vat . 4 ' mmmc#ri AWf wvpppw THE McilisfeYMj^tDIAfjlit « i ' '1 • „> / . Thursday, February 23, 195(F» IS v$ "ipWMM)ta< tltoeM* flab At Ifller 1«m Th« Canadian PluotthlG clabTriot •t the home of Mrs. Eleanor Miller lor a 1 o'clock luncheon and cards IMt week. The gathering honored Mrs. Jack Barthel on her birthday •nniversary and she was presented with a gift. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Barthel, Mrs. Clemens Adams, Mrs. Bernard Matchen and Mrs. Herbert Freund. Mrs. Grace O'Brien will be next bustero to the olub members. Pn>ia<l Infant .Is. rfcrtatened ,/ >•=, «The infant Mrs. Lawrence "Bud" Freund was christened "Jacqueline Ann" on Sunday, Feb. 26. at St. Mary's church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. I)olfer of Alund^ leln. Guests in the . fjYeuad home following the baptism wore Mi/ and Mrs. Clemens Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund. Mr. and Mrs. William Freund, Mr. and' Mrs. George Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellner, Mrs. LillV" Philips and the grandparents. SCr.v end Mrs. Bdward Pfamienstiil. "• « • • C»n minify (ink To Meet March 7 The Johnsburg Community Club will hold its next meeting at Hettermann's Tavern 011 Tuesday evening, March 7. The committee in charge includes Joe Frett, all meetings will be held at Het- Harold Fox, Bob Garner, Lex. Hiller and joe Hiller. In tn,- future, terma-nn's, since the former Nell's pavillion, where meetings were held for several years, is beini; converted into bowling alleys. Entertained On Birthday Forty-five relatives and frfeuds were entertained at tlu home of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Kennebeck e;;st of McHenry, last Sunday in honor of their son, Earl, on his twentyfir »t birthday anniversary. Dinner wah served early in the evening, followed by cards and games, and later a tasty lunch was enjoyed. Prizes^in five-hundred were merited by Mrs. Eleanor Freund, and Mrs. Helen Justen. The guest of honor was the recipient of many - gifts among them * wrist watch front his parents. • • • .. -- ••nored At Farewell Party Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund. who resided between Johnsburg and Spring Grove, were hoitored at a surprise farewell party recently. given by their • neighbors. The Kreunds have moved to Johnsburg. Eighteen friends were presrnt to enjoy a social evening. They were Messrs. and Mesdames Math Schmitt, Gregory Kattner, William Yu.ig. Steve Freund, Anthony Widlialm, William Hiller, Joe 1' Miller, A)l)ert Schmitt, Mrtl. Kathiyn Eugels and Arnold Engela. • • • ; . Demonstrate Art Of / • V " • Making Figurines Mrs. F. Butorac of Waukegan. will demonstrate the making ana dtwrating of American Dresden figurines at the McHenry Woman's Club meeting on Friday. March 1(». at 2.:30 p.m. in the American Legion Home. Members and fi'i£Us of the club are invited to leiir.i this -interesting hobby. •'The high school saxaphohe quartet and the clarinet quartet will be presented in the musical portion of the afteruogn'<j program Paul Yanda. Mrs. Walter Hopkins' is chairman of the refreshments for this meeting. • . ' » • • / Altar ii Rosary In Reg-ular Meetlnp The Altar Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's church will hold their regular monthly meeting at S'clock in the- church hall next 'Monday evening. The Misses Genevieve Knox and 2j£llie Doherty will be in charge. • * t Birthday Party For Karltarii Rauen Barbara Rauen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rauen of Pfotekvc Bay, entertained friends on t;io occasioii of her ninth birthday anniversary last Saturday afternoon. Sleighing and games provided entertainment, after which a tasty Junch was served. Guests were Ellen Clark. Penny Nye. Cynthia Freund, janicc Freund, Ruth Regner, Juunn Smith, Lois May, and Janice Hettermann. * * . * SirprM On Annhersary Mr. and M"rs. Anthony Weiner of Ringwood were surprlt d one evening last week by neighbors who had planned a surprise charav.n i and party in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. Widhalm and Mr. and Mrs. K K Engtis of Spring Grove. Mr. a;id Mrs. William, Yung of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen, Anthony Williams. Miss Louise Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan and son, Jerome, of Ringwood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank IVchart of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Engels and Pattv of Laske Geneva, Wis. • • # • Two Honored On AniilwrsnriM. A liirt .'iav 'celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scliiilz in Niesen's subdivision, n-ar Johnsburg, on Sunday wlie'n Mr. Schulz and his son, Robert, observed, their birthday unniversai ies. This year's gathering v.-as reason for special observance for it was Robert's first birthday celebiauoii out of St. Luke's hospital in""eight years. -Present- to enjoy the delicious ham dinner served by Mrs. Schulz were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz, Jr., and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago and the Schulz' son. Paul, who is attending the University of Illinois, Kenneth Schulz, Mr. and Mrs.- Wesley Schulz and children, Marjorie and jijiimy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uix all of Chicago. The afternoon' alid evening were spent in playing canasta. The honored guests were presented with many giftsr \> dolls," which will be on display until the next meeting on March 11. Landers-Benson Nuptials Feb. 26 McHenry's Evangelical Lutheran chhrch was the scene of a qu'et wedding last Sunday evening, Feb. 26. when Garfield C. Benson of Ringwoo ' Road and Ella M. Landers of McCullom Lake w.-re united in marriage. Rev. Carl Lobitz, pastor. Officiated at the service. Mis. Gertrude Lyall attended the bride as matron of honor and Darrell of .McCullom Lake was best irian. Following the ceremony, a wedding suppeT was served to the bridal paHy at the home of the groom, where the newlyweds will live: • • - \ Pe r s o n a i s (.rnce Hiller ' ^ Party Hosfcsti " . (5;.ue Hiller. daUghte.' of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller of Ringwood, «vas guest of honor last Saturday afternoon at a party Ignoring; her ninth birthday anniversary. Classmates- gathered .at the Hiller home to enjoy lively games, with each guc^t recei'.iug a small gift for a prize. A ta.sty lunch consisting of ice c ,'eam ajiid cake was served in late i.fternoon. The* guest of honor was presented with many lovely gifts. Attending the party were Beverly May, Joyce Thiel, Dorothy Schaefer, Nancy Spiith, Eileen Huff. Ardelle and Arlene Oeffling, K.i> and Betty Lou Hiller, Charleuc Fieund. Phyllis Tipperreitei, Andre Larson. Carol Ann Weingarl, Susan Daly and Carol Ann FiiSt).> * • • iialiy Sitting ( ourse Offered Pre-Teeners Th^ last meeting of the Pre-Teen club was lie-Id Satuiday afieiuoon at 12: oU„ at the Toddler Shop, with President Doima Dowe presiding. Mary Jean Wi.ikel was appointed to select and head a committee to secure pusyywillows for the parochial school P.T.A. style show, to be given in April. The girls present voted in l'avo of a course in baby sitting at each meeting, with Mary Kauss instructing. So many calls are received for members for this purpose that a suggestion on offering the course was made. Lois Claybaugh brought nl!«t> •- hobby of collecting story book End Your Coal Worries! PHONE 465-R FREE ESTIMATES AT HO OBLIGATION v No Discomfort No Inconvenience LOW PRESSURE PRINCIPL! (Only 1 to 2 Ibt. atomizing prtituri) ASSURES MORE HEAT FROM LESS FUEL OIL! Oil and air are scientifically mixed at low pressure for better combustion. That means more heat fer gallon--and money in your pocket. ALSO--Oil-O-Matic Oil •Burners have a clog-proof oil-air Sozzle and burn with ease those hotter, but harder-to-burn new catalytic fuel oils^ Remember this Important fa^t--with hundreds of makes to choose from--EVERY EIGHTH OIL BURNER IS AN OIJ..-O.MA1 IC! Come in today No matter how . cold the waathM, •ui factory-trailM# •xpeft* will install your new Oil-OMatic in |ust a hw hours ... without discomfort or inconv«ni*nc« to you. FUEL OIL SUPPLY Guaranteed! ! * | lereha i Hgditae | in Oil Bttmers THENNES OIL COMPANY 505 SO. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS Richaifd;^'i'T6icsb^~Alw^" Bride To Live In Boston A-.inouncenient has been made of the marriage on Valentine's Day, I'Vb. 14, in Hoston, Mass.. of Miss Phyllis L. King of that city and Richard „Toleson, 'son of Mrs. Hilda Toleson of ^McHe-nry. The w^eildilig took'place at S: .'50 o'clock in the evening iir the Freemorit Temple with ReV. Wood officiating.' Mr. Toleson met Miss King last June while- stationed at Quonset Point. R. I. On Feb. 1 he completed his second hitch with the navy and will now go into civilian work in Boston, where the couple will reside. Raisins Raisins may be used for sweetening fruit salad, for richer flavor and texture in cookies and cakes, in sauce tor meat and in stuffing for fowl. Read the Want Ad* U. J Mtller is Florida. Mr. and Mr& V. W. ' .Caldwell have been visiting fci Florida. Jack Smith of Toledo, Ohio, spent the weekend with his pal ents. the Arthur Smiths. Miss Deiores Vales of Chicage spent the weekend at her horn here. Donald Geary has returned front a three weeks' vacation spent at Sarasota, Fla. Carlisle Wulff of Ontariovil i >. and Walter Vogt of Chicago visit ed McHenry friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnsoil speut a few days in Chicago last week, where they attended the Lumbermen's Convention at th< Sherman hotel. Clarence Whiting of Blgip called on relatives here lust |8ativvday. ; | •' Helen McGratb is spending'^ fr?v. w»ek8 in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary of ,Volo and Mrs. Eugene Geary : oi Among those from cut of towi; who attended rites for John Wai d last Saturday were Aliss EJlet Walsh of South Bend, Ind. the George Miller family, Mr. and Mas James Biggy and Rdwin P. Walsh ot> Chicago, the George- Westerman family anrd Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Beverly of Elgin and Wallace Woodburn of Woodstock. Wauconda spent Sunday in the H. J. Schaffer home. Frank Geary of San Andreas, Calif., who has been spending a couple of weeks in this area, visited his v sister, Mrs. Frank Meyers, the first of the w^ek. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thfink all those who sent cards and remembered us in other ways on the occasion of our fiftieth wedding anniversary on Feb. 19. We were especially happy to have So many friends and relatives with 4is at tue celebration. *42 Mil. and MRS ANTON MAY Prolific Weeds Single weed plant, if permitte to manure, may produce a* man? •s a million Stria*? Fact A goldfish turned the color # a watch placed in its bowl for .<• jeweler's display. ? ti : MUSIt'JkL (bMKRTS Mrs. C. W. Uoodttll, Miaff. Ethel Jones and Warren Jones attended a concert of Baei'ed music present ed by the popular contralto, Kulli Slater, at the First Baptist church in Elgin recently. Miss Slater was accompanied by Helen Hasty on the organ. Following the program, the Mcjibnrv folks were guests ;>t a tea In Miss Slater's honor at the home of Mrs. W. Topping. The.v also attended a coacert by Adi-.c- Norman, soloisi with the Northerners, which was presented at tin same church. Mr. Jones, himself, was tenor soloist for the Crystal Lake Woman's Club recently, accompanied by Mrs. GoodeM. Hir numbers were well received, receiving hn enthusiastic receptk u from the many , person» wl»o- at ended. AMONG THE SICK ' Mlrs. William Aherns ' of 6(>7 Front street. West McHenry, underwent surgery at St. Tiiereae hospital, Waukej^an, on Monday. James J. Lennon has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital this past week. Ernest Phillips was a medical patipnt at the Woodstock hospital last week. Complete line of fie ••MH'die* at Wnttle* l>ruij S^ore, .\i Ifewry R• AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION A fHOTECT YOUR PRIVACY ii 6ur American chartered banlcing sysfetv^ your transactions with your bank are > strictly confidential. You can talk freely about you| personal money matters knowing that whatever you say will not be repeated. This isn't true in other lands where people are no longer . . . -where socialized banking opens banking Iransactions tb the eyS& of the public -- youi competitor in' well as youir next door neighbor. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member federal Deposit Insurance Oor^ration r -- MATfOMAL 'SMMCWOT KUVESf :qO»S W29' r?^oTs ~15.. 29 STOCK YOUR PANTRY! 3. FANCY CALIFORNIA FRUIT COCKTAIL 'n- iv» T|ic (JO® si?«Ls„S ' r»- 1-35. YlWTt COR* • gg-. l 1 ssr sa* sssco-fis^ - - - "uc* -- •gg-zs* •••_*:«. js^jow - LUXURY ORATED • ' a TUNA FLAKES. ^. > 25' CALIFORNIA MUSTARD PACKED ' / OVAL SARDINES ...2-3$ WITH SAUCI NUC RAVIOU.. BiAOY TO SERVE ' M«C SPAGHETTI.. J - 25' MAYC^ > Pft»Ofc---HtOM VINE-t«FC TOMATOES TUMATO JUICE. .. "ir KAZEL DRESSING.. iM HATCf - '•'HAT0 \ SALAD DRESSING.. £-2$ •OlD SfUK E6FI NOOPLES . . E . • ?t* SAURMO> - BONNIE SMUHTHKEMIi . . ^ 2T SUCHANO FLAVORKO WITH MINT-SOttMES. ..... ^26* S (ICHARD C.-iOCCLATI--PLUS ALMOND SQUARES • . . ^ 2S° NATCO DlUCKMfS _ H CINMMLLA \ O E _ jauEs\» MAM • CINMAMT .lIUW - CMIMW KMSPY CROCUS lit 2S* tsrissr.tvtt* MMR NOt M CM* ^ AA* AMMWS TRUT ^ 9T tmtm't mmtem A ^ aai rOTTEB MEAT . Z'SMT SUIT COCKTA^ A IMiciMt CombinatiM of Fancy friHt, Car** ••lly Mind in Just tfc* llfM fVaaortle* tm4 l» H««»y Syrap to Enrich Thair Nataral H«*«r. Stokdy's Fiatst CRANBERRY SAUCE MET HASH...... S eotUM WHOU CWCKUI int* rv^-MT--«rm* BROWNtt MX . . . MT.T#Nn AIMH» A AA POMIRRS ... tIMPV't ITUMH BAtY MEAT* . . . ^ If vmmrt MCI» _ M| BUY HEATS ^ ZT SERVER'S SERVER'S CEREAL 2-25 «•» M mi (witi ttm lifti. Van Camp's He* fetalis KIDNEY mm MtlOMM ^K« ««U9 2 No. 1)3 C«M Mh Tea TtwiH (w Mm |MU| BREEZE SyDSER . s25c H«l:ywao4'% ^ovor-'t* LUX TOILET SOAP)- 22* GOLD WIST..... Wo Mi» Stars LUX BATH SOAP • • •" if Nt film m*4 LUX FLAKES = 25' T>i« Svpcr Crtcmetf Bl«M SWAN SOAP ... 2- 25* laliltiM In Tmt Wnk RINSO .... %25* Tk* SWOII Lrik it • Tmm LMI SWAN SOAP ... 0 y kn 23' SILVER DUST... "53 Tc.r •!«.>• laifM CIcullMl PURO CLEANER . A PUt z ^ 25' MODESS....... M» Q4c •ID yy Skin Cleaner LIFEBUOY SOAP. . . U ii' OUVE OIL.. ~ 25' ^43" St *efrc»ki«s--So Milk LIFEBUOY SOAP. 4 •• y tor2t 2* TRA LARGE SiD* IUICE ORANGES SIZE GRAF 3 w 29* ooz. 39 ORWA OR TSXAS , ,t, LAME GRAPEFRmr f-c una f r o w n s . . . . J ^ i r 10-U. --DAKOTA «uo» . . If* RED POTATOES „ HOUOX-MM CiOf-TIUBCl ~ ,itU - ...» » l» 6REEN .. 2 n>«. ^ I Fancy, Florida "Zipper Skin" - TA>(iERIXFS 3 ,il(/ WRXMWm. •» nuiiwa I mmsammmmm •P atmm • < •