STRICTLY FRESH fAUTO "bootleggers" are becoming ^11 ^ common, the tnf complains. And they're only iri it^for^the jack. • The Ionosphere, explain the jBdintistt, is a layer of electrically charged "atmosphere high above s • the earth that reflects radio1 waves jand. . . . Well, let's Just say it's ©ver our heads. • • • * Explodable atoiruc materials, " %iticfa as isotopes and uranium Ares, #My now be shipped by mail. This certainly should encourage fythe parcel post boys to speed up deliveries. is-' • • • ' "• A method of piercing holes In •teel has recently been devised. ' You wouldn't think a little squirt *Could be so powerful. Ne "Universal" Adhesive No, single adhesive will bond . a satisfactorialy all types of materi- £ als, and each particular job seems to require its own adhesive for best results. However, during and since World War II. considerable progress has been made in the development of greatly improved adhesives. Some of these will make a satisfactory bond between such dissimilar substances as metal and - plastic, or metal and rubber. Not many of them are available for home use because careful control of J| the conditi%ns of applicatioruas, for ^ example, heat and piessurp, are usually necessary. ^ Passing a Car Never try to pass a car unless you're sure that you have plenty of room ahead. Look at it in this way--when you pass a car that is going 40 miles an hour it's just like trying to pass a standing string of cars 300 feet long, pr longer-- ; depending on your own speed in passing. After passing, always wait until you can see the car you hpve just passed in the rear-view mirror before moving over to the right -in front of it;-- -- : soil Organic Matter Soil organic matter is the cp* mains of plants, animals and mfc crobes in all stages of decomposi tion. TV4E AVERAGE AMERICAN WMN ANNUALLY SPENDS HER MONEY PARTLY IN HATS THIS WAY: •10.50 •31.30 EYEGLASSES *6.79 DRESSES '-- •35.60 sorrs •16.70 ' • v : V ; - - ^ OPTICAL . ILLUSION... IN THIS BOOK OUTLINE DRAWING, SOMETIMES THE OUTER LINES SEEM NEARER THE EYESOMETIMES THE CENTER .LINE. HOSIERY •12.40 SHOES 6- SLIPPERS •25-00 NATURE'S BIFOCALS... SOME FISH HAVE EVES PI VICED SOMEWHAT LIKE BIFOCAL. SPECTACLE LENSES. THE UPPER AART3EE3 IN AIR AND THE LOWER RART SEES IN WATER, ACCORDING TO THE BETTER VISION INSTITUTE.. . NO SPOOKS ^ INVOLVEP... WHEN THE EYES OF ACAT# A OOG, OR A DEER GLEAM THROUGH THE DARKNESS. THESE ANIMALS HAVE AT THE BACK OF THEIR EYES A CRYSTALLINE LAYER WHICH REFLECTS LIGHT RAVS. IteM et Interest Tain* Fra* |§» FUe, of the Ptahltthr e&Years Axe JflFTY YEARS AUG Com Huzit Webster little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hanflton T. Web3ter of Elgin, 18 months old, died under unusually circumstances. The little child^ whose family was well known here, was 1'layiag in a bedroom wtik a her uiu'le„ Cyrus Gage, passed the door and spokt> suddenly to tke child, telling her to stop pullittjt a bandie of laundry from a bed. The noise and sudden command frightened the child. She turmd pale, seemed to lose her breath and then fainted. She died before the doctor arrived. A jury at the returned, & verdict of,"death of >«hock and tieaft failure following fright." • Remember the calico cavaival at the Wood man hall Maxfh 8 for the benefit of the Cemetery Aid Association. Mr. Amos Smith and Miss Florence Brown, both of lUngwood,' were married at Woodstock on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1900. The ceremony was performed by N", A. Sunderlia. The following delegates well represent Ringwood at the 'county convention on Monday aext: C. W. Harrison. J. V. Ruckland, J.r W; Cristv, S. W. Smith and C. H. Stephenson. FORTY YEARS AGO til* Butter advanced another cent . ; la value at the board of trade meet- ' * in® and was quoted at thirty cents. The Mclienry Literary Society met with Mrs. H. Schaffer on Wednesday. Feb. 2.°., The program consisted of the debate--"Resjaftved: That Washington l>id More For His Country Than l>id Lincoln.' I Affirmative-- M'ss Luella Kinney, Mrs. A. Muellc- and Miss Mamie Knox; negative- Miss Alice Kliox. Mrs. M. Ovtv'on Hid Mrs. H Schaffer: judges - Mrs. P. J. perty wK$ made ou big deal pending for months, witnessed its ' tion at t' e West McHenry State Bank buildi.ig in this city, with Carl W. Stenger president of that institution, acting as agent for the Haaley estate. Transfer was made to Robert J. Cummings. while h* in turn tui id the deed over t< C. C. O'Mallev. also a Cliicagoan Price pand lias understood to hav> been something over 191,000. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlande who last ' Tuursdav disposed c transfer of the Ilanley estate prosince 1876, passed out of existence and w«ith it went $ cigaf manufacturing business which for nanv voars was the leading industry in our municipality. Ml XEY TALKS For mery years, the fond of gambling, us«>d small and silver coins that were like bullets to tli;it th<> I be rolled across the ground lone player *o another, either wlli Moccasins j placing or paying a d"bt after the Pilgrims aithred , Th<> l«>nger a Sei ren ,"E" U in America, friendly Indians taught i ^av',,"s I5ond is held. ths« gveatf them to make all-leather mocca- •la "" l'ow«r sins which were exported back to ' J"*"" >. «»«•« England beginning with J* die of the l<th century. 1 I * _ ' * Rabies Some animals die of rabies with out ever showing the furious symp toms of the direase. New Homes In the last two years 1.900.00P new homes were buflt ia the TJnite* States. ---- I'latypus New Yorl* «City's Bronx zoo operates the biggest earthwormbreeding farm in the world. The zoo's two duck-billed ^ platypuses are the reason. These sinall aquatic mammals dem;:nd 25,000 big earthworms in their diet each month, along with an assortment of night crawlers. Clean-, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. I. Over-1 their household effects at auctio ton and Mrs. Kinney. '• » 'sale, 'eft foi their new home- i Cliarles Phalen. a former Me- ! Chicago. Thejr disposed of thei Henry hoy. recently joi.ied the I home in this citv to Mrs. Marth ranks of the benedicts at Wauke- Pa^e. ^ gan. Announcement was made of •the marriage of Miss Lulu I)rapp and Mr. Phaien, both of Keno-sha. TWEXTY-KIVE YEARS AUO Final papers were drawn and This witnessed the passin of one of our oldest business estab lishmtnts. Barhia.i Brothers. : name prominently identified wit' the commercial life of the tit; c .--.•Ft--' DR. HENRY FREUND ^ OPTOMETRIST ^ At 136 S. Green St., McHenry . (Closed Thursday Afterroons) r ' - • • . Eyes Examined -- (ilasses Fitted ' •' "Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Hears Daily: 9 to 12 and 1 to 6--Saturday Evenings: 6;00 to 4:80 PHONE McHENRY 4SS < l/curSfcmd <Med THE PRIVACY YOU NEED... In time of »orr<m, when, JOB wish to see one exeej»l those closest to ynti, depend J# us l» tactfully guide yoa through all details-- and thus to help ease your bunlen. •: GEORGE JUSTEN & SON#=l FDNURAL HOMS m / L & H TELEVISION EMERSON and MOTOROLA "SALES -- SERVICE ~ Phone 403 or 653-R-2 694 Front St Wht McHenry, IUinois ^a4e Ifacvt. from the ONLY COMPLETE LINE - of FARM TRACTOR TIRES The Sensational %eta one PEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TIRE Tkt famous Patented Tinstone TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE MR. FARMER . •Save your tractor ready for spring by having your tractor (tires vulcanized and retreaded now by the Firestone Factory Method. . . ~ r - ^ - W - V "• ' • • " " •• ' ^ • TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! See Us For Your Tire Needs. SPECIAL: 600x16 DeLuxe Champion Tire Onlv $14.85 x . We have a Complete Line of Snow and Mud Tires., TIRE CHAINS ' SNOW AND MUD TIRES TRUOK, TRACTOR and PASSENGER TIRES of ALL SIZE^ BATTERIES--We allow you 25 new Firestone Super Battery. per cent discount off for your old battery on a J&. Methanol Anti Freeze In Your Container $l!00 per gal. WALTER J. FREUND. Urea -- Tabes -- Batteries -- Acccaaoriaa - .... lira and^ Ttabe Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairia% All Work Guaranteed Phone 294 Wert MeHeafT Cugtomers* Corneal Do yon tafay cinforl ot yMif Arc HM rtniy •ad wchilltrfi? Is tliar* plenty of light mid good v«MK lotion? ^ I 3io'/2-OZ4C< TINS £9 6-OZ. • TIN Aro tk# vodMi portmonts casfr^d ond ttio shtlm to reaeli? *asy What wovM yoii s«f> gost wo do to moke yo«* kP m moro comloftoMa to sh^p? Willi I Imer Reloflono. Deportment, , AIP Food Stores, 4ft Lexington AVMH4 ANN PA6E • TOMATO SOUP SULTANA BRAND TUNA FLAKES . HIGH IN QUALITY SUNNYFIELD FLOUR PACKED IN OIL MAINE SARDINES RICH TOMATO FLAVOR SNIDERS CATSUP 3'/4-OZt & 16c TRADE rUMlLCR JAR OPEN EfICINGS AND S13DA18 ANN PAGE FOODS MACARONI AND Spactetti PUM » GrapoMly SALAD DrMsfcu FOUNDERS TEA s OFFER •SAVt^jJP TO 15c ON A POUND "COSTS L6SS THAN A PENNY A CUP!' 64 OUR OVN If A BAGS _ $nly45c BROAOCAST BRAND PijsFeet SULTANA IRAT^O Fruit Cocktail FLAVORFUL tonaTmstoes DOLE IRAND QT 4|C Pineapple Juice NO'mi 31e SLICED. CHUNKS OR GEMS Dole Pineapple . .. HUNL BRAND Tomato Sauce fANC* QUALITY. WApptesauee EVERY MEAL Apple Butter 3V£2s 22c 2 ^?ns2 25® 48 NECTAR --"ENjOf TRUE TEA f ,JEA BAGS TAS1I" JCC *IA$ED ON NATIONAL SURVEY AVERAGES I rcsli I riiils \ SAWYER BISCUIT CO. BUTTER COOKIES RICH--IN II-OZ. A*7C GOOD EATING • PKG £ § LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP 3 ENVELOPES 49c IN EACH PKG. • » PKG, PETER PAN PEAS FULL OF ANO. 303 AAQ G R A N D T A S T E T I N S ^ ^ „ TOMATO VEGETARIAN SOUP LIMOM )1N Aftc BRAND • *> •. • PKG. ^ BAR-B-OUE PORK OSCAR MAYER 12-OZ.. J|C BRAND • • • • TIN | FLAVORFUL LIPTON'S TEA BRISK 1/,-LB. £AC FLAVOR • • • • PKG. NEW CROP SEEDLESS FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES SIZES e, >» DOZ. 39' A VALUE AT A&P' ^ WINESAP APPLES... ££25' U. S. NO I ALL PURPOSF MAINE POTATOES ^10^ 43' 19' SNOW CROP FROZEN FOODS GREEN PEAS 23c CUT CORN . 23c BROCCOLI SPEARS : . . ^ / 23c ASPARAGUS EPEARB 49i BRUSSEL SPROUTS .. .. . 35c CUT GREEN BEANS 25c FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 23; CHOPPED SPINACH 23c CALIFORNIA GROWN PASCAL CELERY CALIFORNIA GROWN FRESH DATES , GIANT m * 4TALK RED RASPBERRIES • •. • l-LB. BAQ 39' FRESH MySHROOMSi^ 25' piO^lOA GPOV/N--5^!-&< SIZE FRESH GRAPEFRUIT 3 « 29" SMOKKI) PIUv<'0< ;\Kn 4 TO a Ln. AVC. lb. HI&H OUAHTY Picnics AGARS Canned Hams SLICED Boiled Ham . SMOKKP Bacon Squares . ' R)X 1»K Ll'XK lb. 75c Cut-Up Fryers * MICKKLIU.KRV lb. 99c Skinless Frank* 293 J lb. 23c lb. 55c lb. 49c ,A VALUEl GOLDEN MIX TOPS IN 22c OUALITY 20.0Z. PKG. OLIV-ILO TOILET SOAP Wonderful tor Your Skin 3 Mi CAKES W' MARVEL BROWN *N SERVE ROLLS..-15 JANE PARKER HET Cross BURS JANE PARKFR Potato Chips (JANE,*ARKER Jolly Oonuts JANEPALKER Raised Donuts RKG Of <0 25c ii! 59c PKG OF 6 29c 3% 33c DAIRY DKUCIITS WISCONSIN M'LO Cheddar Cheese OUICK MEIIING ChedO-BIt CREAM* RICH Cottare Cheese ^HAR» Cheddar Cheese. fish t'4u m 39= PRESH Pollock Fillets . L« 19c J-LI. ... LOAF 73E EXTRA SIANOARO Oysters WN1 .. UN 59c LI. CTN 2IC PRESH Whitefish ... IT 39c L( T _ PRESH Lake Smelt .... U 23c UPTONS TEA BAGS WITH STRINGS ft PKG. Pn TAGS ATTACHED <OF4« M t C MEAT BALLS 25* If: HAVE IT ON I0W-OZ. HAND • • • • TIN TASTES GOOD CUT RITE WAXED PAPER %' HANDIEST THING IN THE KITCHEN 125-FT. ROLL 21 GERtER'S BABY FOODS Doctors Ap> i 3-25c prev* TKJ» ^ Str«in»d Food GERBERS JUNIOR MOOS Highly Nw -r;'°"25* 'ritious. DiqattibU KITCHEN CHARM WAXED PAPER irs SUPER WAXED • t • 125-FT, ROLL ARMOUR'S TREET YOU'RE SURI OF OUALITY • 12-OZ. • TIN 39< ARMOUR'S BEEF STEW THE RNEST 14-OZ. OF BEEF • « * • TIN 39c ARMOUR'S CHILI C0H GMNE KNOWN FOR 3IC GOOD FLAVOR t*-OZ. • TIN ARMQUHS TAMALES SAVE TOIL-- FOR DINNEft Ifc-OZ GLASS 30' CORNED BEEF HASH 33* ANOTHER 14-OZ. ARMOUR PRODUCT TIN ARMOUR S CORNED BEEF QUICK. ANO 43e EASY • ' • • t u-oz. T l N i ADOS FLAVOR MAZOLA OIL MdL#S Wond,r<ol QT $«iid Dnh!M • • BTl_ 61* WRISLEY"S TOILET SOAP IN THE 10 BARS *Ac PLASTIC BAG • IN BAG 59 ALWAYS * GOOD BUY! GET THE GIANT SIZE • • • PKG 65e LEVER BROTHERS LUX FLAKES LONG LASTING REG. SUDS • • • • • PKG 26 SWEETHEART j BUTTER KERNEL TOILET SOAP PEAS CARROTS AGREES WITH REG FOOD THAT gk NO J03 A*Vc YOUR SKIN • • • • BAR / j SATISFIES • • £ TINS MAKES CLEANING EASY KITCHEN KLENZER 19' CLEANS * ^ FAST • J*' + TINS SAFE FOR CLOTHESI u RINSO SO KIND TO HANOS • • LGE. PKG. 26c EASY TO USE BLU WHITE MILLIONS .Pa USE IT • «s4t H 9e PERK DOGS LOVE IT DOG FOOD 2 TALL Ar< TINS £Q KTiR PAN I PEANUT BUTTER kids LOVE I; IT • • • • • • JAR Xj f v- Tirfii.M*