MEN'S CARNIVAL TO BE HELD TONIGHT EVERYTHING iN READINESS FOR EVENT Hew, Interesting . Entertainment If Now Being Planned PUBLIC ADVISED ON SENDING THEIR CHRISTMAS GREETINGS The holiday season is definitely here and within th* next two *eeks thousands of Christmas cards will be making their way to friends throughout the land via the post offices. The public is urged to esnd holi- ! #ay greetings as a first-class mall tfo obtain the many advantages which this service* affords. Such'1 greetings prepaid at the firstclass rate may be sealed and con-i The benefit fund carnival of the ; tai'a written messages; they are McHenry Business Men's Associa- ! dispatched and delivered first; . • . „ „ t 'forwarded, if necessarv without at Roller Rink is on to- additiona5 charge, and if undeliv. * i ! ? i i * " r s d a y , D e c . 8 . E v e r y - 1 e r a b l e r e t u r n e d a t n o f u r t h e r e x - ^ th. nl 18 I? readiness. The interior, penfie tQ the riai]er provided the ° roller rink has been decor- sender'g return address is shown %ted with wreaths, garlands, on the env^lope branches and bells. A very large. TU. nsea.le d. C™h .t mas greetings DEATHS OF FOUR RESIDENTS OF CITY MOURNED EVENING CLASSES POR FARMERS TO BEGIN DEC. 13 EARLY REPORT OF SEAL SALE IS WONDER LAKE PHONE BILLS TO BE HIGHER ; W' :•>$>" Mrs. Ella Lawrence Died Day Following Passing Of Her Son Receipts Totaling:!' $3,686 Mean Work Can Be Continued ' Next month's telephone bills •will be higher for residents of approximately 500 Illinois com- > mynities. / ... • -,:'v J "The Illinois Commerce Commission has atithOrized the IIIV-; nois Comniercial telephone coiiir* 1 pany to collect an additional $380^ 000 yearly from subscribers, to 15$ of. its 181 exchanges. 1 W The raises, effective, Dec. 10, or' Christmas tree lavishly decor- Cited, stands in the center and is a sent as third-class mail without • Wiful" sight. The ^gift's donated U^riZeiQr Writ h i 1 ng .?"clo t sed by all the merchants are piled , }*'° high and are being sorted out. I ZV! % Lnl J » d°eS n i . i j i . f t . . . ® o t e x q e e d 2 o u n c e s ) . H o w e v r , ' Barber Shop (fnartet - j a minimum charge of three cents The entertainers are all primed ; is applicable to such greeting to give their best tonight. We fail- I cards which measure less than to give the name of the barber four inches long and also less % shop quartet last week. It is than three inches wide. Woodstock's contribution to good Patrons having a number of music in their "Six by Four" Bar- greeting cards to deposit are<urg- „ber Shop Quartet. They have a ed to tie them in bundles with large repertoire and will sing and addresses all faced one way before tihtertain you throughout the eve- mailing so as to facilitate their Sing. handling in the postoffice. Bob Switzer prepared a beauti- ~ ---- fill Marine Day Booth which is (Band Master Recovers really worth coming out to see. Asi prom Eighth Operation ; a matter of fact the large floor of j ^ r ( Adult farmer classes aire again . The McHenry American Legion being conducted at the McHenry st members are out to make high school.. These classes consist this a very, merry Christmas for of at least ten meetings and are jtbeir less forunate buddies this held during the winter time. A i year. This coming Sunday,. Dec. weeks ago the advisory coun- Xii>, at the Legion club- house. i c ll -with Leo. D. Kerber,. voca^' 1 they are putting on a "Gifts totional agriculture instructor, and Yanks'5 dance, with the , superb planned the type of meetings to : ! music of Art Thorns and his "AceS be held. Members of the council j of Melody". Dancing and fun will : Herman Schmidtke. Art Still-. • in. nun, eumivt, iw. i«, ur An uakind fate stepped into the feiRn *rom® p°"'^^?miSSi°n Jame^^urran FTend'sinith Vrhf' As the 1S49 Christmas Seal iSale the first billing date thereafter, U«. Lawrence-Kunz ^ '» •-!» ""T . I'l nVoU ST S&AT-JSi ilies twice within two days this go to the "Christmas Gifts to the Hart-jW Walter Lowe, LeRoy third week, receipts so far total ° tWent°-five cents a month for week, with- two memljers of the, Yanks Who Gave" fund. Here is | Miller. Dan Weber and Walter *3,b8b.92 it was revealed in a rfvbU8«lieM „hon|B family dying within forty-pight i an opportunity to make a worth- i Schaefer. port by Mrs. James Lang, county; , j' i, j «iM hours i while contribution in a very plea-! All farmers are urged to attend Seal ba,e d,reotor- e hfraiin^ nf Before her son, Charles Kunz, sant way. ! these meetings as they are very Proceeds from the 1949 Christ- ® - l e b a e f high 33. had been laid to rest in >Vood- j Those who have not attended! interestinS aad instructive. All land cemetery on W ednesday Gne of the old time dances at the! classes begin at 8 o'clock. The afternoon, Mrs. Ella Lawrence, 57, j Legion Cliib house on alternate! schedule of meetings is as folhis mother, passed away of a ' Saturdays, .should plan to do so. I lows: , heart attack. She was stricken | The "next one is scheduled for Dec. ' Dec. 14: Held at Gus Freunds while attending his wake and was; 17 Those that dance contribute ; International Harvester building. rushed to a doc tor's office, where j oniy twenty-five cents per person Instruction is to be on adjusting she was treated. She died en- defray the expense of music.1 and operating certain machinery. route to her home. Mrs. Lawrence etc That is a small investment for' Dec.- 21: Held at high school had been in poor health for the. an evening of fun. There is just Movie on Hv-line chickens and past two years and^ last week was as much pleasure in watching the talk by George Egbert, represenmas Seal Sale, which will continue ^aB°r and material costs and exp*? n8es of expansion projects. tiie roller rink is packed with interesting things to see &n(l do. staff j When Wisconsin rocentlv scor- .,lt ,, - . ,, .'ed a 3!) to 13 victory over Iowa's ^m. Althoff lia^ a staff ( football team, there was an exf, twenty people to help him .butiUe ;trwiil(.ly Say- BpWr^^ prevailing hi the special games. There will jje,one particular room in the Wisaccommodations for over -®0Consin General hospital, even people at the tables. thouph the two occupants were As we stated last week, nowhere temporarily invalids. Thp bedridtan you obtain so much as you den men were two university procan tonight for a small donation fossors, Ray Dvorak, band in- Of twenty-five cents. Intructor and music professor at I the school, and Herbie Page, law j professor. Mr. Dvorak, formerly of I Algonquin and well known as an •j-arroniplislied njusician in this • Vj. ^ „ I area for many ""years. narrowly. |f.. . escaped fatal injuries in an. Qjfcla-., At the annual McHenry county1 boiTTa train accldfnt fwo years Holstein felub meeting and ban- :?*"• 1Professor Pa?e was complotwuet held at che Presbyterian inK'our weeks of hospitalization j Siurch in Hebron, over 100 were as„th^ ,of„a cracked pelvis jij» attendance. Previous to the iPU feieu 1,1 a fa" at ,,lp school. taken to the Woodstock hospital young and old doing the old time1 tative of Corn Belt Hatcheries when she became ill-after many dances, so if you do not want to t - Iah 4- w,>irf at ah weeks of caring for her son. She d. ann\cfe• cc°ommee °o"u1t aannyv7w*ayv aannad "baassKk djr ess ub. y Delberatt Khiignhg sstoihno, oslu. pAedr-- in the atmosphere of pure whole- j undent of all livestock at Cursome merriment. There Is no Ub3 Cand Farnj8 charge for looking on. . • Tn,h. e dja jue o,f .t.h e d.a nces o,f .t.h e. Jan. 11: Held at high school. Demmistrationai . f h , ; year, rtfe party that will outshine j equipment by Publi(. Servic, ( all parties, is. the Legion s New (Company and talk bv Owe'a Ford- , ^ ear s Eve dance and party, on i,am • Saturday, Dec. 31. All the trim-j mings will be there: party favors,:., anrefreshments, entertaftime'nt and I rYeuna ! danc»* music by Art Thorns and j Ihstrytion his "Aces of Melody". This ts a | COT1 party for members and their ' ,fn 2^; guests and the cost will be figur- a.^. 011 'o(>8e type barns ed so as to merely cover the ex- ni^,_,"s,')a r^ r^ penses of the affair. Attendance is by advance reservation only.** STAMP OUT TB A. C. THOMPSON NAMED DIRECTOR QF HOLSTEIN CLUB Held at George principally on the Held at high school. and Feb. 1: To be "arranged: Feb. S: Held at high school - Karl Kwasigroch. assistant farm advisor, talks on D. H. I. A. Feb. 15: To be arranged. Feb 22: To be arranged. Three meetings are yet to be arranged and subjects for these meetings will be announced later. Robert Walter Wright. oM time Some possible subjects are "Corn BURIAL SERVICE ON SATURDAY FOR ROBERT W. WRIGHT mm , MmHIMIMIII » BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS CHARLES K1 >Z dinner, Alice with organ music. suffered in Bailey entertained ' Mf; DJ,ora!t' a ot Mrs" R. M. Flailing of McHenry, re- ^ ,cently underwent the eighth op- John Dehmlow opened the* ban-I prajjon sjnce his unfortunate quet by having Reverend Barkley : acrjdent. HP now has both legs in of the church give the invocation. a ca8t as resuit Gf a grafting A wonderful dinner of turkey, 0pPration. with all the trimmings, was enjoy-j Following the game, the band Ved by, all. v 'paraded past the hospital playing Carl Kwasigroch. assistant: "Varsity" and later gave a skyfarm adviser, was master of cere-irocket Dvorak. monies. He introduced Jack Sat-j "* oriu3 and Norman Specht, the Mc-| iaca m* v PPTTTtiW Henry county Service Company ! AJOi; 1AA feed salesmen, and Fred Cairns, i BLANKS RECEIVED " president of Dane and Sauk coun- xxr tuto r»TCTDTPf fy Artificial Breeding Association, AiY 1 who spoke a few words on their organization. Dr. Paul H. Phillips John T. Jarfecki. Collector of inthen spoke on calf nutrition in the ! tRr»al -revenue for the first Illilight of experimental data derived no'R district, announces that in- # from his work and others. He dividual income tax return blanks emphasized the use of colorstrum ^oi" 'he year 1949. Forms 1040-A milk and its value in combating and Forms 1040 are being mailed disease, maintaining health of the beginning Mondav. Dec. 5 to apnew born calf • * 1 proximately 2.77r»,Oftrt individual President John Dehmlow pre-' taM»a> ^SH this district. It is! sided over the business meeting. |a"that about ten days, The last vear activities and rsjwiH elapse before all of the blanks ports were discussed. A. C. ^V^ ,,. ^ ti!xl>av.P,,:s Ahout -Whitie" Thomson of West A J 1 Z7ZI Henry spoke on the coming calf f0™1 lft40^ blanks. 1.725 000 "n^lection day, to be held on Dec. i [axPaye^. WI 1 receive Form 1040 1«0«. 1H1p urgedj them to proauce the ,b lanks.. .T he t;v pe, of ...b ,l ank mailed tthe McHenry 4-H and F.F A. boys '"B income tax relnrn <6r 1»-; : vi'r,!™o rr the show ring. ,04„ (<>r th(. the Election of officers was as fol-; taxpayers. Instructio'iiR for fillows for the coming year: John,jng forms 1040-A appear on the Dehmlow, pj>esident: Pat Williams,' reverse of the form1'. The blank Vice-president; Robert Gardner,! forms will be furnished in duplisecretary- treasurer; A-• C. 'Whitie' jcate in order that taxpayers may j Arnold Wittmus, 'retain a copv of the income tax V last Saturday afternoon, following services at the Peter M. Juswas apparently much improved ten funeral home. The body was at the time of her unexpected at rest there until 2 o'clock that death. | afternoon. when Rev. Wayne Her son died Monday morning, Pricp of the Community Methodist Dec. 5, 1949, in the Woodstock church, officiated at last rites. Mr. hospital, where he had been con- Wright died at the Waukegan fined for a couple of weeks. He sanitorium on Wednesday evenwas taken ill last January but ing. Nov. 30. after several months of poor The deceased had engaged in health had improved sufficiently farming most of his later life and so that he could resume work during earlier years worked in during the summer. j the poultry business and also, Mr. Kunz was born on Dec. cared for race horses for owners! JJ, 1916, at. Medford, Wis., the son " this area. --^ of Joseph and Ella Kunz. The Survivors include one brother, family moved to this community Alvin Stanley Wright, and two in 1940 and for the past four years nephews in Burlingame, Calif JAr. Kunz Auto Costs." until Christmas, will finance the 19.Mi program of 1 the McHenry county Tuberculosis Association. With thvee weeks of the Seal Pro- a?,e remaining. Mrs. l^ang point- Chicago. On that night Miss GfTDay of In its order, the commission refused to apply the new rate schedule to twenty-five exchanges until service it found to be inadequate is improved. The ICC did, however, set the ICTC's old rate schedule in force in twelve -exchanges recently acquired by the company, raising somewhat the rates charged by former owners. One of these exchanges was Wonder Lake. In thirteen other exchanges present rates were kept in force. The application of new rates to these twenty-five communities would increase the company's annual revenue by another $30,000. The rate raise would give the company, which serves 575 communities. an annual return of 5.5 per cent on its $18,000,000 operating plant value. the commission safd. The body found that under the schedule, the company's income had fallen below three per cent. Miss Patricia Gilmore Beauty Queen Finalist Mclionry friends of Miss Patricia Gilmore are anxiously awaiting Loyola University's Winter Frolic, to be held on Friday evening of this week in the grand 1 ballroom of the Stevens hotel in resident of this community, -was Iforer Control." "Swine laid to rest in Woodland cemetery duction" and "Farm Production oul' 'here is a good chance the more, McHenry's Marine MORE REQUESTS TO SANTA CLAUS ARE ARRIVING i county will reach its quota of $10,- queen, will vie for the title 000. She urged, however, that re- Loyola's first beauty queen. turns be made as soon as possible. I Fifty girls from the University Karly returns mean that the Mc- (entered the contest and from that Ilenrv Countv Tuberculosis As-' j number five are finalists. Photographs have been sent to Singer Perry Como and his decision as to the winner will be announced at the ball. was employed at the JLittle Folks Hope To Be Remembered In Various Ways sociation can go forward promptly with its 19f>0 plans to protect the health of the community. The association's program of tuberculosis prevention and control for ! Tnm» A C f* A DVTV A T the coming year depends on the 1 '^XlKiD 1 fflAo UAKMIVAIj success of the 1949 Christmas ! QF RINOWOOD CHURCH Seal Sale since the sale cansti- . n,T n T tutes the association's sole finan- | BE* UXMIJU 10 cfal support. • The mailing list is made up of I A Christmas carnival at the purchasers throughout the years. Ringwood Methodist church on If your home is not on this list 'Dec. 15 will be a co-operative efand you would like to purchase '°rt of all organizations of the WSnls, rail or write the McHenry ; chu*eb; The Junior M.Y.F. will fnnnir TniinrrninBic AaDn^iuHnn sell home-made candies, pop corn Skokie, Bernard, Jath brother fiv Gr„„u ....v..,. Ilaeliler of Abhoteford, Wis., Mrs. pfank jr 0f Marian Pritchett of Salina Okla., Georg; an'd Rob;r't"oi' McHenry"; T ^.r.S_ h,iieL1!,,!f h..and L f or«tta also one brother, John Thurlwell, th?Li l\, father j of Rockford, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The body is at rest at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until 3 ices were held, with Rev. Wayne j nooiT^hen'^iuria^wi^be heldTn the toy8: two R Price of the Community Methodist St> Mary^n cemetery. A fuieral "°0 Pal°ng Ca88idy gUn8< tW° Bled8' Mass will be read in the church on Friday moijning at 8 o'clock, , , Thank vou td,th Hedstrom | Christmas'to you A lingering illness ended in the TOMMY BALLOWE, 6 years 105 SINGERS WILL PRESENT XMAS CONCERT i Various Choruses, ^ Ensembles To Take Part On December 11 ^ 1 A total of 105 members of the vocal organizations of the McHenry high school will present their annual mid-winter con* cert in the school auditorium om Sunday evening, Dec. 11, at 8:15 o'clock. The program, as in th» past, will include selections ap<» propriate for the approaching . Christmas season and other# ! which are favorites throughout the year. A newly formed a oappella chorus will make its initial per«*: formance on the evening's program, with forty vocalists taking part. The program will open witk three well known carols, sung b r a mixed ensemble as the Bethle- ' hem scene is reproduced on thil stage. Other highlights will in* elude the singing by the girl's ensemble of two rousing numbers from a huge sleigh and the rendition of "The Rosary" by the girls' chorus. Tickets are now on sale tar forty cents and may be purchased from any chorus member. They will also be on sale at the door. follows: ^ * Program- "It Came Upon a Midnight Ctear",- ! Willi-,. "O Little Town of Bethlehem"V I Redner. . i "Silent Night" Gruber. - T MIXED ENSEMBLE "The Open Road" Potter. "The Riff Song" Romberg BOYS' CHORUS "Cradle Song" Brahi "Little Bella Through Dark of Night" : KounUt MARY ANN WIEDRICH. SolOlst ' "Jingle Bells" -- SamueJsoil 'The Sleigh" KounUt ' GIRLS' ENSEMBLES "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" ".... Handei "King Jesus is a-Listenin" Arri by Cain. "Carol of the Bells" .... Leontovtck A Capella Chorus "He Shall Feed His Flock" from "The Messiah" - Handed "The Rosary" Nevi* Gerrie Aevermfin and Beverly Schwerman, soloists. ! GIRLS' CHORUS "Jesu Bambino" Yo* "Angels O'er The Fields" Arr. i bv Manney. MIXED CHORUS Accompanists for the choral groups are Rosemary Dohertft-- Beverly Schwerman, Mary AU Bolger. Mary Kay Freund ant Nancy Siemon. Kunz of McHenry. His passed away in 1947 His body rested at the Jacob Justen Sons funeral home until 2 o'clock on Wednesday, when servin youngsters are urged tcv wi ite at Fisher, a former resident of Frebefore the last edition oniinont. Lake county, were held at Woodland cemetery on Tuesday Here are the Inst letters to b^| of this week. Mr. Fisher died at received: j Havtland Sunday. where he had Dear Santa Claus: ~~ > resided for eleven years. He We would like a few things. We formerly farmed in this communhave been pretty good. There are itv. 1 ' the toys: two gas stations, two -- . ~5 church officiating. Burial was Woodland cemetery. Mrs. Lawrence's body will be at rest at the Jacob Justen Sons funeral home until 2 o'clock Sattwo typewriters, two bicycle; grab bags, as well as fancy work and aprons ana Christmas tree ornaments. 1 The Round-Up club will serve, a buffet supper, with a choice of barbecues, hot dogs, ham sandwiches. potatoe chips,. pickles, cranberry salad, carrot and pineapple salad, pies, cakes, ice cream and coffee. f Balloons and dart games, a real live clown and a gypsy fortune CHORISTERS SANG TO v CAPACITY AUDIENCE ON SUNDAY EVENING CONTEST WINNER Adrian Armit, McHenry. has and a verv Morrv ^ Tl6"1 " f l- S and a ver> Merry Bond for his entry «n ttuheS^* F*onrgdl ! tVlier"wiiradd'"t0"thrfi~n. Both wil; 0.)en at 3:30 and sup- Safety contest, sponsored by the . per wj|| jje 8erved from 5 o'clock Ford Division of the Ford Motor TIMMY BALLOWE. 5 years Company, it has been announced. Thompson and v directors. return filed by them. ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATE Major John A. Buckley. USAFE, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley of McHenry. was recently presented with a certificate of achievement for his "exceptionally outstanding performance of duty" from Aug. 12. 1948. to Sept. *0. ' 1949. During this period Major Buckley was the commanding officer. Brooks air force base, Tex., which is assigned the misgfon of providing air transportation for the commanding general, fourth ar?ny, and his staff. NOTICE McHeUT stores featuring Christmas gifts will be open every evening until 9 o'clock, from Wed- . nesdav night Dec. \4th until Christmas. Stores will close at 6 / o'clock Christmas eve. ; ', Store Hours Committee ^ McHenry Businessmen's Assn. TAG PAY I There will be a Tag Day fair the Wodstock Childrens' Home ftl McHenry next Saturday. Dee. 10. , The campaign is not , sponsored locally but members of the F.H.A., of the high school are carrying ( cut the drive. i FATALLY BIRNED Woodstock was the scene of a tragic accident late last Sunday afternoon when* Mark" Sheahv. 49 died of severe burns incurred when his clothes caught fire and i were burned off following an explosion. It was believed that he ' was "using-kerosene to help kindle a fire in a stove in the Peter Dom- ; broski home when the accident , occured. Sheahy, who had made his home in the Dombroski resi- / dence for thte past few weeks, was ! alone when the explosion took FRA.Mi .1. 1 HI KLtVLLL Memorial h< ispital, Waukegan, folon. The public is invited to have fun while doing their Christmas shopping. EFFICIENT ROAD CREW A good old fashioned snow paid tills community a surprise visit last Thursday, necessitating galoshes to be brought out of the attic and shovel* put into use for the first time this year. McHenry streets were piled high with CAROL-LYN HERDR1CK, tractor, logs set, crayons,and color ! beautiful white fluff --but not for EmeraW Park, nig books and animals. My little long. An efficient road crew had « a » .. . , j brother Raymond wants a barn, (.jtv streets in, excellent conago, she had resided in the South Dear-Santa: animal* and a tractor. I am 8 with her husband, Laurence Hed- My name is Patty Low and 14-rears-old. My name is strom. whom she married Nov.,am 4 and I would like a doll1' JEROME MAY 7, 1&36. shouse, waste basket and a new red j , • ; • Besides the widower, she is skirt, green dress, a toy wrist! Dear Santa GlSUS: survived by one son, Earl Fried- watch, a little mirror, a pencil,! Please bring m« a gas station. berg, of McHenry: her mother, some candy and nuts,- and a little1 tractor.'/log-* set game and colors Mrs. David Payne, of-Gary, Ind.; fire engine. and drawing book. I am 7 years three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Ham- Your friend, "old. My nome is urday afternoon, when last rites d f ea"' evening Dec. 5, will be conducted there. withi0' Mrs- ^th Hedstron,. She paasburial in Woodland cemetery. I® away at her home at t>10 Wau- Dear Santa: 1 A . Frank J. Thurlwell kegan street, having returned 1 bave been a good girl and so years old and I would like some Death this week claimed Frank ho,ne recently from a Waukegan has my sister. Terrv. Both like toys, some candy and nuts. J. Thurlwell, "f(V years old. who , dolls for Christmas and buggies • Your friend. ^ • passed <nvav Dec T, at Victory Mrs Hedstrom, the former to put them in. I'd ' like a doll LINDA L. ; Edith Payne, was born in Chicago house too. Pleasp bring something p- s - forget to bring my but moved to McHenrv with her td my little cousins, too, Vinte sister something too, _ I parents as a young girl. She at- Adams, Johnny and Betty Ann'Dear Santa Claus: • (tended the local schools and con- Granath. Thi'nk you. Please bring me a garage and a jtinued to make her home here for . ma iy years. Before returning to •^icHenry three and one-half years dition early in the day. for which motorists were most grateful. • Wttfcs/cfr (owing a ten weeks' ill.ness. burg and Mrs. Pearl Yerpe ot Gary and Mrs. Irene Hansen of PATTY h. P. S. v.Don't forget to bring my Mr. Tliurlwell was born in 'Mc- : Chtca'go; one brother. Carl of gister Susan, something too. Henry 011 Dec 30, 187K. the son Portland, Ore.; tod two grandof V'illiam and Catherine Miller children. Dear Santa: Thurlwell.- He always made his | _ The body is at rest at the Jacob My name is Donna Low and I m;>s htnne in thi< locality Dear Santa Claus: •I am in second grade and have a sister. r> years old. *For Christwe like to have a folding Justen Sons funeral home, where am 3 years old. I would like some 1 table and chair set. a doll for THOMAS MAY He had been a bricklayer all his services will be held at 2 o'clock : toys, some nuts and candy. life and for raanv vears was a ' this (Thursday) afternoon, wi^h [ Your friend. partner in the Artificial Stone !Rev Kauffman of the English ' DONNA LOW Company in West McHenry. Al- Luth.e™n church in Woodstock. p. g. - Don't forget to bring though officiallv retired for the officiating.' Burial will be in myrsfSfer, Susan, something too. past'five' years.' Mr. Thurlwell. in f Woodland cemetery. -- good health until the past few j ;-- • (Dear Santa: months, continued to work at his' Besd the Want Aria. My name Is Linda Low. T am 2 each of us. doll house and dishes. WitIr all my love. MARJORIE and JANET JUNG (by PHIL WHEELOCK) The McHenry Choral Club ha! again presented this community with some fine entertainment, its annual Christmas concert. ThS singers, led this year by Miss* Adele Froehlich and accompanied i by Mrs. Ida Quintan, displayed a great deal of enthusiasm an< . showmanship in addition to we& disciplined and well rehearse# choral accomplishment. ^ The program, deviating from th» ; traditional, lent an added sparjt 1 that drew much response from ths ' capacity audience. Perhaps ths most deeply enjoyed number of the entire program was "Winter Wonderland." sung by the girls in an atmosphere of extremely effective staging. Excellent solo work was donpr" by Ethel Hansen. Warren Jone% Wayu,, Price. Albert Oeffling an# HowaVd Stoller. The choral club is not quits done with its Christmas efforts as it will sing a few numbergr , next Thursday evening for thflt f Parent Teachers meeting in ths high school. However, it plans ts ; set to work as soon as as possible I on next spring's concert. Mrs. Harrv Lawrence of Chicago spent the week-end with her mother. Mrs. Mollie Givens. ; 8f/y£Mtt$niMS$BUS , HALT GAMBLING f Gambling in the city of Wood* j stock will continue to be stopped it Police Chief Emery "Tfny* Hansm'an enforces orders to tha| effect which he made last week®' end. Action followed a protest ' . made Friday night by Alderman William H. DeWolf. Gordon Bett» , and Charles Paine, who demanded that the law be strictly enforce ed. Not only punch boards an«| slot machines are to be effected but also feather parties, bingo 1 games, carnivals and money draw* Stores Open To [9 P. M., Dec, 14 'Til Xmaf \ --. ,, "t ^ -L /a&hA.