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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1950, p. 9

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Ticklers By George ("bwp \ "I know you're mighty proud of the fact that you shot a moose with a bow and arrow--but don't you think this is carrying things a bit too far?" INCOME TAX Medical Expenses Those items which qualify as medical and dental expenses in excess of 5 percent of the adjusted gross income which is shown 0>n Line 6, Page 1, are deductible as Itemized deductions on Page 3 of Hie return. To qualify as medical •Xpenses such items must have teen paid for yourself, your spouse Or your qualified dependents when Itemized deductions are used instead of the tax table or the standard deduction. Listed below are payments Which qualify as, deductible- medical expense: Payments to physicians, surflgeons, ,osteopaths, Christian Science practitioners, chiropractors --dentists, nurses and hospitals. Cost of eyeglasses, contact lenses and glass eye. Cost of artificial teeth. Cost of hearing aids. L--- Expense of travel necessary to ' flp to a specific doctor, hospital or sanitarium for treatment when ordered by your doqtor. But the expenses of going away for a Change of scene or rest, even if ^ordered by your doctor, afe not deductible. Cost of ambulance service. ' Cost of medicines prescribed by your doctor. Cost of braces,, artificial limbs, casts. Premiums on health and accident insurance and hospital ' or medical insurance. (These may not be claimed as miscellaneous deductions on Page 3 of the return' They must exceed 5 per cent of ^he adjusted gross income and are subject to the- same limitations as medical expenses. If your spouse or qualified de- ---pendent is too ill to go alone on a plane or train to a specified doctor or hospital and you and a nurse must accompany her, the expenses yOu pay for all three are } incurred for the "mitigation and alleviation" of her suffering and are deductible against your income. £ If you shop Id hire someoae to act both as practical nurse and housekeeper, the expense must be allocated between the time spent on each duty, and only the expense of that portion for aotual nursing is deductible and includible as medical expense. . The money paid to nursemaids and baby sitters is strictly personal and does not qualify as medical expense. To determine the amount of allowable- medical expense, you deduct the amount of any reimbursement received from an insurance ^ -company or a hospitalization pian. from the total amount spent for .medical care. From the net figlire which results, you subtract 5 percent of the income shown c i Line 6, Page 1 of white Form 1040. The balance represents the allowable medical expense. . Limitations The present law limits the 59*mount of deductible medical expense based on the number of exemptions, which in no case should be determined with inclusion of the exemptions for old age and blindness. The following shows the liinitation of medical expenses for the taxable year 1949: (a) Single persons, "no dependepts, $1,250; (b) Single persons or married persons filing separately, two exemptions sxr more. $2,500; (c> Married persons filing jointly (no dependents), two exemptions, $2,500; (d) Married persons filing jointly and claiming one dependent, three exemptions, $3,750; (e) Married persons filing jointly and claiming two or more dependents, four exemptions or more, $5,000. No more" than $5,000 may be claimed regardless of the number of dependents, the amount of income or the amount of allowable medical expense in excess of $5,000. In all cases the dependents must qualify through close relationship by blood or marriage, and the taxpayer must be the chief support. WORLD FAMOUS SIGNATURES ARlT NOW ON DISPLAY Signatures of world famous persons, framed in postmarks that spell owt their names of titles comprise an exhibit of philatelic autographs now on display at O e Chicago Historical Society in Lincoln Park Taw e<hifoU wiM remain until March Jl. v Fifty cases of mounted autographed envelopes, together with letters pictures and articles, have been lent to the Society by Dr. Stanley D. Buckner, Chicago, who has spent years ass>i,i!ain< the collection. Douglas, Mich., and MacArthur, W. Va., are the postmarks on the envelope which bears General Douglas Mac-Arthur's " autograph. King, Ky„ and Haile, La., are the postmarks for the signature of King Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. President, Pa., Franklin, Mich- Roosevelt, Mo., and White House, Tenn., for the postmark border for Franklin t>. Roosevelt's uutograph. Statesman, military leaders, royalty, actors, authors, musicians and sports personalities are represented in the exhibit. The Chicago Historical Society at North aveaue, and Clark street is open to the public on week days from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. All visiting days except Sundays are free. Children admited free at all times. Bloated Cows A new method of treating bloated cattle is reported by the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical association. JFOod from the stomachs of freshly slaughtered cattle, obtained at packing plants, can be transferred to the stomach of a chronic bloater, according to the report. The treatment is said to be practical, and in some cases more effective than drugs. Excessive Frowning The Commission for the JBlind advises all mothers that watery eyes or excessive frowning or Winking may be signs of^*eye trouble. If your youngster shows any of these symptoms, have his eyes examined by a reliable eye doctor. It's a good idea in any case- • « " \ r H ' I I I I M 1 I I H M I I MKMI I I I t » News From Wonder Lake I 1 1 M > >| I I I I "!r' *<hy Yanesse Sallif""" ' Wonder Lake's I'nit Of American Hod Cross Conducts Hrive Sandfly The newest u.iit of the county Red Crosj family, the mouth-old branch at Wonder Lake, started its fund drive Suuday and raised total of $377 for their day's effort. Its quota is $460. The workers met for a one o'clock dinner, were briefed prior to the intensive afternoon's canvassing of every subdivision. Ouests at the luncheon were Mr. and Mrs: Russell Alle;i, Cary; Fred Ferris and Mrs. Marion Phinncy. Woodstock. Allen is official speaker for the county Red Cross. Ferris is county chairman, and Mrs. Phinney is evecutive chairman for the county. Introduced py Mrs. Warreft Tallman, chairman of the Wonder J^ake branch, Allen sketched the history of the Red Cross from its inception in 1859 in Switzerland until its acceptance by the United States in 1905. Tells of Service v , Ferris, the second sptrilref. said that it was altogether fittiiic that the "baby of the countv^ihould take the first step" -in rare fund drive of 1950. He emphasized that the Red Cross means "service." Mrs. Phinney explained how service has been developed in Mc- Henry county and explained the Red Cross portfolio being used by the workers. Fred W. Sells, ftfnd drive chairman for Won<Jer Lake, gave the canvassers his blessing and started them on their way. Workers Named The' participants in the first Wonder Lake drive were: Mrs. Robert, Dorrfeld, William Fiala, Sr., Henry Schau. Mrs. Jeanette Hoffman, Mrs. Robert Mahal, Mrs. Wallace Sinclair, Joseph Wurin. Mrs. Harry Davidson Sr., Howard Wilkinson, " Anton Grill, Phil Hastings, Mrs. Ruth Redman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cannon. Rose Murphy. Mrs. Harold Wohnrade. Miss Geraldine Donash, J. DeMoreas, Gerald Elbersen, and Mrs. E. A. Foy. All funds were checked in to Joseph Wurm, treasurer for the Wonder Lake branch, at the Lake View ice cream parlor, where Mrs. Fiala, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Tallman served doughnuts and coffee. ing that deadline for filing for the school board will be March 17. Petitions must be filled and returned to Mrs. Norcnt who is clerk of the board. Registrar I'rges All Residents to Register For Primary Justus Kellner, registrar for the new McHenry township precinct, is urging everyone to be sure and register sO they can vote in the primaries in April. Those who have already registered need not worry unless they have moved Since the last election. Another important date for the voter to remember is that of the township meeting on the first Tuesday in April; the ONLY time you can directly vote on the budget of the township. Mark down the dates: the first Tuesday: township meetipg., The first. Saturday: school election. The second Tuesday : the primaries. League of Women Voters Met at Noren Home; Discus* Flections Mrs. Alice Norm entertained the League of Women Voters on Tuesday, Feb. 21, and in spite of the slippery roads, a good sized group was present. Guests included Mrs. Lucille Anderson. Mrs. -OTotulewIcz, Mrs. Lalley and Mrs, Grimm. A general discussion took place on the coming election and the candidates' meeting fn Woodstock. It was brought out in the meetfommunity (lab Plans "Open Hons At Harrison School;. Plans for an "open tibuse" to be Iteld in the new section of Harrison school were made at the meeting of the Community Club on Tuesday of last wivk. Mrs. Myrtle Davidson, chairman of the club, presided. 11 was agreed that a. clothing exchange should be sponsored by the club, which is the equivalent of the P.T.A.. and further details were thrashed out at a special meeting of the room mothers at the home of Mrs. Howard Wilkinson on this Tuesday. At the March meeting, Carl Durktee, county consultant arid ps>v cliologist, has been invited to speak. This meeting will- take place on Tuesday, March ft. :\ Janet Grill Is . x Featured Singer *?. At Saturday Party'. Janet Grill. *cforifchMwTa* the piano by her mother. Mrs. Pauline Grill, sang three numbers at the Washington's birthday party held at Rolaine Grill on Satur^iy night. Febi 25.' AH present were impressed by the lovely voice exhibited by the little girl, who is an eighth grade student at Harrison school. Cherry pie and coffe« were served by the hostesses, all members of the Rod and Gun Auxiliary, and including Rose Murphy, Charlotte Mayer, Mary Audino, Rose Silk and Mary Rose Swearengea. Another free coon dinner and all the trimmin's will be given at Rolaine Grill on Saturday night, March 4. A real delicacy--tastes like young suckling pig.--mark it on your calendar. Nick €antucci and his accordian will be there. McHenry Youth Hurt When TobofgH Ranis Into Stump Donald Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund of McHenry suf fered painful injuries in a toboggan accident on Friday night. The accident took place on a hill near the Legion hall, where a group of teenagers were enjoying the first real sledding weather of the season. Other members of the party included: Nancy Siemon, Shalimar; Joan Krein and Jeri Einspar, Lily Lake; Mary Kay Freund, McHenry; Joanne Resheske, Peggy Selsdorf and Sharon Sells, Wonder Lake; Dwight Dowell, Don Paluch, Don McCracken, Dick Duncan, Mc Henry; Dick Bartlett, Lily Lake; and Bob Lowery, Wonder Lake. The toboggan on which young Freund was riding hit a stump Several others were shaken up and bruised, but not bad enough to keep them from returning to the Sells residence for "light" refreshments of baked beans, cheese sand wiches And cocoa. Repan Twins, 2, Celebrate Birthday ' With 16 Friends y Sixteen youngsters, all uadar 4. were party guests of Ronald and Richard Repan, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Repan, when those young men celebrated their second birthday on Feb. 22. Accompanying the young guests were a total of twelve mothers. The little guests were: Donna Mae Dean, Ruthie Wilson, Leigh Portfer, Norma Swegrengen, Chickie James, Ricky Ruzicka, the Hansen children, Micky, Jacky, Patty, and Bobby. Valerie Paknik, and Bobby Freund. Also on the guest list were the twins, honorary "grandmothers", Mrs. Ellen Bbrgdahl and Mrs. Stella Biggers. All the little girl guests were furnished with Martha Washing- MOSEY INN RINOWOOD TELEVISION PKAGER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop Fish Fry on Fridays Streamlined style and luxury *t moderate cost. See our complete display of Amerock Cabipet Hardware. Four matched patterns of striking beauty VYCITAL'S HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP e mGRMUISTT PHOMJ5 98 ACCURATE TO THE OUNCE The weight of the medicine in your prescription may weigh less than an ounce but you know it's measured accurately if we fill the prescription. Every tiniest measurement is made with keen accuracy so that you get exactly what the doctor ordered. You can always trust us for accuracy. NYE DRUCJ STORE Walqrttn Aqena} PHONE 26 McHENRY ton hats and the boy guests wore Revolutionary soldier hats; the small hosts wore stove-pipe hats. All of the guests took turns at pushing the twin tricycles which the twins received from their parents. Ice cream, cake, milk and favors were distributed by the hostess, who was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Madge Siegel. RRIEFlfe* Mrs. Loulsi' Durkei', teacher of second and third grade at Harrison school, is one of tin teachers participating in the psychology course offered by .the extension department of the University of Illinois and meeting for the next sixteen Wteks in Woodstock at the high school.--Mabel Sartwell was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noren on Sunday.-- Erica Frenssen underwent major surgery on Monday morning.-- Dick Richards and his dad. K. B. Richards. were members of the barbcrshoppers who entertained the old folks at llartland on Sunday afternoon with a program of songs. --Mrs. Dorothy - ,McEachren is home again after a four weeks' trip which took her to Cleveland and New York. While ia the latter city, she spent a full week attend-, ing current Broadway plays and the opera.--Johnny Miden is ill at his home (mumps) and Bob Doerrfeld is ill at his home (chickea pox.) Pretty big boys for those little people's diseases, but you can suffer just as long.-- Mrs. Mildred Howorka and her daughter, Loiianne, left on Wednesday for a month's trip to the wtfst coast. Christ the King Catholic Oharrh Hello there! What night did you say? Why, St. Patrick's night, of course. It is the night* of the big corned beef and cabbage dinner at Christ the King church. Come one, come all; special entertainment will be given during the course of the meal. Paul Marke, Jr., has been appointed head acolyte. Correction: Mrs. Charles Pike was appointed official church treasurer. The Altar and Rosary and the Holy Name societies are desirous if increasing their memberships. How about that friend of yours? Ask them to join. A personal contact is beneficial. Gospel Center News Though, the temperature was rather low and traveling very hazardous in our hills last Sunday, the attendance at Sunday School and services were nevertheless almost normal. We were happy to have with us several families from McHenry and Genoa City at the evening service. The Bible Class, sponsored by the Lake Villa Bible church, and taught by the pastor of the Gospel Center, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson at 49 School street. Grayslake, during the month of March. Every Weduesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Young People's prayer meetings will -from now on be held on Friday evenings instead of Mondays. The place of meeting is the Young People's Bible class room at the Center. The McHenry County Youth for Christ rally .will be held Saturday night, March 11. at the-Free Methodist church in Woodstock. We will be happy to meet frieuds and neighbors at our church services next Sunday, March 5 „at ..m„ Sunday School, II a.m. and :45 p.m. Inspiring singing and old fashioned gospel preaching. " We welcome you. 1 STRICTLY FRESH A SENATOR reports military ex- ** perts plan an alternate capital In case Washington is atomblitzed. The senator says he would like to see the proposals brought forward "in a concrete form." And preferably reinforced concrete, eh, senator? The blood of a person 80 years old has traveled about 5,000,000 miles. Nothing, except maybe'a sailor, ever traveled so far and saw so. little. • • • Auto makers are beginning to think about building smaller cars thij! tSft/atfcrnge America^ " can Answers to TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. The White House has been called the President's palace, and later the President's house; now it is known as the executive mansion. 2. In Hawaii, June 11. 3. An 80-pound trout brought 5n at Mackinaw, Mich., in 1878, is tthe largest ever caught, according "to the World Almanac. 4. Gene Ram bo, according to the point award system of the Rodeo, Cowboys Association. 5. Both; the knot is a measure of speed, representing one nautical- mile an hour. •Rend th<> Want Adsl better atford. But, whenever did Americans limit themselves to buying cars they could aiTord? • • • Brazil sometimes solves its coffee surplus problem by using it to fire railroad engines. In the U. S., only the housewives get steamed up over coffee--prices, that is. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindcaier. Rain or shine, our taxi service is on call to the people K»f McHenry and surrounding community. We promise quick serflce ln comfortable airs. Call a Cab Phone 723 • it GOODBYE TO PUMPING DISSOLVES TREE ROOTS ELIMINATES DIGGING DISSOLVES GREASE NO MORE ODORS IT'S H9BERN f -zz M Tank m -- . REVOLUTIONARY! N* More «kp«ntiv« unhealthy pumping and digging up tH nupooU, tcptic tanks, t«*pag« pool*, great* traps and dogged lines. Here's the most reliable and latest method to liquefy, dissolve and saponify grease, sludge, hair, doth and other organic solids. This modern chemical guarantees quick and efficient results in 12 to 16 hours. NO SHUTDOWN of pool CM Ititik necetiui y while chemical is working. 5. 10, 15, 25, 50, and >00 IS. CONTAINERS Canadian Pal. Off. R»a. U.S. >>-•. O". P«nd!«i «6a **ous L* °°°*S /N cr Sf'77C 4*0 CeSs*OQ,S T*»*S ALTHOFF'S HDWE. PHONE 284 WEST McHENRY, ILL. kit the bigger Big car V-8 power . . . more "sitting room" than any other low-cost car -- ... big-car strength of Ford's 13-way stronger "Lifeguard" Body. Its the better The quiet, "sound-conditioned" interior . . . the low. level comfort of Ford's "Mid Ship" Ride . . . Ford's 35% easier-acting King-Size Brakes. It's a quality car throughout. _ VVhit* sdawall lir»i and fandtr 4** Mi rs the buy So much for so little money! Ford's "hushed'* V-8 . . the same type engine in America's costliest cars is yours for hundreds less than most "sixes." JOSEPH X. WATtffNI 3 Attftroey-at-taw ' ' >5 8t9 Wankecan Road (RFD Batf * Iff WEST McHENRY. ILL, J| ? Phone McHenry 492-W HIGHEST CASH PRICES paM Dead and C'rippM Horses, CatHi and Hogs--Sanitary Power Lm4» i»8--Tankage and Meat Scrap* fat sale. Phones Arlington HelgfcSs 116 or McHenry 314. Intftt Charare*. Palatine Renderhif Serr* iee. m CHARLES S. PARKER, AttarM# , (Joslyn & Parker) > Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1 Office--Koehr Supply CoafMUift- 542 Mam Street, West MeHtaMry I hone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1133 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICB : - WONDER LAKE • # L RINGWOOD, ILL/ f' Electric Wiring Motor Repaiji Pumps Sold and Repairfi TEL. WONDER LAKE 499 " & "Home Furniture Recovering 'U " and Repairing 20 years experiettOt "jj Phone Pistakee 551-R-l i VIC'S IPHOLSTKRY SERYICS ^ RR. 1, Pistaciua Heights McHenry. IU. VERNON KNOX ' " '* < » Attorney-At-L*w • Cor. Qreen and Elm Sts., McHaaqp Tuesday and Friday AfternM^(| Other Days p? Appointment | Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUT -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old He. less for down horses and eat MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATT|9 We pay phone chargaa A. P. FREUND SONS --~U Excavating Comtraetan Trucking, Hydraalie * i and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- » ^ Tel. j04-M' McHenry, fll E. E. PEASLEE, 9. C. Chiropractor 120 S» Green St., ielauj Office Hoars, Dally ex:epj Tharsdur 9 to 12 1*0 to 5 Mom, Wed. and FrL, 7 to » Phora Ea'Ienry M8-I McHENRY FLORAL CO. | Phone 4#4 Osa Mile South of McHeary : 'I On Route 31 Flowers for all occasional :: J • •• 1 i (fc FALL CLASSES OF s 1 instruction >1 Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Play Hi formerly with Anton Weeka, Caaa Lonia, Ray Noble, Griff William*- "Chicago and Oriental Theatre^ organizing fall classes. Call Mo Henry 533-J-l for appointment ang interview. # Telephone No. 300 8TOFFEL & REIHANSP] *ftau ranee agents for all el ^ property in the best i nmpsniaa West McHenry. lllinyia B!^ELD m INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life maart Representing ^ RELIABLE COMPANIES When you neetf of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHang^ Tel. Wonder Lake 4H DK. R. H. W ATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tues., Thurs., it Balk ' 9 a. m. to 5 p. a. ^ Brenings by AppotntmMl . Laokout Point Wonder 1 .ake, FRANK S. MAY Trucking 3and--Black Dirt--Crushed GratK Light Excavating -- I iia rnitif Track for Hire Phone McHenry 580-ll-t R-l McHenry ' 1 AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St.. McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Weldl.ig and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 404 M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, J*. Attorney-at-law llOV'j Benton St. Phone Woodstock 1331 Woodstock. Illinois DR. MARTIN K. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Cre^n & Lia Tues., Thnrs. & Thursdays »:S# U £:50 Tuesdays aad Saturdays ta d __ TeL Mrll. r, "TifT ornvr' IMft 'fo rou at rout roio diaub'S S wl open your •yml 0 BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN ST. PHONE 1 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Famed Fashion Academy selects Fprg as "FaiHiy Again This Year! * WELDINC Maintenance and Construction PortaMe Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J 909 South Green St^ McHenry, It Lunestoai* VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire *eL McHenry r>88-R-2 or 588-W-J,-- i R«i» *^ 172. Rt. 1. .McHenry --I» ' PR. H. S. FIKE V«terinarian ----^ On Brfghwar 31--Office-•and Mil Tel. McHenry 31 *>ffice Hours: 1 p. m. to 1 p, • Except Thursdays s Evenings by AppointaMt DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHeM?. Office Hours: 10 a. ap. to & p. ak except Wwlwsday. Office eiaaai all day Wedaesday.

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