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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1950, p. 15

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THURSDAY, APRIL 26, lMft >6pecial April Meeting K 1949 ' '£• - th» MMWable Board «f • §Bpei- •j vlaora of McHenry County, Illinois, tn*t in apeclal session pursuant to the following call signed by mora ;.^...^-r "4han one-third of the memoara at V-j.,-:' fh* Court Hous« in the City of ',^ Woodatock on Tuesday, the 26th day .•^W April, A. D. 1949 at the hour of :'-,;vff® O'clock A. M. The Clerk s eertiflcate of mailing- notices and publisher's certificate of publication bo- ,lnj attached thereto, to-wlt: CWI of Meeting and Publisher'^ Certificate on fll« laths County Clerk's office, /•- V: ' State of Illlnola, ^1- ° rjConnty of McHenry. ss J, R. D. Woods, Clerk of the Cbun- •-'Jty Court and Ex-Officio Clerk of th® IBoard of Supervisors of said County, In the State aforesaid, do hereby ' loartlfy that on the ltth day of April, IMS, being not less than ten days •prior to ths day set for the Special, lyrll, 1949 meeting of the Board of Suamrvisors, I deposited in the Unitid States mail at the post office in the City of Woodstock, , Illinois, postage fully paid, notice of said meeting, the attached being a true ^ and correct copy endorsed with the p llne and place of said meeting, ad- * dressed to each of the following Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors of said County at their respective post office address set opposite each name, to-wit: Name Address Sirpr. August W. Ruth, Marengo, Supr. C. Perry Wright, Marengo, III. Supr. Carl E. Wlttmus, Harvard, Illinois RD. Supr. P. E. Beck, Harvard, Illinois v8upr. Elmer Coy, Alden, Illinois. Supr. Ray Slavln, Woodstock, 111. . - RD Supr. Chas. T. Dunning, Woodstock, ,i Illinois • Supr. Roscoe Qlenn, Union, 111. Supr. Harley Mackeben, Huntley, 111. Bupr. T. F. Nolan, Woodstock, 111. Supr. Aimer Aavang, Woodstock, Illinois RD Supr. Stanley H. Cornue, Hebron. Ill Supr. Frank B. * McConnelL Richmond, Illnols Supr. Frank May, Spring Grove, 111. Supr. Math 8chmttt, McHenry, 111. Supr. Theodore W- Sterne, Crystal „ • Lake, Illinois jSupr. John J. Plllp, Cary. Illinois Asst. Supr. A. M. Maxwell, Woodstock, Illinois RD A Asst Supr. A. B. McConnell, Wood- ^ . stock, II., RD. Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal, Crystal ^ Lalce, III. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the w -ot the Court at my office in Woodstock this 18th day of April, A. D., 1949. ^R. D. WOODS, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of ' -Supervisors. The retiring Chairman, Carl E. Wlttmus, ordered all of the-members to rise, together with the spectators Pf*?*nt at tb® meeting, and give the ^ pledge of allegiance to the Flag of 9 ;"le United States of America. After the pledge of allegiance to the flag «4was given by the Clerk, the Chair- ^man ajinouaced the certificates of election and Qualification of the new- ...iX ®.,®cted Supervisors were on the ^ ® table and if there was any objection to them qualifying as members of the County Board Bow was the time to speak. No objections being'made the re- Jiflng Chairman then Introduced to tne Boa^d, the new members, being gay Slayin, of Hartland Township; ftosooe Glenn of Coral Township and Theodore Sterne of Nunda Township. A A. retiring Chairman then called 'W the meeting to order and the roll being called by th© Clerk, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: August W. Ruth. C Perry Wright. Carl E. Wittmus, F. . E. Beck, Elmer C. Coy, Ray Slavln, . Charles T. Dunning, Roscoe Glenn, Harley Mackebeiv T. F. Nolan. Al- ™»®1" Aav*ng, Stanley Cornue, Frank .M. McConnell, Frank May, Math N. JjSchmltt, Theodore Sterne, John J. FlUp and Asst. Supra A. M. Max- Well, A. B. McConnell and Paul Rosenthal constituting a full Board present. • Retiring Chairman. Carl E. Wlttmus, addressed the Board, and stated that the time had come for him to netire and he would like at this time to thank the Clerk of the Board, the Members of the Board and various committees, the County Officers and their assistants, and Members of the Rress, for the splendid co-operation given him during the past year, and that he felt a groat honor was given him in being allowed to represent the Countv Board and the people of McHenry County as Chairman and that the Ipast year was the highlight of his ^existence. #He stated further that the first order of business to come before this meeting was the Election of Chairman for the ensuing year, and asked for nominations for said office Supr. Mackeben addressed the Chair' and nominated Supr. Math N.' Schmitt of McHenry Township for iChairman for the ensuing Board year. Said nomination was duly seconded by Supr. Wright. The retiring Chairman then called for further nominations and there being no fur- , ther nominations, it was regularly moved by Supr. .Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Fllip that the nom- 1 nations be closed, and the retiring . A Chairman declared the motion to *•9. close the nominations unanimously carried. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. FUlp and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that the Clerk of the Board be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the members of the Board for Math N. Schmitt the Supervisor from the Township of McHenry, for Chairman for the ensuing year. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk cast the unanimous vote as Instructed, and the Supervisor from the Township of McHenry was de- • clared to be the unanimous choice of the members present constituting a full Board, for Chairman, for the ensuing year. The result of the election being t announced, the newly elected Chairman was escorted to the Chair by the retiring Chairman and was pre- _ sented with the gavel and was instructed to wield it with dignity and credit to the people of McHenry r. County. The newly elected Chairman, Math N. Schmitt, thanked the members of the Boara for the great honor bestowed upon him and asked for the cooperation of the members of the * Board, County Officers, and members Of the press in the conduct of the office and stated that he would conduct the office to the best of his ability. The records of the 8peclal March 1949 meeting were read and on mo- ' . tlon approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of March 1949. was presented and read to ths Board, to-wit: Osutr Tieasmfir's Bspmrft f« tfca JMfk of Haiek, 1949 Beoelpts Balance Forward $>tB, k General Fund I4M.J0 Supr., Co. Home ••9.SO Supt., Co. Home -- *1.9« Chm., License Conun. --100.0® Dependent Children Anticipation Warrehts .. County OStcers Fees Highway -Fund Antic. Warrants, Hwy. . Pars. Prop. Back Taxes. Inheritance Taxes ........ Forfeited Taxes Ones on Hwys 111. Municipal. Ret. Motor Fuel Taxes Institute Fund .... Payroll Account .. Total Receipts ..t ' Grand Total .......i X .. 4TI.H .3S.0M.04 . S,900.99 .. (14.19 .20,009.99 .. 22LJ7 . 9.0701 . 2,180.00 - 2,1(5.54 2.499.01 9.99 4,447.1* ....72,974.49 $22S,$e«.«l .920.422.29 .... «*.20 29.00 .... 200.00 1,217.90 ;.... 202.00 29.20 .... 100.29 ,...15,292.25 ..... 997.09 ... t,022.67 ..28,155.22 .... 4.409.72 -- 7L97 -- 2,165.54 ..... 79.69 .... 19.90 im 21,991.67 ......241,276.04 County Orders GAP Jurors Orders ... Coroner's Jurors Co. Treas. Salary Clerks' Salaries Sp. Clerks' Salaries Bounty Orders General Fund ' Htghway Orders * Dog Tax Account Motor Fuel AxMiount .... Twp. Road State App. Payroll Orders Forfeited Tax Acc't -- 111. Municipal Ret Institute Orders Inheritance Tax Acct. ... Total Expenditures Bal. March 21, 194* 9222,6(9.91 The above and foregoing report Is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief HENRY A. NULLE, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of April, 1*49. R. D. WOODS, (8eal) County Clerk. . 4 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report be approved and the Char man debe approved and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously car* rled. A Report of the County Treasurer showing payments due the County from Townships on County Home was presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following Report, to-wit: V Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of ths Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The understgned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock. Illinois, on the 14th day of March. 194* to receive bids for the balance of the Portland Cement for the Woodstock- Alden Road known as Section 32T MFT. The bids of the Alpha, Portland Cement Company of Chicago, 111! nois, in the amount of 92.9* per bar rel for Alr-Entralned bulk cement less usual discounts was the lowest bid received. We decided to award the contract to said Company, sub Ject to approval by the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buldlngs. Said bid Is 9,91c par barrel higher than we paid last We again met on the 2Sth day of March, 1*49, to receive Mds -for the construction of Section *6 B-2 M. F. T. known as the Gehl Bridge in the Town of Algonquin on the Huntley- Algonquin Road. The bid at, E. M. Melahn Construction Company of Algonquin, Illinois, was the lowest bid received in the amount of 97,- 457.90. We decided to accept same bid on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, subject to approval by the State, and authorised the Chairman of this Board and the County Clerk to sign the contract and approve the bond on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. A permit application has been received from the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, Upstate Division No. 5020, asking permission to set poles along a portion of 8. A. Rout* 20C in the Town of Seneca. Permission was granted aubject to State approval. We again met on the 9th day of April, 1949, at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repglrs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of 94197.01. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: Sections 2, 14 ........ Section 4, 16, IS Sections 4, 17 Sections 5, 9 ... Sections 7, 2, *, 10, 11, 12 . Sections 12, 16 Total 95,260.96 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as follows: Municipal Emlpoyees Retirement Fund--MFT Share for Pension (Mar.) f 104.02 Patrol Section No. 2, Maintenance. Labor and Mats. 797.66 Rt. of Way, Engl, labor * mat. 9.95 Section 32T, Engineering, Labor and Materials 29.07 Section 26, Engineering, Labor and Materials 192.20 Section 25 B-2, Engineering, Labor and Materials 99.97 Section 36, Engineering, Labor and Materials Section 22, Right of Way, Materials Section 24, Right of Way, Materials ... plated In the month of May, 194*, at a cost far below the ooat of the Huntley-Five cornSrs road. The right of way for the Huntley- Algonquin Road Is nearly all secured and the money to pay for same has At sent for. Howevsr, several partial releases have not been secured and two dedication plats have not been signed. Pursuant to a complaint on the condition of the Tanner Bridge on the Boone-McHenry County Lino, a Jolpt meeting was held at the site of said bridge between the Road and Bridge Committees of the two Counties. It waf decided to strengthen the bridge by means of an underalung truss of l-ln. rods on each side of the - steel floor Joists, to strengthen the floor beams, and also to strengthen two other bridges on the County Line Road to th* north of the Tanner Bridge. One, the Peterson Bridge having ibrat (0 foot span and the North Bnflge, south of 8tate Route 17*. about 40 foot span, are to be improved by a similar method. The cost was estimated at about 91000 for the three bridges and so reported and authorised at the October 1*4* meeting of this Board. It was agreed that McHenry County would purchase the materials and perform the work and the two counties would share the cost In proportion to the assessed valuation of the two counties as provided by law. The steel rods Winter and MoH oame during the enry County's share 9626.22 out of the County Aid Building Bridges Fund was paid for at the February 1*4* mietlng of this Board and Boone County paid Its share of 91«2.92. This Spring the truss rods were Installed and anchored in concrete (about 4 cubic yards of reinforced concrete 10 feet back of the abutments on both ends of the two north bridges). No conorate was necessary at the Tanner Bridge as the beams spanned the strtem In one place with no Joints in the floor beams. We audited the blUs Incurred for the repair of said bridges on the *th day of April, 1949, and recommend that the County Clerk draw orders on the County Treasurer covering same as rollows: Will am Bailey, 20 hrs. labor March |*9 .00 Gustave Bloese, 20 hrs. labor Mar.) 920.(0, 40 hrs. labor (April) -|41.20 91.10 Elwood Davis 90 hrs. labor (March) *19.40, 44 hrs. labor (April) 941.12 92.72 Edward PlSher. 20 hrs. labor (March) 219.99, 91 hrs. labor (April), 920.2* 49.9* J. O. Livesey. 29 hrs. labor March) 9*4.*0, 44 hra. labor (April) 945.2f 79.21 Robert Schossow, 20 hrs. labor (March) 9*0.60, 44 hrs. labor April) 945 2* 96. *2 William Schossow, 20 hrs. labor (March) 921.(0, 20 hrs. labor (April) 922.40 .... 64.00 Clarence Schroeder, 44 hrs. labor (March 945.22, 40 hrs. labor (April) 941.10.... *9.6* Donald Sullivan, 40 hrs. labor (March) 42.20 Robert Tryon, 22 hrs. la| 90.(2 922.19 102.12 761.97 12.26 1*2.4* -..M71.66 _ 227.60 Total *4 *22.40 , Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Township Roads, State Appropriation, Senate Bill *72 as follows: Engineering, Labor and Mat. 9 >99.76 Seneca Towtoship, Section 8, < Construction, Grading and . Shaping T17.49 Algonquin Township, Section 2, const, grad. A shaping 427.29 Algonquin Township, Section 4, Construction, Grading and Shaping *92.60 Total -- 91.717.94 The County's Workman's Compensation, Public Liability, and County Truck Insurance policies expire soon. The application for renewal of the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company was accepted and the usual policies will be drawn. Donald Tappan of Woodstock, Illinois, "is the local agent. A permit was received, asking permission to cross the McGuire State Aid Road In Sections 4 and 9, In the Town of Hartland with a small water pipe. We recommend that it be granted at this time. A franchise Ib being asked to construct and maintain a pipe line north and south about midway of the County by the Michigan-Wisconsin Pip© Line Company. We turned same over to the State's Attorney for his advice thereon and with the recommendation that further clauses be added to protect the * highway authorities Ut case of change of alignment at curves or grade changes ne&essary In the future. A little over one-half of the Woodstock- Alden cement stabilised road is yet to be completed. The work is now under way and should be com- Total Labor 4*16.(7 Russell R. Reed. 12 yds.' hank run gravel plus %% ...9 6.20 Harvard Gravel A Limestone Co.. mc., 6 yds. bank run gravel plus 2.09 F. R. Goodall OH Co.» Inc. Hvd.) 2 gate gas, I gal. kerosene for mixer 1.47 Lake * Harris, 9* saat cement 74.*0 Botts' Welding Service, oxygen, washer, Mades, etc. Ticket No. 006**, 00900, 00(29 15.27 Harvard Welding Service, welding & cutting On Boons McHenry County Line Bridges *6.00 E. L. Bakkom A Co., Inc. 9 washers, ticket No. 6962* 0.74 The Lin-kel Company, threading bridge truss rods, making 1 special left hand thread screw. Invoices No. 2(46, 3(52 16.10 McHenry County Highway Department Jgoad Fund, for: 3720 lbs. steel taken from 2(0 lbs .relnf. bars taken from Co. highway stock .... 19.(1 Co. highway stock 76.(0 McHenry Co. Highway Department Road fund for: truck rental (2 trucks) 20 hrs. Inclusive (fuel costs includer) 40.00 Treasurer of McHenry County .10(2% total labor for pension .1 96.2* Total 1 - 9 £41.44 ^ , 9957.11 Total cost of Installing said trusses 91,949.29 (Includes cost for steel 99*9.16 paid for 2-15-49) > McHenry County Liable for-- 76.2114 % 91.254 62 (Less $525.22--paid 2-15-49) 9729.45 Boone County Liable for-- 22.786% 9291.52 (Less 9162.92--Paid) 9227.66 We, recommend that the County Superintendent of Highways of McHenry County transmit a copy of this report to the County Superintendent of Highways of Boone County together with a bill for 9227.(( to reimburse McHenry County as per agreement in the above matter. Balance of this report In Co. Cerk's office. All of which Is respectfully submitted. MATH N. SCHMITT P. E. BECK JOHN J. FILIP T. F. NOLAN Road and Bridge Committee McHenry County, Illlriois It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the Report of the Committee on Roads and Bridges be approved, and recommendations be approved and adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright. Wittmus. Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning Glenn. Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell, May, Sterne, FUlp and Asst. Supra Maxwell McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, the report approved and the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s a p p r o v e d and adopted. The following Petition, Order and Resolution of the Michigan- Wisconsin Pipeline Company, a Foreign Corporation, together with Letter of Opinion of the State's Attorney of McHenry County were presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: , (Copy on His In the County Clerk s office.) After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Mackaben and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the Request be granted and that the Order and Resolution be o p p r o v e d and a d o p t e d by t h i s Board, including Paragraph 2 as recommended by the, State's Attorney of McHenry County, and • the Supt. of Highways of McHenry County. And the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang. Cornue, McConnell,, May, 8terne, FlUp and Asst- Suprs. Maxwell, ntcconnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Naja none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously . carried and the Request approved arid the Order and Resolution adopted. The following Permit Resolution and Acceptance was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: (Copy on file In the County Clerk's office). It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that the Permit Resolution be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and It was regularly moved by Supr. Coy and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that all standing committees of this Board take charge of the buainess before this meeting; that the Chair be instructed to appoint the same standing committees and the same number on each committee, unless changed by the Board, as constituted the working force of the Board for the past year, and that all bills for claims be referred to proper committees, and that the Board adjourn to 1:30 P. M. Daylight Saving Tinted for committee work. Motion de-' clared carried. Thereupon the Board adourned for committee work. ltSO O'CLOCK 9. H. uTm Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appeared of record In the morning session, constituting a fuU Board present. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the, following report, which on motion by Supr. Ruth and the roll being) by Supr. Nolan and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: April St, A. IX 1949 Mr. Chairman andGentlemen of the Board> of Supervisors: \^Your Committee on Labor, Pees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, follows, to-wlt: Frank Thorn ber Co 4*21.91 Burgess, Anderson ft Tate ....2,)91.bS R. E. Lush 116.36 Crystal Lake Herald 124.16 Kilts Office Service 134.21 Moore Business Forms Inc. . 01.27 Roland McCannon Byers Printing Company ........ Hammond & Stephens Co. -- Northern 111. Publication, Inc. 39.16 70.#7 40.96 2.10 Woodstock Dally Senflnel ... 220.59 P. O. Knuth Company *.99 Callaghan &, Co . 4.00 Burdette Smith Company 15.00 O. E. Nelson, M. D 20.09 B. B. Neuchlller M. D 22 R. D. Woods, County Clerk .„1J49.2» Charles F. Hayes *0.09 Orville M. Kerns 6.00 Registrars, Births A Deaths 6*0.00 Ero Erickson v 60.04 Pearl Schultx 51.00 Fred C. Bau, Sheriff 692.16 Woodstock Grill 19.74 Benton Street Restaurant -- 62.19^ Hoy Insurance Agency , 49.69 St. Joseph Hospital --.--28.00 Woodstock Trucking 3*rv United Research Laboratories 16192 Ludwig Wilson Co 35j7C E. L. Bakkom A Co., Inc. . Montgomery Ward A Co. Broeker'a Janitor Supply Dacy Lumber Company K. J. Field Hardware ... Bohn Hardware Co True Value Hardware Illinois Bell Tel. Co. R. O. Andrew Saul Burton, M. D Ridgefleld Farmer's Supply.. 1.24 60.32 22.77 24.70 60.09 2.77 ........ 70.57 806.47 60.76 4.00 5534# Lawyer's Co-operative Pub..... 10.00 Harry D. Benoy 270.18 Fred C. Bau 77,50 Western United Gas A Else. .66 Schuett's Grocery .-. 71.02 Royal Blue Food Mart 27.fi8 Trackett's Bakery 42.56 Oakslde Dairy Products, Inc. 1&.14 Sablna Bau 119.00 Warren Berg .......... 7.00 Harry E. Beu 21.00 Martin Bohl 7.00 Otto Buchert 7.00 Charles Corey 35.00 Earl Farver 13.10 Harold Hobbs 21.00 Frank E. Keller 7.00 Fred Krens 21.00 George Morris 14.00 Stanley Sevclk 14.00 Ralph Stewart 21.00 Arthur H. Thomes .... 14.00 Clyde J. Zoia 21.00 Vernon W. Kays 133.00 Harold G. Fox 147.00 Clyde C. Miner. 77.00 Hazel Wilke 28.00 Pearl Schults 10.00 Pearl Schults ~T 26.00 Woodstock Dally Sentinel 2.40 Charles G. Seidel 20.40 Woodstock Daily Sentinel ....1,200.00 August W. Ruth 119.20 C. Perry Wright ...^ 123.20 Carl E. Wittmus F. E. Beck Elmer C. Coy Ray Slavin G. J. Carroll Chas. T. Dunning Roscoe Glenn Chas. H. Ackman l--,lh.,T-r;T r 159.80 Harley Mackeben 136.70 T. F. Nolan 150.50 Aimer Aavang 32.10 Stanley Cornue -- 56.00 Frank B. McConnell 24.40 Frank May ... 129.80 Theodore W. Sterns Math N. Schmitt 134.40 Henry C. Meier 100.50 John J. Flip 127.60 A. M. Maxwell 22.00 A. B. McConnell 20.40 Paul Rosenthal 66.00 Alice Jones 150.00 City of Woodstock 205.05 Rosenthal Lumber A Fuel Co., Inc 200.55 Vestie Muldoos : 185.00 Dale E. Symonds 200.00 Sablna Bau 100.00 240.00 215.00 215.00 215.00 41.25 75.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. STANLEY H. CORNUE. Chm. A. B. MCCONNELL ALMKR AAVANG CHARLES T. DUNNING AUG. W. RUTH (Holmes) tl.00 House of Good Shepherd (Harvey) 40.00 Chicago Indus. Home for children, (Shay) (Fiesman) (Dalsiel) 2*0.00 Diocesan Catholic Charities, (Glosson) 20.00 Elgin Catholic Charities, (Bieleckl) (0.00. Lhtheran Child Welfare Ass'n., (DayWond) 40.00 John H. Deardorff, (Ketchum) 96.66 Mrs. Wm. Elblsch, (Ketchum) 120.00 Mrs. Edward Redding, (Dalfrtlel) 204)0 Mrs. Casslus SWeatman, (Stead man) 40.00 Mrs. Dean Seaman, (Fiesman) 40.00 Mrs. George Wierema, (Van Nattan) 40.00 Mrs. Melvin Fleming, (Shay) 20.00 Mrs. Minnie Brlgham, (Ketchum) 40.00 Mrs. Eugene De Vres, (Ketchum) 16.41" Lois Long, (De Line) 40.00 Louise M. Brooks, dependent chil. 924.23, pro off trtv exp 24.30 J8.62 Lake County T. ,B. San, care T. B. patients 2,262.69 All of which Is respectfully submitted. E. C. COT, Chairman HENRY C. MEIER CHAS. H. ACKMAN , A. B. McCONNELL MATH N. SCHMITT The Coramttee on McHenry County Home, Farm and Hosptal presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Beck and the roll being called was declared unanmously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on April 6th, 1949 and audited bills for the month of March, 1949 and respectfully submit the followingreport treoommendlng the same be paid. Sawyer Biscuit Company, crackers 9 20,25 Bohn Hdw. Co.. supplies 26.96 E. L. Bakkom A Co., supplies 4.51 Ideal Oil Company, fuel III. Bell Tel. Co., telephone .... Andy's Appiance, laundry sup. Goodrow's Garage, truck rep, R. O. Andrew Co., feed and grinding Arwell, Inc., peat control 226.46 49.20 90.45 22.16 MUer Patton Baking Company, 122.20 15.00 bread 82.92 LAwrence Lohmeyer, seed wheat Beloher A Son, linoleum F Clcikocki Shoe Shop, she* repairs Dr. Wm. J. Gay, veterinarian Crystal Lake Farm Store, tractor parts R. P. Bachas. eectrical wiring 411.26 Glenn Boyce Service Station, gasoline 16.68 Bannister's Store, tobacco, groceries, etc 63.23 John Sexton A Co., groceries 142.(2 Public Service of Northern III., electricity Olsn's Jobbing House, hinges Dr. R. G. Chamberlain, dental work 19.91 .77 11.95 11.60 -2.76 28.92 .60 96.00 61.20 27.11 4.07 Hubert's Pharmacy, medicines y. Muelsr A Company, hospital iiBPltm Boars, RoSfcuclt A Co., warp .... Thompson Appiance Co., 8hellane gas 29.26 Crystal Lake Herald, advertising .60 Ludwig Wllsn A Co., laundry supplies 170.(4 Rosenthal Lumber A Fuel Co., 691.22 69.00 72.40 11.20 107.00 102.00 Lyle R. Hutchinson Frank J. Kaiser .". George Swank .1. Grant Nolan ; Wm. Desmond, Postmaster Thomas P. Bolger frt. on coal Thomas J. Webb Company, COff66 ' juni'mi Rockford Morning Star, advertising Marengo Republican News, advertising ---- Elgin Daily Courier-News, advertising -- Woodstock Dally Sentinel, ad- 76.48 (.00 .76 2.24 vertising 4.00 Royal Blue Food Mart, groceries .t™.-- (5.76 Montgomery Ward A Co., clothing 22.47 Pell Bart Farms, Inc., corn 11.60 F. W. Woolworth A Co., sup plies and clothing 9.12 Chicago Motor Club, Insurance 72.16 Rsther C. Allen, incidentals .. 78.30 Ksther C. Allen, salary 200.00 Hllma Melander, salary 62.50 Helen Blsbee, salary 90.40 Henry Knaack, wages ....... 175.00 Hattie Nichols, wages ........ 85.00 Henry Ross, wages 88.66 Pearl Ross, wages 77.52 A. M. Maxwell, Sec'y County Home Committee - 60.00 92,598.04 92.80 *2,505.24 To tfie Chairman and the Honorable Board of SupervlBorsof McHenry County. Woodstock. Illinois. Your County Home, Farm an'" Hospital Committee met at Hartland April 6th, 1949 and audited bills for the month of March recommending that they be paid. Permanent Improvement --9 411.86 Running Expense - 1,618.62 Clothing Tobacco ... Medicines Hospital .. Diet Fuel Loss Cream Sold 28.84 34.94 146.30 214.06 297.78 *44.63 92,698.04 92.80 The Committee on County Poor Claims presented the following Report, which on motion of Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Filfp and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, towit: t April 2(. A. D. 1949. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: y Your Committee on Coutfty Poor Claims would beg leave rto report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, tow i t : Dependent Children-- Lisle Manual Trng. A Industrial, (Jasien) .9 20£0 Allendale Farm School 93,605.24 The regular Inspection of Grounds, Buildings and Live Stock revealed everything to be In good condition. There being no further business, y o u r c o m m i t t e e , o n m o t i o n duly made and seconded, adjourned. Your Committee met at Hartland on April 18th, 1949 and opened bids for the furnishing and installation of a pump at the new well. The bid was let to E. L. Bakkom A Co. Inc. the low bidder for the price of 9265.00. There being no further business, your committee, on motion duly made aand seconded, ad- Jrrn6FRANK B. McCONNHLL, Chairman ALMER AAVANG AUG. W. RUTH AUGUSTUS M. MAXWJSLli The Chairman presented the following list of committees appointed by him to constitute the standing committees of this Board for the ensuing year which were., on motion of Supr. Dunning and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne, approved and ordered placed on file, to-wlt: IOABD OF BWMTKOl Standing Oo •dfsur Committees, U49-1M9 County, Illinois KAT21 *r. gommiTT, Koxnuy, cms. BATWMro 2>. WOOD8, OlStk Personal Property--August Ruth, chairman; Perry Wright, Charles Dunning, Rosco Glenn, Frank May. Roads and Bridges--T. P. Nolan, chairman; Frank Beck, John Filip, Cart Wlttmus, August Ruth. Sdoc&tlon--A. B. McConneU. chairman; Stanley H. Cornue, Charles Dunning, Rosco Glenn, Theodore Sterne. Lands and Lots -- Carl Wittmus, chairman; John Pllip, August Ruth, Frank Beck. T.. F. Nolan. Fees and Salaries -- Paul Rosenthal, chairman; Frank Beck, T. F. Nolan, C. Perry Wright, Frank B. McConnell. Carl Wittmua. Harley Mackeben Claims, Labor Fees, A Supplies- John Fillp, chairman; A. B. McConnell, Aimer Aavang, Charles Dunning, August Ruth. Finance--C. Perry Wright, chapman; Stanley H. Cornue, T. P. Nolan, Paul Rosenthal, Aimer Aavang. Public Buildings -- Aimer Aavang, chairman; Paul Rosenthal, A. M. Maxwell, Ray Slavln, Theodore Stem. Railroads--A. M. Maxwell, chairman; Elmer Cojr, Ray Slavln, Frank M»y, Theodore Stern. Claims County Poor--Elmer Coy, tmairman; A. B. McConnell, Rosco tllenn, Stanley H. Cornue, Theodore Stern. Purchasing -- Prank Beck, chairman, John Plllp, Frank May. County Home -- Prank B. McConnell, chairman; A. M. Maxwell Elmer Coy, Aimer Aavang. Carl Wlttmus. Elections--Charles Dunning, chairman; August Ruth, Harley Mackeben, Paul Rosenthal,-- Ray Slavln. Rules -- Frank May\ chairman, John Fillp, Rosco Glenn. \ License--Harley Mackeben, chairman; Perrv Wright, Frank May. Eradication of T. B. in Cattle -- Ray Slavin, chairman, A. B. McConnell, Aimer Aavang. Right of Way--Stanley H. Cornue, Chairman: Frank B. McConnell, frank Beck, Harley Mackeben* Charles Dunning. Resolutions -- T. P. Nolan, chairman ; Frank B. McConnell, Elmer Coy. Sheriff's Committee -- Stanley H. Cornue. chairman; Harley Mackeben, A. M. Maxwell. The Clerk presented the Report of the County Zoning Board of Appeals pertaining to the Strang property in Dunham Township that was laid over at the March meeting, to the Board, it was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the said report be tabled until some action is taken to the Circuit Court of McHenry County, pertaining to the Appeal taken to said Court by the applicants from the action of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimouslyy carried. Thefollowlng report of the Zoning Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County Illinois Zoning Ordinance was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: Copy on file In the County Clerk's office. It waa thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Beck ana duly seconded by Supr. May that the Report of the McHenry County Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County <jomprehenslve Zoning Ordinance be approved, and that the McHenry County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance now on file in the County Clerk's office be and the same is hereby amended to conform to ,the acton taken by the said Board" of Appeals, concerning the property of the said petitioners as more fully described in their petitions, filed herewith and made a part of this report And that all maps pertaining to County Zoning now on file in the County Clerk's office be changed to Show the new classification of the property of the petitioners whose applcstlons were approved. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the report approved, aa^d the ordinance airiqttd- Mr. W. H. TammaUs, McHenry County Farm Advisor, and Elnar Bakkom, President of the newly organised McHenry County Fair Association, together with a delegation of McHenry County citlsens Interested In the promoton of a McHenry County Pair, in connection with 4-H Club projects, appeared before the Board and were called upon by the Chairman. Mr. Tammeus first addressed the Board and outlined in dstall the proposed Fair program, and made a request for the use of the buildings oa^ the Fair Ground property east of Woodstock, to be used for ths three day raw program, and suggested tlTat perhaps the County could give tne Fair Association a long time lease on said buildings and grounds, similar in form to the lease that was given to the 4-H Clubs Inc.. on a part of the Fair Ground property, some time ago. He stated that it was necessary In receiving state aid for fair purpose that a lease be had and that the buildinga that are now used on said premises by the Highway Dept., could and would be used by the ladies in exhibiting their products. He stated further that If this arrangement could be made that the Pair assotlon would put a suitable fence around all of the property or land to be used for Pair purposes, aand that their Pair this year would be on the 29, 20 and 21 of July. Supr. Beck of Chemung Township addressed the Board, and stated that it was his opinion that the members of the Board Should use extreme caution in granting a long term lease, and that he was not certain thRt the County Highway Dept. Rhould be moved, and that It was his judgment that It might be possible for the Board to consider allowing the Fair to use the said grounds In question, and buildings, for one Fair year, and that there was nothing sure in his mind that the Fair would be a success, and that he felt Insofar as the fence is concerned, if it is erected, that it might constitute a lien. Supr Cornue addreased the Board and asked If a title search had been made, showing that the title of the Fair Grounds property was held by McHenry County. Supr Nolan Informed the Board that several y ago a title search was made, and that the title of said property was In the name of McHenry County. Asst. Supr. Maxwell addressed the Board and stated that he thought It would be a good thing for the County, and Derr Township, if the Highway Garage property was cleaned up, and a lot of the antiquated equipment on the property was disposed of. Elnar Bakkom, Pres. of the County Fair Association recently organised wondered if it would be possible for the Board to grant permission to the Fair Association to use the grounds and buildings in question for this coming Fair Year and that no doubt some arrangement could be made to clean up the grounds, and to dispose of some of the old equipment on the grounds, and that no doubt the machinery at the garage could be locked up during the three days that the buildings would be used by the Fair Association, and he wanted the Board to know that the Fair Association would be glad to assist in clearing the property and disposing of many od trees on the property, that were of no use to anyone. After some further discussion with regard to said matter It was regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the request of the McHenry County Fair Association bo referred to the Committee on Lands and Lots of this Board, and the 8upt. of Highwaya of McHenry County, for their consideration, giving the said Committee and the Supt. of Highways full power to act. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee On Personal Property presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell, and the roll being called was ^declared unanimously adopted. State of Illinois, County of McHenry^ April 2(, 1949 To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Personal Property, after due deliberation, submits herewith as a part of thla report, the annual Inventory for all McHenry County Personal Property for the year 1948. The Recapitulation of said property being also presented herewith and made a part of this report. The total value of all personal property of the Countl, as shown by said Inventory and recapitulation Is in the amount of 9274,421.85. « Ail of which Is respectfully submitted. AUG. W. RUTH • jP. PERRY WRIGHT CHARLES T. DUNNING - FRANK MAY MATH N. SCHMITT The Chairman announced the selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the May 1949 Term of the Circuit Court and the following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors for the May, 1949 term of th Circuit Court, to-wit: Thomas Cahill, Riley Township Frank Rlts, Marengo Twp. William Corson, Marengo Twp. Edna Gay, Dunham Twp. Bessie Ruppert, Chemung Twp. Jeannette Walker, Chemung Twp. Harry Durkee, Alden Twp. Lyle Paulson, HartUnd Twp. Emma Roth, Seneca Twp. Lucille Thurow. Coral Twp. Florence Farley, Grafton Twp. Clarence W. Luckenvill, Dorr Twp, Arllne W. Moricoli, Dorr Twp. Alice Smith, Greenwood Twp. Chester Button, Hebron Twp. R. C. Burton. Richmond Twp. Minnie Pierce, Burton Twp. Jacob Schaefer, McHenry Twp. Julia Justfn, McHenry Twp. NelsPearson. Nunda Twp. Evelyn A. Yerkey, Nunda Twp. William Dvorak, Algonquin Twp. Clara Wa^dell, Algonquin Twp. The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors on the Supplemental Panel for the May 1949 term of the Circuit Court to-wlt: Elisabeth Brown, Dorr Twp. Ralph L. Ostrander, Dorr Twp. Mildred Bell, Greenwood Twp. J Wilder Smith, Hebron Twp. Ivv Marsahl, Richmond Twp. A r t h u r O x t o b y , B u r t o n Twp. William Claxton. McHenry Twp. Harry Lesetn, Nunda Twp. Paul Rauhut, Algonquin Twp. Mabel Robinson, Algonquin Twp. Clarence Payne, Riley Twp. William Miller, Marengo Twp. Bertha Bauman, Dunham Twp. F W Lanntng, Chemung Twp. William F. Stevens, Chemung Twp. Andres Brandtoff, Alden Twp. Edgar Pierce. Hartland Twp. Mildred Bond, Seneca Twp. J. L. Baseley, Coral Twp. Ira Weed, Grafton Township It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Fllip and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the, selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the May, 1949, Term of the Circuit Court be approved and that the Clerk be directed to certify said lists to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the roll beta/ tailed Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus. Beck, Coy. glsvin. Punning. Glenn. Mackeben. Nolan, Aavang. Cornue, McConnell, May, Stsrne, and Filip, and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell McConnell and Rosenthal voted aya Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following Resolution was presented and read to ths Board towlt. COPY State of Illinois County of Kane ss Resolution WHEREAS, under the existing laws of Illinois governing Inheritance Taxes all said taxes with the exception of the two percent fee allowed County Treasurers for the receiving and disbursing of same, are remitted to the Treasurer of tne State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, the estates upon which said taxes are levied constituted property and or belongings in the county in which the decedent held residence, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the members of the Association of County Auditors to the State 1of Illinois that some •part of said Inheritance Taxes other than tne above mentioned County Treasurer s fee. should accrue to tne County in which said Inheritance Taxes are C°NOWdTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Legislative Committee of the Illinois Association of County Offlcals be drected to the proper legislation introduced at the Sixty-sixth General, Assembly of the State of Illinois whereby twenty-flve percent of the amount of said taxes which would have heen remitted to the State Treasurer to be retained by the County Treasurer for credit to the General or Common Fund of such county. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr! Sterne Mid duly seconded by Supr. Ruth that the Re8°.lut'®? he adopted by this Board, and that the Clerk be Instructed to certify to copy of same, to the Sectors and T}»nrpsentatIves of the Eighth Senatorial District of Illinois. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. statements of dues due ths National and State Associatlon of Cojm* tv and Township Officials in the Amount of $8100 were Panted •nd it was regularly moved oy Ass't Supr. McConnell and dul>- seconded by Supr. Mackebenn ;hat be paid. And the roll be'"* theChalrman declared the motion unanimously carried. Several communications from the State of Illinois. Department of Public Works and Buildings, •ni qu Tax Allotment WortJ were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that was nothing further to this meeting for the heiwfU Mc Henry County he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was there upon regularly moved by SuPT:£?* and duly seconded by Supr. 'J"*"1 to adjourn. Motion carried. There upon the Board adjourned. MATH N. SCmilTT Attest- Chairman R. j>. WOODS, Clerk. {•Special May Meeting _ 1949 ««» Honorable Board of Supervi sors of McHenry County, Illinois, met in special session at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1949 at 19:00 o'clock A.M. (D. 8. T.) The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Math N. Schmitt ana the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Chairman with all members of the Board and visitors present participating. The roll being called, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Suprs. August W. Ruth, C. Perry- Wright. Carl E. Wittmua P. EBeck. E. C. Coy. Ray Slavta. Charles T. Dunning Roscoe Glenn. Marley Mackeben, T. F. Nolan. Aimer I Aavang, Stanley It. Co rune, B. McConneU. Prank May. Math X. Schmitt, Theodore Sterne, John J. Fillp and Assistant Supervisors A M. Maxwel, A. B. McOmnell in# Paul Rosenthal oonsituting a fall Board present.. The minutes of the Special organisation meeting were sented and read and upon duly made and carried wars ed and ordered of record. The folowlng report of ths ty.Treasurer for ths month of April. 1949 was presented and rend, nan upon motion of Supr. Fllip sad duly seconded by Supr. Coy sad ths roll being called was declared Sp~ proved and ordered of record, towit: OsvaUr Ttwiwrt a sport ith of JLpxU IMS Balance Forward General Fund Supt., Co. Home Suprs., Co. Home -9249.97M4 --9 Ut _ 129.91 • 292.99 Chm. Lcense Com. 57,609.09 Dependent Children 427J " County Officers* Fees 19.9T Highway Fund M29.TS Pers. Prop. Back Taxes 242.99 111. Mun. Ret. Fund Inheritance Taxes Pnes on Highways Institute Fund Payroll Clearing Acct. Dog Tax Account i Escrow Account -- Total Receipts Q«dnd Total County Orders GAP Jurors Orders Coroners' Jurors Probation Officer - County Jurors Orders _ County Treas. Salary Clerks' Salaries Stamps Highway Fund Institute Fund -- Inheritance w Acct, _ Motor Fuel Taxes Twp. Road State App. Payroll Orders 2^97.1* _ 199.99 . M 25.99 19.9* .5,121.07 .69 9.12 -.71,227J* -9*12,112.29 919.294.97 *444.99 79.99 . 1S9.SS 69.S9 . 179.49 1,269.49 1.602.99 6.9S9JS 1L69 . 1*9.91 1,949.99 . SIS. 69 6.9S&JT Total Bal. A] Itures 90. 1*49 ...29,2*9.91 2S1.SS1.46 v I21U1M4 The above sad ISfgotng n*«| Is true and_ correct according to"M|t best knowledge Ad belief. HENRY A. NULLS, CO. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to hstUra me fhts 19th day of May,1940. R. D. WC (Seal) The Committee on Bridges presented ths followtng io> port, which on motion of I est Supr. McCohneU and duly aseand* ed by Supr. Mackeben sad ths f«tt being called was -"declared naaifc* mously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of th* Board of Supervisors, County, Illlnola: The undersigned members of tti Road and Bridge Committee ftor asMt County hag leave So sumnlt tlM following report on the matters b»ors them. That wemet at Woodstock. 1U|* SIM.® & saw*- of a • the Me r . . ... of roads Sa a who)* for supplies for County owned asH ery and labor at the Countjr « house and grounds to a tesal 95,622.(1. » (Said total Includes 92.62t.9C ment for Insurance for ths year.) Bills were chargeable to US ous sections of the County system of roads at rates approved by this Board a ed and ordered paid as follows? Sections *, 14 • Sections 4, 1*. 1* Sections 4, If Section 6, ( Section 7, *, A> K, 11. II Sections 1*. 19 Total 97; Bills were audited and paid out of Motor Fuel Tax as follows: Municipal Employees Retirement Fund. MFT Share for Pension 1 S04.1I Patrol Sec. No. 2. maintenance labor and material* -- 4SS.VS Right of Way, engineering, labor 11S.M Right of Way, engineering- 11S.M Section 32T. engineering labor and materiala lit» Section 26, engineering labor and materials ttjt Section 26 B-l, engineering labor and materials -- Stt.99 Section 26, Ottglneerlng labor Secton 22T construction labor and materials -- .-9.719.Sg 91S,270.14 •Walk rs ? ; ...jV .t- *• !•> Total -- Bills were audited and paid out of Townahip Roads Appropriation Fund: Engineering (Senate Bill 279) . labor, and materials ----t 191 >1 Nunda Townahip, Section*. Rds. A A B (Senate BUI 227) f MU2 Total --91.099.19 We are advertising for hid* the remainder of ths gravel work under the Township State Appropriation Fund, Bill 379. The date of the will be May 22. 1949. The letting the oil road contracts from ths aame appropriation is to follow shortly. The Portland-Cement stabilised gravel road known as the Woodstock Aden Road is nearing completion. We have Inspected the work several tmes and it appears to be progressing satisfhctorily. We have also inspected some « the other County State-Aid Roads and found them to have coups through the Winter in unusually good shape. . The" Huntley-Algonquln Road !• to be staked out next week so that work can start as soon as the rlgnt of way Is clear. We granted 9 permit to move a building north of McHenry_ akmg the Bay Road to Mr K*H raters Of McHenry. Illinois. No damage ts the road resulted from moving tns building. ^ We received a petition from IAS Public Service Company to put la some poles and anchoraon^ t»s Ptate Aid Road in the \ lllage at Ridgefleld. We recommend that petition be passed by this at this time- We have received from Motor Tax funds rental on County machinery included _ la tse report 96.53 - P»trol8ec"Ue*Na. II - Maintenance. 9(58-92 - 0SWMS **T . Construction, *49^90 - Township for TowasSip work done by "^*1^ Highway Department -L*ir Bill 227. and 91S*j22 £ ty Aid ulldlng BrMf Materia taken Jrom way Stock aad Tjuek , Boone-McHearyConnty U We have turned all of, amounta over to the urer for the County which said stun to hsjw, prteted ^ rwdpwws the repair, storage, aii i-j^ ff-SPK chiaery.

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