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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1950, p. 8

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<t£* &Ufllt L'MJb JkiciikNK t ri^*ll<Dt,AL*£.K OOOHf IV* 1>?A MAN THIS M£*NING/ OH* THAT5 I BOJ6HT A HOME MY V/OIBDs THtt 000K MEDICAL •OOKTHE " 6VCN BT3S? OTHER CAYTJSD IVE the SAL BEEN NMMTINCS TO OUTA 5Aid it was; TRY SOME OF REMEPIES/ SW, WHAT J£ THIS?/ THAT'S TUB TWI(2D STATION WE'VE PA^&O ANO HE HA4NT TOEP TO TW2N Ml NAW/Olie TROUBLE /£ W£ DON'T HAVE A yOO-HOO/PADDY, WDNPEC. WILL VOU t5fVE tf£ 4 WSHZsanpvs ALL TUCKEfZBD OUT > T-1 WUW5Y THEY /WOTOe..' OUNCE , ••».-. 3fc? / Thursday, January 12, 1950 I1 J Ji A.JMI •ffp \V .'/<' i v n n u r n 1 1 1 - .Vv //(/</// rnge has beeu playing for us during the i>ant few months. Airai:i we would like to remind >ou that the young: people's choir practices on Thursday- evening nt 7:4C>. VVe need several it)Ore voices to help us out in this choir so ionu> on but this week so *e can ltiive a good practice. Mrs. 'VanesBe Sells. Those who t ^m*9*pn X. WAYNNB 1 have heard Mrst Sells are certaih] 51 „ | to make plans to attend and wet '* * Attorney-at-law A ask'them to pass the word along' . k to their friends to be sure to I Ro«d (RFD Bex j WEST McHENRY. ILL. Ah announced last week, 'lie; Phone McHenry 492-W topic for the pastor's sermon's j ,,UlI during the month of January ;s !5"Jj •***5 ,itiaaWld toe , c»u& lUUM,,n lllc lllUillli g| JtlllUtil y »B » An J 1 »W 1 Mrs. Donald Banter makes the 1 'The Bible". To really appreciate , H «„??« . ,?FSeSw ; *- report that the regular meeting It hi i greatvolume and receive help |t «»!.»,«... a||ltary rower Loadof the W.S.C.S. will be held at 1 •God s Word," we not only '"f, PHA" . . »eat Scn|P* for -- p.m. on the afternoon of January need to know th?.coitents but «ie ». J}™*? jffon Heights Last week we mentioned that 19. it will be a dessert lunchepn alsd firiil It htflpfuKto know tlw I ~: ™fnr> 3"L Reverse several ttwards were given out with Mrs. C. C. Hovte, Mi's. Harry ; history of the vo>lluumrhie! itself. INCOME TAX1 STRICTLY FRESH < 'I'ho U' n 1 iiiii' Ai / (it is ;ip- ' * plic able 'to- int-ouie U»v reltotJS fur till' calendar year 19+9. . • ' ^The exemption allowed ^ Wh taxpayer is . An additional • exemption of ^600 is 'allowed for th,. taxpayer's spoil-e. " if the spouse has 110 gross uh-ojih; and is liot tile tJepenUeat of anotner p\*r/ ENCOURAGING cold war trend: Russia ha^ recently returned an ice breaker which it got from the United States under lend-lease. All the cold war heeds is a little more ice-breaking. The exempt ion- for depcii .. >. deny at is "-pen ut'ru-s aft; tli€ same its Under the prior taiv . i, e. 1. He or she re< cirod oyi r on halt'% of his or *her 'entire support in 194t». 2 He or islit? was closely nlateU to you. . He or she did not. have J>5tM or more gross in<>oni(. of Jiis yi- . her own fn 1949. ., He 'or not file a joint return"Avitli liis or ; her spouse. - ^ JL Hy or she v()is:aftti7p;T of' The oafe driver, says a university prof, is the 'one who drives with a relaxed stare on his face. the way to a safe pedes-, trian, is to keep one jump ahead vt him. the r. or ae resiH^rit of the lT.S„ Canada or Mexico. K.ich taxpayer who has attained tile age'of <15 years before the end . of lie .... .ir" w^i 11 allov. t J ;m additional exeinption of fCOO. ,Tl>i -1 additional exemption is 'treated' in . the same manner as'the ordinary exemption, A - married .taxpayer can take the -old age exemption 'fortliis spouse on his s-. pirate >'/ turn, if ahe -hu». -ao "gross income and is not tti^ dejwndeiit of an otlior taxpayer. A further exemption of }60(> i .allowed to nilf 1) tnfpnyri Wind at the cJost* of the t^x«>I»1 > year. A taxpayer may also claim '•n additional exemption of >fiO" tor a blind sj>ouse. ;Tlie same rules govern the al- ?aw;ince of the old dpe exemption «f»d the blind exemutioii lor a spouse as,govern the nllov.-a'.ice <.r the ordinary exemption for ;i spouse. It is to be noted that the oM age exemption and the blind e> emption do not apply to dependents but to husband and wife only. Thus a taxpayer who is supporting a relative who is over 65 years old or blind is still eatitli 1 "IWOTlly one exeniptin\> for thp d< pendent relative WM!,. the eemption for each dep- ndent Ii;; •• been increased t« $600. the te-^t ?or dependency remains at $f.<Vi and no exeinption may he <-laim'ul f<V' a dependent whose gross income for the year is $50** or more. In dealing with the Russian bear, it's a good idea to keep'a line on what's bruin. ' ^ • • • • , V . The Canadian flat glass industry has been accused of "price fixing." Naturally, you could see right Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klonz left last Thursday to s'pe'nd the winter in the South. Mr.- and Mrs. Arthur Larson <;1 Hayward. Wis., spent last week visiting her sister. Mrs. Alfons Adams, and other relatives. TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. Hpw many people in China recently fallen- under Communist control? 2. What per' cent of U. S. children now complete high school and college? 3. How mueh faster than sound has man traveled in a plane? FARM LOAN GROUP ^ TO HOLD 31st, ANNUAL MEETING ON JAN. 18 Two directors will l»e elected a\, the thirty-first annuitJ meeting ol the National Kami Loan Association of Woodstock, according to Ralph L. Ostrander. secretarytreasurer of the association. The terms of president Paul H. Allan son of Mundeleiii and Louis Hoichart will expire this year. Th< new directors will serve a term o: three years. ~ ^ -The meeting will be held iu tin Opera House i£ Woodstock, Wednesday evening. Jswi. 18, 1950'.' The doors will be open for registration at 7:30 action will start promptly at 8. " 4 Besides the election and they'veport of the secretary-treasurer on the past year's activities, there will be a talk by 0.« J. Lloyd. Air. Lloyd is vice-president and secretary of the Federal Land Bank « St. Louis. 11.' represented tli-i bank here when the association was organized thirty-one yeai%f ago. . „ • Entertainment will be furuishej by the Woodstock Players, who will present a humorous three act 'stage play. The Woodstock Association. I :»erves the farmers of Lake and McHenry county. The other directors are N. S. >\eingtirt, .McHenry: lohn A. Paulsen, Woodstock:' and 'Vm. .Meyer. .VCarengo. Misn Marguerite Johnson re- : umed her duties on the fricnity < f the. Wheaton school, on .Mo'ndav' jnfter spending the holidays witli desk?" I asked him. "And how I her parents, the George H. John-' sons. She spent a few days lasf week visiting in the George JC..' Johrson home in Kvansto:i. James Weber. Jerry Wegener i atid Klchard Paddock have return- • ed to St. Nazianz Seminarv. Wis., Mr and Mrs. Jacob Steffes and I Mr. and Mrs. Jo -.eph J. Rothermel :ive vacj.tionitig in Florida. Mrs. Kathryn liolger spent a lew days this past week with Chicago relatives. x for itanday School attendance. The following received pins in the junior department: Jill Siler, Nancy Coldwell, Mary Lou Watkins, Patsy Jensen, Tom. Ketchem, Sue Petyon and Richard Dickow all received first quarter pins. Lee Vance a quarter pin; Carol Olson a third quarter pin; and Sue Steinspring a 1 year pin. Mr; AleCrackeii reports that the following received awards in the prijnary-' department: Michael Fischer. Camilla Covalt, Lee Eschbach, Jiiyco Ks<"hbach and Hrenda Krukow all received first quarter pins;. Terrv- Engle, Peter Engle, Kurt Engle and Lance E.igle reeeivrecj - .second quarter pins: Heather Fike and Harry Stelnspring third quarter pins and June Jensen received a wreath.; which' is the second yeSr award. Die pastor wants to apologize tor not including.-the"Junior Cherub anthem in last Sunday'shnlleti'. i. They sang "The Evening Prayer" 'from* Hansel arid retel. We were happy to have Mrs. Harry Harr back at the organ again for the service. Mrs. Burr and Miss Celia Page will continue to- play for us in the future. The pastor, the choirs, the music committee and the congregation would Uke to extend their thanks to Mrs. Ilai'ry Stinespring, who with Miss the i Ai® "r .-WfMenrj 314. Reverse We j Palatine Rendering Ser»- L & H TELEVISION Stinespring and Mrs. William cordially invite you tcK come and K isweilor® co-hostesses. The pro- learn about this important work. CHARLES 8 Parked grain will be a book review by , "See you hi Church Vat Sunday." S* PARKER. sAttoriie, CJoslyn A Parker) Office Hours: Afternoons--1:0d-5:01 e?5'^r~"^0Shr s°PPly Company, 542 Mtrn Street, West McHenr 1 hone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 ! i l*bJt ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1. RING WOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repaifa Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERNON KNOX ^ Attorney-At-Law Oor. Oreen and Elm Bts, MeHenif-' r Tuesday and Friday Afternoocp Other Days By Appointment.. Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horaea, less for down horses pud cattle. MATT'S MINK RANCH iohnsburit - Spring Grove Ro«% Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTMi We pay phone charges A. P. KREUND SOrNS EMERSON and MOTOROLA. SALES-- SERVICE Phone 403 604 Front St or 653-R-2 - .West McHenry, Illinois ea!even in COLD WEATHER 'U UvftaU a jpxjzl'AaxHiuj WILLIAMS OIL BURNER Discomfort Inconvenience m AdveitUcmcnt V Rom where ! git... ^ Joe Marsh Why Scoop No Longer ' Works Here Scoop Blake paid w a friendly Jail at the Clarion'a office last week nd we were talking about when he j Was a reporter here. "Remember how mad I got w&en "I found out you were writing that election story right from your Made you get out and learn what a sheriff's job was all about?" "I sure do, Joe," said Scoop. "I want to thank you for teaching me the 'hat-trick'--putting on my hat and finding out the facts, that i&'* Then we both had a good laugh" because he found out so much that darn if he didn't rtm and get elected sheriff himself! ° From where I sit, we should find out the facts before we try to talk about anything. When we do, we're inclined to be more tolerant... we're apt to understand a little, more about the other fellow's preference for, say, his political candidate or for a temperate glass of beer now and then. I say, if you don't want to get tripped up, don't leap to conclusions! tow PRESSURE PRINCIPLE (Only 1 to 2 lb*, atomizing pressure) ASSURES MORE HEAT FROM LESS FUEL OIL! Oil and air are scientifically mixed at low pressure for better combustion. That means more heat per gallon--and money in your pocket. ALSO--Oil-O'Matic Oil Burners have a clog-proof oil-air nozzle and burn with ease those hotter, but harder-to-burn new catalytic fuel oil^ Remember this important fact--with hundreds of makes to choose from--EVERY EIGHTH OIL BURNER IS AN OIL-O-MATIC! Come in today for details. No moffer how cold the weather, our factory-trained experts will install your new Oil-OMatic in just a hours.. ^withouj discomfort Excavating Contractors * Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- Tefc-fW-M McHenry, lit E. K. PKASfcEE, D. C. ^ Chiropractor S. Ureen St., Mc.Wenry » Office Honrs, ail) evrept Thursday "v 1:80 to fi and Frl., Kvenlnj-" ~ to 9 McHenry 298*11 FUEL OIL SUPPLY Guaranteed! ^aitiwntt inOilftrnwR l\ FLORAL CO. hone 404 e South of McHenry tj| On Route Si .. ~ for all occasions!. ^y.vlliC.LASSESOr INSTRUCTION Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks. Cawi iLonia, Ray Noble, Qriff William* I ChicaKo and Oriental Theatre*, | organizing fall classes. Call Mc- ; Henry 533-J-l for appointment and ; Interview. Telpnhone No. 300 STOFFEL & REIHANSPERGfcH THENNES OIL COMPANY 505 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. Copyright, 1950, United States Brewers Foundation 4. What is the name of a new republic recently formed in the Southwest Pacific? 5. What great business organization did J. Pierpont Morgan found? •Insurance agents for all cl»»ae» wf ' property in the beat companies. West McHenry. lllinoi* INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH fire. Auto, Farm & Life Insnranee Representing -» RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or I18-M -ttreen & Elm • McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist -r-Office Hours-- Tues., Thurs., ft Sat.. 0 &. m. to 5 p. m. ! Evenings by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L J? Masquerade Ball Sponsored By ° \y' • Retail Liquor Dealers Assn. AT THE TWINKLING STAR flAMOROUS ff£W Fl/rUffAM/CS / spf cr^euufi 'ROCKET' £#$/#£$ / . . . f * ' I ' --#fHr WH/*1 A wA rnf/ro/!A-MAr/c ~0/i/y£ / » FRANK S. MAY ' Trucking 3and--Black Dirt--Crushed Gra^rf Light Excavating -- Limestone # Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l . R-l McHenry r , January 27,1950 Music by HAROLD GUSSE'S BAND < 'PRIZES Imzes for Best Dressed and Most Comical Dressed Couples. K"-i St. tJ. S. 14 North*of Woodstock ^ v;^-v Ifydm-Mntic (mM, mt n+w prut-, nou optional tm «// ffltfewiilii'fc Rocketing-into the Futurarnir FifticH a fabulous new fleet of Oldsmobilen! Three exciting new car«--the glamorous "98!" (pictured above)--the action-parked "88."1 noufaiPa new low price!--and the sparkling "70!U>See them now at vour Dldsruoiiile Dealer's! See the Oldsmobile "Rocket" America's fkuhl N&w Lower Prices on New "Kodtet" Engine "88"! most famous automobile engine! 'Whirlaway, Hydra- Mmic- -the new, .automatic "Wrivew that matches "Rocket" sm«»othiies«! .Vew Fun,rami, styling fleet, free-dou mg |i„r8_ nrnmier interiors- more ' visibility ^many other new feature*! See the „eM Futura.uicit Wi ll nam U^.rjt^lut.d «itl, Ol.Uu.ohikf!-- l'„p„l„r„v \tatun ,I„U I'rirr Kr.l„rtinn • S i t T H I N I W F U T U R A M I C S NOW ON d i s p l a y a t t o o * VL*S WELDING AND REPAIB SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry -- Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Weldl.ij and Cutting « ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 4«4 M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law 110V® Benton St. Phone Woodstock Itti Woodstock. Illinoia OR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner flrec'i & F-ln» _ Tnes., Thurs. & Sat. , Thursdays 9:30 to 5i80 Toesdavs and Saturdays to 8 Tel. McHenry I5W ' WELDING "" Maintenance , and Construction Portable Equipment ^H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J *9 South CTreen St., McHenry, I1L Hand Limestone gt VERN THELEN W Trucking „ t Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire **el. McHenry 588-R-2 or 688-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry DR. H. S. FIKE_ Veterinarian DEALER'S mm? 403 FRONT STREET '-6 R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES ~^H0NE 6 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 1 veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and House Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. • ^ Except Thursdays ^ Evenings by Appointment^ » DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J ^ McHenry Office Hours: 10 a. m. to » p. m» except Wednesday. Oftico closet all day Wednesday. K Evenings by appointments

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