dried, and ground into a coarse powder are excellent for flavoring sauces, puddings, and cakes. OF COURSE During the illness of the editor of "Farm Queries" on a midwestern paper, the religious editor was assigned to answer questions and answers on agricultural topics. He was asked his opinion about late plowing, and replied: "Plowing should not be continued later than 11 o'clock at night. It gets the horses into the habit of staying out late, and unduly exposes the plow." Another subscriber asked "how long cows should be milked." The answer was explicit: "The same as short cows." Marked Pishes * An 111 person's dishes are easily kept separate for special sterilising if each dish is marked on the bottom with a small dot or x of fingernail pftllfh SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Ch$rle« Freund) »t ' tint 1 David Burcl, 14, soa if Mrs. ftalpfe Burch, m<>L„ . shot himself in the Mft '! Spaulding last **ek thou , four miles back to Elgin beftw* ;"', i (receiving 'medical aid. DavM, younger brother, Norauui, and On Wedneaday, Oct. 26 a group °° Lane, bad gene to the SpaSM* of ladles spent the afternoon with in« area for a bit of target pr»e- -4 Mrs. Henry Heinle in Janesville, *ice- They had been shooting at * Wis. Those to make up this party!tln cans on,y * short time bate* were Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mrs. the accident occurred. Dtorid «t- Math Freund, Mrs. Elizabeth tempted to unload his gun jr-"" Scfcmitt, Mrs. Leo Hiller of Johns- Placed the end of the barrel burg, Mrs. Joseph E. Miller of toP of his 'oct- The &*"1 1 Richmond. Mrs. OHva Bauer of cocked and il discharged, ttoe 1*1- Ringwood and Mrs. Mike Freund. let S°inB. through his foot a«*r ot McHenry. the little* toe. The wounded b9T James Kattner. small son of Mr. ^^Jl0* C^P^°™ and Mrs. Gregory Kattner, has befor* *fkreturned home from the hospital s aWwhere he underwent an appen- • * ' " dectomy last week. We all hopa4 METERS ON TRIAL for his speedy recovery. Workmen began installing po>t« ' -I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund for Peking meters in Harvtifdf w3 spent Wednesday evening with ,a9t we*k an«l Mayor John L. Hfc-1 J Mr. end Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer in Cabe announced that the mete^e .1 Round Lake. would begin operation on Nov. Bobby Nelson of Sharon, Wis., The raeters are being InetoMMt^' spent several days last week with on a six months' trial basis by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Meter company of CM- ,• ji Math Nimsgern. cage, makers of the Miller meters. /;^ Mr. and Mrs. Jean Christehsen . 77"! ; ~ and family have moved to the up-; . ' . Lightning s Praaka -pi stairs flat in the Welter build- . " Freak lightning has been known /. f-y ing, which was vacated by Mr.: to tear stone pieces from buildings^-?| and Mirs. Gilbert Newhaus and, and fling them many city blocks" '• son, who have uiov^d to Genoa away. Once when a country potato City. Mrs. Howard Crain and children of Wonder Lake visited her mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh, one' , ~,e day last week. 1 Mrs. Artiiur Kattner entertained members of her club at her home on Monday night. This is a birthfield was hit,, the. stalks were; burned to ashes, but the potatoes: in the ground were merely well • Left Handed Forcing the left-handed child tof day club and the occasion is to; be right-handed, may cause » celebrate someone's birthday. A, emotional disturbance and unusual! lovely luuch was served by thej behavior, such as stutterina al hostess. stammering. Mi. and M r s . C h a r l e s F r e u n d , j .1 Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer and; PnBin,flfn 4 ^ s Mr. and Mrs. George W May! Co"P,ete ot Lee's ponltiys, spent n pUusant afternoov on !?medles at Wattles Drug Store, M< Sunday with Tom Maynara. whof nry" Is a student at Jordan Seminary i • in Menomin?e, Mich. Scheel Lunch Program The national school lunch program, the cost of which is supported in part by state, federal and local sources, operates under federal law to bring balanced, nourishing meals to children all oVer the country. ~ ftjimlnnni Extraction A process has been developed which allows aluminum to be extracted from bauxite more easily and at less expense. On : . t - "Jm WANTED Helper willing to work 24 hour* • wtm dayi a week. No time off. No tioni. Mutt be sturdy, daptodtbl*, ready to run errands, deliver aod n roeesagee from constantly growing bora of people, summon heip in geociea. Speed aeaential. Pay: nickels a day. Your telephone in* the job ia particular. Few thing* |iw yen ao forselittla. • law WANTED TO RENT McH4e take ences. or 5 room modern house in Wonder Lake, [efcry or the McHenry area. Man and wife. Will excellent care of property. Can fnrnish refer- . Phone 170 . ACCURACY FOR HEALTH Latin is not a dead language to us because it is used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health --always bring your prescriptions to us. NYE DRUG STORE PHONE 26 McHENRY NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX UP THE HOUSE FOR FALL Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices Custom Made . . Slipcovers i i Pillows Bedspreads Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICB Community Interior 204 S. Green St I. W , V4®. '*&1. ' * s-M-.iifr: if