fV*„ '• t&pms "tW'W LY EARL R. WALSH Last week We mentioned a lull in local sport#. They're poppin' again! Basketball has entered the plc- ?* ture u a big way to take up tlie •'( v Ptack. • ' All good basketball fan* will want to be on hand Saturday night as our new gym is dedicalod. Details :tr«> in a separate story. ' •'; •" \ " • *: You will have to watch a game '•V'vfHr two before catching lip On net* One change prevents a ; -team from taking the ball ouit of tiounds during the last two min- :1.A ;, lite6 of the gaiur. We refer to tak- Arrflng the ball out of bounds instead , ';'tof taking a free throw. BOWLING NOTES MOH RElBEATlO* XIIe Owl*-- Nye's Drugs, 2; "AT% Wtiltetiouse, 1- Mj Place. 3; Hottermann'a 0. Mi Place: F. Freuftd. 4t»fi. Landl's. 2; McHenry Sand and Gravel. 1. Th^ Pit. .2; Jeanette's Stylet Shop. 1. ! Jeauette's: V. Snyder, 459. Pit: J. Jaeksoy, 45#.;, > ;•£ ~7~ Illinois rules states that if the Vv*.jree threw is missed. The null is ' In play. Some confusion may arise ri£;ii!when plaving Wisconsin teams. \ This will be Ironed out befofe the ^•^JseaBon .opens. "--vV"-'" Johisbw*- q; Jackson's, 2; «. Miller's, t G. Jackson. 240-MK>. „ J. Jackson's. 2; 'A-.- Jackson's, i. A. Jackson, 507; •••Jf Jack*on. 222-548. / W. Smith's, L. otolith's, 1. W. Smith's: B. TFreund, 244-552. M. SehaeferV ?: S. Freynd's, 1. M. Scliaefeiv 5t»7. ~ The'1? is also attotheF - rale change that sounds tricky to us. Itn-is designed to prevent stalling <and allows the player only 5 seconds to get rid of the ball if a defensive p'ayer is within 6 feet of him and in the act of guarding. That one is going to t(|e rtrfs a great tin:e. But. it seems we must bate rule makers. In previous years the players were asked to raise their hands after committing a foul. This year it is compulsory and a technical foul may be called if a player fails to raise his hand. That rule seems O.K. But, if they go too far with the varoius proposed rule changes, some of us will throw both hands in the air. On Sunday night the Co-ops and Forester team? will appear on the new floor for the first time. Early Birds--f k ^ S. H. Freuiid and Son", J|rMcHenry Cab, 1. Cab:/J. Oxtoby. 433. Freund's, D. Smith, 441; L. Crouch, 480; B. Freund, 445. » A. P. Freund and Sop, 3; ops, 0. X , ©. P.-- . Conway'*, 2418; Stillings, 24ID. Stilling's K. Freund, 629; C. J . Stilling, 545; Conway's: H. Schaeler, 205-507; L. Winkel, 510. ....Fround's, 2442; Thennes. 239®. Freund's: J. Rgegner, Mt;„ C. llester, £01. It* ' ' FOOTBALL MEN OF IMS ; * ; • t. 0. F. (7 o'clock)-- Wagner's. 233S: Steffan's, 2192. Stcffan's: B. Kreuteer, 220-508. Stilling's, 2283; Blake's, 2253. L. Stilling, 534; A. Blake, 511. Tavern-- Norsemen's Resort, S; Pox Hole, 9. ' Fox Hole, J. Widen, 512. Norse-, men's: S. Puttko, 213-563; F. Garner, 515. Snug Harbor. 2; Park Pub. 1.- Harbo'r:" H. Behnke, 510; Wheelock, 526. Pub- W. Ilagberg. Jr., 509 . landl's, 2; Sportsman Inn* 1. Landl's: J. Landl, 515; A. Ar* ^egar. 231-597. k, Hoots, 2; Old Bridge, li" «< .• # Hoot's; Stoller, 254-605, , Old Timers-- Downs, .2263; Petersen's, 2129. /Downs, 207-557., Petersen's; Cristv, 521. . Thurlwell's. 2?55; Rogers', 2219. : Rogers, 503. Thurlwell's; * A1 Blake. 545. . , • ^ Thursday P. M, • \ , J Nook, 2; LaGrecjjt'p, 1. ? •frtf?'.-" Legion Auxiliaryj Ji -Vacula's. O. 2; Carl's Major#^- Blake Motor Sales, Service Station. 1. "* Carl's: C. Thorsell. 231-595; N. Justen. 204-550. Blake's; Roden- Co-jkirk. 515; Hester, 523. » Downs Nash Sales, 2; McHenry Freund's: L. Miller, -452. (Lumber Co. 1. Peterson Boats, 3; Freund Oil,' Lumber: Schlitt, 516; Earth, 0. 1236-577; Crouch, 246-609; Downs: Peterson's: E. Peterson, 436; E. I Tonyan, . 204-518; Budler, 523; Peisert. 192-484. Stilling's "86", 2; Rolaine Grill; 1. Stilling's: N. Larkin. 183-181- 529. Grill: B. Buergler. 444; A. Ross. 458. . --- Downs, 608. 518; Steffes, 202-206-200- V. F. TV.-- Bell Hops, 2; DOS f^es, 1. Bell Hops: F. Low, 502; Conway, 504. Dog Faces: K,rau8, 553; Corso. 208-521. Fly, Boys, 3; Swabbies, 0. Swabbies, Uetner. 209-614. The Foresters, under the direction of Bill Bolger, will meet Kputh's of Woodstock at 7:30. Then the Co-op big boys will trot out against the Highland Motors of Elgin. This Is the, same team that played g fast game last year under the name of the Elgin Driblets. The Co-ops are entered in the Northern League while the Foresters are in ifaf McHenry County League. --:--r-- ------ K. of C.-- Wall Fill Insulation, 2; Steffan's Jewelry, 1. Steffan's: J. Guzzardo, 212-521: H. Steffan. 502. -,=======--.•.••••• Barbian's Grocery, 3, Buss Motors, 0. Barbian* D. of A.-- Low's • Leaders, 3; Corso's Cuties, 0. Low's: G. O'Brien. 185-449. 2; Hogan's City--. Fireside Tavern, 3; Krickl Motor, 0. Fireside: H. Britz, 538. Bernie's, 2; McGee's, 1, _ Bernie's: Sharlow, 216-5o3. Walsh Insurance, 2; Lee and RaV, 1. | \falsh: Weiser, 549; Steffes, j 509. i McHenry State Bank, S; Kreut- 1 zer's, 1. I Bank: Bacon, 208-555; Rogers, 201-513: Schaefer, 221-553; Kreut- 1 zer's: Paluch, 501. yolths told slmilAr stories and were different than the <»es ^>ld at the ortgliirf trial. AEprTY SHERIFF RELEASED It was stated on Tulsday of this Week by sheriff Fred C. Bau that J deputy Charles Corey, one 5£)f the night operatorof the police radio, had been released from duty. The action was taken after a day in circuit court Monday where Warren Ros«. who recently pleaded _ guilty to burglary, changed his < iiHinilttttlHIIUIiUHIHIIilHIllllliillNUIIUillWIinWM story and said he was not guilty.; *" He said Deputy Sheriff had promised to keep him out of the penitentiary if he would sign a statement that he burglarized the. National Auto parts in Wood- •*, "ttMil Queen Vts" Qqeen Victoria of England one of the first women to undergo •tnesthesia in childbirth. First Row: Mike Weiser. Rich Hob Miller. Bill( \Ve. Rich Wolin- Duane Andreas, Harold Nye, Jack F.Keroth, Jack Thies, Allan rade, Rich Fuhler, George Mc.- Justen, James Kcunebeck, Don Sohmitt, student manager,~ Roy Grath, Don Freund, Don Paluch, Butler, Lee Cooney, Bud Milinac, Svoboda, Don McCrackeii, Dick Richard Michels, John Knox Harold /Jolbeck. Coach L. J. "Mac" Hiller Standing: Peter Roche, Assis- McCrac^en, ...... .. . Second Row: Dwight Powell, tant Coach. Frank Bitterman, I . • ' rv"'..I ---;--" I i i • -- r - -- 1 ! -- / r r - r i ifrn-Tirii• k V i'.., and the office. Harvard Federal Other convjeted Hotel: M. Powers, 422; M. Don iielly, 456. ; Barbian's Butcherettes. 8; Bart's | Tavernjvl. -Vs •'•'•M'. Bart's; M. Kirisala, 44«; Blaf-I bian's: J. Kralowetz, 468. 1505; F. Rogers, kirk, 210-524; H: 501; G. Roden- Britz, 555. 7 O'clock Ladles-- ' * ~j Central Market, 2; Volo Bait, l.-i Volo: E. Gniot, 422. . | Riverside Dairy, 3; McHenry Lumber, 0'. Dairy; E. Hester, 180-473. Lumber: L. Ferwerda, 452; R. Mar-, shall, 427. ' I ..I..I.;.-I . . •- ,j Mixed League^- I A. McCarroll, 503; John Rogers, Varnish Varnish is widely used on furniture, floors and woodwork to protect the surface and give It a smooth, glossy finish yet permit the grain of the wood to show through. Varnish is also one of the principal industrial finishes. Fears Pears ierve a double food treat --iVke peaches they ai;e a natural with cream, and like apples they're fine for sauce. ; : ' Colds and Pneumonia '{fae of the most dangerous diseases in the world today is pneumonia-- a fellow traveler of the common cold. When a cold gives rise to chills or rust-colored sputum, call a doctor at once so he can check for pneumonia. Protection against colds is protection against pneumonia. Avoid people with colds, stay out of drafts, dress for bad weather in warm clothes and rubbers or -overshoes, and get enough rest and good food. Read the Want Ads.1' To eseryon* time <Mmes a lime when reaching a destination in a niinlnintn of time Is a necessity. When the occasion arise*, remember our 24-hour^ a day service. McHenry Cab Phone 723 WAUKEGAN •/'" High School Gvm SATURDAY, NOV. 19th ';• 8:30 p.m. • * t'YCLONK ASAIA ' ' V.;- v naxjosixgh Australian TUg Team Match WHY KAY and ^ . *ED TAYLO* - ' i^lRZAN WHI#n and . >> MAURICE ROBEREE A BILL BROOKS vs FRANK1K HART City (last week)--" v Hank's Fireside Inn, 2; Lee and Ray, 1. v Inn: B. Brennan. 504; H. Brits', ,213-55|, " --And, now we hear that thev are playing b^mkelball on roller skates over at the Just-For-Fun. Looks tike a busy aeaa<N} trying to cover local apoita. . a • tr ' Whoops! Before we go to press again the Li?h school cagers will play Elkhorn. That game will be played here nexfl Tuesday night, November 22. The calendar is getting full. Anybody know of a baby altter? While five big men tramped the fields In futile search of » pheasant the other day, a lady from down Oakhurst way heard a noise in the back yard, slipped into her bedroom slippers, picked up a .410 and picked a cock pheasant out of a tree. Tommy Sutton, who gave up his single-blessedness last Saturday, enjoyed his last night of freedom Thursday and decided to do a bit of bowling as night crowded morning. Tommy warmed up with a 181 game, upped the next one to 245, then topped off with 263. (To think we missed a 213 game by Joe Guzzardo last week! Just to show us, he came up woth 212 this week.-- And that was in one game! Can't recall all the top scores. b*t remember a 263-614 for Virgil Adams in this week's list. Another top one was 529 by Nadine Larkin. Smith's Smashers, Hustler's, 1. Smith's: L. Smith, 452. Hogan's: A. Hogan, 178 476. Kinsala's Kingpins, 3; Winkel's Winners. 0. Eleanor's Experts, 2{ OfBHray's Contenders. 1. Experts, E. Miller, 439. 19 O'clock Ladies-- Riverside Hotel, $; I*. Olsen and Son, 0. Commercial-- Charm House, 2; Walsh's surance, 1. Walsh's: L. Freund. 536., New Era, 2; Schaefer's Market, 1 . New Era: H. Wtber, 204r501. KJeinhans Bldg. Service, 2; McHenry Laundry, 1. Laundry: V. Adams. 263-614;! Kleinhan's: L. Tliennes, 533. McHenry State Bank, 2; Al's White House, 1. Al's: S. Miller, 224-;»65. Bank: R. Gilliford, 505. Thanks to Andy Warrick hate a nice picture of the football Warriors this week. we 1949 Bflsiness Men- McDonald's Tavern, 2; McCuliom Lake. 1. Mosey Inn, 2; Frank and Frieda, 1. Inn: Oxtoby, 500. Freund's Dairy, 2; McHenry Plastering, 1. , . McHenry Recreation, 2; Ringwood Electric, 1. # Majors- Old Bridge.^3; Fox Novelty, 0. Fox: V. Freund, 531. Old Bridge: Kinsala, 516; Larkin, 206-567; Ed Peisert, 531. Clark Chevrolet, 2; Carlson Oil, 1 , Clark: Snyder, 212-204-567; Bennett.--r210-569r_^T!arlson: Cynowa, ,513; B. Peisert, 519; Krause, 547. - Blatz, 3; Prager. o! Blatz: Sutton, 200-542; Maynard, 537. Prager: Rodenkirk. 500. W! in Nn^nrtiri for COW CUPPING EQUIPMENT / This was a team that started o«t none, too impressively, but played better football than their record indicates. Most of the boys have had mention and All deserve praise tor the way they came througlr after injuries hit the team a nighty blow. Can't recall if we mentioned the g*eat defensive play of Richard Cjteroth. He was a livg backer W. more than ordiMary skill. ifim Kennebeck is another fel low who developed much faster than we expected. While the ends lacked great height they pleased Coach 'Mac" with their improved play- Seems to us that Rich Wahn rade could be classed as an iron matt. He wasn't out much as WP recall. imM* Nw •asy-frip handle Clipping avoids contamination, reduces sediment, lowers bacteria. Makes it easy to keep cows clean. Aids in the control of lice.^ticks, etc., which greatly affect milk production. NO •ml to Its usefulness PALACE THANKSGIVING STARTS TODAY AT NATIONAL! tint! t« "" ittllfl tfcm pv*r v«I«m in a^prtcitfici for TTO tnm<wt «v«t(«i yn'vi qbe+m «i CMftBEIffr Mf NaflMcl'i Wdta AanlvtrMry CilitfOw. M DOLE HAWAIIAN spw-r1 PINEAPPLE " . ati lilted k. *•«•••! fc* uom'I k* "PTtiSfiu* ' -,HUn Mixed Letgne-- 1st - June Oxtoby and Hank Britz, 1209. 2nd - Janice Justen and Andy McCarroll, 1132. 3rd - Marianne Rogers and Bud Winters. 1099. Drillniaster attachment wp/ch is1 interchangeable with CJiOmaster head is available af '~y%6.75 CHpmaster only. $32.50 NickelsQHardware Phone 2 St., West McHenry tl DAILY PINUPS Trying to rest on past laurels mgy^cause you to fall asleep on Crocadile tears are like dark glasses In that they hide what's Whind them. If you take things laying down Calks are apt to use you as a stepphag stone. Common sense Is never common. ^Destiny can meet you on the road you travel least. A woman is capable of forgetting a hurt quickly but cher- . isning a compliment for a long tijne. When opening your mouth to «if*r yon aomfitlm^s close your Mir to reason. ' ' ANONYMOUS BASKETBALL Co-ops. vs. Highland Motors of Elgin \ Foresters vs. Knuth's of Woodstock \ At The New M.C.H.S. Gym SUNDAY, NOV. 20thv 7:30 p.m. Admission -- 50c and 35c »AT toow"- IN FIFTY THRIFTY YEARS OR YOUR MONEY BACK! HURRY! MA yours today! IITFI L%M| TIP O.S. fr*4*4 m4 liifMtil 1M9 isw'MivMiint (Mssmy tiis •an. 3 varictta -- srailitl, thrnk ii/l« ar IM-kHs. LIBSrS IARTLCTT HALVES ROSEDALE PEARS. SLICES OR HALVES DEL MONTE PEACHES Jte^2 > FROM TREE RIPENED APPLES TURKEYS „ LESS THAN tl P0IHUS AID DOWN TO II POUNDS. . u 49c LB. Y«h| fNit wilftln tt p«n4i if«r. N. T« #re«sH. 45 MOTT'S APPLE SAUCE . 2 FANCY CUSTARD M«cy T.P +rw4* HM WA. rwyi^winnit , . ""<0 MM TURKEYS >.59* TURKEYS .55 Small Sizes Less Than 14 Lbs. Ka. Larsr Sixes 14 to 1ft Lbs. Ea, TURKEYS SOLI) IX STORBS WITH MEAT MARKETS Paacy Toy ftrut HM LIBBY'S PUMPKIN FRUIT CAKE Na. 90S Ns. Cant Mint tu*au. 15.9 - 49 GOOD QUALITY PIE FILLING BLUEBERRY 35' No 2 Can DINING CAR BRANDIID MINCE MEAT 39e 36-oz, Jor BASKET BALL MEN The new Goodrich and Keds Gym shoes are here. The soles are of new grip rubber, which will not mark up the new Gym floor. Bee them today. McSEE'S IN so. GREEN ST \ McHEKRY PEERLESS SOFT SHE&I. ALMONDS 27e i-ib ng LARGE NEWLY GATHERED OREGON FILBERTS 35' 14b. ng BAGDAD FANCY IMPORTED PITTED DATES ?*»•!. 1 Ac «. 19 MONTMORENCY RED SOUR PITTED CHERRIES 25c CAH COD--FRESH 55AWBERWES# I5e MINCEMEAT 2 - 35c " "39« Vsfttafck Sb*H«al«f SWIFT'NING . . N«v«rfcUt I In I SALTINES. fMtfchM NrUpf CRACKERS .... INF mr CUEKM IIIINM CaWl HE?B OX ..... i CORNED BEEL_t_!P 39* SPSS..* "S.W 6RAPE JAM. . . 1.1* Or«wtat MIRACLE WWP. , i' 15" I»\ l-U. Ml GOLD MEDAL "tchim mrii riout 45. No. 2 Can 'ANCY IOVDIANA '0*TO tICAH TAM| PILLSBURY HOT ROLL MIX IT 14-ox. Ph9. LARGE WASHED BRAZIL NUTS 35c i -ib. FRESH PACK' MERRY MIX UN CADDY 25° SWEET POTATOES 3-20* JWMIo SI2I PASCAL CELERY ITAtK |5° nut* FLORJCA ORANGES 8.39c «eiL' 1* s,0,0"-'*nH4fc m _ «W CABBAGE . 2- 15* "• I. Nt. | ™ •" WD POTATOES . 45® iANCr---4000 EATING 4k --' y A WOO PEARS, , 2»25C CALIfOKNIA T rem ewes. 2.-25' California *W FRESH DATES.. » 25c '*NCT--JNO-IALt FltESN CAULIFLOWER . ^29* IXT*A FANcy DELICIOUS A APPLES 2^25^ ivVouir-- TOiUTQES . . . JUtVNFCISK" FRESH MUSHROOMS . mwn'"*"" CARROTS . .. 85 i HOUMY SEASOH IMt( Waskiaf tmtor A _ nmrnjuus... % 27c Tfca All Parpa*. g% , f\ MWEMCMI FXMR.Y3 » 23e For a SmMtiitr tkt. ja . jk a CAMAY SOAP... .3 - 23c i* Mb. Pk9 DEL MONTE SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 v; 29e Par* V.^ctaUa Shar*aaia« SPRY SHORTENING .. Cab. ar Caakr* Mix QCCIBEHT MIXES ... VHfuaia brlcM DELKICH MARGAJUHE. Par* Caaa SUGAR . a a . Can pfc» Mb rkg. 54.b kg SWANSON'S READY TO SERVE WHOLE CHICKEN 3'Uk 139 Can 1 DEL MONTE RED SALMON CQe Can SWANSON'S BONED CHICKEN OR BONED TURKEY 49c DAY DATED TOP TASTE COFFEE > v:: 49c .' '35' r29* :rJ9« 84c ?5e 29c H7e llpiri 1«HP WALNUTS s 43' t«< • fair MIXED NUTS s 39* I UmhmJ ttatn tyfiU 1 AMERICAN FAMILY 1 KW Flak4, tor WMk*> • DREFT I &27* xTS' | Par iavaliaatt "All Ov*r" IVORY SOAP , Jast Rifkt far takf,,." - IVMY SOAP . ...3 ir. 27c S; 25c Partaaal Site IVORY SCAP . Par Silks aad WmIim IVORY SNOW . a v 4 • • 9 f1 i • • • r 23e £ 27e 1 CwHeei 1 OXTDOL | s I7' | '.T7S* , DUZ SUDSOt 1 %TV 1 «7H Tfca All PirpMt Bar S*ap PtGSOAP... ItattM Dirt a*6 OHM* LAVA SOAP.. t Hard Watar Saap KIRKS CASTTLE • V ...3 ... 3 -22c ^25e k23< PECAN HALVES WaNi «N W»lwwl SPIC & SPAN I *jc73* TM**> l« nr. M TIDE SU0SKR <IV | •a;73,| #4