' ;' . J" J^w *&• ^wrAeMk^fc% «5-. ifr.l •t"*^|IH l[fiilitt.llwiri)i^Sii»ft ^ I , McHENRY COUNTY, ILU PAGE ' «iOM UM CiMUrmtii to- **M. t£» motion oarried. -."•*•'1' «wnroiiiilQ»tloiw from til state t* nu»eia, Dept. of public w<irt» Uid Building* including Gat jthuAlietmertt Reports and notice hiartnfa from th* pcpt. of Aeronautics were paced on lit. An KknatltldtMht of M^rteU* fun mown by th« utmbai of th« Board VU received from the linUf of the late Km ma L. Achlnan. the JM* Of the former Supr. from Coral Township »ti presented and ordered placed on file The Chairman stated that if there waa nothing further to come befo»e this meeting he would entertain a motion _to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by supr. Sterne and duly seconded by Supr. Fillp that U»e regular June session of thin .^taard stand adjourned to Tuesday, *^»ly 12. A. D. 1949 at 10:09 o'clock A.' M. rn R T ) fnf tlon of further business to come before this Regular June Session, and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion carried and the acting adjourned to Tuesday, July MATH N. SCHMIXX. R. t>. WOODS, Clerk. Adjourned June Meeting i 1949 ™ The Board of Supervisors of Mc- Henry County, Illinois, met in regular session at the Court House In the C'lty of Woodstock, on Tuesday the 12th day of July.A.D. 1949, at ,10:00 o'clock A.M. (DST) pursuant to adjournment as directed at the regular June session begun June llth, 1949. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Math N. Schmitt, and the Pledge of ' Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Chairman With all members of the Board and visitors present participating, after wilch the roll was called by the Clerk and the fojowlng members responded to their names, to-wlt: August W. Ruth, C. Perry Wrtfht, can FX Wittmt)s, r. E. Back, Elmer Coy. Rajp Slavln, Chas. T. Dunning, Roscoe Glenn Harley Mackeben, T. F. Nolan, Aimer Aavang, F. B. Mc- Connell and IJauI Rosenthal, constituting a quorum present. The records of the ceguiar June meeting, 1949 were read and on motion duly made and carried were approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of June. 1*49 was presented and read, and upon motion of 8upr. Ruth and duly seconded by Supr. Slavln and declared carried, was approved and ordered placed on file, to-wlt: Treasurer's Be port foe th* Voeth of Jtme, 1MI Meoopts Balance Forward ......... Qenerad Funds Suprs., Co. Home 8upt.. Co. Home „.. Chm Liquor Committee Dependent Children founty Off. Fees - - Hghway Fund Jt.047.J7 ers. Prop. Back Taxes*.... 35.16 inheritance Taxes 9.141.51 Tax Paid under Protest ... 9,261.61 Dog Tax Account II. Mun., Ret Fund Motor Fuel Account .. Twp) Road-State App. .... Payroll Clearing Acct ....*$,521.99 Dep. by Order of Ct. 209.25 Bridge Bond Account ...1 6,400.00 Highway Fines 1,390.00 ...$223.OHO.84 $62,860.1.6 .... 332.86 .... 328.46 - .... 700.00 352.67 201.00 2,269.84 6,000.00 1.866.92 total Receipts 118,914.87 Grand TOW- 9341.97fi.71 ZxpeiUUtnree County Orders -126,866.76 GAP Jurors Orders 466.70 Coroner's Jurors 24.00 Co. Court Jurors 124.00 County Treas. Salary ........ / 179.40 Clerks' Salaries 1,267.70 Sp. Clerks' Salaries *... 25.95 Bounty Orders General Fund Highway Orders Til. Mun. Ret.. Fund Motor Fuel Orders ... Twp. Road Orders ... Payroll Orders Bridge Bond Account «herltance Tax Acc't icrow Account 26.90 25.00 ..... 6.784.K7 2,269.84 19.892.7# 1.086.10 0,473.39 417.50 25.00 28.00 Total Expenditures ...i. 63,971.40 Hal. June 30, 1949 A~.878.Q04.31 8341,975.71 . jn*e above and foregoing report I# true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. HENRY A .NULLE, (JGS) Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of July, 1949. » R. D. WOODS. (Seal) • ' County Clerk 'AfPtats of White Oaks Bay Unit No. ST In McHenry Township, and Lake In the Hills, Unit No. 5, in Algonquin Township, property certified, were presented to the Board for approval. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that the Plats be approved by this Board. And the Chairman declared the moton unanimously carried and the Plats approved. EUpr. Mackeben and the roll being <Vled. wag declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we irtet on the 17th day of June, 1949. to inspect the Olcott Bridge on the State Aid Road east and west through the north part of the Town of Marengo near the County Line. The bridge of IMbut 10 foot span was badly damaged by high water from a recent sterm. We decided to repair same by putting in new concrete walls and replacing the upright steel beams on the mud sille. We contacted Chas. K. Ruffing of Algonquin. Illinois, a bridge contractor and he made a bid of $900 to repair the bridge which we accepted on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. On the 21st day of June. 1949, we inspected the work being done on the Huntley-Algonquin Road and contacted Mr. Sherfleld. owner of a f#w*m fronting thereon for the pur- Apse of about 10.000 cubic yards or earth fill material from a nearby hill. The deal was made for 10 cents per cubic yard. On the 22nd day of June, 1949, we Inspected roads In the northeast part of the County and ordered two culverts Installed, and decided that the Bay road two and one-rourth {!>*) miles In length ought to have a seal cowt this season. On the 24th day of June, 1949, we met at the Palmer Bridge northeast of Harvard. Illinois, on the State Aid Road. A dredged ditch being constructed and we desired that the djfc-h be dug straight to the bridge ffftead of following the old stream mbed whic strikes the bridge at a bad angle. We agreed to pay the landowner. L. B. Palmer, One hundred ($100) dollars damage when the ditch is satisfactorily completed. _ . On the 27th day of June, 1949 we met at the Court House at Woodstock. Illinois, to receive bids for asphalt setal coats on the Woodstock- Aider, Road the south part of the Franklinville Road, the road through the Village of Aluen. the Lawrence Roftd in the i»wn of dhemlnV. and the Chapel Hill Road n^heast of McHenry, Illinois. The Scmurban Oil Company of Crystal Lake. Illinois, was the low bidder MI all of the above sections of road af folljpws: The ^^*122^4 t hi noil-cement road -- *!*?;. e Aldea ROA« brlnga UM totaUcaitfet , - to lttUIi.ll oar flM»$ the Court House at WoMfitoeS, Illinois, on the 10th 1»*9. to receive hid* for two bridges and a concrete hot culvert, all on the Huntley-Algonquia Road. The low bidders W«r*a* JajTte Bridge--26 foot span spaa--H. H. Mass Construction Coin- £*»?, AI»oiH|Ulh, Illinois--111.096.26, Bfignt (I) root spin culvert--K. M. Melahn Construction Oompan, Alcided to award the coatr|ct« to the gonquln, IIHnoia--11,062.10 We desbove bwaers on behalf of HcHenry Henry County, Illinois subject to Stata Approval, and authorised th* Chairman, of this Board and the County Clerk to sign the contracts and bond* on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois ka provided by law. We again met at the Court House fct Woodstock, Illinois, on the fcth day of Julyg, 1949, to receive bids for materials for the Hunt'e"-AIgonquin Road. Th« low bidders ware a* follows: Material Service Company of C»i1- <mgo, Illinois, Metal culverts--$1II- 751.80 and Metal grates and franfes for catch basins--$4X0.00. Young it Greenawalt Company of Bast Chicago, Indiana -- Concrete ptp»--$>,S$$.26. Illinois - Wisconsin Concrete Pipe Cohtpany of Chicago, Illnots--12 In. Reinforced concrete pipe--$1',66».S0. Hall * Bckert of Woodstock, Illinois-- l-ln. Tile--I4J.00- and Creosoted guard rail--$527.28. Prairie Rotts Company of Northbrook, Illinois--Hardware for guard rails (bolts, washers and nuts) -- $44.16. Milbo Company of Rockford, nit* nois--fUght of way Markers--$2X0. We decided to award th* contracts to th* above named tow bidders on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois subject to State approval. On the 9th day of July. 1949, we met at the Court House at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned nmchlnery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $4,916.96 Said total Includes final Payment on crusher repairs--$1,949.89 and also payment for a chain raw -- $414.92. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered patd 4s follows: Sections 3, 14 9 281.89 Sections, 4, 1«, 1$ 461.76 Sections 4, 17 249.77 Sections 7. I, 9, 10, 11, 11 .... 762,99 Sections II, 15 148.07 Total $7,021.74 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as follows: Municipal Employees Retirement Fund--MFT Share for Pension $ 197.48 Patrol Sec. No. I, Malnt., labor and materials l,971.09 Sec. 3ST, engi. labor and mat. 8S-64 8ec. 15, angl. labor and mat. 411.24 Right of Way. engi. labor .... 18.28 Sec. 16 B-l. engi. labor 41.** Sec. 36 B-2 engi. labor $1.1* Sec .26 B-3 engi. labor 6.56 Sec. 15 B-4 engi. labor 41.lt Sec. 36 engi. labor and mat. 73.21 See. 35, right of way labor 141.18 Sec. I2T const, labor 84.66 Sec. $5, const. labor 4 mat. 6,176.64 Total $8,766.51 Claims were audited and ordered paid for Section IS M- V. T. Right of Way by the Right of Way Committee In the amount of $1,601.60 for Fence Removal. Rils were audited and ordered paid out of Township Roads--State Appropriation Fund. Senate Bill Engineering, labor and mat. $ 419.86 Sec. 1(A)-T--Hebron Twp., Treasurer's Ffces $ $4.67 Sic. 1(B)-T--Hebron Twp., Treas. Fees 12.00 Total - $ 616.48 The defeat of the gasoline tax Increase was a big disappointment and will have a far reaching effect In slowing down road improvements unless local taxes are increased or labor and materials drop. We have been unable to find out whether or not the County Highway tax rate was raised by the legisature. We have received inquiry as to whether we would rent out the County's cement spreader, to a contractor in Ohio. They would need It two months at about $250 per month, but that ts quite a distance from McHenry County unless there was a bond put up for Its return. No decision has been made on the matter. We have received from motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned machinery Included in the aboVe report $120.00--Patrol Section No. I --Maintenance, $1.7T3.t&--Section 35 --Construction, $141.73 from Dorr Township Road Fund for County lad»or and machinery rents 1 on Dorr The Committee on Roads and Townshi^p soil-cement Road, .add Bridges presented the following Re- '11.46 from Knox Motor Service, inc. port, which on motion of Asst. 8upr.nl-- Refund on freight charges on ma- McConneil. and duly seconded by)*jterlal shipped by Puffer Company due to error In billing. We have turned all of the above amounts over to the County Treasurer for the County road fund, which said sum Is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes Including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery or for Improvements for buildings to house machinery. Tour committee estimates there wll be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois, patrol system of roads an appropriation fro mthe County Highway fund In the sum of $3,000 until the next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. T. F. NOLAN F. E. BECK AUG. W. RUTH CARL E. WITTMIIS JOHN J. FILIP . Road and Bridge Committee McHenry County, Illinois Supr; Nolan, Chairman t of he Road and Bridge Committee addressed the Board and stated that due to the amount'of work and research Involved the Report requested from his Committee at the reguar June meeting could not be compiled in time for this meeting today, and that bis Committee would make every effort to have the Report ready to present at the August meeting. The following Report of the Cobm it tee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle and contract agreement between Dr. B. F. Kennelly. County Veterinarian, and McHenry County were presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Copy on file In the County Clerk's office. It wag thereupon regularly moved by Stapr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Glenn that the report of the Committee on eradication or Tuberculosis in Cattle be aproved and recommendations adopted, and that Dr. B. F. Kennelly be re-appointed County Veterinarian foa the ensuing year, and that contract agreement bo approved and adopted by this Board. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion carried, and the report approved, and the appointment made and the contract approved and adopted.. A Report of the Grand Jury for the May Tern, 1949, waM presented and read aitd ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan and declared carried, said Claim* ware referred to the mner. enauntttMS, aad (he Roard adjourned to 1:90 o'clock Baard *n*t pursuant to a^jc (ttrnmettt and upon roll call, thiaiihe hiembera respondad to hair nalnea as appeared of record in the morning Session, including Asst. supr. A. M. Maxweli of Dorr Township, constituting a quorum present. The Committee on Claims. Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Coy and the roll being called, Was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: July II, A. D. 1949 Mr. Chairman .and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examiner) all claims presented to them, and recommend the pCVment of the following, and that the Clark be directed to ISsue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, aa follows. to-wlt: Frank Thornber Co. Kirwin glide Film Lab. F. W. Woolworth Co. ....... Crystal Lake Herald The Haloid Company iw. P. O. Knuth Co -- The Harvard Herald Pearl Schults Burgess, Anderson dt Tate, . Roland McCannon Schmidt Printing Co C- L. Tryon, Co. Sup. Hwy. . Woodstock Dally Sentinel . Benton St. Restaurant -- Ero Erickson Costello Mfg. Co. ................... United Research Latv Woodstock Trucking Serv. . Broeker's Janitor Supply ..... Paine Motor Express Co Henry Thurow Beu'S Dry Cleaning Montgomery Ward Ik Co. ..... The Bohn Hardware Co Merittl Electric 8hop ... Woodworking Specialty Co. Charles F. Hayes Florla J. Schmitt Ethel E. Tuenger P. O. Knuth Co. - Donal J. Desmond Pearl Schults ... Ludwik Wilson Co. Fred C. Bau Alvin Messman Early American Bakery Schoepperle's Food Market. Hoffman's Delicatessen National Tea Company John Altenbach John J. Barnings •. I-Afe Benthusen Harry E. Beu Michael J. Brady Charles Corey , ...» Harold G. Fox .... Ray Guhrke Harold Hobbs ...... Lyle R. Hutchinson ............. Frank E. Keller Theodore S. Miller George Morris ............. Joel MUrphy .< Loren Putnam Alvin Querhammer Ralph Stewart I 11.14 11.16 1.46 200.11 61.60 16.17 160.50 26.90 .81 11.61 11.15 •1.60 1.60 &0.11 60.00 11.50 '101.01 10.00 11.99 $.91 10.00 11.95 18.98 11.5$ ..4.00 - $1.84 40.00 Tl-00 71.00 10.41 14.16 60.00 11.99 4.40 1.00 41.17 104.75 60.71 04,11 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 7.00 49.00 T7.00 7.00 16.00 11.00 7.00 . 14.00 7.00 . 14t00 7.00 7.00 14.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 175.00 108.00 . $6.00 10.30 1.68 . 16.00 . 111.14 Arthur H. Thorns George Whaples Clydfe J. Zola Vernon W. Kays ....... Clyde C. Miner Rase! Wllke' Trackett's Bakery ...., Western United Oas A Slec, George H. uorham III. Bell Telephone Co Supr. Sal. Mileage-- August W. Ruth C. .Perry Wright Carl E. WittmuS F. E. Beck Elmer C. Coy ^T... Ray Slavln .i..........-- Chas. T. Dunning ...... Roscoe Glenn Harley Mackeben T. F. Nolan I_. .... Aimer Aavang _......Ju... Stanley H. Comue Frank B. McConnell .... Frank May Math NySchmitt ............... Theodore W. Sterne -- John J. Fillp A. If. Maxwell ." A. B. McConnell Paul Rosenthal City of Woodstock .... Alice Jones Sablna Bau Vestle Muldoon Lyle R. Hutchinson George K. Swank Frank J. Kaiser Grant Nolan Thomas p. Bolger AH of which Is respectfully submitted. JOHN J. FILIP. ChaMUUi A. B. MCCONNELL AUG.W. RUTH CHAS. T. DUNNING ALMER AAVANG 197.10 114.40 118.00 178.00 11.20 41.50 61.00 117.80 160.10 74.90 61.25 141.60 111.50 11.60 111.00 97.50 61.00 44.00 174.49 100.09 100.00 110.00 140.00 115.00 116.00 110.00 76.00 The Committee on Claims), Oeaaty Poor presented the following Report, which on motion of Supr. Fillp and daly seconded by Supr. Beck and the roll being called, was deelared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: July 11, A. D. 1040 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Bard of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Children-- Lutheran ChUd Welfare, (Daymond) $ 40.00 Lisle Manual Trng. A Industrial, (Jasien) 10.00 St. Vincent's .Ho mefor Child. (Reh) 00.00 40.00 1S.00 10.00 * Ken > House of the Good Shepherd J (Harvey) .../. Diocesan Catholic Charities, (Glosson) Elgin Catholic Charities, (Bielecki) Woodstock Children's Home, (Fiesman) (Shay) (Dalsiet) 197.20 Mrs. W E.mibisch, (Ketchum) 40.00 Mrs. Minnie Brigham, (Ketchum) 40.00 Mrs. Dean Seaman, Fesmaa) 40.00 Mrs. George Werema (Van Nattan) 40.00 Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, (Sweatman) 40.00 Mrs. Melvln Fleming, (Shay) 19.00 Eva Kapping, (Yestebo) 16.00 Ray Mavis, (De Line) -- 17.88 Mrs. Otto Eicksteadt, (Ketchum) Louis Long, (De Line) Lake Co. T. B. Ban., care T. B Patients 1,041.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. E. C. COY. Chairman A. B. McCONNELL T. W. STERNE ROSCOE GLENN The Committee on McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital presented the following Report, which on motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Fillp and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: 80.90 6.10 1.70 41.10 P.ohn Hdw. Co.. supplies ..... True Value Hardware Co., brushes R. o. Andrew Co., feed auid grinding Kemp Hatchery * Feed Co., chicken feed 10.16 Olsen Jobbing House, lanterns 1.00 Rellnnd & Bree. tractor pnH 1.91 E. 1, Bakkoin & Co., repairs 64.79 I<:?:<1 <U1 Co.. gasoline 4 oil 108.46 Menxel Electric Shop, refrigerator repairs 16.10 I ««yce Service Staton, gasoln^ 11.02 Arwolt Inc., pest control 16.00 Shuvtu lT Co., lumber A cement 0.40 Crystal Lake Farm Store, trai tor part v 4.24 Haunistor'M Hi ore, groceries,---'-xrrclothing, tobacco 114.10 If K. ftaccus, electrical wiring 407.60 K.u! chlliet. labor, 91.00 I:xther (\ Allen, incidental*--- 74.90 Kstlur C. A leu, nalarjL 10O.OO l!*len Hisbee. salary 140.00 l'wry Knaack. wages 176.00 Ilattic Xi.-hols, wageS' ........ 06.00 Rose Chambers, Wages .......... 16.64 James Chambers, wagea 11.30 Less 3 KOWS sold 2 sows sold Cream sold . •am sold . sold $210.0 131.5 34.40 , , $445.20 44&20 $1,928.21 July #, 1949 To the Cnalrtnan and the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois. Your McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on the above mention ed date and audited Mils for the month of June, 1949 as follows recommending the same be paid. Permanent Improvement ..-....$ 467.60 Running Expense 1,061.61 Clothing 07.10 Tobacco 41.11 Medicines ...*. 11.08 Hospital i 140.00 Diet :. 177.68 Fuel .„... 110.21 Lea* I sows aOH I sows ........ Crea Crorfm Cream 11,191.41 $110.00 111.60 ... 11.4 - 17.7 I. .4.4 $446,10 446.19 ' • m.. $1,911.11 Your fnmtmttee discussed the offer of sale of the 80 acres adjoining the County Farm on the south and do not recommend the purchaae of the land at this time. The regular monthly inspection of Grounds, Buildings and Live Stock revealed everything to be In good condition. There being no further business, your Committee, on motion duly made and seconded adjourned. FRANK B. McCONNELL chm. CARL E. WITTMU8 E. C. COY ALMKR AAVANG AUGU8TUS M. MAXWWLL The Committee on Election presented the following report, to-Wtt: Copy on file in the County Clerk&s offi ce. 1 ...Jfeada Township, JPteeiaei Ma. * Commencing at the northeast cor ner of Nunda Township, being the northeast corner of Section 5, Range 9 East. Township 44 North, thence westerly along' the township Line to the point where the said township line intersects with the easterly bank of the Fox River being'in Section 1, Range 8 East, Township 44 North, thence In a southeasterly direction along the east bank of said Fox River to a point wherei the said east bank of the Fox River intersects the south line of Nunda Township, beink in Section 32, Range » East, Township 4 4 North, thehce oaust to the southeast corner of Nunda Township being the southeast corner of Section W, Range 9, Township 44 North thence north along the Township line to the northeast corner of said township. The remaining portion of former Precinct Number One, Precinct Number Four Poling Place to be the Congregational Church at Island Lake, Illinois. Your Committee has been Informed by telephone by the Illinois Le gislature Reference Bureau that 8enate Bill Number 502 on the last day of the Session of the Legislature June 10th, passed the House of Representatives and Is now awaiting the Governor's signature to become law. Your Committee would recommend that the division of said Precincts aa. herein outlined be approved, subject, of course, of the final enactment into law of Senate Bill 502, being a proposed Statute to allow Precincts with 600 or more registered to be re-dlvided. AU of which la respectfully submitted. CHARLES T. DUNNING, Chairman AUG. W. RUTH R. M. SLAVIN HARLEY MACKEBEK PAUL ROSENTHAL others lumped as Patrol Section M«. if, kL U>ST) toe oemmUtee work. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on July 6th, 1949 and audited bills for the month of June, 1949 and respectfully submit the following report recommending the same be paid. G. J. Carroll, seed corn $ 11.00 Royal Blue Food Mart, groc. 11.16 F. W. Woolworth Co., sup 11.35 Thompson Appliance Co., Shellane gas -- 17.75 Herbert H. Busee, garden plants t-15 Miler Patton Baking Co., bread 71.09 Waukegan News-Sun., adv.-- 1 .16 Public Service of Nor. III., electricity 04.16 Montgomery Ward, clothing.. 66.42 Hubert's Pharmacy, medicines 31.08 John Sexton A Co., groc 176.07 Thomas J. Webb Co., coitte -- 18.26 F. Clchockl, shoe repairs -- 18.60 Aaahter • Biaoult .CO., eracker* 21.*7 Lndwig Wilson Co., brushes, » freight IMfc It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Fillp and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan, that the report of the Committee on Elections be approved and adopted by this Board. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following report of the Sheriff's Committee wa presented and reaui to the Board, to-wlt: Copy on file In t.he County Clerk's office. Supr. Mackeben addressed the Board and outlined in detail the work done by the Sheriff's Committee concerning the necessity of McHenry County establishing a County Patrol 8ystem, stating the approximate cost to the County for one or two Patrol cars and patrolmen. After some further discussion with regard to said matter the question of the number of patrol cars and patrol men was discussed. It was the opinion of Supr. Ruth that one Patrol car was not enough, at the close of all discussion, it was regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the Report of the Sheriff's Committee be accepted, and that the County purchase one P^atrol car and employ one patrol man, and that the matter of .the purchase of the car be referred to the Sheriff's Committee, and that the employment of the patrolman be referred to the Sheriff and Sheriff's Committee, and that the question of salary to be paid to the patrolman be referred to the Fees and Salaries Committee, and the roll being called Suprs. Wright, Wlttmus, Beck, Cy. Slavln, Dunning, Mackeben, Nolan. Aavang, McConnell, May, Sterne, Fillp, and Asst. 8uprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Roaenthal voted Aye. Suprs. Ruth and Glenn voted Nay, and the Chairman declared the motion carried. The following Report of the Zoning Board of Appeals was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt Copy on file In the County Clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Fillp and duly seconded by Supr. Coy that the Report of the Board of Appeals, concerning the application of Herman D. Kelder et al. be approved, and that the property of the petitioners, more fully described In their petition be changed from that of Farming to a Business 2 classification, and that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordiance now on file in the office of the County Clerk be amended to show the new classification, and that all maps pertaining to County Boning be changed to show the new cassiflcation and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright,W ittmus. Beck. Coy, S avin, Dnnning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang. McConnell. May. 8terne, Filip and Asst. 8unrs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Report approved and the Ordinance amended. . The following Report «t the Zoa- Ihg Board of Appeals of McHenry County, Illinois, oonoernlhg the application of August Schuettler et al was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt C opy on file in the County Clerk's office. 1 Supr. Aavang of Greenwood TWp. addressed the Board and stated (hat there were several property ownera in his Township who were objecting to the re-cassiflcation to the property of these applicants. And that duO to the fact that the propeKy was also located In his Township that he would like to have the matter laid over for further investigation and consideration. Supr. Dunning ad* dressed the Board and stated that he felt that the action of the Board of Appeals in approving the application of the petitioners should be approved by this Board, and thit new business would be established. If the same was approved, woiild be much better than the ouslness that was now being operated on the property. He then moved that, the Report ofthe Board of Appeals be approved and adopted by this Board. Hugh A. Deneen, Attorney for the Applicants being present at the meeting, addressed the Board and outlined In detail the type of buslhes « contemplated by theapplicanta, If the re-rlassiflc»tion of the property is approved. He stated that he did not feel that the business to be conducted would be offensive to any of the immediate neighbors or to any of the property owners of McHenry County. Supr. Sterne addressed the Board and said that he agreed wholehearted)' with Supr. Aavang, and that It was his opinion that a thorough investigation should be made before the action of the Board of Appeals is approved by this Board. The»Chairman called for a second to Supr. Dunning's motion to approve, and there being no second the motion was lost. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Aavang and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne that the Report of the Board of Appeals concerning the Appllcaof August 8chuettler et al be tabled for further consideration, and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion carried. The following reports of the County Superintendent of Schools, and the report of the Committee on Education, together with the Reelnation of Roland McCannon as County Superintendent of Schoola were presented and read to the Board, to-wlt Copy on file In the County Clerk's office. Roland McCannon, Superintendent of Schoola being present at the meeting was called upon bv the Chairman. Mr. McCannon addressed the Roard and stated that he was resigning his position with much rearret. and that he did not want the Board, or the people of McHenry County to feel that he was dissatisfied with his work, hut that he did feel that due to the • difference in salary in the new position that he had accepted in the education field, as against what he Is now receiving warranted his acceptance of the new position. He thanked the mambers of the Board and members of the Press for their splendid co-operation during his term of office. Astft. Supr. McConnell, Chairman of the Committee on Education addressed th© Board and stated that all contracts of school teachers and school executives are usually entered into on or before August 1st of each year, and for that reason he would suggest that some action be taken by the Board at this meeting to that end. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by 8upr. Beck that the Reports of the County Superintendent of Schools and the Committee on BMucatlon, and the Resignation of Roland McCannon. as County Super ihtendent of Schools be accepted. And that the matter of the appointmeat of the County Superintendent of Schools to fill the vacancy oe referred to the Committee on Education, .giving said Committee full power to act, and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wlttmus. Beck, Coy, Slavln, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang. McConnell, May. Sterne, Fillp and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay nop.?. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, and the Reports approved and the Resignation accepted. Applications of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois for permission to extend their lines on certain roadways in Algonquin and Grafton Townships were presented and upon motion duly made, and seconded were granted. The Clerk addressed the Board and stated that the Supervisor from Hebron Township, Stanley H. Cornue, wasstricken with Infantfle paralysis on July Vth of this year, nad was now hospitalised in the Winnebago County Hospital at Rockford, III., and .that he was informed by Mrs. Carnue, by telephone before this meeting, that Stanley was progressing as good as could be expected at this time. The members of the Board voiced their sympathy, and instructed the Clerk to send a bouquet of flowers to their colleague, and to wish him a speedy recovery. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that If there was nothing further to come before said meeting he would entertain a motion to adjourn.. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr1 Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Coy to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the board adjourned. MATH N. SCHMITT, Chairman Attest R. D. WOODS. Clerk. Dag Tax Aooobat 607.00 Motor FUel Tax«a 16,000.00 Twp. Road - 8thte App. 10,627.04 Phyroll Account 6,811.00 111. Municipal Ret. Fund 1,087.59 Total Receipts $125,013.91 drand Total .$401,018.12 County Ordera .--$16,741.88 GAP Jufoda Orders $46.60 Coroners' Juror Ordera 94.00 Probation Officer -- 110.66 County Treas. Salary 120.60 Clerks' Salaries l,ft>9.08 Specal Clerks salary 4.05 Bounty Ordera 10.30 General Fund - 297.61 f^lghwa^ Orders 7,188.91 Inheritance Tax Acct. $.704.01 Motor Fuel Ordera ^1,055.66 Township Road--State App. 197.71 Payroll Orders ........6,548.40 Escrow Account - 6.11 111. Mun. Retirement 1,087.5# Total Eipendlturea 45,207.14 Balance July 11, 1949 167,811.08 $403,010.22 The above and foregoing report la true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. HBNRY A. NULLE, County Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 0th d*y of August, 1949. R. D. WOODS, (Seal) County Clerk. It was thereupon regularly moved by supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the Report b$ approved ana the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A report of the County Treasurer showing payments due the County from Townships on County Home was presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following Report, to-wlt Spscial August Meeting 1949 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met In Special Session pursuant to the following call signed by more than one-third of Its members, together with proof of service 'at the Court I^ouse in the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 9th day of August, A. D. 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M. (D. & T. to-wlt Copy of this report on file In tM County Clerk's office. ' The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Math N. Schmitt, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given to the Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors participating. The roll was called by the Clerk and the following members responded to their names, to-wlt: August W. Ruth. C. Perry Wright. Car E. Wittmus, Frank E. Beck, Elmer Coy, Ray Slavln. Charles T. Dunning, Roscoe Glenn, Harley Mackeben, T. F. Nolan, Aimer Aavang, Frank B. McConnell, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt, Theodore Sterne, John J. Filip and Asst. Suprs. Augustus M. Maxwell, A. B. McConnell and Paul Rosenthal, constituting a quorum present. The records of the Adjourned June meeting held July 12th, 1949 were read and on motion were approved and ordered of record. . The following report of ithe County Treasurer for the month of July was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: Coanty Treasurer's Beport tor the Homth of July. IMP Beoetpts Balance Forward $178,004.11 General Fund x.$ 140.11 Supervisors Co. Home 501.16 Supt. Co." Home 140.61 Chm., License Coram 150.00 Dependent Children ...... 28.00 Zoning Fees, R. D. Woods 1,761.00 County Officers Fees.^t.^,-.."' 130.75 Highway Fund ;'S^.1„1,895.81 Highfray Ftaes .t,*07.00 Inheritance Taxes 6,891.11 I&stttufeo Fund £93.10 Mr. Chairman And Gentlemen of the Board Of Supervisors, McHenry County," Illinois The undersigned memers of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County beg leava to subrtilt the following report on tne matters before them. All of the awphalt road work recently contracted for on the County State-Aid Roads has been completed. All of the olllngs of the Town roads under the Township Roads--State Appropriation Fund is completed, except the work in the Town of Nunda. The gravel surfacing on Town Roads under the Township Roads-- State Appropriation Fund is progressing btft the work In Hartland, Aden, McHenry and Algonquin Townships has not started and that In the Town of Dunham is now about one half completed. The Woodstock-Alden soil cement Road asphalt top has been completed as has that on the Huntley - Five Corners Road. The final costs on the Huntley- Five Corners Road including right of way and engineering is $273,- 176.00 or $39,821.00 per mile. We have inspected most of the work and found same satisfactorily completed. We went through the factory of the Austin-Western Road Machinery Company at Aurora, Illinois, In reference to motor graders. We also went to Patten Tractor and Eqiupment Company of Rockford, Illinois to inspect Caterpillar motor graders. The cost of these road grader machines range between 12 and 15 15 thousand dolars each depending on the Various attachments. While at Rockford we met A. R. Carter, Superintendent of Hghways of Winnebago County and he took us over most of their 160 miles of blacktop roads. The County is dotted wth limestone quarries, and they build the bases with stone instead of gravel. They find that State Specification for an A-l surface treatment asphalt top (which Ts the same as our Chapel Hill Road north of McHenry) will stand up very well on Jhe crushed limestone bases. On a recently built 6 mile road, constructed by their own forces on a day labor basis, the cost of the A-l asphalt top was a little less than $2500 per mile as shown try their records. ThlB type of construction consists of a prime coat of asphalt and then 0.35 gallon of asphalt per square yard applied which is then covered by pea sise gravel. The next application consists of 0.3 gallon of asphalt per square yard followed by a thin coat of pes gravel. The last and final stage consists of a seal coat which Is applied at the rate of 0.35 gallon per square yard and then covered by a finer grade of pea trravel. The above construction will give about a 1-4 inch mat of asphalt. They D&y their asphalt delivered on railroad track at 0.11 H cents a gallon, and own two distributors which they use to spread the asphalt. In fact, they do all the road work with their own gang of men except the portland cement con-, crete work yhich they let by contract. They have a modern brick shop and garage and some excellent machinery. They also do conslderahe work for the Town Road Commissioners at cost. We again met on the 6th day of August, 1949, at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and ordered paid bills Of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $2,413.04. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows Sections 1, 14 • $ 780.77 ' 352.07 194.24 .. 4590 985.99 1,567.75 Section 4, 16, 11 ... Section 4. 17 Section 5, 0 - Section 7. I, 0, 10, 11. II 8ectlon 13, 16 Total $6,329.76 Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway fund in the sum of $4,000 until the next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully- submitted. T. F. NOLAN JOHN J. FILIP CARL E. WITTMUS AUC. W. RUTH p E BECK Road and Bridge Committee. McHenry County, Illinois. After ^the reading of the Report by the Clerk It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Sterne and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that the Report be approved and adopted by this Board. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following Special Report was presented by the Road and Bridge Committee to the Board by the Clerk, to-wit: It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Dunning and duly seconded by Supr. Glenn that said Report be referred back to the Road and Bridge Committee for any action that they may see It. And - thO Chairman declared the moton unanimously carried. A Request from the Public Service Company of Northern Illtnoia to rebuild a portion of power line south of Ridgefleld on State Aid Route 13, and a Request from Ben Chilson to cross State Aid Route 19 with a five Inch drain tile 4* feet beow surface of road, and a Request from the Curtiss Candy Company to cross the Cary-Algonquln Black Top road with a water pipe line were presented and read to the Board together with a communication from the Michigan-Wisconsin Pipe, Line Co. for modification of their franchise granted by McHanry County to construct a natural gas pipe Tine tn satd County, all of said requests being recommended tor approval by the Road and Bridfe Committee. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. "Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne that the Requests he granted. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Public Buildings presented the following report which on motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. F*ilip, and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted to- Copy on file in the County Clerk's office. The Committee on Education presented the following Report and Recommendation, to-wit The Education Committee of the McHenry County Board or Supervisors met at the County Court House on July 20th to consider appointment of County Superintendent of Schools. On that date applicants were Interviewed and qualifications' Of four applicants were studied. On July 26th the committee met and selected Richard L. Tasewell of Harvard as County Superintendent of Schools to succeed Roland McCannon. appointment to take effect September 1. 1949. At a' meeting of the . Education Committee on Monday, August 8, the resignation of Eleanor Foley who had been approved as Assistant County Superintendent of Schools was considered. The committee requested that Verda Dierzen reconsider and continue as Assistant County Superintendent and recom mend to the Board of Supervisors her re-appointment. A. B. McCONNELL, Chairman (Education Comm.) ROSCOE GLENN T. W. STERNE CHARLES T. DUNNING Dated this 9th day of August, 1949. Asst. Supr. McConnell, Chairman of the Committee on Education, addressed the Board and stated that Eleanor Foley who had recentlybeen appointed Asst. Supr. of Schools to fill a temporary vacancy had resigned, and the copimittee requested that Vera Dierten reconsider and continue as Assistant County Superinteritient. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that the Report and recommendation of the Committee on Education be approved and accepted by this Board and that Richard L. Taxewelj of Harxard. Illinois, a resident of McHenry County, be appointed County Superintendent of Schools of Mcr Henry County, Illinois to fill the va» cancy caused by .the. resignation o| Roland McCannon as County Super* intendent of Schools. Said appointment to take effect September 1st, 1949, and that Vera Dierzen be re appointed as Assistant Superintendent of Schools to fill the vacancy of Eleanor Foley resigned. And the roll being called Supervisors Ruth. Wright, Wlttmus, Beck, Coy. Slavin. Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan Aavang, McConnell, May. Sterne and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, and the appointments made. The Committee oa Kees a:id S&! arles presented the following Report, to-wlt July 13, 1949 Mr. Chairman andGentlemen of the Board of Supervsors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff for the half year ending June 1. 1949, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters and things before them The semi-annual report of the County Clerk being as follows: Receipts Earned Received For probate fees $2,305.90 $1,093.90 For Clerk's fee In suits in court .. 691.85 548.36 For Co. Serv 5.501.31 212.30 For Misc. Serv. 11,187.34 10,968.14 Total earnings of half year $19,686.40 Received of earninga previously reported: Probate t «... $1,4X6.84 Court Costa 31.00 Miscellaneous 3.65 Total Receipts Expenditures--' Clerk Hire, (including extra) $10,646.46 Refunded fees 4.00 Retirement Fund 6 months 1,302.21 Miscellaneous 91.61 Clerk's salary for V4 yr.. Co. Clk. 1,260.00 Salary Clerk Co. Ct, ft yr 1,0 00.09 $14,294.18 tl *14904.18 Circuit Clerk The semi-annual report of the Circuit Clerk being as follows Receipts-- Earned?Recei ved For reco rding . $7,376.00 $7,376.00 For Clerk's Fees In Suits in Court 1,902.86 $1,881.85 For Misc. Serv. 362.00 139.00 144 days In Court at $10 per day 1.440.00 .Total Earnings of half year $11.080.$5 Receipts during current half year for the services performed in previous half years and heretofore reported as not received Court Costs {16.00 9,411.11 *4,819.00 Total receipts . Expenditures-- Clerk hire for V4 yr. ending 5-31-49 Refund I>ocket Fees 37.50 Misc. off. exp. 7 County's she re M. R. F. Contrib. 767.90 Clerk's salary for one-half yr 2,260 7.000.4T Bal. due County for • yr. --1--1 ending May 31. 1949 $1,462.38 Skerlff The semi-annual report of Sheriff being as follows Receipts-- Earned Received For Sheriff's Fees in Suits In Court, Process Pocket $2,230.95 ,$1,525.2& Execution Docket 167.00 For' Misc. Serv. 2.809.70 Total earnings <--. of half yr. J5.207.05 ' Receipts' during half year fon services performed in half year ending May 31, 1949 ad heretofore reported as not received, Court Costs, Process Docket -- f..$ 211.25 Execution Docke% Misc. Servces the 114.80 1.199.95 Total Receipts ..|4,668.84 Expenditures-- Misc.. (including pension fund) $3,401.04 Sheriff's salary for » one-half year 1,250.00 4,061.04 Balance due County for • • • •4 yr. ending May 3lst, 1949 $1" 80 Your Committee met at the Court House In the City of Woodstock on Wednesday, the 13th day of July, A. 1». 1949. and audited the above and foregoing reports and founds the hooks and accounts of the variou officers under audit neat and well kept, and the reports correct in detail with exception to a few minor errors that were easily adjusted. We therefore recommend that the reports be approved. All of which is respectfully submitted. PAUL ROSENTHAL, Chafe FRANK B. McCONNELL F. E. BECK T. F. NOLAN C. PERRY WRIGHT CARL E. WITTMUS HARLEY MACKEBEN eented the following^ »n motion of guprr" seconded By Supr. I roll being called was declared miii» Imously adopted, to-wlt: n*«S aaf^B Mr. Chairman and Members of Board of Supervisors of McReaiary County Your McHenry Couaty Farm and Hospital Committee at Hartland on August Ird, II and audited bills for the month July, 1949 and respectfully the following report reoomtnendtaff the same be paid. R. o. Andrew Co., faed and grinding $ 16.00 Arwell, Inc., pest control 16.00 Bannister's Store, groceries, tobacco, clothing 147.11k Bohn Hardware Co., supplies 13.74 Glenn Boyce Service Station, basoline and oil 10.40 Hubert M. Evans, refrigerator I1.K. lone 11.00 170.4S ie.16 46JO repairs Goodrow's Garage, truck repairs Idea Oil Company, gasoline » and fuel oil 111. Bell Te. Co., telephone. Kemp's Hatchery & Feed chicken feed ^Itller-Patton Baking Co. bread .' 74.11 Royal Blue Food Mart, groc. 4l.4f Hubert's Pharmacy, med. 47JS Montgomery Ward Co., paint 0.00 Public Service of Nor. II., electricity 64.11 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers 20.11 John Sexton ft Co., groc. 314.16 Shurtleff & Co., lumber, nails, etc. F. W. Woolworth Co., sup. .. Thomas J. Webb Co.. coffee Crystal Lake Farm Store, heri^e trimmer, supplies.... LudwiK Wilson Co., laundry supplies E. I.. Bakkom & Co., labor on well pit and supplies ........ 84IIOS Johnson Sheet Metal Shop, • register fgor milk house I>r. Willam J. Gay, castrate 30 pigs 7.50 Esther C. Allen. Incidentals 94.00 Esther C. Allen, salary. 100.00 Helen Bisbee, salary 140.00 Henry Knaack. wages ' 176.0# Hat tie Nichols, wages - •••• 16.00 Rose Chambers, watges ... 100.0+ James Chambers, wages 116.0# 100.14 10.01 1I.IS 60.11 07.0® 1.20 Less cream sold $14.90 12.97 H.429.I4 [47.01 47.01 «JlL 47.93 $1,101.41 Mtaguat i, 1949 To the Chairman and the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Woodstock. Illinois. Your County Home, Farm aatf Hospital Committee met at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited bins for the month af. July. 1949 recommending the following be paid. Permanent Improvement 00.17 Running Expense 1.104.00 Clothing .1 „ I.M Tobacco --* 01.00 Medicines 4TJir H.^pjin! - - t«4.«§r Diet ...... :: : 611.18 Fuel 170.4* ,. Total ........ Less cream sold $1,410.14, r •M. -934.00 11.97 .£.< t47.ll 47.0# * ' N $1,111.41 * The regular inspection of Gi ounds, * Buildings and Live Stock raTwhi everything to be in good condtttea.;- * There being no further buslaass,!. 'v'£' - your committee on motion, gutjr -1 made and seconded, adjourned. f ; FRANK M. McCONNMLl* Chairaama ^ 4 ALMERa AAVANG t B. C. COY CARL E. WITTMtTS -- AUGUSTUS ML MAXWKLA . « It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Slavin and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth that the report of the Committee on Fees and Salaries be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called Supervisor Ruth, Wright, Wittmus. Beck. Coy, Sjavin. Dunning. Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan. Aavang, McConnell, May, Sterne and Filip°and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay non. The Chairmaui declared the motion unanimously carried, and the report adopted. ^ | The Committee on McHenry County Horn, Farm and Hospital pre- Supr. McCoanell, Chairman of the County Home Committee, informed the Board that the new well at tlMt\, County Farm was new hooked aa . and nearly ready to pump, and thM | his Committee was const dering pattin;; In a fire hydrant direct to aald lino, and also one on the Old Well, as a precaution against Are, and to ^further assit firemen in combatting a fire. It appearing to the Boautl that It ' is necessary to make new aelectloag as to jurors for the Courta of Me- Henry County, the members ftoaa the various townships preeeated new lists ofnot less than oaie-teat%- of the legal voters of euk sex eg each town or precinct for the prea* 4 pective jury service in the Courts of McHenry County, which liata read by the Clerk. It was upon reguarly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded Vy Supr. Mackeben that the fotlowtnc resolution be adopted, to-wlt: Be It Resolved, that the nauasa read to this Board, which naaaea have been selected by the Super visors of the respective towaeatM of not less than one-tenth of the legral voters of each sex of aawdl town or precinct in the County asMfe' which names appear on Jury list No. 14 now on file in the County CterfcTa office of McHenry County, IWaslSl he and hereby 'is declared tBe legal ivtit Jury List for the Courts at- McHenry County, said List betas and hereby is made a part of thla record. And the rol being called. 8u| llutli. Wright. Wittmus, Slavin, Dunning, Genn, N<ilan. Aavang. McCoanell, Sterne and Filip and Asst. Tupra. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal; vot£d aye. Nay none. Thereupea the Chairman declared the motloa" carried and the Resolution unaaimousy adopted. "It was thereupon regularly moved: by Supr. Wittmus and duly aac-*- onded by Supr. May that the follow" ing Resolution be adopted by this! Board. Be It Resolved that the Boar* of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the Chairmaui appoint a committee of three super* visors and that said commttee be and hereby s authorised to aelecV at such times as are required fromi the Petit Jury List No. 14 of Henry County on file In the office the County Clerk a number of per-isons equal to 100 for each Trial Term of the Circuit Court of aaM County to serve as Petit Jurors aMI provided by Chapter 71 of Revlaedi Statues of Illinois as subaequeaatlyf amended. And the roll being called. Supra Ruth. Wright. Wittmus, Beck, Coy. Slavin. Dunning. Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, McConnell. May, Sterne aad Filip and Asst. Suprs. MaUtwel. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye... Nay none. Thereupon the Chairman declared the motion carried, and the Resolution uaanlmouaty adopted. The Chairman appointed Suprs. F. E. Heck. T. F. Nolan aad John J.., Filip to act as such committee. The Clerk presented to the Board a tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance, for th« period- beguiling with, the first Monday of December 1319. and it was regularly moved by Supr. Msck^b^n •lid W3T seconded by Supr. Flip that same be referred to the Finance CoiMMr tee, and that all matter* perwamS to appropriations and tax an M referred to the Fiaaace ComiaMm for report and recommends!ica y the September meetng of tWa Boare. And that any Committee having before them any matters patterning to appropriations auad tax lavisa re* fer th. m t<> the Finance Osmmlttsa. ami the Chaairman declarad the ma» tion unanimously carried. _ The Clerk addressed tha and stated that under a tym Board of Supervisors of ing all claimants against the County their claims sworn to apd.Sjae \ the County Clerk^ aa Wedaeaday month^prdvl, and coawldaratloa at UM 00 ctaisas and tog