'/j «#r*,»'5li.',1 i"ifw^w^1.*"^; ^ \>! • < Tsf.ip' :"<l• TBI MoHXintT PL&IKStALXS Ttatndiy, rrinury 2. 19% 0mt rUUWEALER jl*w .^aMkh^d «rery Thursday at Me- ^Mirf, III., by the McHenry Pub- Mrtac Company, Inc. Editor--Adele Proehlich Baton 1 ar second-class matter at . « postomce at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. |)n« Year $2.50 Olebratas ABHivenary The first birthday anniversary of Gerald Edward Glosaon was celebrated at the home of tifs parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Glosson. last Saturday evening, Jan. 28, when relatives gathered to enjoy a party in his honor. Attending were Mrs. Maud Rothermel Mr. and Mrs. William Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tonyan and sons. Junior and John, Mr. atid Mrs. Fred Meyers and son, Jon, and the guest of honor's brother, Jimmy Joe Rothermel. The little folks were ierved cake and ice cream early in . the evening and later refreshments were serve® to the adults. Several jrroup photos^ were taken. Gerald Edward was "the recipient of many gifts. W. NELSON CRISTY MARRIED TO CRYSTAL MfKB QIRI. SATURDAY •/- - -p-~ V . - -X~TC :: Fink and Blue Ihovw Snndijr . Mrs. Frank Miehela 'afld Mrs, Atige DiBona entertained at a pink and blue shower held at the former's home at Pistakee Bay last Sunday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Arnold Michels, Cards and bunco provided entertainment, With prizes awarded to Mrs. Ben Stilling, Mrs. Steve Freund. Mrs. Wm, May, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Tena Lay and Mrs. Kenneth Hamsher. The guest of honor was presented with a variety of lovely gifts. Fox Valley Kochtl Meeting The regular meeting of Fox Valley Camp, R. N. A., will be held on Feb. 7 at 8 o'clock in the Woodman hall. A social hour will follow the meeting. Sixth tirade Flans For Tea Mothers of the sixth grade pu- Jiils of McHenry public grade school are invited to a sixth grade room tea on Wednesday, Feb. 8 at li p m. at the home of Mrs. Paul S. £cssup. 200 Country ,Club Drive, McHenry. Among those attending Will be Mrs. Oonk and Mrs. Scott, the sixth grade home room teach- #rs; Mrs. Fred Svoboda, P.T.A. ••resident; and Mrs. H. M. Engdahl, P.T.A. first vice-president. Co-hostessos for the afternoon Will be Mrs. Voss and Mrs. Paul fiessup, sixth grade room mothers. fre-Twi (lab Sleets Office#* A meeting of the Pre-Teen club ^lias held at 12:30 o'clock Satur- -day afternoon, at which time election of officers was held. They are Donna Dowe, president; Joan Smith, vice-president; Pat Kur- Jjkyun, secretary; and Judy Freuad, treasurer. Twenty girls attended and voted ft) hold meetings e\ ery other week the Toddler Shop. They also loted to include sitxh grade pupils §nd to invite pupils from the Har- 'flison and Johnsburg schools. V Two, models win be choaen from |ne group toi take part in tige comtunity style show to be held in larch. Ella Jean Buss displayed her lobby of collecting miniature and this collection will reli'a on display at the Toddler }hop until th? next meeting, when tile hobby of another girl will be 4jhown. ; ' Refreshments were serv«d at the pose of the meeting. ft It* Silver ^ eddlng Party --~ • ? Rev. ami Mrs. Car! Ij&Wtz of the j?ion Evangelical Lutheran church tBelebrated their silver ' wedding anniversary last Sunday when Members of the church enjoyed with them a dinner in their honor the church hall. The table waa 4e oorated attractively with silver leaves and lighted tapers, and a beautiful three-tiered anniversary cake, the culinary art of Mrs. Fred Feltz and Mrs. Fred Voeltz, occupied the center. Following the dinner, R. Ullrich, chairman of the church board, in behalf of the members, extended Congratulations to the couple. Rev. and Mrs. Lobitz were presented with a silver money tree from their guests. Altar and Rosary - ~ Meeting Feb. 6 The Altar and Rosary Sodalitv of St. Patrick's church will meet in the church hall at 8 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 6. The committee in charge includes Mrs. Henry Miller. Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. RichardAV'eber, Mr»r Quo tynfi \and, Mrs. 'Jphn Unti. .. Entertain On' 16th Anniversary Mr. aad Mrs. Mike Freund entertained members of their family in honor of their forty-sixth wedding anniversary last Sunday at their home on Richmond Road. Dinner and supper were enjoyed, with cards, visiting and television shows occupying them during the intervening hours. The television set was a Christmas gift from their children. Present to offer best wishes to the Freunds on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brick. Sr., the George and Joseph Brick. Jr.. families. The George Wagner family, Mr. and" Mrs. Harold Miller, the Arnold and Harvey Freimd families and Elmer Freund all of Chicago; the Albert Garrett family of Batavia; the George Hiller family of Johnsburg and Mrs.. Theresa Xeiss and son, Carl of "McHenry. Pinochle Clab At Barthel HOM* Mrs. Barthel entertained members of the Canadian Pinochle club at a 1 o'clock luncheon last week. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Irvina Keck. Mrs. Clemejs Adams, Mrs. Frank Zimmermanr, Mrs. Jack Barthel and Mrs. Hubert Freund. Airs. Victor lias^i will be hostess to the club at i's next meeting. NEWLYWEDS the fox holf, lounge RIVERSIDE HOTEL McHENRY, ILL. PRESENTS |S0N STURM Piano Sensation! At Town Casino, Chicago) NIGHTLY (Except Monday Iflss Shirley 'Welle, daughter of Daniel Welle and the late Mrs. Anna Welle of Crystal Lake, and William Nelson Cristy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy of Ringwood, were married last Saturday evening, Jan. 28, at 7 o'clock at Bethany Lutheran church in /Crystal Lake. Following a short organ recital by Gordon Fossum and vocal solo:- by Mrs. Fossum. the groom's sifter. the double ring ceremony wa,; performed by the,Rev. ingue Nel son. before an altar decorate* urith baskets of white gladioli. The pretty bride, given in mar ria;;< by her father, wore u gown of white .taffeta. with a should?- drape and deep flounce of shirre illusion net and a fingertip veil held by a headpiece of net air plumes. She was attended hv lie sister Darlene. who wore a siwilavly styled dres3 and veil in pink taffetu a:id net. The .bride's tyu quet consisted of orchids and wnite roses, while the bridesmaid's bouquet was of /camellias and pink roses. ... ; v Jerrv Cristy sei'ved as best man for his brother and uphers were i>onald Fritz of Union and Charles Welle, the bride's brother. Following the service, a reception was held for the immediate families at the bride's home, where supper was served by her aunt. Mrs. William Ws^te of Chicasro. For her going-away costume. th<> "oride chose a suit and hat of forest green, with a white orchid corsage from her bridal bouquet. After a honeymoon trip to'Florida, the couple will make their home with the bride's father at-Crystal Lake. Mr. Cristy is a graduate of' the McHenry high school. ** < AKI> OF THAMiS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for floral offering'!, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations or cars and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especiallv grateful for the services of Msgr. Nix and Fr. Baumhofer. MATH BLAKE AND FAMILY 3s Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson of Evanston visited his parents here last weekend. Mrs. Virgi! Prine and MSfs. Paul Yanda were Chicago visitors ' "* Saturday. last Charles Rogers of Lily Lake has been vacationing in California^ Mr. and- Mrs. IlalpU Freund have been visiting relatives fca Tacoma. Mash. Mrs. Glen Robison visited in the loin., of Mrs. John, Phalin one evening last week. McHenry'8 Annual Mardi Gras MR. AND MRS. ELMER MILLER A pratty wedding was solemnized on Jan. 14 at Queen of the Angles church, Chicago, when Miss Mary Luu Heinz of Chicago became the bride of Elmer E. Miller of McHenry. The newlyweds are residing in the Country Club subdivision. Kiddlquette Children should be taught to answer the telephone courteously and intelligently. A course in "telephone etiquette" f or children would consist of instructions on how to spealP plainly, to take a message properly, and call another oerson. Saturday, Feb. 4 American Legion Club House iPrtfces for fimuiest, most original and beHt dressed cost limes. Six individual prizes and wo dance i?roup prizes. Ait Tlioms and his "Aces >f Melody." p. in.'to closinsr. Contribution <>(><r a- pt'rxmi. Mrs. Ponaid Meyer and infant daughter. Deborah Lynn, returiux' home from the Woodstock hospita1 oh Tuesduy. " - John McGee spent the mid-wiacr seinesKr -Vacation from hitj ;:tulies at Loras college at' the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Ray McGee. , Mr. Hiid Mrs. .Henry La;ig anil family of Hammond Ind , - and Rlr. and Mrs, Curl Hyatt and children of Waukt ga'ii visited Mr?. Zena Bat on on Sunday. ;; ? : .-j RESIDENCE CHAMOIS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferwuda have moved from the apartment above the Colony theatre to the apartment in the Thennes garage (formerlv Wirfs place) on Richmond Road. The Sylvester Wirfs family, who had resided there, are now nfaking their home with her LATIN T, Charles Rogers, in ^ily Lake for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith have moved from the apartment in the A. P. Freund home on West Elm street to an apartment in tlie Ralph Freund residence on Maple avenue. The apartment they vacated will be tenated by Mr. and Mrs. John Getner, wjio are moving from Wonder Lake. Air. and Mrs. Clarence Freund have moved from the home of his parents, the Carl J. Freunds, to their new home in the north part of the city. ' Mr. and. Mm. Merwyn Sc^mitl have moved from the home of Hit parents, the John R. Hchmltts, to the former Nimscern place on Oreen stre«t, now owned fcjr.y the Nick M. Juiteni. Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Sr., tias mov «»d to Kenosha. Wis., for the -win ter months. Her former home on Waukegan street was purchased recently by the Frank Nell fimlly. who have taken up residence there. U|feto Oat' Research lights really don't go out when you flick the twitch. In a fluorescent tube, for example, light-producing atoms continue to bounce around Inside the lamp for a tiny, fraction of a second before they escape. George Mill* r and Leo Blake attended a meeting of the Lairo Seed company at Minneapolis. Minn.r.the first of this wee&;v 'Super Cold Science ; " Scientists here are working With temperattires so low they'd make a home refrigerator seem like a furnace. In a new "push-button"' laboratory, the researchers can reach down to 459.6 degrees below zero Fahrenheit--within one-tenth of a^degree af absolute zero. mmm $vm 312 ELM STREET The Finest ^ Children's Wear McHENRY PHOKE 746 ~^ ^ t.C AN KJ N fi ^£1 ItOfirTT^j 15% OP TIE woiturs Americans, of course! While many of the cars still on the road are pre-war models -- they are steadily being replaced by new ones. Only in _ America is the private garage an essential part ijjf; die private dwelling. Our free enterprise V* t^tem makes it all possible. And our Ameri- i can chartered banking system makes possible > die low cost financing that puts modern car.. ownership within reach of so many people. : vf:^ McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve Syste# ileube« Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Sensational NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY.., CANNED-FOODS AT A&P! VAiUCSt B U LO VA ituti&t/ CORN. LADY BULOVA FAMCY QUALITY ORANGE JUICE.. 46-OZ. BANQUET BRAND WHOLE CHKKEN t3'/?-LB. TIN SULTANA BRAND FRUIT COCKTAIL 29- $145 25 IONA CUT GREEN NOT,N2,/j /nc Custom®*8 OroeT ^ Beans »• Tomatoes 2 23 HALVES UNPEELED--IONA BRAND V APRICOTS..... ---21 • • *; • * 6REAI NORTHERN U .514 Mala !St. t McUofljrt Phone 128-J I CREDIT Te*$IIS I want n V<"L;n« "nd store to * - rV r.T**V a,.- «v,w not. wrnte . . v--1* " VVood Store*', ^ - -trtn Aveo^6- COLD STREAM BRAND * Pink SahMa e • • TIN" 41* Beans • • • • * • lw>Ke& 2|< DOLE OR DEL MONTE-ALSO SLICED OR GEMS WALDORF Sliced PiMappIt., .n?,N 27' Toilet Titsae. • 4 nous 25* HALVES _ ARMOUR'S lona Pears . . .Tt 2IN25' Corned Beef. . ATR BRAND <ING OSCAR Saaerkraat. ..2 ^ 23* BHtliax Sardbios 2T READY TO EAT PICNIC HAMS3M LOGGIES SAT.T GOD PISH 1 lb. pkg. 55c CORN KING SLICED BACON MICKELIiERRY'S SKINLESS FRANKFURTS MICKELBERRY'S PORK SAUSAGE MEAT BACON SQUARES lb. 35c lb. 49c 1 lb. roll 33c lb. 19c FRFSH FRt lTS AND VFCf:T4M,ES! WWUOLHUlii* extrr big mlovhrnces ON TRADE-INS ON WILLYS VEHICLES We are making the longest trades and delivering the best cars in our history. Come in and find out what your car is worth, while we are still in a mood to trade! DRIVE YOUR CAR IN FOR APPRAISAL r-McHENRY GARAGE Willys-Overland Sales •604 Front Street Phone 403 • McHenry, 111. COLORADO GROWN--U.S NO. Ml SUPPOSE--McClURF Potatoes 10.& rFXAS GROWN SEEDLESS Grapefruit Vio SIC VWASMIN6TON CROWN DELICIOUS Applet 8 LK lit OVE1S TREATS! JELLY PILLED Iced Oonuts JANE »M?KER Potato Chips CHERO Lattice Pie *-L» » ^ OA<? 49c FLORIDA SWflRT JUIUf OrtRfet 39C REGALO PANCT WASHED Spinieli CEU.O F?© TEXAS GROWN FRESH tomb t>cHs1Be DAIRY DELIGHTS! A&P COFFEE! Etc MILD AND MELLOW 8 O'Clock Coffee ®ICH AND FULL-SOOLED Red Circle Coffif VIGOROUS AND WIN#* Bekar Coffee 63c w Ml A FISH VALVES! WISH Oysters P=3C»- WNT 89* D^PSSEO Whiting. .2 i.s 25* 10 LI RO* SI CHEDOOIT Choooo Food WIS SHARP Cheddar Chotto SLICEFT FRESH Briok Cheese . .LOAF to 59c LB 49c KITCHEN KLEN7ER MAKES CLEAN ING EASY ean o IQ< • • A T,NS 19 UNCO KLEACH ABETTER 'A-GALFJLLG PRODUCT • • • • BTL 30' LAKE SMORE^ HONEY IN THE HONEY- 16-OZ COMB JAR • • • JAR 31' IU* FLAKES FOR YOUR NICE IGE. THINGS • • • • PKG 26 LIFEBUOY TOILET SOAP 8* STOPS „ REG. B. O. • 9 • • • • CAKE PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP FOR A CLEAR *EG- AG FRESH SKIN • • * CAKE Q PALMOLIVE ' BATH SOAP STAY FRESHBI BATH LONGER • » • «CAKE 12 A VALUE FAB FOR ALL YOUR LAUNDRY NEEDS PKG ?6 Ci IT'S WONDERFUL VEL A SUPER BUY SUPER SUDS FOR YOUt DISHES J« ' MAKES LOADS 9FIC • • • • PKG %*| T r* SUDS • • • • PKG £Y CASHMERE BOU'HIET POR DAINTINESS TRY IT 3 CAKES 23C AJAX CI EANSER 2 CANS 25' A HOUSEHOLD HELP I IDEAL | ; SAWYER BISCUIT CO. | NESTLE'S »; DOG FOOD j Butter CooWes | MORSELS ooes LOV§ T*U |y|c '.NO M-OZ Q^E SEUI 6-OR M. • • • • PKG XU" " IT • • • * * T,N 14 * VAlU6 • • • • WCG I f " SWEET • • • • PKG £|| BUY THE GIAr Alt DREF t FOR YOUR DISHES V.-g' w.,. "• . MiUM,