f--% , , i< -• Jki * • .'?> - > - *'• X"• 'j' v" t x '- « > r'. ' -u A" ' "'• " r\*x ". ' ./.- -•#"•* -vifl - ~.v. - •'. i-?*y • * ^ 1*4 n t ^ -, **>!•••' «^*T VsS ft vc tv t| f \** > * * n > ? r 7* mew Nash 4Rambler1 , Tr ^ t k\ a- %», t ' : k •: f., • |jVtff-t "X' . * > The M« Nash Rambler cuioo convertible offers (oD-cize fiv»-passenger accommodations. Exterior appearance is highlighted with imii jiii| front-to-rear leader lines. Reviving the name of one of America's first mass produced cars, the pioneer ancestor of the new Rambler was first built in 1902 at Nash Motors' Kenosha plant It offeerrss iiew standards of safety lor convertibles with the added protection of two heavy steel rails oVferhead at the top of doors and side windows. These safety rails also form a strong structural bridge-beam for extra rigidity of the Airflyte- type body. Priced below the lowest of today's .five-passenger convertibles, it includes at no extra 'cost about $300 worth of custom appointments such as radio, heater and special upholstery. m Ernest Barbian. Paul PatsSi, A1 bian Anderson. Catherine Walsh, Violet Vycital, Mildred Qtbbs, Lil lian Baur. Amelia Regner and Frances May. The business men of the west side have taken the initial step which eventually will mean the installation of an ornamental lighting system in that' business section of the city. Answering the prayers of a number of property owers to be affected, the Board of Local Improvements, at a meeting held recently. adopted a resolution which provides for paving Oreaa street from Elm southwest to the corner at Main street, where paving is now under construction. The Johnsburg Dramatic Club will put on another home talent play at the parish hall, a sidesplitting three-act rural comedydrama, "Deacon Dubbs". The cast: Martin Weber, Joseph Schmitt, Anton Freund, Leo Freund, George Oeffling, Martin Miller, Agnes Hettermainn, Elsie Smith, IQatie Michels and Amelia Weber. . X »"«>'•» . Vi "r? vl ^ \rv«p>- 1 i r '• ..kzJ Trnrrr- • 'Mt L Thursday, April 13,1050 HOME-SEEKING VETS OIVBN THIRTY DATS HOUSING PREFERENCE TWICE TOLD TALES Items of interest taken from the files of the McHenry Plaindealer «< years ago. *\ ' •• i/*- m • FIFTY YEARS AGO Mrs. H. Hanley died at her home south of McHenry April 10 at 5:30 o'clock, aged 81 years. Susan Sherman was born in New York and taught school two years before coming to Illinois with her parents in 1840. The funeral was held from the Universalist church," with Elder Slade. a lifelong friend of the family, officiating, On Saturday evening three of John King's horses at Johnsburg ran away with a seeder, running through several barbed wire fences, two of them cutting themselves badly. Crokindole is all the,rage. Four new boards have come in the last two weeks. As yet we Cannot name the champion. FORTY YEARS AGO urer, Mrs. Arnold Myller; aad secretary, Miss Mayme Knox. J. J. Hille, the photographer, has sold his house and property, together with his business, to Frank Schnabel of south Chicago, who takes possession Saturday. That McHenry will have a new baseball park and a first class team in the field the^tmihg summer is now an assured fact. Frt>d Weinschenker who will manage the team, says he has been given a lease on the E. Hunter property just south of the Rosedale greenhouses on the shore of the Fox river. i Mrs. Wilbur Bassett passed away at her home west of town on Tuesday. Twelve wafcn loads of gresay looking gypsies struck town last Friday forenoon and made McHenry and the immediate vicinity their headquarters until Sunday. -'Wife McHenry Literary Seetety met with Mrs. Mayme Overton April C. Owing to two resignations, another election was held: Presi- ^t dent. Mrs. J. W. Smith; vice-presir dent, Miss Luella Kinney; treasvS ; J! ;v* • , 47r ~ •• •- - ' ' Roofing -- Tile -- Gutter ^ tad All Building Materials O f - * Sears Raeback and Co. x , See Representative > PRANK GANS - Call 106-W or write 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry FREE ESTIMATES Andes Pecsneties give you a red farte thriO |jl»ltiru ike Mell-in-yonr mouth milk ekocolall •ad into plwp, janbo Tew pecan haKn comtl witfc rich, baiiery, goMn citaaH. Thm ym ba«| the mm and mi);, (be inimtaUf, Andn PfcaMim-*.. tbc peik of prrfectioR in c«ndtn. Treat yewedf (•day; OJciGLufcIM A M<uvuce>f4> Gaudy SUoft 1S6 Green SU McHenry, UL The name of McHenry has been sent all over the U.S. via National Motor Boat and Engine show held in Chicago recently. The advertisement came through the splendid exhibite of the Hunter- Wecklei4 Boat Company of this place at the show. - TWENTY-FIVE YE ARE AGO Under the direction of Miss Nellie G. Miller, the junior class of M.C.H.S. is preparing to present Montgomery's famous play, "Nothing But The Truth". The cast: Frank Page, Arthur Krause, Family life DisrupttMM Contrary to popular belief, disruption of family life in the United States is less frequent today than it was 60 years ago. This is because the drop in the number of families broken by the death at either husband or wife has more than counterbalanced the upward tresd ..o( 4lvorce. Home seeking veterans of World War II were reminded by J. Edwin Porter, Associate rent director that they still have first chance for thirty days on all new housing accommodations built for sale or for rent. He said only new housing built for owner occupancy is exempt form the veterans' preference provision of the Housing and Rent Act of 1949. This preference, Porter added, 1b of valuable assistance to the veteran who can't find adequate rental housing for his family and has to buy one of the few new economy houses now coming on the market. Veterans are also entitled to preference on all new rental housing and conversions in existing dwellings during construction and for thirty days after completion. The rent official reminded builders that they are required to post a sign or placard in front of each housing structure or in a conspicuous location- on the site during construction and (or thirty days after completion. The placard must inform veterans whether the structure is for sale or rent, the amount of rental or sales price, and the name and address»4>f the builder or his age'/ft!'"4 > "We have a supply of "tFttfc*rds which we will furnish builders free of charge," Porter said. "AH they have to do is fill in the n^me. address and price. Of course.Hhey may use their own placards, but this is a service we offer to make it easier for veterans to identify construction projects which come under the preference provision, and to save builders the cost of nuisance of printing a few at a time." The rent official also stated his office has a supply of fact sheets on the regulation which he would be glad . to send to interested build^ra agid veterans. CONFESSES TBEFT8 Donald Dratfkorn, 20-year-old Woodstock youth, who Is being held for the $1,500 Miller jewelry store robbery, has admitted taking cash from two iron lungs used during a recent polio fund drive. Subject to a lie detector test in Wheaton by Chief of Police Emery Hansman, Draffkorn reportedly broke down and confessed the polio thefts. Gypram ^ More than 1,000,000 tons of gypsum are mined annually in the Empire state, making New York the second most important producer of gypsum in the country. Answers to TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. Greatest in area, last in population. 2. It was originally designated as the thickness of a man's thumb. 3. The Terminal Tower In Cleveland, O. 4. March 22 to April 25, Inclusive. 5. 8.33 pounds. WHEN IN HEED OF , Auto Repairing and Greasing DRIVE INTO BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. McHenry PHONE 811 we also have Anti-Freest of all kinds 24 Hour Towing Service There were 93,000 more perns injured in U.S. motor vehicle accidents last year than in 1948, CHUTE COLLAPSED Lt. Robert Wright, 27, of shire, 'a member of the army aii»u; force stationed at Camp Campbell* Ky., is in critical condition in th4^ ' camp hospital as result of in#; juries suffered in a parachuted jump. Lt. Wright had leaped from plane and was about 50 feet front the ground when another jutnpeij drifted into his chute, causing to collapse. 7 Speeding on U. S. streets am highways last year killed 10,< men, women and children, f NATIONAL HARDWARE! WEEK April 28-May 6 t ALTHOFF'S HDWE. "The Store That Service Built" PHONE 284 WEST McHENRY, ILL. TREE SPRAYING GARDEN PLOWING W.! "R AYCRAFT PHONE McHENRY 298-R Roy-Al Inn Invites you To another presentation of the-"Stars of the Future" Amateur Sour, At Rcy-Aflhnjon the Midway, McCullom Lake. {feme amTapplaud for your favorite future star. Enjoy the music of Kenny and His Top Rail Dudes. Enjoy evening of real entertainment.--For iU later than you think. * \ and AL BLAKE Vrmr HoStSGladstone's WORK RUBBERS $2.55 $1.49 Close Out 'S' CHILDREN^ SHOES tICTUREI . . . and ricturm 11 llllfeisi "Working ililBBii piiisiiiiiiiaiiiiiii STORM STYLE Sizes 7 to II Wedgies -- Straps -- Oxfords Values to $5.95 Not all sizes Gladstone's PHONE 182 McHENRY, ILL Y QXJ can't blame Her! And you can't blame, the mister lor lending an ear to her plea. Be- Souse they BOTH will benefit when they install a beautiful wood kitchen cabinet in their home: ^7#^ such as the one illustrated* 4 A kitchen cabinet means a lof lo HER! (One icarefully designed to incorporate every feature , lUf • convenience/ efficiency, and beauty^ v Note These FEATURES: e Wood cabinats wlfli ttduiipl I ideas. e Strictly modem styling _ .e Formica sink top and counter in \ color schema to plsnaa her indi- 1 •idual taste. e Natural wood finlslt, mo* tinted in cheerful Colon. •ft A kitchen cabihet will mean a lo! to HIM. too.. - (because it means a lot to Her!) >me in and see our display. * - ~ AnRACTlVE MONTHLY TEdP •$100 to $2^00 - •No Down Payment^ •3 Years to Pay PHONE MfcHENRY 5 - * McHENRY, ^L, "Everything to Build Anything1