i l l * * I ' I » I I H V'fyT Thursday, January* 12, J.950 <>, * 'V - •* ; . ^ f" U J ' " j u , , m « • . " # * * » » i 9 j | ; p ' i u v ^ p ; 4 i^ J ! » « ) « • j , u i j o t , p p i i ^ p i i ^ , . '--S*\ 1 - ?,.* * £*<• tr^y ' * 1 ' ' * - K*, .,/ ;4^.« ' . .•.,••,?• -f." w* *. cu'w* ><*.,>•>,f' isi \* . ' >- ( THE McHENRY PLAINDEALKft '- » '• «" " * •"' ^ "' C .V'-""" "I t* ' *1 •!•< » McCULLOM LAKE On Par ad* (By Yardstick) « , <jreetittRS Folks: • The Hickory Creek Farms jpttiochlr club held Us fitst session lid the now year at the recreation Jmll last Saturday evening, with every tab^&jakeu. After an evening of pinochle, choice snacks and Refreshments were enjoyed by ail. Among those present were Mr a.ul Mrs.' Leo Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Etteif." Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murphy. Mr and Mrs. ltay Etten. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ari'egger, Mr. and Mrs. John J^sten. Mr. , ftnd .Mrs. J. Kukuk. iid Jefferson, * 'Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Kd Jefferson. Jr., of . Chicago. . ; •'•"• . The Hickory Creek Farms re- •v.vrfcuticm frail will - be a live * spot during future' week en dkae <o id i 11 k to Jen. ;• -V . v *, Last Friday4' evening at a spec ial Westing of the Scre\\«y *I)ozenv an ^ftjection of officers was hold. Art v$J)lseu leplHc'i^d , Frailk lioutke. as president: Jake; Levesque' took '.the '4';».V-JtbiltoV« fpr Second place as "Veep ", while Mrs. Hetty Bauinbeck in- V/'-'Jjerfted the title of > secretary- »treasurer from Mrs. Emma "Pyptz. installation rituals were, performed by Kd Walton. President Olsen next appointed Bliner Glosson asUchairman of the entertainment committee. and George Baumbeck as co-chairman m Beverly Rl>urke and Donna KJlosson will act on the sick committee. and Therese Schultz o:i • publicity. - After the meeting, a tasty lunch wa:; served bv tl\e club's gracious hostess Mrs. Betty Cermak. whirl! made it a perfect evening for all present. Herman .Jahnke returned from his annual trip to'Springfield, 111.. where he ^enjoyed a week's stay As guest of Mr." and Mrs. Fred Jahnke. After enjoying many summers at th^ir home on Maple Hill Drive. Mr. aad Mrs. William O'Flaherty have finally decided to make it their permanent home. To while away the many leisure hours his retirement from business will afford him. Mr. O'Flaherty equipped his castle *ith a television,set lots of fishing gear. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradleyare also a very welcome addition to our permanent residents' list. The Bradleys' former home was in lAVhite Cloud, Mich. A visit to the Plaindealer'will find. Mr. Bradley engaged - at, " his profusion 4s a Ifhotype. operator. Anton Lennert returned • artfer enjoying a week's visit Air. a: Mrs. home with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buri in Chicago. . , Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rourke. who will celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary on Jan. 19 and to Gene Fro&t on his twenty-first birthiav anniversary on Jan. S. Deposit your news items at lake-Wills food shop or give us i buzz at 566J2. Adlos. Jsha Dory The John Dory, a popular food fish which lives in tropical seas, ha? a round black spot on the middle of its side.-Legend has It that, this spot is"V thumbmark left thetfe when St. Peter toQk a coin from »the fish's mouth. ^ Auto Radiator Service " > " • ci HAMIL'S GARAGE now has a complete set of test tanks, boil out tanks and flush out system. If your radiator needs work done, roding out, boiling out, flushing out or repairing, new cores or rebuilt radiators. ' ! Phone 682 W-2 Route U. S. 12 Volo, Illinois FREE PICK UP and DELIVERY , HAMIL'S GARAGE Phone 862-W-2 Route U. S. 12, Volo, Illinois d « r IOFFICIAL PUBLICATION> ./'/ •' ' • RendV: 6f the Condition of Mc HENRY STATE BANK - V" McIIenry. Illinois •trnimthItod in rc«pon.ce to-call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pur- "siijuii. 1 *» ni!<l si;n\vin4r .condition at the do**1 (*f biijiincs^ .ou the t>i' Pcecnibor, 1949. ------- .RKSorRCKS 1. X'ash aud diie froua banks ^nTTMi ^tnT<:- fiovoriiTiieiit ohl.i^ntioii-". dim-i and or fully uuai anteed I "4. < H Iior bonds, stocks and securities h5.. lvoans.and discounts (>;• (-)yerdrafts 7. l+ankinir house $10^)70,50,'-Furniture and .fixtures $M,072.02 : $ S55,'593.79 2,(;67,400.00 C t 721,7(54.^ 2,408,:>»:WH» 080.34- 19,«42;5^ GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES IJABITJTIES, / 12. Capital stock .. .L ' "V 14. Sui-j>lu> , ' •' •; 15. T'ndix ided 'profits (Net) 10. Reserve accounts *17. Demand deposits ;... ._J3- Time deposits.--^-- - _ 1 -- { Total of dci'osits:* ~ . ' ! ......$0,(i7H,419.77 .$ 100,( . KX1.000.00 129,887.97 1U5,til 5.09 ; . 3,42.^,800.9:5 ^758,015.09 (1) Seenre<l by pledge of assets $ 07.538J2 (2) Not secured by pledffe~of assets ; ;1i, 114,337.!>0 "o. (3) Total depoaits fi. 25. Otliei liabilities $0,181,870.02 .20,03949 (iRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES ^,073,419.77 Menioranduin: Assets Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 20. As>ets pledged: ^ ' (a) V. S. (foveniment obligations direct and'or fully guaranteed • • ; ;. 308,500.00 308,500.00 ^ .Total Amonut of Apsets pivdared (excludinir -. / rediscounts) .. .1 '.... 27.; Purpose find A-mount of Pl^dire: . . < • • • (nl' Airaihst. t'-^-Sr-iiover-iiinient and postal savin<rs deposits : ; ; 2«0',500.00 (b) A^ajust funds of Shvte„of Illinois 28,p(^().00 Totiil Aniowii of Asset* Pledged - (must agree with Item 20) : $ .'508,,>00.Of! .1,--Robert L.Weber, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items, and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Account^ State of Illinois, pursuant to law. - -..j-. ROBERT L. WEBKRr6asbier. • * . : Correct, Attest: . WILLIAM Ml CARR( >L, ALD J. CAREY, Directors. State of Illinois, Counly of MfHenrv. gg. Subscribed and sworn: (SEAL) w . day of .Tatitiarv, 1950s \'ERNE E. HARRISON, Notarv Public. DIRECTORS C. .T. ReihanRperger - >Vil!iani M. Carrqtl - William A. Nye, M, D. herald J. Cariey , 4 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERV E .SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION URGE CORN GR( TO GO OPERATE P. M. A. COMMITTEMIN LO^WS ETOH if* heginninR of the marketing year exceeij normal by more than 20 peri «'ent. corn marketing quotas, as' well jik acreage allotments, must - ' be proclaimed. Quotas may not be ConvfcrowerB in McHenry conn- / Pit into effect, however, miless at ty wereXurged this week tb>co- l^ast two-thirds of the ^growers operate fully with PMA eoirtmun- vothiR in a refereodum approve ity committeemen who are «se. conducting a survey of farms^ throughout ... Child Tralntac Children should be made to feel as free as adults to invite their friends to their homes. This will help to develop invaluable social traits, such as hospitality and friendliness. Bead the Want Ads. the county.^ Bert Bridges, chairman of the county PMA committee, said that the committeemen are already at work gathering reports of corn acreage dtfring' the last three years. These report* will be used to establish individual farm acreage allotments for 1950 if eorn allotments should be announced by the secretary of Agricultufe. The allotments would be 'based 1 generally on the farm's corn acreage history for 1»47. 194S and 1949. "Any farmer who operates a farm which produced corn in any of the years 1947. and 194^, should contact the county PMA office if he has not furnished a Committeemen corn acreage data for his farm. Mr. Bridges said. "If any farmer will be producing corn ih 19"»0 on a fa rip where no corn- was plauted during the period J947. 19*8'. or 1949; he should file j)-written request' for a cofn ac reage allotment^ with tl.e county PMA. office. The last date for filing such a 'request -is Jan. 2". 19.50." : ' If allotments should he announced for the l9.r»;» corn crop, they would "apply to every corn farm in McHenry county. The survey is parti<uhirly important. according to Mr. Bridges, because the new price support law directs that price supports on the 1950 corn crop be set at 90 percent of parity to cooperators. Whenever' corn supplied at the - - 1950 • Brighten Up The New Year With , . . ) Custom Made . . . Draperiai; • Slipcoven Curtains Pillows / Valances ' Bedspreads J ; Ctornices M K Venetian Blinds -• COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 490 s •f-ftfA ... % j ROCS CLEAN? THIS AMAZING NEW METHOD ^ ^ EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ; AT LOW PRICES r You Can Have Your Rug, Throw Rugs, Carpeting; Runners, Etc. Cleaned Right On Your Own Floor:--No Waiting 8 to 10 Days With Your House D i s a r r a n g i e d . v v ' ' a i Oolors Brought Back To Life, Pleasant dean Odors, Longer' life And No Rug Shrinkage,, J FOR FREE ESTIMATES -- PHONE 637-J-i 9 * George Binder Carpet Cleaners mmmrrm Ihi* Sl--k 4- Door 6-Pattmngmr Tovrback Sudan h*adt a lint-up of tix jrtiorf SUPERS, all powered with the surging new F-263 tlfoiakl-0ight engine, very latest word in valve-in-head lift and life. FASHIONED f oi eveiy taste- Priced foi may BUDGET" So you think that's taking in a lot of territoryfor Buick, or anyone else. Well, look at the 1950 Buick line, which these three high-fushioned honeys represent, and decide for yOUrself if it isn't right. Nineteen -- Yes, 19 -- smart new models to choose^ from -- open cars, closed cars, sports cars, utility models, all with the smart styling of big, bold-lined bumperguard grilles, sleek tapering fenders and the over-all look of a jet plane. Three full series -- SPECIAL, Super and Roadmasti:k -- with Special models available both in standard finish, and the extra luxury of de luxe handling. Three separate power plants • in five horsepower ratings -- all higher in compression than before,, and all more powerful. All valve-in-heads ball design --and one of them, the sensational new F-263, wholly new-- giving Si PER models a brilliance on" the ruadrtir^make you cheer. Four whtelbases all planned for riding comfort --with overhang reduced to make parking and garaging easier. Rear seats are as much as 13 inches wider, giving "generous hip-room, shoulderroom, head-room and leg-room to all models. Plenty of outlook as well. And the abiding comfort of coil springs on all four wheels. And torquetube drive, to keep your going steady and sure. Not to mention SafetyRide rims, for comfort plus control. Then look at prices -- dd"they really fit any budget? They range from the fine-car level of the Ro.-VDM ASTER down to justabove- the-lowest figures on the. SP1 CIAL. But even these are so little above anything else -- buy you so many more years of happy use -- and give you a car of such consistently- better trade-in value -- that you'll find Buick reachable by buyers in any price range. So why not get the whole storyt price and all, from your Buick dealer now? Could be .1950 will' be the Big Year in which you step up to a Buick and start driving the car of your dreams. The delivery situation's good, you'll find the "deal" is right -- d you're going to find yourself lot happier just to have an order signed! TO % Hwi'i tfc 3 - fruiinf C«m, on# ef teven smart modetr. P/iHiflu» Drive optional. Horsepower -- 115 with transmisstom, 122 «ii O/rtoftow. Six KOADMASTSK Modelt, including H* vltro-stnart Riviera, cover the fine-car field. 152 hp. Fireball straight-eight engine, Dynaflow Drive standard. LOOK HOW BVICK8 DELIVER/ / THE BUICK SPECIAL 3-Poumng»r Coup* pkturmd kmrm dolivers at your door for (Dynaflow Drive available at extra cost) THE BUICK SUPER 4-Door 6-Pat--ngmr Sodan pfctvrod horm dolivort at your door for. . . . . . • . . . . . (Dynaflow Drive available at extra cost) ----, -- THE BUICK ROADMASTER Riviera pictured horm, including D y n a f l o w D r i v e , d e l i v e r s a t y o u r d o o r f o r . . . . . . . ' Optional equipment and state and local taxes extra. Prices subject to change without notice. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities due to transportation charges. $ 1,888. $2,029. $2,932. MAitm hiii Tune, to HENKY J.. TMLOR.ABCNetwork. every Monday evening. YOW KCV TO GUAM YM Whonm yotu BUICK dernier /or a demonstration --RIGHT MOW I tl hem better mmtmmobilea are built MICK trill bmild If R. I. OVERTOIL MOTOR SALES _ 403 FRONT ST. PHONE 6 McHENRY, ILL.