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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1950, p. 7

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' -*-'9"1 • •-'••'••' • *i i : - • "••'•• '•*•=••'-• %**• • - • •' '• 1 * 7'- • ' J?.- s >- l$wJ! s- • ••; , * v f- Thursday, January 12, 1950 THE H 1949 HIGHLIGHTS V LOCAL SPORTS tfounty league gchedirle WU3 out i lag Dundee and Jobnsburg beatand 10 teams entered. ° ing Algonquin. Santoro and Klnp- Veroe Harrison picked the Bps- j pericb were the winning pitchers. ! ton Red Sox and St. Louis Cardin- j September | als. The Cuba would finish fifth. J The new town baseball team Floyd Covalt and Dr. Sayler made application for membership won the Old Timers ddubles. Majr HuppV^ Smith was still bowling and had & 657 series. Frank Schreiner a"ad . Father in the county league. Johnsburg trailed 7-0 and came from behind to beat Algonquin 8- 7. Dundee evened their fertes'wtth McHenry. Joe Yaeger visited "Niagara Fails. "Took the Missus Along." The Shamrocks beat Dundee 4-2 in the rubber game of the play- Spring ! °ffs- McCulla's double won the game in a 616 series. M. Crouch i MOTORING PUBLIC came through with 646 and J. Afyt^rfliPTi «rn addt^I Thorsell 638. (We cant pick out AWJAO-Bli 1U Arrij* all the top bowling scores. Have to FQft 1950 LICENSES' hit one here and there.) ! , Jim Fay hit town. November SPORTS REVIEW J>Jot that it makes much difference, but it has Wn the custom of • Neidert ,jied and the sports deyour sports department along: partme„t lo^t two friends. about this time to look back an gonieone loaded a heavy law see what happened in the prevtou jn^0 jtoy Miller's suit case ».«. / t tv, hiirh : »n# he luSKed ^ to Springfield T We have hit a few of the hlgn , shamrocks beat Spri_D , spots and happenings. Some may Grove aTld johasburg beat Dundee «"d a great catch by Conway have been missed !ag the c0unty league got going. ' »ved it. ^ In review, we fina that sports June ! iN.»apperich and the Tigers beat J^grams moved merrily on dur-| ^be shamrocks belted out a 21 j Santoro and the Shamrocks 4 to to 3 win over Johnsburg (3 in the first championship con- Richard "Nickie" Freund hurl-ltest- . ed the Shamrocks to a 3-1 victory Santoro -was in great form as sports page will grow in. 50 Woodstock, jMoHenry evened the series in a make every effort to fctarer eveats j MCHS wo^i SwaCbnfereilce w .. « -* * * eolf title. • V : ; The high school football War- Algonquin led tlie county league. r,ol's beat-St.. Mary's of Woodstock hig 1949. We look for more activity tn '50 so ask your help in reporting news and events. Your of interest January ..The sports page ran pictures of ^ttnior Sports football players, *fith comments by Eddie Murphy. The McCulla brothers, Willard jand Bob. led tbe Warriors to a •Tf3®>52 win over Woodstock's basketball five. Bob scored 24 points. Wilard had 17. • • vHerman Stpffes and Vic Johnson '• ytrp headlinors in bowling notes. ' Mary Lamphere sent S. I. H. a 1 |>a1r of socks after reading that Sa.ita forgot. ' Dick Rosing had all bowlers admiring bis 671 series. February The Cub3 signed Mort Cooper. f. 1. R. was hospitalized, but well. The Co-op:? beat Townsends in a "March of Dimes" benefit. hvo Stilling was all smiles-aftor 645 series. A bucket of fish disappeared from "Patsy" Boley's car. Willard McCulla scored 25 points as McHenry beait~>i<ake Geneva 41-40 in overtime. March The Homer F i t z g e r a l d s , £hmaltz" Millers and Kea E<n- }'alsons made society pages in 'Reihansperger got a 6*0. '"birdie" at McHenry Country Club. Bowling vball(A Were rolling Smacked a duck on the noggin'. -.Wain- _ _ _ The Shamrocks moved to tiie i • Mosfc turned over the Plainnew V. F, W. park. -dealer to -new management and The McHenry Legion nine was < ®;J- H- was sa<? , . off to a good start. ^he Shamrocks beat Johnsburg 8 to 3 to win the county i ham- Secretray of State EdwM-«J. ^ . Barrett this .week reftiinded the rcrr1 >» •»*»• p™.*, ference play, they beat Marengo *or tneir 1950 license plates, to | 12 to 7. ! avoid a "deadline rush" when state saved for this office, money can Order your rubber stamp* at Tki be saved for the taxpayers arid viaindealer.- • / service to the motoring public can _ / ' "• be expedited if applicants will only read the applications carefully and comply with tbe simple Instructions thereon/' Did you know? In a nationwide Ho-wie Freund, second-baaeman and city police forces start clamp- persons qlfeHed "'say' people 01^ . car owners ghould b'uy United States Savings *t w**h 1949 plates. Bo'iids.. They gave personal fin- L p to the present date, a spokes- ancial reasons aa the main reaman for Barrett stated, license SOn jfor buying U. 8L Savings deluxe, was chosen to manage tbe Tigers. Joe Guzzardo bowled a 213 game. The records prove it. The spacious and beautiful new | plates have bee \ sent out and sold > Boads. Jolrasburg won a crucial game ®. l° 3 to win the county at Algonquin in 12 i.miags^u ,P»P«8hip and McHenry fans were ease went into the league tead. ^^ Ma # .. , - : Bill Bolger, manager of the ' • • Shamrocks, .his team to gymnasium at our high school was dedicated as the Warrior cagers beat St. Mary's 35 to 26. Basketball on roller skates became popular at "Just For Fun." Bob Schultz came home to stay aud his manv friends were happy. Xadine Larkin hit the pins at a 247-566 clip. S.. I. Ht danced "The Flying Dutchman"; (And han't been the same since.) - ; December The Warriors beat Whitewater for first Swani in basketball. Crystal Lake's basketball team won the County Tournament » at Richmond."defeating Hebron with Flori ida and the. sports page in McHenry. i " • ... Dundee beat McHenry by too much in the Regional. ; • Cert Barbiait bowled 510 in a Sister Kenney match. Ben Dietz raked his lawtl and brought on a heavy snow storm. Art Thompson broke a leg, but Fred Heide was nursing him back to good health. McHenry was the scene of the J^hte Forester Basketball Tournament and McHenry won the meet. Don Weingart bowled a 652 __^a«ries. The Co-ops scored 102 points in beating the Elgin Driblets. Oarl Behnke bowled 666 with McHenry Mills. April Baseball was irt thfe air. The piloted The Pistakee Yacht Clu^ spon- victory, tlien dec ided to see if lfe§ -- sored boat races that drew much could manage a wife, interest. October Tue Shamrocks went into first : „ 3 J _ • ,r . place tie with Johnsburg and base- ' ^on Howard and Leo Heimer ball was a-buzzin'. "Sonny Miller to°^ a bow for handling the anhurled a win at Spring Grove and nouncing of at the V.F.VV. Hugh Murphy beat the power- Pa,'k. Fans liked the way the houses at Algonquin. While this 6*mes were handled by the vets, was going on, Jim Schudt hurled : #^°e Schnntt completed 25 years a 7 to 1 win for Dundee over i °* 8ervu'e at MCHS. Johnsburg. The Tigers beat the Shamrocks George Jackson ftok the mound 'n f Polio Benefit game that and beat the Crystal Lake Boost- j a treniendous purse. ^ ers 8 to 3 ' ™e McHenry Locals, ball team llarold Freund took over the °* "*1, ,a reunipnnia. igership of a new McHenry j. The Warriors looked much imba^ eball team ' proved as they battled Harvard to The "African Druggist" install-j" 6'6 tie JfetorR » Homecomed air-conditioning, forcing Her-' m*cro}v~* ^ ' . , . ... man Nye to do the same. j Torch Krause bowled a 25- Norb Smith's pinch homer 6eat ' Hebron. Paul Freund pitched a ,.4-hit eamo for the Shamrocks at Lake Zurich. Algonquin took over the county 1 league lead as Klapperich pitched a 7-4 win for the Tigers oveiMiie Shamrocks. August - George Barbian won the special row-boat race ^ the water carnival-- then fell in the water. The Shamrocks unveiled a new pitcher. Mike Santoro, and beat the Crystal Lake Boosters 9 to l. ' Art Jackson and Howard Knox hit home runs that were described as the longest seen at Johusburg. »*> County League play-offs got undar way with the Shamrocks beat- Santa Clans got a new reindeer named Rudolph. That's all--1950 isn't "waitirfg. nut RED IN A( ( ll)EXT Elmer Hettermana of Richmond Road has been confined _to_Jthe Woodstock hospital since Tuesday morning, when he suffered severe facial injuries and a badly cut nose while at work. He was operating hi's feed grinder at the John Hogan home at Ringwood and was cranking the machine when it flew back and struck him in the face. over the counter in greater nunv bers than in any previous vear at pjd you kll0w? The number of this date--indicating that a major- - United States Savings Bonds ownity of car owners applied for cur- ers who cashed-in their Bonds in rent Plates earlier than in pre- the first six months of the vear vious years and also that the sec- between 1946 and 1948 was almost retray of state's automobile de- cut jn half? partnieut was processing plates at. a new record high. Currently, plates in the. 7000,000 series are being sold i i. the Chicago office of the automobile department. -Passe lger car plates alone are expected to reach the 2.JOO.OOO figure during 1950. In reminding motorists to apply promptly to avoid the embarrassment of arrest. Barrett again urged aplicants to read applications carefully and fill them out properly, to "avoid the more than S00 daily 'go-backs' necessitated bv improperly executed applications. • * - "• "Many applications must be returned to the applicant." Barrett said, "because they are improperly or incorrectly filled out. or because they are accompanied by improper fee* Much, -work can .be Toni Permanent Ware Kits. iad #2.00. Wattle* Drug Store. ^ - if" 'm0 D!?; HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHenry, (Closed Thursday Afternoons) M « Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted C Visual Training -- Visual -Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Hours Dally: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to 1:10 1, r • PHONE McHENRY ' Did you know? That three out of four United States Savings Bonds owners plan to hold their Bonds until maturity?, CLARENCE'S SHOP Full line of lawn furniture, bird houses, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpens. Cabinets made to order. Window boxes, trellis, picket fence, etc.. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, 111. Phone 683-J-l "SPEEDY" ^ t by McHENRY GARAGE |IF YOU «M0N*T ^iAPPV W Mi-1 BLOW OUT M 9PAINS« i 604 FRONT STREE J THAT'LL ME A JOKE ON J ^ O© VOO tVCR TKLL f PAPA' HE DOCSN'T J [ HIM 1 HAVC AU MY \ THINK YOU HAVE r CAR RfPAIR WORK ( j W H Y . P O N E A T NICK MILLERS mr Diamond T Trucks IT Willys Overland Sales [ POWT LET HM 6CT HE'S A SMART L YouHg| PHONE 403 r: fj£oo& a//amuttd tf and you?/&not# * . its your BUSTA£Z-A/£OU2Vfi BtWf 'wMM Chevrolet--and only Chevrolet--brings you all these mafor advantages at lowest cost--NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHER • NEW TWO-TONE FISHER INTERIORS • CENTER-POINT STEERING • CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY • BIGGEST OF ALL LOW-PRICED CARS • EXTRA-ECONOMICAL tO OWN--OPERATE--MAINTAIN • PROVED CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES * • . ^ INTROOUCtNO CHIVtOiirS tXCUISIVI NIW AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OPTIONAL ON DC IUXI MOORS Af IXTRA COST vM/zmMyX':. cars shown are Stylelina De Luxe 4-Door Sedans mwmm mm CHEVROLET A mmtmrn CLARK CHEVROLET SALES McHENEy, ILLINOIS CORNER ILL. 31 AND 120 MORE-- A&P VALUESi SWEETHEART BRAND BATH SOAP HAVE A CLEANER. FKESH^| IATH 10* BATH CAKE RECIPE MARSNMALLOWS ?=e*W»D IN BAKINft. AND KIDS LOVE 'EM IO-OZ. MCG. \9 H*K BRAND DOG FOOD DOGS LOVE THIS TASTY MEAL TALL 2 ^TINS 25 tux BRAND TOILET SOAP GiyE FRESHNESS TO YOUR SKIN THE LUX WAY 3M6 A)C CAKES SWAN BRAND TOILET SOAP A WONDERFUL SOAP AT A GREAT VALUE CAKES/ HY POWER BRAND > TAMALES CHOCK FULL OF DELICIOUS FLAVO* 16-OZ. JAR 23' DEAN BRAND ICE CREAM PLENTY OF DELICIOUS FLAVORS JO CHOOSE FROM PINT CARTON NESTLE BRAND MORSELS TOIRFTE SURE TO ENJOY THESi SWEET BITS. 6-OZ. PKG. tr* 20? DEL RICH BRAND MARGARINE FOR ALL YOUR FRYING OR BAKING NEEDS LB. PKG. 32e PETER PAN PEAS YOUR TAILE WILL HAVE A DELICIOUS LOOK WHEN YOU SERVE THIS VALUE 2NO. 303 TINS KRE PUDDINGS CHOC . VANILLA, BUTTERSCOTCH 3 PKGS 25C ^ . NESTLE S CHOCOLATE BLOCK Alt MILK OR ALMOND 16-OZ. BAR 49 K Customers' Corner What do you consider good service IN a food store? Do yon get It at your A&P? Of course, we expect all ear mr. pleyees to be frleedly and cearfton. Bet we think food service goes beyond tfcot. We traio a or omployoos to. bo prompt, oMcleet, kmlpfwl «*d acc«rato as well. To os. GOOD service OIOORS goality food offered ot. lew prices IR clean, well-stocked and well-oper» ated stores. Any time yonr A&P doesnt measure np to these yard sticks of good service, please let us know about it. Write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT. AlfV Pood Stores , 4t0 LevieftoR Aveeoe New York 17. N. Y. AGAR'S CANNED HAMS CORN' KING SLICED BACON si w'NYFIELD COOKED PICNIC HAMS .. lb. ENJWfeHAVOR... DISCOVER m VALUE.....*! A*P COFFEE l«i«v Nw mhfl. V«s, VM'II MM ISC «r «*«r* • hum by cboofinf te A&P C«fl«« tram •M*r< of cMNwrtUt quality. S« eo«M ta rwr A&P far *oiiln'i lorf*«t wIIh «»>•« . . . ot oN AW Nt< Stores. MANNER BACON SQUARES FRESH SLICED BOILED HAM tOMl" lb. 3St I, FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES lb. 250 L ALL 'UR'dSE U S NO I MAINE POTATOES lb. 90c 10 39* MICKELHERRr'4 PORK SAUSAG1 MEAT WISGONSIN FRESH CHEDDER CHEESE lb 33c lb. 39c VOUK CHOICE--WASHINGTON WINESAP APPLES OH KOME BEAUTY APPLES 3 us. 29* CALIFOtlN.'A FRESH DATES Its. 25e JAM ARY IS PISH MOM H at A&f Jambo Shrim|i . .~i^ Extra Standard Oysters . . . Fancy Perch Fillets..... .43c Lb TOP-QUALITY GROCERY VALUES! Sultana Brand Fruit CocktaU. 5« FOR SNACKS OR SANDWICHES WISCONSIN FRESH BRICK, L0N6N0RN OR MUENSTER CHEESE «43e Fsfi^ Quality Golden Cera lona Peach Halves, Delicious Flavorful lona Pears . . . . Red Sour, Pitted Cherries . Del Monte Golden Corn . . . Fancy A&P Sauerkraut . . . Great Northern beans . . . Larson Brand Veg-AII Sultana Short Grain Rice.. Jexo Shortening PURE VEGETABLE Snnnyfield White Rear. . , o e e o IO'/I-OZ. TIN NO. V/t 9f|c TIN NO. 2'/, «7e e TIN fc • NO. 2 OCe o TIN •»» 2NnNS327c 2n°ns'23« . ^ 21* NEW tOW MICE e«id *N Rich WISCONSIN SHA«P Cheddar CNmm A&^ RINOLESS MEDIUM Sharp Chtddar MISH CKEAMV Cattagc Cheese .. lb 85c . lb T5c mus 55c CT'N 21C JANE PARKER POTATO CHIPS 59c .LB. PKG 2 "til 27* • o PKG 3-6. JANE PARKER STKAWOeRftV Ceceanut Layir ..... OTO FASHIONED Penuche Layer JANF »*»KE« Raisin Pie fARKE* Fiipt mi. 25c u»4tc .... S«CH See EACH 39c ANN PAGE Blended Syrup SULTANA BRAND Peanut Butter ANN ?AGE Bosten Beans 30c

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