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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1950, p. 10

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:*r w w* \ ;**?»* ay vwws} w?%w v#? y^rasypy;• ? -^2* rf *#;• -•'ytefrfV **.•••>" •«*•"}'•«;"¥ ^ V.1 >->• ;A\V4>,' *' 'A ; , 4,;.. -' . - , f >t »,>Wa 1 a '. &&•'&'i'm.Y ,%> • *,*£?- '/• < "~ * < * --^••t- ,. , * rs *. "• *Jt *# * t • 2»- »<* . <t McHENKT PLAWDEALEB ';'«">v" '•%d Thursday, January 12, 1950 i i m i i m n H n i H i i H RINGWOOD #»» » i.; /i (by Mrs. George Bhepard) ilr. and Mrs. Lester Carr entertained th«. women's Five Hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mr*. E. E. Whiting and Mrs. Rose Jepson. \ k Mrs. Viola Low entertained the banco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Wm. MeCanhon. Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Nick You.ig. The W.S.O.S. will meet with Mrs. t>Scar Berg Thursday Jan. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas entertained their Five Hundred club Thursday evening. Prizes <werc awarded to Mr. and Mrs'. George Shepard. high and Mrs. \Ktntreth Cristy and B T. Butler, . l o w . " ' I ' I • ' • The Seiiior . Youth ; Fellowship group met with the Greenwood Youth Fellowship. group at5 Greec- .woo# Sunday evening. < / Services were conducted by Mrs. ; ©harles Stephens at tHe Methodist thunii Sunday morning in the "'rfbsence of her husband, who is ill.- • The Community i£ub' will .meet "ft' the s«hool house Thursday even- . tagi Wm. Pagni will show moVies of his travels through the west . and also a news reel. - Refreshments will be served. A few women went in Friday and helped Mi's. Jennie Bacon celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Tollefson of Marengo visited Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cannoti Tuesday. \ Mrs. Rose Jepson spent Friday and Saturday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roland McCannou, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr attended a, birthday party in the Louis Pitzen home at Pistakee Bay Wednesday evening. Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mr<?. Robert Anderson of Richmond • visited their grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Friday, and helped her celebrate l»er birthday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks of Chicago and Mrs. Thomas Kane spent Saturday afternoon in the Clayton Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. "George Shepard •spent Sundav in the Alan Ainger bome at Hebron. Glen Wattles of McHenry spe'.it • Sunday « in the -C, L. Harrison bome. ^ Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice, were visitors at Crystal . Lake, Sunday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. David Porter of Rockford spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman a<id family of Evanstoa spent Saturday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Howorka attended an Eastern Star , School of Instruction at the Masonic temple in Elgin Saturday afternoon and evening. e Mrs. Mayine Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. • ,* "" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waiting of Woodstock were callers in the C. L. Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg and \ Mrs. Lester Carr were visitors at : Elgin Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday with her ; I mother, Mrs. Viola Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramaker^i and family left for their home in Tlior. Iowa. Friday morning after ; | a visit with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Roy Neal. i Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stock .and family ol Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Weldon Andreas home. * . Mr. and Mrs. Marchi and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Pampei of Chicago * spent Sunday in the Wm. Pagni home. j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopper of-Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening wjth Mr. and Mrs. Bea T Walkington. • > Mr. and Mrs. Phelps5-Saunders ! ajid daughter of Sycamore spent ' Sunday in the Fred Weidrich, Jr . . home. Mrs. Wiedrich, who spent, i the past week there. returned' home with them. '•{ Mr. atiti Mrs;- Verit; iMafeeli> of Lake Geneva spent Sunday after-1, noon with her parents. Mr. and' Mi's. . Clayton Harrison. * ' Mrs. Catherine . Ahrenhofd of':. Chicago spent the weekend\in .titffc't Wm. Pakni home. . V .~~7^r 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Suiart of Waukegan and Mr^. Louis Winn • and daughter. Janet, of' Richmond spent Su:idav afternoon and evening in' the Fred Weidrich. Jr.. home. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hubbprd of Elmhurst were callers^ in the .Clayton Harrison home Sunday afternoon. * Percy Lenard of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with his brother, ANou- Hickspent Jack Lenard. and family. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spehf day ill Chicago. „ Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. ey and Mrs. Floyd Howe Thursday in Elgin. i Mr. and Mrs Clarence Adams and family spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. and Mrs. Arthur Dimon of Ostend were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stam and Mrs. Rilev of Milwaukee were supper guests in the Dick Oldson home Sunday. air: and Mrs. Eugene Oxtobv attended a party in Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown of Clarendon Hills spent Sunday with his father. S. W. Iirown. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Oxtoby were Sunday dinner guests- of her brother at DcKal . 40-Pound feaby # - Apparently no one has told ,,the hippopotamus about the new easyr!?. ducingt methods. A baby "hi^p®",. Weighs 40 pounds at birth and. in one, wUl tip the scale at.';600 Historic FHrnkee i"-;^t Saugus, Mass., foundations of the • furnace vhcre the first iron .was. made,in the U.S.A. 300 years " ago h'ave been' uncovered., • ESSAY CONTKST OW SPORTS SUBJKCT OPEN TO YOUTHS8! Boys and girls of the central states will get ait opportunity to express their opinions on the overwhelmingly popular sport" oft fishing, with highly valuable prises at stake, in an essay contest conducted in conjunction with tbe Chicago Outdoors Show which will be presented on Chicago's Navy Pier Feb. 10 through Feb. 19. Tbe subject of the ess&y is to be "Why Fishing is My Favorite Sport", articles being limited to 2(19 words. Any boy or girl 17 years or younger residing in Illinois, Wisconsin. Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota or Ohio is eligible to go into this competition. The two win.iers--a boy and a girl--will be brought to Chicago as guests of the show management. There they will receive numerous prizes which will include the tineBt fishing tackle on the market. The contest is sponsored bv the Illinois Federation of Sportsmen's clubs. Judgment on the essays will lie rendered by a thoroughly com-' petent jury if experienced outdoorsnien. The compositions are to be sent to the office of tbe Chicago Outdoors Show, Room 1541, Tribune Tower, Chicago il. The deadline for entries is Jai. 23. ' • - 'V _ ' • t-*l Answers to TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. Four hundred fifty million-- about three times the population of the United States. 2. About 40 per cent finish high school, and 7 per cent college. 3. The Air Force's X-l rocket plane was reported unofficially recently to have flown three times the speed of sound--or almost 2000 miles an hour. 4. The United States 8t "Indonesia. 5. The U. S. Steel Corp^ ^ ' * * f . ' - ? a'. Celambia River ^*he Columbia river, forming the boundary between Washington and Oregon, is credited with carrying more water than all the nation's other Pacific coast streams contbined. VA AV VAAWA VA VA WAA AV AV AV n Measure Work Clothes Quality r THIS SURE WAY As Nationally Advertised cUo*oH»»« ctured In a national survey by a prominent publishing company among men in all types of jobs, Lee Work Clothes were voted the leading brand. Buy a "Lee" today! >w A box of Andes Candies m * versatile gilt HFfir NeAsati'on on Records "RAG MOP", Aniesj Bros. "CHARJjEY MY BOY" UTHE OLD MASTEit I'AINTER" HOP-SCOTCH POLKA «I CAN DREAM CAN'T I" "DEAR HEARTS AND GENTLE PEOPLE" "ECHOES", Mills Bros. Ste>foi4t'A. jewesbup 514 Main 8{, McHenry Phone 128-J tHf WttEfl OF A 50 FORD Ym, 10 mkiwtM at Mm wHmI wiN introdwc* yog to Itw wonderful and amazing, Mund-con-. dMon«d quiat of Hi* '50 Ford. You'll dn«ov*r MM comfort of Ford's "Mid Ship" Rid* ... it* bump> •casing "Hydro-Coil" and "Pora-FI*x" Sprina* Ms 35%. •cwtor-acMng' King-Six* Brakit. ~ *yw/h see THe *yw'u*mm--' VOULL Ft£L THE otrrefteMce * THE DtFFEZENGe * Thort'i i 'inyowfiftuf* ...wtffc • fitun built m 1 Only Ford in its fl*ld off*n a V-8 ... a n*#, "hu(h*d" V-8 *ngin* (M»* typ* ut*d in Am*rka'« eosMi*«t cart). h'« *o qui*t you eon *p*ak in whitpor*. Y*t it Mil* for hundreds leu than all OMMT "eights" ... even hundreds less than mo*t "sixes." AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S I BUSS MOTOR SALES 631 MAIN ST. PHONE 1 ,» McHENEY, ILLINOIS - "TEST DRIVE" THE '50 FORD--/t trill open your eyetT *|tain C«Mto «aa w. "HjffT •.rtK.lay," "ftiA J^,- « T ymrn-m • kki« "f *** AriMCtiiTttohli»«»" T»° <*~t-- *eiw tmimmmg m mm tMmo mi c tmnt »>* Ada ** m •fci'ilili- limiml OhJU^GohJIW jdandy, Sftaji 126 GREEN ST. McHKMlY McGEE'S 117 S. Green ST. McHenry, 111. a picture and report... « 10-DAY TRIAL... ELECTRIC BLANKET! MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS ANl) LOAN ASSOCIATION \ STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1949 ASSETS ' ' , l?irst Mortgage",Loans Other Loans' Real Estate Owned and In Judgment Stock in Federal 'Home Loan Bank of Chicago U. S. Government Bonds and Cash ... Other Assets • Total Assets ' $1,659,635.07 1,922.09 19,500.94 22,300.00 . 172,292.68 854.93 $1,876,506.31 --LIABILITIES Savings Accounts ....»l,4»4,503.6(i Advances from .Federal Home Loan Bank ~ 263 725 00 Loans in Process * 23/271'.1(1,. Other Liabilities 175 80 Specific Reserves. ........ "i;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;™ 2>8^ General Reserves $36,724.98 Surplus ..., ;.-- 55,273.19 "+^-- irHf" jfrsr, -91^998^7 Totftl Liabilities ......$1,876,506.31 JhlERE You see an average American Family--the time is 1950. There's a fourth party in that picture although unseen. It's us--a financial institu* tion dedicated to helping folks build greater security. By encouraging per* sonal thrift and sponsoring a plan for debt-free home ownership, we're helping American families like yours enjoy a standard of living . . . unmatched anywhere. The figures at left reflect the continued growth and popularity of our services and we hope it helped you--personally. If not, you're invited to come in and get acquainted real soon ... for greater happiness .in 1950. . LN ow you can try the sleeping comfort of the famous GE Electric Blanket in your own home--absolutely free. For 10 days use the brand-new General Electric Blanket (your choice of four colors!) on your own bed .. . relax and sleep under its mild, all-over warmth. Then, if you're not convinced that the GE Electric Blanket .. provides the most marvelous warmth-without-weight sleeping-comfort you've ever enjoyed, you can return it. There is no obligation whatever to you. Learn for yourself what super relaxing comfort the modern electric blanket furnishes. Come in or call your nearest Public Service Store for your 10-day free trial, brand-new pE Electric Blanket. GTE Electric Blankets have fluffy wool face for fleecy warmth and beautyt cotton backing for added durability. 2" matching rayon satin binding. Decorator-approved shades of rose, blue, green, and cedar. Sk- "'".Jr/ n G*nmral Ehetric Automatic Blankets from $39,9? Ymvr Mfelbfcorfcoorf d»alf oho fctt a wirft cfeic* of G£ oncf otkw »<ntrk Uamk*t* for yovr comfort PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS V •It -i.

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