T l»iUimv<iii,iuiniii I WNGWOW jftufiuMi 11 n ii i itrin (by Mh. George Shepcrd) Mrs. Viola Low entertained the Women's Five Hundred ciab at liar home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock deaaert luncheon waa serred. ttlMa were awarded to Mrs. LueTIa Stephenson and Mrs. Lester Carr. Mrs. Marie Wegner entertained a- group of women at bar home ^Maday evening at a Stanley par- The Banco dab was entertained It the home of Mrs. Thomas at McHenry Thursday noon. Prises were awarded to "Ola Low, Mrs. Oscar Berg Mrs. Lester Carr. Ir. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy fwtertainad 4he FtTe Hoadred club at their koine Thoraday eyenlng. PrbM inm awaHUd to w. t.l Whtting and Carl Hall* strotn, high; and Mr. and lira. Peter Sebastian, law. The itound-ttp dab will sponsor a silver tea in the church hall next Sunday afternoon from I to 4 'o'clock. Everyone is welcome. J There will be an official board [meeting at the Methodist church, jMonday evening, Nov. 14. • The W.S.C.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Clinton , Martin Thursday, Nov. 17. Anyone interested In joining the Red Cross first aid class oontact Mrs. Mitchell Katie Immed&tely. Classes will be at the schoolhouse at 8 p.m. on Friday evenings. Mrs. Rose Jepeon is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Ansel Dewey, at Armstrong, 111. • Mrs. Lena Peet and. daughter, Alice, attended the bgsaar and cafetarla anppar at Gfratil Lake.?Nary Aaa.nnt so*. &ek »Ma- Wetaeaday etenins. Mto. Mr. a»4 Mra. CfcarWe Breaapent Ban- » ^JB-Mr^ J*"1* Wlw day la the AUan Van Iwy home *f at Spring Qrove. , Chieago. Mr. and Mrs. Panl Walktngton I ** 9*?** V*wlb?„of„Wood; and Mr. and Mra. Walter Low and attended their card club in the MrR- ®lck OWaon and family. For Wonderful Food OAK PARK HQTEL Beautiful Pistakee . . ir 0HOPS -- STEAKS -- SKA FOOD OPEN EVERY DA* AND EVEHINO .• "•? *r • ' " • . , % * . Rooms Rated by Day -- Week -- Month. Open All Winter For Reservation Call McHenry 176 Ton are invited to attend tiIi SSSm HANK'S FIRESIDE INN Routes 31 and 12, Ringwood, 111. UK* '0 m d o o t b- oaast home of Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Stanak at Woodstock, Saturday evening. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcrfx of Woodstock and Mrs. Viola Low and son, Robert, spent Sunday in the Walter Low home. Mr. ao4| Mra Stanley Aim of Chicago were Wallers in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., hom^, Sunday. Mitchell Kane attended funeral services for his great uncle, Harold Knttl at Evanaton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Evanston spent Saturday at their home here. Ralph 8pilth of Chicago called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smith, Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Blackman spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of her son, Webster Blackman, and family in Chicago. Mr. and Mra. S. W. Smith spent Thtrsday evening in the Andrew Hawley h6me at Fox River Qrove. Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul Miller of Kenosha spent Sunday afternoon in th6 Charles Brennan home. Mrs. Clara Dienlien of Libertyville is visiting with Mrs. Bd Bauer and family. Mrs. Clarehce Tonyan and son of Grayslake visUed Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schmidt and family of Johnsburg spent Thursday evening with Mra. Ed Bauer and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley. Mrs. Marlowe of Mt. Vernon, 111., Howard Wattles and son, Donald, and Qlen Wattles of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison home- Afternoon callera were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whiting of Woodstock and Mrs. Laura Sherman of McHenry. Those from here to attend Home Bureau in the Clinton \|dartin home on Tuesday were Meedamea John Hogan, Ed Peet, Charles Peet, Rose Jepson and Chaney Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison called on relatives at Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Mrs. Afayme Harrtaon of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon Jrtth her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson, and family. . Mrs. Davis of Chicaco is visiting with Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Ardin Friable of Greenwood spent Wednesday afternoon with her paTtfnt*, Mr. and Mra. Clayton Harrison. Airs. Lois Winn and daughter, anet, speht the weekend in the felps Saunders' home at Sycamore. Susan Muzsy and Carol Harrison of Champaign spent the weekend at their' homes nere. Mrs. John Skidmore, Mra. Fred Bowman and Mrs. Paul Walkington arid daughter, Ida Mae, frere ra. Phelps Saunders Sycamore, eHMMggM JT **ge ofrelftfrw fiM at hcoiK Sttaday, honoring their Mary., whotwas <S! Mr. and' Mrs. B, T. Butler spent Sunday aftcirnoon in the Alvin Benoy home «at Woodstock. Mrs. Emma Anderson of Sharon. Wis., and son. Robert, .of Chicago were supper guests in the Wm, McCannon home Saturday. Mrs. Yuenger of Greenwood] spent Friday night with Mrs. B. T. i Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family attended a birthday party for Barbara Ebel at Crystal Lake Sunday. Th« seventh and eifchth grade pupils of our school took their standardised tests at the. McHenry high school. Monday. Miss Lois Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend in the Wm. Pagni home. Sunday guests in the Pagni home were MY. and Mrs. George Apnti of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson and Victor Wegner of Waukesha spent the week-end with, their mother, Mrs. Marie Wegner. Misses Lu Ann Bauer and Margaret Cruickshank left Tuesday by plane for a trip to New York. •MM Sewing Home sewing definitely is tar front, a sea tonal activity now, ifofficial pattern sales can be a criterion. Pattern companies report a fairly balanced distribution throughout • the year. During 1948 the records show that January was the weakest month, but sMll only five percent away from the volumes •of the top months. The top months were no more than three per cent more than <rther months with the ^exception of January. . ' Bead the Want ££a. OJ. Death Sato The United States may have the highest -standard of living in the world, but it also has one of the world's highest accidental death" rates. The U.S. rate in IMS was 67.1 deaths per 100,000 population, as compared with a world-wide post-war average death rate of 48.9, according to the National Safety council. Only three countries topped the accidental death rate of the United States--Iceland, Egypt, and Austria. Subscribe for The Plainde&ler. Order yo*r rubber stamps at The Plaiadealer. T CLARENCE'S SHOP Select Christinas items! Children's barnyards and garages; cfcairs and table sets; writing desks; kitchen cabinets, etc. Also full line lawn furniture and bird houses. Men's and ladies leather belts, billfolds, etf^ Clothes and market baskets, V C CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, 111. Phone 583-J-l World's Bath Tata Ninety-five per cent of all th bath tubs in the world ftt* owne by the United States. Oysters aoir ocean beds a long. wMe LIVESTOCK CONSIGNMENT SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY HIOHf :i ; ; 7:30 P. fiL ' FEEDEB STOCK *ti i* DAIRY CATTLE Fresh Cows Springers Heifers j : Stock Bulls Steem ; ; Pigs . [ j Calve* ' ; ^ SELL YOUR LIVESTOCK HSKS " WOODSTOCK COMMISSION SALES CO, DHL Phone 572 or 499 Woodstock, Illinois - V •'» U:0k-A Jan vh« r that ty. AaOftft tfcoae .to attend wer» m. and ra. Pred Wiedriih, Jr., dinghter. from h«re Special Sale 9.X 12 Broadloom Rugs IIMITED QUANITY ^ ONLY A ' ' VERY SPECIAL •| PURCHASE mO* I AMERICA'S LSAOINa . ' KUO HILLS MAXES THESE SENSATIONAL HONEY SAVIHO SS s Ic 89 , K r a aa , tK X I% • s 88 tr s 8 • * St f 8 8 t . * et 8V 8• t * * « 1 PRICES POSSIBLE -- HURRY -- SAVl REOUIAE 165.00 100% Wool Alauninster Rugs 9x12 ' $49.60 RfcOULAR $75.00 100% Wool Axminster Rugs 9xl2 $62.50 REGULAR $67.50 100% Wool Axminster Rugs 9x10-6 $69.50 REGULAR 997.50 100% Wool Axminster Rugs Woven of s durable 100% Wool Yarn for years satisfying ( service -- Choose from lovely Floral and Tone On Tone Patterns Bargains $79.50 and $83.50 RE0P&AR $108.00 and $167.50 Wilton Rugs 9x12 and 9x15 Bargains?--. • • $89.50 to $145.00 WHILE THEY LAST All wool faced rugs 9x15 Regular $37.50, Sale Price 9x12 Regular $29.95, Sale Price ..... .. 9x7*6" Regular $18.95, Sale Price . 27Mx54" Regular $2.95, Sale Price 1--9*12' Rot and 2--27"x54" at $29.50 $22.50 $13.95 . $1.99 $80.50 Buy Now -- Lay Away For Christmas Stair fcnd AH Carpets, Axminsters Regular $6.00 per yd. $4.50 Peter M. Justen Furniture Co. 523 Main Stmt Phone $3 West McHenry, Illinois f "I never confidence. ssed trades oo the road before with such en you tell Marathon Cat to 'go*... it 1949 CHEVROLET OWNES. "I ttffl cSo*t believe Afaratho* dit lettl u the pries of 'reggjar* if# m$D0iwer *^Tith Marathon Cat in my tssle* 1 hive to okeoff my hat to tuybody. mt furmmti . . . & * m.*4. ra IN I Nf "Yooll think Tm fonod it hacd to bold 'er back.** !94t UNOOLN MARATHON •Wow ! know what it foeis tike to fly a fee plmi** * , wtQLDSWWM* "Don't seem to shift half jM moving mffic... with •Cotidn't get a ping on the toughest hill la the coantr with Marathon Cat" tf47 STUDEBAKER «W£I MARATHON W Gasoline Quick and powerful as a jungle cat sella at the price of "regular^-- "1 didn't get a Boick with 0|naflow . • • but Marathon Cat makes me think I did." mt ameft cmtn THE OHIO OIL COMPANY MO»V€Sft*iO» MTtOMWM flMCt »#tf CARLSON OIL CO., ^"'•""'•'llifittliratoni V Phone 255 D0W5S NASH SALES WM. BUCHERT SEBEBU GKOCEBY THOMAS GROCERY MARATHON SERVICE STATION Mr Henry Went McHearjr tlrlswoM Lake Weader Lake McHenry, Bast el 1% IrMfo