mmm HPP3 sri>Tf.^j^rY...i THE McHENRY PLAIHDEALEB T^arsdp.7, Deoerafct? 8 194 MMtetN^NPlHi bmtmiky^nthH Th» mmfcll composer of 8w future will ait down to th« console of hit typewriter, and--manipulathe keyboard--compose a symphony of straight, diagonal, wavy, and saw-tooth lines of varyln « widths and lengths on a strip of paper flowing through the roller assembly of his machine. He will orchestrate as he composes, using patterns of lines and shaded area for sounds never produced until now, rythms more intricate and sustained than can now be produced, plus the sounds of all the conventional instruments we now Know. If he wishes, he can put in • vocal solo or an entire chorus. When the composer has completed his composition,, a technician will take the strip of paper with its pattern of lines and shaded areas and transfer it, using ordinary photographic methods, to the sound track of a conventional motion picture film. Then, by the same means now uted to reproduce sound ini motion p i c t u r e h o u s e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e world, the composition can be played as if by a full orchestra of all the conventional instruments, some new ones, and with the composer's own interpretation as t6 tone, timing, and amplitude. Robert E. Lewis, an associate physicist at Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology, calls this "synthetic sound on film." Lewis was the first t4> correlate all the theoretical data on synthetic sound on film and his work has brought the process to its commercial application. Mttffe Llmltattais WkMl H«M ft B« a Dimrviet The spreading movement among medical schools, especially those supported by states and municipals i ties, to limit their enrollments to 1 students Within their respective j states is a disservice to the com- 1 munity, in the editorial opinion of I the Journal of the American Medi- I cal association. " It is pointed out that in the last i prewar year out-of-state students j comprised 17.4 per i cent of the 1 freshman enrollment whereas the total was only 8.2 per cent in the last academic year. j "While tax-supported institutions j might well be expected to render i service chiefly to tt)e community : that supports them, the exclusion ; of all nonresident students may not ! be a real service to the community ! says the editorial. The practice definitely narrows the 'potential area from which a school may seek support. Students who attend such schools do not experience the stimulation and broadening influence of association with student? who have different geographic and educational backgrounds. '\A most serious consequence pf this policy is denial of admission to superior' out-of-state' applicants in favor of less well-qualified residents. As a result the quality of the medical profession is lowered particularly in the states that follow such a short-sighted policy. Hie logical extension of this policy is exclusion from schools in other states of students from states in which medical schools exclude nonresidents. Again the ultimate effect is reduction of the quality of the medical profession in the states concerned." New ItattreM, OM Sprint. Bedsprings are too frequently the forgotten item when it comes to bedding replacement. A survey shows that less than half of (he# people who purchased new mattresses in 1949 intended to buy new bedsprings. Putting a new mattress on an old bedspring is somewhat like making a layer cake with a perfect, evenly raised top layer and a bottom layer that is flat on one side and high on the other. Any woman knows what happens when the layers are put together--the top layer slumps to one side, too, and may crack *nd break as it settles. Lack? UA. Pwehaa*. Alaska was purchased by the United States from Russia in 1867 lor 87,100,000--about two cents, an acre. It has so far yielded twothirds of a billion dollars worth of gold and another one-fourth billion in,copper, silver, platinum, tungsten, lead,tin, 'and other metals- Mark Table Heights -""^ The best way for the homemaker to decide what are the correct heights for her sink, mixing table, and ironing board is to actually wash dishes, beat ieggs, roll out pastry, and iron a garment, raising and lowering the surface until she finds the height that suits her best. Good posture in working helps prevent fatigue. Working at a table that is too low' requires four and a half times more energy than if standing erect. 8 Hard Wood Bird wood resists generation of nails and screws. But rubbing soap on the nails or screws eases theTob and helps prevent the wood isotn splitting, ' tr > Traffic Congestion Dr. Harold Mayer of the America^ Institute of Planning Officials says traffic congestion can be partially solved by providing "parking facilities at the outer ends of transit lines, thereby reducing street traffic." Cordovan Mahogany Cordovan mahogany is a deep dark red finish the color of Cordovan leather. It is usually applied to pieces of modern design to contrast with.)he mod*™ btachgcL .finishes.. J "Energy? ' ( • 'iSw, coal furnished' "MTr pit' cent of all energy consumed in the United States. We now depend on •nd gas for over 4Q percwvtofr? our total energy. Rice Storage Needed Greater public storage capacity for bulk rough rice is needed in Texas, according to the production and marketing administration, department of agriculture. Rough rice drying plants in Texas appear adequate to handle current production if they afe supplemented with adequate bulk storage space. The present need in Texas for storage room for bulk rough rice was canted, as in Louisiana, by a rapid shift to the use of combines and more modern harvesting methods. Ttiere was a total storage capacity in Texas last year for 5,975,700 barrels of rough rice (sacked and bulk combined), almost as much as the total 1948 crop. However, only 491,000 barrels of public storage were available to the average pro- Charming Hostess Catherine de Medici delighted guests with spectacular dishes concocted by her Italian cooks. One of these was fruit ice. PITZEN'S NURSERY Corner Wilson Ed. and 111. Rt. 120 ' 2 Miles East of Volo EVERGREENS SHRUBS TREES LANDSCAPING * Route Two Round Lakef 111. Tel. Round Lake 3570 Complete line * of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me Henry. 8-tf Just What You've Been Looking For rin VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop Fifth Grader* "More than 90 per cent of fifth gride school pupils are unable to Kid material at their grade level, and most oI these children have visual problems." says Dr. Richard- Weinberg, Pacific university. ' 'Complete liae of Lee's ponltfj remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me Henry. 8-tf Something New Has'Been Added Imported Xmas Ornaments, Lites Toys, Sleds, Skis, Skates Electrical Appliances Tires and Tubes, All-Sizes Mac's Tire and Battery Service Phone 742 Lily Lake TIRE BARGAINS THAT MOTORISTS CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP .Tlrttfone & • Sale Ends Thurs., Dec. 22 SPECIAL: 6:00x16 TIRES 6:50x16 TIRES $11.70 Tax Inc. $15.45 Tax Inc. fiave your size in passenger car tires, also complete stock of tractor, truck, /Hum implement and motorcycle tires. We have a Complete Line of Snow and Mud Tires You will be Surprised and pleased that we are able to offer these tires at unprecedented prices. Call McHenry 294 or come in. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED WHILE THEY LAST. ALL NEW TIRES INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE TIRES CHAINS TRUCK, TRACTOR and PASSENGER TIRES of ALL SIZES •pSATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off. for your old battery on a Firestone Super Battery. ~ •* -- --r--:• ••• w 1 : #5^ ' ... Methanol Anti Freeze In Your Container $1.00 per jffal. : '"TvT o "~T :" r~rr7~"' WALTER J. FREUND Tiree -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accessories Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairing • All Work Guaranteed Phone 394 West MeHearr OfES EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ' Permanent Changing a farmstead is a longterm project. Many farmers are putting up permanent buildings. Proper placing of them will mean the saving of labor and expense for many years to come. « iisagest Stairway Ride The longest ..loving stairway ride in an office building anywhere in the world was put into service in Boston recently. The 16 stairway units run from the basement to the eighth floor and down again. aad,ft»nUin r,083 mbving steps. Factory 'Newscast' By dialing a special number on their in-plant telephones, supervisory employes at the Westinghouse plant are brought up to the minute on company news. By means of a continuous tape, "robot announcer." reels off latest developments to keep supervisors, abreast of policy .mat* ters. Mm ---- Safety Measure -- -- To prevent children from reaching inflammable cleaning fluids, place them in red cans on a high shelf. Color Frequencies Frequencies of vibration of the various colors of the spectrum are as foUows: deep red light has a frequence? of 380 million million vibrations per second, the lowest of the visible colors. The highe-t is violet light, which has a frequency of 710 million million. Yellow light, in the middle of the spectrum, has a frequency of about 530 million million. < Neighbor's Apple Tree Legal opinion holds you rqay cut bdtti branches and roots from your neighbor's apple tree which qpnerge on your property--and remove fallen fruit. But you must put both the fruit and branches back in your neighbor's yard. And you can't object if he enters your yard to get Us apples.* . \ Withstands Nltrle Aeld • Nitric acid is produced in stainless steel vats. Chemical engineers say the acid corrosive effect on this metal. ^ ^ ftmthful Inventor lilo T. Fa rns worth invented and patented his television dissector tube at the age of 21. His young bride assisted him in making their first blueprints. Transmitter and receiver were created in their Los Angeles apartment. w . -vj " AtoM Celda There is a close relationship be- |f tween emotional upsets and re»- piratory troubles, investigators now report. Tlfey say worry lowers re- S sistance to colds a; quickly «s getiiggfjjchilled or wet. ...h * New lerk's CapMsi f^T* ij ,New York state'r capitol is an«£ Imposing five stories high over*!? looking the Hudson valley at Al- % bany. Built over a period of mors ft than 30 years (1867-1899), the capitol represents an, expenditure of^ over $25,000,000. * • f y • I • • " „ V. 8. Supreme Court The supreme court of the United States was formed in 1790. of the FLOOR TILE ASPHALT and RUBBER also ^ PLASTIC WALL TILE ; J. M. STANTGARONE 661-j 1 or 196-R McHenry,"tD. BENEFIT FUND CARNINAL Thursday, Dec. 8th • ROLLER RINK Program starts at 7 p. m. McHenry Business Men's Assn. «MOSEY :iNN.:v tlNGWOOP _ TELEVISION PBAOfat BEES FRED BOWMAN, Prop. Fish Fry on Fridays McHENRY SIGN SERVICE TRUCK LETTERING & WINDOW LETTERING SHOW CARDS - OUTDOOR SIGNS H. REESE Fox Street Phone 440-R mmm TESTS Y01IB BOUGHT HDDGfflB TOIL tmkb nns, rottXMtms- a roomy 4-door Sedan of 115 hp. Ideal for a famHy tar. Available with DynaMow Drive at optional equip* ment at extra ca*^ " ^ "OOK this tidy Buick over--and you may hear a still small voice saying "go ahead •f-get it!" -M so, don't think it's mere, ambition urging you to splurge. -the bump-smothering gentleness of soft toil Springs on all wheels, both fore and aft. ^he roominess of Buick's king-size interiors -the lightness of Buick controls--the new . , , . , parking and garaging ease of traffic-handy , The simple f«ct is that this lively fashion fj™ "Setter is not only a car straight from your rosiest dreams, but a, brawny straight - eight Buick that practically any budget can handle! J^[atch prices--and you'll find that many a six costs you more than this does;0 Boil it down to costs per pound--and poundage in a car often means more durability and Ipnger life as well as smoother riding--and Ifou'll find thfc one right down among the tO-called lowest priced cars. Figure your investment over the extra years you'll be happy in a Buifck--chcck the usedoar listings and see how Buicks hang onto their resale value--and you'll sec the wisdom in buying a better car to begin with. And just figure how much more autorno-' bile you're getting here. The extra value of Buick's own Fireball Valve-in-head straight-eight power. And that completely different and distinguished look of Buick's tapered fenders, sleek jet-plane lines and the sturdy, shockdeflecting protection of that bold new frontend design. So go ahead and listen to that still small voice. It's your budget, nudging you to go get die actual figures and replace guesses with fects. The place to go is your Buick dealer's--and it you want to travel like fortune's favorite,, the time to sign cm the dotted line is now! Y°Ur Ksy Greater Vofoe . TBX'sT»tKBt i °ml* **teh «. - m ***** f eature*"* HANDY size optional a, °*'V» "°«-iocia«c - Nc STru»e • • 0A*° C«'W» 'IOHT tHGIHe . c^USnMOHT- • **OUNO . tow '"'"VINO Of sA'trr-tioi mMS ' ™fs v'*'»intr ro», j'"*' 0Kt*"* IOCKINC lUOOAOt UOS ' '<*«»<«.w u o * : STUor- "***' moons WITH .^1 ' n*a lwn' »oor tr HSHut foe l» HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC N«>work, «v«>y Monday**!**,.. { R. X OVERTON MOTOR SAXES 403 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS Wh*m bmUmr mmtmmobilea mem bmiU UiJtCK mill bmUei them to ailMw.