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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1950, p. 2

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If ywi ' z f j jgp f1 • f;•?»*%*w -a Pf?P|PPt; ' :>T- ' Vi;' fUK McH&toitX 4>1 *r v*U* ^r -W44?. X- * 1%' ' '1-: '•,/ >'.•' '•' - •*.- ;!' ;.« TJiureday, • \ /* ?;i950 in the work of the Guild at the ftauss home lait Monday night. A ,. Atao present were William Tittle, /abliehei erery Tbn^day .t Me „re8ldent of the 0ulld; Jack By- Henry, 111., by the McHenry Pub- er> former president; Kurt Wan- •' ,l*ht8K Company, Inc. - iiek, co-owner; and Pat Hrunek, [actress with the Woodstock play- *era. Enteral ar •eeond-class matter atj The purpose of the social gettfte poetoirice rt McHenry, 111., under together was to Interest more the act of May S, 1879. ; people in this worthwhile contri- " • ! button to McHenry county's cul- MKBRY PUUNDEALER tk? m Editor--Adele Froehlieh One Ye»r $2.501 tural life and .to solicit patronage 1 in the plays presented throughout the winter months. Unless more interest is shown in this fine acting group, all professionals, it will be necessary to discontinue this winter stock company next season. It is the only professional winter stock company in the country. Miss Hrunek pleased her audience Monday evening with a popular reading and other members of the Guild gave brief talks. As the second half of the season gets underway, it is interesting to note that the Guild has new owners. Da"h Norton has left the group selling his interest to Larry Marmann, who is now co-owner with Mr. Waniek. • • r' -.i. .. •- ." JBehnke- Mr Andrews •. • J r Engagement HW : :'v The engagement of M!iss Doro- * thy Behnke to Joseph McAndrews U has been anouiiced bv her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Behnke, who * preside several miles southeast of ^McHenry. The bridegroom-to-be's • . PHreiits are the Earl McAndrews tSof West McHenry. ... Mcltenrv P. T. A. Plant Entertainment Jan. 19 The McHenry Community P.T.A. has planned a pleasaut evening at the L«egidn hall on Thursday evening, Jan. 19, at 8 p.m. Members are invited to attend and bring their friends and neighbors for their favorite game of cards bunco. Those who wish to make ,up their owin foursome. Refreshmeuts will be served. • •. • P. T. A. To Meet * Wednesday, Feb. 1 St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P. T. A. will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 1, with Mrs. Clemens Wirfs in charge, assisted by mothers of fourth grade pupils. The last meeting was held ou Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Steve Wijas acting as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Roy. Miller, Mrs. Harold Freund, Mrs. Clemens Wirfs, Mrs. Ernest Freund, Mrs. Joseph Kinnerk and Mrs. Henry Smith. An interesting program in-, eluded "Songs and Dances of Other Lands". Betty Blake Win --Marry V»la Man Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blake announce the engagement of their only daughter, Betty, to Lou Piaigetini, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Piagentini of Volo. The wedding will take place earn tbmm this spring. • • « Con thine Cari Tourney Jan. 19 The C. D. of A. met in the K. ot C. hall on Ja*a. 5 for a business meeting. Following the discussion <of business, the chaplain, Fr; Eugene Baumhofer. gave a most ^interesting and timely talk on "The Hoiv Year". This was followed by the serving of lunch by Miss , Mildred Klnsala and her committee. The next meeting will be a (social get-together, which will -include the continuation of the "card tournament. This will be hfH Jan. 19 in the K. of C. hall. • • * ' Entertain . fialld Patrons Cynthia Fike, Mary Kaufts and jJohn Thennes, directors of the .JMcHenry County Theatre Guild, ^entertained twenty residents of jlthis community who are interested Ord t>r you rVnbber stamps" at Th« IMaindeslei. nm Mr. attd Mrs. Arthur Hoppe, Mrs. Valeska Hoppe and MiB» Frances Vycital are enjoying a month's vacation in Mexico. Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, for a few days this week. Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Chicago arrived Saturday to spend a few days with her parents. Mr. aud .Irs. Fred Kamholz. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyers and grandchildren Mary Grace and Jimmy' Meyer, witnessed the Ice Revue in Chicago on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Serock and daughter, Cheryl, of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Saiiatke of Gary were guests in the Joseph Blake 'ltfme on Sunday. John Sutton of Elgin spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny, daughters, Mary and Patty, and soi, Donald, of Kenosha, Wis., visited relatives here on Sunday. Thomas Freund, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Freund of Spring Grove, wlio is attending Jordan Seminary at,.Menominee; . Mich., TO HAKE BOOM FOR NEW STOCK WE ARE FORCED TO SELL THESE ITEMS FOR COST! Thurs., Fri. and Sat Limitid Supply Only Felt Hat Throw Rugs Beautify Your Home With These Beautiful Ityigs. RAINBOW COLORS WASHABLE ' , ;• ' > _ |1RE RESISTING REVERSIBLE LONG WEARING All Sizes To Fit Your Every Need. DOLLS TEDDY BEARS Reduced From Reduced From $6.95 to $4.25 $3.95 to $2.25 TOYS:--Many Toys 'Reduced To Below Cost Prices- W. B. BJORKMAN & SON RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY r • • /4>': i • , r ' r WHOLESALE prices, for a limited time only- » Get your order in earl? . * tVeKave some very fine top grade beef to chooBe from at our Johnsburg coole|\ This beef wi|J be sold in quartet --chucks-grounds and loins at regular wholesale .price. If von plan on stocking your deep freeze or locker with a really high grade beef we believe that now mav be the right time to do so, furthermore we are very sincere when we say that we doubt very mutfh as to wether wo, or any- Jjfe'one £tee ^ill be able to again duplicate the prices we -have on this particular type of the so called 44top-notch-bracket" beef, for a long time. - - ' Av) 1 Ye8' wo wil1 assure y°« a neat "hand cutting job, plus a f ^'ass lock(H' wrap. The cooler will be open to anyone • ,^who wishes to see this becf^ whether von buy or not. This {,<^is also an invitation to any .Restauraiits who might wish ' «fco stqck up on some good wholesale cuts. * /fit Smith flohMAbu/Uf Sto/ie PHONE McHENRY 400 --... -* was a dinn«r guest in the home of his aunt knd uncle, the Paul Gerast'lit's. bn Thursday evening. Mr. and firs. Joseph B. Freund of Johnsliwg are spending this week in thf home of her brother, LeRoy tleflsrmann, at Arlington, Va. They Are accompanied by another bn Ser, Rev. Ray Hetter-' inann. TluMrip was made by plane. •Mr*. Jftomas Kane aad Olen Kttgefee Eppel visited the latter's ntcMp«r in Presbyterian hospital, ChScago, on Sunday. Miss fceorgianna Donahue of Huntlew spent the weekend with Miss GAevieve Knox. •Mr. aid Mrs. Joel Bergquist of Rockfofld were visitors iu the Earner VWnkleman home- on Sunday. . Cla«nce Whiting, Mrs. Delbert Whitilg and son, Dennis and Mrs. Lloyd# Whiting and son, Jimmy, of Elgi:# visited McHenry relatives last Sunday. CARD OF THANKS auld like to take this oppoi-- to thank the many friends &nt cards and gifts and who me during the time I was ed to St. Therese hospital. remembrances were very appreciated. MRS. ELDRED JOHNSON rder yoof rdhber NOTICE tore Hours as Ususg»'"^ t . Store Hours as Usual/ Open Daily Except Thurs. Closed Thurs. at Noon. Open Saturday Evening and Sunday Morning* ^ '£• Nickles Hardware WEST McHENRY COMINO EVENTS I J. 'Ak$ Old Time Dance -- Legion Hall •>-- 9 p.m. -- Sponsored by American LegioQ. Janrary 17 Aiinual Immunisation Program -In vie Henry Schools. McHenry Lodge No. 168, A.P. & A. M. -- Regular Meeting -- FirBt Degree Work. January 18 St. Jofra's Court I$o. 96, Annual Forester Dance' at Johtisburg Howling Bar, formerly Nell's Hal I room. Dedication of New High School I .... . I. Janaary 19 <C. Dl of A. Social Meeting--K. of C. Hall. " C. D. of A. 8ocia1 Meeting and Card Tournament W. S. C. S. Monthly Meeting -- Dessert Luncheon. , Janrary SI Public Hard Times Dance -- Masonic Hall -- Sponsored by » O.E.8. ' P Jaafary 26 Square Dance -- Parochial School Ha41 -- 9 P. M. To Midnight-- Sponsored by St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School p.T.A. January 28 Old Time Dance -- Legion Hall 9 p.m. BoandiHtf Kenneli ' Located - Miles South of Fox Lake, : . ' 2 Miles North of Volo on Route 1ST; "^ 7 ; Individual runs for dog^. , ' - ^ ; Box (£7 INGLESIDE, ILL. | Plum* 632-M-2 Febmary 4 Masquerade -- Legion Hall -- Sponsored bT American Legion. Febipary < Altar and Rosary Sodality .Meeting. Febmary 7 Rlngwood Home Bureau Unit-- 1:30 p.m.--High School-- Lessons by Local Leader. Subscribe ror The Plaindeslet^ •'* IS1*. 1 » * M.'(.' . . WHEN IN NEED QF Auto Repairing and Greasing DRIVE INTO DUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. McHenry PHONE 811 also have Anti-Freeze pf all kinds « 24 Hdur Towing Service Oir£ COMMON OBJECTIVE t. striving for a/better livin^ h a Jimunou ,^>1 and only tinder our way of life ' ate we free to pjr*ae it. Free to choose the work y %e like best... start a business ... iree to invest for prtfic... free to enjoy;« the rewards that result fMMn extra effort, every group -- labor, management, busi- " ttess and banks -- works together under our free enterprise system everybody benefits. McHENRY Sf ATE Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A WINTER WONDERLAND OF THE FINEST FOODS IN CANS W&IUM! SM«ly LiM/t BARTLETT SMtly «0SEDALt ^.EARS Va v> ^TMH fbfeu&QJl g&U{24 •mi. fn •*• »«|iti>l« Jh , . A». HEIMZ SOUPS.,...2<-25 U Cam I 4S 24 Ceei Ml SsjIto S0UctTV.3"^Me 11 c«»« US >4 Cmi 2 2S r «r ikiRi $MV> 2 29# campbell'S2 '?,#*- 25* II C«M 1 14 CMI 1 W 1U2 CCMm* 1V.441t >M4 Cmi : 3 29* S^imooM II I~ l it M c, ,.ii W Cm, Irt >4 Cm, I.n Jmt Hat or C*M M s w m p R m . . . . . It Cms MS b fltla er KtrWcn OSGAR MAYER WIENERS <^99* II C«H 4.It Oic«f M«r*r r.rk .r lr..*att C«rH< M BEEFBAR B Q '<» 39s BEEP NASN . *£ 29* II c..j 4II * c~ WW IK«, U. ,4 Can t «> «a4aky'> *..ll Sitaar MIHat an. BEEF NASN. 35* BEEFBAJt-B-Q "£ #9 U Caa. i.1| II Cam 4.11 WHOLE CHICKEN. .. . I ana? t«MMt 0i»|aia«a4 HALF CHICKEN ,.... «. fweai*a'i OeMcieea ' CHICKEN FRICASSEE • v • • • • £ 12 Cm* S.2S IHlk 00* 45* SwMIM'l BONED CHICKEN . 12 Cw» S.*« AOi CM 4ftc BONED TURKEY. . a*, _ 'J Caw* Hf «Qi. Caa W Likby's SsHrm ..... . • ^l59* " C,M *•** IHriltt Sail. •RATED TUNA . . 9Ce l i ,GHT Tl11* M • M< «> c«i it. *«. c„ 25# 11 c- •*c~ 0T 24 €tw 4.91 mSHHW LETTUCE '^Tusm 3-25 POTATOES wim lerati «r CrfM Style STOKELY'SCOM. Irlf 12 24 .3,# c-aaai ttr<a WMlt ar *al.a. Wkala Karaal UBBY'S COM 2 tjt 29* 12 1M 24 .$*• Vac fak Wkala Karaal »aWaa STOKELY'SCORN 2 25* 12-r 24.2" •arjaa twaaf ar urlf MM " UBBY'S PEAS........ .. I tr 29* 12 - 24.3" Ca« trwa ar Cat W.I V STOKELY'S BEARS . r 23* 12n.2i# 24.5" ••rty 4«r4ti iia»« ' » < . BEL MONTE BEANS ..... . "•c"" 29* 12M.3m 24.6- lawa Cnam fiOLBENCORR r 10* 12-r 24 .2* T»Mfc %w--% BOBBIES PEAS ... r 10* 12 24 . 2* N«B4 PockH INDIANA TOMATOES..... . r 10* 12-1" 24.2" Wkala Karaal «al fak kaWaa TOY TOWN CORN 3 s 2S* 12.98* 24.1" BUTTER BEANS.......... Itr 29* 12 n. t,# 24.2" RED KIBNEY BEANS , 8^29* 12. Vs 24.2" lala. tatahklal SALABEnES .. 2 ^ 25' 12 24.2" 1»l'i tkra.M N SAUERKIAIT 2 tr 21* 12.1* 24.2" SUta4 ar Wkala AUNT NELLirS BEETS 1 Chiee* Mmi4 ^ ^ -- fl 2 r 29* 12.1M 24.3" USt* l/efi&Uu AM*. NM Iml hUN^itx;1 Twbm Wmrm Cora 25' 25* to* 8.0, 4Ci Ml«. Vaf«MI«i LARSEN'S VEG-ALL 9 llhrfk 14 far I.M V Mal.M Mt«> I.raa IAIP fRarI C!.OHT SH .h ..l t.a, r If L7O^GA lN"B?E RWR IESI J»c 2t FRUITCOCKTAIL^ 10" MAPEFRUIT . ^ M* II PafM.lf 24 to Ml 12 j,, | lt uj- ^aAH0OA.&/ttt^£kuC£4 '..afabl. Mc. aa. II CM. WOI VEGEMATO .... tolll Caa WW Taaia»a J.ic. Cacl«*l| . C0UEGE INN ., £ciT; 23* MKir vanury AA *9rM rrnetf Hi C OranfMdt 29* ORANGE JUICE s.°.'29# UHT> Pnacf V9,# '°"eV TOMATO JUICEl^.' 25 Pineappl* Juice * o. 12 Caa> 4.M . Caa .. . $k<te6/ "to Sew/e & -- PORK AN0 BEANS . . . .'9 ho. 9C ^ U C««I »•< 24 CMI I.M % W Ca«% er With Park Uhky'sB»»M3;:°< 29* tSSCan Came 25° 11 Cent 1.11 24 Cms 2 JI 12 c«ai 2.M 24 CM* MAC t r a a d JHwer ikilto* Cread ^ 4A| SPAGHETTI 3 -f; 25* Chili Con Can* 19* II Ca-.t n« 24 Caat l it MM CMf Inly A M VEGETABLES . i m c ZM £.'25* Lift* tlw * iaismo's Pride GRAHAM ^ CRACKERS 27* Whole Kernel • -Coldea 6**PtFMIT RAVEL 0SWWES flMU CtlEIT«SSS.sW / TOMATOES *21 <: REB // FARCY a. WkataW >1* ihsmoom IS. =» tfiiDSIWOHS. - 59' CHOP SUE* NIBLETS CORHS&uSZ'^: lwf« Sweet Peas GREEN GIANTS WHIi GreM aad M Peyfers MEXICORN . 12 6a«s 1m4n«.im 24 I.IB L Cm» MtuiMI SERVING YOU BETTER - SAVING YOU MORE / 2^29* 2^35' 2-S5* 2Msr29" 2"*-25" OtbrkJuice • a ££»il£ fteldea Crean Style HtmMI Del Maiz Corn •reeks Ckili Hat CIIU BHDS 12 Caat a 44«aa» 8aa-Pilled Coeceatrale4

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