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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1950, p. 6

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JJJ'ippJUJI'MSW >••.:••, ) C-V '•' ' '^'TOWff -'.'Fip.! ^iipspppp ,' A1' *'. PLAIMPSALXE IPH-^-1"/:W*WWI^RxWPll»'Htff wp'M"" ^ • : € l ' ¥**."•:»•' - : K'- , #:* rt -/T/'v v: *v *\?r «r«^ #. m^--m Thursday, January II, 1950 * (Continued from Pace 1) # C'ullom L*ke. CnMMB attended St. John's annua! Mpraier festival at Nell's iallrooife on Aug. 27 and 28. A ball and a cow from the Hickory Creek Para, McCullom Lake, %on grand champion honors ut "The Illinois Mate fair. Woader Lake and McCullom. * .fj<ake made preparations for their (Kauai Labor ueekend feftir « turned from ten days spent in Moscow. His unusual experiences werfe heard with interest. The sales and administrative offices of the Edwal Laboratories were moved from Chicago to Ringwood. Miss Carol Harrison was chosen •HHTi j,« •••»'€ 1111 «"H i 11I H t • j&IBTHS ; " I i H11 inn n i t t ' r t i l Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glaser are the parents of a daughter, bora at Woodstock hospital on Monday, one of the twenty-six delegates j JaI1 9 to represent 53,000 4-H members A" daughter was born on Jan. 9 at the National 4-H Club Congress at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. Nov. 27 to Dec. 1. |and Mrs. Charles Sullivan of Won Nov. 13 was a gala day for the 1 def Lake. McHenry Legion Post No. 491.. It Mr. and Mrs. William Hay of not only marked the dedication of | Third avenue are the parents of a the new Legion Home but also re- > daughter, born Jan. 9 at the Woodcalled thirty years since the founding of the post. M^The Villa Health Resort, a new „als. 'w ' (unit of the Villa Hotel Resort, | Rev. Fr. William H. Regnier opened at Pistakee Bay. %as transferred from St. Pat-j Kid's Day was observed in Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Joh~i Taylor Tick's parish to Roektord St. ; Henry and throughout the nation, j Woodstock have given to stock hospital. She has been named Karen Joy. The Hays have one other child, a daughter. Judith Sharon. vy Laurel Ann is the name which of the James Cathedral and Rev. Fr. with about 700 young folks enjoy- > daughter born to them on Dec. 30. Paul Kunkel of Johnsburg to St. ling the show sponsored locally by IThe little lady, who weighed 7 Jinthony'a hospital, Rockford as j the Kiwanis club. libs is the first child of Mr. and : ^haplain. I Hundreds attended the impres- 1 Mrs. Taylor (Doris McNeil). She SEPTEMBER jsive dedication ceremonies at the ! is the .first grandchild of Mr. and A record number of 312 students 'new Legion home on Sunday, Nov. jMrs. J. T. McNeil of Shady Oaks } i!egistered for the 1949-50 year at . 13. I Farm. • '.^(1. C. H. S. j The 1949 Christmas Seal Sale j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stackhouse of The greatest number of Mc-'opened in the county. Woodstock announce the birth of y Henry students ever to embark on j City's stores began to take on (a 7 lb. 2 oz. daughter, Susan Marie ' College courses left their homes the appearance of Santa's gift | born Jan. 6 at the Woodstock hos- , ft»r all parts of the United States. ! shops as they prepared for the , pital. Mrs. Stackhouse is the fbr- \ The polio benefit held at .\en s j holiday season. liner Miss Betty Wagner of Void. Hall room on Sept. 4 netted $345, McHe'nry youths were honored This is the couple's first child, ".fjor the co»mty emergency fund. jat annual county achievement day j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitjsen are the • K-jf An extensive and important :prt^ ' for 4-H members. parents of a son born Jan. 7 at inject for the widening of Rt. 31, <.. One of the most daring holdups the Woodstock hospital. ; troni Geneva to McHenry. was in decades occurred in Woodstock I A son was born at the Wood- . iaunched by eight Fox valley when the Montgomery Ward Man- stock hospital last Friday, Jan. 6, '7®iayors, including our own Mayor ager was kidnapped and 55.000 to Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Murphy. The Ceorge P. Freund. was taken from the store dv a youngster has been named Minnie Green was installed ftS lone gunman. Lawrence Bernard Murphy, III. president of the couaL» , ^uiiu., | The rchow puppies of Mr. and The couple has three daughters. American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs?. Glen Welty a"nd the chani-; Announcement was made on , pion boxer of Mr. and Mrs. Peter j , M. B. C. NEWS Sept. 22 by Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fischer won honors at the mid-; Mosher, for 25 years at the heim west specialty dog show at Navy 1 . .. of the Plaindealer, that they had , Pier. i The a"enda"ce at the Sunday leased the paper to a publishing j&ompany. Dr. D.. J. Kennedy joined Mc- Henry's professional ranks. The annual dinner of the Businessmen's Association was held The DECEMBER f morning services was encourag- The Business Men s Associa-1lDR ,S<>v t era' new K faces chefed tion Itaged its second annual Dec- ou" hear's Though jnany regulars ember carnival, which met with could not coPle' had th® largeSt enthusiastic success. Evening classes for farmers, at the Bridge, with eighty-five in j which have been popular for sevattendance. Plans were promoted to provide an ice skating rink adjoining the McHenry athletic' field. More than $800 was realized from the polio benefit baseball game on Oct. 2 at the V. F. W. athletic field. Rev. C. A. Lobitz became the resident pastor of the Zion Evangelical «Lutheran church, with a special service of installation on Oct. 9. eral years, opened on Dec. 13. group ever for these services. The Grace Missionaries from Zion gave us a real treat with their saxophones. They are. to plays Miss Patricia Gilmore won the?1 *he Youth For Christ banquet title of first beauty queen of Loyola University. The McHenry Hosiery Mill opened for business on Dec. 8. turning out 1.000 nylon stockingsdaily. The local mill is one of three in the state. 0 $1,300 was realized at the annual carnival of the Business Asin Crystal Lake this coming Saturday. The banquet will be held at the Odd Fellows hall at 7 p.m. The Wheaton college quartet of singers will also be there. Brother Howell of the Salvation Army was-with us again for the day. Sunday, after field work in Harvard and Marengo, and now sociation. heads for Cary and Fox River An eight-year stay in the hos- j £ve: 0 . .... „ t . Two Chicago boys were arrested l pital ended for Bob Schulz. who 1 xt. Sunday> Alton Osterberg for three burglaries in the Mc- returned to his home at Johns-!and hi? wife will he back with "~enry are? and turned over to burg. - I us to sing atid spend the day. The h»m 111111111 mitliiiif AM0NQ rati ferox inmiiMiiininWim Mrs. William Ward has been a medical patient at St TheraSe hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. Fred Yoep of Spring Grove underwent surgery at St. TfcjMrese hospital* Waukegan, last week. Edward Eschbach, manager of the Local Cleaners, entered 8t. Joseph's hospital in Elgin for surgery last Thursday. Miss Mary Fleming tfhs been ill at her home on Washington street since Tuesday morning. Claude Vachet, whose sudden illness caused him to spend last week in Belmont hospital,"ChiMgo, is recuperating at his home in Lily Lake and is recovering nicely at this time. •Mrs. Fred Eppel is a patient at Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, re covering from injuries suffered to a fall last November. Mrs, Martin Cooney has been quite ill at her home on Richmond Road this week. Did you know? One out of three persons holds United Statea Savings Bonds and has never caahedin any? Urn fVMVr The Plaiadealar. Order ' I Order your rubber stamps at The j Plaindealer. ^- •!<» I ,111 • l llqilMl I II BUY CO (he tuodcr 2. - » " . . i f AND THE NEW * •»- -»!, ' '• .**'1 ' "i SPINET MODEL HAMMOND ORGAN • • • • • • • • IptOMPT TAXI < snvictm •••••• H::. Phone us or hail us .... No matter the time of day or night . . . we're always at your ready service to take you safely and 3uickly to your destination. McHenry Cah Phon$ 723 Lake county police. Amidst the customary excitement which accompanies the an" dual homecoming celebration, stu- All churches in the area Piatt | last Sunday of this month, Assisned Christmas services in com-' t?nt Pastor Wi,,is MaV"eld of the memoratioa of the birth of Christ iGrace Mnnonary church will bring The Business Men's Association '3 Rr?up of ten talented young dents joined with alumni and j announced that for a three-month I Pe°P.le to helP in the 8 o'clock friends in a bonfire gathering on Oct. 13, followed by a colorful fcarade and gam£ on Friday. Harold Nye and Marcella Szarek were liamed king and queen. Most McHenry phone rates went tip one-third penny as the result pt the Illinois Commerce Comfnission's order, announced Oct. $0, authorizing a $15,195,000 increase in Illinois Bell Telephone j t-evenue. It was announced by the Bus< ness Men's Association that a Jteen-age canteen would open in |Uie Liegion Home on i\ov. i. ' Sevesty-five commuters, many (from McHenry, chartered a special j toach in the second Chicago- i pound North Western railroad ! train each morning for private iise, for a rental of $6,600 annual-! 4y. Local 4-H members were given Special annual awards, together ! with other outstanding members |i__2|n the county. ^ NOVEMBER , Edward Dowling of Indianapolis. Ind., a former McHenry resident trial period, local establishments were being asked to observe new. store bours after Jan. 1. The East Side Welding and Repair shop opened for business. McHenry demonstrated its generosity by contributing to the campaigns of various; organizations for a happier holiday season I for the unfortunate. Maurice's Candy Shop opened for business on Green street. service. A singing quartet will be one of the treats from "The Singing church." "Prayer changes things." Prayer fellowship on Wednesday is our power-house.. Praise God for the faithful ones. We surely will welcome any Christian to pray with us for a mighty spiritual awakening in the whole area. Let us attempt great things for God and expect great things from God. Adv. MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION PRA6ER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. Fish Fry on Fridays To Builders: We can supply Ready-Mixed Concrete Iter sny kind of job--from a back yard lily pool to « complete new home or building. Prompt, quick delivery exactly where and when needed. • " Our Ready-Mixed Concrete is uniformly dense, enduring and strong--as you expect of good concrete. The 'mix" is right for the use intended... accurately proportioned at our central plant. Even a small job gets the benefit 6t . large volume production. To Prospective Owners of New Homes and Buildings: Of course you want concrete. It's the modern way to build --firesafe, permanent, moderate in first cost and requiring almost no maintenance. Let us put you in touch with experienced, reliable contractors who will give you a quality job at a satisfactory price. Ask Your Contractor or Call Us For Heated Ready-Mix -W McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenry 97-J 606 grant flt.rAot. McHenry, 111. Designed for Churches, Chapels and Home#?-- We demonstrate and give full instruction.' Only $1,285.00 Terms can be arranged.- THE MUSIC MART, Inc. 223 Washington St. Waukegan, 111. CARMEL FRANCKE, Representative Phone Waukegan MAJestic 865 or ONTario 5778 =~T Waukegan, Illinois c T ';v • v -s ? •;: %-V, • Fi Within a Short lime It f ."<• ! % t-" M f SSvfUJ I IRIS DESIGN GLASSWARE SPRUITS -- Regular Price 6c eact; SUGARS - Re gular Prieo 15c oacli . J0OFFEE CUPS -- Regular Price 6c each ® ' PLATES -- Regular Prioe 6c each .. Close Out 4c each Close Out 10c each . . Close Out 4c each ... Close Out 4c each TJUMZ WALLPAPER Regular Price $249 - $2.99 roll Close Out 98c roll :.l' BUDGET-PAK WALLPAPER 6 Single Rolls and Border Regular Price $1.29 - $1.:{[) pak Close Out 79c Pak STEP-ON GARBAGE CAN White ^Enamel Regular Price 11.19 Close Out 80c MARTIN SENOUR PAINT NEUTONE FLAT WALL Regular Priee Close Out Gallon $:}.()9'„_ $1.85' Quart $1.15 ..... 58c GLASTONE SEMI-GLOSS WALL and WOODWORK "fr jRegulai Price! ' Close Out Gallon $4.!K)^.L:„...:„: $2.45 Quart $1.40 1......... .. 7Q& BREAD PAN 13" Tin Sandwich Siie Regular Price 25c each Close Out 19c each * VYCITAL'S Y Sheet Metal Shop Will Jjaise the ."World's. Standard j^Lgain4: h 1950, the reasons for moving up to Cadillac will become so great, and so manifold, that if you are contemplating the purchase of any car outside the lowest-price field--you should see the new Cadillacs first! Cadillac's new cars will have their initial presentation at die General Motors Mid- Century Motorama--at the Waldorf, in New York--from January 19th to 27th. As soon after that as cars are available, the new Cadillacs will be placed on display for your inspection in this community. In the meantime) here are some of the .things you may look forward to seeing when America's most renowned motor car builder unveils its new offerings for 1950. You will see four wholly new series of cars--all with entirely new bodies--and all «o gorgeously styled that they are destined to change every existing idea as to how beautiful a motor car can be. r You will see cars whose performance is ip outstanding that to drive one of them for a single hour is to want it forever. The advancement embraces entry phase of performance-- power, quietness, smoothness, safety, and handling ease. To drive one Til to get the motor car thrill of a lifetime. You will see scores of advancements and improvement: which add to quality, endurance, economy and dependability. And., finally, you will see all this in a car1 whose lowest-priced model will actually cost less than certain models of numerous Other makes of cars! Yes--you should see the new Cadillacs . before you act in 1950. They will not only give you the new yardstick for motor car quality--but they will give you the new yardstick for motor cat^ valuet as well. It won't be long! So please stand by for. the presentation date for this community. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. V- . * A f J' •>%/.' 1 • ^ •isr~ iiSi J' 400 FRONT STREET PHONE » 4, McHENRY, ILL. x*

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