M H I I M H I I I M I I M I ) 1 1 » R1NGW00D •Trwirwww^ J>*ft •.VVT' * T-v.--At^|^-?J-&~ ,{ v *w*. ^n '• . '-.. ' ' •> 'i .A--; 1" • 1" " . ' • :'• ' • * ' „ . • ' - . - * ' ' • • • ' • • ' • • ! " • •Wl lM--M PLAIllDBiXKS Thursday, April 6, 1950 • I I I M H l l l l l l l l I'HfH't! (by tin. 0«orn ttfpvd) The Horn? Circle will meet - at tile borne of Mrs. J. C. Pearson Thursday, April 13. ^Iwre will be services ai the lletllldist church Thursday evening April «. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane entertained their card club Saturday Vfening. Canasta was played, with prises awarded to Mrs. Daniel Rawson and Harold Stanek, high. Mid Mrs. Harold Stanek and Wal-4 tar Wilcox, low. Mis. Fred Wiedrlch, Jr., spent fttom Tuesday until Friday in the Don Smart home at W_aukejtan. Roberta and Kathy Lenard of Lake Genera spent Saturday in the Jack Lenard tfiome. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane attended the F.F.A. banquet, at McHenry Thursday evening. K. C. NOTES ' ' : • Faster . ^ Aa you read these lines it will be Holy Thursday, or perhaps Good Friday, the evg of Easter Sunday, feast of the glorious re surrection of Christ from the tomb. We, as Catholics, can receive from our Devine Saviour the greatest of all gifts. ' Eternal Life." merely by serving God faithfully in this world. Let us show our love, brother knights, by reverently approaching the altar rail on Easter Sunday morni';ig and receiving our Divin'e Saviour in Holy Communion. The officers of your council extend to All members and their Thd Community, dub will meet families their wishes for "A Holy at the school house FHday even- 'And A Happy Easter". V > i f ; lag, April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kaitneir of Spring Grove spent Sunday evening in the Mrs. Ed-Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Friable of Greenwood spent Thursday eventeg with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps" Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent Saturday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison and Mrs. C. L. Harrison were visitors at Waukegan Friday. They called in the home of Mrs. C. L. Harrison's daughter, Mrs. Louis Schuerer. Mrs. Ed Bauer and son, Roland, attended funeral services of a nephew at Wyandotte, Mich., on Wednesday. They returned home on Thursday. Mr. ~ and Mrs. Kenneth tJristy aid son, Jerry, attended the F.F.A. banquet at McHenry Thursday evening. Mrs. Tollifson of Marengo visited Mrs. Wm. McCannon Thursday. In the afternoon they called on Mrs. Ed Peet at McHenry. Mrs. Maud Deffeabaugh of Chicago spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and son, Howard. Jr., of Memphis. Tean., are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and family of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt. 'v % Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Atacer and family of Hebron spent Sunday in the George Shepard nam* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox oft Woodstock spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Viola LOT. Mr. and Mrs. Rolaut Jackson nnd family Ot Rich men'5, were callers in thc afternoHn- Mrs. Col son Jones of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Rose Jep3t'i On Sunday, with Mrs. Jeoson and Phyllis McCannon. &iie was a guest in the RolKud McCannon home at Big Rock. Miss Mark.. Pert of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard 4Hd Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and son spent Su iday evening in the Earl Colby home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Rose Jepson and daughter, Mrs. Colson Jones, spent Sat- -UTday in the Paul Norma# home at Evanito i. , Ben Walkington returned home Thursday from Phoenix, Ariz., Where he spent the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and sons spent Sunday in the B. T. Butler home. All Members- Should make a special effort to be in attendance at our toext meeting, Thursday, April 13, when McHenry council will tiold an exemplification of the. first degree for a class of our candidates. The officers of Waukegan council, one of the top degree teams in our state, will do the honors. Other little events and surprises scheduled for the evening will make it one you Will long remember. The meeting will commence promptly at 8 o'clock, and we hope to feavf 100 percent attendance. foancilfrrams Hate to be after^Vou all the time, brothers, but we've still got our quota to meet and aot much time to do it. Remember! We were each to turn in just one application? Surely if you go out of your way just a little, you could do much good for your council and your friend. If at all possible get applications in before the next meeting. and help us "boot home'r a winner.--The F. S. urges us all to che^k our policies, to see if we have the correct beneficiaries flamed therein. That's very important. brothers, so please check up. --Saw Brother Hush Murphy recently.' looking like his old self again.--Brother "Stephen H." successfully defies the years, looking youthful as ever. -- Understand Brother Jos. W. Freund is seriously ill: Say a little prayed for him. --Those who attended still talk about the retreat. What a grand thing it was. We'll feet anyone a new hat that next year's group will number fifty or more.--^n iron clad rule of the order is to participate with' your council in its EASTER CARDS OF CHARACTER -- msT OUC EASTER CARDS deiiejMed hf. RUST CRAFT COME IN AND SEE THEM Antonson's Candy Shop ^ 30o W. illm St. McHenry, liL Highways 190 and 31 * tieut'Hmlbtitihm COMPLETES RECORD Uneeda Admiral Baby Ann, a registered HolsUln-Friejian cow own^d by Hickory Creek Farms McCullom Lake has completed a 365-day production test of- 92S pounds of butterfat and . 21.936 poundu of milk testing 4.2 percent made in Advanced Registry. "Ana" was milked three times daily aad was 6 years 5 months of age when she began tier test .period. Easter Communion. The date assigned to us is Sunday, April 30, at which time members aad their families will receive in a body at the 8:30 mass at St. Mary's church. A gumptious breakfast will be served thereafter. Please make arrangements to attend and fill out the card you receive, returning it pronto in order to estimate our attendance. Uncle Mike can't figure whether the robins have enjoyed their morning worms, are calling to their mates, or making that unholy racket just to wake him up. G'BYE. OUTSTANDING ARRAY OF TALENT ARRANGED FOR TODD'S PROGRAM Director Carl Hendrickson of the Todd all boys' chorus states that never in the twenty-fiva years he had trained the boys had he had such outstanding; talent as in this year's show. • "Bach to Boogie" open at the" Woodstock Opera House Saturday and Sunday. April 15 and 16. at 8 p.m., sponsored by the woman's auxiliary of the Woodstock Public hospital. David Njaa is a bev - of many talents. He has delighted audiences with his masterly technique at the piano and by the warm singing tone of his violin. He is also one of the singers in the cowboy act, "The Westernaires." James Kinnane is another dual role trouper with the show. He has been dancing since he (was 4 years old. Given time to catcli^te, breath after a fast tap routine, he singe such old favorites as "When Irish Byet Are Smiling" and "When Yon Were 16." Romuald Veglia, 12-year-old Caruso, is the talk ef the town with his amazing voice. He is- the winner of several radio auditions, si'nging popular and operatic songs. Besides taking principal part in the choral numbers in the show. Ronnie appears twice as soloist. William Hutchinson, artist pupil of Kurt Waniek, is piano soloist and organist and is now in his third season with the troupe, drawing enthusiastic f comment from his audiences. • • . • -v Tickets are now on sate, $1.20 for adults\and fifty cents for children, at the Opera House, from Auxiliary members or at the Woodstock news stand. • TO EXTEND CHAIN OF LAKES FISHING' RODEO TO McHENRY The Chain of -Lakes 'Fishing Rodeo is rapidly growing to a point where the Lions are beginning tp roar about the prospects for this summer's fisherman in the Chain of Lakes region. During the past week Antioch business men • have been giving the rodeo program their hearty support. Almost all of the unclaimed prizes held by the Conservation department in the Chicago office have been returned to the donors in the Antioch area. Unclaimed prizes in other cases will be returned to the owners as soon as they are received by the Chain of Lakes. WHEN IN NEED OF ' ' Auto Repairing and Greasing DKTVE INTO BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 809 W. Elm St McHenry* PHONE 811 we also have Anti-Ffeeze of all kinds 24 Hour Towing Service m COMPLETE TREE SERVICE TREE FEEDING . ^ SPKAYINOI * Weed Control , . ~ . * Fly and Mosanito m ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road McHenry 724 On Hi BOLGER For Representative The 1949 all-accident death rat< was 61.2 deaths per 100,000 population, the National Safety Council says. This is the lowest rate O' PpOWL ; ' -sr/ Read the Want Hothnark Card you tend Baiter A' Jm$twhat you wapf to toy way you want to toy Ir m iff tyottrperfect teste! <om» in and ** thorn ATHA SHOP aK Mf Henry Phone WW " One of the most important steps in growing a beautiful lawn aftd flowers is to see that they get the nourishment needed for best growth. Vigoro, complete plant food, has been the answer for countless thousands of successful gardeners year after year. You've heard and read about its fine results. Use it for everything you grow. Stop in for all your spring gardening needs. A PRODUCT Of SWIFT VIGORO J/j COMPl'T' PLANT »••» VYCITAL'S Hardware .Sheet Mj»tal Shop The Lions Committees are completing the soliciting of adds and prizes In Antioch and have begun an all out canvass of businesses in Fox Lake. The Fox Lake business men, who have been interviewed, have given the rodeo program a very fine reception. The Lions committee, to use the words of Amos (Amos and Andy Radio program^, feel that "It's in the bag." "Speed" i» the word now: JIave your ad and prize ready for the Lions committees when they call. McHenry wil) be the next community to be contacted. Lions have already received inquiries in the McHenry area. Again we must repeat, time is short. Lakes in the 100% list at the present time are Sand Lake, Petite Lake, and Fish Lake. Lakes Marie, Catherine and Channel in the Antiocji area are almost 100% at the present time. *• Prizes are now numbered in the hundreds. We know that We can assure fishermen, in the Chain of Lakes Region this v summer more than a 100 to 1 chance of catching a prize fish. Tagged fish this summer are worth prizes ranging from $5.00 to several hundred dolr lars.fThe Grand Prize fish, Oscar, Jr., is continuing to grow in value. The souvenir program, planned originally as a sixty page program, has now gone ove^ 100 pages with a new page being added every day. In the latest communication from "^Leonard Schwartz, Illinois Conservation Director, he expressed his hearty support and approval of the progress which the Lions of the Chain of Lakes area have made. Some businesses " are closed, some businessmen are still' away, and others may have been inadvertently overlooked by the committees. If you have not been contacted you can have a committee call on you by writing or calling on Lion President Benzuly, 64 Lake Roadr Ingleside, Illinois. The only part of the program •which is not moving now is the vacationist and fisherman. They are nbw busy getting. those ftshing rods ready for the opening day of the Rodeo. With good fish-^ ing and a chance of catching a pttae fish, well, it is too much of a temptation for any fisherman to resist coming t0 the Chain of Lakes Fishing Rodeo, when those warm sunshine days comei The Chain of Lakes located at the "Back Door" of Chicago is the ideal place to spend those weekend vacations. Take a vacation this year that will last every weekend throughout the summer. A vacation spot tnat can be reached ofer Illinois' best highways within two hours of Chicago. Busses and interurban train service is available at frequent intervals to a favorite spot in the Chain of Lakes Region. Boats, resorts, hotels and travel conveniences are available by the hour, day or week for all. Make your plans now. Opening day of the rodeo and everyday thereafter may find your favorite spot taken. "It is later than you think".-- Write now to Lion President Ben- Izuly or to any advertiser in tho [souvenir program for reservations. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Stor* McHenry. 8tf • RE-ELECT HENRY I. MILLER pill* lies that wirt an/ place they show! v<A :: PUBLIC SERVICE Tb&s. A. Bolger - 20 years as a Representative. 4 Years on McHenry County Board of Review. 6 Years member and president of high school Board of Education. * , 1 < ENDORSEMENTS Taxpayers Federation of Illinois. Better Government Association. Ubicago Newspaper Reporter Said July 5, 1947: "Bolger is among the six outstanding mem bers of the Legislature." "Bolger is an able advocate of the needs of the public schools." "Bolger on the Appropriation Committee is a watch-dog of the Treasury." )uring his entire career Bolger has devoted himself to the interests of his constituents, the dairy industry, the taxpayers and the sch^s^" ' The Eighth District (Lake McH'enry & Boone) OPC - Otur present eoa gressman. i MR. FARMER read this If yon want n voice in government vote for Boh Robin* 40ii. OPC voted against yon dairy men when he failed to tote for the National Marmarine law. Milk prices will' n in Itle N«on because he vnt- >d against your better Inter- ?sts. MOTHERS read this Wonder why your home needs ire so high the baby Items, he food and clothing! OPC oted the Walentt Amendment vhicii skyrocketed prices in iO--and still going- uy. VETERANS read this OlNft *4taesn't want public lions* ing--he doesn't want rent con* rol--he doesn't want prepard- Hess. He's against all the things .on fought for. SMALL BUSINESSMAN read this v OPC voted no on the Cellar Amendment (HR 27S4). He'd rather let the big boys gobble Ind In the fare of the Repub- Ican Platform -- encourage iinaimiusiness. . EVXKYBODY read this OPC went down the line to cut 1 million folks off social seenr* ity a livable minimum wage-- ind eliminated social security rou up without any restraint, benefits with hfs vote. REED'S BEEN THERE 16 YEARS TOO LONG. NEEDS THOMAS A. BOLGER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE PRIMARY. APRIL 11 NOMinAxiii Robert W. " Bob" 0 ROBINSON for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 14th Congressional District KaneMcHenry-DuPage *Yc ung--Energetic *Fi"-Ser,M'rPTnan •Judfeo, Aurora Police CoUit, Born in 14th District Well Recommended ORIGINATOR^ OF THE ROBINSON PLAN for Real Representation VOTE REPUBLICAN v |H^*vyv Hampton Twill Ties IF IT'S WILSON WEAR IT'S FAULTLESS m Something entirely new and different in neckwear design! These bold, masculine sports motifs are band printed by skilled Wilson Brothers craftsmen. Fine foulard fabric resists wrinkles, won't slip, stays tied. Many patterns, colors. Pick up a handful today* It'i a Utile hit «? your heart that goesalonp with your to Motlirr . . . so. why not tnakr it the gift that only Y9U can give... a portrait of yoa [•..from our studio. Worwick's Studio Other Wilson Ties $1 tb $2.50 McGEES 117 SO. GREEN ST McHENRY 117 Riyerslde Dr. McHenry FOR*EASTER CANDIES-IT'S "ANDES Ea&ter Is a happy tine; nake It an occasion to be renenbered by your fanily, your sweetheart and friends I With Andes Candies for everyone. £66S THl0nDfJV4RV7 ANDES CHOCOLATE lASTER E6GS AAE WONDERFULLY 6000 ran im mm ewt fins 1b Nmt Gift Bom, fihatniMl abow: )| fti Mc) * a «i*. Was 1 lb. daa. (140. Aadw ^ gptgML of fur wicUca: TaaiUa or Chocolate Bolter Cream. FnU md * for la. V i I Ik Met 2 tb. $l*$ UbiiiKlMnaiklUliiMI Mcui/ticei Candy Slt&p, ^26 GREEN STREET-- " McHENRY, ILL.