kirn < »", >• * .%. ?• »*> . •%.: • SVK; ?#?": IIIPSP •'.< • 71?" HJS™9 :'\* •••: : '•;- » • !* .*!> '7*">l '.V*' FIE SECTION / ; fcrj Becauso of the great number of * classified ads which appear in the Plalndealer each week, we have foand it impossible to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, HI the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper gtfes to press at 10 t o'clock on Wednesday mornings ^ will be printed. *> FOR BALK FOE SALE -- 1»UIT for your ice , Sold case-beer of all kinds, come j to the Sportsman's Inn, where f< food follows meet; all kinds of *>. Wines and package goods to take '"•"out at tlie prices.* 5i3 Main .Street. A1 Phaniienstill, prop:1' "3tf V.*/ #OB MALE Confinement-raised ;Vy $ou,'g turkeys, premium quality; liens, dressed \vi-iglit lf»-18 pounds, tw cents per pound; Toms, dressed tjjfWeight, 20 to 26 lbs., 55 cents per -O to .30 pounds and over, « Ift) ccnts per pound. Also live birds. «Kd. Hchnielzvr, Kt. 1, West Me- .;v^|iciirv. ' Phone &13-R-1. v /*3.1-3 SALE t-- - Kpotted Poland China boars and gilts. Phoiie Rich- , mond 79G. Frank Jnug, Route 2, ' *30-3 TOR SALB--Oil heated stove, Ivanhoe perfection. Call 667-J-l. 32 "OR SALE --- Capons, 7 to 81/> lbs. 6t)c 11). livo weight. Will pick and draw, no extra charge. Order Xmas and Xcw Year birds, now. Will deliver. Drop penny post card. Albert Schmelzer, West Mi-Henry, Illinois, Route 1. , *82-2 FOR SALE Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitze'n Nursery, Round •Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3.r)70. Corner of routes 120 and Wil if°n 32tf FOR SALE - - 1 horse drawn corn planter, in very good condition, and registered Yorkshire boar, 1 year old. Arnold Blake, Phone 646 M-l. 3o FOR SALE -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Fornials. "This clothing *» good condrtion:" Miscellaneous items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 1ft p.m. •Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to (5:00 p.ih. Mrs. R. Dietrich,-TorfiTCofta Road. Consignment and Resale, '4 mile west Terra Cotta Factory which is ou Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 32tf *fe, FOR SA£.E - Women's beautiful Clinton watch, diamond aud ruby studed, reasonable. % size bed and spring. IMack coat, fox trini- _ined, size 14. Child's boots, size 81,!., #;Jike new. Phone 634-R-2. *32 FOR SALE -- X mas Special. '41 Nash (300 4 door sedan. Radio," heater and overdrive. Good running condition, 8pecia-llv priced at $3(55.00. Auto Body Co., 505 W. Elm, McHenrv. 32-2 FOR SALE --• Two-piece living room suite; tilt back chair and ottoman; very good conditio'11. Tel. McHelirv 1 -W-R. *32 "'FOR SALE -- Spotted Poland China boar pigs. Clarence J. Freund, phone McHenry.636-M-2. 32 FOR SALE -- 1937 Pontiac 2 door, •125.(Kt; hlso 1935 Poutiac 2 door, runs. $5.0.00, Community Aut» 7 Suppiy. Phone McHenry 778. 32 © FOR SALE 27 fool house trail er, fully equipped. Phone 594W 2. *32 SANTA BAYS, "YOUR BEST BET ON GUARANTEED USED CARS IS BLAKE". CASH -- OR -- EASY *TERMS 47-I>OD<iE 1 door Sedan. The buy of the week. 47-PLYMOCTH Spec. DeLuvp Sedan. fceanty and real economy. ra==d(>-1>OD<! E 2 Hour Sedan. Radio, Heating, Perfect. 48-CROSLEY Station Wagon. 42-FORD Super DeLuxe Sedan. "• yjfrll-PON'j'I AC 2 Door Sedan. -7--- 41-NA8H "Ambassador" Sedan. 40-Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan. 37 FORD "85" Coach. Plus more models and a wide selection of trucks, All Makes, Models and sizes. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES 301 E. Pearl St. McHENRY PHONE 156 FOR SALE -- Antiques, your choice of lovely Xmas gifts. Crystal, silverware, ehina, old lamp^ .'locks. Miscellaneous items. Clothes for the family. Fornials. (This clothing in good condition). Open daily 1 p.m. - 10 p.m. except Sunday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Nh op. V4 mile west Terra Cotta factory which is located on Rt. *31. Crystal Lake, 1346-R-l. 30tf FOR SALE - lp37 Pontiac epupej Very good condition, $40. Will come down. Call 17n between S aud 4 or 574-J-2 evenings,. Aune Gehri. 32 FOR BALE -- jPhree black, male Cocker Spaniel" puppies. Registered. Very reasonable. Call Pistakee 633- J 2. 31 tf BARC/ UN8 -- EN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRY. McCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS. CHOICE LOTS, RESORT PROP E R T Y , B U S I N E S S E S . K N O X %EAL ESTATE. 405 RICHMOND A a n PHONE McHENRY 421-J. McHenry, 111. Htf '•OR 8ALE--Generators, armatures, tarters, fuel pumps, distributor toltage regulators and ignition parts or Ford and all other cars. Seaco «les 4, Service, JLilvmoot, Fred J. <vnhoda, Prop. Tel. Mcttenry. 183. . ' 47-tf lOR SALE -TYPEWRITERS, ADWNO MACHINES. Service on all lakes. Also ribbons for all makes; -arbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St.. Woodstock. Phone 549. l-tf FOR SALE--Johns-Manvllle Homt Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf FOR SALE -- Infants' wear, cost ume jewelry, ceramics, bone china lamps, glassware ideal Xmas gifts; all moderately prTced. The Henisley Gife Shop, opposite depot, Fox Lake, III. 25-tf MISCKIJuANEOUS noiiaay Cheer by the Bottle--Oct your holiday package, goods and case beer of all kinds at the Sportsman's Inn^ where the price is right. 513 Main Street, A1 Phannenstill. O ' 31-3 JANITOR SERVtOE - We clean woodwork, fl tors, windows, walls a'ld all other odd jolm. Daily, weekly, monthly >.r sea«n:iPv. Riavcuable prices. Xf.-.TI n r Janitor Strv l -o, Dou D,' VI-/, Mg;-. PI; m 3 Mc Henry 430-J. '1 1 *===l(2tf ELECTRIC PROBLEMS?--Do you have electrical problems! Let Bob solve them. No .job too big or too small. Call McIIenrv 569-R-l 32-6 BABY SITTING young 'girl H<.sires baby hitting, "* ill McHenry 649*R-2 between 4:30 and 0:30 o*;-!oek. *32 Homes -- Oarages -- Insulation -- Roofing -r- Combination Windows -- Siding and Remodeling. SPECIAL Will build seven room ranch home fully insulr.ted, $5,995.00. Easy terms. AIRSPUN INSULATION'-m Free Estimates. Phone Wonder Lake (598 after 5 p.m. *30 4 ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Income tax service by appointment. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 59(52. 3dtf COMPLETE TREE SERVICE -- Tree Feeding -- Trees SPRAYING Weed Control Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegfcn Road - McHenry 724 V l.vtf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SY8TEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 20(5 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf KINSBY & BEN8TEN - Carpenters - ^ Summer Homes - Remodeling Cabinet Work For, estimates: Tel. McHenry 893-J or Woodstock 1359-W 29-9 BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US--We' car deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK.S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. Also used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zur ich 3102. 15 tf 11 FILL 'L"M I NM III M M 1'M'F MI I » > • • I II I I I 1 ! » I I Helen Weber Says: Merry Christmas McHenry Cleaners ffcone 194-M I0S Ela St. Helen Weber. MR. , • 4 II HI 11 j tf • II ••II' I • MIllEOGRAPB SERVICE * ; - Typing - Mimeographing * Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, RonM 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 47&-M. 10 tf \ *.. - •* x tr*-"- f.. MeHiHHT PLAUTSlALn * CLOGGED SEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn, mess Septic Tanks, and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. ~ Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitary Co.. Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round rtrtite. John E. Hill, P." O. Box 274, Mc Henry, Phone 365. tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, HL 45-tf NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your ornamental iron railings. Miscellanous aud structural steel. Let UB figure your job big or small. All worjt done by skilled craftsmen. Your inquiry will receive iirojnpt atontioJC Phone 617-M-l. Schroeder Iron Works, Route 31, •J miles south of McHenry. 20 14 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; 110 help needed to load. Day and night. Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3: reverse charges. 36-tf tAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff. Prop. Tel. McHer.ry 290. S9-tf WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--New line of removable slat and Ratifies ordinal blinds and tape«. Rondcmed and gal va ni zed Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co., ft(>40 W. Division street, Chicago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry <>51-M-1 FrL evening, Sat. 01 Snn. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. Oije and two weeks' service. 27-tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W ,">26 Washington 8t. 30-tf _ Woodstock, 111. WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony NooRAii, 200 So. Green street. McHenry. (Front part of' Claire Beauty Shoppe/i lf>-tf WANTED -- Raw Furs. Highest prices paid 011 mink aud musk rat. Mar.ket prices on other .furs. Walter A.ckermann, Rt. 1 Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 1308 M 2. *30 3 WAITRESS WANTED -- APPLY ir person . it "The Vcok", M>*s. Smith. SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Married man desires .job on dairy or feeding farm. Write Box C care of McHenrv Plaindealer. 30-4 SITUATION WANTED -- Will care for child New Year's Eve through New Year'* Day in mv It..f'le.' ('.Ill M. Ilei.rv- 69Vj 2. •%% POSITION WANTED - Couple desire full t>i»< caretaker position in M;-Henry cicitiity. One cl.'ld, school ge. RelJai le, '.-••»!I:-r»*erenaes. T< I. McIIeii'-v 662-.R-L *32 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash bnvers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR. at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincola 1333. 2-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Women and girls. 200 North Riverside Drive. McHenry, III. , 22tf Uncle Sam Says How would yw Ukc a staok el iiresh, crisp, lovable, spendable MONEY-- available to you EVERY MONTH! Here's how you can («t It---, .with a membership in the simple, automatic "Money - of-the-Month" Club! WHAT YOU DO: If you're employed by a firm, go to your payroll department and yet your signature affixed to th*^PayroU Savings Plan for the purchase of United States Savings Bonds. Or, if you're If-employed, your bank can offer a similar plan-- the Bond-A-Month Plan. WHAT YOU GET: In just ten years, your bonds will mature. In ten years, they'll be worth four de^> lars for every three'invested! l/. S. Twmiy Pqiwiw Kerosene Ranges It is very dangerous to use gasoline in a kerosene range. Kerosene ranges are designed and built to use only one fuel, namely kerosene. Gasoline is much more flammable -than kerosene, so using it irit • stove designed for kerosene is to take a very considerable risk. Even when using kerosene, - great caution ghnuid bo observed. LEGALS • - • NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JAMES F. ENGL AND CLAIRE V. ENGLE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the xoning classifications a public hearing will bc had before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of JAMES F. ENOLE and CLAIRE V. ENGLE that the zoning classification of the following described real estate be changed to permit the use of said property for duplex dwelling: Lots 27 and 28 of the Re-Plat of Howell's Villas Subdivision according to the Plat Thereof recorded in Book 5 of Plats, page 28, said subdivision being located in and being a part of the South East quarter of Section 24. in Township 45 North of Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock P. M. 011 Tuesday, January 10. 1950 in the County Court •House. In Woodstock. Illinois at which time and place any person or person? desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS by HAROLD BACOtf, Its Chairman. (Pub Dec. 22) SOTICB IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JAMES N. MANTZOROS AND VILMA MANTZOROS FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the sonllig classifications a public hearing will be had before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of JAMES N. MANTZOROS and VILMA MANTZOROS that the zoning classification of the following described realestate be changed to a 1-1 classification on the property below described: Lots 8, 9 and 10 in McHenry Addition to the Subdivision known an island Lake Estates, heir.,,' a subdivision in the East one-half of the Southeast quarter of Sec- N<#lh. Ilange 9 East of the Third Princition 20. Township 44, pal Meridian, in McHenry, Illinois The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, January 10, 1950 in the County Court House in Woodstock. Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By HAROLD BACON ' Its Chairman (Pub. Dec. 22) NOTICE IN -THE MATTER OF THE APP L I C A T I O N O F G E O R G E KRICKL FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with provision of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance. a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in classification from R-l Residential to B-l Business Classification, of the following described property. Lot 38 in Kelter Estate Subdivision Unit No. 1 being a subdivision of part of Section 34. Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded Mi^vh 14. 1949 as document 218953. in Book 10 of Plats, page 112. in McHenry County. Illinois. Said hearing will be held in the County Court Room in the Court House in the City of Woodstock. McHenry County. Illinois at the hour of 3 P.M. on the 10th day of January. A.D. 1950. All persbns interested may attend. McHENRY. COUNTY. ILLINOIS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By HAROLD J. BACON Its Chairman Petitioners' Attorney: VERNON J. KNOX Crystal Lake. Illincie. Phone - 1500 V. F. W. AUXILIARY ENTERTAINED VETS AT CHRISTMAS PARTY The^iionthly meeting of the V. F. W. Auxiliary was held on Monday. Dec. 12. A pot-luck supper, Berved at 7:30, was enjoyed by about forty members. 8anta arrived to distribute the grab bag gifts to all present, after which a business meeting was held. Games followed to conclude a delightful evening. A Christmas party was held at Downey hospital for tlie veterans on Monday, Dec 19. The trip was made by twenty-four members of the V. F. W. Auxiliary. Music for the party was furnished by the Hamil Brothers orchestra. Games were played and gifts distributed to 100 patients. A Christmas tree was taken along to lend additional Christmas cheer to tl}e party. Notice was received that several fatnili^s were in need of baskets of food at Christmas time. Eleanor Peterson, rehabilitation chairman, was appointed to take care of purchasing and distributing same. On Jan. 21, 1950, there will be a banquet and initiation of new members at the Sherman hotel, Chicago, by the V. F. W. Auxiliary national president. Plans were made to have several of the new local members to be initiated at this time. nun ISSAY TELLS TXEN-AOSK'S n>E*8 or IMPROVING CITY Following is the first prise essay written by Peggy Selsdorf. sophomore ia the local high school who was awarded a $50 bond for her ideas on improving McHenry. She was presented with' her prize bv the McHenry Business Men's Association at their annual carnival held two weeks ago. Let's Impute McHenry When we were asked to find improvements for McHenry, I immediately thought of the lack of recreation for young people. It's evening ia McHenry, and you're looking for something to do. Of course, there are several possibilities. You can go to a show, if you haven't already seen the picture, or you can go roller Skating, if you can skate. If all else fails, you can always join a friend in a fast game of checkers. I*>es that sound exciting? An ideal solution would he a youth center. It wouldn't be too hard to manage. There are lots or town's smaller than McHenrv that have them. The building could also be used for other purposes, too. such as meetings and other iocial gatherings. A lot of the work could be done by us teen-agers. Practically all we would need would be a building We could paint a shuffleboard court on the floor and get a ping-pong table. There is a Youths Center in Paris. 111 . that we visit-! ed when we were there with 'the Girl's chorus. It had pool tables and a ping-pong table which could be rented ten centR an hour per person. I thought, this would be • good idea for McHenry. This way we could, in time, pay for the equipment. There is no end of things that could be done with a few brainstorms, a little <>e-operation, and a lot of elbow grease. One problem that arises with summer and the Increased population of visitors is tennis courts. Even npw, with just the students playing, there Is a shortage of courts. The situation in summer 1b much worse. Quite a few more courts are needed. Of all the lakes that surround McHenry, there Is not ohe that is really fit to swim in. That is quite a statement coming from a loyal Wonder Laker, but all of it is true. In summer, since most of them are man-made, the water does'nt flow off fast euough, unless there is a groat deal of rain. What I am'working around to is a swimming pool. I am sure it would be patronized by the surrounding communities with, a!! their lakes. On <&eek-ends, most of the people in McHenry and neighboring communities do their shopping. There is never enough parking spaces and this Is very annoying to the ahoppers. If we had a parking,, lot. this problem would be solved, and it would increase business. When I was verv young, L ai- *W'« used to wish for a ptaygRHihd. OnP with swings and slides and just about everything children enjoy. I would like 'to see this dream come true for the children of McHenry. It wouldn't have to be that elaborate* though. I'm sure parents would enjoy a place to send their children when they get restless., I have had experience in this respect, and I know! Many of McHenry's residents 'nsve lived here so long that they can't picture it any other way. Perhaps McHenry can be compared to an old shoe. It is so comfortable that you hate to give it up, but eventually you have to get a new pair. Eventually, McHenry will have its face lifted. Why can't it be done now? XXTHA OAUTION AGAINST A00IDKNT8 URGED THIS S1AS0K "Don't Let Death Take Your Holiday!" That is the slogan of a nationwide campaign by the National Safety Council to hold down the Christmas-Ne* Year holiday accident toll this year. Council figures show the yearend holiday season is the most dangerous perlQd of the year, and that accidents annually mar the holiday celebration in, thousand? of homes throughout the nation. In n united effort to focus public attention on the extra holiday hazards and the extra caution needed to meet them, city and state officials, civic groups, local safety councils and 160 national organizations are joining with the Council in the Christmas safoty campaign. The Council pointed out thnt traffic accident deaths on both ChriRtmas Evc and Christmas Day run about twice as mauy as .the annual daily average. Heavier j travel and the festive spirit of the 'holiday season add to the normal winter hasards of bad weather, slippery roads aad added hours of darkness. "F.very family in America should put one extra gift under its Christmas tree' this year," 'said Ned H. Dearborn, president of the Council. "That gift is life. | It co.uld be the life pf some inemot) cr of the household, or of a |stranger. But it will be saved because someone has used just a j little extra caution? common 1 sense and courtesy to meet hoi ijday hazards. "Unless everyone is willing to !go to a little trouble by taking ; extra care during the Christmas holiday season. America is likely to celebrate the holiday by repeating the record--breaklng carnage of the recent Labor Day holiday disaster, when more than 550 persons were killed by needless accidents. "Remember--a safe Christmas celebration, free rrom accidents that mar family happiness at this joyous time of the year, is the very best present anybody can give or receive. Don't let death take your holiday!"' • OO0MTY CHRISTMAS TREES PLANTED At BEEDtnras IN -A "V On a sandy hill of little or QO agricultural value on Russeil Reimer's fart#, Dprr Township. Christmas trees are now bein^ harvested. These beautiful evergreens were planted as seedlings in 1M2 by Mr. Reimer and some Kftffflf* Heat at the earfl^l edited in part fey the the metallic components towtSB: center, but largely tf radtoMttritr* Since it is ImpoesMi to pfMVtMl far enough into the earth's eeftle^ to determine the heaft, flic tettpw hire has been calculate by uring the radioactivity of JMtdftTf ites, which are believed to fee tim* are now over 16 feet tall. Norman , ilar to the earth.' s core. , Specht, soil conservationist, at the • ^ _ !• invitation of Mr. Reimer. cut one*! Casualty Its 1 of the smaller of these fine trees i The bell in Lloyd's 910,00s.1 which now adorns the Farm ; building in London. Sntfaad. Is 'holidays thC Chri8tma8 constant reminder of a very accident. This bell Is eostijT I The McHenry county soil con- When a Lloyd's insured skip hat; ij with ti?" . • i*' in eo°Perat ion j been lost, and twice when It Si with the state department of con-1 ^ reCovered. It came from th* frigate "Lutine," which was lost 1799, carrying gold bullion va at more than $5,000,000. 1MB w*t one of the biggest losses ever fered by the company. jservation, has assised McHenry I county landowners in planting 300 jacreg t6 evergreens during the Hast two years. These are in one | half to ten acre plots scattered al' j over the county. The trees are iplahted six to ten feet apart an.1 ! average about 1.000 to the acre. Within a few years, they require I thinning aud thus produce a Inuv Ivest. The tfees are Christmas tree •lie in six to eight years. At cur- ' rent prices, an acre of Christ- ! I mas trees will gross $125 to $250! j per acre per year at almost 100 I I per ceut profit. What would corn | j have to yield on good fertile soil to equal that net incoihe? iiio 1 bushels? At least 1 Trees in McHenry county are I planted primarily for wildl?fe cover, reforestation, and soil | erosion control. Christmas trees, j fence posts, lumber, and added j beauty on the farm are some of 1 .the by-products that seventy landowners in M&Henry county are I now, and will be, enjoying. I The McHenry county soil coniservation district will assist you I in getting any odd areas, sandv or I gravelly areas, or steep hillside* I planted to evergreens. See or call | your soil conservationist at the Farm Bureau, phone Woodstock , 49. a Order your 'rubber stamp! at tie Plain dealer. "Deatbwatch" Beetle ^ "Deathwatch" is the name giveli 1 to several kinds of small bsuwuish beetles that burrow into furnitur# and woodwork and are often vetjr destructive. These beetles have tlM peculiar habit Of knocking Aef heads against wood. SupeistiUoog people sometimes believe that the. rapping sound this sport produce! in the quiet of the night togetellg death in the house. PUBLIC NOTICE H««tec tt fri»ni< C»H The WESTERN UNITED OAS ELECTRIC COMPANY beret? notice to the public that It has with the Illinois Commerce ston on December 2, 194B, a lU billing practice to provld billing primarily tor. rcsid the smaller commercial custooMM. r Further Information may be oft**. Uiaed with respect thereto either «• rectly from this Company or by a#* dressing the Secretary of the Commerce 'Commission at IUtnols. A copy of the proposed cflaae*' be inspected by aay Interested p at any business office of this Cc WESTERN UNITED GAS JA,ECT^C_C»PTPAIRE /a/ C. r-"'-- Fight Bell Erosion In Capetown, a new plan Is under way to mobilize the people-of the city tor the fight against soil erosion. Camping trips are arranged with transportation, tents, food and equipment provided free of charge. The campers, In turn, help build soil conservation works under the supervision of expert engineers. The plan permits many Capetowners to enjoy a camping trip while, at the same time, they perform useful service. Order your rubber stamps at The Flaiudealer. Behavior ef Rockete If a rocket were fired 20 miles straight up into the air, would It return io earth at the spot from j which it took off, or would it land | some distance away? A solid body,) thrown vertically upwards in a vacuum to a height of twenty miles (at the latitude of New York State) would return to the surface at a point about a quarter of a mile west of the point of departure because of the eastward rotation of the earth. A rocket fired straight up would behave similarly, except for such effects as wind, imperfect steering, etc., which would cause en additional shift at the impact point Jtead the Want 41k. ACCURACY -- FOR HEALTH , Latin ii not a dead language to us because it H used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. consider it a living and vital re* minder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health -- always bring your prescriptions to us. -mi DRUG STC^RJS PHONE tt XoHBHkl Comics Antedate Printing . Credit the caveman with introducing the comic strip. Long before the dawn of recorded history, primitive artists were using the technique of consecutive drawings to dramatize a situation, funny or not. Adam's Apple the "adam s appl£" received its name from the belief that a piece of the apple that Eve gave.. to Adam stuck jn his throat. CASE DEALER WIS HB YOU A i Mwcv AND A VERY HAPPY AND IJrasprantB The Gift For Tie Whole Faaily ZENITH TELEVISION UAIIimi FLOOR ul TABLE MMKI^ Hero's Top-Flight Enjoyment for Ivtryone -- Morning, Noon and Evening. And With Our Generous Payment Flans It's So Easy to Own TABLE MODEL, 105 Sq. Inch Screen FLOOR MODEL, 165 Sq. Inch Screen! .1 ONLY $249.96 ^ ONLY $399.95 ygEORGE P. FREUND SALES end SERVICE PIIO>E 4M McHENRY, ILL. 514 WEST MAIN STREET . . PHQJJE McRgNRY McHENRY, 7